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How the ¡§Economic Daily¡¨, a Powerful Media, Analyzes Semi-conductor Enterprises and Influences InvestorsChen, Chao-hsiung 13 September 2007 (has links)
The research object of this paper is the Economic Daily Paper that is a newspaper specialized in economic topics. The purpose is to find out the relation between the IC semiconductor industry and the media's report by using the content analysis of dissemination as a research method. It studies and analyzes the industrial development and investor behaviors based on the front and second pages of Economic Daily in the past ten years, separated a year into four different industrial seasons starting January, April, July and October. The conclusions are as follows:
1.After the analysis, the circulation appears to be the information on the semiconductor industry and it disseminates mostly in the form of ¡§News¡¨. Because the semiconductor industry accounts for the large volume in the Economic Daily Paper, I chose this newspaper to be the reference of my paper.
2.¡§Security¡¨, as an important index to the readers, is the most valued topic because the profitability of a company affects the management efficiency of the company. Followed by ¡§security¡¨ is the ¡§management strategy¡¨. The companies of the semiconductor want to fully utilize the management skill, so they would have to focus on the business management strategies.
3.As we look at the industry development from the reports, we can easily find that the industry development obviously push forward the report of the development.
4.Semiconductor is a high technological industry, and its development can be divided into six stages: research and development, establishment, growth, maturity, expansion, and success. The sources of capital can be divided into foundation fund, development fund and expansion fund. After a high-tech company succeeds, it should make the stock listed and disperse the stocks as quickly as possible to raise the fund.
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New technology in physics : A study in how to integrate new technology and research in physics education in secondary high school. / Ny teknik i fysik : En studie i hur ny teknik och forskning integreras i fysikundervisningen på gymnasiet.Asp, Fredrik, Andersson, Leif January 2008 (has links)
<p>Youths do not reflect over how it works but rather focus on how they can use the technology. Earlier research has studied if teacher acquires further education in there topics, not if knowledge about new technology can contribute to a better education. If teachers have good knowledge about new technology and forwarding it to the pupils, can it increase the interest for physics among the pupils? Didactic research has shown that pupils would like to see conjunction with the knowledge they receives and their natural world. Didactic research concentrates on how knowledge is forwarding and not on the subject for the education. Six teachers on six different schools has been interview. On three of these schools has also five pupils been interview on their opinion on if and how new technology has be taken up in their education. New technology is being taken up in the physics education, but it exist no recommendation on how. New technologies are being taken up on the teacher’s initiative, paramountly for that rouse interest at pupils or connect the physics to the pupil's reality. Pupils receive also explanations of new technology when they put questions about it during lessons. The teacher’s apprehension about what is new technology varies. Common for all teachers is that they request better knowledge of their subjects of teaching for that being able to take up new technology with the pupils. They pupils that have interviewed thinks that it is good if new technology is being taken up in the physics education, it gives a better connection to reality.</p> / <p>Ungdomar reflekterar inte i första hand över hur ny teknik fungerar utan fokuserar på hur man kan använda tekniken. Tidigare forskning har studerat om lärare behöver ämnesfortbildning, inte om kunskap om ny teknik kan bidra till en bättre undervisning. Om läraren har god kunskap om ny teknik och förmedlar det till eleverna kan det då öka intresset för fysik hos eleverna? Didaktisk forskning har visat att elever vill se samband mellan den kunskap de får och deras omvärld. Didaktisk forskning inriktas på hur kunskap förmedlas och inte på ämnet i undervisningen. Sex lärare på sex olika skolor har intervjuats. På tre av dessa skolor har också fem elever intervjuats för att ge sin syn på om de anser att ny teknik tas upp i undervisningen. Studien visar på att ny teknik tas upp i fysikundervisningen, men det finns inga rekommendationer på hur. Ny teknik tas främst upp på lärarens initiativ, främst för att väcka intresse hos elever men också för att koppla fysiken till elevens verklighet. Elever får även förklaringar av ny teknik när de ställer frågor om den under lektioner. Lärares uppfattning om vad som är ny teknik varierar. Lärare efterfrågar bättre ämneskunskaper för att kunna ta upp ny teknik med eleverna. De elever som har intervjuats tycker det är bra om ny teknik tas upp i fysikkurserna, det ger en bättre koppling till verkligheten.</p>
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Enriching the Web of Data with topics and linksBöhm, Christoph January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents novel ideas and research findings for the Web of Data – a global data space spanning many so-called Linked Open Data sources. Linked Open Data adheres to a set of simple principles to allow easy access and reuse for data published on the Web. Linked Open Data is by now an established concept and many (mostly academic) publishers adopted the principles building a powerful web of structured knowledge available to everybody. However, so far, Linked Open Data does not yet play a significant role among common web technologies that currently facilitate a high-standard Web experience.
