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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thyroid function of mother and child and their impact on the child’s neuropsychological development

Päkkilä, F. (Fanni) 29 March 2016 (has links)
Abstract Maternal gestational thyroid dysfunction has been associated with adverse neuropsychological development in children. This study investigated the effects of maternal thyroid dysfunction in early pregnancy and/or antibodies on the thyroid function and antibody status of children, as well as their association with the offspring’s ADHD symptoms, scholastic performance and sensory development. The study population consisted of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort of 1986. The mothers’ TSH, fT4 and TPO-Ab concentrations were evaluated in early pregnancy and in their offspring at 16 years of age. Data on the mothers and their families, their child’s health, development, behavior and scholastic performance were collected via parental questionnaires conducted in early pregnancy and when the children were 7-8 and 16 years old. Their teachers evaluated the children’s behavior and scholastic performance at 8 years of age, and at 16 years old the adolescents evaluated themselves. Maternal gestational thyroid dysfunction associated with adolescents’ increased odds of having the same thyroid dysfunction type. Adolescents of TPO-Ab-positive mothers had increased odds of being TPO-Ab-positive themselves. TPO-Ab-positive children had increased odds of having thyroid dysfunction. Increasing maternal TSH concentrations increased a child’s odds of having ADHD symptoms (OR 1.4 [95% CI 1.1-1.8]). Children of hypothyroxinemic mothers had increased odds of repeating a class at school (OR 3.5 [1.1-11.5]), and those of hyperthyroid mothers had increased odds of Finnish language learning difficulties (1.6 [1.03-2.4]). Furthermore, thyroid dysfunction in adolescents increased their odds of learning difficulties. No association was observed between maternal thyroid dysfunction and a child’s diagnosed intellectual deficiency and sensory development. Maternal thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy associated with thyroid dysfunction in the offspring. Maternal thyroid dysfunction may have a mild impact on her offspring’s neuropsychological development, but it had no effect on a child’s risk of diagnosed intellectual deficiency or sensory development. Children have compensatory mechanisms for overcoming early developmental thyroid hormone insufficiencies. Randomized trials for screening and treating maternal thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy are needed to evaluate the benefits to offspring. / Tiivistelmä Äidin raskauden aikaiset kilpirauhasen toimintahäiriöt on yhdistetty lapsen neuropsykologisen kehityksen ongelmiin, mutta aiempi tutkimustieto aiheesta on ristiriitaista. Tämän vuoksi tutkimme äidin raskauden ajan kilpirauhasen toimintahäiriöiden ja/tai vasta-aineiden vaikutusta nuoren kilpirauhastoimintaan ja vasta-ainestatukseen, ja näiden molempien vaikutusta lapsen ADHD-oireisiin, koulumenestykseen ja aistien kehitykseen. Tämän väitöskirjatyön aineistona oli väestöpohjainen Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1986, johon kuuluu yli 99 % alueen raskaana olevista naisista. Äitien TSH, T4-V ja TPO-Ab – mittaukset tehtiin alkuraskaudessa ja kohortin lasten mittaukset 16-vuotiaana. Molempien kohdalla käytettiin väestöpohjaisia viitevälejä toimintahäiriön määrittämiseksi. Tietoja raskaudesta, äidin ja muun perheen sairastavuudesta, elintavoista ja sosioekonomisista tekijöistä ja lapsen terveydestä, kehityksestä, koulumenestyksestä ja käyttäytymisestä kerättiin kyselylomakkeilla raskauden aikana, 7-8-vuotiaana ja 16-vuotiaana. Myös luokanopettajat arvioivat lapsen koulumenestystä ja käyttäytymistä, ja nuoret itse arvioivat koulumenestystään 16-vuotiaina. Äidin raskauden aikainen kilpirauhasen toimintahäiriö nosti nuoren riskiä saada sama kilpirauhasen toimintahäiriö kuin äidillään. Äidin TPO-vasta-aine-positiivisuus nosti nuoren riskiä vasta-ainepositiivisuuteen. Nuoren positiiviset vasta-ainepitoisuudet nostivat riskiä poikkeaville kilpirauhasarvoille. Äidin nouseva TSH-pitoisuus yhdistyi lapsen suurempaan riskiin saada ADHD oireita 8-vuotiaana, mutta selkeää raja-arvoa sille ei löytynyt. Äidin hypo- tai hypertyreoosi eivät nostaneet lapsen ADHD-oireiden riskiä. Äidin kilpirauhastoimintahäiriöt nostivat hieman nuoren riskiä oppimisvaikeuksille ja luokan kertaamiselle. Myös nuoren oma kilpirauhastoiminta vaikutti vähäisessä määrin oppimiseen ja keskittymiseen. Äidin kilpirauhastoiminnalla ei ollut vaikutusta lapsen matalaan älykkyysosamäärään tai aistien kehitykseen Äidin raskaudenaikainen kilpirauhasen toimintahäiriö vaikutti lapsen neuropsykologiseen kehitykseen lievästi, mutta löydösten kliininen merkitys on vähäinen. Lasten keskushermoston korjaavat mekanismit todennäköisesti kompensoivat varhaiskehityksen kilpirauhashormonien vajetta. Randomoidulla tutkimuksella voitaisiin selvittää, hyötyisivätkö lapset äidin kilpirauhassairauden seulomisesta ja hoitamisesta alkuraskaudessa.

