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Läsplatta som hjälpmedel för dyslektiker / E-reader as an assistive tool for people with dyslexiaLange, Josefin, Kodzaga, Amna January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats tar upp frågan om en teknisk artefakt, i detta fall läs- och/eller surfplatta, kan ses som en bra lösning för dyslektiker i deras svårigheter med läsningen. Studien har fokus på läs- och surfplattans funktioner som kan vara en möjlighet att hjälpa personer med läsning. Uppsatsens experiment beprövar en redan etablerad metod, läsa och lyssna samtidigt, genom att sätta samman ett antal funktioner och tekniker som finns idag i en enhet. Vi har undersökt om man kan öka läshastigheten och läsförståelsen hos dyslektiker med hjälp av sådan teknik på en läs/surfplatta. Resultatet visar en trend på att metoden fungerar. Trenden är dock bara svag enligt analysen av observationsdata då undersökningen endast utförts på tio personer. Det innebär att resultatet endast visar att undersökningen är rätt utformad men att den bör utföras i en större utsträckning för att den skall kunna representera populationen dyslektiker. / This paper investigates if a technological artifact, in this case eReader and / or tablet computer, can assist dyslexics with the reading. The study focuses on reading and the tablet computers’ functions that may help people with reading. The essay will be testing an already established method, reading and listening simultaneously, by combining a number of features and technologies that exist today into one entity. We have tested experimentally whether one can increase reading speed and the comprehension on those with dyslexia. The results indicate a trend in that the method works. However only a weak trend was observed since only ten subjects could be tested. This means that the results show that the study is properly designed, but it is suggested that the study should be conducted with a great number of test to be able to represent the population of dyslexics.
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Framtagning av analysverktyg för materialförbrukning inom motorunderhåll / Develop an analytical tool for material consumption in the field of engine maintenanceJosic, Petar, Järvitalo, Marko January 2012 (has links)
Examensarbete beskriver hur ett analysverktyg har skapats för materialförbrukningen på Motorunderhållsavdelningen på Volvo Aero Corporation. Analysverktyget tar fram snittlistor och inköpslistor till motorn PW100. Dokumentering vid skapandet av analysverktyget sker i sju delar. Genom att skapa ett analysverktyg kan de strategiska materialplanerarna på Volvo Aero lätt generera en snittlista eller en inköpslista som baseras på historisk data. Tidigare var de strategiska materialplanerana tvungna att beräkna snittlistor manuellt och mycket handpåläggning gjorde att resultatet inte alltid var pålitligt. En förstudie gjordes för att få en bättre inblick i den nuvarande organisationen och hur arbetet styrs på motorunderhållsavdelningen på Volvo Aero. Intervjuer utfördes löpande samtidigt som en litteraturstudie inom området logistik gjordes. Detta för att få tillräckligt med kunskap till att skapa ett analysverktyg utifrån behov. En kravspecifikation togs fram för att bestämma vad analysverktyget skall innehålla för funktioner. Eftersom en stor mängd data hanterades användes Microsoft Access. Data hämtades från databasen SAP. Analysverktyget är uppbygd i tre delar: 1. Snittlista: Visar den genomsnittliga förbrukningen av material för vald motortyp och underhållstyp. 2. Lagersaldo: Kontrollerar vad som finns i lager utifrån vald motortyp och underhållstyp. Nya och begagnade delar är valbara. 3. Inkommande material: Visar material som inte har levererats in utifrån vald motortyp och underhållstyp. Utifrån dessa tre delar skapades en inköpslista. Inköpslistan innehåller motortyp, materialnummer, materialbeskrivning, kvantitet, pris och ABC-klassifikation. Noggrannare listor kan tas fram vilket leder till minskad kapitalbindning och en förbättrad leveransservice. Resultatet blir mer faktabaserat eftersom tidigare historik uttnyttjas. / The thesis report describes the way of creating an analysis tool for material consumption at the department of engine service at Volvo Aero Corporation. The analysis tool generates average lists and purchase lists for PW100 engine. The documentation of the analysis tool is described in seven parts. By using the tool the structural material planner can in an easy manner generate lists that are based on earlier historical data. Instead of creating lists manually the material planner can gain more accurate lists much faster. Previously there were no fact based results in comparison with today. Pre studies were made to gain a better insight of the current organization and processes at the engine service department. Interviews with staff as well literature studies in the field of storage and spare parts manage has given possibilities to create an analysis tool. Plan of requirements were created to specify the features of the analysis tool. The program Microsoft Access was chosen due to the amout of data to construct the analysis tool. All information was brought from the database SAP. The analysis tool was built in three integrated parts: 1. Average list: shows the average consumption of material for selected engine and maintenance type. 2. Stock status: checks the stock for material for selected engine and maintenance type. New and used material is selectable. 3. Incoming material: shows incoming material that is undelivered for selected engine and maintenance type. By these three integrated parts the analysis tool generates a purchase list. The list contains engine type, material number, material description, quantity, price and ABC-classification. By implementing the analysis tool in the daily work purchases will be more accurate. Capital binding will decrease as well.
