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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Purely top-down software rebuilding

Grosskurth, Alan January 2007 (has links)
Software rebuilding is the process of deriving a deployable software system from its primitive source objects. A build tool helps maintain consistency between the derived objects and source objects by ensuring that all necessary build steps are re-executed in the correct order after a set of changes is made to the source objects. It is imperative that derived objects accurately represent the source objects from which they were supposedly constructed; otherwise, subsequent testing and quality assurance is invalidated. This thesis aims to advance the state-of-the-art in tool support for automated software rebuilding. It surveys the body of background work, lays out a set of design considerations for build tools, and examines areas where current tools are limited. It examines the properties of a next-generation tool concept, redo, conceived by D. J. Bernstein; redo is novel because it employs a purely top-down approach to software rebuilding that promises to be simpler, more flexible, and more reliable than current approaches. The details of a redo prototype written by the author of this thesis are explained including the central algorithms and data structures. Lastly, the redo prototype is evaluated on some sample software systems with respect to migration effort between build tools as well as size, complexity, and performances aspects of the resulting build systems.

Disconnected Connections: Extending Peripersonal Space with a Virtual Hand

Garrison, Brian January 2009 (has links)
Peripersonal (reachable) and extrapersonal (beyond reach) space is linked to hand perception. Using a tool to reach farther than normal recalibrates previously unreachable space as peripersonal, evidenced by Intraparietal Sulcus (IPS) activity related to hand perception and lateral biases during line bisection. The current study looked at the role of a visual connection between the hand and body in the ability to manipulate objects within the extended area of reach. In an immersive virtual environment, participants bisected lines using a connected hand (via arm), a disconnected hand, or a floating dot. A rightward shift in bisection was seen only for the dot condition for far lines, indicating that it was the only "tool" incapable of extending peripersonal space.

The Investigation of Prosocial Behavior in a Tool Task by Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus Apella)

Parrish, Audrey E 14 July 2011 (has links)
Humans are exceptional in their willingness to and frequency with which they help one another. However, nonhuman primates also exhibit prosocial behavior. Recently, a number of laboratory studies examining prosociality among primates have yielded conflicting results. These contradictory findings may be due to a reliance on human interaction, tokens, or interactions in the direct context of food, a highly valued resource for animals. The current study examined prosocial behavior among capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) in a tool task designed to address these issues by examining whether capuchins would transfer a necessary tool to a partner in different payoff conditions. Some capuchins’ behavior indicated that they understood the task, passing the tool when a partner and food were present. Notably, tool transfer in both tasks was overwhelmingly active rather than passive, which is unusual in the context of food; indicating active prosocial behavior is present amongst primates other than cooperative breeders.

Government Funding and INGO Autonomy: From Resource Dependence and Tool Choice Perspectives

Chikoto, Grace L. 08 January 2010 (has links)
Using a qualitative multiple case study methodology, this study explores the relationship between government funding and INGO autonomy in three INGOs through resource dependence and tool choice frameworks. Adapting Verhoest, Peters et al.'s (2004) conceptualization of organizational autonomy as the extent of an organization's decision making capacity in matters concerning agency operations and human resource and financial management; this research regards the authors second definition of financial, structural, legal, and interventional constraints not as types of autonomy per se, but as the mechanisms through which INGOs' actual use of their decision making competencies is constrained. The findings in this research suggest that relative to other funding sources, government funding disproportionately impacts INGOs' operational and managerial autonomy. This is largely accomplished through various ex ante and ex post constraints such as, rules and regulations on inputs allocation and use, performance controls and evaluation requirements attached to government funding. This research also finds that the tool of choice used by government to finance INGO activities also steer, direct and influence INGO grantees' decisions thus positioning INGOs to incorporate government policy interests, preferences and priorities. However, INGOs can exercise their autonomy through various strategies ranging from program design, contract negotiation, and participation in advisory groups.

Diagnostic tool for trucks : -from idea to demonstrator

Wang, Qi, Ma, Yinrong January 2013 (has links)
Vehicles can end up in unplanned visits to workshops due to the driver not checking the vehicle status before using it in traffic. There are many factors not only caused by the environment but also due to the lack of tools that simplify or reminds about beforehand inspections. The purpose of this project was to introduce a smart-phone application that can display the health state (or related parameters) of a vehicle in a brief way and indicate if a part or function of the truck is not working properly. There are six functions in the application. Function status and function fault codes can display information about vehicles by giving two-dimensional plots about vehicle data, while function VSR displays some information in the form of text. Also, the user can submit their feedback through function comment. Function position is designed to give the users specific perspectives on an imported map based on their different user identity. Function check reminds about inspections that must be made before setting out on a driving mission. The application allows bus drivers and managers to continuously monitor different vehicle parameters with a statistical summary over time, as well as providing a method for following-up that drivers perform basic checks on the vehicle before it is taken into traffic.

