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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chiral thioureas, thiourea-phosphines and amines derived from biomass : synthesis and applications in asymmetric organocatalysis / Thiourées, thiourée-phosphines et amines chirales dérivées de la biomasse : synthèse et applications en organocatalyse asymétrique

Ngo, Thi Thuy Duong 29 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la préparation de nouveaux catalyseurs chiraux à partir de composés naturels issus de la biomasse, et leurs applications en organocatalyse asymétrique. La première partie décrit la synthèse de thiourées énantiomériquement pures dérivées de l'isosorbide et l’isommanide. Ces thiourées ont été évaluées comme catalyseurs organiques dans des réactions asymétriques de Friedel-Crafts, d’alkylation, d’addition de type aza-Michael, d’hydroamination et de type Morita-Baylis-Hillman (MBH). Les meilleurs résultats en termes de réactivité et d’induction asymétrique, ont été obtenus dans le cas de la réaction de Friedel-Crafts. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la conception et la synthèse de thiourée-phosphines chirales à partir de la L-proline. Ces thiourée-phosphines sont capables de promouvoir la formation de liaisons C-N et C-S, selon un processus de substitution allylique énantiosélectif d’adduits modifiés de MBH. De très bons rendements (jusqu’à 98%) et énantiosélectivités (jusqu'à 93%) ont été obtenus. Dans la troisième partie, nous avons développé le premier exemple de cyclisation [4 + 2] entre un allénoate et un alcène tétrasubstitué, catalysée par une amine tertiaire. Nous avons montré que des composés de type 4H-pyranniques peuvent être sélectivement obtenus, avec d’excellents rendements, en utilisant le DABCO comme catalyseur. Dans le cas de catalyseur organique de type alcaloïde, le β-ICD conduit sélectivement aux composés 2H-pyranniques avec des excès énantiomériques jusqu’à 71 % ee. / The thesis focused on the preparation of new chiral catalysts derived from biomass and their applications in asymmetric organocatalysis. The first part described the synthesis of chiral thioureas derived from isosorbide and isomanide, naturally renewable resource, in moderate to good overall yields. These thioureas were evaluated in asymmetric reactions such as Friedel-Crafts alkylation, aza-Michael addition, hydroamination, Morita-Baylis-Hillman reaction. Good yields and enantioselectivities were obtained. The second part of our work went on the design and synthesis of chiral thiourea-phosphines from L-Proline. These thiourea-phosphines promoted C-N and C-S bond formation via the asymmetric allylic substitution of tert-butoxycarbonyloxy adducts. Good yields (up to 98 %) and enantioselectivities (up to 93 %) were observed. In the third part, we have developed the first example [4+2] annulation of allenoate and all-carbon tetrasubstituted alkenes catalyzed by an amine. In the case of DABCO catalyst, 4H-pyrans were isolated exclusively in good to excellent yield under mild reaction conditions. While employing β-ICD as catalyst, the enantioenriched 2H-pyran derivatives were obtained with enantiomeric excess up to 71 % ee.

Unique Reactivity Patterns of Enhanced Urea Catalysts

Nickerson, David M. 15 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo do comportamento de extração de vários elementos por aminas de cadeias longas na presença de tiouréia como agente complexante / Study of the behavior of the extraction of several elements by amines of long chains in the presence of thiourea as complexing agent

