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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Morphology Formation from Ternary Mixtures upon Evaporation : a Square Cell Model Approach / Morfologiformation från Trekomponentsblandningar under Avdunstning : en Kvadratisk Cellmodellansats

Kronberg, Simon January 2019 (has links)
We present a novel modelling approach for the morphology formation from ternary mixtures upon evaporation, which takes into consideration two different length scales of the interaction, and further allows for these length scales to be altered. A quantitative study of the interfacial energy hints towards the existence of a mesoscopic regime - further research is needed to verify the validity of this claim however. We also demonstrate that the solvent initially follows a Fickian law of diffusion, then deviates from this behaviour, presumably due to the phase separated regions produced by the two remaining (active) components. We also attempt to bridge the gap between this work and a hypothetical three-dimensional model by considering a top-down view of the system. Here, we observe domain growth dominated by Ostwald ripening, with some coalescence. The domain growth was further characterised using Fourier image analysis. / Vi presenterar en ny modellansats för morfologiformation från trekomponentsblandningar under avdunstning, som tar hänsyn till två olika längdskalor hos interaktionen, samt möjliggör förändring av dessa längdskalor. En kvantitativ studie av energin vid domängränserna tyder på att det finns en mesoskopisk regim - ytterligare forskning är dock nödvändig för att verifiera giltigheten av detta påstående. Vi visar också att lösningsmedlet ursprungligen följer en Fickiansk diffusionslag, för att senare avvika från detta beteende, förmodligen på grund av de tydliga domänerna som produceras av de två återstående (aktiva) komponenterna. Vi försöker också minska klyftan mellan det här arbetet och en hypotetisk tredimensionell modell genom att behandla systemet uppifrån. Här observerar vi domäntillväxt dominerad av 'Ostwald ripening', med viss koalescens. Domäntillväxten karakteriserades vidare med hjälp av Fourier-bildanalys.

Hur påverkas dressyrhästen av ridning på kandar? : Fysiska skador och psykiska belastningar / How is the dressage horse affected by riding on the double bridle? : Physical damage and mental strain

Nordin, Therese January 2019 (has links)
Double bridle is widely used in the sport dressage, and according to the FEI and the Swedish competition regulations (II) is it a requirement to use in the Grand Prix and within the championship classes. With this essay I want to investigate how riding on double bridle can affect the horse physically and mentally. The aim is also to put horseback riding in relation to the horse's welfare and the Swedish animal welfare law (2018: 1192), the FEI:s Code of Conduct and the competition rules in dressage. The essay is a qualitative literature study based on scientific articles, scientific books, the animal welfare law and websites from the horse industry. When the horse is ridden with double bridle, physical damage can occur in the mouth as sores in the soft tissue, infections in the teeth and pressure injuries. In addition, the double bridle applies a remarkable pressure to other parts of the head and to the horse's neck. The cavesson can cause pressure and abrasions when tightened too tightly and create an internal stress as it prevents the horse from opening the mouth to perform natural needs and alleviate any pain. The mental strain can occur when the horse cannot perform normal behaviors due to the double bridle and an internal stress can occur. The bits that is used for double bridle is not considered compatible with one another, and does not fit naturally in the horse's mouth. Double bridle can be considered contrary to Chapter 2: sections 1 and 9 in the Swedish Animal welfare law (2018: 1192), that say that equipment must not cause suffering and that it is forbidden to expose animals to unnecessary suffering. The double bridle may involve a risk of suffering if the horse does not have the morphological conditions to carry it. It is also contrary to the FEI Code of Conduct, where horse welfare should always be given priority over the rider's success, by being a requirement and not a choice for the rider. / Kandar används flitigt inom ridsportsgrenen dressyr, och är enligt FEI och det svenska tävlingsreglementet (II) ett krav att använda i Grand Prix och inom mästerskapsklasser. Med denna magisteruppsats vill jag undersöka hur ridning på kandar kan påverka hästen fysiskt och psykiskt. Syftet är även att sätta ridning på kandar i förhållande till hästens välfärd och djurskyddslagen (2018:1192), FEI:s uppförandekod samt tävlingsreglementet inom dressyren. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ litteraturstudie baserad på vetenskapliga artiklar, vetenskapliga böcker, djurskyddslagen samt hemsidor från hästbranschen.  När hästen rids på kandar kan fysiska skador uppstå i munnen som sår i den mjuka vävnaden, infektioner i käktänderna samt tryckskador. Utöver det applicerar kandaret ett betydande tryck på andra delar av huvudet och på hästens nacke. Nosgrimman kan orsaka tryck och skav när den spänns för hårt samt skapa en inre stress då den förhindrar hästen från att öppna munnen för att utföra naturliga behov och lindra eventuell smärta. Den psykiska belastningen kan utspela sig när hästen inte kan utföra normala beteenden på grund av kandaret och en inre stress kan uppstå. Kandarbetten anses inte vara kompatibla med varandra och ryms naturligt inte i hästens mun. Kandar kan anses strida mot 2 kap. 1, 9 §§ djurskyddslagen (2018:1192), att utrustning inte får orsaka lidande samt att det är förbjudet att utsätta djur för onödigt lidande. Kandaret kan innebära en risk för lidande om hästen inte har de morfologiska förutsättningarna att bära det. Det strider även mot FEI:s uppförandekod där hästen välfärd alltid ska prioriteras framför ryttarens framgång, genom att vara ett krav och inte ett val för ryttaren.

