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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exercise-induced adult hippocampal neurogenesis and the effect of exercise and adult hippocampal neurogenesis on spatial learning and memory

Sturesson, André January 2018 (has links)
It was long believed within the scientific community that the adult brain was unable to generate new neurons. In the end of the 1990s the consensus changed and it is since believed that the adult brain can and does generate new neurons after birth, a process referred to as adult neurogenesis. Adult neurogenesis takes place in two places in the adult brain: the subventricular zone (SVZ) in close proximity to the olfactory bulb and the subgranular zone (SGZ) in the hippocampus. The level of adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) can be upregulated and one part of the aim was to examine the effect of voluntary chronic aerobic exercise (VCAE) on AHN. It is clear that voluntary chronic aerobic exercise reliably increases AHN. Still, the function of these new brain cells is under debate. Spatial learning and memory are among the main abilities that have been focused on. The other part of the aim was to examine the effect of VCAE and AHN on spatial learning and memory. The reviewed literature suggests that both AHN and spatial learning and memory increase together from VCAE, although it does not show causation, that an increase of AHN from VCAE causally effects spatial learning and memory. More studies are needed to investigate if a causal relationship exists.

Práticas instrucionais de aprendizagem ativa em física para o ensino médio

Oliveira, Wenderson Alves de 17 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Simone Souza (simonecgsouza@hotmail.com) on 2017-07-14T14:44:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2014_Wenderson Alves de Oliveira.pdf: 4994346 bytes, checksum: 2cdedf6f20a8919d75286fea5159c21d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jordan (jordanbiblio@gmail.com) on 2017-07-26T17:20:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2014_Wenderson Alves de Oliveira.pdf: 4994346 bytes, checksum: 2cdedf6f20a8919d75286fea5159c21d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-26T17:20:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2014_Wenderson Alves de Oliveira.pdf: 4994346 bytes, checksum: 2cdedf6f20a8919d75286fea5159c21d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-17 / Atualmente, o contexto da Física para o ensino médio tem priorizado a aprendizagem de conceitos que estejam relacionados com a prática e com o cotidiano dos alunos. A proposta deste trabalho está voltada a aplicações da Física para alunos do ensino médio utilizando-se de técnicas da Aprendizagem Ativa. A Aprendizagem Ativa, por sua vez, está baseada nas premissas de que a aprendizagem é, por natureza, um esforço individual, e também que pessoas diferentes aprendem de maneiras diferentes. Relacionado a isto, atividades realizadas em sala de aula, como debates, gincanas, jogos e trabalhos em grupo geram um ambiente motivador e direcionado à potencialização da aprendizagem do aluno. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na Escola Estadual Estevão Alves Corrêa, situada em Cuiabá – MT, durante os anos de 2012 e 2013. Como estratégias da Aprendizagem Ativa, utilizamos experiências virtuais de Eletromagnetismo para turmas do 3º Ano; “Gincana do Conhecimento” sobre Leis de Newton e Energia Mecânica para uma turma do 1º Ano; antecipação dos conceitos de Potência e Energia Elétrica para alguns alunos do 2º Ano em suas residências, e práticas experimentais de Óptica para turmas do 2º ano. O desenvolvimento dessa metodologia busca melhorar o rendimento nas avaliações dos alunos, estimular capacidades pessoais como observação, concentração, criatividade, e a prática experimental. A comparação dos resultados obtidos com os do ensino convencional evidenciou que as estratégias utilizadas neste trabalho melhoram o aprendizado. / The context of Physics for High School has nowadays prioritized the learning of concepts related to the practice and the daily life of students. The purpose of this work is to focous on concepts and applications of Physics for High School students by using Active Learning techniques. The Active Learning methodology is based on the premise that the learning process is, by nature, an individual effort, and also that different people learn from different ways. In this context, activities in classroom such as debates, competitions, games, and group work generate a motivating environment and direct the enhancement of student learning. The study presented here was conducted at the Escola Estadual Estevão Alves Corrêa, located in Cuiabá – MT, alone the years of 2012 and 2013. We have used Active Learning strategies, such as virtual Electromagnetism experiences for the third year, “Knowledge Bowl " on Newton's laws and Mechanical Energy for the first year, anticipation of the concepts of potency and Energy for some secondary students at their homes, and experimental Optical practices for the second year. The goal of this methodology is to improve the performance of students on assessments, encourage personal skills, such as observation, concentration, creativity, and trial practice. Comparisons between the obtained results to the standard education have shoos evidences that the strategies used in this study enhance the learning process.

