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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The establishment of implicit perspectives of personality in Tshivenda-speaking South Africans / Rejoyce Talifhani Ntsieni

Ntsieni, Rejoyce Talifhani January 2006 (has links)
Personality tests are widely used in South Africa. The application of personality assessment techniques for clinical and personnel decisions has been a major activity for psychologists. All main personality models have ken developed in a Western context: the question therefore arises whether these models are adequate and sufficient for South Africa. There is a need to develop personality tests that are based on South African cultures. In South Africa the continuous use of Western-based personality tests raise a challenge. The challenge also lies with the current legislation with regard to the use of psychological tests. The challenge is to construct an inventory suited to the local needs while retaining the standards of validity and reliability expected of established assessment instruments. Our socially diverse society and its wide implications for the cultural dynamics of personality evaluations that we find in South Africa warrant further research. A qualitative research design was used in this study, including interviewing as a data gathering method. A total of 120 Tshivenda speaking people from the Thohoyandou district in Limpopo province and Pretoria in Gauteng province were interviewed. A total of 4 722 personality descriptors with a view to Tshivenda speaking people were obtained from the participants, and then translated into English. Content analysis was used to analyse, interpret and reduce these descriptors to a total of 150 personality characteristics which are the most important perspectives of personality for the Tshivenda speaking individuals. The personality characteristics were divided into eight categories, namely interpersonal relatedness, sociability, conscientiousness, emotionality, meanness, intellect, dominance and a category for other traits. The interpersonal relatedness factor in the Vhavenda personality characteristics could be regarded as a cultural factor. The Tshivenda speaking people are also sociable with a preference for companionship, social skills and numerous friendships. They also have a strong sense of purpose and high inspiration levels. The Tshivenda speaking people also experience emotions and feelings related to situations that they face. Intellect characteristics could also be extrapolated from the personality characteristics of the Vhavenda people. The findings of this study were compared to the five factor model, and evidence was found for extraversion and conscientiousness in particular. Very few characteristics of openness on the five factor model correspond to that of the Tshivenda speaking people, except in the cases of a few personality characteristics that were labelled under the category of intellect. Recommendations for future research are made. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

A review of the structure of normal range personality

Booth, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
The current thesis presents five studies which consider the structure of normal range human personality as measured by psychometric inventories. The primary aim of the thesis was to develop a hierarchical model of the structure of human personality, which not only encapsulated the content of extant personality inventories, but extended the extant models to better represent the accumulated knowledge in the field of personality research. To do so, the thesis reports on the largest item level exploratory and confirmatory factor analytic investigation of the structure of personality to date. In Study 1, the utility of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for the investigation of personality structure was established by conducting dimensionality, structural and invariance analysis of the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire, Version 5, using the US Standardization sample. The results clearly demonstrated that confirmatory models of personality inventories can display model fit, and that structures can be identified which are invariant across samples. In Study 2, 1,772 items from the Eugene-Springfield community sample were used to locate 78 unidimensional narrow personality facets, which were both substantively consistent and displayed strong psychometric properties. These 78 facets were then used to identify a second order 11 factor global structure to human personality, the 11+ Model. The 11+ Model was robust over different rotational criteria, and displayed excellent theoretical coverage of the personality sphere. However, confirmatory factor analyses of the 11 factor solution failed to demonstrate model fit. As a result, three further studies were conducted to explore the possible reasons for model misfit. In Study 3, the model fit of the new exploratory 11 factor solution was considered against model fit for extant structures and inventories. The results showed that across modelling strategy, the fit of newly identified structure was comparable to the extant inventories. In Study 4, the claim the model misfit is caused by the inherent complexity in personality was considered through an application of exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM). ESEM has been argued to more adequately represent such complexity. Results suggested that the ESEM framework fails to offer additional information to help resolve the substantive problems in personality research. Finally, in Study 5, the sample size required to reliably estimate single factor confirmatory models, and second order structural models, was investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. The results suggest that samples of over 2000 are required to reliably estimate second order structural parameters in confirmatory factor analytic models. This finding suggests the samples used in much published research to investigate confirmatory structural models of personality inventories may be deficient.

An examination of the general decision making style questionnaire in two UK sample.

Spicer, David P., Sadler-Smith, E. January 2005 (has links)
No / Purpose ¿ To examine the psychometric properties and construct validity of the general decision making style (GDMS) questionnaire in two UK samples. Design/methodology/approach ¿ The GDMS takes the form of a self-report questionnaire which identifies five decision making styles: rational, intuitive, dependent, avoidant, and spontaneous. It was administered to samples of business studies undergraduates in two UK business schools. Analyses included scale reliabilities, test-re-test reliability, and both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Findings ¿ The instrument's internal and temporal consistencies were generally sound. Consistent with earlier studies, analyses undertaken on the two samples independently were generally supportive of a five factor model of decision making style. No relationships with gender or year of study were observed.

