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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La educación ¿opresora o liberadora? Encrucijada entre dos métodos de enseñanza

Quinteros Espinoza, Juan January 2005 (has links)
Informe de Seminario para optar al grado de Licenciado en Filosofía. / El tratar de averiguar que es lo que sucede dentro de las instituciones escolares es una de las metas de la mayoría de los investigadores e investigadoras de la educación, pero, lo que si salta a la vista de cualquier espectador que ve la educación actual, es que ella al parecer se ha transformado en un mecanismo frío y calculador, donde muchas veces el estudiante es tratado como un objeto o un mero oyente, un niño o adolescente que debe ser entrenado.

A comparison of ideal and actual degree of involvement of principals, teachers, parents, and selected experts in the area of curriculum improvement in Oyo State, Nigeria

Ogundele, Jacob A 01 August 1979 (has links)
No description available.

The Relationship between the Theoretical and the Actual Criteria for Determining Decision Debate

Callaway, Byron Wayne 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation was to determine if a relationship exists between the actual standard used by judges during a tournament and the theory taught in collegiate debate courses.

A structural model interpretation of Wright's NESS test

Baldwin, Richard Anthony 17 September 2003
Although understanding causation is an essential part of nearly every problem domain, it has resisted formal treatment in the languages of logic, probability, and even statistics. Autonomous artificially intelligent agents need to be able to reason about cause and effect. One approach is to provide the agent with formal, computational notions of causality that enable the agent to deduce cause and effect relationships from observations. During the 1990s, formal notions of causality were pursued within the AI community by many researchers, notably by Judea Pearl. Pearl developed the formal language of structural models for reasoning about causation. Among the problems he addressed in this formalism was a problem common to both AI and law, the attribution of causal responsibility or actual causation. Pearl and then Halpern and Pearl developed formal definitions of actual causation in the language of structural models. <p>Within the law, the traditional test for attributing causal responsibility is the counterfactual "but-for" test, which asks whether, but for the defendant's wrongful act, the injury complained of would have occurred. This definition conforms to common intuitions regarding causation in most cases, but gives non-intuitive results in more complex situations where two or more potential causes are present. To handle such situations, Richard Wright defined the NESS Test. Pearl claims that the structural language is an appropriate language to capture the intuitions that motivate the NESS test. While Pearl's structural language is adequate to formalize the NESS test, a recent result of Hopkins and Pearl shows that the Halpern and Pearl definition fails to do so, and this thesis develops an alternative structural definition to formalize the NESS test.

A structural model interpretation of Wright's NESS test

Baldwin, Richard Anthony 17 September 2003 (has links)
Although understanding causation is an essential part of nearly every problem domain, it has resisted formal treatment in the languages of logic, probability, and even statistics. Autonomous artificially intelligent agents need to be able to reason about cause and effect. One approach is to provide the agent with formal, computational notions of causality that enable the agent to deduce cause and effect relationships from observations. During the 1990s, formal notions of causality were pursued within the AI community by many researchers, notably by Judea Pearl. Pearl developed the formal language of structural models for reasoning about causation. Among the problems he addressed in this formalism was a problem common to both AI and law, the attribution of causal responsibility or actual causation. Pearl and then Halpern and Pearl developed formal definitions of actual causation in the language of structural models. <p>Within the law, the traditional test for attributing causal responsibility is the counterfactual "but-for" test, which asks whether, but for the defendant's wrongful act, the injury complained of would have occurred. This definition conforms to common intuitions regarding causation in most cases, but gives non-intuitive results in more complex situations where two or more potential causes are present. To handle such situations, Richard Wright defined the NESS Test. Pearl claims that the structural language is an appropriate language to capture the intuitions that motivate the NESS test. While Pearl's structural language is adequate to formalize the NESS test, a recent result of Hopkins and Pearl shows that the Halpern and Pearl definition fails to do so, and this thesis develops an alternative structural definition to formalize the NESS test.

Análisis histórico de la utilización del doble/triple picado en el saxofón y su enseñanza en la actualidad