In this work, we thoroughly discuss the state-of-the-art for Linked Open Data and highlight several shortcomings – some of them we tackle in the main part of this work.
First, we propose a novel type of data source meta-information, namely the topics of a dataset. This information could be published with dataset descriptions and support a variety of use cases, such as data source exploration and selection. For the topic retrieval, we present an approach coined Annotated Pattern Percolation (APP), which we evaluate with respect to topics extracted from Wikipedia portals.
Second, we contribute to entity linking research by presenting an optimization model for joint entity linking, showing its hardness, and proposing three heuristics implemented in the LINked Data Alignment (LINDA) system. Our first solution can exploit multi-core machines, whereas the second and third approach are designed to run in a distributed shared-nothing environment. We discuss and evaluate the properties of our approaches leading to recommendations which algorithm to use in a specific scenario. The distributed algorithms are among the first of their kind, i.e., approaches for joint entity linking in a distributed fashion. Also, we illustrate that we can tackle the entity linking problem on the very large scale with data comprising more than 100 millions of entity representations from very many sources.
Finally, we approach a sub-problem of entity linking, namely the alignment of concepts. We again target a method that looks at the data in its entirety and does not neglect existing relations. Also, this concept alignment method shall execute very fast to serve as a preprocessing for further computations. Our approach, called Holistic Concept Matching (HCM), achieves the required speed through grouping the input by comparing so-called knowledge representations. Within the groups, we perform complex similarity computations, relation conclusions, and detect semantic contradictions. The quality of our result is again evaluated on a large and heterogeneous dataset from the real Web.
In summary, this work contributes a set of techniques for enhancing the current state of the Web of Data. All approaches have been tested on large and heterogeneous real-world input. / Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt neue Ideen sowie Forschungsergebnisse für das Web of Data vor. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein globales Netz aus sogenannten Linked Open Data (LOD) Quellen. Diese Datenquellen genügen gewissen Prinzipien, um Nutzern einen leichten Zugriff über das Internet und deren Verwendung zu ermöglichen. LOD ist bereits weit verbreitet und es existiert eine Vielzahl von Daten-Veröffentlichungen entsprechend der LOD Prinzipien. Trotz dessen ist LOD bisher kein fester Baustein des Webs des 21. Jahrhunderts.
Die folgende Arbeit erläutert den aktuellen Stand der Forschung und Technik für Linked Open Data und identifiziert dessen Schwächen. Einigen Schwachstellen von LOD widmen wir uns in dem darauf folgenden Hauptteil.
Zu Beginn stellen wir neuartige Metadaten für Datenquellen vor – die Themen von Datenquellen (engl. Topics). Solche Themen könnten mit Beschreibungen von Datenquellen veröffentlicht werden und eine Reihe von Anwendungsfällen, wie das Auffinden und Explorieren relevanter Daten, unterstützen. Wir diskutieren unseren Ansatz für die Extraktion dieser Metainformationen – die Annotated Pattern Percolation (APP). Experimentelle Ergebnisse werden mit Themen aus Wikipedia Portalen verglichen.