Personlighet och objektivitet inom revisionsarbete : Har revisorns personliga egenskaper inverkan på förmågan att stå emot extern manipulation?

Wernerson, Anna, Larsson, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Objectivity is often emphasized as one of the fundamental principles for the auditing profession and is also a requirement for preserving satisfactory professional practice. The multiple company scandals in the first decade of the 21st century have created distrust for auditors’ capability to maintain objectivity. The purpose of this study is to contribute with a new way of thinking when it comes to the factors that affect objectivity. Earlier studies have indicated that personality factors may affect work performance in many different fields and this study is exploring the connection between separate personality factors, and the capability of less experienced auditors to maintain objectivity in the relationship with dominating and demanding clients. Data was collected through a survey that was divided into two separate parts where the first part measured the participant’s score on different personality factors, and the other part measured the participant’s score on perceived objectivity. 133 subjects participated in the study and these subjects were divided into non-authorized or non-approved auditors and recently authorized or approved auditors. The result of the study did not indicate any significant connection between perceived objectivity and the different personality factors. However, there was a statistically significant connection between authorization and perceived objectivity. Non-authorized and non-approved auditors in the study tended to score higher on perceived objectivity than did their authorized counterparts. In order to regain the trust for auditors and to strengthen the role of the profession it is important to increase objectivity. The surprising evidence supplied by this study creates a curiosity and urge to further investigate the factors affecting objectivity, especially in combination with possible psychological aspects. This study is unique because it focuses strictly on individual instead of contextual factors and it thereby contributes to the literature about the influence of individual factors as well as to the study of objectivity among auditors. This is a step towards greater understanding of the factors that actually affect objectivity and, as a consequence, also affect the quality of the audit as a control mechanism. / Objektivitet framhålls ofta som en av de grundläggande principerna för revisorsyrket samt ett krav för att upprätthålla god yrkessed. Det tidiga 2000-talets stora företagsskandaler har dock skapat en misstro till revisorer som yrkesgrupp och har dessutom föranlett ett tvivel gentemot revisorers objektivitet. Avsikten med denna studie är att bidra med nya tankebanor kring vad som skulle kunna påverka objektiviteten. Tidigare studier har indikerat att personlighetsfaktorer kan påverka arbetsprestationen inom vitt skilda branscher och denna studie undersöker sambandet mellan olika personlighetsfaktorer och mindre erfarna revisorers förmåga att bibehålla objektiviteten i relationen med dominerande och krävande klienter. Data till studien samlades in genom en tvådelad enkät där en del mätte personligheten och den andra delen mätte graden av objektivitet. I studien deltog 133 respondenter fördelat på revisorsassistenter, revisorer som varken är auktoriserade eller godkända samt revisorer som har auktoriserats det senaste året. Resultatet av studien påvisar inte några signifikanta samband mellan graden av objektivitet och de studerade personlighetsfaktorerna. Istället påvisades ett signifikant samband mellan auktorisation och graden av objektivitet. Revisorer som varken var godkända eller auktoriserade visade i studien tendenser till högre grad av objektivitet än sina auktoriserade kollegor. I fråga om att vinna tillbaka förtroendet för revisorerna och att stärka deras yrkesroll är det viktigt att öka graden av objektivitet. Informationen som den här studien ger är överraskande och skapar framför allt en nyfikenhet och forskarlust att gräva djupare i objektivitetens påverkansfaktorer, och då i synnerhet i kombination med tänkbara psykologiska aspekter. Denna studie är unik då den i allra högsta grad fokuserar på individfaktorer istället för kontextuella faktorer och därmed bidrar till litteraturen om individfaktorers påverkan såväl som till studiet av objektivitet hos revisorer.  Detta är ett led i förståelsen av vilka faktorer som faktiskt har inverkan på objektivitet och därmed också har inverkan på kvaliteten hos revisionen som kontrollfunktion.

