Spelling suggestions: "subject:"light"" "subject:"might""
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The evaluation of waterfrac technology in low-permeability gas sands in the East Texas basinTschirhart, Nicholas Ray 01 November 2005 (has links)
The petroleum engineering literature clearly shows that large proppant volumes
and concentrations are required to effectively stimulate low-permeability gas
sands. To pump large proppant concentrations, one must use a viscous fluid.
However, many operators believe that low-viscosity, low-proppant concentration
fracture stimulation treatments known as ??waterfracs?? produce comparable
stimulation results in low-permeability gas sands and are preferred because they
are less expensive than gelled fracture treatments.
This study evaluates fracture stimulation technology in tight gas sands by using
case histories found in the petroleum engineering literature and by using a
comparison of the performance of wells stimulated with different treatment sizes
in the Cotton Valley sands of the East Texas basin. This study shows that large
proppant volumes and viscous fluids are necessary to optimally stimulate tight
gas sand reservoirs. When large proppant volumes and viscous fluids are not
successful in stimulating tight sands, it is typically because the fracture fluids
have not been optimal for the reservoir conditions. This study shows that
waterfracs do produce comparable results to conventional large treatments in the Cotton Valley sands of the East Texas basin, but we believe it is because the
conventional treatments have not been optimized. This is most likely because
the fluids used in conventional treatments are not appropriate or have not been
used appropriately for Cotton Valley conditions.
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Pétrophysique et micromécanique des grès "tight" en relation avec leur microstructure / Petrophysic and micromechanic of tight sandstones in relation with their microstructureWang, Yi 08 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse consiste à identifier les propriétés pétrophysiques et de transfert de roches provenant d’un réservoir de grès « tight » en Afrique du nord exploité par ENGIE EPI. Il s’agit d’identifier les liens entre les propriétés de transfert, les propriétés poro-mécanique, la sensibilité au chargement mécanique ou à la saturation en eau, et quelques indicateurs comme la porosité, la distribution des tailles de pores, la perméabilité intrinsèque, les caractéristiques pétrographiques etc. Le but est de pouvoir prédire le comportement de matériaux différents de ceux étudiés dans cette thèse, en utilisant des données d’entrée « facilement » accessibles, fournissant ainsi des outils permettant d’évaluer la qualité d’un nouveau réservoir sans passer par une caractérisation exhaustive, longue et couteuse du matériau constituant ce réservoir / This work of thesis focuses on the identification of the petrophysical and transfer properties of rocks originating from a tight sandstone reservoir in North Africa operated by ENGIE EPI. It needs to identify the links between the transfer properties, poro-mechanical properties, sensitivity to mechanical loading or water saturation, and some indications such as porosity, pore size distribution, intrinsic permeability, petrographic features etc. The aim is to predict the behavior of materials that are different from those that studied in this thesis by using the “easily” accessible input data, providing tools for evaluating the quality of a new reservoir without passing through an exhaustive, long and expensive characterization of the material forming this reservoir.
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Efeito protetor do estradiol na disfunção da barreira epitelial intestinal induzida pela endotoxemia / Protective effect of estradiol on intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction induced by endotoxemiaRibeiro, Aline Barbosa 01 March 2018 (has links)
A injúria ao epitélio intestinal é uma das mais importantes complicações da sepse, associada à perda da integridade da barreira epitelial intestinal pela alteração da expressão de proteínas constituintes das tight junctions (TJ). Os dois subtipos de receptores de estrógeno são normalmente expressos na mucosa intestinal, sendo responsável pela manutenção da arquitetura do epitélio intestinal. Além disso, diversos modelos experimentais fisiopatológicos têm atribuído um papel imunomodulador ao estradiol. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a participação do estradiol na modulação da resposta inflamatória e na proteção da barreira epitelial intestinal durante a inflamação sistêmica induzida por lipopolissacarídeo (LPS; 1,5 mg/kg, i.v.) em ratas. As ratas foram ovariectomizadas e mantidas para recuperação durante 10-12 dias antes do experimento. Por três dias consecutivos, as ratas foram tratadas com cipionato de estradiol (50 ou 100 µg/kg, s.c.) ou óleo. Após 6h da indução da endotoxemia, foram avaliadas a permeabilidade intestinal pela injeção de dextrana FITC no íleo ou cólon, a translocação bacteriana nos linfonodos mesentéricos e as citocinas no plasma e na mucosa intestinal. Adicionalmente, a infiltração de mastócitos e neutrófilos foi avaliada no íleo e no cólon, a integridade das TJ e junções aderentes (JA) foi determinada por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, e expressão das proteínas (ocludina, claudina-1, JAM-A, E-caderina) bem como suas localizações. Nossos resultados demonstraram que o estradiol reduziu a permeabilidade intestinal bem como preveniu a translocação bacteriana nos linfonodos mesentéricos induzidas pela administração de LPS. Em ratas endotoxêmicas tratadas com estradiol, as concentrações das citocinas pró-inflamatórias (TNF?, IL-6, IFN-? e IL-1?), migração de neutrófilos (atividade da mieloperoxidase) e degranulação dos mastócitos no íleo e no cólon foram reduzidas. O estradiol também reverteu a disfunção da barreira epitelial induzida pelo LPS, aumentando a expressão das proteínas das TJ, reduzindo a abertura das TJ e JA e atenuando os danos histológicos. Em conjunto, os resultados sugerem um papel protetor do estradiol, prevenindo a disfunção da barreira epitelialintestinal induzida pela inflamação sistêmica, possivelmente modulando a resposta inflamatória e a liberação de proteases de mastócitos. / Intestinal injury is one of the most important complications of sepsis, associated with the loss of integrity of the intestinal epithelial barrier due to the alteration of the expression of proteins that constitute the tight junctions (TJ). The two subtypes of estrogen receptors are normally expressed in the intestinal mucosa, being responsible for maintaining the architecture of intestinal epithelium. Moreover, several experimental pathophysiological models have been attributed the immunomodulatory role for the estradiol. