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The Power of Water: Using a Thermal Bathing Resort to Maximize the Potential of Geothermal Power ProductionBouey, Christopher 09 July 2012 (has links)
In 2011, Calgary, Alberta based Borealis Geopower bought the geothermal rights to the
Canoe Reach arm of Kinbasket Lake, near Valemount, British Columbia. New to Canada,
a pilot project of a 2 megawatt geothermal power facility will begin within the next five
years. The project is a positive addition to the area, as it is a non-polluting energy source
with an effluent of clean hot water. This thesis proposes a maximization of this energy
source by combining the power facility with an education center and bathing facility. Included in this bathing experience are ancillary cabins and paths to promote the users’
interaction and enjoyment of the project and landscape. Finally, this thesis develops a material strategy, choreographing the visitors’ experience of the geothermal resource within the site’s mountainous topography.
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Paryžiaus erdvė Valdo Papievio romane „Vienos vasaros emigrantai“ / The space of Paris in the novel „One Summer's Emigrants“ by Valdas PapievisPogorelskaitė, Indrė 11 July 2011 (has links)
Valdo Papievio savitame, nekomerciniame romane „Vienos vasaros emigrantai“ atsiveria Paryžiaus miesto erdvė. Paryžius yra keliasluoksnis, daugiaveidis, jo erdvė nėra vienmatė. Palyginę užsienio ir lietuvių rašytojų „Paryžius“ matome, kad Papievio miesto įvaizdžiai artimiausi Kortasaro vaizduojamam Paryžiui. Papievio Paryžius – tai daugybės miestų projekcija, miestas-veidrodis, miestas- labirintas, miestas-mozaika, indvidualistų miestas, prieštvaninis gyvūnas. Remiantis mitologine, fenomenologine, topografine erdvės samprata, aptariama miesto erdvė. Atsižvelgiant į mitinį erdvės aprašymą, romano erdvė skaidoma į žemės, dangaus ir pragaro sferas. Kiekvieną sferą atitinka tam tikra miesto ar pastato dalis. Žemė yra klajonės miestu erdvė, dangaus erdvę atitinka palėpė, kurioje gyvenama, o pragaru tampa metro. Erdvė romane plati, beribė, begalinė. Remiantis Bachelard‘o vidinio beribiškumo aprašymu, brėžiamas personažo sielos žemėlapis, aptariama vidinė erdvė, vidinė patirtis. Klajonė svetimu miestu yra savęs paieškos, bandymas per miestą pažinti save, nusibraižyti savo sielos žemėlapį. Darbas aktualus, naujas tuo, kad į romaną žvelgiama ne tik kaip į metaforišką, poetišką tekstą, bet ir kaip į konkrečios geografinės vietovės aprašymą. Juk veikėjas ne tik mąsto apie savo gyvenimą, bet kartu su Melanie klaidžioja Paryžiaus gatvėmis, krantinėmis, tiltais. Nubrėžiamas abiejų veikėjų klajonės Paryžiumi žemėlapis. / The aim of this work – to discuss City Area Managing Papievis novel, „One summer‘s emigrants“. The few critics focus on the age of the original novel, unique artistic language that is original, it depicts the city of Paris. A comparison of foreign and Lithuanian writers in Paris, we see that the closest images of Paris in Papievis novel is to Chulio Cortazar Paris. Papievis Paris - a city of many projections, the city-mirror-maze of the city. According to mythology, phenomenological, topography of the area concept is viewed in the City area. In view of the mythological space description of the novel, a division of the land space of heaven and hell realms. Each sphere corresponds to a particular part of town. The Earth is wandering in the city area, the loft area of the sky, residence, and hell represents subway. Space novel broad limitless, infinite. According to an internal infinity Bachelard description of the character's soul loudly map, discusses the internal space, thoughts, wandering. Current work is the fact that the novel is viewed not only as metaphorical, poetic text, but also as a specific geographic area. After all, not only the player thinks about his life, but also wanders through the streets of Paris, berths, bridges.