A Versatile Group of Molecules, Can Defensins Make an Impact in Medicine?

Fors, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Antimicrobial peptides are an ancient form of innate defense and is present in all ways of life. In humans they are present as cathelicidins and defensins. Both are important for the immune system and they exhibit activity against viruses, bacteria and fungi. Defensins exhibit less cytotoxicity and are better characterized and are thus more easily developed as therapeutic tools. Defensins are apt at doing a multitude of things, from inhibiting Herpes simplex virus replication and preventing anthrax’ lethality to helping with wound closure and acting as biomarkers for a variety of ailments. Defensins have consistently shown good results in a laboratory setting but have less than exemplary in vivo results. Defensins’ multifunctionality as well as the complex environment in living organisms makes characterizing why defensins are not performing as well in vivo difficult. They can also exhibit negative side-effects such as increasing the infectivity of the HIV and inhibiting anti-viral molecules of the innate immune system. Nevertheless, they exhibit big potential as complementary drugs, adjuvants, biomarkers, wound treatment and much more. Further characterization and development is absolutely necessary in these times of increasing antibiotic resistance.

Development of a Mobile Reactor for Large Scale Water Treatment

Berggren, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Water pollution is one of many environmental problems that currently exists and inadequate treatment of industrial wastewater is contributing to further pollution. SpinChem AB's Rotating Bed Reactor (RBR) technology offers the possibility of water treatment by carrying out reactions between a solution and a solid phase. To move further in the field of large scale water treatment, SpinChem AB developed a prototype of a mobile reactor, i.e. a raft, carrying the RBR technology. The prototype proved that a mobile reactor can greatly reduce the process time for larger water volumes compared to a stationary RBR. The aim of this thesis is to develop the next version of the mobile reactor, with increased operational stability and autonomous driving (autopilot) as main goals. This work covers all parts in the development of the new mobile reactor which involves design, simulation, construction, electronics, software implementations and testing. The presented mobile reactor is a twin hull surface vehicle with the possibility of using two RBRs for water treatment. The steering is based on differential motor thrust and the autonomous driving was achieved using sensor data from a GPS, magnetometer and accelerometer, together with a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) type control system. The autopilot was put to the test on two different travel routes with a P and PI controller. The mobile reactor successfully followed the given routes, thus verifying that the developed mobile reactor can be used for future autonomous large scale water treatment.

