Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then longo"" "subject:"then congo""
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Figures d'enfants soldats : vulnérabilité et puissance d'agirBodineau, Sylvie 18 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2011-2012 / Ce mémoire porte sur la protection des enfants dans le cadre de l’intervention humanitaire et de l’aide au développement, plus précisément sur le cas des enfants soldats en République Démocratique du Congo. Dans la lignée des travaux anthropologiques sur l’intervention humanitaire, à partir de l’étude des discours des acteurs des interventions contenus dans les documents qu’ils produisent, cette recherche vise à connaître les figures de l’enfant soldat pour mieux en appréhender les significations. Y sont explorés les valeurs et enjeux des interventions, les représentations du phénomène et les programmes et politiques préconisés pour y répondre. En ressortent un certain nombre de facettes, allant de la vulnérabilité inhérente à la figure de victime sur laquelle se fonde l’intervention de protection, à une certaine puissance d’agir consacrée par une approche basée sur les droits; ces facettes sont solidaires des figures de l’enfance marquées par une diversité à l’image de la diversité de l’intervention.
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L'inculturation de la liturgieCloutier, Donald 16 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire étudie et établit la relation entre l'inculturation, phénomène nouveau dans le processus d'évangélisation, et un domaine qui est au coeur même de la vie de l'Église : la liturgie. La réalité encore nouvelle de l'inculturation de la liturgie suscite une certaine espérance quant aux retombées possibles qu'elle peut entraîner dans le secteur de la mission de l'Église et de la liturgie. Considéré comme étant un des premiers fruits de l'inculturation liturgique, le Missel romain pour les Diocèses du Zaïre est à ce titre très significatif. Les notions d'incarnation et d'évangélisation imprègnent de manière importante le processus d'inculturation de la liturgie, apparaissant en réalité comme les fondements sur lesquels reposent sa réalisation et son efficacité.
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L'accession des femmes congolaises au savoir dans une perspective historiqueMalu Muswamba, Rosalie 11 April 2018 (has links)
Introduit au Congo dans le cadre de la colonisation belge, le savoir moderne a contribué aux profonds bouleversements qu'ont connus les populations de ce pays tout au long du siècle dernier. La lente, mais apparemment inexorable intégration des filles à tous les degrés du système scolaire congolais n'est probablement pas la moindre de ces mutations. Aujourd'hui, les Congolaises entrent de plus en plus nombreuses à l'université et le propos de ce travail est d'essayer de déterminer les lignes de force qui sous-tendent ce phénomène. Si la féminisation de l'université est un phénomène mondial, il affecte chaque région du monde, chaque pays de manière spécifique. Dans le cas du Congo, cette évolution est d'autant plus remarquable qu'elle se déroule dans un pays en proie à une crise multiforme où les structures de l'État se sont littéralement effondrées et dont une majorité de la population vit dans la misère. L'université congolaise a subi la même dégradation qui frappe toutes les institutions du pays, et de ce fait, elle est désormais dans l'incapacité de remplir correctement sa mission pédagogique et scientifique. Les diplômes qu'elle délivre ne sanctionnent plus l'acquisition d'un savoir ou d'une compétence. Quel est donc le sens de cette ruée vers l'université, notamment pour les femmes ? En fait, à travers l'étude et l'analyse de cette quête du savoir chez les Congolaises, il s'agira surtout de rendre compte de l'évolution du rôle de ces dernières au sein de leur société. En effet, entre les exigences de la tradition et celles de la modernité, les femmes du Congo s'efforcent de redéfinire leur identité et leur place dans la communauté nationale. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2014
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An evaluation of the modern church in light of the early church : the case of Seventh Day Adventist Church in the Democratic Republic of CongoKakule, Mithimbo Paul 11 1900 (has links)
One of the concerns of the modern Christian church and dissident groups is to
ensure that the Church's fundamental doctrines, leadership, women's ministries
and religious practices conform with the early apostolic church teachings.
In this study the writer offers a comprehensive and detailed evaluation of the
modern church in the light of the early church. The case of the modern Seventhday
Adventist (SDA) Church in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and
worldwide is examined and compared, basing its survey on numerous published
and unpublished documents from a combined use of primary, secondary
materials and individual statements.