Contribution à l'étude du caractère mutagène de l'H2O2 dans la thyroide

Driessens, Natacha 25 June 2013 (has links)
Les radiations ionisantes sont une cause établie de cancers de la thyroïde mais un nombre croissant de travaux évoque aussi le rôle potentiel du peroxyde d’hydrogène (H2O2) dans la pathogenèse des cancers thyroïdiens spontanés. Si les cassures double-brin de l’ADN (DSBs) sont considérées comme l’une des causes primaires de cancer, leur induction par l’H2O2 était plus controversée.<p><p>Lors de ce travail, nous avons voulu tester in vitro, dans différents modèles thyroïdiens, l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’H2O2 produit en grandes quantités in vivo pour oxyder l’iodure et synthétiser les hormones thyroïdiennes pouvait endommager l’ADN. <p>Les dégâts provoqués à l’ADN ont été évalués par le test des comètes (en milieu alcalin pour les cassures simple-brin (SSBs) et en milieu neutre pour les cassures double-brin de l’ADN) et quantitativement comparés à ceux produits par l’irradiation.<p>Nous avons montré dans une lignée cellulaire thyroïdienne de rat (PCCl3) que des concentrations non létales d’H2O2 (0.1 – 0.5 mM) tout comme l’irradiation (1 - 10 Gy) provoquaient une augmentation dépendante de la dose du nombre de SSBs et de DSBs. <p>L'induction de DSBs a été confirmée par la mesure du taux de phosphorylation de l’histone H2AX sur Sérine 139. L’induction de DSBs par l’H2O2 a également été observée dans des cultures primaires de thyroïdes humaines et dans des tranches de thyroïde de porcs.<p>L’utilisation de L-buthionine-sulfoximine (BSO), un agent qui empêche le renouvellement du glutathion cellulaire, a conduit à un abaissement du seuil d’observation des cassures de l’ADN induites par l’H2O2. <p>Nous avons également observé que les dommages de l’ADN étaient réparés plus lentement lorsqu’ils étaient provoqués par l’H2O2 plutôt que par l’irradiation. <p><p>Dans un second temps, nous avons exploré au niveau moléculaire les conséquences d’une exposition à 1 Gy d’irradiation γ ou à une concentration non létale d’H2O2 (0.05 – 0.2 mM) dans des cultures primaires de thyroïdes humaines et dans des lymphocytes T issus d’un même donneur. Nous avons étudié par micro-arrays les modifications du profil d’expression génétique de ces 2 types cellulaires afin de caractériser la spécificité de la réponse transcriptionnelle en fonction de la nature de l’agression, du type et de l’importance du dommage engendré ainsi que du type cellulaire.<p>Les 2 types cellulaires répondent de manière similaire à l’irradiation en termes de nombre de gènes régulés, avec un large recouvrement de réponses transcriptionnelles caractérisées par une forte sur-représentation de gènes impliqués dans l’apoptose et dans la réparation des dommages de l’ADN.<p>En revanche, la réponse transcriptionnelle à l’H2O2 est différente dans les 2 types cellulaires.<p>D’une part, les lymphocytes T qui montrent un dommage à l’ADN pour de plus faibles concentrations d’H2O2 que les thyrocytes présentent une réponse transcriptionnelle 1000 fois supérieure à celle observée dans les thyrocytes. D’autre part, les quelques gènes régulés dans les thyrocytes ne le sont pas dans les lymphocytes T. Il s’agit de gènes impliqués dans la défense contre les espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS). Ces résultats suggèrent l’existence de mécanismes de protection anti-oxydante spécifiquement développés dans les cellules thyroïdiennes.<p><p>En conclusion, ce travail a montré que l’H2O2, à des concentrations non létales, provoque des SSBs mais également des DSBs dans différents modèles thyroïdiens in vitro. La quantité de DSBs produite par l’H2O2 est comparable à celle observée après irradiation mais la vitesse de leur réparation est plus lente. D’autre part, en comparaison avec les lymphocytes T, les thyrocytes semblent particulièrement résistants aux effets de l’H2O2 et dotés de mécanismes de protection particulièrement performants et probablement partiellement inductibles contre les ROS.<p>Ces données soutiennent notre hypothèse de départ selon laquelle la production d’H2O2 dans la thyroïde pourrait jouer un rôle dans l’étiopathogénie des tumeurs thyroïdiennes, en particulier en cas de défenses anti-oxydantes altérées.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Divergent function and regulation of deiodinase paralogues during parr-smolt transformation in the Atlantic salmon

