Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then observer"" "subject:"them observer""
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Contribuições ao controle preditivo finite control-set aplicado à máquina de indução trifásica / Contributions to the predictive control finite control set applied to the three-phase induction machinePereira, William César de Andrade 07 February 2019 (has links)
As ondulações na corrente do estator e o forte impacto de erros em parâmetros são apontados como desvantagens do controle preditivo finite control-set (FCS) quando aplicado no controle de máquinas elétricas trifásicas. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é propor métodos para aprimorar tanto o desempenho em regime permanente quanto à robustez frente a erros paramétricos do controle preditivo de corrente, conhecido como model predictive current control (MPCC). No presente trabalho são propostas as abordagens MPCC baseada na aplicação de dois e três vetores de tensão durante o mesmo período de controle com intuito de aprimorar o desempenho do controle preditivo de corrente, sem a necessidade de elevar a frequência de amostragem do sistema. Os princípios para escolha dos vetores ótimos e seus respectivos tempos de aplicação são baseados nas expressões para controle desacoplado de torque e fluxo do FOC e no princípio de funcionamento do deadbeat. A robustez paramétrica é garantida por meio de um observador de distúrbios discreto incorporado ao método de controle MPCC. Com a estimação dos impactos causados por variações de parâmetros e dinâmicas não modeladas é possível corrigir os erros dos sistema de controle, mas mantendo-se as suas características transitórias e de regime permanente. Resultados de simulação computacional bem como resultados obtidos em bancada de ensaios experimentais são apresentados para avaliação e comprovação das propostas. / Ripples in the stator current and the strong impact of errors in parameters are pointed as disadvantages of the predictive control when applied in the control of three-phase electric machines. In this context, the objective of this work is to propose methods to improve both the steady-state performance and the robustness against parametric errors of the current predictive control, known as MPCC. In the present work the MPCC approaches are proposed based on the application of two and three voltage vectors during the same control period in order to improve the performance of the current predictive control, without the need to raise the sampling frequency of the system. The principles for choosing the optimal vectors and their respective duration are based on the expressions for FOC method and on the concept of deadbeat operation. In addition, the impact of errors on parameters is minimized by means of a discrete disturbance observer embedded in the MPCC control method. With the estimation of the impacts caused by changes of parameters and not modeled dynamics it is possible to correct the errors of the control system, but keeping their transient and steady state characteristics. Results of computational simulation as well as results obtained in experimental tests are presented for evaluation and proof of the proposals.
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Contribution au diagnostic et à la commande de la pile à combustible de type PEM / Contribution to the diagnosis and control of PEM fuel cellNiane, Moustapha 09 October 2018 (has links)
La pile à combustible (PàC) est un dispositif qui transforme l'énergie chimique en énergie électrique. Ce dispositif nécessite un certain nombre d’auxiliaires pour son fonctionnement. Afin d'assurer des performances en termes de sécurité, de fiabilité et de durée de vie de la PàC, des systèmes de diagnostic et de commande adéquats sont indispensables. Ainsi, cette thèse est une contribution au problème du diagnostic de défauts et à la commande de la PàC de type PEM. Le premier volet de ce travail est consacré au développement de méthodes de diagnostic appliquées à la PàC. Pour ce faire, deux approches ont été proposées. La première concerne la synthèse d’un filtre H-/H∞ permettant la détection de défauts capteurs et actionneurs tout en assurant un niveau de robustesse vis-à-vis d'éventuelles perturbations. En tenant compte des caractéristiques du système de la PàC, les conditions d'existence et de stabilité du filtre sont données sous la forme de LMI. La seconde approche traite le problème de la détection des défauts paramétriques. Pour cet objectif, un observateur adaptatif a été proposé, ce dernier permet d'estimer la valeur du paramètre susceptible de présenter une défaillance. Cette méthode donne la possibilité d'estimer simultanément les défauts paramétriques et les états non mesurés du système. Le deuxième volet de la thèse est dédié à la commande du système PàC. Le but est de synthétiser une loi de commande par rétroaction qui permet de répondre à la sollicitation de la charge tout en respectant une contrainte de fonctionnement nominal de la PàC. La synthèse de cette loi de commande a été réalisée en prenant compte tout le caractère non linéaire du système / The fuel cell is a device that transforms the chemical energy in electricity. This device requires some auxiliaries for its operation. In order to ensure the performances in terms of security, reliability and life cycle of the fuel cell, adequate diagnostic and control systems are indispensables. This thesis is a contribution to the problem of faults diagnosis and control of PEM Fuel Cell. The first part of this work is dedicated to the development of diagnostic methods applied to the fuel cell. To do this, two approaches are proposed. The first one concerns the synthesis of a H-/H∞ filter allowing the sensors and actuators faults detection while ensuring a level of robustness towards disturbances. Taking into account the fuel cell system characteristics, the conditions for existence and stability of the filter are given in the form of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI). The second approach deals with the problem of parametric faults detection. For this purpose, an adaptive observer has been proposed, which makes it possible to estimate the value of the parameter likely to exhibit a failure. This method gives the possibility of simultaneously estimating the parametric faults and the unmeasured states of the system. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the control of the fuel cell system. The purpose is to synthesize a feedback control law that allows to answer the load request while respecting a nominal operating constraint of the fuel cell. Such a functioning allows to have a better efficiency while preserving the state of health of the fuel cell. The control law is obtained by using the original nonlinear model and without any kind of linearization
