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New technology in physics : A study in how to integrate new technology and research in physics education in secondary high school. / Ny teknik i fysik : En studie i hur ny teknik och forskning integreras i fysikundervisningen på gymnasiet.Asp, Fredrik, Andersson, Leif January 2008 (has links)
Youths do not reflect over how it works but rather focus on how they can use the technology. Earlier research has studied if teacher acquires further education in there topics, not if knowledge about new technology can contribute to a better education. If teachers have good knowledge about new technology and forwarding it to the pupils, can it increase the interest for physics among the pupils? Didactic research has shown that pupils would like to see conjunction with the knowledge they receives and their natural world. Didactic research concentrates on how knowledge is forwarding and not on the subject for the education. Six teachers on six different schools has been interview. On three of these schools has also five pupils been interview on their opinion on if and how new technology has be taken up in their education. New technology is being taken up in the physics education, but it exist no recommendation on how. New technologies are being taken up on the teacher’s initiative, paramountly for that rouse interest at pupils or connect the physics to the pupil's reality. Pupils receive also explanations of new technology when they put questions about it during lessons. The teacher’s apprehension about what is new technology varies. Common for all teachers is that they request better knowledge of their subjects of teaching for that being able to take up new technology with the pupils. They pupils that have interviewed thinks that it is good if new technology is being taken up in the physics education, it gives a better connection to reality. / Ungdomar reflekterar inte i första hand över hur ny teknik fungerar utan fokuserar på hur man kan använda tekniken. Tidigare forskning har studerat om lärare behöver ämnesfortbildning, inte om kunskap om ny teknik kan bidra till en bättre undervisning. Om läraren har god kunskap om ny teknik och förmedlar det till eleverna kan det då öka intresset för fysik hos eleverna? Didaktisk forskning har visat att elever vill se samband mellan den kunskap de får och deras omvärld. Didaktisk forskning inriktas på hur kunskap förmedlas och inte på ämnet i undervisningen. Sex lärare på sex olika skolor har intervjuats. På tre av dessa skolor har också fem elever intervjuats för att ge sin syn på om de anser att ny teknik tas upp i undervisningen. Studien visar på att ny teknik tas upp i fysikundervisningen, men det finns inga rekommendationer på hur. Ny teknik tas främst upp på lärarens initiativ, främst för att väcka intresse hos elever men också för att koppla fysiken till elevens verklighet. Elever får även förklaringar av ny teknik när de ställer frågor om den under lektioner. Lärares uppfattning om vad som är ny teknik varierar. Lärare efterfrågar bättre ämneskunskaper för att kunna ta upp ny teknik med eleverna. De elever som har intervjuats tycker det är bra om ny teknik tas upp i fysikkurserna, det ger en bättre koppling till verkligheten.
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Turkey' / s Energy Strategy And Development Of Ceyhan As An Energy HubDegirmenci, Deniz 01 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to analyze the Turkish policy of being an energy hub. Within this context Turkey, as it is geographically very close to the two thirds of the world' / s proven oil and natural gas reserves, has a very big advantage to manage its location and the purpose of this study is to discuss the measures taken to utilize this advantage. Therefore relative weakness of Turkey in comparison to the other actors like Russia, the USA or the EU and the strengths of the Turkish policy like the geopolitical advantage, the ethnic link between Turkey and the newly independent states of the Caspian and the already existing infrastructure for the transportation of oil and natural gas like Kirkuk-Yumurtalik Pipeline, Baku Tblisi Ceyhan Oil Pipeline, Ceyhan Terminal, and Baku Tblisi Erzurum Natural Gas Pipeline are discussed. With this respect, this study argues that, as a result of the existing and planned projects, Ceyhan' / s claim to become a hub is a realistic objective and in addition to BTC and Kirkuk-Yumurtalik Pipeline, the realization of Samsun-Ceyhan Pipeline will increase Ceyhan' / s potential as an energy hub.