How Do Unexpected Changes in Interest Rates Explain the Variation of Excess Return: Testing an Extended Fama–French Five-Factor Model on the Swedish Stock Market / Hur förklarar oförväntade ränteförändringar variationen av överavkastning? Test av en utökad Fama-French five-factor model på den svenska aktiemarknaden

Johar, Telo January 2023 (has links)
In the realm of asset pricing models, the Fama-French five-factor model has become a foundational framework for explaining the variation of excess stock returns. However, as financial markets continue to evolve, there arises a need to explore potential extensions to capture additional sources of risk and return. One such extension involves incorporating the difference between the actual and expected interest rates as an additional factor. This report delves into the empirical testing of this extended model and assesses its implications for explaining the variation of excess returns on the Swedish stock market. The rationale behind introducing such a factor is rooted in its potential to capture variations in excess returns attributed to unexpected changes in interest rates. To evaluate its efficacy, a comprehensive analysis was undertaken, focusing on three key aspects: the statistical significance of the factor, its impact on model fit, and its role in explaining variations in excess returns. Upon conducting time-series regressions across three sets of nine portfolios, it was found that while the factor exhibited notable coefficients with substantial influence on explaining excess returns, it failed to achieve statistical significance. This outcome prompts a crucial question: can an extension with a factor of high explanatory power but low significance truly enhances our understanding of stock returns? The findings suggest that despite its influence, other factors present in the model might already absorb the explanatory potential attributed to the new factor. Further examination of the extended model's performance provides insights into the overall model fit. The GRS statistic indicates that the extended model offers a superior fit compared to the original five-factor model. However, the adjusted R2 values suggest that this enhanced fit is not translated into a meaningful improvement in the model's ability to explain variations in returns. This prompts a nuanced consideration of whether the complexity introduced by the additional factor aligns with its incremental ability to explain variation in returns. / Inom asset pricing models har Fama-French five-factor model blivit ett av de mest grundläggande ramverken för att beskriva variationen i överavkastning. Eftersom finansmarknaderna fortsätter att kontinuerligt utvecklas finns det ett behov av att undersöka potentiella utvidgningar av modellen för att hitta ytterligare källor till risk och avkastning. Ett exempel av en sådan utveckling är att skillnaden mellan faktiska och förväntade räntor läggs till som en ytterligare faktor. I detta arbete utförs empiriska tester för att kunna bedöma om en utvidgad modell kan användas för att kunna beskriva variationen i överavkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Motivation bakom att införa en sådan faktor är dess potentiella kraft i att beskriva variation i överavkastning hänförligt till oförväntade förändringar av räntor. För att utvärdera dess effektivitet utfördes en omfattande analys som fokuserade på tre nyckelaspekter: faktorns statistiska signifikans, dess påverkan på model fit och dess roll för att förklara variation i överavkastning. Efter att ha utfört tidsserieregressioner över tre uppsättningar av nio portföljer, visade det sig att medan faktorn uppvisade anmärkningsvärda koefficienter med betydande inflytande på att förklara variationen i avkastning, var den emellertid ej statistiskt signifikant. Detta utfall ger upphov till en viktig fråga: kan en utvidgad modell med en faktor med stor förmåga att förklara, men med låg signifikans, förbättra vår förståelse av variation i överkastning? Resultaten antyder att trots den nya faktorns förklarande förmåga, har den förklarande förmåga som tillskrivits den nya faktorn redan absorberats av tidigare faktorer i modellen. Vidare undersökning av den utvidgade modellens prestanda ger insikter i hur modellen är anpassad till observationer. GRS-statistiken visar att den utvidgade modellen är bättre anpassad än den ursprungliga modellen. Dock visar adjusted R2 värdena att detta inte översätts till en meningsfull förmåga att beskriva variationen i överavkastning. Detta ger upphov till en diskussion om huruvida den ökade komplexitet som införs är i linje med dess inkrementella värde i att förklara variation i överavkastning.

Syskonplaceringens samverkan med personlighet och KASAM

Carty Gabrielsen, Amanda, Fräsén, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
Tidigare forskning menar att det äldsta syskonet anses vara mer auktoritärt, det mellersta barnet minst familjeorienterat och det yngsta barnet mer socialt. Uppväxten kan påverka individens KASAM. Studien undersöker om syskonplacering samverkar med människors KASAM, personlighet utifrån femfaktormodellen samt ser till eventuella könsskillnader. Urvalet bestod av högskolestudenter, varav 145 kvinnor och 80 män. Enkätens material analyserades med tvåvägs variansanalyser. Studien uppvisade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan de tre syskonplaceringarna. En tendens till signifikant interaktion visades mellan könen, där kvinnliga mellanbarn har lägre KASAM än de manliga. Studien visade två signifikanta könsskillnader mellan kvinnor och män. Kvinnorna var mer neurotiska och samvetsgranna än männen. Resultatet uppvisade en tendens till signifikans, gällande att kvinnor hade högre grad av personlighetfaktorn öppenhet än männen. Slutligen konstaterades att syskonplaceringen inte samverkar med individens personlighet eller KASAM, men att det finns vissa personlighetsskillnader mellan könen. Resultatet kan bero på brister i studien, som att familjekonstellation inte tillfrågades deltagarna.