Abrão, Alcídio 21 August 1971 (has links)
A extração de complexos aniônicos pelas aminas de cadeias longas oferece muitas possibilidades ao químico analista. Muitas aplicações já são de uso corrente e muitas outras são potencialmente previstas para diversas áreas, incluindo-se hidrometalurgia, química de produtos de fissão, química dos metais de transição, dos elementos do grupo da platina, dos actnídeos e dos lantanídeos, recuperação e descontaminação na disposição de resíduos. Ênfase especial é dada à química do urânio e do tório, para os quais já são incluídas aplicações de caráter industrial. Neste trabalho é descrito o comportamento de extração de U, Fe, Cd, In, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Mn, Cr, Ag, Bi, Pb, Tl, Ru, Rh, Pd, Pt, Ir, Os, Au, Hg, Sn e Sb com tri-n-octilamina diluída em benzeno, xileno, varsol e metil-isobutil-cetona em meio clorídrico. Para alguns destes elementos foi estudada a extração também em meios HNO3, H2SO4 e HI. Foi estudado o efeito de tiouréia como complexante, formando espécies catiônicas com vários elementos e suas consequências na extração. Foi estudado também o efeito do tratamento da fase orgânica contendo o elemento extraído, pos soluções ácidas de tiouréia. O trabalho demonstra que para os elemento cujos complexos com a tiouréia são fortes, como prata, tálio-III, mercúrio, cobre, ouro, paládio, platina e rutênio, a extração é fortemente reprimida. Para complexos de fôrça intermediária, como chumbo, antimônio e tálio-I, a tiouréia não impede a extração total, mas esta é parcialmente reprimida. Para elementos que formam complexos fracos com a tiouréia, êstes são rompidos e o elemento é totalmente extraído pela amina, como é exemplo o cádmio, formando um complexo {Cd(tu)}++ fraco, mas bem extraído em meio HCl pela amina. Êste impedimento de extração através da complexação com tiouréia na fase aquosa, para vários elementos, ou a sua reextração da fase orgânica pela ação de tiouréia, vem contribuir para um melhor entendimento do mecanismo de extração com aminas de cadeia longa. Ficou evidenciado que os complexos estáveis, de natureza catiônica, formados entre tiouréia e vários elementos, não são extraídos pela amina. Isso vem confirmar o mecanismo, aceito pela maioria dos autores, de que a extração pelas aminas de alto PM é uma associação de íons entre a amina protonada e as espécies aniônicas extraídas, isto é, uma reação de troca aniônica. Êste mecanismo foi comprovado uma vez mais através de experiências de troca iônica com resinas catiônica e aniônica. Espécies clorocomplexas aniônicas de Ag-I, Hg-II e CU-II em meio HCl são fortemente fixadas em resina aniônica na forma R-Cl e totalmente eluídas por soluções HCl-tiouréia. Estas soluções clorídricas de Ag-I, CU-II e Hg-II percoladas em coluna de resina catiônica mostraram que não houve nenhuma retenção dêstes elementos. Estas experiências, repetidas após a adição de tiouréia, mostraram que os complexos formados com tiouréia são totalmente retidos pela resina catiônica. O uso de tiouréia aumentou consideravelmente a seletividade na extração e na reextração de vários elementos com tri-n-octilamina. É dada ênfase especial à extração de urânio e sua descontaminação de vários elementos que o acompanham. Como resultado dêstes estudos é apresentado um método para a determinação espectrofotométrica de urânio diretamente na fase orgânica tri-n-octilamina-benzeno. O método não é o mais sensível, mas apresenta alta seletividade quando o urânio é extraído em meio HCl na presença de tiouréia. O trabalho descreve ainda várias outras aplicações da técnica proposta, como a preparação de chumbo-212, bismuto-212 e tálio-208, extraídos de cloreto de tório por TOA-benzeno, a separação de índio-115m do seu radioisótopo gerador, cádmio-115, bem como diversos esquemas para a separação de vários elementos entre sí. Uma contribuição importante é dada à química do rutênio, facilitando sua separação em misturas de produtos de fissão de difícil resolução e nas separações rutênio-bismuto, rutênio-tório e rutênio-urânio. O aproveitamento de urânio e plutônio em soluções provenientes da dissolução de elementos combustíveis queimados envolve a separação dos produtos de fissão, entre êles o rutênio, que apresenta sérias dificuldades, tendendo sempre a acompanhar o urânio na fase orgânica usada para a sua separação (fosfato de n-tributilo e aminas). A complexação do rutênio com tiouréia permite uma extração de urânio e plutônio mais seletiva, retendo o rutênio na fase aquosa. Várias outras aplicações são indicadas para os elementos do grupo da platina, prata, mercúrio, e ouro, cádmio, índio e zinco. Interessantes observações são feitas quanto à cinética de formação do complexo ferro-tiouréia (lenta), possibilitando separações dêste elemento de vários outros cuja cinética é mais rápida, bem como à cinética de reextração de paládio com tiouréia em meio ácido. / Abstract not available.