Pérez Morell, Enrique 07 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] Aims of the thesis Aims: A - To identify and justify in a reasonable way, providing corroborated historical data, why saxophone players do not use the technique of the double/triple staccato. B - To locate the books (method books) dealing with the study of the double staccato in the saxophone and to do a comparative study analyzing the content of them. C - To offer this collective a reasoned collection of phrases appearing in the classical repertoire for saxophone which imply the use of this technique, in order to get a better quality of interpretation. D - To show, by means of methodological praxis in the classroom, that saxophone players can achieve quite a good command of the double/triple staccato, and to make the students who take part in this experiment get aware of the importance of studying and applying the lingual-guttural technique, when necessary, making thus the other saxophone players aware of its usefulness, both in an individual and a collective way. E - To offer the access, for those who are interested, before the publication of this work, to the most relevant biographical data of all the composers whose works for saxophone have been selected for containing phrases where the application of the double staccato is required. (This last part (E) will be included as an annex) Materials used The materials that have been used are: For the theoretical part (history, analysis) the ones described in bibliography, such as books, method books for saxophone, method books for flute, scores for both instruments, the Internet, etc. For the praxis in the classroom we have used the book "Muy picado", dealing completely with the study of the double/triple staccato and divided into three volumes that are distributed all along the four years of study. Planning The planning of this work does not start after the approval of this project. The praxis in the classroom actually starts, applying the selected methodology, in the school year 2003/04. The initial idea was to develop the experiment in class during 8 years so that it covered several generations of students and, this way, we would be able to verify if the achieved average level was similar every year and, also, if it was high enough. Thus, after seeing the results, we could affirm if the methodology used had been the right one and, if it was so, we could conclude by saying that, at first, it would be possible to extend to all the students of the specialization, no matter of their school, the result of the experiment, generalizing thus the use of the lingual-guttural technique. In order to get more reliable results, the research has been extended up to 11 years. Results We must admit that not all our aims finish here. Specially, the last part of the aim "D" will take some time to be generalized. The aim "E" will finish when the corresponding publication appears. In order to get the generalization of our aims, it will be necessary to develop an important information campaign both in conservatories and in bands, with conferences/speeches for professionals including practical demonstrations. In these future presentations, professionals will be provided with the experience and results obtained in the classroom with the study of the double/triple staccato and its application to the phrases included in this work. / [ES] Objetivos de la tesis Objetivos: A - Identificar y justificar, razonadamente y con datos históricos contrastados, por qué los saxofonistas no utilizan la técnica del doble/triple picado. B - Localizar libros (métodos) dedicados al estudio del doble picado en el saxofón y realizar un estudio comparativo analizando el contenido de los mismos. C - Ofrecer a este colectivo una recopilación razonada de frases del repertorio clásico de saxofón donde sea necesario aplicar esta técnica para una mejor resolución interpretativa de las mismas. D - Demostrar, mediante la praxis metódica en el aula, que los saxofonistas pueden alcanzar el suficiente dominio del doble/triple picado, intentando que al menos los alumnos que participan en esta experimentación se conciencien de la necesidad de estudiar y aplicar la técnica linguo - gutural, cuando proceda, y contribuir con ello a que el resto de saxofonistas vean la utilidad de usarla, tanto a nivel individual como en agrupaciones. E - Poner a disposición de los interesados, previa publicación de este trabajo, los datos biográficos más relevantes de todos los compositores cuyas obras de saxofón hayan sido seleccionadas por contener frases para la aplicación del doble picado. (Este último apartado (E) se incluirá como anexo) Medios utilizados Los medios utilizados han sido: Para la parte teórica (historia, análisis) los reseñados en bibliografía, como libros, métodos para saxofón, métodos para flauta, partituras para ambos instrumentos, Internet, etc. Para la praxis en el aula se ha utilizado el libro "Muy picado" dedicado en su totalidad al estudio del doble/triple picado, y dividido en tres volúmenes distribuidos a lo largo de los cuatro años de carrera. Planificación temporal La planificación de este trabajo no arranca a partir de la aprobación del presente proyecto. En realidad la praxis en el aula, aplicando la metodología seleccionada, comienza en el curso 2003/04. La idea inicial era desarrollar la experimentación en clase durante 8 años, de manera que hubiesen pasado por las aulas diversas generaciones de alumnos y así, por un lado, poder comprobar si el nivel medio alcanzado en cada una de las promociones era similar, y por otro lado si era suficiente. De esta forma, a la vista de los resultados, se podría constatar si la metodología empleada había sido la adecuada, y caso de serlo podríamos llegar a la conclusión de que, en principio, sería factible extender a todos los alumnos de la especialidad, de cualquier otro centro, el resultado de la experiencia realizada, generalizando así la utilización de la técnica linguo-gutural. Para asegurar más los resultados la investigación se ha prolongado hasta 11 años. Resultados Debemos admitir que no todos los objetivos concluyen aquí. Sobre todo la última parte del objetivo "D" llevará tiempo conseguir que se generalice. El objetivo "E" quedará concluido en el momento salga la publicación correspondiente. Para lograr la generalización de los objetivos, será necesario desarrollar una amplia campaña divulgativa, tanto en conservatorios como en las bandas de música, mediante conferencias/charlas para profesionales con demostraciones prácticas. En estas futuras presentaciones, a los profesionales de la especialidad se aportará la experiencia y resultados obtenidos en el aula con el estudio del doble/triple picado y la aplicación del mismo a las frases incluidas en el presente trabajo / [CA] Objectius de la tesi Objectius: A - Identificar i justificar, raonadament i amb dades històriques contrastades, per què els saxofonistes no utilitzen la tècnica del doble/triple picat. B - Localitzar llibres (mètodes) dedicats a l'estudi del doble picat en el saxofon i realitzar un estudi comparatiu analitzant-ne el contingut. C - Oferir a aquest col·lectiu una recopilació raonada de frases del repertori clàssic de saxofon on calga aplicar aquesta tècnica per millorar-ne la resolució interpretativa. D - Demostrar, mitjançant la praxi metòdica a l'aula, que els saxofonistes poden aconseguir prou domini del doble/triple picat, amb la intenció que almenys els alumnes que participen en aquesta experimentació es consciencien de la necessitat d'estudiar i aplicar la tècnica linguogutural quan escaigui, i contribuir amb això al fet que la resta de saxofonistes vegin la utilitat d'usar-la, tant individualment com en agrupacions. E - Posar a la disposició dels interessats, prèviament a la publicació d'aquest treball, les dades biogràfiques més rellevants de tots els compositors les obres de saxofon dels quals s'hagen seleccionat per contenir frases per a l'aplicació del doble picat. (Aquest últim apartat (E) s'inclourà com a annex) Mitjans utilitzats Els mitjans utilitzats han sigut: Per a la part teòrica (història, anàlisi), els ressenyats en bibliografia, com llibres, mètodes per a saxofon, mètodes per a flauta, partitures per a tots dos instruments, Internet, etc. Per a la praxi a l'aula s'ha utilitzat el llibre Muy picado, dedicat íntegrament a l'estudi del doble/triple picat, i dividit en tres volums distribuïts al llarg dels quatre anys de carrera. Planificació temporal La planificació d'aquest treball no arranca a partir de l'aprovació del present projecte. En realitat, la praxi a l'aula, aplicant la metodologia seleccionada, comença en el curs 2003/04. La idea inicial era desenvolupar l'experimentació en classe durant 8 anys, de manera que hagueren passat per les aules diverses generacions d'alumnes i així, d'una banda, poder comprovar si el nivell mitjà aconseguit en cadascuna de les promocions era similar, i d'altra banda, si era suficient. D'aquesta manera, a la vista dels resultats, es podria constatar si la metodologia emprada havia sigut l'adequada, i cas de ser-ho podríem arribar a la conclusió que, en principi, seria factible estendre a tots els alumnes de l'especialitat, de qualsevol altre centre, el resultat de l'experiència realitzada, i generalitzar així la utilització de la tècnica linguogutural. Per assegurar més els resultats, la investigació s'ha perllongat fins a 11 anys. Resultats Hem d'admetre que no tots els objectius conclouen ací. Sobretot l'última part de l'objectiu D costarà temps aconseguir que es generalitze. L'objectiu E quedarà conclòs així que isca la publicació corresponent. Per aconseguir la generalització dels objectius, caldrà desenvolupar una àmplia campanya divulgativa, tant en conservatoris com en les bandes de música, mitjançant conferències/xarrades per a professionals amb demostracions pràctiques. En aquestes presentacions futures, als professionals de l'especialitat s'aportarà l'experiència i resultats obtinguts a l'aula amb l'estudi del doble/triple picat i l'aplicació d'aquest a les frases incloses en el present treball. / Pérez Morell, E. (2016). Análisis histórico de la utilización del doble/triple picado en el saxofón y su enseñanza en la actualidad [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62319