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Genus i barnlitteratur : En studie med fokus på flickors och pojkars utrymme och egenskaper i barnbokenJohansson, Frida, Grönevik, Åsa January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är främst att undersöka hur genus framställs i barnlitteratur samt fokusera på bibliotekariens roll i samband med utlåning av barnböcker till förskolan och vårdnadshavare. Som förskollärare ser vi boken som ett pedagogiskt redskap och som ett stöd i ett genusarbete. Vi har erfarenheter av att boken har ett stort användningsområde och de flesta böcker lånas via biblioteket. Därför ser vi att bibliotekarien har en viktig roll för förskolan i deras bokutbud. LpFö98 tar upp genusarbetet som en del av verksamheten, vi anser att det är vår skyldighet att ha kunskap om genus och dess betydelse för kommande generationer. Vi har valt att analysera barnböcker utifrån ett genusperspektiv för att få en inblick i hur könsrollerna framställs. I studien finns en fördjupad del där bibliotekarierna beskriver sin roll för förskolan och deras syn på genus. Slutsatsen i arbetet är att de stereotypa könsrollerna framhävs till viss del i våra valda barnböcker. Studien tydliggör bibliotekariernas nära samarbete och betydelse för förskolan och vårdnadshavare. Slutligen framkommer bokens betydelse som ett pedagogiskt redskap för barnens identitetsutveckling.
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Future GIS development strategies for the Swedish police / Val av framtida utvecklingsverktyg för GIS-applikationer inom PolisenRosenkvist, Helena, Wolgast, Magdalena January 2006 (has links)
During the last years a great effort has taken place to create a common IT-strategy within the Swedish national police board. This to establish a foundation for decision making concerning strategy principles was formed on the activity. The principles describes how the technical architecture is going to be developed and shapes the major rule and direction that’s makes the decision possible. To investigate and use products that is used already within the organisation shall primary take in consideration. Also is the usage of established industrial standards important to create cooperation and exchange between application and platforms. The choose of programming language Java and the service oriented architecture is a direct cause of the IT-strategy and was adopted to make the organisation to be platforms independent The purpose with this master thesis has been to draw up specifications of the demands for a developing tool for geographic information system (GIS) that are in line with the IT-strategy and in collaboration with affected personal on the Swedish national police board. A comparison study has been the procedure to examine the choice of GIS solution for similar organisations and it has been guiding in the work with specification of demands. In the first phase only the demands on Java have been significant on closed and open source software that has been investigated. Next the chosen developing tools has been verified against the specification of demands and resulted in a recommendation. Although the Swedish national police board doesn’t have an official policy for open source products the proposal of the software GeoTools is going to be feasible after up coming investigation about open source software is finished. Concerning the proposal for closed software has ended up in alternative solutions depending on short or long term solutions. MapXtreme Java and Oracle Spatial consider being equivalent alternitivs for a long term solution while MapObjects Java considers being appropriate choice for a short term solution. / De senaste åren har ett omfattande arbete lagts ner på att skapa en gemensam IT-strategi inom Rikspolisstyrelsen (RPS). För att få en stabil grund för att fatta beslut kring denna strategi har principer som grundas på verksamheten tagits fram. Dessa beskriver hur den tekniska arkitekturen ska byggas och formar de styrande regler och riktlinjer som möjliggör besluten. Att undersöka och använda produkter som redan finns inom organisationen ska komma i första hand. Likaså är användandet av etablerade industristandarder viktiga då de medför samverkan och utbyte av data mellan applikationer och plattformar. Valet av programspråket Java och en serviceorienterad arkitektur är en direkt följd av IT-strategin och gjordes för att organisationen ska vara plattformsoberoende. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att utarbeta en kravspecifikation för ett utvecklingsverktyg inom geografiska informationssystem (GIS) som överensstämmer med IT-strategin och i samråd med berörd personal på RPS. En studie av tillvägagångssätt vid val av GIS-lösning för liknande organisationer har gett värdefull vägledning i arbetet med kravspecifikationen. I ett första skede har endast kravet på Java haft betydelse då både proprietära och öppna programvaror har studerats och jämförts. Därefter har utvalda utvecklingsverktyg ställts mot kravspecifikationen för att resultera i en rekommendation. Då RPS inte har någon uttalad policy för öppen programvara blir bedömningen av GeoTools som mest lämpade utvecklingsverktyg, aktuell först när kommande utredning om öppen programvara är avslutad. Angående bedömning av proprietär programvara har den lett till alternativa lösningar beroende på om inköpet av utvecklingsverktyg ska ha en kort- eller långvarig lösning. MapXtreme Java och Oracle Spatial bedöms vara likvärdiga alternativ för den långvariga lösningen medan MapObjects Java bedöms vara lämpligt val vid en kortvarig lösning. / <p>På grund av en olyckligt formulering har sista stycket på sidan 22 ändrats samt första stycket på sidan 23 tagits bort i den elektroniska versionen.</p>
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Implementing evaluation in the context of sustainable development (I). The planning and commissioning procedure of evaluations with sustainable development as part of a Tool Box.Langer, Markus E., Schön, Aloisia, Egger-Steiner, Michaela, Hubauer, Irmgard January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In the context of sustainable development, evaluations have particularly high relevance as complex issues have to be dealt with generally over an extended period of time. Furthermore, there is a growing demand to evaluate against the concept of sustainable development. Especially evaluations with sustainable development are a rather new type of evaluation, as the source of its evaluation questions and the criteria applied are rooted in the concept of sustainable development. Sustainability of a specific project or process is often highly case specific as sustainable development is determined by many often unique issues. However, evaluations would be highly inefficient, if they would have to be newly designed in every case. Thus it is necessary to determine and utilize the major issues for evaluations with sustainable development. This paper is part of a series of three papers - which can be used independently - that present the major common issues for evaluations with sustainable development in a Tool Box. The results presented here are based on outcomes of a research project funded by the "Austrian Science Fund". This paper includes the evaluation planning and commissioning procedure. It describes the steps from the idea to implementation of an evaluation with sustainable development. In the context of general requirements of evaluation planning and commissioning, the special features of evaluations with sustainable development are highlighted. (author's abstract) / Series: Research Paper Series of the Research Focus Managing Sustainability
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Purely top-down software rebuildingGrosskurth, Alan January 2007 (has links)
Software rebuilding is the process of deriving a deployable software system from its primitive source objects. A build tool helps maintain consistency between the derived objects and source objects by ensuring that all necessary build steps are re-executed in the correct order after a set of changes is made to the source objects. It is imperative that derived objects accurately represent the source objects from which they were supposedly constructed; otherwise, subsequent testing and quality assurance is invalidated.