Des Weiteren ergänzen wir den Stand der Forschung für das Auffinden verschiedener Repräsentationen eines Reale-Welt-Objektes (engl. Entity Linking). Für jenes Auffinden werden nicht nur lokale Entscheidungen getroffen, sondern es wird die Gesamtheit der Objektbeziehungen genutzt. Wir diskutieren unser Optimierungsmodel, beweisen dessen Schwere und präsentieren drei Ansätze zur Berechnung einer Lösung. Alle Ansätze wurden im LINked Data Alignment (LINDA) System implementiert. Die erste Methode arbeitet auf einer Maschine, kann jedoch Mehrkern-Prozessoren ausnutzen. Die weiteren Ansätze wurden für Rechnercluster ohne gemeinsamen Speicher entwickelt. Wir evaluieren unsere Ergebnisse auf mehr als 100 Millionen Entitäten und erläutern Vor- sowie Nachteile der jeweiligen Ansätze.
Im verbleibenden Teil der Arbeit behandeln wir das Linking von Konzepten – ein Teilproblem des Entity Linking. Unser Ansatz, Holistic Concept Matching (HCM), betrachtet abermals die Gesamtheit der Daten. Wir gruppieren die Eingabe um eine geringe Laufzeit bei der Verarbeitung von mehreren Hunderttausenden Konzepten zu erreichen. Innerhalb der Gruppen berechnen wir komplexe Ähnlichkeiten, und spüren semantische Schlussfolgerungen und Widersprüche auf. Die Qualität des Ergebnisses evaluieren wir ebenfalls auf realen Datenmengen.
Zusammenfassend trägt diese Arbeit zum aktuellen Stand der Forschung für das Web of Data bei. Alle diskutierten Techniken wurden mit realen, heterogenen und großen Datenmengen getestet.
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Ytinitierat utmattningsbrott vid mycket höga cykler : Utmattningsprovning med ultraljudsutrustning följt av karaktärisering av brottytor i ett svepelektronmikroskop av ett höghållfast stålKlippmark, Ellinor January 2018 (has links)
I detta projekt analyseras utmattningsbrott orsakade av ytdefekter i höghållfast stål som utsätts för fler än tio miljoner cykliska belastningar. Vanligen orsakas utmattningsbrott i denna region av interna materialdefekter där brottytan ofta innehåller ett område med grövre morfologi - fine granular area (FGA). FGA är en ackumulerad skada som bildas under sprickinitieringsstadiet och utgör cirka 99 % av den totala utmattningslivslängden. Resterande 1 % utgörs av spricktillväxt. På grund av detta är mekanismen som initierar sprickor i detta skede essentiell. Om FGA kan observeras vid ytinitierade utmattningsbrott för material som utsätts för fler än tio miljoner cykliska belastningar, är ännu inte fastställt. . Det här projektet syftar till att undersöka om FGA kan observeras i ytinitierat utmattningsbrott gällande material med väldigt långa livslängder, samt till att utreda hur ytinitieringar påverkar utmattningslivslängden. För att söka svar på dessa frågor utförs utmattningsprovning med ultraljudsutrustning, följt av karaktärisering av brottytorna i svepelektronmikroskop för att studera de morfologiska förändringarna. Vidare utförs finita element analyser med mjukvaran ABAQUS för att jämföra den maximala huvudspänningen mellan prov med, respektive utan ytdefekter. Resultatet från ABAQUS visar att proven med hårdhetsintryck utsätts för en större maximal huvudspänning än proven utan hårdhetsintryck, därigenom kan skillnaden i livslängder förklaras. . Testresultaten från utmattningsprovningen presenteras i ett S-N diagram som visar spänningsamplituden i förhållande till materialets livslängd. De analyserade bilderna från svepelektronmikroskopet av ytinitierat utmattningsbrott visar en antydan till FGA i två av 20 prov. Däremot tycks sprickorna, i samtliga fall, initiera på grund av ackumulering av plastisk deformation i ytan. Interna materialdefekter orsakade inte utmattningsbrott i något av de 20 testade proverna med ytdefekter. Två prover utan ytdefekter genomgick samma process och för båda dessa introducerades en spricka på grund av interna materialdefekter, båda innehöll ett tydligt FGA. Sammanfattningsvis indikerar resultaten från denna studie att FGA inte är lika uppenbara och eventuellt lika vanligt förekommande vid ytinitierat utmattningsbrott av höghållfasta stål med mycket långa livslängder. Även att ytdefekter introducerar en högre maximal huvudspänning i provets centrum, vilket resulterar i en kortare utmattningslivslängd.
