Spelling suggestions: "subject:"files"" "subject:"miles""
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Contribution à la théorie des langages de tuiles / Contribution to the theory of tile languagesDubourg, Etienne 12 July 2016 (has links)
Les tuiles sont des structures finies, linéaires ou arborescentes, possédantune notion de chevauchement. Elles sont utiles en informatique pourreprésenter des objets musicaux, comme étudié par Janin [2016]. Nous étudieronsles ensembles de tuiles, en particulier comme représentations d’objetsalgébriques, en se basant sur la théorie des semigroupes inversifs.Nos principaux objets d’étude seront les langages de tuiles, et les reconnaisseursappropriés, que l’on peut définir en adaptant aux tuiles des notionsbien connues sur les langages de mots. Nous nous intéresserons à la reconnaissancepar automate, en présentant des automates sur les tuiles linéaires etarborescentes. Nous remarquerons les limites de la puissance de tels automates.Tandis que la notion de reconnaissance par morphisme de monoïdes estinadaptée aux langages de tuiles, nous définirons celle de reconnaissabilité parprémorphisme, ou quasi-reconnaissabilité. Nous étudierons les liens entre quasireconnaissabilitéet reconnaissabilité par automate de tuile.Nous explorerons enfin les propriétés de clôtures de l’ensemble de langagesde tuiles reconnus par automate, et de ceux reconnus par prémorphisme. Ladernière partie sera essentiellement consacrée aux tuiles linéaires, et présenterale monoïde des décompositions restreintes, un outil pour le produit de langagesde tuiles linéaires. / Tiles are finite, linear or tree-like structures, with a notion of overlapping.In computer science, they offer a useful way to represent musical objects,as studied by Janin [2016]. We will study the sets of tiles, especially asrepresentations of algebraic objects, based on the theory of inverse semigroups.Our main focus will be languages of tiles, and the appropriate recognizers,than can be defined by the adaptation to tiles of well-known notions over languagesof words. We will look into the recognition by automata, by presentingautomata over linear and tree-like tiles. We will remark the limits of the powerof such automata.While the notion of recognizability by morphisms is unsuitable to languagesof tiles, we will define recognizability by premorphisms, or quasi-recognizability.We will study the links between quasi-recognizability and recognizability bytile automata.We will finally look into the closure properties of the set of tile languages recognizedby automata, and of the set of quasi-recognizable languages. The lastpart will be dedicated to linear tiles, and will present the monoid of restricteddecompositions, a tool for the product of linear tile languages.
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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / In urban areas, where noise is significant, the facades and roofs must submit a performance capable of ensuring insulation required for the acoustic comfort of the users. The roof, although important elements of the envelope of buildings, has been little studied in Acoustics. The validity of ISO 15575 Residential Buildings - Performance impacted mainly the construction industry suppliers, who needed to characterize their products and systems. Also in 2015 came the NBR 16373 - tiles and thermoacoustic panels - Performance requirements. This Thesis aimed to establish a methodology to analyse the acoustic performance for sandwich tiles considering regulatory standards and experimental trials. It started from the requirements of ISO 16373 for performing absorption tests and sound transmission loss of sandwich type of shingle tiles + EPS. The experimental procedure used to determine the sound absorption coefficient (α) was the method of the reverberation chamber in a diffuse field standardized by ASTM C423. The results showed behaviour with greater absorption (0.29) in a narrow band around 250 Hz and stabilized above 1600 Hz, with values similar to 0.06. These factors mean rank 1 according to the NBR 16373, in other words, the worst performance scale. Regarding the sound insulation test, performed according to ISO 10140 in reverberation room, it was quantified the Weighted Sound Reduction Index, Rw = 20 dB, above the expected performance because resulted close to the performance of other more valued tile commercially. The information given on NBR 16373: 2015 for the experimental analysis of sandwich tile are very incomplete, so difficult the tests. To facilitate implementation, minimizing errors due to erroneous interpretations of the techniques involved standards, we established a specific analysis methodology for trials in shingles or tiles. Therefore, it is proposed that the adequacy of samples of the tests, the individual analysis of each material that compose the