Jämförelse mellan våtkompostering och andra VA-system i omvandlingsområden : en fallstudie i Norrtälje kommun. / Comparison between liquid composting and other waste water systems in transition areas : a case study in Norrtälje municipality

Tibbelin, Emelie January 2010 (has links)
Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and Swedish lakes remains a major problem despite many years of effort to reduce the emissions of nutrients. One major source is waste water systems, especially private sewage systems. These sewages accounts for a very large share of nutrients per capita in comparison with citizens connected to larger sewage treatment plants. Norrtälje community has the greatest number of private sewage systems in Sweden. Discharges of nutrients, especially phosphorus, to the Baltic Sea from these sewage systems are significant. That is why Norrtälje is working actively to improve the standard of these sewage systems. The purpose with this Master Thesis was to compare from an environmental and cost perspective, different sewage systems in an area of Norrtälje. One of these sewage systems was liquid composting. To make this easier a tool called VeVa, which is an instrument for assessment of water and sewage systems in transition areas, was used. Since liquid composting was not included in VeVa in the beginning of the study one purpose was also to implement this option in the tool. Another objective of the work was to evaluate whether liquid composting is still a good sewage options in the future. The result of this study is based on a literature review, contact with Norrtälje community and modeling in VeVa. The four sewage systems that where included in the study where connection to a large scale waste water treatment plant, local sewage treatment plant and liquid composting. The fourth system was a new construction of the already existing private sewage system in the area. This system was a sand filter system with a phosphorus trap and a separation and collection of toilet water. Results from the study showed that all systems, with some exceptions for local wastewater treatment plant, can meet the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency high demand of phosphorus and nitrogen reduction for small sewage systems. All systems in the study, except for sand filter with phosphorus traps, have a high reversal potential of phosphorus. However it is only the liquid compost that can recycle nitrogen back to arable land to a greater extent. A comparison between manure sludge from waste water treatment plants and liquid composts showed that the liquid composts had a much lower level of cadmium content and higher proportion of plant available nutrients. The energy use for these systems varied widely where connection to a large scale wastewater treatment plant have the highest, while the liquid compost have the lowest energy use. The cost analysis showed that a municipal sewage treatment plant is the most expensive and liquid composting system is the next most expensive system. However, the differences in cost between the studied systems are not particularly large when uncertainties in the input are accounted. The conclusions of this Master Thesis were that liquid composting is a good sewage solution, especially when recycling of nutrients is an important factor. However there are important social and economic considerations that must be taken into account when deciding which sewage system should be implemented. / Övergödning av Östersjön och andra svenska vattendrag är ett stort miljöproblem som uppkommer av antropogena utsläpp av näringsämnen. En betydande källa för dessa utsläpp härrör från avloppsrening, i synnerhet från enskilda avlopp. Enskilda avlopp utgör en oproportionerligt stor källa av främst fosforutsläpp jämfört med större reningsverk räknat per capita. Norrtälje kommun är den kommun i Sverige som har flest enskilda avlopp och detta gör att utsläppen av näringsämnen till Östersjön är betydande. Den dåliga ekologiska statusen i stora delar av kommunens vattenområden har inverkat till att kommunen arbetar aktivt med att förbättra avloppsstandarden i dessa problemområden. År 2005 byggdes en våtkompostanläggning i Norrtälje vars syfte var att producera gödsel av avloppsvatten för att på så sätt ta vara på avloppsvattnets näringsinnehåll. Denna anläggning har lett till ett ökat intresset för system som har stor återföringspotential av växtnäringsämnen och funderingar på ytterligare en våtkompostanläggning i kommunen diskuteras i dagsläget. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att studera fyra olika avloppsalternativ, där våtkompostering var ett alternativ, för ett fallstudieområde i Norrtälje. Som hjälpmedel för att utföra miljö- och kostnadsanalyser användes VeVa-verktyget som är ett verktyg för miljö- och kostnadsbedömningar för VA-system i omvandlingsområden. Eftersom våtkompostering inte ingick i VeVa vid detta examensarbetes början var också ett syfte att implementera detta avloppssystem i verktyget. Ett annat syfte var att göra en bedömning om våtkompostering är ett bra avloppssystem även i framtiden. Resultaten i denna studie bygger på en litteraturstudie, myndighetskontakt och modellering i VeVa. De avloppssystem som jämfördes i studien var anslutning till kommunalt avloppsreningsverk (ARV), lokalt avloppsreningsverk, våtkompostering och nyanläggning av samma enskilda system som i dagsläget finns i fallstudieområdet. Det sistnämnda systemet är en kombination av markbädd med fosforfälla samt sluten tank och markbädd. Resultatet från studien visar att alla systemen med viss reservation för lokalt avloppsreningsverk uppfyller Naturvårdsverkets höga skyddsnivå för fosfor och kväve vilket är 90 % respektive 50 %. Alla system har en hög återföringspotential av fosfor men det är endast våtkompostsystemet som kan återföra kväve i större omfattning. Jämförelsen mellan slam från avloppsreningsverk och våtkomposterat avloppsavfall visade att våtkompost har mycket lägre kadmiumhalt samt högre andel växttillgänglig näring. Energianvändningen varierar mycket mellan systemen där anslutning till kommunalt avloppsreningsverk har högst förbrukning, medan våtkompostsystemet har lägst. Kostnadsanalysen visar att anslutning till kommunalt avloppsreningsverk är dyrast och våtkompostsystemet hamnar på andra plats. Dock är skillnaden mellan de studerade systemen inte speciellt stor när osäkerheter i indata beaktats. Slutsatsen i detta arbete är att våtkompostering är en bra avloppslösning, speciellt när kretsloppsanpassning är en viktig del, dock finns det viktiga sociala och ekonomiska aspekter som måste vägas in vid beslut om avloppssystem.