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”Hörredu … vi börjar med att du förklarar på ett enkelt sätt för oss, för vi e vanliga simpla människor” : En samtalsanalytisk studie av en hybridiserad pratshowintervjuSundin, Åsa January 2012 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen undersöks interaktionen mellan tre programledare och en intervjuad forskare i ett utdrag från ett intervjusamtal i radio. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka övergripande topiker och vilka kommunikativa projekt som förekommer i samtalsutdraget. Likaså att undersöka hur de kommunikativa projekten kan relateras till den hybriditet som detta samtalsutdrag kännetecknas av, då samtale tkan kategoriseras som en hybridiserad pratshowintervju. Samtalsdelen består av drygt åtta minuter, som transkriberas och analyseras med hjälp av en topikanalys i kombination med en analys av de kommunikativa projekt som florerar i samtalsutdraget. Resultatet av analysen visar att samtalsutdraget innehåller olika kommunikativa projekt som ibland kolliderar. Programledarna vill ha svar på sina mestadels enkla och grundläggande frågor, men forskaren svarar inte alltid enkelt och grundläggande. Forskaren är där för att beskriva omständigheterna kring hundraårsjubileet av upptäckten av kosmisk strålning, i egenskap av elementarpartikelfysiker. Programledarna är beroende av att deras lyssnare tycker att innehållet är intressant och värt att lyssna på. Därför hamnar det på deras lott att så gott de kan göra programinnehållet intressant för lyssnarna. För att uppfylla det tillkommer lokala projekt, såsom att förmå den intervjuade att vara mer personlig och göra ansatser för att ge samtalet en mer vardaglig och avslappnad prägel. Till exempel genom det sätt som de ställer frågor till forskaren. Men även den journalistsiska uppgiften att popularisera vetenskapen som forskaren intervjuas om tillkommer, då det rör sig om ett radioprogram inom sektorn för Public service.
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Institutional Political Economy Of Economic Development And Global GovernanceOzcelik, Emre 01 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
There are two inter-related themes of this thesis: Economic development and global governance. We develop a perspective of &ndash / what we call &ndash / &lsquo / Institutional International Political Economy&rsquo / (IIPE) in order to: i) assess the likelihood of developmental success on the part of the Third World countries in the twenty-first century, and ii) analyze the developmental and world-systemic implications of the so-called &lsquo / global governance model&rsquo / , which we conceptualize as an ultra-liberal capitalist project on the part of the &lsquo / commanding heights&rsquo / of the contemporary &lsquo / world-economy&rsquo / . Our IIPE-perspective relies on an &lsquo / institutionalist&rsquo / synthesis of the classic works of Karl Polanyi, Joseph Schumpeter and Fernand Braudel. In the light of this perspective, &lsquo / state-led development&rsquo / seems to be inconceivable in the face of &lsquo / governance&rsquo / , which is an attempt to disintegrate the &lsquo / institutional substance&rsquo / of the state-as-we-know-it into &lsquo / market-like processes&rsquo / . Nevertheless, &lsquo / governance&rsquo / is bound to become the victim of its own success insofar as it destroys the indispensable political institutions upon which capitalism has survived as a historical world-system in the past.
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Automation And Verification Of Ankara Wind TunnelKatirci, Argun 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
All the operational and measurement systems of Ankara Wind Tunnel was modified to
operate automatically under the control of a central computer system programmed using
the Lab View programming language.
A cruciform air-to-air missile with triangular canard control and a trapezoidal wing
model was tested by a 35mm diameter internal balance at Mach 0.2 and data was
compared with the test data of the same model&rsquo / s test that was performed at NASA
Langley Research Center.
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Electrospun Nanofibrous Scaffolds For Tissue EngineeringNdreu, Albana 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this study a microbial polyester, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-
hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV), and its blends were wet or electrospun into
fibrous scaffolds for tissue engineering.
Wet spun fiber diameters were in the low micrometer range (10-50 & / #956 / m).
The polymer concentration and the stirring rate affected the properties the
most. The optimum concentration was determined as 15% (w/v).
Electrospun fiber diameters, however, were thinner. Solution viscosity,
potential, distance between the syringe tip and the collector, and polymer
type affected the morphology and the thickness of beads formed on the
fibers. Concentration was highly influential / as it increased from 5% to 15%
(w/v) fiber diameter increased from 284 ± / 133 nm to 2200 ± / 716 nm.