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Plastic contacts in particle based simulations / Plastiska kontakter i partikelbaserade simuleringarLindberg, Joacim January 2018 (has links)
Granular materials, large collections of macroscopic particles, are something that is commonly found in both nature and industry. Examples of such can be sand, ore, grains, seeds or snow. Simulations of granular materials are important in many industrial cases. It gives an opportunity to study the behavior of the particles as they interact with machinery and gives an indication of how efficient new designs perform. In some areas, such as vehicle-terrain interaction, plastic deformation of the particles can be an important factor. The Ume˚a based company Algoryx Simulation can simulate granular materials in their physics engine AGX Dynamics using a nonsmooth discrete element approach (NDEM), but currently lack support for plastic deformation. The purpose of this thesis is to implement a plastic contact model in the source code of AGX Dynamics, such that plastic deformation can be observed. The implementation was first tested for single particle-particle compression where measured contact forces were compared to theoretical models. Uniaxial compression tests were performed for bulk testing, filling a cylinder with particles and compressing them while monitoring the axial stress and strain. The results from the single particle compression correspond well to theory, giving the correct plastic deformation for a given contact force and correctly illustrates the effects of changing different model parameters. Plastic deformation could also be observed in the results from bulk testing. Additionally, it was observed that the current version of the implementation is best suited for simulating either very cohesive materials, where particles stick to each other when colliding, or cohesionless materials, where colliding particles are separated after impact. Additional research is needed to study how the separation velocity for colliding particles should be updated in a way that is consistent with the plastic model parameters and experimental results.
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Holography of SYK modelGardell, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to study the AdS/CFT correspondence and the AdS2/SYK connection as a very special example of the duality. While the first part of the thesis contains a review of AdS/CFT correspondence in arbitrary dimensions, the later parts focus on an interesting and speculative connection between the gravitational physics in two dimensional nearly AdS2 spacetime and one dimensional SYK model. More specifically, the connection is realized in terms of certain features of the SYK model in strong coupling limit, which resembles those of nearly AdS2 Jackiw-Teitelboim theory.
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The Molecular Diversity and Biogeography of TardigradesSchuman, Irina January 2017 (has links)
Tardigrades can handle extreme conditions such as heat, cold and drought, thanks to a process called cryptobiosis which can be found in a limited amount of taxa on Earth. More knowledge about such animals may help us to understand the potential and limitations of life both on Earth and possibly in space. Such knowledge may also help develop novel, useful applications for the society, such as better storage of sensitive medicine. However, our knowledge about tardigrades is limited. We know little about their distribution and diversity, especially in Sweden, and above all in northern Sweden. The aim of this study was threefold; i) to explore the biogeography of the tardigrades based on molecular data; ii) to screen for tardigrades in Umeå by examining moss samples from different locations; and iii) to explore some of the associates of tardigrades in moss (such as bacteria and micro- and meiofauna). The biogeography was explored by collecting all published ribosomal gene sequences (the small subunit 18S rRNA) from the Silva gene database. These sequences were used for plotting the locations from which these gene sequences had been retrieved on a world map and the correlation between gene sequence, country and biotope was examined. The tardigrade groups most sequenced are Macrobiotus, Ramazottius and Echiniscus, and the milieu most studied seems to be different types of soil. Other investigated isolation sources are drinking water, cryconite and church walls. However, much remains to be further explored. For example, the world map showed that the only molecular data on Swedish tardigrades have been retrieved from Öland. In the lab, tardigrades were found in some of the moss samples, together with other micro- and meiofauna. Three groups of bacteria (Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria and Firmicutes) could be identified in one of the investigated mosses. These results suggest that tardigrades live in a diverse environment with different types of organisms both on the microbial as well as on the micro-meio-fauna level.