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Three small (< 1 ha) mountain wetlands located in eastern Kentucky, host populations of two rare orchids, the white fringeless orchid, Platanthera integrilabia, and the crested yellow orchid, Platanthera cristata. Recently, concern has arisen about the persistence of the orchids. To better understand these wetlands and determine if hydrology is affecting the orchid populations, a hydrologic characterization study was initiated in 2009. Each wetland was equipped with a well nest consisting of piezometers, tensiometers, and a shallow well with a data logging pressure transducer. Chemistry and stable isotopes analysis (deuterium and 18O) of groundwater and precipitation were analyzed, and soil, topographic and channel cross-section surveys were conducted. Hydrology data suggest the primary source of water is precipitation and the primary output is evapotranspiration. Between 10 and 30 cm below the soil surface soil and tensiometer data revealed the presence of a weak fragipan, which likely contributes to seasonal ponding at the site. Management recommendations include thinning and construction of debris dams to increase the hydroperiod, surface area, and total potential volume of the wetlands.
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The geophysical very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) method: effects of topography and surface water investigated with simulations and field measurement2015 March 1900 (has links)
The Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic (VLF-EM) method, which enables surveying without contact with the ground, is suitable for ground surveys in a wide area and has been used in mapping geology for decades. The technique makes use of signal radiation from military navigation radio transmitters operating in the frequency range of 15-30 kHz. When the electromagnetic wave impinges on the surface it is both reflected back into the air and refracted into the earth. By measuring the shifted reflected magnetic field relative to the primary field, subsurface structures can be constrained.
Although the VLF method has been widely used to map geology in the last several decades, few modeling studies have been published. Particularly the effect of topography on VLF measurements is poorly characterized. The objective of my research is to study and simulate the VLF topographic responses, and therefore to distinguish between such responses and actual subsurface resistivity anomalies in VLF-EM data.
A few basic models (homogenous half-space, horizontal contact and vertical contact) were first created using the finite-elements modeling software Comsol Multiphysics and verified with theoretical solutions. Subsequently, features such as hills and lakes were incorporated into these basic models and further analyzed. When modeling topographic effects, two relationships between max inphase / max slope and max Quad / max slope versus skin depth / hill width are found, which can be used to predict topographic effects when the slope of a hill and resistivity of the ground are known. Two different sets of field data acquired at Saskatoon’s Diefenbaker Hill and at Cameco’s Cree Extension are compared with the modeling results.
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Stratified Flow Over Topography: Steady Nonlinear Waves, Boundary Layer Instabilities, and Crater TopographySoontiens, Nancy January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates several aspects of stratified flow over isolated topography in ocean, lake, and atmospheric settings. Three major sub-topics are addressed: steady, inviscid internal waves trapped over topography in a pycnocline stratification, topographically generated internal waves and their interaction with the viscous bottom boundary layer, and flow over large-scale crater topography in the atmosphere.
The first topic examines the conditions that lead to very large internal waves trapped over topography in a fluid with a pycnocline stratification. This type of stratification is connected to ocean or lake settings. The steady-state Euler equations of motion are used to derive a single partial differential equation for the isopycnal displacement in supercritical flows under two conditions: a vertically varying background current under the Boussinesq approximation and a constant background current under non-Boussinesq conditions. A numerical method is developed to solve these equations for an efficient exploration of parameter space. Very large waves are found over depression topography when the background flow speed is close to a limiting value. Variations in the background current are examined, as well as comparisons between Boussinesq and non-Boussinesq results.
The second topic aims to extend the above subject by considering unsteady, viscous flows. Once again, supercritical flow over topography in a pycnocline stratification generates internal waves. These internal waves interact with the viscous bottom boundary layer to produce bottom boundary instabilities. The three-dimensional aspects of these instabilities are studied under changes in viscosity. The boundary layer instabilities have important implications for sediment transport in the coastal oceans or lakes.
Lastly, the final topic is motivated by the connection between dust streaks on the Martian surface and crater topography. Flow over a large 100-km diameter crater is examined with numerical simulations conducted using the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Modifications to the stratification and topography are applied. It is found that a large hydraulic structure of amplitude comparable to the crater depth forms in many cases. This structure may have important implications for dust transport in the atmosphere. In addition, Martian atmospheric parameters are used to study the flow properties under Mars-like conditions.