Setting the early history of the SDA Church within the religious context of
nineteenth-century America, the writer describes how SDA doctrines, leadership,
women's ministries and religious practices link with those beliefs and practices in
the early apostolic church, showing whether the SDA Church has departed from
the early apostolic church’s Biblical, timeless principles or not.
Several pertinent issues however have stirred up as much controversy in recent
years within the Adventist dissident groups as that of the women’s ministries in
the church, the righteousness by faith doctrine, the monarchical leadership, and
various religious practices. Nevertheless, in the light of the early apostolic
teaching, some enlightenment has been achieved, and several critical
accusations from dissident groups were illuminated and confirmed.The accusation regarding the deterioration of Biblical doctrines appears not to
have been confirmed by the Biblical evaluation and the lifestyle of the SDA
believers. Rather, concerning this issue, it is confirmed that in the DRC and
worldwide, the SDA Church has not departed from the fundamental doctrines of
the early Apostolic church. / Thesis (D. TH. (Church History))
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Neoproterozoic low latitude glaciations : an African perspectiveStraathof, Gijsbert Bastiaan January 2011 (has links)
The Neoproterozoic is one of the most enigmatic periods in Earth history. In the juxtaposition of glacial and tropical deposits the sedimentary record provides evidence for extreme climate change. Various models have tried to explain these apparent contradictions. One of the most popular models is the Snowball Earth Hypothesis which envisages periods of global glaciations. All climatic models are dependent on palaeogeography which as yet remains poorly constrained for the Neoproterozoic. This thesis presents a multidisciplinary study of two Neoproterozoic sedimentary basins on the Congo and West Africa cratons including radiometric dating of glacial deposits themselves. In the West Congo Belt, western Congo Craton, a new U-Pb baddeleyite age for the Lower Diamictite provides the first high quality direct age for the older of two glacial intervals. This age is significantly different from previously dated glaciogenic deposits on the Congo Craton. This result strongly suggests that the mid-Cryogenian was a period during which several local glaciations occurred, none of which were global. While the palaeomagnetic results from carbonates around the younger glacial interval are probably remagnetised, detrital zircon and chemostratigraphic results allow correlation with numerous late-Cryogenian glaciogenic deposits worldwide and a Snowball Earth scenario is favoured here. In the Adrar Sub-Basin of the vast Taoudéni Basin, West Africa, the terrigenous Jbeliat glacial horizon has been studied in great detail. Detrital zircon geochronology reveals large changes in provenance through this glacial unit with implications for sedimentological approaches and techniques for provenance characterisations based on one sample alone. Together with recently published U-Pb data these results constrain the age of the Jbeliat Group to a narrow window providing vital geochronological information for this younger glacial event. Combining provenance geochemistry, chemostratigraphy and U-Pb dating has greatly improved our understanding of two of the largest Neoproterozoic sedimentary basins. The dominance of Mesoproterozoic detrital material, for which no source has been reported near either of the field areas, has consequences for the proximity of other cratons at the time of deposition, prior to the final amalgamation of Gondwana.
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A critical descriptive analysis of the role of track I and track II diplomatic interventions: the case of the Democratic Republic of Congo (1998-2002)De Carvalho, Vanessa Roque 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Political Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The climate of the Great Lakes Region fostered desperate sources of insecurity which fed
each other in a conflict-system which was also largely fuelled by the surrounding war
economy. Consequently, the focus of this study was narrowed to providing only a descriptive
analysis of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s peace processes of 1998-2002.
Subsequently, the surrounding climate served to aggravate the DRC’s ethnic cleavages and
the conflict grew so complex that the issues could no longer be clearly divided. The
motivation for conducting a study of this nature was that amidst the twenty-three failed
attempts for peace, the conflict persisted with no signs of abating, which suggests that a
historical and discourse analysis of the peace processes is justified.