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Globální témata v občanské výchově na 2. stupni základních škol / Global topics in Civics teaching at the second grade of primary schoolNĚMEC, Josef January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with global topics teaching analysis at the second grade of primary school. It presents basic features of this issue in Frame education programme as well as in chosen methodology by Human in emergency Bohouš a Dáša: Dáša at the world marketplace. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. It also contents an own survey based on qualitative research (dialogues with teachers) within a particular school case study. There are activities developed on the grounds of the survey results that Civics and related subjects teachers may use. These fulfill some Frame education programme expected performances and particular overview topics.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this study was evaluate the performance of two spectrophotometer devices in assessing color changes of dental enamel after artificial caries induction (demineralization) and treatment with fluorides. The Easyshade spectrophotometer (VITA, Germany) and SP60 (Ex-Rite, USA) were used to measure the color changes of 30 bovine enamel blocks (n=10) in evaluation times: initial (sound enamel) (T0), demineralized enamel (T1 after pH cycling) and after treatment with fluoride agents 5 applications of fluoride gel (2% sodium fluoride group NaF and 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride APF group) (T2 to T6). The specimes in control group were kept in deionized water during the experimental time and received no treatment with fluoride. Obtained color change values (ΔE) as well as the values of each CIE L*a*b* dimensions were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey s post hoc test (α=0,05). The Pearson s correlation coefficient was used to measure a correlation study between the two devices. Results showed tha SP60 device was able on identifying and monitoring enamel color changes (p=0.000) and CIE L*a*b* dimension on evaluation times (p=0.000). On other hand, Easyshade showed no significant differences in main factors evaluation time (p=0.713) and treatment (p=0.684). Low correlation between the two devices was observed (r=0.25; p= 0. 001). Based on the obtained results, one can conclude that spectrophotometer SP60 was able to identify enamel color changes during enamel de-remineralization. Color changes in enamel were not assessed by Easyshade device. / O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de dois espectrofotômetros, na mensuração das alterações do esmalte dentário submetido a desmineralização e tratamento com fluoretos. Os espectrofotômetros Easyshade (VITA, Alemanha) SP60 (Ex- Rite, EUA) foram utilizados para mensurar as alterações ópticas de 30 blocos de esmalte bovino (n=10) nos momentos de avaliação inicial (esmalte hígido) (T0), esmalte desmineralizado (T1 após ciclagem de pH) e durante o tratamento das lesões de mancha branca com agentes fluoretados 5 aplicações tópicas de gel fluoretado ( fluoreto de sódio a 2% - grupo NaF e flúor fosfato acidulado 1,23% - grupo FFA) (T2 à T6). Os espécimes pertencentes ao grupo controle foram mantidos em água deionizada durante o período experimental e não receberam tratamento com fluoretos. Os dados obtidos referentes à alteração de cor (ΔE) bem como das dimensões CIE L*a*b* foram submetidos a analise de variância e teste de contraste de Tukey (α=0,05). O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson foi utilizado para medir a possível correlação entre os dois aparelhos do estudo. Os resultados do trabalho apontaram que o aparelho SP60 foi capaz de identificar e monitorar as diferenças de alteração de cor (ΔE) do esmalte nos diferentes momentos de avaliação (p= 0.000), assim como, foi capaz de informar variações em cada um dos parâmetros CIE L*a*b* (p=0.000). Por outro lado, o aparelho Easyshade, não apontou diferenças significantes entre os momentos de avaliação (p=0.713) e entre os grupos experimentais (p=0.684). Baixa correlação entre os dois dispositivos foi observada (r=0,25; p= 0,001). Com base nos resultados obtidos, foi concluído que o espectrofotômetro SP60 foi capaz de identificar essas alterações nos diferentes tempos de avaliação. No entanto, o aparelho Easyshade não foi capaz de avaliar alterações ópticas no esmalte, decorrentes da perda de minerais e do tratamento com agentes fluoretados.