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Velocity sensorless control switched reluctance motors / Commande de vitesse sans capteur du moteur à réluctance variableChumacero Polanco, Erik 10 April 2014 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire de thèse, nous présentons la conception, l'analyse de la stabilité, les simulations numériques et aussi les résultats des expérimentes concernant différents contrôleurs de vitesse mécanique du moteur à réluctance variable (MRV).Dans les deux premiers chapitres une brève description de la physique et de la construction du MRV est présenté ainsi que le problème du contrôle d'être abordé, c'est la commande de vitesse sans capteur. Il est aussi présenté l'état de l'art de ce problème et certains des solutions proposées dans d'autres travaux. On propose notre solution et on présente un petit résumé des articles scientifiques qui ont été publiés dans des magazines et des conférences.Dans le chapitre numéro trois est présenté le design du contrôleur adaptatif et sans capteur du MRV. On suppose, dans une première étape que seule la vitesse mécanique est inconnue et la stabilité exponentielle uniforme des erreurs de suivement est obtenue. Dans une deuxième étape, les conditions d'opération sont aggravées et, en plus de la vitesse, les paramètres physiques sont également supposées inconnues, la stabilité asymptotique uniforme est obtenue dans ce cas. L'estimation des paramètres du MRV est garantie grâce à la condition de persistance d'excitation. Cette commande se compose de deux boucles, une boucle interne basée sur un contrôleur de type PI2D qui est particulièrement intéressant parce qu'il est libre de modèle; cette boucle entraîne les variables mécaniques -la position et la vitesse- vers une référence désirée. Une deuxième boucle de contrôle externe prend le courant électrique vers un ' "courant de référence virtuelle" qui est généré sur la base d'une approche de partage de couple. Le contrôleur propose est testé au niveau de simulations numériques qui sont également présentés.Dans le quatrième chapitre, une nouvelle approche de modélisation du MRV est utilisée pour concevoir le contrôleur. Dans ce scénario, on suppose que l'ensemble de l'état et tous les paramètres physiques sont disponibles, cette approche est pensée pour être adapté au contrôleur basé sur observateur, recherche qui est en cours de développement. Le contrôleur est composé de deux boucles, également que celui qui a été mentionné précédemment. Ce contrôleur est sélectionné parce qu'il est approprié pour le contrôle d'équivalence vraie, qui il s'agit de remplacer les «mesures physiques» provenant d'un capteur par les «observations» provenant d'un observateur. La mise en oeuvre numérique est effectuée sur Simulink de Matlab.Enfin, dans le chapitre cinq, les résultats expérimentaux qui ont été effectués pour évaluer la performance des contrôleurs proposés -ce sont les PI2D et adaptatif PI2D pour le modèle simplifie ainsi que le PID pour le nouveau approche de modélisation- sont présentés. Dans la première partie, une brève description de la construction du banc de tests utilisé est présenté ainsi que quelques-unes caractéristiques techniques. Trois différentes profils de vitesse sont imposées à chacun des contrôleurs proposés -ce sont la tangente hyperbolique, la rampe saturée et la référence sinusoïdal- et de bonnes résultats sont obtenus en considérant que la variable contrôlée est la vitesse. Le dernier chapitre correspond aux conclusions de la recherche effectuée ainsi qu'aux travaux futurs. / In this thesis dissertation we present the design, stability analysis, numerical simulations and physical experiments of different controllers designed to drive the mechanical velocity of the switched reluctance motor (SRM). In the First and Second Chapters a brief description of the physics and construction of the SRM is presented, as well as the problem of control to be aboard, that is the velocity sensorless control of motors and the state of the art of this problem. The proposed solution is introduced and a summary of the published papers as well as the contribution are also presented.In the Chapter number three is presented the velocity sensorless and adaptive control of the SRM. It is assumed, in a first stage, that only mechanical velocity is unknown, uniform exponential stability of the errors is achieved in this scenario. In a second stage, conditions are stressed and in addition to the velocity, physical parameters are also assumed unknown, uniform asymptotical stability is achieved in this case and parameters estimation is guaranteed under a persistence of excitation condition. This controller consists of two loops, an internal loop based on a PI2D–type controller which is of particular interest given it is free-model; this loop drives the mechanical variables –that is position and velocity- towards a desired reference. An external control loop takes the electrical current towards a ‘’virtual” current reference which is generated based on a torque share approach. The controller is tested on numerical simulations, which are also presented.In the fourth chapter, a new approach on the modeling of the SRM is utilized to design the controller, in this scenario is assumed that the whole state and all the physical parameters are available, however this approach is thought to be suitable to observer based controller, whose ongoing research is being performed. The controller is composed by two loops, similarly to the one mentioned previously. This controller is selected because it is suitable for certainty equivalence control, that is, to substitute the “measurements” by the “observations” coming from a virtual sensor. Numerical implementation is performed on Simulink of Matlab.Finally, in the Chapter five, the experimental results carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed controllers are presented, these are the PI2D and the adaptive PI2D controllers for the simplified model and the $PID$ controller for the novel modeling approach. In the first part, a brief description of the construction of the utilized bench is presented as well as the some technical characteristics. Three different velocity profiles were imposed to each of the overmentioned controllers –these are the so called smooth step, the saturated ramp and the sinusoidal reference- and good results, considering that the controlled variable is the velocity, were obtained. The last chapter corresponds to the conclusions of the performed research as well as to the future work.
