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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skingrad dimma : energikartläggning på Högskolan i Halmstad / The fog is cleared : energy survey at Halmstad University

Rydström, Petter, Eriksson, Anders January 2010 (has links)
Samhällets normer och riktlinjer är att dagens byggnader ska minska sinenergianvändning för att erhålla en bättre energiprestanda. För att möjliggöra detta harnya lagar tagits fram för att säkerställa att så är fallet. Högskolan i Halmstad (HH) beståridag av 18 byggnadskroppar, var och en med sin egna unika energianvändning. För att fåen helhetsblick över HHs energisituation har mätvärden för fjärrvärme, kyla samt el tagitsfram. Uppgiften att få fram dessa mätvärden har varit mödosam då flera instanser frånbåde HH, leverantören samt fastighetsförvaltaren har behövt rådfrågas. Dessa mätvärdenhar behandlats utefter riktlinjer från Boverket angående hur energideklarationer skautfärdas. Där har dock funnits mätvärden som ej har kunnat erhållas, detta beroende av attflera byggnader delade på samma anslutningspunkt, detta har gjort att en uppdelning påhur mycket energi varje byggnad använder sig av har varit omöjlig att svara på. Vid dessasituationer har de byggnadernas energianvändning samt ytor slagits samman för att sedanbli behandlade som en byggnad. Ytterliggare förenklingar har förekommit frånleverantören då flera kunder har delat på samma anslutningspunkt där separata mätareinte har existerat. Vid dessa tillfällen har leverantören fördelat energianvändningenprocentuellt mellan kunderna, en fördelning som uppfattas som hämmande förenergieffektiviserings åtgärder. Fördelning av denna typ påvisar inte den verkligaenergianvändningen i en specifik byggnad. Vid jämförelse av de mätvärden sominhämtats från leverantören och de utförda energideklarationerna har flera felaktigheterpåträffats. I energideklarationerna har förväxling av ytor förekommit. Även renaförsummande av kyla har förekommit. Det slutgiltiga resultatet visar på att HHsbyggnader har högre energianvändning än vad de dokument som enligt samhället skasäkerställa den energiprestanda varje byggnad innehar. / Society's standards and guidelines say that today's buildings shall reduce their energyconsumption to obtain a better energy performance. To make this possible new laws havebeen formulated to ensure that this is the case. Halmstad University (HH) consists of 18building cells, each with has its own unique energy usage. To get an overall image overHH’s energy situation, the values for heating, cooling and electricity have been collected.The task of obtaining these values has been difficult were multiple instances in HH, theenergy provider and the property manager has been consulted. These values have beentreated along the guidelines of the National Housing Board on how the energyconsumption documents should be created. There have been some values that areunobtainable, the reason for this is because several buildings shared the same connectionpoint for heating, cooling and energy, because of this a breakdown of how much energyeach building uses have been impossible to answer. In these situations all of the buildingsenergy consumptions and surfaces have been pooled and then been treated as onebuilding. Further simplification has been made. In some instances many differentcustomers have shared the same connection point even though separate meters for eachcustomer have not existed. On these occasions the energy provider has divided the energyconsumption between the energy customers only with the means of a fixed percentage, adistribution that is perceived as a disincentive to energy efficiency measures.Distributions of this type do not show the actual energy usage in a specific building.When comparing the values obtained from the energy provider and the energyconsumption documents, several errors were found. Some of the building surfaces havebeen switched. Even pure neglections have occurred. The final result shows that HH’sbuildings have higher energy consumption than the documents that society refers to tooensure that the energy performance of each building is known.

Småskalig säsongslagring av solenergi för uppvärmning av bostäder : Simulering av lagerutformning och konsekvensen av adderade uppvärmningsbehov motsvarande en pool och ett atrium / Small scale seasonal storage of solar energy for domestic heating : Simulation of storage design and the consequence of added heating demands corresponding to a pool and an atrium