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Nature and time-scale of bed morphological adjustments towards equilibrium in meandering streams: an experimental studyBINNS, ANDREW 30 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis concerns the nature and time-scale of bed morphological adjustments towards equilibrium in alluvial meandering streams. Following the prevailing approach, the stream centrelines are assumed to follow sine-generated curves, the banks are fixed, and the flow is turbulent and sub-critical. The movable bed is flat at time t = 0; at t = Tb, the bed reaches its equilibrium or developed state.
The specific objectives of this thesis are: 1) to develop a predictive equation for the bed development time Tb; 2) to determine the rate of growth of pool-bar complexes in meandering streams; and 3) to determine whether or not the large-scale, curvature-induced erosion-deposition zones of developing beds migrate upstream or downstream throughout their development. This thesis builds on the preliminary work and experimental tests by Binns (2006).
The duration of bed development is found to be proportional to the square of the flow width B and inversely proportional to the channel-averaged bed-load rate (qsb)av, the proportionality factor being a function of the initial deflection angle (i.e., stream sinuosity). The form of this function is revealed on the basis of an extensive series of experimental runs carried out in meandering channels of varying values of the initial deflection angle (i.e., 20, 45, 70 and 95 degrees).
In the present tests, the temporal development of the bed from time t = 0 to t = Tb was monitored by periodically stopping the flow in order to measure changes in bed surface elevation. In all runs the bed was observed to deform rapidly during the early stages of the run and slow down considerably as the bed approached equilibrium conditions. Once formed, the location of the erosion-deposition zones remained invariant in flow plan with the passage of time. Results from the runs are used to provide insight into the nature of the deformed bed in meandering streams. An expression describing the temporal rate of growth of pool-bar complexes in meandering streams of varying sinuosity is also proposed. The practical application of the equation for Tb is illustrated with available field data. / Thesis (Ph.D, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2012-01-26 16:43:52.424
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Sigito Birgelio poezijos kraštovaizdis / Landscape in Sigitas Birgelis‘ PoetryStankowska, Jurgita 02 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe analizuojami Lenkijos lietuvių rašytojo Sigito Birgelio dešimt poezijos rinkinių: „Tarp krantų“ 1992, „Tarp durų ir dulkių“ 1993, „Eilėraščiai iš anapus Dievo“ 1997, „Septynios dienos, septyneri metai“ 1998, „75 eilėraščiai“ 1999, „Iš toli ir arti“ 2003, „Holograma“ 2004, „Tarp trijų Šešupės krantų“ 2005, „Visadan esma“ 2006 ir „Septintas nakty“ 2012. Pasirinktoje lyrikoje ieškoma Punsko ir Seinų krašto, Lietuvos, Lenkijos ir kitų regionų kraštovaizdžio, vietų reikšmės kultūros kontekste. Dėmesys skiriamas poeto gimtosios vietos jotvingiškajam kraštovaizdžiui. Darbe neapsiribojama žvilgsniu į kaimo vietas, pasižyminčias aiškiu kultūros vaizdiniu, bet tiriama ir miesto topografija. Poeto kuriamas individualus žemėlapis lyrikoje atveria ribos vaizdinį, kurį formuoja gyvenimas prie dviejų valstybių – Lenkijos ir Lietuvos ribos. / This paper analyses ten collections of poems written by Lithuanian poet living in Poland Sigitas Birgelis: „Tarp krantų” (1992), „Tarp durų ir dulkių” (1993), „Eilėraščiai iš anapus Dievo” (1997), „Septynios dienos, septyneri metai” (1998), „75 eilėraščiai” (1999), „Iš toli ir arti” (2003), „Holograma” (2004), „Tarp trijų Šešupės krantų” (2005), „Visadan esma” (2006) and „Septintas nakty” (2012). The meaning of places in the cultural context are sought in chosen lyrics including Punskas and Seinai regions as well as Polish, Lithuanian and other landscapes. The most attention is paid for Yotvingian landscape of the poet’s homeland. This work does not confine to taking a glimpse into the village landscape, which are characterized by clear cultural scenery, instead, it examines the topography of the city. Personal map created by Birgelis’ in lyrics opens the border image, which is being formed by the everyday life near the border of two countries - Poland and Lithuania.