Relations between Child Molesters' Self-Perceptions and Treatment Engagement

Altman, Adrianne 12 1900 (has links)
Researchers emphasize the role of cognitions in sex offenders' molesting behaviors. Although cognitions are important, little research has examined child molesters' thoughts about themselves in relation to their engagement in treatment. In this study, the NEO-Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) was administered to 67 child molesters. Child sexual offenders rated themselves and their view of a typical child molester using two NEO-PI-R versions. The degree to which child sex offenders identify themselves with their view of a typical child molester, and this agreement's relation with engagement in treatment, were investigated. The view that child sex offenders hold about themselves in relation to a typical child molester showed no relation to treatment engagement or length of time in treatment. However, this self-perception was related to the number of children abused.

Adapting the NEO-PI-3 for a South African context : a pilot study using a South African student population.

Quy, G. S. 13 May 2011 (has links)
The trait approach to personality is one of the most influential epistemological frameworks in personality psychology and underlies the development of most objective personality inventories. The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) is amongst the most widely used operationalisations of the FFM within personality assessment (Costa and McCrae, 1992). However, recent research (Franklin, 2009; Laher, 2010) suggests that the NEO-PI-R is not wholly applicable within the South African context; as there may be inappropriate items contained within the inventory, both linguistically and culturally. Within the United States, McCrae, Costa and Martin (2004) identified the NEO-PI-R as having specific problematic items, and developed the NEO-PI-3 as a revised “more readable” version of the NEO-PI-R. Thirty-seven items were changed from the original 240 items in the NEO-PI-R to create the NEO-PI-3. However, the modifications made to the NEO-PI-3 did not address all the issues pertinent within the NEO-PI-R from a South African perspective as evidenced in Laher’s (2010) and Franklin’s (2009) studies. This study adapted the NEO-PI-3 by changing specific items informed through Franklin (2009) and Laher’s (2010) research, as well as research conducted within this study on two samples of university lectures at the University of the Witwatersrand. Forty-nine items were changed from the original 240 NEO-PI-R items, retaining 30 items changed from the NEO-PI-3, and preferring 3 of the original NEO-PI-R items to the NEO-PI-3 items. These changes were aimed at making the NEO-PI-3 a more appropriate and applicable instrument both culturally and linguistically within the South African context. This modified inventory was then administered to 175 students at the University of the Witwatersrand to test the inventory’s validity and reliability. The reliability of this modified inventory was assessed through conducting an internal consistency analysis generating alpha coefficients indicating that the inventory was indeed reliable. The construct validity of this modified inventory was assessed through an exploratory factor analysis where five factors did emerge from the analysis; concomitant with the theoretical basis of the FFM. Based on feedback from the participants, both quantitatively and qualitatively, recommendations for future research and further problematic items are identified and discussed. In terms of the reliability of the modified version of the NEO-PI-3, internal consistency coefficients produced within the study suggested that the instrument is reliable, producing moderate to good alpha values, as well as producing evidence of good construct validity. Only 17 items emerged as still being potentially problematic within the modified version of the NEO-PI-3.

Creative Performance on the Job: Does Openness to Experience Matter?

Pace, Victoria L 04 April 2005 (has links)
Finding what is alike among the personalities of creative people has been a dream of many researchers. No single personality type has been discovered as prototypical, yet the promise of common attributes among creative people remains enticing. This study examines one of these promising characteristics - Openness to Experience, a personality factor from the Five-Factor Model. This factor has been shown to correlate positively with creativity in past studies. In the present study this relationship was partially confirmed in a sample of employees whose jobs require technical problem solving, by correlating the employees self-rated Work-specific Openness to Experience and NEO PI-R Openness with supervisory ratings of their creative work performance. The Work-specific Openness scale demonstrated a significant correlation with supervisory ratings of creativity, whereas the NEO PI-R Openness scale did not. Although none of the NEO PI-R facets were significant predictors of criterion, four Work-specific facets were significant predictors based on zero order correlations. These facets are Openness to Ideas, Fantasy, Values, and Actions. However, although individual facets of Openness were expected to differ in validity, the magnitude of their correlations with creative performance scores did not differ significantly. Convincing results showing incremental validity of the Work-specific scale over the NEO PI-R scale are also discussed.

What Personality Factors Influence Performance in a Multi-line Insurance Agency?

Greer, Timothy R. 19 November 2018 (has links)
The focus of this dissertation is exploring personality factors that impact performance within a small insurance agency. The primary research question is, what is (or are) the best personality factor(s), sub-facets, or constructs, that contribute to increased performance within an insurance agency. Three of the Five-Factor Model dimensions, extroversion, conscientiousness, and openness to experience along with grit and hardiness were examined, as well as their sub-facets. Grit and hardiness were not found to add additional explanation of the variance while five of the sub-facets were found to better explain the variance over the composite dimensions.

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