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of estradiol in the modulation of the inflammatory response and the protection of the intestinal epithelial barrier during systemic inflammation induced for lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 1.5 mg / kg, i.v.) in rats. The female rats were ovariectomized and allowed to recover for 10-12 days before the experiment. For three consecutive days, rats were pretreated with estradiol cypionate (50 or 100 µg/kg, subcutaneous) or corn oil. At 6h after of endotoxemia induction, were evaluated the intestinal permeability by injecting FITC dextran into the ileum or colon, bacterial translocation in the mesenteric lymph nodes and plasma and intestinal mucosa cytokines levels. In addition, the infiltration of mast cells and neutrophils was evaluated in the ileum and colon, the integrity of the TJ and adherent junctions (JA) integrity was determined by transmission electron microscopy, and the protein expression (occludin, claudin-1, JAM-A, E-cadherin) as well as their localization. Our results demonstrated that estradiol reduced intestinal permeability as well as prevented bacterial translocation in the mesenteric lymph nodes induced by the LPS administration. In the endotoxemic rats treated with estradiol, the concentration of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF?, IL-6, IFN-? e IL-1?), neutrophil infiltration (myeloperoxidase activity), and mast cells degranulation were reduced in the ileum and colon. Estradiol also reverted the LPS-induced epithelial barrier dysfunction, increasing the expression of the TJ proteins, reducing TJ and AJ opening and attenuating the histological damages. Together, these results suggest a protective role for estradiol, attenuating damage to the intestinal epithelium induced by systemic inflammation, possibly due to modulation of the inflammatory response and the release of mast cells proteases.
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Etude et caractérisation d'onde de pression générée par une décharge électrique dans l'eau. Application à la fracturation électrique de roches / Study and characterization of pressure wave generated by an electrical discharge in water. Application to electrical fracturing of rocksMartin, Justin 14 June 2013 (has links)
Dans de nombreuses régions du monde, d’immenses réserves gazéifères dites non conventionnelles sont piégées dans des roches faiblement perméables qui ne peuvent pas être exploitées par des méthodes de forage classiques. Bien que très controversée, la seule méthode d’exploitation de ces gisements repose actuellement sur la technique de fracturation hydraulique. Pour ces raisons, une collaboration de recherche a débuté en 2007 entre la société TOTAL et le Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de l’université de Pau (récemment devenu le laboratoire SIAME), visant à étudier l’opportunité d’utiliser la fracturation électrique comme solution alternative à la fracturation hydraulique. Cette méthode repose sur un procédé dynamique de fracturation de la roche par application d’une onde de pression créée suite à l’initiation d’un arc électrique dans un liquide. Ce travail, financé par TOTAL dans le cadre d’une bourse CIFRE, s’inscrit dans la continuité de travaux déjà engagés sur cette thématique et vise particulièrement à approfondir les connaissances concernant le cœur du procédé de fracturation : la décharge électrique dans l’eau et la caractérisation de l’onde de pression résultante. Dans cette optique, l’importance du circuit et des paramètres électriques de l’arc a été démontrée en termes d’injection de courant et de transfert de puissance. Une formule empirique permettant de prévoir la valeur de la pression dynamique a, par conséquent, été établie. Afin d’optimiser le rendement électro-acoustique, une étude spécifique a été menée sur l’effet du mode de rupture diélectrique du fluide. Ces travaux ont également permis de proposer des solutions concernant le contrôle de la dynamique de l’onde de pression. Enfin, les effets des propriétés thermodynamiques du fluide sur sa rigidité diélectrique, sur la consommation d’énergie, ainsi que sur la propagation de l’onde de pression ont été analysés afin d’établir une série de conclusions permettant d’optimiser le procédé. / Numerous parts of the world contain huge unconventional gas reserves which are located in low permeability rocks, and consequently, cannot be produced by classical drilling techniques. Besides its numerous detractors, the only currently available method to exploit these reservoirs relies on hydraulic fracturing. For these reasons, a research collaboration was started in 2007 between the Total Company and the Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Pau university (recently renamed SIAME Laboratory). The main goal was to study the potential concerning the use of the electrical fracturing technique as an alternative to hydraulic fracturing. This method is based on a dynamic rock fracturing process through the applying of a pressure wave enhanced by the generation of an electrical arc into a liquid. This work, which is financed by TOTAL through a CIFRE funding, follows the track initiated on this topic and mainly intends to improve the knowledge concerning the critical part of the fracturing process: the electrical discharge in water and the resulting pressure wave characterization. In this purpose, the importance of the circuit and of the arc electrical parameters was demonstrated in terms of current injection and power transfer. An empirical formula used to predict the dynamic pressure value has consequently been established. In order to optimize the electro acoustic efficiency, a specific study was performed on the liquid dielectric breakdown modus. This work allowed us to suggest new solutions concerning the dynamic pressure wave control. Finally, the fluid thermodynamic properties effects on its dielectric strength, on the energy consumption, and on the pressure wave propagation were analyzed in order to draw conclusions for the process optimization.
