Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then longo"" "subject:"then congo""
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Valeurs personnelles, image de soi et représentation du père chez les adolescents de KisanganiMuamba Ngalula Mumbunda, Louis 09 January 2004 (has links)
Titre :Valeurs personnelles, image de soi et représentation du père chez les adolescents de Kisangani.<p>Dissertation doctorale présentée en vue de l’obtention du grade de docteur en psychologie.<p>Par :Louis Muamba Ngalula<p><p>Résumé :<p>La présente étude a essayé de mettre en relation les valeurs personnelles, l’image de soi et la représentation du père par quelques adolescents d’une ville africaine :Kisangani en R. D. C.<p>217 sujets de sexe masculins, scolarisés et âgés de 15 à 18 ans, ont constitué l’échantillon de recherche. Ils ont été soumis à deux questionnaires différents. Le premier questionnaire examinait l’appréciation des valeurs personnelles dans sa première partie et dans sa deuxième partie il permettait d’obtenir des indices d’image de soi par soi. Le deuxième questionnaire permettait d’obtenir en peu de temps le climat relationnel entre parents et enfants. Un petit groupe de 17 sujets a fourni des récits de vie qui ont permit de contrôler le vécu quotidien de relations père fils.<p>Les résultats obtenus montrent que ces adolescents donnent une plus grande importance aux valeurs non scolaires, l’image de soi prend en compte par contre le système de valeurs scolaires et que le père est quant à lui perçu dans l’ensemble comme un personnage autoritaire, sévère et disciplinaire dans la constellation familiale.<p>Ces adolescents demandent que son image et son rôle soit révisé afin de la faire correspondre à leurs attentes. Ils font apparaître le personnage de la mère comme un refuge et rempart dans la vie du foyer pour plusieurs raisons qui couvrent la plage de la crise adolescentaire et la plage du vécu actuel de la vie courante dans une ville où domine une économie de la misère et de la faim.<p>Montrant ainsi que l'émergence de la parentalité comme une conséquence directe de la déstructuration des liens sociaux traditionnels par la modification de l'emploi du temps dans les ménages urbains.<p>Malgré les grandes communautés de point de vues, le système des valeurs présente quelques nuances, selon l'origine sociale et l'expérience éducative dont témoignent les sujets. La représentation de soi dépend essentiellement du système de valeurs dont se réclament les sujets. La représentation du père est quant à elle tributaire du système des valeurs dominant, tout comme elle aussi fonction du rôle que joue la mère dans la quotidienneté de la vie du foyer.<p><p>Title: Personal values, picture of one and representation of the father at teenagers of Kisangani.<p>Doctoral dissertation presented in view of a doctoral degree in psychology.<p>By :Louis Muamba Ngalula<p><p>Summary :<p>The present survey tried to examine the relation between the personal values, the self-concept and the representation of the father by some teenagers of an African city :Kisangani in DRC.<p>217 male participants, schooled and aged between 15 and 18, composed the research sample. They have been administered two different questionnaires. The first questionnaire examined the personal value in his/her/its first part and in his/her/its second parts it offered indications of he self-concept. The second questionnaire permitted to succinctly examine the relationship between parents and children. A small group of 17 subjects has provides live narratives that have permitted to control the experience of father-son relationships.<p>The results show that these teenagers devote a greater importance to extracurricular values, the self-concept takes on the other hand in account the school value system and that the father is perceived on the whole like an authoritative, stern and disciplinary character in the family.<p>These teenagers ask that his image and his role be reviewed in order to fit their expectations. They make the mother's character appear like a shelter and rampart in home life for several reasons that include the adolescent crisis and current life in a city where an economy of misery and hunger dominate. In so doing, this study shows that the emergence of parentality as a direct consequence of the traditional social ties through their destruction by the modification of schedules in urban households.