Síntese, caracterização e estudo fotofísico de novas estruturas fotoativas e seu potencial uso como sensores ópticos

Silva, Cláudia de Brito da January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a síntese de novos compostos fotoativos contendo os grupos uréia e tiouréia e suas potenciais aplicações como sensores de ânions. Os compostos sintetizados foram caracterizados pelas técnicas de FTIR, RMN de 1H e 13C, onde foi possível confirmar obtenção dos compostos. Os compostos obtidos apresentam absorção na região do ultravioleta com valores de extinção molar de acordo com as transições -*. Com objetivo de testar os novos compostos sintetizados como sensor de ânions foi realizado um estudo fotofísico na presença de diferentes ânions, sendo todos como sais de tetrabutilamônio. Esses testes também foram realizados utilizando o método de detecção visual e a espectroscopia de RMN 1H indicando que os compostos 32 e 33 apresentaram resposta colorimétrica após a adição de fluoreto. / This work presents the synthesis of novel photoactive compounds containing the urea and thiourea groups and its potential application as sensors for anions in solution. The synthesized compounds were characterized by FTIR, 1H and 13C NMR techniques. The compounds show absorption in the ultraviolet region with values of molar extinction accordingly to -* electronic transitions. In order to test the new compounds as optical sensors for anions, photophysical studies, as well as the method of visual detection and 1H NMR titration were performed in the presence of different anions as tetrabutylammonium salts. Fluoride could be successfully detected by UVVis and 1H NMR titration using compounds 32 and 33.

Synthèse de nouveaux catalyseurs chiraux à base de la L-proline. Applications en catalyse asymétrique. / Synthesis of new chiral catalysts derived from L-proline. Applications in asymmetric catalysis

Nguyen, Thi-Huong 18 December 2014 (has links)
Depuis de nombreuses années, les phosphines chirales multifonctionnelles se sont révélées être des outils synthétiques puissants en organocatalyse asymétrique. Ces catalyseurs qui contiennent un site de base de Lewis et un site d'acide de Bronsted, ont reçu une attention particulière en raison de leur efficacité pour créer des liaisons C-C avec de très bonnes énantiosélectivités. A notre connaissance, la synthèse d'organocatalyseurs de type thiourée-phosphine dérivés de la (L)-proline n'a jamais été décrite dans la littérature. Ce sujet de thèse concerne la synthèse d'une nouvelle famille d'organocatalyseur chiral de type thiourée-phosphine dérivée de (L)-proline, un produit naturel, disponible et peu coûteux. Nous avons mis au point plusieurs méthodes de synthèse efficaces qui nous ont permis de préparer trois familles de phosphines-thiourées à partir de la (L)- proline. Ainsi, sept nouveaux composés énantiopurs ont été préparés au cours de ce travail. Ces composés ont été utilisés comme catalyseurs dans des réactions asymétriques catalysées par des phosphines. Ces réactions incluent la cyclisation [3+2], la réaction de Baylis-Hillman, la réaction de Friedel-Crafts, la réaction de substitution nucléophile. / For many years, multifunctional chiral phosphines have proven to be powerful synthetic tools in asymmetric organocatalysis. These catalysts, containing Lewis basic and Brnsted acidic sites, have received considerable attention owing to their highly efficiency to create C-C bond by asymmetric organocatalysis. To our knowledge, the synthesis of organocatalysts type thiourea-phosphine derivatives (L) -proline have never been described in the literature. In this work, we wish to report the synthesis of new family of bifunctional chiral thiourea-phosphine organocatalyst derived from L-proline, a natural available product. We developed efficient methods to prepare three families of phosphine thiourea derived from L-proline. Thus, Seven new enantiopure compounds were synthesized in this study. They were used as catalyst asymmetric reaction catalyzed by phosphines: [3+2] cyclisation, Baylis-Hillman reaction, Friedel-Crafts reaction and nucleophilic substitution.

Synthesis Of Novel Chiral Thiourea Derivatives And Their Applications, Synthesis Of Some Hdac Inhibitors, Addition Of Acyl Phosphonates To Ethylcyanoformate

Saglam, Guluzar 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The thiourea derivatives have become a main focus of research in asymmetric synthesis as an organocatalyst in recent years. In the first part, the thiourea catalysts are synthesized starting from easily available L-tartaric acid and application of the catalysts to some addition reactions showed no significant asymmetric induction. A number of HDAC inhibitors have been developed as anti-cancer agent at the present time.In the second part, some aryl butenoic acid derivatives are synthesized as HDAC inhibitors starting from substituted benzaldehyde and pyruvic acid. The HDAC activity studies showed comparable results with known molecules. In the last part, some acyl phosphonates are synthesized and addition of ethylcyanoformate to acyl phosphonates furnished the products in good yields.