Lorgen, Marlene January 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Page, Robert Bryce 01 January 2009 (has links)
For nearly a century, amphibian metamorphosis has served as an important model of how thyroid hormones regulate vertebrate development. Consequently metamorphosis has been studied in a number of ways including: morphologically, developmentally, ecologically, and from an endocrine perspective. Over the last two decades, much has been learned about the molecular basis of anuran (frog) metamorphosis. However, very little is known about the molecular underpinnings of urodele (salamander) metamorphosis. Using the axolotl and axolotl hybrids as models, I present some of the first studies on the gene expression changes that occur during urodele metamorphosis. In Chapter 1, the motivation for the research described in the subsequent chapters is presented and the literature is briefly reviewed. In Chapter 2, the first microarray analysis of urodele metamorphosis is presented. This analysis shows that hundreds of genes are differentially expressed during thyroid hormone-induced metamorphic skin remodeling. Chapter 3 extends the analysis presented in Chapter 2 by showing that the transcriptional patterns associated with metamorphic skin remodeling are robust even when the concentration of thyroid hormone used to induce metamorphosis is varied by an order of magnitude. Chapter 4 makes use of the differentially expressed genes identified in Chapters 2 and 3 to articulate the first model of urodele metamorphosis to integrate changes in morphology, gene expression, and histology. In addition, Chapter 4 outlines a novel application for piecewise linear regression. In turn, Chapter 5 makes use of the model presented in Chapter 4 to demonstrate that full siblings segregating profound variation in metamorphic timing begin to diverge in phenotype early during larval development. In Chapter 6 the conclusions drawn from the research are summarized and future directions are suggested.

Différents mécanismes d'activation de la CDK4 par l'AMP cyclique et les facteurs de croissance dans les cellules épithéliales thyroïdiennes/Different mechanisms of CDK4 activation by cyclic AMP and growth factors in thyroid epithelial cells