Visualização da evolução temporal de coleções de artigos científicos / Visualization of the temporal evolution of scientific articles colletions

Alencar, Aretha Barbosa 07 February 2013 (has links)
Artigos científicos são o principal mecanismo que pesquisadores usam para reportar suas descobertas científicas, e uma coleção de artigos em uma área de pesquisa pode revelar muito sobre sua evolução ao longo do tempo, como a emergência de novos tópicos e a evolução dos mesmos quanto ao seu conteúdo. No entanto, dada uma ampla coleção de artigos é geralmente muito difícil extrair informações importantes que possam ajudar leitores a interpretar globalmente, navegar e então eventualmente focar em itens relevantes para sua tarefa. Mapas de documentos baseados em conteúdo são representações visuais criadas para avaliar a similaridade entre documentos, e têm se mostrado úteis em auxiliar tarefas exploratórias neste cenário. Documentos são representados por marcadores visuais projetados em um espaço bidimensional de forma que documentos com conteúdo similar permaneçam próximos. Apesar de estes mapas permitirem a identificação visual de grupos de documentos relacionados e de fronteiras entre esses grupos, eles não transmitem explicitamente a evolução temporal de uma coleção. Nesta tese, propomos e validamos um mapa de documentos dinâmico interativo para coleções de artigos científicos capaz de evidenciar o comportamento temporal para apoiar tarefas de análise, preservando ao mesmo tempo a acurácia local do mapa e o contexto do usuário. As mudanças nas relações de similaridade, evidenciadas ao longo do tempo nesse mapa, oferecem suporte para detecção da evolução temporal dos tópicos. Essa evolução é caracterizada por meio de eventos de transição entre grupos, como a emergência de novos grupos e tópicos em momentos específicos e a especialização de um grupo, e pela detecção de mudanças no vocabulário dos tópicos, utilizando técnicas que extraem os termos mais relevantes (tópicos) em cada grupo, em diferentes momentos / Scientific articles are the major mechanism used by researchers to report their scientific results, and a collection of articles in a research area can reveal a lot about its evolution over time, such as the emergence of new topics and changes in topic vocabulary. However, given a broad collection of articles it is usually very difficult to extract important information that can help readers to globally interpret, navigate and then eventually focus on subjects relevant to their task. Document maps based on content are visual representations created to convey the similarity between documents, and have proven to be useful in helping users conducting exploratory tasks in this scenario. Documents are represented by graphical markers projected onto a two-dimensional space so that documents similar in content remain close. Although these maps allow visual identification of groups of related documents and boundaries between these groups, they do not explicitly convey the temporal evolution of a collection. In this thesis, we propose and validate a dynamic document map for collections of scientific articles capable of showing the temporal behavior to support analysis tasks, while simultaneously preserving the local accuracy of the map and the user global context. Changes in the similarity relationships, evidenced over time in this map, support the detection of the temporal evolution of topics. This evolution is characterized by transition events between groups such as the emergence of new groups and topics at specific moments and the specialization of a group, as well by detecting changes in the vocabulary of topics, using techniques that extract the most relevant terms (topics) in each group, at different times

Gone With the Headwind. Characterizing Erosion Using Lattice-Boltzmann Method : and its Implication in Planet Formation