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Die funktionelle Bedeutung des Coxsackie- und Adenovirus Rezeptors (CAR) im kolorektalen Karzinom / Functional role of the Coxsackie and Adenovirus Receptor (CAR) in colorectal carcinomasKüster, Katrin January 2009 (has links)
Der Coxsackie- und Adenovirus Rezeptor (CAR) ist als Bestandteil von Tight Junctions (TJ) an interzellulären Adhäsionsprozessen beteiligt und scheint eine wichtige Rolle in der Karzinogenese zu spielen. Diese ist jedoch insbesondere bei Entstehung von Darmkrebs weitgehend unklar. Ziel der Arbeit war es daher, die funktionelle Bedeutung, mögliche Interaktionspartner sowie die Expressionsregulation von CAR im kolorektalen Karzinom zu analysieren.
In den Zelllinien CaCo2, Colo205, DLD1, HCT116, HT29, SW480 und T84 konnte die Expression von CAR (mRNA und Protein) nachgewiesen werden. Nach stabiler CAR-Überexpression durch Transfektion von CARcDNA in DLD1, HCT116 und SW480 wurde das Zellwachstum gehemmt und eine Abnahme von Migration und Invasion induziert. Eine stabile CAR-Inhibition nach Transfektion von CARsiRNA führte in diesen Zelllinien zum Anstieg der Proliferation sowie zu verstärkter Migrations- und Invasionsaktivität, die in DLD1 mit morphologischen Änderungen einhergingen.
Eine Genexpressionsanalyse der Zelllinie DLD1 mit CAR-Inhibition identifizierte α-Catenin als das am stärksten regulierte Gen. Obwohl keine direkte Interaktion beider Proteine detektiert werden konnte, führte eine stabile Re-Expression von α-Catenin in DLD1 mit stabiler CAR-Inhibition zu einer deutlichen Reduktion von Proliferation, Migration und Invasion sowie zu einem Rückgang der zellmorphologischen Änderungen.
Um den Einfluss von Differenzierung auf die Regulation der CAR-Expression zu untersuchen, erfolgte eine Behandlung aller Zelllinien mit Natriumbutyrat. Dies führte in fünf der sieben Zelllinien zu einer Aktivierung des CAR-Promotors sowie zu einer gesteigerten Expression und Immunoreaktivität von CAR an der Zelloberfläche. Die Zelllinie CaCo2 zeigte nach spontaner Differenzierung durch 21-tägiges Wachstum post Konfluenz ebenfalls eine verstärkte CAR-mRNA-Expression sowie eine erhöhte CAR-Präsenz an der Zelloberfläche.
Die gewonnenen Daten konnten die funktionelle Bedeutung von CAR für die Kolonkarzinogenese sowie den Einfluss von α-Catenin auf diese Funktion deutlich machen. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Expressionsregulation sowie die subzelluläre Verteilung von CAR durch den zellulären Differenzierungsstatus beeinflusst werden kann. / The Coxsackie and Adenovirus Receptor (CAR) is a transmembrane compound of the tight junctions in polarized epithelial cells mediating cellular adhesion. CAR was suggested to play a functional role in the development of epithelial malignomas but detailed knowledge is still lacking, especially for the colorectal carcinoma. Therefore, the functional impact and regulation of CAR expression in human colorectal carcinoma cell models were investigated.
CAR protein and mRNA was detectable in the cell lines CaCo2, Colo205, DLD1, HCT116, HT29, SW480 and T84. Stable CAR over expression by transfection of CARcDNA in DLD1, HCT116 and SW480 led to reduced proliferation in vitro and in vivo. Also reduced migration and invasion were observed. Stable CAR inhibition by transfection of CARsiRNA in the same cell lines resulted in increased migration and invasion. In DLD1 morphological changes were found after CAR inhibition.
Differential gene expression was detected in DLD1 cells with stable CAR inhibition revealing an 18-fold decrease in α-Catenin gene expression. Loss of α-Catenin was obtained on protein level, too. Although no direct interaction between CAR and α-Catenin could be proven ectopic re-expression of α-Catenin in DLD1 with CAR inhibition reversed the determined functional and morphological effects of a CAR knock down.
Then, the impact of differentiation on regulation of CAR expression was investigated. Sodium butyrate treatment induced differentiation in all cell lines (determined by alkaline phosphatase activity), which was paralleled by an increase of CAR immunoreactivity at the plasma membrane in all cell lines but CaCo2. However, CAR protein and mRNA expression, as well as CAR gene promoter activity increased in 5 cell lines only, whereas in SW480 and CaCo2 a down regulation was observed. Spontaneous differentiation of CaCo2 after a growth period of 21 days post confluence resulted in up regulation of CAR mRNA expression as well as increased CAR presence at the plasma membrane.
The data suggest that CAR plays a crucial role in the carcinogenesis of colorectal carcinoma which could be influenced by α-Catenin interaction. Differentiation determines the regulation of CAR expression and the subcellular distribution of CAR in colon cancer cells.