This study found that during these peace processes, far greater prominence was given to
Track I diplomacy than to the unofficial Track II diplomacy. This was due to various
limitations that existed. This distinction is fundamental because even though unofficial
diplomacy has a different function to official diplomacy, their values are equal and more
effective in a peace process when there is a collaborative effort between the two. This is
called a Multi-Track approach (Diamond and McDonald, 1996). Thus this study proposes
that by giving Track II diplomacy a greater prominence in a peace process, the Multi-Track
approach would be fully utilized. It suggests that governmental, informal, and unofficial
contact in civil society is fundamental in trust-building between parties in negotiation.
Overall, there is value in providing a critical descriptive analysis of both Track I and Track II
diplomatic initiatives that were undertaken during the 1998-2002 peace process, in order to
expose the shortcomings. In doing so, this study presents the Multi-Track approach in order
to emphasize its potential efficacy in addressing similar future cases of intractable conflict. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die omstandighede in die Groot Merestreek het onsekerheid gekweek, wat mekaar versterk
het in die konteks van ’n konflik-sisteem wat ook deur die omliggende oorlog-ekonomie
aangevuur was. Gevolglik is hierdie studie se fokus beperk tot ‘n beskrywende analise van
die vredesprosesse wat tydens 1998-2002 op die tweede rebellie in die Demokratiese
Republiek van die Kongo gevolg het. Die omstandighede in die omliggende omgewing het
die DRK se etniese splitsings vererger, en die konflik het so kompleks geword dat daar nie
meer duidelik tussen die verskillende geskilpunte onderskei kon word nie. Die motivering vir
hierdie studie is dat daar te midde van die drie-en-twintig mislukte vredespogings geen teken
was dat die konflik aan die afneem was nie, wat suggereer dat ’n historiese diskoers analise
van die vredesproses geregverdig is.
Hierdie studie het gevind dat daar gedurende hierdie vredesprosesse ’n veel meer prominente
rol aan die amptelike Track I-diplomasie as aan die nie-amptelike Track II-diplomasie
toegeken was, as gevolg van verskeie beperkinge wat bestaan het. Hierdie onderskeid is van
kardinale belang; ten spyte van die feit dat nie-amptelike diplomasie ’n ander funksie as
amptelike diplomasie vervul, dra dit ewe veel waarde en behoort vredesprosesse waar daar
samewerking tussen die twee inisiatiewe plaasvind dus meer effektief te wees. Hierdie
redenasie word ’n Multi-Track benadering genoem. Hierdie studie stel voor dat die Multi-
Track benadering meer effektief geïmplementeer kan word deurdat daar aan Track IIdiplomasie
’n meer prominente rol in die vredesproses toegeken word; dit stel dus ook voor
dat regeringskontak, informele en nie-amptelike kontak tussen gewone burgers van kardinale
belang in die bou van vetroue tussen bemiddelingspartye is.
Daar lê dus waarde daarin om ’n krities-beskrywende analise van beide Track I- en Track II
inisiatiewe wat tydens die 1998-2002 vredesprosesse onderneem is weer te gee, ten einde die
tekortkominge daarvan uit te wys. Op hierdie manier hou hierdie studie die Multi-Track
benadering voor om uiteindelik die potensiële bruikbaarheid van hierdie benadering in
soortgelyke toekomstige gevalle van konflik te beklemtoon.
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The Pentecostal church in the Congo/30 eme communaute : engaging in poverty eradicationKakwata, Frederick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Despite the excessive mineral wealth, the underground deposits of gold, diamonds, copper and cobalt and other valuable minerals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo which are coveted by many countries, the majority of the population is still destitute and lives in dire poverty. However the country itself prospered during the colonial period 1885-1960 and it became the second most industrialized state in Africa after South Africa (Petit & Mutambwa, 2005). Unfortunately it is now ranked among the world's poorest countries in the world. Since the Democratic Republic of the Congo gained independence in 1960 it has not experienced development that benefits the whole population. The country is experiencing continuing and pressing problems of poverty and human suffering. Thus the purpose during this study is to analyse the position of the Pentecostal Church in the Congo (30ème CPCO) concerning the situation of poverty in the city of Lubumbashi and to design a pragmatic approach that can assist the denomination to find ways to effectively address the problem of poverty.