<p>In spite of the big commonalities of viewpoints, the system of values presents some nuances, as function of the social origin and the educational experience mentioned by participants. The self-concept essentially depends on the value system claimed by the subjects. The representation of the father is dependent on the prevailing value system, which both depend on the role played by the mother in daily home life. / Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Analyse socio-économique du développement agricole et ses incidences sur la promotion des milieux ruraux dans les pays en voie de développement: le cas du Congo-Zaïre de 1885 à 1990Mokili Danga Kassa, Jeannot January 1996 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Réponse de la productivité diatomique aux changements climatiques et océanographiques au niveau du système turbiditique du Congo au cours du dernier million d'années / Diatom response to oceanographic and climatic changes in the Congo deep sea fan area during the last million yearsHatin, Tristan 22 September 2016 (has links)
Pour préciser l’architecture du système turbiditique du Congo (marge Ouest-Africaine, Atlantique Sud-Est), et les variations climatiques et paléocéanographiques de la zone au cours du dernier million d’années, on a étudié les variations de la productivité des diatomées sur deux carottes de référence, KZAI-02 et RZCS-26, prélevées respectivement à 248 et 800 Kms de l’embouchure du fleuve. Cette étude est intégrée au projet REPREZAÏ, REtrogradation/PRogradation dans l’Eventail du ZAÏre, Les périodes de forte productivité diatomique sont observées vers le milieu du stade MIS6, le MIS 5d, et durant le MIS 3, liées à l’apport de nutriments, notamment la silice dissoute, par le fleuve. Les faibles taux d’accumulation en diatomées sont enregistrés au début et à la fin du MIS 6, le MIS 5e, le début du MIS 4 et l’Holocène, quand la charge terrigène dans les eaux de surface empêche la mise en place d’une forte productivité. Au large il faut un apport conséquent de silice dissoute via les décharges du fleuve, et une faible consommation de ce nutriment en amont, pour avoir une forte productivité. L’intensification des conditions d’upwelling océanique favorise la productivité diatomique. L’abondance des diatomées d’estuaires saumâtres coïncide avec l’augmentation de l’influence des décharges fluviatiles vers ~230 ka BP, période de mise en place de l’édifice axial du système turbiditique du Congo. Deux études exploratoires ont été menées en complément: L’étude de la variabilité morphométrique de l’espèce Fragilariopsis doliolus qui montre une variation importante de la surface valvaire au cours du Quaternaire ; l’étude des isotopes de la silice qui s’est avérée complexe, à cause du mélange important de silice biogénique et lithogénique dans nos échantillons. / To precise the evolution of the Congo deep sea fan (western African margin, eastern tropical South Atlantic), and the paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic conditions of the zone during the last million years, variations of diatom productivity have been studied on two reference cores, KZAI-02 and RZCS-26, located respectively at 240 and 800 Kms of the Congo river mouth. This study is part of the REPREZAI project, REtrogradation/PRogradation in the ZAÏre deep-sea fan. High diatom accumulation rates were registered during the mid-part of MIS 6, the cold substage MIS 5d and the MIS 3-2, sustained essentially via nutrients, including dissolved silica, injected by the Congo River into the ocean. Low diatom accumulation rates were recorded during the early and late MIS 6, the MIS 5e, the early MIS 4 and the Holocene, when the terrigenous load in surface waters prevent a strong productivity. Further offshore, a substantial dissolved silica input by the discharges of the Congo river, but also a low consumption of this nutrient upstream, are required to have a strong productivity. The intensification of oceanic upwelling conditions also favors the siliceous productivity. The increasing influence of fluvial discharges, marked by a greater abundance of brackish diatoms off the mouth, corresponds fairly well to the establishment of the axial edifice of the Congo deep sea fan around ~ 230 ka BP. Two exploratory studies were conducted in complement: The study of morphometric variability of the diatom species Fragilariopsis doliolus, that highlighted important variation of the valvar surface during the Quaternary; the study of the silica isotopes that proved to be complex, because of important mix of biogenic and lithogenic silica in the samples.