Fryklund, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
The sun is a huge energy source with great potential of providing energy to the heating of homes and other buildings in an environmentally sustainable manner. In order to provide buildings with energy from the sun it is necessary to transfer the energy supply over time to when the demand arises. By storing the heat in a seasonal storage, solar energy from the summer can be used in the winter when the demand for heating is greatest. Today's existing plants are mainly in Europe and particularly in Germany. These facilities are designed to supply heat demands greater than 400 MWh and covers about 40-50 % of this need which consists of energy for space heating and domestic hot water. How much of the heat demand that is covered, the solar fraction, is partly due to losses from the storage which in turn is connected to the surface area of the storage. The bigger a storage, the smaller the losses because of the decreasing relationship between surface area and storage volume. Looking at the size of the seasonal storages that are currently in operation, the question if seasonal storage is also suitable for installations designed for heat demands smaller than 400 MWh arises. Jonas Haglund at the architect office Skanark AB in Karlstad is planning an accommodation of 40 flats and hopes that seasonal stored solar energy can serve as the main energy source for space heating and hot water. In order to make housing more attractive he is considering the idea of adding other features, like a pool and an atrium, that also require heating but with lower temperature requirements. Haglund would like to investigate whether the efficiency of the solar collector increases when the extra energy demands are added and if the energy cost, for those demands, in this way can be reduced. The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of covering a large fraction of a small-scale annual heat demand corresponding to about 40 newly built apartments. The study shall present the solar fractions that can be achieved with different storage concepts when storage size and collector area is varied. The study will also answer how the solar fraction will change if a heating demand with lower temperature requirements and varied character is added to the basic domestic heating and if the added energy demand to some extent can be free. These questions are answered by calculations and simulations with the simulation software COMSOL Multiphysics. The results show that it is possible to obtain solar fractions above 80% with sufficient collector area. Suitable storage volume varies depending on the specific storage concept. Simulations of seasonal storage in a tank show that a storage volume of 13 m3/MWh is an appropriate size, while the corresponding figure for duct storage in clay is 20 m3/MWh. An added heating demand of low temperature character increases the efficiency of the solar panels and creates, so called, free energy. / Examensarbete

Optimering av ventilationsbehovet till tvättapparat

Eriksson, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka om det går att minska frånluftsventilationen till tvättapparater för pappersmassaindustrin. Genom att mäta flödet för frånluftsventilationen och mätinstrument vid ångläckaget har undersökningar gjorts om det går att minska frånluftsventilationen.  Examensarbetet har utförds för företaget Metso i Sundsvall som bl.a. tillverkar hela systemlösningar till pappersmassaindustrin. Mätningarna har gjorts på SCA Östrand i Timrå som är en pappersmassa tillverkare.  Inledningsvis ges en presentation över hur pappersmassatillverkning går till och sedan ges en mera genomgående beskrivning av hur Twinroll tvättapparat, spädskruv och standpipe fungerar. I teori delen tas det upp vilka saker som påverkar ångläckaget för tvättapparaten. Det som påverkar är sambanden i ideala gaslagen, fukt och avdunstning. För att beräkna hastigheten med pitotrör har Bernoullis ekvation härleds i teoridelen.   Mätningarna gick ut på först att fastställa frånluftsventilationsflödet från tvättapparaten. Dessa mätningar gav problem i början eftersom frånluften hade hög temperatur och ånghalt men sedan kunde flödet mätas. För mätningarna användes pitotrör och vinghjulsmätare.  För att fastställa vilket det minsta frånluftsventilationsflöde är innan det bildas ångläckage från tvättapparaten användes för det mänskliga ögat. Det visade att det inte gick att visa hur ångläckage ändrades genom tiden. Mätningar av temperatur- och RH-givare gav dåliga värden förutom när en tillfällig produktionsstörning inträffade. Då fastställs att när produktionen, temperaturen på pappersmassan- och spritsen går ner minskas ångläckaget. RH-givaren visade felvärden pga att inte synbart ångläckage inträffar och att spritsen går i intervaller.  Konceptgeneringen visade att minskade av kåpansluftvolym och ångläckagearean troligtvis är dem bästa lösningarna. Dem andra lösningarna kan testas om energipriserna går upp och då lär dem bli lönsamma.

Simulation and Evaluation of Two Different Skin Thermocouples : A Comparison made with Respect to Measured Temperature

Lundh, Joel January 2007 (has links)
The demand for more accurate measurements is increasing in today’s industry. One reason for this is to optimize production and thus maximize profits. Another reason is that in some cases government regulations dictate that supervision of certain parameters must be followed. At Preemraff Lysekil there are basically four reasons for measuring skin temperatures inside fired process heaters, namely; because of government regulations, in order to estimate the load of the fired process heater, to estimate the lifetime of the tubes inside the fired process heater and finally, to determine the need of decoking. However, only the first three of these reasons are applied to H2301/2/3. The current skin thermocouple design has been in use for many years and now the question of how well it measures surface temperature has risen. Furthermore a new weld-free design is under consideration to replace the old skin thermocouple design. Another question is therefore how well the new design can measure the surface temperature under the same operating conditions as the old one. In order to evaluate this, three–dimensional computer simulations were made of the different designs. As this thesis will show, the differences in calculated skin thermocouple temperature and calculated surface temperature is about the same for the two designs. However, the current design will show a lower temperature than the surface temperature, while the new design will show a higher temperature. Regarding the core of the skin thermocouple designs, namely the thermocouple, no hard conclusions can be drawn, although the industry appears to favor type ’N’ over type ’K’.