Sniglar har mycket friktion fröken! : En studie av samspelets betydelse för lärandet i förskolan

Strømnes, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to observe in which way educator´s interactions with children stimulate the learning process, in this case of the study about friction. How does the interaction between preeschool teachers and children affect and stimulate their curiosity to learn? The study was conducted with a preschool teacher and 6 children between the ages 4-6 years. The preschool teacher planned an activity that involved separate ways to learn about friction and performed this with the children. The chosen method of the study was a qualitative non-participation observation and an open interview with the preschool teacher. The result shows that interaction play an important part in children's learning processes, that by confirming and sharing knowledge with others in a social context, it is also easier to ask questions and explore the phenomenon of friction. The study shows that when an educator is active and present, cooperation between children-children but also children-educator increases, and it gives the children an increased understanding of the learning object

Emotion regulation and its influence on decision making : Emotion regulation and decision making

Skenderija, Tea January 2018 (has links)
One thing that may affect our decision making is emotions, and emotions are something we can regulate, this is referred to as emotion regulation. the use of emotion regulation strategies influence our decision making how this process out at the neural level The findings within this will suggest that the emotion regulation strategy reappraisal, compared to suppression, our decision making At the neural level, findings within this will indicate that neural changes may occur when individuals regulate their emotions in relation to making decisions. For instance, decreased activity within the striatum was associated with making less risky decisions when using the emotion regulation strategy reappraisal. On the other hand, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex may be important in mediating the neural systems of emotional states and working memory in order to enable decision making. This will also cover some prominent theories of emotion and decision making. Emotion regulation, as well as strategies for emotion regulation, will be explained.

Radiation exposure to personnel during CT procedures / Strålningsexponering för personal vid CT-undersökningar

Berg, Henrik January 2018 (has links)
During X-ray examinations a large part of the radiation is scattered from the patient, contributing to larger radiation doses to medical staff operating inside the examination room. Ionizing radiation contributes to the risk of developing cancer and hereditary diseases but also to the risk of developing cataract.   The aim of this thesis was to investigate the radiation environment and construct three-dimensional maps of the dose distribution, in a Computed Tomography (CT) room during examinations.    Air kerma was measured with real time dosimeters while irradiating an anthropomorphic phantom, using the X-ray tube voltages 100, 120 and 140 kV. The effective dose received by protected and unprotected medical staff inside the CT room during radiation exposure was estimated by using spectra from scattered X-ray radiation, a simulation of X-ray spectra and the dose evaluation program PCXMC. The equivalent dose to the eye lens was estimated by using spectra from scattered X-ray radiation and tabulated conversion factors from air kerma to the personal dose equivalent at 0.07 mm depth, Hp(0.07). From the estimated values of the effective dose and equivalent eye lens dose received by medical staff inside the room, three-dimensional dose distribution maps were constructed. The shielding effectiveness of a lead apron regularly used in the room was examined using tube voltages of 100, 120 and 140 kV.   The radiation dose distributions have a maximum closest to the irradiated phantom for most heights except at eye level where the maximum is shifted outwards along the patient table due to strong shielding by the gantry at eye level. The strong shielding of the gantry is noticed for all energy levels and at all heights but is exceptionally noticeable at eye level. The shielding of the patient table is strongest for the lower heights but is also noticeable at eye level which may seem surprising since there were no objects between the phantom and that point. The dose distribution along directions with minimal shielding seems to follow the inverse square law well. The lead apron is effective but its efficiency decreases for higher photon energies which is expected.   From information about the frequency and durations of CT-guided procedures, the estimated annual effective dose is 1.6-2.3 mSv for protected and 14.3-19.8 mSv for unprotected personnel at the operator position. The estimated annual equivalent eye lens dose is 4.7-7.8 mSv at the operator position. All annual doses at the operator position are below the annual threshold values of 20 mSv set by the ICRP.

Narratividade e tópicas em Uirapuru (1917) de Heitor Villa-lobos

Santos, Daniel Zanella dos 25 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T17:06:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 122576.pdf: 7183646 bytes, checksum: 8d73683be3d6a8ba484d21da6abccba0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purpose of this study is to analyze the musical structure of the symphonic poem Uirapuru (1917), by Heitor Villa-Lobos, and to understand how meanings are put into action by the piece through topics and narrativity. The initial hypothesis is that in Uirapuru topics are key elements of the narrative aspects of the work. The methodology is supported by the structural analysis of the musical piece, which involves harmonic, melodic, rhythmic, textural and orchestration aspects, with further interpretations of meaning based on topics and narrativity theories, and sustained by a bibliographic research of historical context. The interaction between topics in different structural levels and ad hoc elements, reveals that Villa-Lobos used an organization strategy of musical meanings, here understood as narrative, which relates to the plot of the piece´s programme and can be characterized under the concept of "external narrative program". In this work, the Brazilian Indian is represented by characteristic elements of the exotic, present in the language of modern concert music of the period and mainly in the repertoire with Debussyst heritage, with which Villa-Lobos had an open dialogue in his first compositional phase. / O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a estrutura musical do poema sinfônico Uirapuru (1917), de Heitor Villa-Lobos, e compreender como os significados são colocados em ação pela peça através de tópicas e da narratividade. A hipótese inicial é que em Uirapuru, as tópicas são elementos determinantes dos aspectos narrativos da obra. A metodologia utilizada está apoiada na análise musical estrutural da peça, que envolve aspectos harmônicos, melódicos, rítmicos, texturais e de orquestração, com posteriores interpretações de significado fundamentadas pelas teorias das tópicas e da narratividade, e sustentadas por uma pesquisa bibliográfica de contexto histórico. A interação entre tópicas em diferentes níveis estruturais e elementos ad hoc, revela que Villa-Lobos utilizou uma estratégia de organização dos significados musicais, aqui compreendida como a narratividade, a qual se relaciona com o roteiro do argumento da peça e pode ser caracterizada sob o conceito de programa narrativo exterior . O índio brasileiro nesta obra é representado por elementos característicos do exótico presentes na linguagem da música de concerto moderna do período e, principalmente, no repertório com herança debussysta com o qual Villa-Lobos travava franco diálogo na sua primeira fase composicional.