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Effect Of Bright Sunshine Duration On The Selection Of Settlement Location: A Gis Method Applied To Cankiri ProvinceErdogan, Emre 01 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This study derives a method that seeks a possible relationship between
settlement site locations and sunrise-sunset times of those locations using
Geographical Information Systems. The method is applied to Ç / ankiri province,
which is located at northeast of Ankara and covers approximately an area of
8380 km2.
Three main data sets of the study area are used in this thesis: 1) Settlement data
containing the coordinates, IDs and names of the 891 settlement points, 2)
Topographic data containing the coordinates and digital elevation values of all
raster pixels 3) Bright sunshine duration data (BSD) composed of the difference
between sunset and sunrise times for all raster pixels.
In the first step of this study, sunrise and sunset times of the study area are
calculated with an algorithm that uses Digital Elevation Model. This algorithm is
developed specifically for computing those times over a topographic surface
which may delay the sunrise time or bring forward the sunset time, thus reducing
the BSD. In the second step, unsuitable landforms for settlement are clipped out
from the study area based on the thresholds derived from elevation, slope and
aspect parameters. Then, BSD histograms and statistics of the settlements and
study area are compared for each of the 12 months and for the average of 12
months. Finally, neighborhood analysis on settlements is carried out by
comparing the BSD values of each settlement with the BSD characteristics of
circular buffer surrounding the settlement.
The main conclusion derived from above mentioned analysis is that the BSD
does not directly affect the selection of the settlement sites.
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DC resistivity modelling and sensitivity analysis in anisotropic media.Greenhalgh, Mark S. January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis I present a new numerical scheme for 2.5-D/3-D direct current resistivity modelling in heterogeneous, anisotropic media. This method, named the ‘Gaussian quadrature grid’ (GQG) method, co-operatively combines the solution of the Variational Principle of the partial differential equation, Gaussian quadrature abscissae and local cardinal functions so that it has the main advantages of the spectral element method. The formulation shows that the GQG method is a modification of the spectral element method and does not employ the constant elements and require the mesh generator to match the earth’s surface. This makes it much easier to deal with geological models having a 2-D/3-D complex topography than using traditional numerical methods. The GQG technique can achieve a similar convergence rate to the spectral element method. It is shown that it transforms the 2.5-D/3-D resistivity modelling problem into a sparse and symmetric linear equation system, which can be solved by an iterative or matrix inversion method. Comparison with analytic solutions for homogeneous isotropic and anisotropic models shows that the error depends on the Gaussian quadrature order (abscissae number) and the sub-domain size. The higher order or smaller the subdomain size employed, the more accurate the solution. Several other synthetic examples, both homogeneous and inhomogeneous, incorporating sloping, undulating and severe topography are presented and found to yield results comparable to finite element solutions involving a dense mesh. The thesis also presents for the first time explicit expressions for the Fréchet derivatives or sensitivity functions in resistivity imaging of a heterogeneous and fully anisotropic earth. The formulation involves the Green’s functions and their gradients, and is developed both from a formal perturbation analysis and by means of a numerical (finite element) method. A critical factor in the equations is the derivative of the electrical conductivity tensor with respect to the principal conductivity values and the angles defining the axes of symmetry; these are given analytically. The Fréchet derivative expressions are given for both the 2.5-D and the 3-D problem using both constant point and constant block model parameterisations. Special cases like the isotropic earth and tilted transversely isotropic (TTI) media are shown to emerge from the general solutions. Numerical examples are presented for the various sensitivities as functions of the dip angle and strike of the plane of stratification in uniform TTI media. In addition, analytic solutions are derived for the electric potential, current density and Fréchet derivatives at any interior point within a 3-D transversely isotropic homogeneous medium having a tilted axis of symmetry. The current electrode is assumed to be on the surface of the Earth and the plane of stratification given arbitrary strike and dip. Profiles can be computed for any azimuth. The equipotentials exhibit an elliptical pattern and are not orthogonal to the current density vectors, which are strongly angle dependent. Current density reaches its maximum value in a direction parallel to the longitudinal conductivity direction. Illustrative examples of the Fréchet derivatives are given for the 2.5-D problem, in which the profile is taken perpendicular to strike. All three derivatives of the Green’s function with respect to longitudinal conductivity, transverse resistivity and dip angle of the symmetry axis (dG/dσ₁,dG/dσ₁,dG/dθ₀ ) show a strongly asymmetric pattern compared to the isotropic case. The patterns are aligned in the direction of the tilt angle. Such sensitivity patterns are useful in real time experimental design as well as in the fast inversion of resistivity data collected over an anisotropic earth. / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Chemistry and Physics, 2009