Paternot, Sabine 21 April 2006 (has links)
La progression dans le cycle cellulaire est gouvernée par l’activation séquentielle d’une série de complexes cycline/CDK. La CDK4 initie le passage du point de restriction (point R, à partir duquel l’achèvement du cycle cellulaire devient indépendant des facteurs extracellulaires) en phosphorylant les protéines « antioncogéniques » de la famille pRb. Dans les thyrocytes de chien en culture primaire, l’AMPc (TSH ou forskoline) induit la prolifération et la différenciation alors que la voie mitogénique des facteurs de croissance (l’EGF, par exemple) est associée à une dédifférenciation. Dans ce modèle physiologiquement relevant, la stimulation mitogénique par l’AMPc diffère des cascades des facteurs de croissance puisqu'elle n’induit pas les cyclines D mais au contraire augmente l’accumulation de l’inhibiteur de CDK p27 kip1. Le contrôle positif du cycle cellulaire par l’AMPc requiert néanmoins l’activité de la CDK4. L’AMPc stimule l’assemblage des complexes cycline D3-CDK4 ainsi que leur translocation nucléaire associée à leur liaison à p27. Notre but était d’élucider les différents mécanismes menant au passage du point de restriction dans les cellules épithéliales thyroïdiennes stimulées par l’AMPc ou les facteurs de croissance. Dans ce travail, nous montrons que l’arrêt de la stimulation des thyrocytes de chien par l’AMPc entraîne une diminution rapide de la phosphorylation de pRb et de l’activité de la CDK4 sans affecter la formation des complexes cycline D3-CDK4-p27. Par une approche utilisant le haut pouvoir de résolution de l’électrophorèse bidimensionnelle, nous avons identifié la phosphorylation activatrice de la CDK4 comme cible du contrôle par l’AMPc du passage du point de restriction. Ceci constitue un premier exemple d’une régulation de la phosphorylation et de l’activité de la CDK4 indépendante de son association avec une cycline ou un inhibiteur de CDK. Ces résultats contrastent avec l’absence de modulation d’expression, de localisation subcellulaire et d’assemblage des complexes cycline H-CDK7-Mat1, la CAK considérée comme responsable de la phosphorylation activatrice de la CDK4. Ceci suggère que les CAKs régulées activant la CDK4 n’ont pas encore été identifiées. D’autre part, alors que la TSH induit une accumulation de p27, nous montrons à présent que l’expression de la p21 apparentée est augmentée par l’EGF + sérum et réprimée par la TSH. En réponse à l’EGF + sérum ou à la TSH, respectivement, la p21 ou la p27 supportent la localisation nucléaire, la phosphorylation et l’activité de la CDK4. Les « inhibiteurs » de CDK p21 et p27 pourraient donc être utilisés différentiellement comme régulateurs positifs de la CDK4 lors des stimulations des cellules épithéliales thyroïdiennes de chien par la TSH (p27) ou par l’EGF + sérum (p21). Nous avons également montré que les complexes cycline D1-CDK4 et cycline D3-CDK4 phosphorylent pRb sur des sites partiellement différents. Cette nouvelle observation a été reproduite pour des complexes cycline D-CDK4 surexprimés en cellules CHO ainsi que pour des complexes exprimés de manière endogène dans différents types cellulaires. Cette différence de spécificité de substrat entre la cycline D1 et la cycline D3 conduit à différents profils de phosphorylation de pRb dans les thyrocytes de chien stimulés par la TSH ou les facteurs de croissance, ce qui est dû à l’utilisation préférentielle de la cycline D3 dans les thyrocytes stimulés par la TSH alors que les facteurs de croissance induisent surtout la cycline D1. Comme différentes fonctions de pRb sont régulées par phosphorylation sur différents résidus, ce résultat indique que les complexes cycline D1-CDK et cycline D3-CDK pourraient affecter de manière partiellement différente la fonction de cette protéine. Enfin, nous avons comparé les stimulations mitogéniques par la TSH ou l’EGF + sérum dans les thyrocytes humains normaux en culture primaire. En accord avec leurs modulations différentes, la cycline D3 et la cycline D1 sont utilisées différentiellement dans les voies mitogéniques stimulées par la TSH ou l’EGF + sérum respectivement. De plus, ce système nous a permis de confirmer la régulation de l’activité de la CDK4 au niveau de sa phosphorylation activatrice comme mécanisme déterminant de la réponse mitogénique.