shingle and evaluation of the two faces of the composite tiles, in order that they may have different types of finish (liner, liner-film, perforated panel, among others) and therefore the analysis of the lower tile becomes effective in assisting in the determination of the acoustic conditioning of the interior environments. Another suggestion is the evaluation of the rain impact noise on tiles. Finally, we reiterate the importance of the technical product information are clear and complete, allowing consumers to obtain adequate acoustic performance in their buildings. / Em áreas urbanas, onde o ruído é significativo, as fachadas e coberturas devem apresentar um desempenho capaz de garantir a isolação necessária para o conforto acústico dos usuários. As coberturas, embora sejam elementos importantes da envoltória das edificações, tem sido pouco estudadas na área de Acústica. A vigência da NBR 15575 Edificações habitacionais Desempenho impactou, principalmente, o setor de fornecedores da construção civil, que necessitaram caracterizar seus produtos e sistemas. Além disso, em 2015, surgiu a NBR 16373 Telhas e painéis termoacústico Requisitos de desempenho. A presente Dissertação teve como objetivo principal estabelecer uma metodologia de análise da performance acústica para telhas sanduíche, considerando padrões normativos e ensaios experimentais. Partiu-se das exigências da NBR 16373 para a execução dos ensaios de absorção e perda de transmissão sonora das telhas sanduíche do tipo telha + EPS. O procedimento experimental utilizado para a determinação do Coeficiente de Absorção Sonora (α) foi o método da câmara reverberante em campo difuso, normatizado pela ASTM C423. Os resultados mostraram um comportamento com maior absorção (0,29) numa faixa estreita em torno de 250 Hz e uma estabilização acima de 1600 Hz, com valores similares a 0,06. Tais coeficientes significam classificação 1, de acordo com a NBR 16373, ou seja, o pior desempenho da escala. No que tange ao ensaio de isolamento sonoro, executado de acordo com a ISO 10140, em câmara reverberante, foi quantificado o Índice de Redução Sonora Ponderado, Rw= 20 dB, desempenho acima do esperado, pois resultou próximo ao desempenho de outra telha mais valorizada comercialmente. As informações constantes na NBR 16373:2015 para a análise experimental da telha sanduíche são muito incompletas, por isso dificultam a realização dos ensaios. Para facilitar a execução, minimizando os erros decorrentes de interpretações equivocadas das normas técnicas envolvidas, estabeleceu-se uma metodologia de análise específica para ensaios realizados em telhas ou coberturas. Assim, propõe-se a adequação das amostras dos ensaios, a análise individual de cada material que compõe a telha e a avaliação das duas faces das telhas compostas, tendo em vista que elas podem possuir diferentes tipos de acabamento (forro, forro-filme, painel perfurado, entre outros) e, por isso, a análise da parte inferior da telha torna-se eficaz no auxílio da determinação do condicionamento acústico no interior de ambientes. Outra sugestão é a avaliação do ruído de impacto da chuva em telhas. Por fim, reitera-se a importância de que as informações técnicas sobre os produtos sejam claras e completas, permitindo que os consumidores finais possam obter um adequado desempenho acústico em suas edificações.
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Vizualizace historického vývoje katastrální mapy / Visualizations history of changes in cadastral mapKlecanda, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this master thesis is to suggest a methodology for a visualization history of changes in cadastral maps. The suggested methodology takes into account a selection of original historical and contemporary data, processing workflow and follow-up visualization using existing open source web technologies. The greatest contribution of this thesis is in the design of the spatio-temporal database, because currently there does not exist workable editor similar to it, which could be used for creating such data. The suggested procedure is based on database updating method of ISKN database utilizing amendment records. However this method is significantly simplified with the use of PostgreSQL/PostGIS geospatial functions. The available literature and other informational sources to the topic are overviewed in the first part of the master thesis. The term "spatio-temporal data" is thoroughly defined and also the ways of integrating temporal features into spatial data, methods of visualization of spatio-temporal data and recent state of their implementations into desktop platforms and web applications are noted. Furthermore historical and current data sources and their usability for the master thesis are described. The full methodology of pre-processing and processing of data and a subsequent visualization using...