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Actor-observer effekten och bilkörning : Hur attribuerar människor beteenden vid riskabel bilkörning?Kunkel, Jennifer, Chen, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Actor-observer bias är tendensen där människan som aktörer tillskriver sitt beteende till yttre omständigheter medan observatörer tenderar till att tillskriva aktörens beteende till personliga faktorer. Syftet med denna studie var att få en klarare bild av hur människor i sin roll som aktör eller observatör attribuerar ett riskabelt bilkörningsbeteende. Deltagarna bestod av 101 svenska studenter från en högskola i Mellansverige varav 77 stycken var kvinnor och 24 stycken var män. Deltagarna fick svara på en enkät angående actor-observer bias och riskfullt bilkörningsbeteende. Resultaten visade att andras beteende förklaras mer av personliga egenskaper än då personen själv kör riskfullt medan yttre omständigheter inte gav skillnad för vare sig andra eller en själv. Betydelsen av detta och implikationer för framtida forskning diskuterades.</p>
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Driver Interaction : Informal Rules, Irritation and Aggressive BehaviourBjörklund, Gunilla January 2005 (has links)
<p>On a daily basis drivers have to share the roads with a great number of other road users. To make the driving task possible every driver has to take the intentions and behaviours of other road users into account. In other words, the road users have to interact with each other. The general aim of this thesis was to examine factors that regulate and influence the interaction between road users. To do so, three studies, applying a social psychological approach to driving, were conducted. In the first study it was investigated how the rules of priority, the design of the intersection, and the behaviour of other drivers influence yielding behaviour in intersections. The second study examined driver irritation and its relationship with aggressive behaviours. Finally, in the third study drivers’ attributions of their own and other drivers’ behaviour were investigated in relation to driver irritation. The thesis also includes a minor field study, aiming at examining to what extent informal traffic rules are used in intersections and in roundabouts, as well as measuring the validity of self-reports. The results indicate that, in addition to the formal rules, drivers rely on informal rules based on road design and on other drivers’ behaviour. Drivers also differ with respect to strategies of yielding behaviour. Irritability and aggressive behaviour on the roads appear largely to depend on drivers’ interactions and drivers’ interpretation of the behaviour of others. Some aggressive behaviour is an expression of irritation and may provoke irritation of other drivers. This means that an irritated driver might start a chain reaction, spreading irritation and aggressive behaviour from driver to driver. To diminish irritation and aggressive behaviour on the roads it is necessary to change drivers’ behaviour either by changing the road design or, which is probably a more possible remedy, by changing their general attitudes about driving. By providing drivers with insight into the cognitive biases they are subject to when judging other road users’ behaviour, both driver irritation and aggressive behaviours on the roads probably would decrease.</p>
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Driver Interaction : Informal Rules, Irritation and Aggressive BehaviourBjörklund, Gunilla January 2005 (has links)
On a daily basis drivers have to share the roads with a great number of other road users. To make the driving task possible every driver has to take the intentions and behaviours of other road users into account. In other words, the road users have to interact with each other. The general aim of this thesis was to examine factors that regulate and influence the interaction between road users. To do so, three studies, applying a social psychological approach to driving, were conducted. In the first study it was investigated how the rules of priority, the design of the intersection, and the behaviour of other drivers influence yielding behaviour in intersections. The second study examined driver irritation and its relationship with aggressive behaviours. Finally, in the third study drivers’ attributions of their own and other drivers’ behaviour were investigated in relation to driver irritation. The thesis also includes a minor field study, aiming at examining to what extent informal traffic rules are used in intersections and in roundabouts, as well as measuring the validity of self-reports. The results indicate that, in addition to the formal rules, drivers rely on informal rules based on road design and on other drivers’ behaviour. Drivers also differ with respect to strategies of yielding behaviour. Irritability and aggressive behaviour on the roads appear largely to depend on drivers’ interactions and drivers’ interpretation of the behaviour of others. Some aggressive behaviour is an expression of irritation and may provoke irritation of other drivers. This means that an irritated driver might start a chain reaction, spreading irritation and aggressive behaviour from driver to driver. To diminish irritation and aggressive behaviour on the roads it is necessary to change drivers’ behaviour either by changing the road design or, which is probably a more possible remedy, by changing their general attitudes about driving. By providing drivers with insight into the cognitive biases they are subject to when judging other road users’ behaviour, both driver irritation and aggressive behaviours on the roads probably would decrease.