Asymmetric Synthesis Of Chiral Camphor Fused Pyridine Type Novel Organocatalysts

Kucukdisli, Murat 01 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Chiral pyridines as organocatalysts have been used in asymmetric organic synthesis in recent years. The asymmetric synthesis of camphor fused pyridine type novel organocatalysts were perfomed starting from cheap and easily available natural (+)-camphor. Using camphor fused pyridine skeleton, six organocatalysts 29, 32, 33, 38, 40, and 41were successfully synthesized. The first four nucleophilic and Lewis base catalysts 29, 32, and 33 are different P-oxides and P,N-dioxides which were tested in allylation of aldehydes via allyltrichlorosilane. L-proline amide 38 and D-proline amide 40 can be named as secondary amine catalyst. They were tested in direct aldol reaction between acetone and aromatic aldehydes in aqueous medium. Final group of catalyst is hydrogen bonding type catalyst which is thiourea based 41.

Asymmetric Synthesis Of 1,4-diamine Based Chiral Ligand And Organocatalyst And Their Applications

Ortayli, Oytun 01 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Novel 1,4-chiral diamine ligand possessing a trans-9,10-dihydro-9,10-ethanoanthracene backbone was synthesized. The synthetic plan involves first LiAlH4 reduction of the Diels-Alder adduct obtained by reaction of dimenthyl fumarate and anthracene, which is followed by reacting the corresponding alcohol and subsequent attachment of mesylate and triflate units to get good leaving groups which are available substances for introducing nitrogen units via SN2 type reactions. Consequently, by using dimesyl ester and ditriflate esters five catalysts 27, 29, 30, 33 and 38 were synthesized. The first four catalysts 27, 29, 30 and 33 were used in transfer hydrogenation reactions with transition metal whereas catalyst 38 used as an organocatalyst in direct aldol reaction between acetone and p-nitrobenzaldehyde.

Elucidation of the Cation−π Interaction in Small-Molecule Asymmetric Catalysis

Lin, Song 14 October 2013 (has links)
The cation&ndash;&pi; interaction has been long-established to play an important role in molecular recognition, supramolecular chemistry, and molecular biology. In contrast, its potential application in small-molecule catalysis, especially as a selectivity-determining factor in asymmetric synthesis has been overlooked until very recently. This dissertation begins with an extensive literature review on the state-of-the-art research on the application of cation&ndash;&pi; interactions in non-enzymatic catalysis of organic and organometallic transformations. The research in this field has been largely inspired and guided by the related biosynthetic systems incorporating the same type of interactions.</p> / Chemistry and Chemical Biology

The Role of Catalyst-Catalyst Interactions in Asymmetric Catalysis with (salen)Co(III) Complexes and H-Bond Donors

Ford, David Dearborn 14 October 2013 (has links)
In asymmetric catalysis, interactions between multiple molecules of catalyst can be important for achieving high catalyst activity and stereoselectivity. In Chapter 1 of this thesis, we introduce catalyst-catalyst interactions in the context of the classic Kagan nonlinear effect (NLE) experiment, and present examples of the strengths and drawbacks of the NLE experiment. For the remainder of the thesis, we explore catalyst-catalyst interactions in the context of two different reactions. First, in Chapter 2, we apply a combination of reaction kinetics and computational chemistry to a reaction that is well known to require the cooperative action of two molecules of catalyst: the (salen)Co(III)-catalyzed hydrolytic kinetic resolution (HKR) of terminal epoxides. In our investigation, we demonstrate that stereoselectivity in the HKR is achieved through catalyst-catalyst interactions and provide a model for how high selectivity and broad substrate scope are achieved in this reaction. In Chapter 3, we focus our attention on the thiourea-catalyzed enantioselective alkylation of alpha-chloroethers with silyl ketene acetal nucleophiles, a reaction that was not known to require the cooperative action of two molecules of catalyst at the outset of our investigation. By using a wide range of physical organic chemistry tools, we established that the resting state of the optimal thiourea catalyst is dimeric under typical reaction conditions, and that two molecules of catalyst work cooperatively to activate the alpha-chloroether electrophile. The implications of this mechanism for catalyst design are discussed. / Chemistry and Chemical Biology

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