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Das Spätödem, induziert durch gewebeständigen Plasminogenaktivator bei Lyse einer tierexperimentellen intrazerebralen Blutung, wird durch die Gabe von Plasminogenaktivatorinhibitor 1 vermindert / Tissue Plasminogen Activator induces delayed edema in experimental porcine intracranial hemorrhage: Reduction with Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 administrationMaier, Gerrit Steffen 20 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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FITC-dextrans in neurobiological researchHultström, Dieter. January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Uppsala University, 1982. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 35-39).
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Development of a new screening assay to identify proteratogenic compounds using Zebrafish Danio rerio embryo combined with an exogenous mammalian metabolic activation system (mDarT)Busquet, François 18 September 2008 (has links)
The assessment of teratogenic effects of chemicals is generally performed using in vivo teratogenicity assays e.g., in rats or rabbits. Following the 3R principles, the development of alternative methods is encouraged to reduce the number of animal tests. From this perspective, we have developed an in vitro assay (mDarT) using the zebrafish Danio rerio embryo teratogenicity assay (DarT) combined with an exogenous mammalian metabolic activation system (MAS), able to biotransform proteratogenic compounds. Cyclophosphamide, ethanol, benzo[a]pyrene and thalidomide were used as test materials to assess the efficiency of this assay. Briefly, the zebrafish embryos were co-cultured at 2 hpf (hours post fertilization) with the test material at varying concentrations, mammalian liver microsomes from different species and NADPH for 60 min at 32°C under moderate agitation in Tris buffer. The negative control (test material alone) and the MAS control (MAS alone) were incubated in parallel. For each test group, 20 eggs were used for statistical robustness. Afterwards fish embryos were transferred individually into 24-well plates filled with fish medium for 48 hours at 26°C with a 12 hour-light cycle. Teratogenicity was scored after 24 and 48 hpf using morphological endpoints. The test was considered to be valid if a minimum of 90% of fish eggs developed normally for the two controls (test material alone and MAS alone). For each test material, the experiment was repeated three times with the controls satisfying the validation criteria (≤ 10% impaired embryos). Indeed, no significant teratogenic effects were observed compared to controls in fish embryos exposed to the proteratogens alone (i.e., without metabolic activation) or the MAS alone. In contrast, the four test materials induced significant abnormalities in fish embryos when co-incubated with animal liver microsomes. For cyclophosphamide, ethanol and thalidomide a concentration-response relationship was shown and the qualitative nature of the malformations was similar between fish embryos and humans. Benzo[a]pyrene was demonstrated to be significantly teratogenic in fish embryos in spite of no concentration-response and unspecific teratogenic fingerprints. We conclude that the application of animal liver microsomes will improve and refine the DarT as a predictive and valuable alternative method to screen teratogenic substances.
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Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen zur intestinalen Mikrozirkulation bei EndotoxinämieLehmann, Christian 17 July 2001 (has links)
Die Störung der intestinalen Mikrozirkulation gilt als ein kardinaler Mechanismus für die Entwicklung des Multiorganversagens bei Sepsis. Da das Intestinum für mikrozirkulatorische Studien klinisch kaum zugänglich ist, wurden die Auswirkungen einer Therapie mit den antioxidativen Substanzen Oxypurinol und U-74389G (Lazaroid) bzw. den vasoaktiven Substanzen Iloprost (Prostacyclin-Analogon) und Dopexamin auf die intestinale Mikrozirkulation und die systemische Mediatorfreisetzung in einem Tiermodell mit moderater und hoher Endotoxin-Belastung untersucht. Die intravitalmikroskopische Untersuchung der Kapillarperfusion in der Muskularisschicht bei Endotoxinämie erbrachte eine Verbesserung durch Oxypurinol- und Dopexamingabe. Die Perfusion der Mukosa konnte vor allem durch eine Iloprostapplikation gesteigert werden. Die Endotoxin-induzierte, intestinale Leukozytenadhärenz wurde insbesondere durch die Behandlung mit den antioxidativen Substanzen vermindert. Beide therapeutischen Optionen bewirkten eine ca. 60 %ige Reduktion der initialen Tumornekrosefaktor-alpha-Freisetzung in der Versuchsreihe mit der niedrigeren Endotoxin-Dosis. Parallel dazu konnte anhand von Malondialdehyd-Analysen gezeigt werden, dass Oxypurinol und U-74389G wirksam die intestinale, Radikal-induzierte Lipidperoxidation verringerten. Der intestinale mikrovaskuläre Blutfluss konnte durch beide vasoaktiven Substanzen - sowohl bei moderater als auch bei erhöhter Endotoxin-Dosierung - signifikant gesteigert werden. Die Ergebnisse beider Teilstudien bestätigten, dass sowohl reaktive Sauerstoffspezies als auch eine