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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de confiabilidade de peças de madeira fletidas dimensionadas segundo a NBR 7190/97 / Reliability analysis of bending timber members designed according NBR 7190/97

Adolfs, Daniel Veiga 21 November 2011 (has links)
A passagem do método das tensões admissíveis para o método dos estados limites na NBR 7190 - Projeto de Estruturas de Madeira, ocorrida em 1997, foi feita por meio de calibração determinística que teve como ponto central a resistência da madeira na compressão paralela às fibras. Um dos aspectos modificados foi o dimensionamento de peças fletidas no tocante à verificação das tensões normais devidas ao momento fletor, em que é utilizada a resistência à compressão paralela às fibras. Com a intenção de averiguar o grau de segurança do modelo de cálculo para esse caso, foram realizadas análises de confiabilidade para vigas fletidas de madeira. Foram coletados dados de 549 testes de flexão de vigas, obtendo-se valores relativos à ruptura, e também foram obtidas informações estatísticas a respeito como a média e o desvio-padrão da resistência à compressão paralela às fibras, das mesmas espécies usadas nas vigas. Nas análises de confiabilidade foram utilizadas 5 variáveis aleatórias, com 5 tipos de combinações diferentes, analisadas com e sem erro de modelo para cada um dos 16 grupos de resultados levantados, totalizando 2752 análises de confiabilidade. Os resultados das análises sem o erro de modelo mostram que a norma não atinge valores suficientes para o índice de confiabilidade e que, com a introdução do erro de modelo, os resultados são mais adequados. Também se verificou que o modelo adotado pela norma é muito conservador, no caso de peças de madeira de Pinus SP classificadas. / The transition of allowable stress to limit state design methods in \"NBR 7190 - Projeto de Estruturas de Madeira\", in 1997, was made considering the strength in compression parallel to the grain as central point of deterministic calibration. One of the aspects modified was the design of beams, related to tension and compression; in this case is used the strength in compression. A reliability analysis was made for timber beams to determine the security level of the theoretical model. Were collected data related to failure from 549 bending tests in beams, and statistical information about the mean and standard deviation of the strength in compression of the wood species used in the beams. In reliability analysis were used 5 random variables, with 5 different types of combinations, analyzed with and without model error for each of the 16 groups of results collected, resulting 2752 reliability analysis. The results of the analysis without the model error show that the standard doesnt achieve sufficient values for the reliability index and, with the introduction of model error, the results are more adequate. It was also verified that the theoretical model is very conservative in the case of graded members of Pine species.

Análise de confiabilidade de peças de madeira fletidas dimensionadas segundo a NBR 7190/97 / Reliability analysis of bending timber members designed according NBR 7190/97

Daniel Veiga Adolfs 21 November 2011 (has links)
A passagem do método das tensões admissíveis para o método dos estados limites na NBR 7190 - Projeto de Estruturas de Madeira, ocorrida em 1997, foi feita por meio de calibração determinística que teve como ponto central a resistência da madeira na compressão paralela às fibras. Um dos aspectos modificados foi o dimensionamento de peças fletidas no tocante à verificação das tensões normais devidas ao momento fletor, em que é utilizada a resistência à compressão paralela às fibras. Com a intenção de averiguar o grau de segurança do modelo de cálculo para esse caso, foram realizadas análises de confiabilidade para vigas fletidas de madeira. Foram coletados dados de 549 testes de flexão de vigas, obtendo-se valores relativos à ruptura, e também foram obtidas informações estatísticas a respeito como a média e o desvio-padrão da resistência à compressão paralela às fibras, das mesmas espécies usadas nas vigas. Nas análises de confiabilidade foram utilizadas 5 variáveis aleatórias, com 5 tipos de combinações diferentes, analisadas com e sem erro de modelo para cada um dos 16 grupos de resultados levantados, totalizando 2752 análises de confiabilidade. Os resultados das análises sem o erro de modelo mostram que a norma não atinge valores suficientes para o índice de confiabilidade e que, com a introdução do erro de modelo, os resultados são mais adequados. Também se verificou que o modelo adotado pela norma é muito conservador, no caso de peças de madeira de Pinus SP classificadas. / The transition of allowable stress to limit state design methods in \"NBR 7190 - Projeto de Estruturas de Madeira\", in 1997, was made considering the strength in compression parallel to the grain as central point of deterministic calibration. One of the aspects modified was the design of beams, related to tension and compression; in this case is used the strength in compression. A reliability analysis was made for timber beams to determine the security level of the theoretical model. Were collected data related to failure from 549 bending tests in beams, and statistical information about the mean and standard deviation of the strength in compression of the wood species used in the beams. In reliability analysis were used 5 random variables, with 5 different types of combinations, analyzed with and without model error for each of the 16 groups of results collected, resulting 2752 reliability analysis. The results of the analysis without the model error show that the standard doesnt achieve sufficient values for the reliability index and, with the introduction of model error, the results are more adequate. It was also verified that the theoretical model is very conservative in the case of graded members of Pine species.