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Modelling adsorption rate in a rotating bed reactorJonsson, Jonathan January 2018 (has links)
SpinChem AB designs rotating bed reactors (RBR:s) that are used to conduct reactions between solid and liquid phase. In this work a model have been developed that predicts the performance of the S2 RBR. Coupled with simulations the model could be used to improve current and future RBR designs. The model predicts the reaction rate inside the RBR during a de-colourization process where methylene blue was adsorped onto an adsorbent that was chosen during a screening study. The materials investigated were XAD1600N, MN102, activated carbon and IRN99 where the suitability of a material was judged upon the capacity and reproducibility of the process, and the reaction rate dependency on the mass transport. The DOE software MODDE Pro was used to design a parameter study that produced a function that describes the reaction rate of the process as a function of the RPM of the RBR and the temperature, pH and initial concentration of the methylene blue solution. Using simulations in ANSYS Fluent and modelling the function was then converted to the final model. It was then tested by comparing experimental results with simulations of the de-colourization process where the reaction rate inside the RBR was set using the model. IRN99 was chosen as the adsorbent of the process as its capacity was the highest of the four materials studied and its reaction rate displayed a sufficient mass transport dependence. The parameter study produced a function with a high R2, Q2 and reproducibility (>0.85) but displayed a low model validity (-0.2) as a result of the noise in the experimental data. The final model agrees well with the experimental results in the whole parameter space of experiments conducted. The model is meant to be a general model that could be applied to other RBR sizes. It could therefore be used to investigate the performance of new RBR models before they are built or improve current RBR:s. Other geometries has however not been tested during this work and therefore not much can be said about its accuracy when used in this way. / SpinChem AB designar roterande bäddreaktorer (RBR:s) som används för att genomföra reaktioner mellan fast och flytande fas. I detta arbete har en modell utvecklats som förutspår prestandan hos en S2 RBR. Tillsammans med simuleringar kan modellen användas för att förbättra nuvarande och framtida RBR-modeller. Modellen förutspår reaktionshastigheten inuti RBR:en under en avfärgningsprocess där metylenblått adsorberades på ett adsorbent som valdes under en screeningsstudie. Materialet som undersöktes var XAD1600N, MN102, aktiverat kol och IRN99 där lämpligheten av ett material bedömdes på processens kapacitet och reproducerbarhet och reaktionshastighetens beroende på masstransport. DOE-mjukvaran MODDE Pro användes för att utforma en parameterstudie som gav en funktion som beskriver processens reaktionshastighet som en funktion av RBR:ens RPM och temperaturen, pH och initialkoncentrationen av metylenblålösningen. Genom att använda simuleringar i ANSYS Fluent och modellering kunde funktionen omvandlas till en modell som beskriver reaktionens hastighet inne i RBR:en. Den testades sedan genom att jämföra experimentella resultat med simuleringar av avfärgningsprocessen där reaktionshastigheten inuti RBR:en sattes med hjälp av modellen. IRN99 valdes som adsorbent av processen eftersom dess kapacitet var den högsta av de fyra studerade materialen och dess reaktionshastighet visade ett tillräckligt masstransportberoende. Parameterstudien gav en funktion med hög R2, Q2 och reproducerbarhet (> 0,85) men visade på en låg modellgiltighet (-0.2) vilket beror på brus i experimentdata. Den slutliga modellen stämmer väl överens med experimentresultaten i hela parameterrummet för de utförda experimenten. Modellen är avsedd att vara en allmän modell som kan tillämpas på andra RBR-storlekar. Det kan därför användas för att undersöka prestandan hos nya RBR-modeller innan de byggs eller förbättra nuvarande RBR:er. Andra geometrier har dock inte testats under detta arbete och därför kan inte mycket sägas om dess noggrannhet när den används på detta sätt.
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