Heat Transfer Correlations Between a Heated Surface and Liquid & Superfluid Helium : For Better Understanding of the Thermal Stability of the Superconducting Dipole Magnets in the LHC at CERN

Lantz, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis is a study of the heat transfer correlations between a wire and liquid helium cooled to either 1.9 or 4.3 K. The wire resembles a part of a superconducting magnet used in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator currently being built at CERN. The magnets are cooled to 1.9 K and using helium as a coolant is very efficient, especially at extremely low temperatures since it then becomes a superfluid with an apparent infinite thermal conductivity. The cooling of the magnet is very important, since the superconducting wires need to be thermally stable.</p><p>Thermal stability means that a superconductive magnet can remain superconducting, even if a part of the magnet becomes normal conductive due to a temperature increase. This means that if heat is generated in a wire, it must be transferred to the helium by some sort of heat transfer mechanism, or along the wire or to the neighbouring wires by conduction. Since the magnets need to be superconductive for the operation of the particle accelerator, it is crucial to keep the wires cold. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the heat transfer mechanisms from the wires to the liquid helium.</p><p>The scope of this thesis was to describe the heat transfer mechanisms from a heater immersed in liquid and superfluid helium. By performing both experiments and simulations, it was possible to determine properties like heat transfer correlations, critical heat flux limits, and the differences between transient and steady-state heat flow. The measured values were in good agreement with values found in literature with a few exceptions. These differences could be due to measurement errors. A numerical program was written in Matlab and it was able to simulate the experimental temperature and heat flux response with good accuracy for a given heat generation.</p>

Heat Transfer Correlations Between a Heated Surface and Liquid &amp; Superfluid Helium : For Better Understanding of the Thermal Stability of the Superconducting Dipole Magnets in the LHC at CERN

Lantz, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is a study of the heat transfer correlations between a wire and liquid helium cooled to either 1.9 or 4.3 K. The wire resembles a part of a superconducting magnet used in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator currently being built at CERN. The magnets are cooled to 1.9 K and using helium as a coolant is very efficient, especially at extremely low temperatures since it then becomes a superfluid with an apparent infinite thermal conductivity. The cooling of the magnet is very important, since the superconducting wires need to be thermally stable. Thermal stability means that a superconductive magnet can remain superconducting, even if a part of the magnet becomes normal conductive due to a temperature increase. This means that if heat is generated in a wire, it must be transferred to the helium by some sort of heat transfer mechanism, or along the wire or to the neighbouring wires by conduction. Since the magnets need to be superconductive for the operation of the particle accelerator, it is crucial to keep the wires cold. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the heat transfer mechanisms from the wires to the liquid helium. The scope of this thesis was to describe the heat transfer mechanisms from a heater immersed in liquid and superfluid helium. By performing both experiments and simulations, it was possible to determine properties like heat transfer correlations, critical heat flux limits, and the differences between transient and steady-state heat flow. The measured values were in good agreement with values found in literature with a few exceptions. These differences could be due to measurement errors. A numerical program was written in Matlab and it was able to simulate the experimental temperature and heat flux response with good accuracy for a given heat generation.

Šilumos mainų tyrimas besileidžiančiam dvifaziui srautui aptekant šachmatinį vamzdžių pluoštą / Analysis of staggered tube bank heat transfer in downward two phase flow

Ždankus, Tadas 28 July 2005 (has links)
The aim of the work is to investigate heat transfer of the staggered tube bank to downward statically stable foam flow.

Asinchroninio variklio paleidimo trukmės tyrimas / The research of the starting time of the induction motor

Lingevičius, Antanas 21 June 2006 (has links)
The starting time of the three – phase asynchronous motors can be determined using the equation of the movement of the electric drive putting down into this equation the mechanical characteristics of the mechanism and motor. The mechanical characteristics of the motor often are expressed by the Kloss formula, but this formula can't be used for the up to date asynchronous motors, wich have very different mechanical characteristics. The analysis of the method letting to express the mechanical characteristics of the motor as the sum of two components: one according Kloss formula, another – as a power function, are carried out. Using this expession of the mechanical characteristics of the induction motor and the equation of the movement of the drive, the method for determination of the starting time is developed.