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Figure christique et messianisme dans les oeuvres de Dambudzo Marechera et Tchicaya U Tam'si / Christlike Character and Messianism in the Works of Dambudzo Marehera and Tchicaya U Tam'siLeroux, Pierre 28 April 2016 (has links)
La Bible est un des premiers livres traduits dans la plupart des langues d'Afrique subsaharienne et l'imagerie qui lui est associée a par conséquent joué un rôle essentiel dans la constitution des imaginaires littéraires propres à chaque région. Parmi toutes les figures de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament, le Christ occupe une place à part, car il est la source de toute rédemption et un personnage qui vaut par son ambivalence, au croisement du religieux et du politique. Représentation en creux construite par des discours multiples, il est à la fois ou successivement un révolutionnaire qui se bat contre l'impérialisme romain ou un collaborateur qui rend à César ce qui lui appartient. La résonance de cette figure dans les œuvres de Dambudzo Marechera (1952-1987) et Tchicaya U Tam'si (1931-1988) correspond donc à une réflexion sur les rapports qu'entretiennent la religion, la littérature et le politique pendant et au-delà de la période coloniale au Zimbabwe et au Congo. En effet, ces deux auteurs occupent une position surplombante dans leurs pays respectifs et, quoique considérés par certains comme hermétiques ou trop Européens, ils ont durablement marqué les générations suivantes qui ont vu en eux des précurseurs, voire le « père de notre rêve » pour Tchicaya. Dans cette perspective qui englobe la théorie et l'histoire littéraire, le messianisme comme dynamique qui fait naître des figures christiques entraîne une réflexion sur la place du personnage dans le temps et dans l'espace. Celle-ci, enfin, prend tout son sens grâce au choix d'un corpus qui englobe roman, poésie et théâtre, afin de relier différentes approches de la figure christique, pour mieux questionner le rôle de pivot qu'elle occupe dans les deux œuvres. / In most African langages, the Bible is one of the first books ever translated. As a consequence, the images it conveys have played a prominent part in the literary imagery endemic to each region of the continent. Among all the various characters depicted in the Old and the New Testament, Jesus Christ is center stage, since he is the origin of all redemption, as well as an ambivalent character standing at the crossroads of religion and politics. As an implicit character constructed by various discourses, he represents simultaneously or successively a rebel fighting roman imperialism or a collaboraor who gives unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar. This character finds an echo in the works of Dambudzo Marechera (1952-1987) and Tchicaya U Tam'si (1931-1988) as he raises questions on the connexions between religion, literature and politics during and beyond colonial times in Zimbabwe and Congo. As a matter of fact, both authors occupy a prominent place in their respective literary landscape. Although they have been disparaged for being overly hermetic or European, they have left a lasting impression on the following generations of writers who consider them as precursors or even « father of our dream » as far as Tchicaya is concerned. Following this approach which combines literary theory and literary history, a reflection on the nature of characters is prompted by the conception of messianism as a dynamics which creates christ-like figures and positions them both in time and space. Finally, by chosing a syllabus including narratives, theatrical plays and poetry, we've attempted to give this type of character its full meaning while questioning the pivotal role it plays for both authors.
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Epidémiologie des infections par les filovirus et arbovirus en République du Congo / Epidemiology of Infections by Filovirus and Arbovirus in the Republic of CongoMoyen, Nanikaly 18 December 2015 (has links)
La République du Congo (RC) ou nos travaux ont eu lieu, est un pays d’Afrique Centrale, il partage ses frontières avec la République démocratique du Congo, la République centrafricaine, le Gabon, le Cameroun, et l’Angola (Cabinda). Dans ces pays la circulation des arboviroses est documentée. En RC, il y avait peu ou pas de documentation sur les arboviroses avant nos travaux. Nous avons réalisé des études de séroprévalence des arboviroses de différentes familles chez des donneurs de sang Congolais. Nous avons aussi étudié l’épidémie de chikungunya ayant sévit en RC en 2011. Nos travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence des taux de séroprévalence élevés pour les pathogènes principaux incriminés: 47,2% pour Dengue, 27,8% pour Yellow fever, 24,4% pour West Nile, 38,8% pour Chikungunya et 7,9% pour Rift Valley fever. Ces