Increase in potential (from 20 to 50 kV) did not lead to the expected
decrease in fiber diameter. The blends of PHBV8 with lactide-based
polymers (PLLA, P(L,DL-LA) and PLGA (50:50)) led to fibers with less beads
and more uniform thickness.
In vitro studies using human osteosarcoma cells (SaOs-2) revealed that wet
spun fibers were unsuitable because the cells did not spread on them while
all the electrospun scaffolds promoted cell growth and penetration. The
surface porosities for PHBV10, PHBV15, PHBV-PLLA, PHBV-PLGA (50:50)
and PHBV-P(L,DL)LA were 38.0± / 3.8, 40.1± / 8.5, 53.8± / 4.2, 50.0± / 4.2 and
30.8± / 2.7%, respectively. Surface modification with oxygen plasma
treatment slightly improved the cell proliferation rates.
Consequently, all scaffolds prepared by electrospinning revealed a significant
potential for use in bone tissue engineering applications / PHBV-PLLA blend
appeared to yield the best results.
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Beyond Built Form: The ColosseumCetin, Yunus 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the Flavian Amphitheatre, better known as the Colosseum, in its relation to setting, symbolic meaning and its afterlife. Crucial to the discussion is the ancient art of memory, through which the Colosseum&rsquo / s ambivalent role as a means of Imperial power is elucidated. Equally important, the buildings&rsquo / iconographic connotations are studied in terms of the architectural orders employed on the faç / ade. The Colosseum&rsquo / s extended use and its later emblematic significance comprise the concluding discussion of the thesis.
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Ammunition Transfer System Optimization ProblemGunsel, H. Sinem 01 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ammunition Transfer System (ATS) is the electro-mechanical system of the Ammunition Resupply Vehicle (ARV) which will be used to meet T-155 mm Firtina howitzers&rsquo / ammunition demand for tactical requirements of higher firing rate by off-road mobility and survivability. The transfer of ammunitions from ARV to Firtina is to be optimized for an effective improvement of firing rate.
In this thesis the transferring order of carried ammunitions is being optimized to minimize the total ammunition transferring time. This transfer problem is modeled as a modification of Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). The given locations of the ammunitions are treated as cities to be visited and the gripper of ATS is treated as the traveling salesman. By GAMS / the small-size problems are solved optimally but large-size ones get only local optimum. A heuristic algorithm that contains nearest neighbor heuristics as construction method and 2-opt exchange heuristic as improvement method is developed to obtain same or better solutions obtained by GAMS with less computational time.
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Development Of Indium Tin Oxide (ito) Nanoparticle Incorporated Transparent Conductive Oxide Thin FilmsYavas, Hakan 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films have been used as transparent electrodes in many technological applications such as display panels, solar cells, touch screens and electrochromic devices. Commercial grade ITO thin films are usually deposited by sputtering. Solution-based coating methods, such as sol-gel however, can be simple and economic alternative method for obtaining oxide films and also ITO. In this thesis, &ldquo / ITO sols&rdquo / and &ldquo / ITO nanoparticle-incorporated hybrid ITO coating sols&rdquo / were prepared using indium chloride (InCl3
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The discussion of the behavior of news jobholders managing the blogHsin, Chi-sung 12 September 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the behavior of news jobholders managing the blog. There have been lots of researches for the motivation of writing blogs. Based upon past researches, this thesis adds the partial traditional dissemination theory idea to discuss the relation between criticalness of blog presentation and diversified blog topics from the gatekeeper pressure, challenging the point of view of the organization, communication, requirement from the company, and self-presents. The research is conducted by Questionnaire Survey and it is found that the communication, criticalness, and the subject multiplication in the blogs are significantly correlated. In the other hand, the requirement from the company and self-present are only related to diversified blog topics. As a result, the motivation and habit of news jobholders using blogs alter unceasingly. The future study can focus more on addressing this difference of evolving to realize how news jobholders in the traditional media work use new technical blogs.
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