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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv klimatických podmínek na bezdrátové routery / Wireless Routers and Infuence on Climatic Conditions

Martinka, David January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with problematics of installing wireless routers into specific locations depending on their heating and ideal signal transmission. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. The beginning of the thesis is theoretical describes the introduction into the problematics, the second part is practical and covers the executed experiment. The theoretical part contains six chapters – heat, signal, wireless router and measured climatic conditions. The practical part describes the executed experiment by thermo-camera which was used to scan wireless routers in IoT Lab in Avast Software company. Based on this experiment, the ideal position for installing the wireless router is then established. The conclusion of the practical part includes an analysis of the results of the questionnaire survey, in which technically skilled people were asked to describe the height of installation of their wireless router or whether did they consider heat and signal propagation while installing their wireless routers.

Stanovení krevního tlaku pomocí chytrého telefonu / Blood pressure estimation using smartphone

Vařečka, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Blood pressure is one of the basic indicators of the health state of the cardiovascular system. High blood pressure is the main risk factor of ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis and stroke. Therefore, it is important to monitor long-term changes in blood pressure and respond in time to these changes. Blood pressure meters are not standard household equipment, while a well-equipped smartphone is. Smartphones contain a large number of sensors capable of measuring biomedical signals. This thesis focuses on creating an application capable of determining blood pressure using data obtained from these sensors.

Chlazení stlačeného vzduchu pro spalovací motor kategorie CDS SEMI-PRO / Intercooler for the CDS SEMI-PRO combustion engine

Novozámský, Richard January 2019 (has links)
This diplom thesis describes design of new pressured air cooling system for trubocharged Diesel engine used in CDS Semi-Pro competitions. First part is focused on analysis external conditions influencing the desing. Second part pays attention to simulations of performance. Third part describes design of two systems and possible testitng method. In last part, the real parametrs are put into the computing model followed by verification of the results and evaulation of the designed systems.

Citlivostní analýza metody tlak-čas na nepřesnosti měření / Sensitivity analysis of pressure-time method on measurement uncertainty

Červinková, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The pressure-time method is one of two methods of measuring the flow rate on large hydraulic structures applicable to IEC 60041, which is based on the temporal integration of the measured pressure difference and the formation of a water hammer in a closed pipe. The aim of this master thesis is to perform a literature review of this method and to evaluate the flow rate of the measured data. Furthermore, the thesis deals with determination of the sensitivity of the evaluated flow rate to the weights of individual pressure sensors and to numerical modifying of the measured pressures. The first part is made using MS Excel. The flow rate is always evaluates with only one pressure sensor and it is compared with the original flow rate. There is research, how absence of the sensor has an impact on the evaluated flow rate. In the second part of the determination of the sensitivity of the evaluated flow rate, various encroachment (signal smoothing, noise, time delay, frequency band removal) are performed of measured pressure signal in Matlab. Various surrounding influences or sensors failures are simulated.

Vyhodnocení variability rychlosti pulzové vlny / Analysis of pulse wave velocity variability

Benešová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the variability of pulse wave velocity. It studies the variability of cardiovascular signals. It presents the research of measurement of pulse wave velocity and its analysis in physiology and pathological physiology. Applies spectral analysis in Matlab to a data set. It evaluates and reviews the results of this analysis

Absorpční oběhy v teplárenství / Absorption cycle in the heating industry

Pleva, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
Goal of this thesis is to introduce technology of absorption heat pumps in various modifications. Technical design draft is created for chosen modification (single stage unit water-LiBr) and based on given parameters calculated in computing software EES (engineering equation solver) and process is explained step-by-step. Following part of thesis contains reference design draft of heat plant and this design is used to demonstrate several different options of applying absorption heat pump including version capable of providing also cooling. Those options are compared with each other from technological and economical stand point.