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Corneal Topography, Near Work and Eyelid ForcesBuehren, Tobias F. January 2003 (has links)
The cornea is the most powerful refractive component of the eye and as such, subtle changes in corneal shape can cause substantial changes in the optical characteristics of the eye. Monocular diplopia has previously been linked to corneal distortion following near work in various studies but has not been investigated in detail. The work reported in this thesis has investigated the optical effects of corneal distortions caused by eyelid forces and demonstrated that several corneal higher and lower order Zernike wavefront aberrations can change following reading. Measuring subtle changes in corneal topography requires the highest possible instrument accuracy, while software analysis tools should be able to detect and highlight those subtle changes with high reliability. The effect of ocular microfluctuations on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of corneal topography was investigated. A technique was developed to measure tilt, displacement, and cyclotorsion in multiple videokeratographs from the same cornea. This information was used to reposition each videokeratograph according to the average position of a sample of multiple measurements. The corneal topography of ten subjects was measured 20 times each, using videokeratoscopy. The RMSE calculated from difference between single videokeratographs and the average videokeratograph decreased by an average of 24.6 % for the ten subjects' data. The method can improve the precision performance of videokeratoscopy in multiple measurements of corneal topography. A study was undertaken, to investigate whether there are significant changes in corneal topography during accommodation in normal corneas and corneas that are pathologically thinner due to keratoconus. This was done to eliminate the possibility that changes in corneal aberrations associated with near work could be at least partly due to corneal changes caused by the effects of accommodation. A videokeratoscope was modified to present an accommodation stimulus that was coaxial with the instrument's measurement axis. Six subjects with normal corneas and four subjects with keratoconus were studied. In the initial analysis it was found that a number of the subjects showed significant changes in corneal topography as accommodation changed. However further analysis showed a significant group mean excyclotorsion of the topography maps for both accommodation stimuli compared with the 0 D stimulus. When the excyclotorsion was accounted for, no clear evidence of statistically significant changes in corneal topography as a result of accommodation were found. A small ocular excyclotorsion typically accompanies accommodation and this changes the relative orientation of the topography of the cornea. To investigate the effects of eyelid pressure on corneal shape and corneal aberrations during reading, twenty young subjects with normal ocular health were recruited. Cornea1 topography of one eye was measured with a videokeratoscope prior to reading and then again after a 60 minute reading task. Twelve of the twenty corneas showed significant changes in central topography immediately following reading. The location of the changes corresponded closely to the position and angle of the subject's eyelids during reading. Within the central region of the cornea there were significant changes in corneal wavefront Zernike coefficients, the root-mean-square error, overall refractive power and astigmatism. The changes observed in corneal topography appear to be directly related to the force exerted by the eyelids during reading. These findings may have important implications for the definition of refractive status and may also aid in the understanding of the relationship between reading and the development of refractive errors. To study whether corneal distortions after reading significantly differ between refractive error groups, corneal aberrations were measured before and after a period of reading, for a group of ten young progressing myopes and a group of ten young stable emmetropes. The major difference between the two groups was the location and magnitude of the corneal distortions, which had a significantly larger effect on central corneal optics in the myopic group compared to the emmetropic group. A significantly smaller palpebral aperture for the myopic group in the reading gaze position was the cause of this difference. The experiments described in this thesis have shown that numerous corneal characteristics can change due to eyelid forces during near work. The eye was shown to undergo a small cyclotorsion during higher levels of accommodation. There was a shift in direction of against the rule astigmatism of the cornea following reading and a change was found for primary vertical coma and trefoil. The changes in corneal shape following reading appear to be different in myope versus emmetropic refractive error groups. These findings are important for our understanding of the stability of the refractive error of the eye and could have important implications for refractive error development.
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