taux de séroprévalence élevés prouvent la circulation de ces virus au Congo, bien qu’aucune épidémie n’ait été encore déclarée pour certains. Nous avons également isolé et caractérisé génétiquement une souche nommée "Brazza_MRS1", appartenant au lignage East Central and Southern African, issue de l’épidémie due au virus chikungunya de 2011. La RC a connu plusieurs épidémies dues au virus Ebola. Nous avons tenté de mieux caractériser la circulation des filovirus chez les donneurs de sang asymptomatiques par une étude de séroprévalence. Les taux de séroprévalence IgG anti Ebola virus, observés étaient de 2,5% en général (1,6% à Brazzaville, 4% à Pointe-Noire et 4% en milieux ruraux). Les facteurs de risques identifiés étaient l’exposition aux chauves-souris (p<0.001) et aux oiseaux (p = 0.04). Le taux de séroprévalence IgG anti Marburg virus était de 0,5%. / The Republic of Congo (RC) where our work took place is a Central African country, sharing borders with the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Gabon, Cameroon, and Angola (Cabinda). In these countries the circulation of arboviruses is documented. In RC, there was little or no documentation on arboviruses prior to our work. We conducted studies of arbovirus seroprevalence in Congolese blood donors for different virus families. We also studied the epidemic caused by the chikungunya virus that prevailed in RC in 2011.Our work have highlighted the high rate of seroprevalence for incriminated major pathogens: 47.2% for Dengue, 27.8% for Yellow Fever, 24.4% for West Nile, 38.8% for Chikungunya and 7.9% for Rift Valley fever. These high seroprevalence rates indicate that these viruses actively circulate in Congo, although no epidemic has yet been reported for some viruses. We have also isolated and genetically characterized a strain named "Brazza_MRS1", belonging to the East Central and Southern African lineage, after the chikungunya epidemic in 2011. The RC has experienced several outbreaks caused by the Ebola virus. We have performed a filovirus seroprevalence study to attempt to better characterize the circulation of filoviruses in asymptomatic Congolese blood donors. The observed rate of seroprevalence of anti Ebola IgG was 2.5% overall (1.6% in Brazzaville, 4% in Pointe-Noire and 4% in rural areas). Identified epidemiological risk factors were the exposure to bats (p <0.001) and birds (p = 0.04). The seroprevalence rate of Marburg virus IgG was low (0.5%).
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Les fonctions cognitives de contrôle chez les personnes civiles traumatisées de la guerre du Congo / The cognitive functions of control at the civils persons traumatized by the Congo WarQuénard, Christelle 05 July 2011 (has links)
Les personnes civiles traumatisées (ESPT) de la guerre du Congo rapportent de nombreuses intrusions de pensées par des images et des scènes des évènements vécus. Ces intrusions apportent une souffrance clinique importante. Elles font revivre le traumatisme en permanence sans aucun contrôle cognitif ne soit apparemment possible. Dans notre travail de thèse nous soutenons l’idée que ces intrusions sont la conséquence d’une modification profonde des processus cognitif de contrôle chez les personnes civiles traumatisées de la guerre du Congo. Plus particulièrement, nous supposons que le processus susceptible d’être en cause dans l’absence de contrôle sur les images et les pensées serait un déficit du mécanisme d’inhibition cognitive. Afin de mettre nos hypothèse à l’épreuve nous avons construit différentes tâches composées pour chacune d’un matériel à valence « neutre » et d’un matériel à valence « traumatique, négative ». Ces tâches sont reconnues pour mesurer les capacités de contrôle cognitif. Il s’agit de la tâche de Stroop (Stroop, 1935), de la tâche d’Oubli dirigé (Bjork, Bjork, & Anderson, 1998), d’un matériel issus du paradigme DRM (Deese, 1959 ; Roediger, & McDermott, 1995) et R/K (Tulving, 1985) et enfin d’une épreuve de glissement de mémoire (Jacoby, 1991 ; Haye, & Jacoby, 1996, 1999 ; Guerdoux, 2009). Ces tâches ont été administrées à une première population de personnes civiles traumatisées de la guerre du Congo en comparaison à une population de personnes du Burkina-Faso non traumatisées. Nos résultats ont invalidé nos hypothèses quant à l’existence d’un déficit d’inhibition notamment en présence d’un matériel verbal émotionnel en lien avec les évènements traumatiques vécus. Les résultats de nos études militent pour un hypercontrôle et une hyperinhibition de tout matériel en lien avec le traumatisme. C’est pourquoi, nous tentons d’expliquer cet hypercontrôle comme le signe d’un refoulement émotionnel tel que défini par Freud (1926) ou bien encore le signe d’une dissociation psychique définie par Janet (1986, 1987). / The traumatized civil persons (PTSD) of the Congo War bring back numerous