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Výrazy s proměnnou v učivu základní školy / Expressions with variables in primary mathematicsPokorný, Antonín January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the teaching of variable expressions at the eighth grade of elementary school and is divided into the theoretical, preparatory and experimental part. The theoretical part contains a short description of the objectives of the teaching of variable expressions. This section is complemented by the selected results of international comparative research and the classification of mistakes which pupils make in connection with the topic. An important part is the analysis of selected textbooks according them the teaching of variable expressions at the primary schools takes place. In the preparatory part there are presented the selected tasks of generalization which are recommended by the curriculum materials, but are not included in the textbooks. Component of the preparatory part is the presentation of algebra tiles environment. The core of the thesis is the experimental part aiming to compare the results of teaching of variable expressions in two differently taught groups. The first group was taught according to the textbook. In the second group the teaching was based on patterns of algebra tiles. The research of teaching results is focused on pupils' difficulties and the most frequent mistakes. The results indicated that the environment of algebra tiles helps to reduce number of...
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La céramique architecturale des "Maîtres de Tabriz" dans les édifices ottomans des 15ème et 16ème siècles / Architectural ceramics of “Masters of Tabriz” in the Ottoman buildings of the 15th and 16th centuriesMahi, Khalida 15 December 2015 (has links)
Les « Maîtres de Tabriz » ont suscité un vif intérêt chez les chercheurs. Ces céramistes, qui ont orné des édifices ottomans au 15ème et 16ème siècle, demeurent pourtant mystérieux à bien des égards. L’absence de biographies rend leur identification incertaine et engendre par conséquent de nombreuses théories sur leur origine historique et géographique. Concrètement, ces maîtres ne sont connus qu’à travers leur nom figurant dans les inscriptions monumentales ou dans les archives ottomanes. Une investigation dans les textes anciens a alors été essentielle pour combler le manque d’indices. Cependant, certaines de ces sources écrites ont fait l’objet d’extrapolations et de spéculations aléatoires. Pourtant, elles sont considérées comme des éléments probants, ce qui fausse évidemment l’identification de ces céramistes. Il a été primordial de revenir sur les éléments d’identification. La relecture des sources primaires permet en effet de dégager les notions concrètes et d’écarter les hypothèses infondées. Tel est l’enjeu de la première partie de cette étude qui met en évidence les connaissances que l’on possède des « Maîtres de Tabriz ». La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’analyse technique et ornementale des céramiques architecturales. Les œuvres des « Maîtres de Tabriz » sont relativement bien connues. Elles ont fait l’objet de nombreuses publications, mais ont souvent été abordées de manière transversale. Cette étude propose une nouvelle approche en mettant en relation la production de chacun des quatre groupes de céramistes. Cette démarche permet ainsi de saisir l’évolution de cette production tout en mettant en avant les corrélations et les disparités artistiques. / The « Masters of Tabriz » generate high interest among researchers. These ceramists, who decorated ottoman buildings in the 15th and 16th centuries, remain mysterious in many respects. The absence of biographies makes their identification uncertain and hence leads to many different theories about their historical and geographical origins. In reality, these masters are only known for their names found on monumental inscriptions and from ottoman chancery documents. Thus, investigation into ancient texts became essential to fill in the lack of evidence. However, some of these written sources have led to extrapolations and uncertain speculations. Yet these have been accepted and considered as conclusive elements, which obviously misrepresent these master ceramists. It is thus essential to return to the elements of identification. Rereading primary sources written in Arabic, Persian and Ottoman gives evidence to concrete notions and dismisses unfounded suppositions. As the shadow zones round them tend to lead to myths, the objective of the first part of this study is to rectify the knowledge in our possession of the “Masters of Tabriz”.The second part consists of a technical and ornamental analysis of the architectural ceramic tiles. The productions of the “Masters of Tabriz”, principally found in Bursa, Edirne, Istanbul and Jerusalem, are relatively well known. They have been the subject of many publications, but have often been treated transversally. This study offers a new approach, comparing the productions of the four groups of ceramists. This procedure brings to light the progression of this production as it focuses on the artistic correlations and disparities.