Vývoj nových přístupů v odstraňování okují při kontinuální výrobě oceli s využitím vysokotlakého vodního paprsku / Development of New Approaches in Descaling in the Continuous Production of Steel using High-Pressure Water Jet

Votavová, Helena January 2019 (has links)
The thesis summarizes general and up-to-date knowledge of descaling during the continuous production of the hot-rolled steel and proposes further streamlining of this process in industrial production. The first chapter of the thesis deals with the origin, structure and physical properties of the scales. The second chapter describes the principles of descaling by using a high pressure flat water jet. The third chapter introduces the principles of the experimental methods and describes the used laboratory equipment. The fourth chapter summarizes the description of the particular experiments and their evaluation, and thus represents the focus of the dissertation. It is divided into six sections which independently solve predefined objectives of the dissertation. The first section focuses on the height and structure development of the scales on 54SiCr6 and HDT580X steels. It has been proven that the height of the formed scales increases with the time and temperature of the oxidation. The layered nature of the scales was verified at the same time. The second section examines the effect of the nozzle stabilizer on the focussing and distribution of the impact pressure of the nozzle. Experiments have shown that increase of 11 % of an average maximum nozzle pressure can be achieved, depending on the type of nozzle and the length of the stabilizer. The third section deals with the analysis of shadowgraphy images of water jet structures of the nozzles. A script was developed for analysis of these shadowgraphy photos by an adaptive thresholding. The findings are correlated using a regression analysis with an average heat transfer coefficient. It has been reported that most of the standard nozzle configurations produced disintegrated stream of little droplets at the height of the rolled surface. The fourth section focuses on the area of water jet overlap, especially the area of the so-called washout, where the impact pressure of one nozzle is reduced by the nozzle stream of the other. The influence of the pressure change and the mutual displacement of the nozzles is investigated. The analysis showed that the change of pressure did not have any effect on the percentage of reduction of the impact pressure in the area of the washout. It has been shown that if the area of the washout is wide the descaling efficiency in this area may be reduced. The fifth section builds on the previous section and focuses directly on the areas of waterjet overlaps. The influence of the change of rotation and pitch of the nozzles is studied. Experiments have shown that small changes in nozzle pitch do not have a significant impact on impact pressure and heat transfer coefficient. The effect of nozzle rotation, on the other hand, was a significant factor for the efficiency and homogeneity of the descaling of the surface. The last section deals with the effect of the rolling speed on the heat transfer coefficient in the descaling process. The regression model has shown that with a higher rolling speed there is a reduction in the average heat transfer coefficient. Conclusion summarizes the results of the dissertation and proposes which findings can be used in the industry to make the descaling process more effective.

Extrémně rychlé slinování pokročilých keramických materiálů / Extremely fast sintering of advanced ceramic materials

Tan, Hua January 2020 (has links)
Techniky rychlého slinování jako „Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS)“, „Flash Sintering“ (FS), „Selective Laser Sintering“ (SLS), „Induction Sintering“ (IS) a „Microwave Sintering“ (MS) jsou navrženy tak, aby účinně a předvídatelně kontrolovaly mikrostrukturu během slinovací proces. Spark Plasma Sintering jako jedna z nejmodernějších technik rychlého slinování a byla studována po celá desetiletí. V SPS má tři hlavní rysy: přímý ohřev elektrickým proudem, pulzní stejnosměrný elektrický proud a mechanický tlak. Mechanismy působení faktorů během SPS procesu však nejsou zatím jasně objasněny. Tato práce byla inspirována zvýšeným zájmem o techniky rychlého slinování a snahou o objasnění působení hlavních faktorů. Tato studie je rozdělena do čtyř částí: efekt elektromagnetického pole, efekt pulzního vzoru, tlakový efekt a přímý Joulův ohřev. Výsledky ukázaly, že elektromagnetické pole v SPS může být ignorováno, jak ukázaly simulace, a rovněž během experimentů nebyl nalezen žádný „efekt pole“. Na druhou stranu účinek pulzního vzoru byl významný, prášek TiO2 byl slinován pulzními vzory 12:2 a 10:9 s konstantním příkonem. Po aplikaci pulzního vzoru 10:9 došlo ke zvýšení velikosti zrna o jeden řád a ke zvýšení hustoty o 8%, zatímco množství spotřebované energie zůstalo konstantní. Při zahřátí s různými vzory pulzů se mění účinný výkon a kontaktní odpor indukovaný mechanickým pulsem, což jsou dva hlavní důvody, které vysvětlují měnící se energetickou účinnost. Vliv tlaku byl také významný, výsledky ukázaly, že použití tlaku při 900 ° C přineslo vysokou hustotu a malou velikost zrn, což vedlo k nejvyšší tvrdosti měřenou podle Vickerse. Interakce mezi tlakem a parami, vedoucí k rozdílné rychlosti přenosu páry v prvním slinovacím stupni, je považována za důvod pro rozdíly v mikrostruktuře, jako jsou mikropóry. Načasování mechanického tlaku může také podporovat difúzní mechanismy zhutňování během druhého slinovacího stupně, jako je difúze na hranicích zrn a mřížková difúze. Přímý ohřev, kdy se vede elektrický proud přímo skrz vzorek, vede k nízké měřené teplotě při slinování karbidu boru a jeho kompozitů, avšak teplota uvnitř vzorku je podstatně vyšší. Přidání slitiny titanu a křemíku do B4C významně zvýšilo finální hustotu, což byl hlavní důvod ovlivnění mechanických vlastností. Vzorek B4C + 1.0Ti (1 obj. % Ti slitiny) dosáhl nejvyšší tvrdosti 3628.5 ± 452.6 HV1 (16.2% vyšší než čistý B4C) s lomovou houževnatostí 2.11 ± 0.25 MPa m0.5. Zatímco při dopování křemíkem dosáhl vzorek B4C + 0.5Si (0.5 obj. % křemíku) nejvyšší tvrdosti 3524.6 ± 207.8 HV1 (o 13.0% vyšší než čistý B4C), vzorek B4C + 1.0Si dosáhl nejvyšší lomové houževnatosti 2.97 ± 0.03 MPa m0.5 (o 15.6% vyšší než čistý B4C). Velikost zrn kompozitů dotovaných titanem se oproti čistému karbidu boru byla o něco větší a mikrostruktura více nehomogenní. Naproti tomu se velikost zrn vzorků dotovaných křemíkem příliš nezměnila ve srovnání s velikostí zrn čistého karbidu boru. Sekundární fáze karbid křemíku byla dobře spojena s matricí karbidu boru a vykazovala pozitivní účinek jak na tvrdost, tak na lomovou houževnatost. Tato práce zkoumala vliv různých kontroverzních a nepopsaných aspektů na slinování keramických materiálů metodou Spark Plasma Sintering, což vedlo k lepšímu pochopení této techniky slinování.

