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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vuxna barn till missbrukare : tankar och upplevelser kring begreppet livskvalitet

Pettersson, Niclas January 2006 (has links)
<p>Addiction has been a problem for centuries. However, it wasn`t until the 1930s that research in this field was conducted systematically. At that time, the main focus was the wife of the alcoholic. Thirty years later the first stress-theories evolved. The theories showed that the husband´s drinking triggered the wife´s stress. During the next decade, the effect of alcohol-/ drug abuse on family and relatives, was studied, as well as the different ways in which they coped with these stressfull situations. The current study sheds light upon the thought and experiences of the adult children of addicts, with a focus on conceptions of quality-of-life. The thesis is based on a qualitative study conducted by interviewing individuals who had grown up in families where adults had addiction problems. The results show that the respondents are progressing to a higher quality-of-life. Still, there is more quality-of-life to achieve. It is also important to highlight the situation of children, and adult child perspectives in society - not just those of individuals who have an addiction</p>

Hjältar och syndabockar, tapetblommor och clowner : en intervjustudie om en skolas beredskap och förmåga att hjälpa och stödja barn till föräldrar med missbruksproblem i skolsituationen

Dackemark, Karin, Hellman, Martina, Kvick, Jessica January 2006 (has links)
Eriksons stadieteori betonar vikten av det sociala samspelet för ett barns utveckling, man utvecklas genom känsliga och kritiska perioder. Utvecklingen sker i olika stadier och när en brist uppstår någonstans i vårt psyke så inväntar nästa utvecklingsstadier inte på att denna brist först ska fyllas utan man går vidare till nästa stadie utan att bristen blivit läkt. Detta gör att vårt psyke haltar, det är först under tonåren som de brister eller bubblor vi har fått under vår uppväxt ges en möjlighet att reparera det som gått snett (Fhyr, 1999). Syftet med studien är att titta på en skolas beredskap och förmåga att hjälpa och stödja barn till föräldrar med missbruksproblem i skolsituationen. Tanken med studien är att fånga olika informanters erfarenhet utifrån vårt syfte att titta på en skolas beredskap och förmåga att hjälpa och stödja barn till föräldrar med missbruksproblem i skolsituationen. Metoden vi har valt att använda är därför en fenomenologisk metod där de ges möjligheten att tolka informanternas livsvärld. Vi har utfört fyra djupintervjuer av kvalitativ metod med informanter med god erfarenhet inom ämnet. Studien visar att ingen av de intervjuade informanterna pekar på någon speciell handlingsplan inför arbetet med barn till föräldrar med missbruksproblem, utan arbetar individuellt med elevhälsoteamet (skolsköterska, kurator, specialpedagog och rektor) utifrån varje enskild individ. Pedagogens roll i arbetet med barn till missbrukande föräldrar antog vi vara långt mer behandlande än resultatet visade på. Resultatet pekar på att pedagogens roll är mer betydande i den mening att han/hon kan vara ett stöd som ger en känsla av struktur, ödmjukhet och respekt.

Vuxna barn till missbrukare : tankar och upplevelser kring begreppet livskvalitet

Pettersson, Niclas January 2006 (has links)
Addiction has been a problem for centuries. However, it wasn`t until the 1930s that research in this field was conducted systematically. At that time, the main focus was the wife of the alcoholic. Thirty years later the first stress-theories evolved. The theories showed that the husband´s drinking triggered the wife´s stress. During the next decade, the effect of alcohol-/ drug abuse on family and relatives, was studied, as well as the different ways in which they coped with these stressfull situations. The current study sheds light upon the thought and experiences of the adult children of addicts, with a focus on conceptions of quality-of-life. The thesis is based on a qualitative study conducted by interviewing individuals who had grown up in families where adults had addiction problems. The results show that the respondents are progressing to a higher quality-of-life. Still, there is more quality-of-life to achieve. It is also important to highlight the situation of children, and adult child perspectives in society - not just those of individuals who have an addiction

I mötet med en till en : En studie om lärares inställning till samt användning av datorer under uppstartsåret av ett en-till-en projekt

Chauca, Adam, Karlsson, Hans January 2015 (has links)
ABSTRAKT  The aim of this study has been to highlight teachers’ experiences of an implemented One-to-one project in a town in the southern parts of Sweden. Using a mixed method, with surveys and interviews, the result has been analyzed through the frame-factor theory and the SAMR model. The results of the study show that a majority of the teachers were dissatisfied with how the project had been implemented. A lack of time, pedagogical vision, and competence development were some of the complaints that the teachers had. This affected the teachers’ attitude to the project and the use of the computers.  Most of the teachers did still agree that the project have had a positive effect on their work. This effect could mainly be seen in their communication with their students and to some extent their teaching.