O infinito na matemática / Infinity in mathematics

Borges, Bruno Andrade 15 December 2014 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, abordaremos os dois tipos de infinitos existentes: o infinito potencial e o infinito actual. Apresentaremos algumas situações, exemplos que caracterizam cada um desses dois tipos. Focaremo-nos no infinito actual, com o qual discutiremos alguns dos desafios encontrados na teoria criada por Cantor sobre este assunto. Mostraremos também sua importância e a diferença entre este e o infinito potencial. Com isso, buscamos fazer com que o professor compreenda adequadamente os fundamentos matemáticos necessários para que trabalhe, ensine e motive apropriadamente seus alunos no momento em que o infinito e conjuntos infinitos são discutidos em aula. Desta forma, buscamos esclarecer os termos usados e equívocos comuns cometidos por alunos e também professores, muitas vezes enganados ou confundidos pelo senso comum. / In this dissertation, we will discuss the two types of infinities: the potential infinity and the actual infinity. We will present some situations, examples that characterize each of these two types. We will focus on the actual infinity, with which we will discuss some of the challenges found in the theory created by Cantor on this subject. We will also show its importance and the difference between this and the potential infinity. Thus, we seek to make teachers properly understand the mathematical foundations necessary for them to work, teach and properly motivate their students at the time the infinity and infinite sets are discussed in class. In this way, we seek to clarify the terms used and common mistakes made by students and also teachers, so often misguided or confused by common sense.