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Effects of Architectural Features of Air-Permeable Roof Cladding Materials on Wind-Induced Uplift LoadingLi, Ruilong 23 April 2012 (has links)
Widespread damage to roofing materials (such as tiles and shingles) for low-rise buildings, even for weaker hurricanes, has raised concerns regarding design load provisions and construction practices. Currently the building codes used for designing low-rise building roofs are mainly based on testing results from building models which generally do not simulate the architectural features of roofing materials that may significantly influence the wind-induced pressures. Full-scale experimentation was conducted under high winds to investigate the effects of architectural details of high profile roof tiles and asphalt shingles on net pressures that are often responsible for damage to these roofing materials. Effects on the vulnerability of roofing materials were also studied. Different roof models with bare, tiled, and shingled roof decks were tested. Pressures acting on both top and bottom surfaces of the roofing materials were measured to understand their effects on the net uplift loading. The area-averaged peak pressure coefficients obtained from bare, tiled, and shingled roof decks were compared. In addition, a set of wind tunnel tests on a tiled roof deck model were conducted to verify the effects of tiles’ cavity internal pressure. Both the full-scale and the wind tunnel test results showed that underside pressure of a roof tile could either aggravate or alleviate wind uplift on the tile based on its orientation on the roof with respect to the wind angle of attack. For shingles, the underside pressure could aggravate wind uplift if the shingle is located near the center of the roof deck. Bare deck modeling to estimate design wind uplift on shingled decks may be acceptable for most locations but not for field locations; it could underestimate the uplift on shingles by 30-60%. In addition, some initial quantification of the effects of roofing materials on wind uplift was performed by studying the wind uplift load ratio for tiled versus bare deck and shingled versus bare deck. Vulnerability curves, with and without considering the effects of tiles’ cavity internal pressure, showed significant differences. Aerodynamic load provisions for low-rise buildings’ roofs and their vulnerability can thus be more accurately evaluated by considering the effects of the roofing materials.
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Qallaline. Les revêtements céramiques des fondations beylicales tunisoises du XVIIIe siècle / Qallaline. Ceramic tile panelling in XVIIIth century Tunisian Beylical architectureÁlvarez Dopico, Ilham 28 November 2010 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la production de carreaux de céramique des ateliers de la ville de Tunis, dits Qallaline, du XVIIIe siècle et sur leur application dans l’architecture beylicale contemporaine. La première partie de ce volume contient l’étude monographique de cette production céramique et privilège la mise en contexte historique et spatiale avec la fixation d’une chronologie raisonnée, l’établissement d’une typologie systématique des modèles de carreaux, l’analyse iconographique des motifs déployés sur les revêtements céramiques, avec l’étude de l’origine des motifs employés et de leur évolution, et finalement la définition des influences subies par les ateliers tunisois. Aussi, il est question de sa distribution à l’intérieur de la Régence ottomane de Tunis et de son exportation vers les Régences voisines ainsi que l’usage et les pratiques associées à l’emploi des revêtements céramiques tunisois dans l’architecture contemporaine dans l’Afrique du Nord. La deuxième partie de ce volume contient un catalogue des modèles de carreaux et de panneaux céramiques qui propose une classification ouverte et qui ne se cantonne pas au descriptif pour aborder l’interprétation. L’étude et la description formelle de cette production céramique concluent avec la définition stylistique de Qallaline comme expression d’un art ottoman provincial. / This PhD deals with the production of ceramic tiles from XVIII th century Tunisian Qallaline workshops and its use in the Beylical architecture of the time. The first part consist of a monographic study of this ceramics production, which, in turns, enables us to contextualize it both historically and geographically by means of setting a contrasted chronology and establishing a systematic typology of the different tile models. It also includes an iconographic analysis of the patterns present in the ceramic panelling, together with the study of their origin and evolution. Then, we focus on the foreign influences affecting Tunisian workshops. Finally, the distribution of this ceramic panelling within the Ottoman Regency of Tunisia and in the surrounding Regencies, as well as the use and practices associated with such Tunisian panelling in Northern African architecture in the XVIIIth century are also studied. The second part contains a catalogue of the different tiles and tile panels. This catalogue offers an open classification, which means that it does not consider only the mere description of the items it contains when giving an interpretation. The formal description and the study of this ceramics production has enabled us to define Qallaline from a stylistic point of view as an expression of Ottoman provincial art.