Effects of Perfluoroalkyl Acids on In Ovo Toxicity and Gene Expression in the Domestic Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Cassone, Cristina 21 August 2012 (has links)
Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) are a family of synthetic substances used in a wide variety of consumer and industrial applications, including non-stick and stain-resistant products. PFAAs, specifically perfluorinated sulfonates and carboxylates, are chemically stable and virtually non-biodegradable in the environment. In recent years, PFAAs have been detected in tissues and blood of humans and wildlife. Furthermore, PFAAs have a tendency to bioaccumulate and biomagnify in biota. Perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoate are known to be toxic when animals are exposed to environmentally-relevant levels, but scientists and regulators are challenged with determining and predicting their modes of action. There is some evidence to suggest that PFAAs can impact the thyroid hormone (TH) pathway and neurodevelopment. The studies presented in this thesis investigated the developmental effects and potential modes of action of newer PFAAs that are being introduced into the global market place. Egg injection experiments were performed in domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) embryos to assess the in ovo toxicity of perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) and perfluorohexanoate (PFHxA) during development. Real-time RT-PCR was used to measure the transcription of candidate genes in the liver and cerebral hemisphere of day 21-22 embryos. Candidate genes were selected based on their responsiveness to PFAA exposure in an in vitro screening assay conducted previously. In ovo exposure to PFHxS decreased embryo pipping success and overall growth at 38,000 ng/g; several orders of magnitude higher than concentrations reported in wild bird eggs. The expression of TH-responsive genes, including type II and III 5'-deiodinase, neurogranin, and octamer motif binding factor 1, were induced. In addition, PFHxS diminished free thyroxine (T4) levels in plasma. PFHxA had no affect on pipping success, gene expression or T4 levels in chicken embryos at the doses assessed. The transcriptional profiles in the cerebral hemisphere of chicken embryos exposed to 890 and 38,000 ng/g PFHxS were compared to a solvent control using microarray technology. The expression of 78 different genes were significantly altered (fold change > 1.5, p < 0.001) by PFHxS. Functional analysis showed that PFHxS affected genes involved in tissue development and morphology and cellular assembly and organization. Pathway and interactome analysis suggested that gene expression may be affected through integrin receptors and signaling pathways via TH–dependent and –independent modes of action. It is expected that the findings presented in this thesis will be of general relevance and importance to regulatory agencies and of interest to research scientists and risk assessors.

Testování embryotoxicity thyroxinu na zárodku kuřete. / Embryotoxicity test of thyroxine on chick embryo.

Petrušková, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Thyroxine is the main thyroid gland's hormone. The state, when the thyroid gland does not produce enough of it into the bloodstream is called hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is related with several health complications; therefore it is required to take replacement therapy in adequate doses. Concerning pregnant women, it is important especially to keep the blood level of thyroxine in the normal, because increasing or decreasing of it, has an adverse effect on the health of the mother and also on the normal child development. The objective of my thesis was to describe malformations spectra of thyroxine, to find out the beginning of its embryotoxicity dose range for chick embryos, and recalculate this value for human embryos, allowing us to decide, if the level of thyroxine was increased by a replacement therapy, this could be embryotoxic for human. The experimental part of my work was to search an alternative method for testing embryotoxicity on chick embryos in ovo - CHEST, testing of embryotoxic potential of the thyroxine. Embryotoxicity is a feature of the external factors affecting the embryo, it may manifest as lethality, growth retardation, and teratogenicity; which is an ability of the external factor to induce the developmental defect. The most common manifestation of embryotoxicity in this...

Avaliação dos conhecimentos básicos de médicos veterinários brasileiros sobre o hipertireoidismo felino / Evaluate the level of knowledge about hyperthyroidism in cats among the Brazilian veterinary community