Findings reveal that the city of Lubumbashi is riddled with complex socio-economic challenges, but the 30 ème CPCO is not equipped practically or theologically to address these challenges. Poverty in the city of Lubumbashi is pervasive, it is therefore structural and historical. It comes a long way, from the slavery, to colonization, to dictatorship, neo-colonization and globalization. Sin and lovelessness have been identified as the roots causes of poverty in the DRC in the sense that sin which is the opposite of love is the driving force behind the oppressive structures that have impoverished millions of people in the DRC and around the world.
Furthermore findings also disclose that the understanding of the soteriology within the Pentecostal denomination theology is problematic. Salvation is understood as being spiritual only, the physical aspect is misapprehended. In addition there is a heretical prosperity gospel in the denomination which teaches that poverty is the result of personal sin and unfaithfulness to tithing. They believe that giving large amounts of money will release blessings and prosperity. This view has skewed the denomination's approach towards the eradication of poverty. As a result the 30 ème CPCO’s involvement in poverty eradication is described as rudimentary, it is limited to sporadic assistance to the poor.
Although the 30 ème CPCO station of Lubumbashi as a whole has been sporadically giving assistance to the poor, there are many factors that have restricted its ability to effectively engage in poverty eradication amongst which is poor understanding of the root causes of poverty. This in fact is influenced by the perception of poverty which is subject to features such as the mentality of the people or the level of literacy, the environment, the world view, the circumstances, the culture etc. The inability of the 30 ème CPCO to address poverty is also due to lack of enough education, poor administration, financial issues, lack of partners to help with the development and cooperation between congregations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ten spyte van groot minerale rykdom, die ondergrondse bronne van goud, diamante, koper kobalt en ander minerale, wat deur ander lande begeer word, leef die oorgrote meerderheid van die bevolking van die Demokratiese Republiek van die Kongo in armoede. Tydens die koloniale tydperk (1885–1960) het die Kongo tog vooruitgegaan en die tweede mees industrieë in Afrika, na Suid-Afrika, besit. Dus was dit die doel tydens hierdie studie om die posisie van die Pinkster Kerk in die Kongo (30 ème CPCO) betreffende die armoede stiuasie in die stad Lubumbashi te bepaal en om maniere te vind waarop ’n pragmatiese benadering tot armoede gevolg kan word.
Daar is bevind dat die stad Lubumbashi baie komplekse sosio-ekonomiese uitdagings in die gesig staar, maar dat die 30 ème CPCO nie bevoeg is om daardie uitdagings op ’n praktiese wyse of ’n teologiese wyse aan te spreek nie nie. Die armoede in die stad kan oral gesien word, dit is struktueel en histories. Hierdie armoede gaan ver terug, na slaverny, kolonisasie diktatorskap, neo-liberalisme en globalisasie. Sonde en liefdeloosheid word gesien as hoofoorsake van armoede in die Demokratiese Republiek van die Kongo in die sin dat sonde wat die teenoorgestelde van liefde is, die dryfveer is agter die onderdrukkende strukture wat miljoene mense in die DRK en elders in die wêreld in armoede gedompel het. Daar is ook bevind dat die begrip van soteriologie in die Pinkster denominasie se teologie problematies is. Net die geestelike aspek van redding is in ag geneem en die fiesiese aspek is misken. Daar is ook diegene in die denominasie wat verkeerdelik glo in die voorspoeds evangelie waarvolgens armoede die gevolg is van die persoon se eie sonde of ontrouheid wat betref die gee van tiendes. Hulle glo dat die gee van groot hoeveelhede geld sal lei tot seëninge en voorspoed. Hierdie siening het ’n effek gehad op die denominasie se houding teenoor die uitroei van armoede. Daarom is die 30 ème CPCO se betrokkenheid by die uitwissing van armoede rudimentêr. Dit is beperk tot hulp aan die armes. .