O infinito na matemática / Infinity in mathematics

Bruno Andrade Borges 15 December 2014 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, abordaremos os dois tipos de infinitos existentes: o infinito potencial e o infinito actual. Apresentaremos algumas situações, exemplos que caracterizam cada um desses dois tipos. Focaremo-nos no infinito actual, com o qual discutiremos alguns dos desafios encontrados na teoria criada por Cantor sobre este assunto. Mostraremos também sua importância e a diferença entre este e o infinito potencial. Com isso, buscamos fazer com que o professor compreenda adequadamente os fundamentos matemáticos necessários para que trabalhe, ensine e motive apropriadamente seus alunos no momento em que o infinito e conjuntos infinitos são discutidos em aula. Desta forma, buscamos esclarecer os termos usados e equívocos comuns cometidos por alunos e também professores, muitas vezes enganados ou confundidos pelo senso comum. / In this dissertation, we will discuss the two types of infinities: the potential infinity and the actual infinity. We will present some situations, examples that characterize each of these two types. We will focus on the actual infinity, with which we will discuss some of the challenges found in the theory created by Cantor on this subject. We will also show its importance and the difference between this and the potential infinity. Thus, we seek to make teachers properly understand the mathematical foundations necessary for them to work, teach and properly motivate their students at the time the infinity and infinite sets are discussed in class. In this way, we seek to clarify the terms used and common mistakes made by students and also teachers, so often misguided or confused by common sense.

Clima organizacional según grupos ocupacionales en una Institución de Salud del Sector Público

Lecaros Marquez, Katherine Patricia January 2006 (has links)
La tesis aborda como problema de investigación si el estado actual del clima organizacional difiere del estado ideal del clima organizacional según los grupos ocupacionales en una institución de salud del sector público. Para responder a esta interrogante se ha efectuado una investigación descriptivo comparativa con diseño transversal. Para la evaluación de clima organizacional se utilizó el Cuestionario de Clima de la Organización basado en la teoría de Litwin y Stringer que reporta una confiabilidad para el presente estudio de .92 obtenida utilizando la fórmula de Kuder Richardson y una validez de constructo basada en la discriminación de ítems que la conforman. La muestra de estudio fue de 175 personas pertenecientes al personal asistencial y administrativo de una institución de salud fue obtenida de una población de 292 personas aplicando la fórmula de Cochrane. El estudio encontró que existen diferencias en el clima organizacional y entre el clima organizacional actual y el ideal en los diferentes grupos ocupacionales y que el clima organizacional actual se encuentra en un rango que oscila entre la tendencia positiva a la negativa y el clima organizacional ideal entre muy positivo a positivo. Las dimensiones conformidad, responsabilidad, normas, recompensas, claridad, cordialidad y apoyo y liderazgo también muestran diferencias según grupos ocupacionales.

The Kalām Cosmological Argument and the Infinite God Object / Jacobus Petrus Erasmus

Erasmus, Jacobus Petrus January 2014 (has links)
My overall claim in this paper is twofold: Firstly, the activity of developing arguments in favour of the existence of the Christian God is tenable and worthwhile and, secondly, the “infinite God objection” fails to undermine the kalam cosmological argument. Concerning the former, it is often claimed that the very activity of developing arguments in favour of God’s existence is futile. I argue, however, that such theistic arguments play an important role in the philosophy of religion, natural theology, and apologetics. Concerning the latter claim, I will attempt to show how the infinite God objection fails to undermine a notable theistic argument, namely, the kalam cosmological argument. As regards this objection, the proponents of the kalam cosmological argument face a dilemma – either an actual infinity cannot exist or God’s knowledge cannot be infinite. More specifically, this objection claims that God’s omniscience entails the existence of an actual infinity with God knowing an actual infinite number of future events and mathematical truths. My solution to this problem is that (1) God’s omniscience should be understood as maximal knowledge; (2) the existence of abstract objects (such as numbers and propositions) should be denied; and (3) God’s knowledge is non-propositional in nature. / MPhil, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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