Temperature distribution and charring penetrations in timber assemblies exposed to parametric fire curves : Comparisons between tests and TASEF predictions

Andersson, Isac, Ek, Niklas January 2017 (has links)
Four furnace tests have been performed using two different parametric fire curves and the results are compared with computer simulations and Eurocode calculations. What differentiates the parametric fire curve from other fire curves is in particular the cooling phase, something that has proven to be hard to model for timber structures. A literature study and computer simulations were followed by experimental work performed at SP Wood Building Technology in Stockholm. The computer simulations were performed using the computer code TASEF. The predictions from TASEF were compared with measurements from the fire tests to evaluate how well the program can predict temperature distribution using a parametric fire curve. The four fire tests were executed at SP Wood Building Technology, glued laminated timber beams were used in all tests. When preparing the test specimens thermocouples were installed to measure temperature distribution, the thermocouples were installed in drilled holes. A deviation study regarding these drill-holes was performed as a part of the preparations. The temperature distributions measured during the tests were compared with the temperature distribution predicted by TASEF. Charring rate and charring depth were obtained from the fire tests, from the TASEF simulations but also by using equations given in the Eurocode. Since TASEF simulates temperature distribution and not charring depth, the 300 °C isotherm was assumed to represent the charring depth. The results from all three methods were compared and evaluated. The agreement between experiments and TASEF predictions regarding temperature distribution and charring depth were in general very good. Parametric fire curves with opening factors of 0.02 m1/2 and 0.04 m1/2 were used in four fire tests. TASEF performed more accurate predictions regarding the temperature distribution for the small opening factor but looking at the charring depth the predictions were better for the bigger opening factor. It is recommended to perform further studies and find out the reason for this behaviour. Comparing the charring depths measured at the tests with values calculated using Eurocode 5 there were some differences in charring depths. Charring depths for the horizontal direction of the beams were much alike, but when comparing the charring depths for the vertical direction there is a significant difference. The equations regarding charring depth for wood exposed to parametric fire curves in Eurocode 5 underestimate the charring depth. It is recommended to evaluate these equations further. For one of the timber beams delamination occurred, this has previously been assumed not to occur to glued laminated beams. More studies should be performed regarding delamination of glued laminated beams exposed to fire. / Fyra brandtester i en brandprovningsugn har genomförts med två olika parametriska brandkurvor och resultatet har jämförts med datorsimuleringar och Eurocode-beräkningar. Det som särskiljer parametriska brandkurvor från andra brandkurvor är nedkylningsfasen, något som har visat sig svårt att modellera för träkonstruktioner. Litteraturstudier och datorsimuleringar följdes av experimentellt arbete som utfördes vid SP Träbyggande och Boende i Stockholm. Datorsimuleringarna har utförts med datorkoden TASEF. Simuleringsresultat från TASEF jämfördes med mätningar från brandtesterna för att utvärdera hur bra TASEF kan förutse temperaturdistributionen då en parametrisk brandkurva används. De fyra brandtesterna förbereddes och utfördes på SP Träbyggande och Boende, limträbalkar användes i samtliga tester. När testbalkarna förbereddes inför brandtesterna installerades termoelement för att mäta temperaturdistributionen. Termoelementen installerades i borrhål. Som en del av förberedelserna gjordes en avvikelsestudie för dessa borrhål. Temperaturdistributionen som uppmättes under testerna jämfördes med temperaturdistributionen från TASEF-simuleringar. Från brandtester, TASEF-simuleringar och från ekvationer i Eurocode erhölls förkolningshastighet och förkolningsdjup. Eftersom TASEF simulerar temperaturer och inte förkolningsdjup användes 300 °C isotermen som då antogs representera förkolningsdjupet. Resultatet från alla tre metoder jämfördes och utvärderades. Generellt stämde temperaturdistributionen och förkolningsdjupen från TASEF-simuleringarna väldigt bra överens med de experimentella resultaten. Under testerna användes parametriska brandkurvor med öppningsfaktorer av 0.02 m1/2 och 0.04 m1/2. TASEF simulerade mer noggranna resultat gällande temperaturdistributionen för kurvan med den lägre öppningsfaktorn medan simuleringar för kurvan med den högre öppningsfaktorn gav bättre resultat för förkolningsdjupet. Det rekommenderas att göra fler studier för att ta reda på anledningen till detta beteende. Genom att jämföra förkolningsdjup som uppmättes efter brandtesterna med beräknade värden från Eurocode förekom vissa skillnader. Förkolningsdjup för bredden av balkarna var likartade, medan förkolningsdjupet för höjden av balkarna hade en signifikant skillnad. Ekvationerna i Eurocode underskattade förkolningsdjupet, det rekommenderas därför att utvärdera dessa ekvationer ytterligare. För en av limträbalkarna inträffade delaminering, detta har tidigare antagits vara osannolikt för limträbalkar. Fler studier borde utföras angående delaminering av limträbalkar exponerade för parametriska brandkurvor.