Padin, Bruna Rodrigues 16 February 2018 (has links)
O hipertireoidismo é a endocrinopatia mais prevalente em felinos. Sua incidência vem aumentando nos últimos anos em todo mundo embora ainda seja pouco frequente no Brasil. Estudos evidenciam que gatos com manifestações clínicas da endocrinopatia têm baixa suspeição da doença pelos clínicos comparado a prevalência da mesma. Assim, este trabalho objetivou avaliar as opiniões e experiências de médicos veterinários brasileiros acerca da abordagem e manejo de felinos com hipertireoidismo por meio de um questionário com 22 perguntas sobre o tema. Foram respondidos 1113 questionários, onde 535 (48%) dos veterinários disseram realizar a palpação da tireoide em todos os gatos que atendem. Perda de peso (89,2%), hiperatividade (82,8%) e polifagia (81,6%) foram as manifestações clínicas mais reconhecidos pelos clínicos. E, 747 (61,1%) solicitam o T4 total como exame endocrinológico de triagem para realizar o diagnostico. Houve associação (p<0,001) entre frequência de palpação, nível de conhecimento, ter curso de especialização e tempo de formação com a quantidade de casos atendidos e o tempo para realizar o diagnostico. A radioiodoterapia foi o tratamento escolhido como padrão ouro por 619 (55,6%), seguido do tratamento medicamentoso 385 (34,6%) e cirúrgico 66 (5,9%). Porém, no momento de indicar, 642 (57,7%) escolhem o medicamentoso, 340 (30,5%) a radioiodoterapia e 84 (7,5%) o cirúrgico. A principal limitação para a escolha da radioiodoterapia foi o custo, por 825 (74,1%) dos clínicos. Pôde-se observar que os veterinarios que consideram conhecer bem a doença e aqueles especilizados em felinos são os que agem em maior compatibilidade com a literatura; e, portanto, o conhecimento sobre a doença pode ser um importante fator limitante na prevalência da doença no Brasil. / Hyperthyroidism is the most prevalent endocrinopathy in felines. Its incidence has been increasing in the world in the last years. Although it is still uncommon in Brazil. Studies show that cats with clinical signs of the endocrinopathy have low suspicion of the disease by the clinicians compared the prevalence of the same. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the opinions and experiences of Brazilian veterinarians about the approach and management of cats with hyperthyroidism through a questionnaire with 22 questions on the subject. A total of 1113 questionnaires were answered, where 535 (48%) of the veterinarians said to perform the thyroid palpation on all the cats they attend. Weight loss (89.2%), hyperactivity (82.8%) and polyphagia (81.6%) were the clinical signs most recognized by clinicians. And, 747 (61.1%) requested the total T4 as screening test to perform the diagnosis. There was an association (p<0.001) between palpation frequency, knowledge level, specialization course and graduation time with the number of cases attended and the time to perform the diagnosis. Radioiodinetherapy was chosen as the gold standard for 619 (55.6%), followed by drug treatment 385 (34.6%) and surgery 66 (5.9%). However, 642 (57.7%) indicate the drug, 340 (30.5%) radioiodinetherapy and 84 (7.5%) the surgical. The main limitation for the choice of radioiodinetherapy was the cost, for 825 (74.1%) of clinicians. Veterinarians who consider knowing the disease well and those specialized in felines are those that act in greater compatibility with the literature; and therefore, knowledge about a disease may be an important limiting factor in the prevalence of the disease in Brazil.

Ação da soja sobre a tireóide de ratos: influência do iodo da ração / Action of soybean on the thryroid of rats: inluence of the iodine of the ration

Filisetti-Cozzi, Tullia Maria Clara Caterina 21 March 1985 (has links)
Produtos de fracionamento da Farinha de Soja Desengordurada e Autoclavada foram administrados a ratos para avaliar ação na tireóide, em ensaios desde 7 até 84 dias de duração. Frações de baixo peso molecular, solúveis em água e acetona, quando avaliadas em ensaios agudos, de 24hs ou \"in vitro\", provocaram uma diminuição na captação de I-131. Porém, quando avaliados em rações, em experiências de até 84 dias de duração, mesmo em condições de restrição de iodo, não apresentaram efeito significativo. Por outro lado, identificou-se um fator, associado às frações de alto peso molecular, que induz, já a partir de 14 dias, quando administrado em rações com restrição em iodo, um aumento no peso da tireóide, redução na captação de I131, alterações na Síntese dos hormônios e seus precursores a nível glandular. Em ensaios mais longos (84 dias), provoca uma diminuição de T4 sérico e uma rarefação bastante significativa no colóide do folículo glandular. Por sua vez, a hidrólise de uma das frações de alto peso molecular, por pepsina e pancreatina, não é capaz de inativar a ação desse fator. O seu mecanismo de ação parece ser semelhante ao de substâncias que agem a nível de captação de iodo pela tireóide. / Defatted autoclaved soybean flour presented a water/acetone soluble fraction which is able to depress I-131uptake by rat thyroids tested in 24hs \"in vivo\" or in 3hs \"in vitro\" assays. When this fraction was given to rats in ration with either normal or deficient iodine content for periods from 7 to 84 days no significant action was detected. On the other hand a factor associated to the high molecular weight protein fraction was identified. The factor is active in rats starting from 14 days after ingestion, in rations with low iodine content producing: increase in thyroid weight, lowering of I-131 uptake, alteration on MIT/DIT, T3/T4 ratios and after 84 days of administration a significant reduction of serum T4 and a large decrease of the colloid content of follicle. Hydrolysis by pepsin or pancreatin does not eliminate the observed action. The mechanism of action of this factor seems to the related to a blockage of the iodine uptake.