inadäquate Perfusion in der Mikrozirkulation wesentliche pathogenetische Faktoren bei Endotoxinämie bzw. Sepsis darstellen und entsprechende Therapieformen indiziert und effektiv sind. Eine kombinierte Gabe beider Substanzklassen erscheint daher sinnvoll und sollte in weiteren tierexperimentellen und klinischen Studien evaluiert werden. / The disturbance of the intestinal microcirculation is regarded as a pivotal mechanism in the development of multiorgan failure related to sepsis. Since the intestine is clinically not accessible for microcirculatory studies, the effects of a therapy with the antioxidants oxypurinol and U-74389G (lazaroid) as well as the vasoactive substances iloprost (a prostacyclin analogue) and dopexamine on the intestinal microcirculation and the systemic mediator release was studied in an animal model with moderate and high endotoxin challenge. The intravital microscopic examination of the capillary perfusion in the muscularis layer of the intestine during endotoxemia revealed an improvement by administration of oxypurinol and dopexamine. The perfusion of the mucosa could be increased by iloprost administration. The amount of the endotoxin induced, intestinal leukocyte adherence was especially decreased by the treatment with the antioxidants. Both therapeutic options caused a 60 % reduction in the initial tumor necrosis factor-alpha-release in the experiments with the lower endotoxin dose. Malondialdehyde analyses showed that oxypurinol and U-74389G reduced effectively the intestinal, radical-induced lipid peroxidation. The intestinal microvascular blood flow could be significantly increased by both vasoactive substances - as well as with moderately than also with elevated endotoxin-dosage. The results of the study confirmed that both reactive oxygen-species as well as an inadequate perfusion in the microcirculation represent essential pathogenetic factors during endotoxemia as well as sepsis and index corresponding therapy-forms and participates effective. A combined offering both substance-classes appears therefore meaningfully and should be evaluated in further experimental and clinical studies.
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Semi-automated Ontology Generation for Biocuration and Semantic SearchWächter, Thomas 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In the life sciences, the amount of literature and experimental data grows at a tremendous rate. In order to effectively access and integrate these data, biomedical ontologies – controlled, hierarchical vocabularies – are being developed.
Creating and maintaining such ontologies is a difficult, labour-intensive, manual process. Many computational methods which can support ontology construction have been proposed in the past. However, good, validated systems are largely missing.
The biocuration community plays a central role in the development of ontologies. Any method that can support their efforts has the potential to have a huge impact in the life sciences.
Recently, a number of semantic search engines were created that make use of biomedical ontologies for document retrieval. To transfer the technology to other knowledge domains, suitable ontologies need to be created. One area where ontologies may prove particularly useful is the search for alternative methods to animal testing, an area where comprehensive search is of special interest to determine the availability or unavailability of alternative methods.
The Dresden Ontology Generator for Directed Acyclic Graphs (DOG4DAG) developed in this thesis is a system which supports the creation and extension of ontologies by semi-automatically generating terms, definitions, and parent-child relations from text in PubMed, the web, and PDF repositories. The system is seamlessly integrated into OBO-Edit and Protégé, two widely used ontology editors in the life sciences. DOG4DAG generates terms by identifying statistically significant noun-phrases in text. For definitions and parent-child relations it employs pattern-based web searches. Each generation step has been systematically evaluated using manually validated benchmarks. The term generation leads to high quality terms also found in manually created ontologies. Definitions can be retrieved for up to 78% of terms, child ancestor relations for up to 54%. No other validated system exists that achieves comparable results.
To improve the search for information on alternative methods to animal testing an ontology has been developed that contains 17,151 terms of which 10% were newly created and 90% were re-used from existing resources. This ontology is the core of Go3R, the first semantic search engine in this field. When a user performs a search query with Go3R, the search engine expands this request using the structure and terminology of the ontology. The machine classification employed in Go3R is capable of distinguishing documents related to alternative methods from those which are not with an F-measure of 90% on a manual benchmark. Approximately 200,000 of the 19 million documents listed in PubMed were identified as relevant, either because a specific term was contained or due to the automatic classification. The Go3R search engine is available on-line under www.Go3R.org.