Emprego de espécies de baixa densidade na reabilitação de vigas de madeira / Use of low density species in the rehabilitation of timber beams

Balanco, Giovana Gobatto 21 February 2018 (has links)
A madeira foi largamente utilizada em edificações no período colonial brasileiro por sua abundância em variadas espécies e a facilidade de obtenção e adaptação aos fins previstos. Muitos destes imóveis ainda existem e abrangem a maior parte do patrimônio histórico e cultural de nossas cidades. Devido à degradação causada pelo tempo e a falta de manutenção adequada destes elementos estruturais, as edificações estão expostas ao risco de colapso. O objetivo deste trabalho foi sugerir um método de reabilitação parcial de vigas estruturais de madeira, pois se notou um problema recorrente nestes elementos em construções antigas pelo fato de acumularem umidade, serem alvos de patologias principalmente na parte superior. Para reabilitação empregamos madeiras de baixa densidade pela facilidade de compra desse material, baixo custo e principalmente por aderir muito bem a tratamento preservativo com CCB, o que garante que a estrutura estará protegida de novos ataques. Além das madeiras de baixa densidade tratadas, parafusos auto atarraxantes foram escolhidos para fazer a união entre as madeiras. Para os ensaios de flexão estática de 3 pontos foram adotados 4 diferentes tipos de parafusos variando o diâmetro e comprimento além disso, o número de parafusos inseridos nos corpos de prova também variou. Este estudo contém a análise de relação entre a quantidade de parafusos auto atarraxantes (que fazem a união das peças) e o produto de rigidez de peças mistas compostas de madeira referência (que simula a viga em estado de degradação) e madeira tratada (substituindo a porção degradada). Para a madeira referencia adotou-se Eucalipto (classe C30 de resistência) e Roxinho (classe C60) e, para madeira tratada adotou-se Pinus e Caxeta (de baixa densidade, ambas da classe C20). Análises estatísticas foram utilizadas para interpretação dos resultados obtidos em laboratório. Estas análises apontaram o crescimento do produto de rigidez das vigas mistas conforme a inserção de parafusos e a partir dai foi possível expressar em formulas a correlação dos dados. Utilizou-se o teste de Tukey para apontar o melhor tratamento para cada tipo de viga mista (Pinus e Eucalipto, Roxinho e Caxeta) além do melhor parafuso a se utilizar. / Wood was widely used in buildings in the Brazilian colonial period because of it is abundant in varied species and the ease of obtaining and adapting to intended purposes. Many of these properties still exist and cover most of historical and cultural heritage of Brazilian cities. Due to the degradation caused by the weather and lack of adequate maintenance of these structural elements, buildings are exposed to risk of collapse. The objective of this work was to suggest a method of partial rehabilitation of structural timber beams, since a recurrent problem was observed in these elements in old constructions due to accumulation of humidity, being targets of pathologies mainly in their upper part. For rehabilitation we use low density wood because of ease to purchasing this material, low cost and mainly for adhering very well to condom treatment with CCB, which ensures that the structure will be protected from further attacks. In addition to the treated low density woods, self-tapping screws were chosen to make union between woods. For tests, 4 different types of screws were used, varying diameter and length, and number of screws inserted in the specimens also varied. This study contains an analysis of relationship between the number of self-tapping screws (which make the joining of pieces) and the rigidity product of composite pieces of reference wood (which simulates beam in degraded state) and treated wood (replacing degraded portion). Eucalyptus (class C30 of resistance) and Roxinho (class C60) were used for reference wood, and Pinus and Caxeta (low density, both of class C20) were used for treated wood. Statistical analyzes were used to interpret results obtained in laboratory. These analyzes indicated growth of product of flexural stiffness according to insertion of screws and from this it was possible to express in formulas a correlation of data. Tukey test was used to indicate the best treatment for each type of mixed beam (Pinus and Eucalyptus, Roxinho and Caxeta) as well as the best screw to be used.

Hållbara balkar : En jämförelse av bärförmåga och klimatpåverkan hos stål-, trä-, och stålförstärkta träbalkar

Ivansson, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
The contemporary imperative of sustainable development has established an unprecedented degree of urgency, in view of the intransigent challenges posed by the persistent and ever-increasing energy and climate crises. In 2019, the Swedish building industry accounted for 21% of the nation’s total greenhouse gas emissions, with the structural framework of a building contributing to 34% of its overall emissions. In response to climate change and the housing demand caused by a growing population, sustainable construction solutions are needed. By substituting steel beams with timber beams, the carbon emissions caused by the building industry can be reduced significantly. This study investigates whether timber based, or steel-reinforced timber beams can provide comparable load-bearing capacity to steel beams while reducing carbon. How this impacts the cross-sectional height of the beams is also taken into consideration. Different load-bearing properties were calculated according to Eurocode using Excel for all the surveyed beams. The carbon emissions were calculated based on the weight of each beam combined with climate data obtained from the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning. Findings suggest that timber-based beams made from glulam or laminated veneer lumber exhibit moment capacity and bending stiffness on par with those of steel beams while reducing the carbon emissions drastically, but at the cost of increased cross-section height. Steel beams were identified as the main source of carbon emissions. Consequently, also making steelreinforced timber beams only marginally successful in reducing carbon emissions if at all.

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