Inkludering utifrån lärares perspektiv / Inclusion by teachers perspective

Holmkvist-Wahlström, Ann January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att belysa begreppet inkludering utifrån några lärares perspektiv samt vilken uppfattning de har kring möjligheterna att arbeta inkluderande i sina verksamheter. Detta i ett led att på så vis komma åt den kunskap som behövs för att kunna arbeta för ett skolutvecklande arbete med en inkluderande verksamhet som mål. Som en del i det undersöktes även lärarnas attityd gällande ett inkluderande arbete. Som metod har en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer använts. Sex lärare som alla har erfarenhet av inkluderande arbete har intervjuats. Lärarna arbetar i samma kommun på tre olika skolor. Skolorna är alla F-6 skolor. Två av skolorna arbetar åldersintegrerat. Resultatet visar att lärarna är positiva till inkludering som grundtanke utifrån att motsatsen är exkludering. Deras tolkning av begreppet inkludering överensstämmer med tidigare forskning. Möjligheterna att arbeta inkluderande anses dessutom begränsade av ett antal förutsättningar. Dessa förutsättningar är framförallt resurser i form av personal, hjälpmedel, anpassat arbetsmaterial för eleverna samt i form av tid för planering. Det framkommer även att själva det inkluderande arbetet upplevs som något påtvingat på två av skolorna.

ASL- att skriva sig till läsning : Datorn som skrivdidaktisk verktyg / ASL reading througt writing : The computer as a writing didactic tool

Ryckertz, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka hur fyra lärare utformar det tidiga läs- och skrivlärandet samt i vilken utsträckning datorn inkluderas i lärandet. Studien utgår från det sociokulturella perspektivet, via en kvalitativ ansats med intervjuer och observationer har lärarna beskrivit och åskådliggjort hur de använder datorn i deras undervisning. Studiens resultat visar att datorn ger ett mervärde i undervisningen då den bland annat bidrar till ett lugnare klassrumsklimat, att fler behov kan mötas samt att det är enklare att individanpassa och variera undervisningen. Parallellt med detta framgår att variationen är stor när det handlar om i vilken utsträckning datorn används och att grunden till stor del beror på lärarens digitala kompetens. Studiens resultat visar även att datorn inte bara medför möjligheter, utan även utmaningar i gestalt av tekniska komplikationer vilket kräver en god teknisk infrastruktur för att undervisningen med datorn ska fungera.

Horseweed (Erigeron canadensis) Control in No-Till Soybean Systems on a Coarse Textured Soil

Froemke, Aaron Michael January 2020 (has links)
Horseweed (Erigeron canadensis) is a competitive winter or summer annual broadleaf weed. When uncontrolled, horseweed can reduce soybean (Glycine max) yields by 93%. Research was conducted to advance our knowledge on horseweed growth stage response to foliar-active and residual herbicides, fall applications, and the utility of differing herbicide technologies. Greenhouse results determined that herbicide efficacy was greatest when applied to early rosette horseweed providing an average control of 70% across herbicide treatments. Field trials determined that preventing new emergence with flumioxazin, added with dicamba or paraquat to kill existing plants in the fall, increased control to 99% the following spring. Field trials also determined that dicamba, applied PRE or POST, provided excellent horseweed control and was an effective soybean technology system for horseweed-infested fields. Saflufenacil controlled existing plants, but residual benefits were unclear. Further research must be done to investigate residual activity of PRE herbicides applied before horseweed emergence.