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Der Einfluß von Batimastat auf Prostatakarzinom Zellinien und den Dunning Tumor der RatteBorchert, Dietmar 12 January 2005 (has links)
Die invasiven und metastatischen Eigenschaften vieler Tumore werden mit einer Veränderung im physiologischen Gleichgewicht der Matrix Metalloproteinasen (MMP) und ihrer spezifischen und unspezifischen Inhibitoren in Zusammenhang gebracht. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation war es, die Wirkung von Batimastat, einem synthetischen Inhibitor der MMP, auf hormonabhängige und hormonunabhängige Prostatakarzinomzellinien sowie auf das Tumorwachstum im orthotopen Tumormodell des Dunning Tumor (R3327) zu untersuchen. Methoden: Im Zellkulturversuch wurde die Wirkung verschiedener Konzentrationen von Batimastat untersucht und die Proliferation mit dem MTT Test gemessen. Die Induktion des orthotopen Tumors erfolgte durch Inokulation von MATLyLu Zellen in die Rattenprostata (Dunning Tumor der Copenhagen Ratte). 10 Tiere wurden nach Tumorinduktion täglich mit 30 mg/kg Batimastat durch intraperitoneale Gabe behandelt, 10 weitere Ratten erhielten nur das Vehikel. Zehn Kontrolltiere blieben unbehandelt. Der Effekt auf des lokale Tumorwachstum wurden durch Bestimmung des Tumorgewichtes nach 20 Tagen definiert. Results:Batimastat zeigte eine dosisabhänige Hemmung des Wachstums der Prostatakarzinomzellinien in vitro. Bei 4000 ng/ml kam es zu einer eindeutigen Hemmung des Zellwachstums. Im Tierversuch fand sich nach 20 Tagen in der Kontrollgruppe ein mittleres Tumorgewicht von 18.9 ± 5,4 g, in der Vehikelgruppe von 22.3 ± 4,3 g und in der mit Batimastat behandelten Gruppe von 11.1 ± 2,6 g. Im Vergleich zur Kontroll- und Vehikelgruppe, zeigte sich in der Batimastatgruppe ein signifikant geringeres Tumorgewicht. Zusammenfassung: Batimastat kann das Tumorwachstum in einem Standardtiermodell des Prostatakarzinoms vermindern. Der Dunning Tumor der Copenhagen Ratte ist ein zuverlässiges Tiermodell zur weiteren Untersuchung von synthetischen Inhibitoren der MMP. / Background: Increased concentrations of metalloproteinases are associated with the invasive and metastatic behavior of several human malignant tumors. Normally, enzymatic activity is tightly regulated by nonspecific mechanisms and specific inhibitors. The aim of this dissertation was to determine the potential of a synthetic metallproteinase inhibitor, batimastat, to show its in vitro effect on hormonedependent and hormoneindependent prostate cancer cell lines and its in vivo effect on tumor growth in orthotopic cancer (R3327 Dunning tumor) in rats. Methods: In vitro, a dose response curve of batimastat was generated over 5 days using the MTT assay. Prostate cancer was injected in vivo in male Copenhagen rats by inoculating R3327 Dunning tumor cells (MATLyLu) into the ventral prostatic lobe of 30 rats. Each of 10 rats received batimastat (30 mg / kg / body weight) or vehicle once a day by i.p. application beginning the day of cell inoculation. Ten rats remained untreated. The effect on local tumor growth was evaluated by measuring tumor weights 20 days after tumor cell inoculation. Results: Significant inhibiton of tumor cell proliferation in vitro occurred at 4000 ng / ml batimastat. After orthotopic cell inoculation, tumors grew to mean weights of 18.9 ± 5,4 g in the control group without treatment, to 22.3 ± 4,3 g in the vehicle group, an to 11.1 ± 2,6 g in the treated group. In comparison to the control group and to the vehicle group, tumor weights increased significantly less under treatment with batimastat. Conclusions: Batimastat is able to reduce tumor growth in the standard prostate cancer model. Using this model, activity against cancer progression of future inhibitory agents can be reliably assessed.
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Semi-automated Ontology Generation for Biocuration and Semantic SearchWächter, Thomas 27 October 2010 (has links)
In the life sciences, the amount of literature and experimental data grows at a tremendous rate. In order to effectively access and integrate these data, biomedical ontologies – controlled, hierarchical vocabularies – are being developed.
Creating and maintaining such ontologies is a difficult, labour-intensive, manual process. Many computational methods which can support ontology construction have been proposed in the past. However, good, validated systems are largely missing.
The biocuration community plays a central role in the development of ontologies. Any method that can support their efforts has the potential to have a huge impact in the life sciences.
Recently, a number of semantic search engines were created that make use of biomedical ontologies for document retrieval. To transfer the technology to other knowledge domains, suitable ontologies need to be created. One area where ontologies may prove particularly useful is the search for alternative methods to animal testing, an area where comprehensive search is of special interest to determine the availability or unavailability of alternative methods.
The Dresden Ontology Generator for Directed Acyclic Graphs (DOG4DAG) developed in this thesis is a system which supports the creation and extension of ontologies by semi-automatically generating terms, definitions, and parent-child relations from text in PubMed, the web, and PDF repositories. The system is seamlessly integrated into OBO-Edit and Protégé, two widely used ontology editors in the life sciences. DOG4DAG generates terms by identifying statistically significant noun-phrases in text. For definitions and parent-child relations it employs pattern-based web searches. Each generation step has been systematically evaluated using manually validated benchmarks. The term generation leads to high quality terms also found in manually created ontologies. Definitions can be retrieved for up to 78% of terms, child ancestor relations for up to 54%. No other validated system exists that achieves comparable results.
To improve the search for information on alternative methods to animal testing an ontology has been developed that contains 17,151 terms of which 10% were newly created and 90% were re-used from existing resources. This ontology is the core of Go3R, the first semantic search engine in this field. When a user performs a search query with Go3R, the search engine expands this request using the structure and terminology of the ontology. The machine classification employed in Go3R is capable of distinguishing documents related to alternative methods from those which are not with an F-measure of 90% on a manual benchmark. Approximately 200,000 of the 19 million documents listed in PubMed were identified as relevant, either because a specific term was contained or due to the automatic classification. The Go3R search engine is available on-line under www.Go3R.org.
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