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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geometric Phases in Classical and Quantum Systems

Godskesen, Simon January 2019 (has links)
We are accustomed to think the phase of single particle states does not matter. After all, the phase cancels out when calculating physical observables. However, the geometric phase can cause interference even in single particle states and can be measured. Berry’s phase is a geometric phase the system accumulates as its time-dependent Hamiltonian is subjected to closed adiabatic excursion in parameter space. In this report, we explore how Berry’s phase manifests itself in various fields of physics, both classical and quantum mechanical. The Hannay angle is a classical analogue to Berry’s phase and they are related by a derivative. The Aharonov-Bohm effect is a manifestation of Berry’s phase. Net rotation of deformable bodies in the language of gauge theory can be translated as a Berry phase. The well-known BornOppenheimer approximation is a molecular Aharonov-Bohm effect and is another manifestation of Berry’s Phase.

Blomremsors effekt på biodiversiteten i odlingslandskapet på Öland : En experimentell studie

Friedrichs, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
Som en åtgärd för att försöka hjälpa den minskande populationen av rapphöna att återhämta sig tog HMKs Jaktklubb inspiration från ett lyckat projekt i England utfört av Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust. De sådde blomremsor som en åtgärd för att gynna evertebrater som är kycklingarnas huvudföda. Jaktklubben etablerade dessa blomremsorna 2011 och vill nu undersöka om det gav en effekt på mängden evertebrater. Fönsterfällor och fallfällor placerades ut i och utanför blomremsan och tömdes två gånger i juni, en gång i juli och en gång i augusti. Det insamlade materialet har identifierats till familj med hjälp av litteratur för materialet från augusti, identifierat material från juni fanns redan tillgängligt. För skalbaggar identifierades allt material till art. Resultatet visade en stor diversitet och många olika grupper fanns representerade inom de insamlade materialet. De statistiska analyserna kunde inte med säkerhet visa att blomremsorna gynnade evertebrater. Detta är troligtvis snarare på grund av problematiken med experimentdesignen än att det inte var någon skillnad. Min uppfattning är att blomremsorna har en positiv effekt på biodiversiteten, även om det inte går att visa detta indikerar resultatet på det, vilket även backas upp av litteraturen. Åtgärder som dessa skulle potentiellt kunna vara ett steg i rätt riktning för att kunna lösa den minskade biodiversiteten runt om i världen.

Kemilaborationen i förändring : Sex erfarna lärares syn på hur laborationer förändrats över tid

Larsson, Niklas January 2019 (has links)
Denna forskningsrapport fokuserar på gymnasieskolans laborationer i kemi och hur dessa förändrats under de senaste 10-20 åren. Motivet till att studera detta är ambitionen att få ökad didaktisk förståelse för laborationen som viktigt inslag i kemiundervisningen. I ett större perspektiv kan detta vara av intresse för att analysera om förändringar av gymnasieskolans kemilaborationer kan utgöra en delförklaring till att svenska universitet upplever ett minskat söktryck för kemi på högskolenivå och om delförklaring kan finnas för att Sverige som nation inte når samma resultat i naturvetenskap som vissa andra länder i internationella kunskapsmätningar. Sex erfarna lärare från sex olika skolor har intervjuats om sina upplevelser av kemilaborationen och vad som påverkat dess utveckling. Ramfaktorteorin har varit grundläggande för detta arbete och som analysmetod har fenomenografin valts. Resultaten visar på en stor variation i vad lärare anser påverkat kemilaborationens förändring. Ökat medvetande och högre krav från lagar och förordningar inom säkerhetsområdet samt att lärare upplever sig ha mindre tillgänglig tid för laborationerna framstår som de tydligaste orsakerna till gjorda förändringar. Även kompensation för försämrade praktiska färdigheter hos elever som lämnar grundskolan framkommer som en bakomliggande faktor. Den nya läroplanen Gy 2011, kostnadsöverväganden och kemi­lokalernas beskaffenhet framkom som mindre avgörande för kemilaborationens utveckling.

Type IIB compactifications and string dualities

Panizo, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
In the present thesis, we offer an introduction to type IIB string compactifications on $\mathbb{T}^{d}/\Gamma$ toroidal orbifolds. We first describe the technical method to construct these spaces and reduce the string background on it. We will have (non)-geometrical fluxes arising from these spaces which decorate with discrete deformations our four $\mathcal{N}=1$ dimensional supergravity theory. Solving its equations of motion, we find several families of supersymmetric AdS vacua with fixed moduli, which can be related through a set of  $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ symmetries.

Is a Viable Theistic Program of Psychological Research Possible?

Zhang, Michael 01 December 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores whether a viable theistic program of psychological research is possible. The importance of this exploration has to do with naturalism's monopoly on psychological science, inasmuch as naturalism prevents other worldviews from competing fairly in psychology's scientific marketplace by controlling the criteria of psychological science. Because theism is naturalism's most complete rival, considering theism's scientific potential in psychology is crucial to dismantling naturalism's monopoly. Contrary to conventional wisdom, theism encompasses a unique set of understandings about the natural events that constitute the discipline of psychology. Therefore, a robust scientific conception of theism would change how psychological researchers understand and utilize existing research methods and psychological topics. Not only are quantitative and qualitative methods capable of theistic deployment; traditionally theistic topics and radically secular topics within psychology can also be reconceptualized and investigated theistically. Indeed, theistic reconceptualizations of psychological theories and topics lead to new and different research questions, hypotheses, and predictions as well as original studies and prospective programs of research, suggesting that theism is heuristic for the discipline of psychology in its current constitution. A viable theistic program of psychological research is not only possible, but also necessary for psychological science.