IoT systém pro zahrádkáře / IoT system for gardening

Mlčák, Petr January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design and creation of a weather station suitable for gardeners. The created device is able to measure temperature, pressure, humidity, amount of precipitation, wind speed and direction, UV index and also temperature and soil moisture at several depths. The weather station is powered by a battery with auxiliary charging from a photovoltaic panel. The thesis is divided into several parts. The theoretical part describes the individual physical principles of measurement of the considered physical quantities. Subsequently, a comparison of available sensors is made and then a final selection is made. The third part deals with the design and implementation of the hardware circuitry including the creation of the PCB. In this section, the holders of each sensor are also designed for printing on a 3D printer, which are then printed. The fourth section deals with software design issues, which is described in more detail. Finally, the whole weather station is assembled, wired and the functionality of all components is verified by sending the measured data to Thingspeak.

Návrh testovacího stavu pro stanovení opotřebení u kontaktu železničního kola a kolejnice / Design of a test condition for determining the wear at the contact of a railway wheel and rail

Rec, Matouš January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the issue of a wear of a railway wheel and a rail. The wear of the components depends on a number of parameters including the contact stress, the contact pressure and the contact surface dimensions. Among the factors determining these parameters belongs primarily the wheel driving gauge, the rail profile and the load of the contact area. Furthermore, the material from which the wheels and rail are made, the roughness and hardness of the functional surfaces and the residual stress in the material have a significant impact on the wear. All the parameters mentioned above are designed for the production of the railway wheels and rails and therefore they meet the standards for the production of these components. However, the existence of the changeable parameters has also a significant impact on the wear. These parameters include the presence of contaminants, or lubricants in contact, the changing driving gauge due to the wear, the slip ratio or the friction coefficient. With the wear being an inevitable process during the application it cannot be eliminated but only controlled. Applying the lubricant into the contact when passing through the arc in order to achieve an ideal coefficient or the maintenance grinding for restoring the driving gauge can serve the purpose. If properly optimized, the importance of the wear research lies in the financial savings. Being the crucial factor for optimization of the intervals between the maintenance grinding, the research is also beneficial. A high-quality wear prediction can be seen as the key field in order to increase the safety of the railway vehicles operation as well. Therefore, the wear research is made using several methods, such as the computational models, the multi-body dynamics software and the technical experiments. This thesis introduces a conceptual design of the test, enabling the wear research via experimental approach. The final device is capable of a simulation of both volume and fatigue wear during the states the railway wheel and railway undergo including riding on the straight track, passing through an arc or a wheel slip during braking.

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