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Estudo da eficiência do uso da cinza de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (cbc) como aditivo defloculante na indústria de porcelanato /Carvalho, Franciéli Caiara Rodrigues de. January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Keizo Yukimitu / Resumo: Este trabalho visa o estudo da eficiência do uso da cinza de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (CBC) como defloculante para materiais cerâmicos do tipo porcelanato, disponibilizada pela indústria Villagres, em comparação ao aditivo defloculante atualmente utilizado mesma, o silicato de sódio. O estudo do reaproveitamento deste material residual de origem orgânica na indústria cerâmica tem motivações que envolvem causas de disponibilidade, sustentabilidade, inovação e rentabilidade, motivações essas que, para este estudo em específico, foram fomentadas por resultados bastante promissores obtidos através de um estudo prévio envolvendo algumas destas mesmas variáveis citadas, em termos de redução do tempo de escoamento, e consequentemente, viscosidade. Materiais argilosos (argilominerais) fazem parte de grande parte da composição de massas cerâmicas. Durante o seu processo de moagem via úmida, observa-se nas argilas uma interação superficial de atração pelas forças de Van der Waals. Para que esta interação diminua e consequentemente a viscosidade da barbotina, utiliza-se aditivos defloculantes à base de sódio. O silicato de sódio é capaz de promover a troca catiônica dos cátions bivalentes. Conforme o decorrer do projeto, foram testadas diferentes formulações e metodologias nas instalações da indústria de porcelanato Villagres, com adições de silicato de sódio e/ou CBC aos materiais cerâmicos, e assim medir das viscosidades das misturas com o equipamento Copo de Ford para que fosse anali... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre
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Románské dlaždice v Čechách / Romanesque Floor Tiles in BohemiaFleková, Klára January 2021 (has links)
The presented work contains several chapters in the field of Romanesque tile studies. After a clear summary of the current understanding of the development of floor treatment in our area from the early to the high Middle Ages, there follows an analysis of the extensive finds of the Ostrov monastery from recent research that took place at the site. In particular, features that are characteristic and clearly unique for Ostrov tiles are addressed. These are mainly evidence of an innovative approach to tile production. In order to be able to discuss such issues at all, the tiles first had to be processed into the form of a catalog, which is included in this thesis. We consider a clear arrangement of the findings as a necessary condition for further discussion on the chronology and significance of the presumed Ostrov production center. The next chapter is devoted to new findings about the oldest relief floor tiles in the Czech Republic, which are the tiles of the Vyšehrad type. Although there has not been a major shift in the scope of the source base recently, some assumptions can still be reformulated. Briefly, these include abandoning the idea of the Vyšehrad type tiles as a homogeneous group defined by a combination of four motifs, as well as an outline of the possibility of its chronological...
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Možnosti využití fluidních popílků v keramické technologii / Fly ash of class C for ceramic technologyKeršnerová, Lucie Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis is focused on the possibilities of the utilization of the fludized fly ash in ceramic technology, especially in the field of brick manufacturing and ceramic tiles. There were used fly ashes from thermal power plants in Hodonín, Ledvice and Tisová. Fluidized fly ash can be used for manufacturing of building materials. There hasn’t been done extensive research in this area. One of the problem is sulphur dioxide leakage during burning. The work describes the behaviour of fluidized ash during firing. The attention is focused on air pollution of sulphur dioxide. The production of SO2 is controlled so that the aim of the work is to find a way how to avoid leaking. It was proved that addition of sodium ions causes the formation of minerals hauyne and nosean during firing. Also is described the behaviour of the fly ash-soil mixtures. The anhydrite decomposition temperature is lower than in pure fly ash. In the end is fluidized ash applied for the production of dry pressed ceramic tiles. This ash can be used in ceramic technology. However, despite the interesting results there are number of problems that need to be solved.
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