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Transportes e confinamento em monocamada e bicamada de nanoestruturas de grafeno com diferentes bordas, interfaces e potenciais / Transport and confinement in monolayer and bilayer graphene nanostructures with different edges, interfaces and potentialsCosta, Diego Rabelo da January 2014 (has links)
COSTA, Diego Rabelo da. Transportes e confinamento em monocamada e bicamada de nanoestruturas de grafeno com diferentes bordas, interfaces e potenciais. 2014. 201 f. Tese (Doutorado em Física) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, Departamento de Física, Centro de Ciências, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2014. / Submitted by Edvander Pires (edvanderpires@gmail.com) on 2015-06-01T22:18:12Z
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Graphene, a two-dimensional lattice of carbon atoms, has been widely studied during the past few years. The interest in this material is not only due to its possible future technological applications, but also because it provides the possibility to probe interesting phenomena predicted by quantum field theories, ranging from Klein tunneling and other quasi-relativistic effects to the existence of new types of electron degrees of freedom, namely, the pseudo-spin, and the existence of two inequivalent electronic valleys in the vicinity of the gapless points of its energy spectrum. Several of the exotic properties observed in graphene originate from the fact that within the low energy approximation for the tight-binding Hamiltonian of graphene, electrons behave as massless Dirac fermions, with a linear energy dispersion. Just like in single layer graphene, the low-energy eletronic spectrum in bilayer graphene is gapless, but in this case it is dominated by the parabolic dispersion. Nevertheless, one interesting feature is shared by both monolayer and bilayer graphene: the valley degree of freedom. In this thesis, we theoretically investigate: (i) the dynamic properties in mono and bilayer graphene, performing a systematic study of wave packet scattering in different interface shapes, edges and potentials; and furthermore (ii) the energy levels of confined systems in graphene in the presence or absence of external magnetic and electric fields. In the first part of the work, we use the tight-binding approach to study the scattering of a Gaussian wave packet on monolayer graphene edges (armchair and zigzag) in the presence of real and pseudo (strain induced) magnetic fields and also calculate the transmission probabilities of a Gaussian wave packet through a quantum point contact defined by electrostatic gates in bilayer graphene. These numerical calculations are based on the solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for the tight-binding model Hamiltonian, using the Split-operator technique. Our theory allows us to investigate scattering in reciprocal space, and depending on the type of graphene edge we observe scattering within the same valley, or between different valleys. In the presence of an external magnetic field, the well known skipping orbits are observed. However, our results demonstrate that in the case of a pseudo-magnetic field, induced by non-uniform strain, the scattering by an armchair edge results in a non-propagating edge state. We propose also a very efficient valley filtering through a quantum point contact system defined by electrostatic gates in bilayer graphene. For the suggested bilayer system, we investigate how to improve the efficiency of the system as a valley filter by varying parameters, such as length, width and amplitude of the applied potential. In the second part of the thesis, we present a systematic study of the energy spectra of graphene quantum rings having different geometries and edge types, in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. We discuss which features obtained through a simplified Dirac model can be recovered when the eigenstates of graphene quantum rings are compared with the tight-binding results. Furthermore, we also investigate the confined states in two different hybrid monolayer - bilayer systems, identifying dot-localized states and edge states for the suggested bilayer confinement structures, as well as we will study the behavior of the energy levels as a function of dot size and under an applied external magnetic field. Finally, using the four-band continuum Dirac model, we also derive a general expression for the infinite-mass boundary condition in bilayer graphene in order to apply this boundary condition to calculate analytically the confined states and the corresponding wave functions in a bilayer graphene quantum dot in the absence and presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. Our analytic results exhibit good agreement when compared with the tight-binding ones. / Grafeno, uma rede bidimensional de átomos de carbono, tem sido amplamente estudado durante os últimos anos. O interesse por este material não é apenas devido às suas possíveis aplicações tecnológicas futuras, mas também porque oferece a possibilidade de investigar fenômenos interessantes previstos pelas teorias quânticas de campo, que vão desde o tunelamento de Klein e outros efeitos quasi-relativísticos à existência de novos tipos de graus de liberdade do elétron, ou seja, o pseudo-spin, e a existência de dois vales eletrônicos não-equivalentes na vizinhança dos pontos sem gap do seu espectro de energia. Várias das propriedades exóticas observadas no grafeno originam-se do facto de que dentro da aproximação de baixas energias para o Hamiltoniano tight-binding do grafeno, elétrons se comportam como férmions de Dirac sem massa, com uma dispersão de energia linear. Assim como no caso de uma monocamada de grafeno, o espectro eletrônico de baixas energias para uma bicamada de grafeno é sem gap, mas, neste caso, é dominado pela dispersão parabólica. No entanto, uma característica interessante é compartilhada por ambas monocamada e bicamada de grafeno: o grau de liberdade de vale. Nesta tese, nós investigamos teoricamente: (i) as propriedades dinâmicas em mono e bicamadas de grafeno, realizando um estudo sistemático do espalhamento de pacotes de onda em diferentes formas de interfaces, bordas e potenciais; e, além disso, (ii) os níveis de energia de sistemas confinados no grafeno na presença ou ausência de campos magnéticos e elétricos externos. Na primeira parte do trabalho, nós utilizamos a abordagem tight-binding para estudar o espalhamento de um pacote de onda Gaussiano nas bordas de uma monocamada de grafeno (armchair e zigzag) na presença de campos magnéticos reais e pseudo-magnéticos (induzidos por tensão) e também calculamos as probabilidades de transmissão de um pacote de onda Gaussiano através de