Alhoewel die 30 ème CPCO stasie van Lubumbashi as geheel sporadies hulp aan die armes verleen het, is daar baie faktore wat die kerk se vermoë om effektief te wees in die uitroei van armoede, beperk het. Een daarvan is ’n begrip van die grondoorsake van armoede. Die begrip word beïnvloed deur die persepsie van armoede, en aspekte soos die mentaliteit van die mense, die graad van geletterheid, die omgewing, die siening van die wêreld, die kultuur ens. Die onvermoë van die 30 ème CPCO om armoede aan te spreek is die gevolg van ’n gebrek aan opvoeding, swak administrasie, finansiële probleme en gebrek aan vennote, asook ’n gebrek aan samewerking tussen gemeentes.
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The U.S. refugee admissions program in Austin : the story of one Congolese familyKrebs, Natalie Renee 03 October 2014 (has links)
In 2013, the U.S. Department of State allocated nearly $45 million to the Texas Office of Refugee Resettlement to help aid with the resettlement of 6,922 refugees. Approximately 10 percent of all refugees who were brought to the U.S. that year were resettled in Texas. Austin received 716 of those refugees. For 30 years, the U.S.'s Refugee Admissions Programs has been providing aid and money to help refugees fleeing religious and political persecution resettle in the U.S. The program is a system of public-private partnership in which the U.S. Department of State hands out funds to local non-profit organizations to oversee the initial six months of the resettlement. The current program is largely underfunded and is based on a self-sufficiency model that requires refugees find a job within four months of arrival setting many refugees on a path towards poverty as they are often come from conflict zones with minimal English skills, knowledge of how the U.S. works or programs to help them use whatever skills or education they have to find better paying jobs. This paper critiques elements of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program through the case study of one family that has recently arrived in Austin, Texas, from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. / text
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Sexual rights violations during the conflicts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between 2005 and 2015Wa Baya, Joseph Mutombo January 2019 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / This thesis examines the sexual rights violation in Eastern DRC, which has been described as the worst in the world. The sexual violence against women and children in this country is systematic and widespread and perpetrated by armed groups, and increasingly also by civilians.
The prosecution of sexual offences should contribute to the reduction of these offences, but the Congolese state prosecutes very few cases. The resulting impunity became an obstacle to the state to stop sexual violence, which become unable to overcome the obstacles to prosecutorial action.
The successful prosecution of sexual offenders in Eastern DRC faces many obstacles and requires an exceptional jurisdiction which must provide a minimum of better freely conditions to the prosecutors and better unrestrained justice access to the victims.
The enforcement of the international instruments of justice will be possible only by this jurisdiction. The victims of sexual violence need more confidence in the jurisdiction which is really working for them to attain justice.
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"From 'the exclusion from' to 'the sharing of' God's Baraka": Genesis 32-33 as a Paradigm for a Theology of Reconciliation for the Mission of the Church in the Democratic Republic of CongoMbuyi, Benoît Kulaya January 2018 (has links)
Thesis advisor: O. Ernesto Valiente / Thesis advisor: Andrew R. Davis / Reconciliation is based on a change in the attitude of humans toward one another and toward God. Jacob returns to Canaan to obey an order of God and to fulfill his promise. His encounter with God upsets him. His deference to Esau shows a change of attitude that produces a reciprocal effect on his brother. By sharing his wealth, Jacob recognizes the goodness of God who has filled him, accompanied him on his return and touched Esau to welcome him. Esau, also beneficiary of God's generosity, knows how to forget the past and to show himself in favor of his brother. The two brothers are blessed, and they bless each other. This mutual blessing goes beyond the sharing of material wealth. The forgiveness granted and received constitutes a central piece where each protagonist feels lifted up: Jacob recovers his status of a brother (no longer a target to be destroyed), and Esau’s face reminds the loving face of God. And I think, this is the moment when reconciliation happens between the two brothers.
The account of Genesis 32-33 provides us with the (historical) example of a process of reconciliation anchored in a spiritual vision, with the participation of God and human beings. These features of Jacob-Esau process of reconciliation can be built upon to foster reconciliation among the estranged individuals and groups in the Congolese and African context. / Thesis (STL) — Boston College, 2018. / Submitted to: Boston College. School of Theology and Ministry. / Discipline: Sacred Theology.
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