interventions of thoughts by images and scenes of the lived events. These interventions bring an important clinical suffering. They make relive the trauma permanently without any cognitive control is apparently possible. In our work of thesis we support the idea that these interventions are the consequences of a deep modification of the processes cognitive of control at the civil persons traumatized by the Congo War. More particularly, we suppose that the process susceptible to be involved (to be in question) in the absence of control over the images and the thoughts would be a deficit of the mechanism of cognitive inhibition. To put our hypothesis in the test we built various tasks consisted for each of a material with "neutral" valency and a material with "traumatic, negative" valency. These tasks are recognized to measure the capacities of cognitive control. It is about the task of Stroop (Stroop, 1935), of the task of directed Forgetting (Bjork, Bjork, & Anderson, 1996), of a material stemming of paradigm DRM (Deese, 1959; Roediger, & McDermott, 1995) and R/K (Tulving, 1985) and finally a memory–slip test (Jacoby, 1991; Hay, & Jacoby, 1996, 1999; Guerdoux, 2009). These tasks were administered to a first population of civil persons traumatized by the Congo War in comparison to a population of persons of the Burkina Faso not traumatized. Our results invalidated our hypotheses as for the existence of a deficit of inhibition in particular in the presence of an emotional verbal material in connection with the lived traumatic events. The results of our studies militate for a hypercontrol and a hyperinhibition of any material in connection with the trauma. That is why we try to explain this hypercontrol as the sign of an emotional expulsion such as defined by Freud (1926) or the sign of a psychic dissociation defined by Janet (1986, 1987).
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Exploring the Congolese (DRC) democratic transition from 1990 to 2006 : an analysis based on Samuel Huntington’s modelKatulondi, Kabasu Babu 07 June 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The aim of this study was to explore the democratisation process that unfolded in the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1990 to 2006 with a view to establishing whether Huntington’s model of democratisation as set out in his Third Wave: Democratisation in the Late Twentieth Century (1990) is useful in analysing the Congolese transition. Huntington’s model is essentially based on the experiences of democratisation in the so-called third wave of democratisation that occurred in countries in Southern and Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia. In line with Huntington’s analysis of the democratisation process elsewhere, the study examined, among other things, the triggering factors of the democratisation process; the modes and characteristics of the transition and the factors favouring and obstructing the development of democracy in the Congo. The study has found grounds for some minor deviations from Huntington’s observation of experiences elsewhere. These pertain to the sequence of the democratisation process, the complexity of the problem in the Congo and the role of the military. Whereas Huntington posited that one of three modes of transition occurred in a particular country – transformation, replacement and transplacement – all three modes transpired in a dialectical sequence in the Congo. In addition, the democratisation process in the Congo was intensely militarised since it involved not only the government and what one could call the ‘classical’ opposition, but also an ‘armed opposition’ encompassing several rebel groups and militias backed by foreign armies, each with its own agenda. Furthermore, when the military was confronted with the pressure to democratise elsewhere, it was generally instrumental in the democratisation process. In the Congo, to the contrary, it is the powerlessness of the military that constituted an obstruction to the democratisation process in the country. The weakness of the generals in the Congolese army results from their vassalisation by politicians who utilised army officers for their political ends. However, in an overall evaluation of the applicability of Huntington’s model to the Congolese democratisation process, it can be stated that, despite the above minor differences, Huntington’s model serves as a useful tool in analysing the democratisation process in the country, irrespective of the complexity of the Congolese experience. The model serves to elucidate the causes, patterns, power dynamics in the democratisation process, and also identifies potential problems in the consolidation of democracies. Its usefulness in analysing the Congolese transition makes it an equally useful tool in analysing the democratisation processes in other African countries.