um contato de ponto quântico definido por potenciais eletrostáticos em bicamadas de grafeno. Estes cálculos numéricos são baseados na solução da equação de Schrödinger dependente do tempo para o Hamiltoniano do modelo tight-binding, usando a técnica Split-operator. Nossa teoria permite investigar espalhamento no espaço recíproco, e dependendo do tipo de borda do grafeno, nós observamos espalhamento dentro do mesmo vale, ou entre diferentes vales. Na presença de um campo magnético externo, as bem conhecidas órbitas skipping orbits são observadas. No entanto, nossos resultados demonstram que, no caso de um campo pseudo-magnético induzido por uma tensão não-uniforme, o espalhamento por uma borba armchair resulta em um estado de borda não-propagante. Nós também propomos um sistema de filtragem de vales muito eficiente através de um sistema de contato de ponto quântico definido por portas eletrostáticas em uma bicamada de grafeno. Para o sistema de bicamadas sugerido, nós investigamos a forma de melhorar a eficiência do sistema como um filtro de vales por diferentes parâmetros, como comprimento, largura e amplitude do potencial aplicado. Na segunda parte da tese, nós apresentamos um estudo sistemático dos espectros de energia de anéis quânticos de grafeno com diferentes geometrias e tipos de borda, na presença de um campo magnético perpendicular. Nós discutimos quais características obtidas por meio de um modelo simplificado de Dirac podem ser recuperadas quando os auto-estados de anéis quânticos de grafeno são comparados com os resultados do modelo tight-binding. Além disso, nós também investigamos os estados confinados em dois sistemas híbridos diferentes de monocamada - bicamada, identificando estados localizados dentro do ponto e estados de borda para as estruturas de confinamento em bicamadas sugeridas, assim como vamos estudar o comportamento dos níveis de energia em função do tamanho do ponto e sob um campo magnético externo aplicado. Finalmente, usando o modelo contínuo de Dirac de quatro bandas, nós também derivamos uma expressão geral para a condição de contorno de massa infinita em bicamada de grafeno, a fim de aplicar essa condição de contorno para calcular analiticamente os estados confinados e as correspondentes funções de onda em um ponto quântico em uma bicamada de grafeno na ausência e na presença de um campo magnético perpendicular. Nossos resultados analíticos apresentam boa concordância quando comparados com os resultados tight-binding.
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An?lise da recupera??o em reservat?rio de g?s com baixa permeabilidade (TIGHT GAS) atrav?s do fraturamento hidr?ulicoBessa Junior, Francisco de Paiva 28 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-28 / Petr?leo Brasileiro SA - PETROBRAS / With the increasing of energetic consumption in the worldwile, conventional reservoirs, known by their easy exploration and exploitation, are not being enough to satisfy this demand, what has made necessary exploring unconventional reservoirs. This kind of exploration demands developing more advanced technologies to make possible to exploit those hydrocarbons. Tight gas is an example of this kind of unconventional reservoir. It refers to sandstone fields with low porosity, around 8%, and permeabilities between 0.1 and 0.0001 mD, which accumulates considerable amounts of natural gas. That natural gas can only be extracted by applying hydraulic fracturing, aiming at stimulating the reservoir, by creating a preferential way through the reservoir to the well, changing and making easier the flow of fluids, thus increasing the productivity of those reservoirs. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is analyzing the recovery factor of a reservoir by applying hydraulic fracturing. All the studies were performed through simulations using the IMEX software, by CMG (Computer Modelling Group), in it 2012.10 version / Com o crescimento do consumo energ?tico em todo o mundo, os reservat?rios convencionais, chamados de reservat?rios de f?cil explora??o e produ??o n?o est?o atendendo ? demanda energ?tica mundial, fazendo-se necess?rio a explora??o de reservas n?o convencionais. Esse tipo de explora??o exige o desenvolvimento de tecnologias mais avan?adas para a sua explota??o. Como exemplo dessas reservas, temos os reservat?rios do tipo Tight Gas, onde referem-se aos campos de arenito com baixa porosidade, na faixa de 8%, e permeabilidade na faixa entre 0,1 mD e 0,0001 mD, que acumulam consider?veis reservas de g?s natural, podendo apresentar viabilidade econ?mica para explota??o. O g?s natural nesse tipo de reservat?rio s? pode ser extra?do a partir da aplica??o da t?cnica de faturamento hidr?ulico, que tem por finalidade estimular o po?o, criando um canal de alta condutividade entre o po?o e o reservat?rio alterando e facilitando o fluxo de fluidos, aumentando assim a produtividade do reservat?rio. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho ? analisar o fator de recupera??o do reservat?rio com a aplica??o do fraturamento hidr?ulico. Os estudos foram realizados atrav?s de simula??es concretizadas no m?dulo IMEX do programa da CMG (Computer Modelling Group), vers?o 2012.10
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Transportes e confinamento em monocamada e bicamada de nanoestruturas de grafeno com diferentes bordas, interfaces e potenciais / Transport and confinement in monolayer and bilayer graphene nanostructures with different edges, interfaces and potentialsDiego Rabelo da Costa 26 November 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Grafeno, uma rede bidimensional de Ãtomos de carbono, tem sido amplamente estudado durante os Ãltimos anos. O interesse por este material nÃo à apenas devido Ãs suas possÃveis aplicaÃÃes tecnolÃgicas futuras, mas tambÃm porque oferece a possibilidade de investigar fenÃmenos interessantes previstos pelas teorias quÃnticas de campo, que vÃo desde o tunelamento de Klein e outros efeitos quasi-relativÃsticos à existÃncia de novos tipos de graus de liberdade do elÃtron, ou seja, o pseudo-spin, e a existÃncia de dois vales eletrÃnicos nÃo-equivalentes na vizinhanÃa dos pontos sem gap do seu espectro de energia. VÃrias das propriedades exÃticas observadas no grafeno originam-se do facto de que dentro da aproximaÃÃo de baixas energias para o Hamiltoniano tight-binding do grafeno, elÃtrons se comportam como fÃrmions de Dirac sem massa, com uma dispersÃo de energia linear. Assim como no caso de uma monocamada de grafeno, o espectro eletrÃnico de baixas energias para uma bicamada de grafeno à sem gap, mas, neste caso, à dominado pela dispersÃo parabÃlica. No entanto, uma caracterÃstica interessante à compartilhada por ambas monocamada e bicamada de grafeno: o grau de liberdade de vale.