Dispečerizacija ir liftų panaudojimo efektyvumo tyrimas / The investigation of elevators using efficient and dispatching

Bumblauskas, Giedrius 29 September 2008 (has links)
Energijos sąnaudų mažinimas tampa vis aktualesne problema, kuri turi būti sprendžiama visose energetikos srityse. Efektyviai naudojamas įrenginys turi ne tik kokybiškai atlikti savo funkcijas, bet tai padaryti su kuo mažesnėmis išlaidomis. Šiuo metu Lietuvoje naudojama daugiau nei 5 tūkstančiai keleivinių liftų, dauguma iš jų pradėti eksploatuoti daugiau kaip prieš 25 metus ir jau gerokai viršija gamintojo rekomenduojamą amžių. Šio darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti Šiaulių miesto keleivinių liftų sistemos darbą, įvertinti nuostolius dėl nepakankamo įrenginių išnaudojimo, bei nustatyti jų atsiradimo priežastis ir šiuolaikinio patikimumo įrenginių pritaikymo galimybes. Statistinių duomenų apie liftų gedimus analizė buvo atliekama panaudojant programinį paketą STATISTICA. Keleivinių liftų gedimų atstatymo trukmės pasiskirstę pagal logaritminį – normalinį, o trukmės tarp gedimų – eksponentinį skirstinius. Tokie skirstiniai būdingi normalios eksploatacijos laikotarpiu, tačiau maža negedimo tikimybė (0,28), trumpas laikas tarp gedimų (1030 val.) ir didelis gedimų dažnis rodo, kad artėja trečiasis darbo periodas – senėjimo ir dilimo prosesas. Įvertinus dispečerizacijos įtaką paaiškėjo, kad šis būdas pagerina pataisomumo rodiklius, tačiau reikalinga išsamesnė pagrindinių mazgų nuotolinė kontrolė. Buvo įvertintos liftų aptarnavimo išlaidos. Didžiąją dalį išlaidų 86,7 % dispečerizuotiems ir 87,6 % nedispečerizuotiems liftams sudaro remonto išlaidos. Vartotojai (keleiviai) dėl liftų prastovų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Decreasing energy input however becomes a problem, which can be solved in all energetic countries. Mechanisms effectively are not using qualitatively and correspond at the functions, but they have to do it in less expense. Today in Lithuania is using more than 5 thousand passengers’ lifts, they were begin to use before 25 years and now they are exceed producer in recommended time. This work purpose is to analyze Šiauliai city elevators’ system work, to evaluate damage for mechanisms’ using and to find out originate reasons and security mechanisms using choice for the following days. The statistics information about elevators’ breakdown analysis was done by the program packet STATISTICS. The elevators’ breakdown origin duration was repartitioned by log - normal and the term between breakdowns by exponential. They are normal in exploitation time, but chance of none breakdowns (0,28), the short time thought breakdowns (1030 hours) and a lot number of breakdowns show that the third period comes with obsolescence and wane processes. The dispatching influence was evaluated and developed that this manner makes better indexes but the basics node control is needed. Elevators’ using expenses were valuated. The huge part of expenses 86,7% dispatching and 87,6% not dispatching lifts compose repair expenses. Users have damage by outage of lifts, which make 0,2 % and 0,7% expenses. The repair reasons are not trust the mechanisms. The security of using to days technologies need to increase:... [to full text]

Elektros energijos naudojimo tyrimas medienos apdirbimo pramonėje / The reasearch of electricity energy consume at wood processing industry

Ignatavičius, Edgaras 29 September 2008 (has links)
Didžiulės elektros energijos vartojimo sąnaudos karkasinių namų gamyboje ganėtinai ženkliai didina gamybos savikainos kaštus, kas tiesiogiai atsiliepia įmonės pelnui. Medienos apdorojimo pramonės produkcijos galima pagaminti gerokai daugiau (arba pagaminant tą patį kiekį suvartoti mažiau elektros energijos), ne vien tik kuriant naujus didesnio našumo medienos apdirbimo įrenginius, bet ir racionaliai naudojant esamus, bei nuolat juos modernizuojant. Šiame darbe tiriamas karkasinius namus gaminančios ir statančios įmonės UAB „Namų statyba“ elektros energijos suvartojimas. Buvo siekiama nustatyti elektros energijos taupymo galimybes, iš įmonės elektros energijos suvartojimo pereiti prie energijos sunaudojimo normos vienam karkasiniam namui pagaminti. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kurioje medienos apdirbimo operacijoje galima būtų sumažinti elektros energijos suvartojimą. Taip pat pateikiami pagrįsti elektros energijos efektyvumo didinimo būdai. / Engineering prime costs increase because of a great consumption input of electricity energy at framework house manufacture, which directly influence company profit. It is possible to produce much more wood processing industry output (or to consume less electricity energy while producing the same quantity), not only by creating new mechanisms of greater wood processing productivity, but also by racionally using the present ones and constantly modernizing them. The consume of electricity energy of the JSC „Namų statyba“ which specializes at manufacturing and building framework houses is being researched at this work. The target was to estimate the saving potencial of electricity energy and to come from company electricity energy consume to the norm of electricity energy that is necessary to build a single framework house. Wood processing operation at which it is possible to reduce electricity energy consumtion was estimated after the research. The reasoned methods how to increase the effectiveness of electricity energy are presented as well.

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