Phased Array System toolbox: An implementation of Radar System : A qualitative study of plane geometry and bearing estimation

Johansson, Adam January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Quantum Computational Speedup For The Minesweeper Problem

Terner, Olof, Urpi Hedbjörk, Villhelm January 2017 (has links)
Quantum computing is a young but intriguing field of science. It combines quantum mechanics with information theory and computer science to potentially solve certain formerly computationally expensive tasks more efficiently. Classical computers are based on bits that can take on the value zero or one. The values are distinguished by voltage differences in transistors. Quantum computers are instead based on quantum bits, or qubits, that are represented physically by something that exhibits quantum properties, like for example electrons. Qubits also take on the value zero or one, which could correspond to spin up and spin down of an electron. However, qubits can also be in a superposition state between the quantum states corresponding to the value zero and one. This property is what causes quantum computers to be able to outperform classical computers at certain tasks. One of these tasks is searching through an unstructured database. Whereas a classical computer in the worst case has to search through the whole database in order to find the sought element, i.e. the computation time is proportional to the size of the problem, it can be shown that a quantum computer can find the solution in a time proportional to the square root of the size of the problem. This report aims to illustrate the advantages of quantum computing by explicitly solving the classical Windows game Minesweeper, which can be reduced to a problem resembling the unstructured database search problem. It is shown that solving Minesweeper with a quantum algorithm gives a quadratic speedup compared to solving it with a classical algorithm. The report also covers introductory material to quantum mechanics, quantum gates, the particular quantum algorithm Grover's algorithm and complexity classes, which is necessary to grasp in order to understand how Minesweeper can be solved on a quantum computer.

Utveckling av 2D-gelelektrofores för alkaliska proteiner i Ideonella dechloratans : En jämförelse mellan aeroba och anaeroba odlingsförhållanden / Development of 2D-gel electrophoresis for alkaline proteins in Ideonella dechloratans : A comparison between aerobic and anaerobic culture conditions

Lorenz, Elin January 2013 (has links)
De flesta klorater som finns i naturen kommer från utsläpp av människan i flera storaindustrier. Kloraterna påverkar flera olika levande organismer och det är därför viktigt att tahand om dem efter utsläppen. Flera olika bakterier kan bryta ned klorat till klorid och syre, enav dessa är Ideonella dechloratans. Nedbrytningen sker med de alkaliska enzymernakloratreduktas och kloritdismutas under anaeroba förhållanden. I detta arbete har 2Dgelelektrofores utvecklats för alkaliska proteiner i Ideonella dechloratans i syfte att kunnajämföra proteinuttryck under olika odlingsförhållanden. Därefter har en jämförelse mellanaeroba och anaeroba odlingsförhållanden gjorts samt försök att detektera kloritdismutas.Resultatet har blivit att en metod har tagits fram som ger en hög grad av upplösning pågelerna från 2D-gelelektroforesen. Jämförelserna mellan aeroba och anaerobaodlingsförhållanden har visat att det finns stora skillnader i proteinuttryck mellan de bådaodlingsförhållandena. Fler proteiner syns i området pH 8-10 under anaerobaodlingsförhållanden jämfört med aeroba förhållanden. Försök till identifiering avkloritdismutas har gjorts för de anaeroba odlingsförhållandena, dock krävs det ytterligarearbete innan en säker identifiering kan göras.

Compaction of Lattice Data : Improved Efficiency in Nuclear Core Calculation

Lundgren, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB’s three-dimensional reactor core simulation program POLCA uses a large number of tables containing various fuel dependent data, such as cross sections, pin power maps with power distribution etc. POLCA uses quadratic and linear interpolation to extract the values needed for the simulation. However, finding the correct values to interpolate between takes time. This master thesis describes a method of compacting the tables by removing values, in order to shorten the needed simulation time. This is done so that no significant accuracy is lost in the interpolations. The method also finds deviant values and replaces these with new, interpolated values. The thesis shows that approximately 90 % of all values can be removed without losing significant accuracy. These results are however heavily dependent on the choice of accuracy loss criterion; a lower allowance for accuracy loss lowers the amount of values which can be removed sharply.

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