Nesta tese, nÃs investigamos teoricamente: (i) as propriedades dinÃmicas em mono e bicamadas de grafeno, realizando um estudo sistemÃtico do espalhamento de pacotes de onda em diferentes formas de interfaces, bordas e potenciais; e, alÃm disso, (ii) os nÃveis de energia de sistemas confinados no grafeno na presenÃa ou ausÃncia de campos magnÃticos e elÃtricos externos. Na primeira parte do trabalho, nÃs utilizamos a abordagem tight-binding para estudar o espalhamento de um pacote de onda Gaussiano nas bordas de uma monocamada de grafeno (armchair e zigzag) na presenÃa de campos magnÃticos reais e pseudo-magnÃticos (induzidos por tensÃo) e tambÃm calculamos as probabilidades de transmissÃo de um pacote de onda Gaussiano atravÃs de um contato de ponto quÃntico definido por potenciais eletrostÃticos em bicamadas de grafeno. Estes cÃlculos numÃricos sÃo baseados na soluÃÃo da equaÃÃo de SchrÃdinger dependente do tempo para o Hamiltoniano do modelo tight-binding, usando a tÃcnica Split-operator. Nossa teoria permite investigar espalhamento no espaÃo recÃproco, e dependendo do tipo de borda do grafeno, nÃs observamos espalhamento dentro do mesmo vale, ou entre diferentes vales. Na presenÃa de um campo magnÃtico externo, as bem conhecidas Ãrbitas skipping orbits sÃo observadas. No entanto, nossos resultados demonstram que, no caso de um campo pseudo-magnÃtico induzido por uma tensÃo nÃo-uniforme, o espalhamento por uma borba armchair resulta em um estado de borda nÃo-propagante. NÃs tambÃm propomos um sistema de filtragem de vales muito eficiente atravÃs de um sistema de contato de ponto quÃntico definido por portas eletrostÃticas em uma bicamada de grafeno. Para o sistema de bicamadas sugerido, nÃs investigamos a forma de melhorar a eficiÃncia do sistema como um filtro de vales por diferentes parÃmetros, como comprimento, largura e amplitude do potencial aplicado.
Na segunda parte da tese, nÃs apresentamos um estudo sistemÃtico dos espectros de energia de anÃis quÃnticos de grafeno com diferentes geometrias e tipos de borda, na presenÃa de um campo magnÃtico perpendicular. NÃs discutimos quais caracterÃsticas obtidas por meio de um modelo simplificado de Dirac podem ser recuperadas quando os auto-estados de anÃis quÃnticos de grafeno sÃo comparados com os resultados do modelo tight-binding. AlÃm disso, nÃs tambÃm investigamos os estados confinados em dois sistemas hÃbridos diferentes de monocamada - bicamada, identificando estados localizados dentro do ponto e estados de borda para as estruturas de confinamento em bicamadas sugeridas, assim como vamos estudar o comportamento dos nÃveis de energia em funÃÃo do tamanho do ponto e sob um campo magnÃtico externo aplicado. Finalmente, usando o modelo contÃnuo de Dirac de quatro bandas, nÃs tambÃm derivamos uma expressÃo geral para a condiÃÃo de contorno de massa infinita em bicamada de grafeno, a fim de aplicar essa condiÃÃo de contorno para calcular analiticamente os estados confinados e as correspondentes funÃÃes de onda em um ponto quÃntico em uma bicamada de grafeno na ausÃncia e na presenÃa de um campo magnÃtico perpendicular. Nossos resultados analÃticos apresentam boa concordÃncia quando comparados com os resultados tight-binding. / Graphene, a two-dimensional lattice of carbon atoms, has been widely studied during the past few years. The interest in this material is not only due to its possible future technological applications, but also because it provides the possibility to probe interesting phenomena predicted by quantum field theories, ranging from Klein tunneling and other quasi-relativistic effects to the existence of new types of electron degrees of freedom, namely, the pseudo-spin, and the existence of two inequivalent electronic valleys in the vicinity of the gapless points of its energy spectrum. Several of the exotic properties observed in graphene originate from the fact that within the low energy approximation for the tight-binding Hamiltonian of graphene, electrons behave as massless Dirac fermions, with a linear energy dispersion. Just like in single layer graphene, the low-energy eletronic spectrum in bilayer graphene is gapless, but in this case it is dominated by the parabolic dispersion. Nevertheless, one interesting feature is shared by both monolayer and bilayer graphene: the valley degree of freedom.