Cedenblad, Lukas January 2019 (has links)
Erosion has a long history in science and is used in many different fields today, for example in geology for coastal erosion and in the oil industry for pipe erosion. It is very difficult to study erosion both analytically. Numerically it is difficult due to moving and shape-changing boundaries. Here we develop a numerical model in 3D using the Lattice-Boltzmann method, which is good at simulating complex moving boundaries, and erosion capabilities are implemented. Both laminar and turbulent flow can be modelled with this program. Using an experimentally derived model for the mass change due to erosion in clay and mud-type objects, one can derive equations predicting that the volume of a sphere should, due to erosion, scale as V ∼ −t2. This is also observed with simulations. The shapes of a double sphere with different orientations and a cube in laminar flow we find to have similar power law exponent P, P = 2±0.1. But a cube eroding in Re = 800 had no power law behaviour, meaning that the current analytical framework is incomplete. The possibility of a more general framework is presented for future research. Different Reynolds number also affected the power law behaviour and the shape change over time for the different solids. Very little research has been made for erosion of planetesimals, but it has been argued that erosion can be relevant to their fate. Using the same erosion model, an equation of the erosion time is found for laminar flows and for a sphere. Simulation results find that the equation works within an order of magnitude for turbulent flows, a double sphere and a cube. This gives an estimate of the erosion time t∗ of planetesimals to be t∗ ∼ 1s, given a size of radius equal to 10cm and 1km, an orbital eccentricity e > 10−2 and a distance at r = 1 a.u. Implying that orbits for planetesimals with low eccentricity might be favoured.

Laborationer i ämnet biologi : Gymnasieelevers perspektiv

Uronen-Hansson, Heli January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om hur gymnasieelever värderar laborationer i biologiundervisningen. Mer specifikt undersöktes vilka mål och syften med laborativt arbete som lyfts fram av eleverna själva. Vidare studerades elevers syn på formativ bedömning av laborationer som stöd i sin lärandeprocess. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på vilka uppfattningar om formativ bedömning av laborationer elever ger uttryck för. I denna undersökning har jag valt att fråga elever i gymnasieskolan om olika aspekter angående laborationers syfte och bedömning. För att studera detta genomfördes både enkätundersökningar och kvalitativa intervjuer med elever och deras lärare. Lärarperspektivet gav insikter om elevernas uppfattning om laborationer och formativ bedömning stämmer överens med undervisande lärares uppfattning. Resultatet visar att elever samt deras lärare samstämmigt tycker att laborationer har många olika syften som faller inom tre huvudsakliga områden 1) laborativa färdigheter och arbetssätt, 2) kunskap och förståelse och 3) attityd och motivation. Det framkom tydligt att både elever och lärare anser laborationer som viktiga och högt motivationsgivande i biologiundervisningen. Resultatet visar även att elever anser att kognitiva mål uppfylls med användandet av laborationer. Resultatet i studien visar att både elever och lärare i studien anser formativ bedömning vid laborationerna som något positivt. Elever uttrycker att de kan utnyttja kraften i feedback och ser sig själva som läranderesurser för varandra, vilket anses som viktiga hörnstenar i formativ bedömning. Elever tycker sig också kunna aktivera sig själva att äga sitt eget lärande. Däremot tyder mina resultat på att det är svårare för elever och lärare att skapa kopplingar till mål och kunskapskrav vid laborationer. I denna studie visade det sig att elever inte förstår hur kunskapskraven används vid laborationer och värdeorden i kunskapskraven upplevdes som otydliga. Resultaten pekar på att elever inte heller vet hur mycket laborationsdelen väger vid bedömning och betygsättning. Förhoppningsvis kan denna studie öka kunskaper om laborationer och deras effekt i lärande ur elevperspektiv samt i viss mån bidra med underlag och idéer för kommande studier där både formativ och summativ bedömning av biologilaborationer undersöks och utvärderas.

Vad säger neurobiologisk forskning om motivationens betydelse för inlärning?

Forngren, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Kan motivation till att lära sig gå att se genom avbildningar av hjärnan? Finns det någraneurobiologiska stöd för att det dessutom skulle kunna påverka minnesbildning? Tidigareforskning har visat att aktivering av belöningssystemet och ökade nivåer av signalsubstansendopamin kan gynna minnesbildning. I denna översiktsartikel behandlas studier som berörmotivation ur olika psykologiska aspekter och hur det påverkar det deklarativalångtidsminnet. Olika hjärnavbildningsmetoder där dopaminerga regioner och hippocampushar varit centrala, tillsammans med olika inlärningsuppgifter och psykologiska tester talar föratt motivation är en viktig faktor för inlärning. Dessutom visar flera av studierna att positivåterkoppling har en bättre effekt på inlärning jämfört med negativ återkoppling.