Phantom antropomórfico para treinamento de biópsia de tireoide guiada por ultrassom / Anthropomorphic phantom for training of ultrasound-guided biopsy

Grillo, Felipe Wilker 30 September 2015 (has links)
O câncer de tireoide é um dos mais comuns da região da cabeça e pescoço. Atualmente, o método mais eficaz no diagnóstico de lesões da tireoide é a técnica de biópsia conhecida por punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) guiada por ultrassom. As imagens de ultrassom são utilizadas como guia para inserção de uma agulha fina até a região da lesão, onde são retirados fragmentos de tecido para análise microscópica. O sucesso dos procedimentos de biópsias está diretamente ligado a experiência do médico desde guiar a agulha à lesão até a preparação das lâminas para análise microscópica. O treinamento médico proporciona, durante a realização dos procedimentos, maior confiança ao médico e maior conforto ao paciente. No entanto o número de pacientes disponíveis, bem como o estágio de graduação do profissional, limitam o número de treinamentos realizados. Com base nessas limitações, esse estudo teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento de um phantom de tireoide permitirá que os treinamentos sejam realizados em qualquer horário e local, minimizando a responsabilidade de alunos e professores. Phantoms para ultrassom, geralmente, são corpos de prova construídos para mimetizar propriedades mecânicas e acústicas dos tecidos biológicos que podem ser utilizados no treinamento de habilidades médicas. Para o desenvolvimento deste modelo, utilizou-se um material a base de hidrocarbonetos de cadeia longa com diferentes concentrações de agentes contraste (pó de vidro, cera de carnaúba, parafina granulada, borracha de silicone). Caracterizou-se amostras de diferentes composições com relação ao módulo elástico, velocidade e atenuação da onda ultrassônica, de modo à atingir valores próximos aos encontrados na literatura para as regiões a serem mimetizadas. Obteve-se valores entre 1385 e 1480 m/s, para velocidade; valores entre 0,4 e 4 dB/cm para atenuação; e uma faixa entre 40 e 750 kPa para o módulo elástico. Ao final da caracterização dos materiais, obteve-se um phantom morfológico de pescoço, contendo a mimetização da tireoide para procedimentos de biópsia de tireoide guiada por ultrassom. / The thyroid cancer is one of the most common of head and neck region. Currently, the most effective method in the diagnosis of thyroid lesions is biopsy technique, known by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) guided by ultrasound. Ultrasound images guides the fine needle insertion into the lesion for sampling and then examined under a microscope. The medical training provides greater confidence to physician and comfort to patient. However, the number of available patients as well as the doctor degree stage limit the number of trainings conducted. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a thyroid phantom to training everywhere at any time, minimizing the students and teachers responsibilities. Ultrasound Phantoms mimics mechanical and acoustic properties of biological tissue and can be used for medical training. To develop the phantom we used a hydrocarbon-based material with different concentrations of contrast agents (glass powder, Carnauba wax, paraffin wax and silicone rubber). We calculated the elastic modulus, velocity and ultrasonic wave attenuation of different mixtures to reach values, as close the literature as possible. Was obtained values from 1385 to 1480 m / s for ultrasound velocity, values from 0.4 to 4 dB/cm for attenuation and a range from 40 to 750 kPa for elastic modulus. This study present an anthropomorphic neck phantom containing the necessary structures for training ultrasound guided biopsy by fine-needle aspiration.

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