In this thesis, we theoretically investigate: (i) the dynamic properties in mono and bilayer graphene, performing a systematic study of wave packet scattering in different interface shapes, edges and potentials; and furthermore (ii) the energy levels of confined systems in graphene in the presence or absence of external magnetic and electric fields. In the first part of the work, we use the tight-binding approach to study the scattering of a Gaussian wave packet on monolayer graphene edges (armchair and zigzag) in the presence of real and pseudo (strain induced) magnetic fields and also calculate the transmission probabilities of a Gaussian wave packet through a quantum point contact defined by electrostatic gates in bilayer graphene. These numerical calculations are based on the solution of the time-dependent SchrÃdinger equation for the tight-binding model Hamiltonian, using the Split-operator technique. Our theory allows us to investigate scattering in reciprocal space, and depending on the type of graphene edge we observe scattering within the same valley, or between different valleys. In the presence of an external magnetic field, the well known skipping orbits are observed. However, our results demonstrate that in the case of a pseudo-magnetic field, induced by non-uniform strain, the scattering by an armchair edge results in a non-propagating edge state. We propose also a very efficient valley filtering through a quantum point contact system defined by electrostatic gates in bilayer graphene. For the suggested bilayer system, we investigate how to improve the efficiency of the system as a valley filter by varying parameters, such as length, width and amplitude of the applied potential.
In the second part of the thesis, we present a systematic study of the energy spectra of graphene quantum rings having different geometries and edge types, in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. We discuss which features obtained through a simplified Dirac model can be recovered when the eigenstates of graphene quantum rings are compared with the tight-binding results. Furthermore, we also investigate the confined states in two different hybrid monolayer - bilayer systems, identifying dot-localized states and edge states for the suggested bilayer confinement structures, as well as we will study the behavior of the energy levels as a function of dot size and under an applied external magnetic field. Finally, using the four-band continuum Dirac model, we also derive a general expression for the infinite-mass boundary condition in bilayer graphene in order to apply this boundary condition to calculate analytically the confined states and the corresponding wave functions in a bilayer graphene quantum dot in the absence and presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. Our analytic results exhibit good agreement when compared with the tight-binding ones.
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Efeito protetor do estradiol na disfunção da barreira epitelial intestinal induzida pela endotoxemia / Protective effect of estradiol on intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction induced by endotoxemiaAline Barbosa Ribeiro 01 March 2018 (has links)
A injúria ao epitélio intestinal é uma das mais importantes complicações da sepse, associada à perda da integridade da barreira epitelial intestinal pela alteração da expressão de proteínas constituintes das tight junctions (TJ). Os dois subtipos de receptores de estrógeno são normalmente expressos na mucosa intestinal, sendo responsável pela manutenção da arquitetura do epitélio intestinal. Além disso, diversos modelos experimentais fisiopatológicos têm atribuído um papel imunomodulador ao estradiol. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a participação do estradiol na modulação da resposta inflamatória e na proteção da barreira epitelial intestinal durante a inflamação sistêmica induzida por lipopolissacarídeo (LPS; 1,5 mg/kg, i.v.) em ratas. As ratas foram ovariectomizadas e mantidas para recuperação durante 10-12 dias antes do experimento. Por três dias consecutivos, as ratas foram tratadas com cipionato de estradiol (50 ou 100 µg/kg, s.c.) ou óleo. Após 6h da indução da endotoxemia, foram avaliadas a permeabilidade intestinal pela injeção de dextrana FITC no íleo ou cólon, a translocação bacteriana nos linfonodos mesentéricos e as citocinas no plasma e na mucosa intestinal. Adicionalmente, a infiltração de mastócitos e neutrófilos foi avaliada no íleo e no cólon, a integridade das TJ e junções aderentes (JA) foi determinada por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, e expressão das proteínas (ocludina, claudina-1, JAM-A, E-caderina) bem como suas localizações. Nossos resultados demonstraram que o estradiol reduziu a permeabilidade intestinal bem como preveniu a translocação bacteriana nos linfonodos mesentéricos induzidas pela administração de LPS. Em ratas endotoxêmicas tratadas com estradiol, as concentrações das citocinas pró-inflamatórias (TNF?, IL-6, IFN-? e IL-1?), migração de neutrófilos (atividade da mieloperoxidase) e degranulação dos mastócitos no íleo e no cólon foram reduzidas. O estradiol também reverteu a disfunção da barreira epitelial induzida pelo LPS, aumentando a expressão das proteínas das TJ, reduzindo a abertura das TJ e JA e atenuando os danos histológicos. Em conjunto, os resultados sugerem um papel protetor do estradiol, prevenindo a disfunção da barreira epitelialintestinal induzida pela inflamação sistêmica, possivelmente modulando a resposta inflamatória e a liberação de proteases de mastócitos. / Intestinal injury is one of the most important complications of sepsis, associated with the loss of integrity of the intestinal epithelial barrier due to the alteration of the expression of proteins that constitute the tight junctions (TJ). The two subtypes of estrogen receptors are normally expressed in the intestinal mucosa, being responsible for maintaining the architecture of intestinal epithelium. Moreover, several experimental pathophysiological models have been attributed the immunomodulatory role for the estradiol. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of estradiol in the modulation of the inflammatory response and the protection of the intestinal epithelial barrier during systemic inflammation induced for lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 1.5 mg / kg, i.v.) in rats. The female rats were ovariectomized and allowed to recover for 10-12 days before the experiment. For three consecutive days, rats were pretreated with estradiol cypionate (50 or 100 µg/kg, subcutaneous) or corn oil. At 6h after of endotoxemia induction, were evaluated the intestinal permeability by injecting FITC dextran into the ileum or colon, bacterial translocation in the mesenteric lymph nodes and plasma and intestinal mucosa cytokines levels. In addition, the infiltration of mast cells and neutrophils was evaluated in the ileum and colon, the integrity of the TJ and adherent junctions (JA) integrity was determined by transmission electron microscopy, and the protein expression (occludin, claudin-1, JAM-A, E-cadherin) as well as their localization. Our results demonstrated that estradiol reduced intestinal permeability as well as prevented bacterial translocation in the mesenteric lymph nodes induced by the LPS administration. In the endotoxemic rats treated with estradiol, the concentration of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF?, IL-6, IFN-? e IL-1?), neutrophil infiltration (myeloperoxidase activity), and mast cells degranulation were reduced in the ileum and colon. Estradiol also reverted the LPS-induced epithelial barrier dysfunction, increasing the expression of the TJ proteins, reducing TJ and AJ opening and attenuating the histological damages. Together, these results suggest a protective role for estradiol, attenuating damage to the intestinal epithelium induced by systemic inflammation, possibly due to modulation of the inflammatory response and the release of mast cells proteases.