This thesis aims to advance the state-of-the-art in tool support for automated software rebuilding. It surveys the body of background work, lays out a set of design considerations for build tools, and examines areas where current tools are limited. It examines the properties of a next-generation tool concept, redo, conceived by D. J. Bernstein; redo is novel because it employs a purely top-down approach to software rebuilding that promises to be simpler, more flexible, and more reliable than current approaches. The details of a redo prototype written by the author of this thesis are explained including the central algorithms and data structures. Lastly,
the redo prototype is evaluated on some sample software systems with respect to migration effort between build tools as well as size, complexity, and performances aspects of the resulting build systems.
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Disconnected Connections: Extending Peripersonal Space with a Virtual HandGarrison, Brian January 2009 (has links)
Peripersonal (reachable) and extrapersonal (beyond reach) space is linked to hand perception. Using a tool to reach farther than normal recalibrates previously unreachable space as peripersonal, evidenced by Intraparietal Sulcus (IPS) activity related to hand perception and lateral biases during line bisection. The current study looked at the role of a visual connection between the hand and body in the ability to manipulate objects within the extended area of reach. In an immersive virtual environment, participants bisected lines using a connected hand (via arm), a disconnected hand, or a floating dot. A rightward shift in bisection was seen only for the dot condition for far lines, indicating that it was the only "tool" incapable of extending peripersonal space.
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Optimization of Three-Axis Vertical Milling of Sculptured SurfacesSalas Bolanos, Gerardo January 2010 (has links)
A tool path generation method for sculptured surfaces defined by triangular meshes is presented in this thesis along with an algorithm that helps determine the best type of cutter geometry to machine a specific surface.
Existing tool path planning methods for sculptured surfaces defined by triangular meshes require extensive computer processing power and result in long processing times mainly since surface topology for triangular meshes is not provided. The method presented in this thesis avoids this problem by offsetting each triangular facet individually.
The combination of all the individual offsets make up a cutter location surface. A single triangle offsetting results in many more triangles; many of these are redundant, increasing the time required for data handling in subsequent steps.
To avoid the large number of triangles, the proposed method creates a bounding space to which the offset surface is limited. The original surface mesh describes the bounding surface of a solid, thus it is continuous with no gaps. Therefore, the resulting bounding spaces are also continuous and without gaps. Applying the boundary space limits the size of the offset surface resulting in a reduction in the number of triangular surfaces generated. The offset surface generation may result in unwanted intersecting triangles. The tool path planning strategy addresses this issue by applying hidden-surface removal algorithms. The cutter locations from the offset surface are obtained using the depth buffer. The simulation and machining results show that the tool paths generated by this process are correct. Furthermore, the time required to generate tool paths is less than the time required by other methods.
The second part of this thesis presents a method for selecting an optimal cutter type. Extensive research has been carried out to determine the best cutter size for a given machining operation. However, cutter type selection has not been studied in-depth. This work presents a method for selecting the best cutter type based on the amount of material removed. By comparing the amount of material removed by two cutters at a given cutter location the best cutter can be selected. The results show that the optimal cutter is highly dependent on the surface geometry. For most complex surfaces it was found that a combination of cutters provides the best results.
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Intelligent Fastening Tool Tracking Systems Using Hybrid Remote Sensing TechnologiesWon, Peter 19 May 2010 (has links)
This research focuses on the development of intelligent fastening tool tracking systems for the automotive industry to identify the fastened bolts. In order to accomplish such a task, the position of the tool tip must be identified because the tool tip position coincides with the head of the fastened bolt while the tool fastens the bolt. The proposed systems utilize an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and another sensor to track the position and orientation of the tool tip.
To minimize the position and orientation calculation error, an IMU needs to be calibrated as accurately as possible. This research presents a novel triaxial accelerometer calibration technique that offers a high accuracy. The simulation and experimental results of the accelerometer calibration are presented.
To identify the fastening action, an expert system is developed based on the sensor measurements. When a fastening action is identified, the system identifies the fastened bolt by using an expert system based on the position and orientation of the tool tip and the position and orientation of the bolt. Since each fastening procedure needs different accuracies and requirements, three different systems are proposed.