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Encadrement juridique de l'éducation au Congo-Kinsaha (1885-1986) : de l'initiative des missionnaires à la prise en charge par l'État / Legal framework of education in Congo-Kinshasa (1885-1986) : from missionaries' initiatives to State's responsabilityBalabala Nembenze, Désiré 18 October 2016 (has links)
Si l’instruction scolaire semble un acquis de la plupart des sociétés contemporaines, elle n’en demeure pas moins le fruit d’une très lente évolution comme ce fut le cas dans l’actuelle République démocratique du Congo pendant un siècle. Lors de la période coloniale – de la création de l’Etat du Congo en 1885 par la conférence de Berlin jusqu’à l’indépendance obtenue en 1960 – la fonction de l’enseignement a été confiée par le pouvoir essentiellement aux missions catholiques belges avec la vision utilitariste de former des auxiliaires de l’administration et des ouvriers aux fins d’exploitation de la colonie. Sur le plan juridique, cet objectif apparaît de façon sous-jacente dans le concordat de 1906, la réglementation des études de 1924 et la réforme scolaire de 1948. Malgré l’élan réformateur impulsé par le parti socio-libéral belge après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l’école coloniale a peiné à promouvoir une élite locale avec cette conséquence que le chaos sanglant des cinq premières années de l’indépendance est à attribuer en grande partie à l’impréparation des Congolais à assumer de hautes responsabilités politiques. Le modèle social hérité du passé colonial étant considéré comme aliénant, le Président Mobutu a étatisé les écoles en décembre 1974 en opposition à la hiérarchie catholique, déclenchant ainsi une grave crise qui fut apaisée par la signature d’un accord en 1977 permettant la rétrocession des réseaux scolaires à leurs anciens administrateurs. Puis, une loi portant régime général applicable à l’enseignement national a été promulguée le 22 septembre 1986, marquée par le souci d’une austérité budgétaire nécessitée par la politique économique désastreuse de zaïrianisation du Maréchal-Président. / If schooling for all is taken for granted in most contemporary societies, it remains nevertheless the result of a slow process of development. Such was the case in the present Democratic Republic of Congo where it evolved over a century. During the colonial period – from the creation of the Congo as a state by the Berlin Conference of 1885 up to its independence proclaimed in 1960 – education, average length 2 years, was entrusted by the government above all to the Belgian Catholic Missions, with the utilitarian objective in mind of forming government employees and workers able to exploit the colony Generally speaking, this objective appears to underlie the Concordat of 1906, the School Regulations of 1924 and the School Reform of 1948. In spite of the impetus to reform given by the Belgian Social Liberal Party after World War II, colonial schools had great difficulty forming an elite in the local population. The consequence was bloody chaos during the first five years of independence. This is to be attributed to the lack of sufficient preparation given to the Congolese people for them to be able to assume political positions of great responsibility. As the model of society inherited from the colonial past became considered an alienation, Maréchal-President Mobutu nationalized the schools in December 1974 in opposition to the Catholic hierarchy. This caused a period of serious unrest finally settled by the signing of an agreement in 1977 granting the handing back of school systems to their former administrators. Then, on 22 September, 1986, an outline-law applying to the national school system was promulgated marked by the need for budgetary austerity brought about by President Mobutu’s disastrous economic politics, his zaïranisation.