Java Application for Analysis of Lightweight Constructions in Cruise Vessels

Hedin, Erik, Lundsten, Johannes January 2010 (has links)
In 2002 an amendment was added to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) which opened up for shipbuilders to replace steel with lightweight materials in the superstructures. However, SOLAS requires equal fire safety compared to ships with steel superstructures.   LASS-c is a cross-organizational project with the aim to find a method to build cruise ships with part of the superstructure made in lightweight materials. As a part of the LASS-c project the purpose of this thesis has been to develop an application in Java (FISPAT). The tool has been designed to find fire sensitive areas in structures such as cruise vessels. A second aim with the thesis has been to evaluate the cruise ship Norwegian Gem with respect to fire sensitive areas.      In FISPAT the user can make a model of a structure. The model is built up by rooms, networks and devices. With the model, FISPAT can simulate fire spread and the effects on the networks included in the model. The user can then analyze the results to find fire sensitive parts.   One of the main results in this thesis is the tool itself together with this report which also serves as a manual to FISPAT. An evaluation of Norwegian Gem was also made which points to some critical parts of the ship. One example is the main water supply pipe to the sprinklers which has no redundant systems and all sectioning valves are manually operated, hence it is vulnerable to faults. The electrical feed to the three pump units is also a vulnerable point on the vessel. The pumps have redundant electrical networks, but the wires are drawn on the same paths, making it possible to take out both systems with one fire.

Interactive Web-based Visualization Tool to Support Inquiry-based Science Learning

Johansson, Emil January 2010 (has links)
This thesis introduces the idea of an interactive web-based visualization tool to support inquiry-based science learning. The problem that occurs when the teachers and students are discussing the collected data is that they are lacking a tool to display such large quantities of data. It is often hard to fully understand such data. This education tool makes use of different visualization approaches in order to support students while getting insights from their collected data. In this thesis I proposed and implemented an interactive web-based visualization tool that was used at a prototype level during the educational activities. The requirements and user needs led the development of this prototype. Requirement elicitations have been done as a part of the research project conducted by CeLeKT.   For the development of this tool, it was necessary for the input of the teachers and students in order to get an understanding of the requirements. The initial inquiry of the teachers and students show the necessity and usefulness of an interactive web-based visualization tool to support learning practices.

SAP Solution Manager: An Application Lifecycle Management tool /

Cheng, Chen, Micheal, Dibo Bekindaka January 2011 (has links)
The outburst of the application industry leading to the creation of com-plex applications serves as the need for a proactive approach to the implementation and monitoring of applications. Application Life-cycle Management (ALM) thus provides a conceptual framework with pre-defined steps that can help organizations successfully deploy their IT applications and adapt them to meet their changes in business needs. SAP Solution Manager is one of such ALM tools that is widely used by SAP Customers to manage their entire IT landscape, for cross-integration of application platforms thereby securing Return On Investment (ROI). The primary aim of this report is to investigate SAP Solution Manager as an Application Life-cycle Management tool, bringing out its potentials benefits and pre-senting challenges encountered by its users thus far.

Advanced Building Energy Data Visualization

Udd, Krister January 2002 (has links)
Advanced Building Energy Data Visualization is a way to detect performance problems in commercialbuildings. By placing sensors in a building that collects data from example, air temperature and electricalpower, then makes it possible to calculate the data in Data Visualization software. This softwaregenerates visual diagrams so the building manager or building operator can see if for example thepower consumption is to high.A first step (before sensors are installed in a building) to see how the energy consumption is in abuilding can be to use a Benchmarking Tool. There is a number of Benchmarking Tools that is availablefor free on the Internet. Each tool have a bit different approach, but they all show how much energyconsumption there is in a building compared to other similar buildings.In this study a new web design for the benchmarking tool CalARCH has been developed. CalARCHis developed at the Berkeley Lab in Berkeley, California, USA. CalARCH uses data collected only frombuildings in California, and is only for comparing buildings in California with other similar buildingsin the state.Five different versions of the web site were made. Then a web survey was done to determine whichversion would be the best for CalARCH. The results showed that Version 5 and Version 3 was the best.Then a new version was made, based on these two versions. This study was made at the LawrenceBerkeley Laboratory.

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