Texturvariationer i skogsmark - effekter på tillväxt och gödslingsrespons? : Studie i ett försök med behovsanpassad gödsling i Ebbegärde

Alriksson, Claes-Göran January 2019 (has links)
En mängd olika ståndortsfaktorer påverkar trädens tillväxt. Några av dessa kan påverkas genom olika skogsskötselmetoder, t ex näringstillförsel. I ett flertal försök de senaste decennierna har skogsgödsling visat sig kunna öka tillväxten markant. Faktorer som inte är påverkbara, som t ex markens textur och markens jorddjup kan då bli begränsande för tillväxten eftersom en finkornig textur oftast är gynnsam ur tillväxtsynpunkt. Föreliggande undersökning syftar till att se om det finns en texturvariation inom en begränsad yta och dess effekter på tillväxten. Texturen undersöktes genom torrsiktning. Resultaten visar att det förelåg en stor variation av texturen på beståndsnivå och att det kan påverka tillväxten i kombination med andra begränsande faktorer såsom vattentillgång.

Hydrothermal Method For Doping Of Zinc Oxide Nanowires And Fabrication Of Ultraviolet Photodetectors

Afal, Aysegul 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Nanotechnology comprises of the understanding and control of materials and processes at the nanoscale. Among various nanostructured materials, semiconducting nanowires attract much interest for their novel physical properties and potential device applications. The unique properties of these nanowires are based on their high surface to volume ratio and quantum confinement effect. Zinc oxide, having a direct, wide bandgap and large exciton binding energy, is highly appealing for optoelectronic devices. Due to excellent optical and electrical properties, zinc oxide nanowires have been utilized to fabricate various devices such as solar cells, light emitting diodes, transistors and photodetectors. Furthermore, zinc oxide, in its natural state exhibits n-type conductivity. Addition of impurities often leads to remarkable changes in their electrical and optical properties, which open up new application areas. Among the many synthesis methods for zinc oxide nanowires, hydrothermal method is an attractive one due to its easy procedure, simple equipment and low temperature requirements. In this thesis, zinc oxide nanowires were grown and doped by hydrothermal method. Different metal dopants such as copper, silver and aluminum were used for this purpose. These metals were selected as dopants due to their effect on magnetic properties, p-type conduction and electrical conductivity of ZnO nanowires, respectively. Doped nanowires were fully characterized and the changes in their physical properties were investigated. In addition, hydrothermally synthesized pure and aluminum doped zinc oxide nanowires were used as the electrically active components in ultraviolet photodetectors. Silver nanowires were utilized as transparent electrodes. Optoelectronic properties of the detectors were examined. Effect of in-situ annealing and nanowire length was investigated. Short recovery time, around 4 seconds, with a decent on/off ratio of 2600 was obtained. This design provides a simple and cost effective approach for the fabrication of high performance ultraviolet photodetectors.

Development of the method in multimedialization of Environmental science and technology courses

T.J. Juang, Simon 26 June 2003 (has links)
This purpose of this study was to develop the method in multimedia of environmental science and technology courses. The advanced net-work streaming technology was presented to edit the environmental science and technology courses. A development method combined vision technology and engineering experiments was to fulfill the eport of multimedia. In this work, we found (1) the interrelating ability of editing soft wares in production of above courses was very important; (2) to make a satisfactory works, a balancing decision was need between expected good result and limited budget; (3) as for net-work wide frequency extended and soft ware technology developed, the designer of courses must be careful the upgrade in editing soft wares in order to increase the courses broadcast; (4) used the practical teaching in topics, it could be training the real operation and resolving ability in problem on students; (5) a unique method correlated the record in experiment procedures to be a final report by vision technology; (6)presented a vision in multimedia of report to the project offer, to increase the trust and responsibility for works.

Musical topics in the comic book superhero film genre

Young, Matthew David 03 October 2013 (has links)
The comic book superhero film has become a mainstay amongst Hollywood blockbuster films. However, despite their popularity and financial success, the genre has only recently begun to receive scholarly attention. In particular, there has been little research on what traits distinguish and define the genre, and even less on the music which accompanies the films. This scope of this dissertation can be divided into three parts. First, it is a study of the superhero film genre. I provide a historical overview both of the superhero comic, as well as its filmic adaptations -- delineating the semantic and syntactic traits of the superhero film genre and the ways in which it adheres to and differs from its encompassing genre of the action film. Second, it is a study of the music for superhero films. By examining the musical themes of superhero films over time, I establish what musical parameters are held in common amongst superhero films -- namely, what contributes to the comic book sound. Finally, it is a study of topic theory, and in particular, how topical analysis can function within, and enrich the study of film music. By expanding on topical theories established for the study of classical music, I further systematize the topical study of film music, using superhero films as a model for demonstrating the potential for new musical topics to be uncovered through the topical analysis of film music. / text

Examining The Lycian Sites By Using Gis

Aydin, Ervin Kenan 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigates the relationship between the ancient settlements (in Lycia) and physical environmental parameters including topography, rock and soil types using GIS. Modern settlements are also included in the study to analyze if the response has changed to these parameters from past to the present. The databases created in the study include three topographic attributes (elevation, slope and aspect), rock type, soil type, ancient settlements and modern settlements. Analyses performed in the study involve distance and density analyses of ancient and modern settlements, morphological analysis, distribution of ancient and modern settlements within the rock and soil types, and visibility analysis of ancient settlements. Results of the analyses suggest that the ancient sites are located on the east, southeast, south facing and flat surfaces at slope values of 0 to 13 degrees within the elevation range of 0 to 1000 m. The average distance between the cities is 7 km preferably located over alluvium or limestone rock types with the soil types having thickness more than 20 cm. A set of decision rules are derived from the ancient settlements using above mentioned data layers to predict location of unknown settlements. This analysis indicated a few locations along the Mediterranean coast.

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