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Generierung und Charakterisierung ei-nes Claudin-3-defizienten MausmodellsSchröder, Kathrin 24 June 2013 (has links)
Die größte Proteinfamilie des TJ-Komplexes stellen die 27 bisher beim Säuger bekannten Claudine dar. Claudin-3 (CLDN3) ist ein ubiquitär exprimiertes TJ-Protein, dessen Rolle in vivo jedoch unbekannt ist. Um Einblicke in dessen physiologische Funktion zu bekommen, wurde für diese Arbeit ein Claudin-3-defizientes Mausmodell mittels der konditionalen Gentargeting-Technologie generiert. Zur Erstellung des Targetingvektors wurde eine „Recombineering“-basierte Methode ausgewählt. Die Cldn3-deletierten Mäuse waren lebensfähig und in der Lage sich fortzupflanzen. Jedoch unterlag die Genotypverteilung aus den Verpaarungen heterozygoter Tiere nicht den Mendelschen Regeln. Es wurden weniger Cldn3(-/-) Tiere geboren. Funktionelle Analysen von Leber und Nieren, mit Ausnahme eines erhöhten Urin pH-Wertes, lieferten keine Auffälligkeiten. Elektrophysiologische Analysen am Colon zeigten keine Unterschiede zwischen Cldn3(-/-) und Cldn3(+/+) Mäusen. Der transepitheliale Widerstand, die Permeabilität für Natrium- und Chloridionen sowie für große ungeladene Moleküle waren in den Knockout-Mäusen unverändert. Die histologische Auswertung von Speicheldrüse, Niere und Leber zeigte jedoch bei alternden Tieren eine vermehrte Migration von Zellen lymphatischen Ursprungs ins Gewebe. Die Infiltrate waren zum größten Teil perivaskulär lokalisiert und weisen eine follikelähnliche Form auf. Immunohistologische Färbungen identifizierten die Zellen als T- und B-Zellen. Microarray-basierte Transkriptomanalysen in acht Wochen alten Tiere zeigten, dass vermutlich andere Claudine den Verlust von Cldn3 kompensieren. In der Leber wurden neben differenziell regulierten TJ-Proteinen auch Transkripte identifiziert, die mit der Zelladhäsion, Zellkommunikation und Signalweitergabe assoziiert sind. Die ersten Daten des Cldn3-Defizienzmodells liefern eine interessante Basis für weitere Studien in eine ganz neue Richtung. / Claudins are the largest and most important protein family within the TJ. Claudin-3 (CLDN3) is a ubiquitously expressed TJ protein, which functional role in vivo is still unknown. To gain insight into its physiological function a claudin-3 deficient mouse model has been generated using the conditional gene targeting technology. A "recombineering"-based method was chosen to create the targeting vector. The Cldn3 deficient mice were viable and fertil. Genotype distribution from hereozygous mating did not follow Mendelian rules: fewer Cldn3(-/-) animals were born and possible pointing at a prenatal lethality. Functional studies of liver and kidney, with the exception of elevated urine pH, revealed no abnormalities. Electrophysiological analyzes on colon shown no differences between the Cldn3(-/-) and Cldn3(+/+) mice. The transepithelial resistance, the permeability of sodium and chloride as well as uncharged molecules were unchanged in the knockout mice. Histological analyses of salivary gland, kidney and liver in aging animals showed an increased migration of cells with lymphathic origin into the tissue. The infiltrates were mostly localized perivascular and have a follicle form and would be identified as T- and B-lymphocytes via immunohistological analysis. Microarray-based analyses of eight week old animals suggest, that other Claudins are differentially expressed, thereby compensating for the loss of Cldn3. In the liver we identified differentially regulated TJ proteins, as well as deregulated transcripts that are associated with cell adhesion, cell communication and signal transduction. The first data of the Cldn3 knockout mouse model showed this a basis for further studies in a novel direction.
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