The first system utilizes a triaxial magnetometer and an IMU to identify the fastened bolt. This system calculates the position and orientation by using an IMU. An expert system is used to identify the initial position, stationary state, and the fastened bolt. When the tool fastens a bolt, the proposed expert system detects the fastening action by triaxial accelerometer and triaxial magnetometer measurements. When the fastening action is detected, the system corrects the velocity and position error using zero velocity update (ZUPT). By using the corrected tool tip position and orientation, the system can identify the fastened bolts. Then, with the fastened bolt position, the position of the IMU is corrected. When the tool is stationary, the system corrects linear velocity error and reduces the position error. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system can identify fastened bolts if the angles of the bolts are different or the bolts are not closely placed. This low cost system does not require a line of sight, but has limited position accuracy.
The second system utilizes an intelligent system that incorporates Kalman filters (KFs) and a fuzzy expert system to track the tip of a fastening tool and to identify the fastened bolt. This system employs one IMU and one encoder-based position sensor to determine the orientation and the centre of mass location of the tool. When the KF is used, the orientation error increases over time due to the integration step. Therefore, a fuzzy expert system is developed to correct the tilt angle error and orientation error. When the tool fastens a bolt, the system identifies the fastened bolt by applying the fuzzy expert system. When the fastened bolt is identified, the 3D orientation error of the tool is corrected by using the location and the orientation of the fastened bolt and the position sensor outputs. This orientation correction method results in improved reliability in determining the tool tip location. The fastening tool tracking system was experimentally tested in a lab environment, and the results indicate that such a system can successfully identify the fastened bolts. This system not only has a low computational cost but also provides good position and orientation accuracy. The system can be used for most applications because it provides a high accuracy.
The third system presents a novel position/orientation tracking methodology by hybridizing one position sensor and one factory calibrated IMU with the combination of a particle filter (PF) and a KF. In addition, an expert system is used to correct the angular velocity measurement errors. The experimental results indicate that the orientation errors of this method are significantly reduced compared to the orientation errors obtained from an EKF approach. The improved orientation estimation using the proposed method leads to a better position estimation accuracy. The experimental results of this system show that the orientation of the proposed method converges to the correct orientation even when the initial orientation is completely unknown. This new method was applied to the fastening tool tracking system. This system provides good orientation accuracy even when the gyroscopes (gyros hereafter) include a small error. In addition, since the orientation error of this system does not grow over time, the tool tip position drift is limited. This system can be applied to the applications where the bolts are closely placed. The position error comparison results of the second system and the third system are presented in this thesis. The comparison results indicate that the position accuracy of the third system is better than that of the second system because the orientation error does not increase over time.
The advantages and limitations of all three systems are compared in this thesis. In addition, possible future work on fastening tool tracking system is described as well as applications that can be expanded by using the KF/PF combination method.
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Activity Analysis for Continuous Productivity Improvement in ConstructionGouett, Michael C. January 2010 (has links)
In the construction industry, onsite labour is one of the most variable and costly factors which affect project profits. Due to the variable nature of construction labour and its correlation with profits, construction managers require a comprehensive understanding of the activities of workers onsite. For project success, it is important that workers are spending the majority of their time installing materials which advance the project. This material installation time is known in the construction industry as “direct-work” or “tool time”. Site management should continuously seek to improve the direct-work rate through the life of the project. A review of the literature indicates that no workface assessment method exists in the literature which provides: (1) a detailed description of worker activities, and (2) a continuous productivity improvement process to help management identify productivity inhibitors affecting site labour, to develop a plan to reduce or eliminate these issues, and to measure improvements as a result of these changes. In response to this need, this research has focused on the development of a workface assessment method called activity analysis. Activity analysis is a continuous productivity improvement process which efficiently measures the time expenditure of workers onsite and identifies productivity inhibitors that management must reduce or eliminate to provide workers with more time for direct-work activities. Six case studies were conducted to verify the feasibility of the activity analysis process. Further, cyclical data from two major construction firms was collected and statistically analyzed to validate the hypothesis that activity analysis can improve direct-work rates. It has been concluded that activity analysis, as a continuous productivity improvement process, is both feasible and when continually applied to a construction site, can significantly improve direct-work rates through the life of a project.
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