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[pt] Esta dissertação tem por objetivo compreender, de um modo geral, as dinâmicas políticas, sociais e econômicas do Congo no final século XVIII. Tendo como base relatos de missionários europeus, esta investigação pretende se aprofundar nas dinâmicas entre as províncias do reino e o poder central e como a elite conguesa irá se utilizar das relações com os europeus para se afirmarem politicamente na região. Problematizando a esfera de poder exercida pelo rei nesse período histórico e a circulação de saberes e práticas políticos e religiosos. Os europeus, principalmente os missionários buscaram mapear essa sociedade de forma que ela se enquadrasse nos moldes políticos, sociais e religiosos estabelecidos por eles, com base nas concepções de reinos e impérios, de forma que talvez não tivessem conseguido compreender a estrutura política e social vigente. O que pareceria aos olhos dos missionários uma descentralização política do Congo causada pelas guerras civis e a consequente desarticulação das províncias poderia se configurar uma característica própria dessas sociedades também em outros contextos. Elas estariam articuladas por meio de uma cadeia de sociedades, na qual algumas eram englobadas e outras englobantes por meio de amplos espaços variados como os das trocas comerciais, os religiosos, os linguísticos e os políticos e de guerra. / [en] This dissertation aims to understand, in general, dynamic political, social and economic of the Congo in the late eighteenth century. Based on reports of European missionaries, this research aims to deepen the dynamics between the provinces of the kingdom and the central power and how congolese elite will use relations with the Europeans to politically assert in the region. Questioning the sphere of power exercised by the king in this historical period and the circulation of political and religious knowledge and practices. Europeans, especially the missionaries sought to map this company so that it would fit the political mold, social and religious established by them, based on the concepts of kingdoms and empires, so that might have failed to understand the current political and social structure of the Congo. What would appear in the eyes of the missionaries a political decentralization of Congo caused by the civil war and the consequent dismantling of the provinces could set up a characteristic of these companies in other contexts. They would be articulated through a chain of companies, in which some were encompassed and other encompassing through large spaces varied as trade, religious, linguistic and political and war.
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[pt] No contexto social congolês, à época de nossa análise, marcado, particularmente, de um lado, pelos constrangimentos sociopolíticos e financeiros e, por outro lado, pelo compromisso de todos os atores políticos de trabalhar pela democracia, uma imprensa que não possui uma deontologia coerente e meios adequados para seu funcionamento pode, facilmente, se tornar papagaiótica da ditadura, da ação da elite que detém um duplo capital político e financeiro e pode gerar uma classe política medíocre. As modalidades discursivas mobilizadas em tal imprensa sofrem, direta ou indiretamente, a interferência do regime dominante na orientação de sua linha editorial. O quadro político dominante do Congo interferiu, diretamente, na orientação da política editorial da imprensa, ao conceder-lhe subsídios e financiamento. E, indiretamente, ao comprar espaço nos jornais. Essa interferência registra a evolução da imprensa congolesa em uma perspectiva de dependência política, econômica e financeira, ou seja, uma postura tática de alinhamento editorial à ideologia política dominante, e isso em detrimento do ideal de democracia sob o qual a própria legitimidade da função da imprensa seria fundada. Essa imprensa congolesa era vista como a midiatização quase exclusiva das opiniões dos atores políticos dominantes, excluindo do circuito midiático as opiniões de outros atores sócio-políticos e questionando sua própria função como garantidora e guardiã da liberdade, diversidade de olhares e último recurso dos cidadãos. A situação do jornalista, nesse contexto, é a do homem incapaz de fazer uso de sua própria razão. O jornalista torna-se o que os outros dizem, sem senso crítico, sem reflexão profunda. É a pura alienação e aniquilação da razão, de seu ser e de sua essência jornalística. / [en] In the Congolese social context of our analysis, particularly marked, on the one hand, by socio-political and financial constraints and, on the other hand, by the commitment of all political actors to work for democracy, a press that does not have a coherent deontology and adequate means for its functioning can easily become parrotic of the dictatorship and / or the action of the dominant politician or the elite holding a double political and financial capital and can generate a political class poor. The discursive modalities mobilized in such a press suffer, directly or indirectly, the interference of the dominant regime in the orientation of its editorial line. Congo s dominant political environment directly interfered with the editorial policy of the press, providing subsidies and funding, and indirectly, buying newspaper space. This interference records the evolution of the Congolese press in a perspective of political, economic and financial dependence, that is to say, a tactical posture of editorial alignment with the dominant political ideology, and this to the detriment of the ideal of democracy under which the very legitimacy of the function of the press would be founded. This Congolese press was perceived as the almost exclusive mediatization of the opinions of the dominant political actors, excluding from the media circuit the opinions of the other socio-political actors and calling into question its own role of guarantor and guardian of the freedom, the diversity of opinions and last resort of citizens. The situation of the journalist, in this context, is that of a man unable to use his own reason. The journalist becomes what others say, without critical sense, without deep reflection. It is the pure alienation and annihilation of reason, of its being and its journalistic essence.
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