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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Investigation of Change to Key Provisions in the AIA A201 and its Impact on Perceptions of the Value-added Benefit of the Design Professional during Construction

Thompson, Roxene Marie 23 February 2006 (has links)
The general conditions of contract play a very important role in the dynamics of the construction phase. The general conditions of contract outline the roles, rights, and obligations of the contracting parties during the construction phase of a project. The American Institute of Architects General Conditions of Contract for Construction (AIA A201) is considered the most widely used standard form of contracts in the U.S. construction industry. Standard contracts, like AIA A201, are being periodically revised and are becoming more cumbersome over time. The purpose and expectations of the revisions of the contract are not always clearly defined in literature or in practice. Changes to the general conditions have been made, which do not advance the performance goals for a successful project, but rather react to negative experiences. Oftentimes, there are conflicts between the parties' interpretation of the general conditions and between the required administrative practices obligatory by the general conditions during the construction phase, thus impacting the contractual relationships between owners, architect/design professionals, and general contractors. The increasing complexity and size of projects, the multiple-contract interfaces, and the changing times have transformed construction practices and contractual relationships. No longer simply following the lead of the AIA, owners seem to be questioning the value of the design professional, and the tone and path of the AIA A201. The three-phase methodology of this dissertation research set out to advance the understanding of change in the AIA A201 and the impact change has had on the value-added benefit of the design professional during the construction phase and contract administration on a project. The results of this research revealed the following primary conclusions: changes to various provisions pertaining to the key provisions have resulted in the Architect assuming less responsibility during the construction phase of a project; changes to the AIA A201 provision concerning the key provisions have not increased the value of the Architect's performance of contract administration services during the construction phase of a project; with regard to the key provisions, Owners or Owners' representatives perceive the value of the Architect's contract administration services during construction have decreased in recent years. In Phase I, this research identified the key contract provisions, which influence the function of the design professional performed in contract administration during construction. This investigation identified that change exists in key provisions over time and that change may have an influence on the function performed by the design professional during construction and contract administration. Subsequently, in Phase II, this research investigated the effect that change has had on the function performed by the design professional. The respective substantive changes to each provision that may have had a material effect on the function of the design professional were identified and these key provisions were thus studied further. Then, whether or not changes made to key provisions of AIA A201 have had a material effect on the function performed by the architect/design professional during the construction phase and contract administration was examined in Phase III. Ultimately, the research led to an enhanced knowledge of the owner-perceived value-added benefit by the design professional during the construction phase of a project. The practical use of the AIA A201 and its future editions has an influence on improved performance and better working relationships, which ultimately leads to improved constructed projects. The conclusions to this research study have demonstrated that changes made to key provisions of AIA A201 from 1951 to 1997 have diminished the role of the architect. Changes to key provisions have had a material effect on the construction phase, contract administration, and the function performed by the architect/design professional during the construction phase of a project. Before one can make effective changes to improve contractual and working relationships, the change must be identified for the purpose of supporting the industry's efforts to reduce adversarial relations, balance risk, and control schedule and cost, impact the contractual relationships and the value-added benefit of the contractual parties. This dissertation research successfully provided an understanding of the process used and the impact of change in the general conditions of contracts. As such, the knowledge gained from this research illuminated the necessary considerations of change and its impacts on the future development of contracts and their revisions in efforts to create better documents, not to just create bigger documents. / Ph. D.

Arkitektens roll i hållbarhetsbeslut : Strategier för hållbara materialval / The architect's role in sustainability decisions : Strategies for sustainable material selection

Karlberg, Trine, Lisskar, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
Idag står samhället inför stora utmaningar vad gäller hållbar omställning. Inom byggbranschenär arkitekten en av yrkesrollerna som är med i det tidiga skedet och har chans att påverka vadsom projekteras. Idag begränsas arkitektens resurser och möjligheter att påverka, myckethandlar om avsaknad auktoritet hos arkitektyrket. Att arkitekten begränsas skapar svårighetervad gäller att göra hållbara materialval samt påverka beställarens prioriteringar och beslut.Syftet med följande arbete är att hitta en strategi för att underlätta arkitektens hållbarhetsarbete.Arbetet har undersökt vilka svårigheter som upplevs, vad som efterfrågas och hur arkitekteninom branschen använder sig utav miljöbedömningsverktyg. Arbetet har även undersökt omnågot land eller yrkesroll skulle kunna verka som föregångare till Sverige. Där har Tysklandsbranschkultur för arkitekter undersökts samt yrkesrollen miljösamordnare. Arbetet avgränsarsig till mindre arkitektkontor med begränsade resurser, privata beställare och analys av ettbegränsat antal digitala miljöbedömningsverktyg. Undersökningar har gjorts genom en mindrelitteraturstudie, en enkät och ett tiotal semistrukturerade intervjuer.Resultatet visar på att det finns en rad åtgärder som kan göras på kontors- och individnivå.Åtgärderna kan appliceras med små medel om utrymme ges tidsmässigt. Flera av åtgärdernakan lösas tillsammans inom ett kontor men det kräver också att det finns ett eget intresse hosarkitekten på individnivå. Ett exempel på åtgärd på kontorsnivå skulle kunna vara internaworkshops där kontoret utbildar sig själva inom hållbara material. På individnivå är en åtgärdatt hålla sig uppdaterad inom ämnet exempelvis genom att skaffa sig ett inspirerande nätverkpå LinkedIn. Den mest övergripande slutsatsen för arbetet är att krav på hållbarhet måste ställasfrån branschorganisationer och riksdag för att förändring ska ske. / The society today faces several challenges when it comes to sustainability. The architect’s roletoday has limited influence on the client. While they are involved early on in the process, theyhave the opportunity to influence although this opportunity is not always available becauserecourses is not provided. The architects today experience difficulties when making sustainablematerial choices and influencing client priorities.The purpose of the following work is to assist the architect in their sustainability work. Thework has investigated the difficulties experienced, what is demanded, and how architects in theindustry utilize environmental assessment tools. The work has also investigated whether anycountry or professional role could serve as a precursor to Sweden. Germany's industry culturefor architects and the professional role of environmental coordinator have been examined. Thework is limited to smaller architectural firms with limited resources, private clients, and analysisof a limited number of digital environmental assessment tools. Surveys have been conductedby a small literature review, a questionnaire and a dozen semi-structed interviews.The results show that there are several measures that can be taken at both office and individuallevels. The measures can be implemented with small means if time is provided. Several of themeasures can be solved together within an office, but it also requires a personal interest fromthe architect on an individual level. An example of an action at the office level could be internalworkshops where the office educates themselves on sustainable materials. At the individuallevel, an action is to stay updated on the subject, for example by acquiring an inspiring networkon LinkedIn. The primary conclusion of the work is that demands for sustainability must be setby industry organizations and parliament for change to occur.

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