The sublime of climate change

Gallie, Nicholas January 2018 (has links)
The category 'sublime', when applied to the natural world, has long been associated in Western culture, with extremes of vastness and power. When encountered, that which is deemed sublime, by virtue of these qualities, has the effect of overwhelming the mind, such that it is thrown simultaneously into a state of astonishment, admiration and horror. We are both humbled and elevated by what we behold and momentarily struck dumb, such that, in its Kantian formulation, our appreciation of that which we take to be sublime, granted us through the powers of reason, has the effect of ennobling us, as moral beings. The concept of the sublime has continuously evolved from its classical origins right up to its present day post-modern formulations. The diversity of its forms suggests that the sublime can be regarded as polythetic. My thesis examines, how, through its different formulations, the sublime may be meaningfully applied to our perceptions of present day climate change, and the different implications arising from these applications. My thesis asks: what is the sublime of climate change? When we look at climate change through the lens of the sublime, what do we see, and what is obscured? What is the effect on us, of opening ourselves to climate change as sublime? What implications might the sublime of climate change have for the future direction of society and therefore for the construction of climate policy and for its communication? Original research, in the form of in-depth, unstructured, one to one interviews was conducted among senior climate scientists, business leaders and policy makers, writers and academics, inviting them to explore the theme of climate change, science and the sublime. My thesis findings are derived from my analysis of these discussions.

Mossfloran vid vattenkvarnar i sydöstra Sverige

Lundén, Eric January 2019 (has links)
Bryophytes play an important role in ecosystems in running waters and are common growing on structures in and around watermills. These watermill habitats differ from other parts of the watercourse in terms of microclimate and disturbance regime, and in providing more suitable and variable substrates. Bryophytes were sampled in and around five watermills and five reference sites 300 meters up or downstream from the watermill in the province Småland, in south-eastern Sweden. Species richness was compared between the sites and differences in community structure were analysed by a Discriminant Analysis. In 90% of the cases, the species composition was found to be specific for watermills and reference sites, and the mean species number was 57% higher at watermills than at the reference sites. Rocks and boulders in a wide range of sizes, concrete and mortar structures with pH-levels higher than that of the underlying bedrock, and stronger currents were identified as some of the causes of the higher diversity at the watermills. Restauration projects in rivers, including dam removal, constitute a potential threat to the bryophyte flora of watermills since the structures they grow on may either be removed or destroyed. Changes in microclimate and disturbance regime are other potential threats to species in these habitats. / Mossor spelar en viktig roll i ekosystem i rinnande vatten och är vanligt förekommande på strukturer i och vid vattenkvarnar. Dessa habitat skiljer sig från vattendraget i övrigt bland annat genom annorlunda mikroklimat och störningsregim, men också genom en hög mångfald av för mossor lämpliga substrat. I denna studie undersöktes mossfloran vid fem vattenkvarnar och fem referensområden. Artantal jämfördes mellan kvarn- och referensområden och skillnader i artsammansättning analyserades med en diskriminantanalys. I 90% av fallen var artsammansättning specifik för respektive habitat och medeltalet för antalet arter var 57% högre vid vattenkvarnar jämfört med referensområden. Stenar och block i olika storlekar, betong och murbruk med högre pH-värden än den underliggande berggrunden och starkare strömmar är några av de faktorer som bidrog till den ökade artmångfalden vid vattenkvarnarna. Restaureringsprojekt i rinnande vatten, till exempel dammutrivningar, utgör ett potentiellt hot mot mossfloran vid vattenkvarnar eftersom de strukturer mossorna växer på riskerar att antingen förstöras eller tas bort. Förändringar i mikroklimat och störningsregim är två andra potentiella hot mot arter i dessa miljöer.

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