Nitrogen Management in No-till Winter Wheat Production Systems

Gaidos, Joan Marie 27 April 2001 (has links)
Determining optimum N fertilization rate and timing is critical to improve yields and economic sustainability for no-till winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the Virginia Coastal Plain. Little data are available evaluating N management strategies, optimum N rate prediction methods, or potential NO3 leaching under no-till wheat in soils and climate similar to the mid-Atlantic region. The objectives of our research were: (1) to determine economic optimum N fertilization rates and timings; (2) evaluate selected methods for predicting optimum N rates at GS 25 and GS 30; and (3) measure NO3 leaching loss under selected N management strategies. Eleven experiments over three years evaluated N rates at GS 25 and GS 30. Six experiments over two years evaluated pre-plant and December or GS 25 N rates under no-till winter wheat in farm fields of the Coastal Plain region of Virginia. Nitrate leaching was measured under selected pre-plant and December or GS 25 N application rates. All sites represented common Coastal Plain soil types and cultural practices for no-till wheat production. Yield data were used to calculate economic optimum N rates for a range of combinations of N management strategies. Optimum N rates were regressed against tiller density at GS 25, and wheat tissue N content and SPAD chlorophyll meter readings at GS 30, to determine their effectiveness as predictors of the optimum N rate at GS 25 or GS 30. Tiller density was an effective predictor of optimum GS 25 N rate in these split application management strategies. However, wheat tissue N contents and SPAD chlorophyll meter readings were not effective predictors of optimum N application at GS 30. Yields across all experimental designs were affected by planting date. Timely planted no-till wheat consistently produced higher yields compared to late planted. Sites under continuous no-till production for 8 years or more also produced higher yields than sites under continuous no-till production for less than 8 years. Including an additional December N application with the more traditional N management strategy of pre-plant, GS 25 and GS 30 N applications improved yields. Nitrate leaching loss at selected pre-plant and December or GS 25 N rates was not higher than background check plot levels under timely planted no-till wheat. Additionally, economic optimum N application rates and timings at these sites did not produce NO3 leaching losses above background levels under timely or late planted wheat, except at one late planted site. These data indicate N application rates and timings in no-till wheat can be managed for improved economic sustainability and reduced environmental impact. / Ph. D.

Effects of Phosphorus on No-Till, Minimum-Till, and Conventional Till Irrigated Field Corn

McKay, John A. 01 May 1987 (has links)
This investigation involved three tillage treatments, fall plowed (conventional) (moldboard IS-centimeter depth), fall chiseled (ripped) (25-centimeter depth), and no-tillage (zero tillage) replicated four times on an established alfalfa field. Rye was planted in the fall and harvested prior to planting the corn. Soil samples contained an average of 5.9 ppm phosphorus in the 0-30 centimeter soil layer, indicating the need for additional phosphorus. Within each tillage treatment, six rows received 11 kilograms/hectare phosphorus with the seed and 34 kilograms/hectare phosphorus side-dressed. Six rows received 45 kilograms/hectare phosphorus side-dressed, and four rows received 0 phosphorus. All 16 rows received 64 kilograms/hectare of nitrogen to ensure it was a non-limiting factor. Yields were significantly higher in every tillage plot that received phosphorus compared to the 0 kilograms phosphorus/hectare treatments in the plots. There was a trend of higher yields with the treatments of 11 kilograms/hectare + 34 kilograms/hectare side-dressed compared to the 45 kilograms/ hectare phosphorus side-dressed treatments. However, these were not significantly higher. The no-till plots yielded higher than the ripped or plowed in each tillage treatment. The differences between the no-till and ripped plots were not significant. However, the no-till plots yielded significantly higher than the plowed plot. The no-till 11 kilograms phosphorus + 34 kilograms phosphorus plots averaged 3.1 Megegrams/hectare higher silage yield than the plowed 11 kilograms phosphorus + 34 kilograms phosphorus plots and 2. 5 Megegrams/hectare higher in the 45 kilograms phosphorus side -dressed plots. Phosphorus uptake was measured by leaf sampling and found to be significantly higher in the no-till plots compared to the ripped and plowed plots. TON and protein were also determined, however, no significant differences existed between any tillage treatments. The rye was intended to be cut prior to planting for forage use in a dairy or cattle feeding program. Although the average dry weight was only 598 kilograms/hectare due mainly to late planting, this method has great economical potential.

Stratigraphic Analysis of Areal Discontinuities of Late Wisonsinan Till Sheets Near Conneaut Lake, Northwestern Pennsylvania

Hartley, Kelley A. 05 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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