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Actor-observer effekten och bilkörning : Hur attribuerar människor beteenden vid riskabel bilkörning?Kunkel, Jennifer, Chen, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
Actor-observer bias är tendensen där människan som aktörer tillskriver sitt beteende till yttre omständigheter medan observatörer tenderar till att tillskriva aktörens beteende till personliga faktorer. Syftet med denna studie var att få en klarare bild av hur människor i sin roll som aktör eller observatör attribuerar ett riskabelt bilkörningsbeteende. Deltagarna bestod av 101 svenska studenter från en högskola i Mellansverige varav 77 stycken var kvinnor och 24 stycken var män. Deltagarna fick svara på en enkät angående actor-observer bias och riskfullt bilkörningsbeteende. Resultaten visade att andras beteende förklaras mer av personliga egenskaper än då personen själv kör riskfullt medan yttre omständigheter inte gav skillnad för vare sig andra eller en själv. Betydelsen av detta och implikationer för framtida forskning diskuterades.
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Particle filter-based architecture for video target tracking and geo-location using multiple UAVsSconyers, Christopher 02 January 2013 (has links)
Research in the areas of target detection, tracking, and geo-location is most important for enabling an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform to autonomously execute a mission or task without the need for a pilot or operator. Small-class UAVs and video camera sensors complemented with "soft sensors" realized only in software as a combination of a priori knowledge and sensor measurements are called upon to replace the cumbersome precision sensors on-board a large class UAV. The objective of this research is to develop a geo-location solution for use on-board multiple UAVs with mounted video camera sensors only to accurately geo-locate and track a target. This research introduces an estimation solution that combines the power of the particle filter with the utility of the video sensor as a general solution for passive target geo-location on-board multiple UAVs. The particle filter is taken advantage of, with its ability to use all of the available information about the system model, system uncertainty, and the sensor uncertainty to approximate the statistical likelihood of the target state. The geo-location particle filter is tested online and in real-time in a simulation environment involving multiple UAVs with video cameras and a maneuvering ground vehicle as a target. Simulation results show the geo-location particle filter estimates the target location with a high accuracy, the addition of UAVs or particles to the system improves the location estimation accuracy with minimal addition of processing time, and UAV control and trajectory generation algorithms restrict each UAV to a desired range to minimize error.
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Beobachterkonzepte und Darstellungsformen der nichtlinearen Kontinuumsmechanik / Observer concepts and tensorial representations within the framework of nonlinear mechanicsIhlemann, Jörn 11 September 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der geometrisch und physikalisch nichtlinearen Kontinuumsmechanik werden Beobachterkonzepte und Darstellungsformen tensorieller Größen diskutiert und zum Teil neu eingeführt, die insbesondere die Modellierung und FEM-Implementierung komplizierter Modelle für inelastisches Materialverhalten bei großen Deformationen wirkungsvoll unterstützen. / Observer concepts and several kinds of representations of tensorial quantities are discussed and partly introduced within the framework of geometrically und physically nonlinear continuum mechanics. They are intended to support the modelling of complicated inelastic materials undergoing large deformations.
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Beobachterkonzepte und Darstellungsformen der nichtlinearen Kontinuumsmechanik / Observer concepts and tensorial representations within the framework of nonlinear mechanicsIhlemann, Jörn 27 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der geometrisch und physikalisch nichtlinearen Kontinuumsmechanik werden Beobachterkonzepte und Darstellungsformen tensorieller Größen diskutiert und zum Teil neu eingeführt, die insbesondere die Modellierung und FEM-Implementierung komplizierter Modelle für inelastisches Materialverhalten bei großen Deformationen wirkungsvoll unterstützen. / Observer concepts and several kinds of representations of tensorial quantities are discussed and partly introduced within the framework of geometrically und physically nonlinear continuum mechanics. They are intended to support the modelling of complicated inelastic materials undergoing large deformations.
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