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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"En av de stora drakarna" : En netnografisk studie om kundlojalitet hos researrangörer på Facebook

Hallberg, Fredrika, Palm, Jacob, Mrridol Waliullah, Shan January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka följares attityder mot Ving, TUI och Apollos inlägg på Facebook och hur de tolkas utifrån kundlojalitet och e-lojalitet. Det undersöks även hur researrangörer uttrycker lojalitet via deras facebooksida. Kundlojalitet baseras på Olivers (1999) teori och e-lojalitet baseras på “8C’s” som har tagits fram av Srinivasan, Anderson & Ponnavolu (2002). Studien grundar sig i en netnografisk analys för att få en översikt och grundläggande kunskaper om researrangörernas kommunikation på Facebook. Analysen visar att de inlägg som publiceras har skillnader och likheter när det gäller den typ av lojalitet som researrangörerna uttrycker. TUI och Apollo fokuserar mest på konativ lojalitet till skillnad från Ving som fokuserar på affektiv lojalitet. Studien baseras även på semistrukturerade intervjuer vilket anses lämpligt för att få djupare förståelse. Teorierna tillämpas genom en mängd frågor som ställs till respondenterna under intervjuerna. Det framkommer att följarnas attityder gentemot Apollo verkar annorlunda till skillnad från attityderna mot Ving och TUI. När det gäller e-lojalitet verkar Ving och TUI uppfylla flera av de "8C" baserat på följarnas attityder. Apollo har inte visat sig lika starka på den fronten. Denna studie visar liknande resultat som tidigare forskning men de överensstämmer inte helt i alla aspekter. / The purpose of this study is to examine the follower's attitudes towards Ving, TUI and Apollos posts on Facebook and how they are interpreted based on the customer loyalty and e-loyalty. It also examines how the tour operators express loyalty through their facebookpage. The customer loyalty are based on Oliver’s (1999) theory and e-loyalty is based on the “8C’s” that have been developed by Srinivasan, Anderson & Ponnavolu (2002). The study is based on a netnographic analysis to get an overview and basic knowledge of the tour operators communication on Facebook. The analysis shows that the posts have differences and similarities in terms of loyalty to the tour operators’ words. TUI and Apollo mostly focus on the conative loyalty, unlike Ving where the focus is on affective loyalty. The study is also based on semistructured interviews which is appropriate in order to gain a deeper understanding. The theories are applied through a variety of questions that have been asked to the respondents during their interviews. It appears that customers' attitudes towards Apollo appear to be different from the attitudes towards Ving and TUI. About e-loyalty, Ving and TUI seem to fulfill several of the "8C’s" based on the customers attitudes. Apollo has not proved that they are as strong as the other two. This study shows a similar result as the previous studies but they don't fully agree in all aspects.

Moving the museum outside its walls : An Augmented Reality Mobile Experience

Marshall, Tommy January 2011 (has links)
This thesis project examines how to design an Android application that uses augmented reality to help users navigate in the City of Stockholm. The main users of the application are assumed to be first time visitors to Stockholm. The thesis project concerns design, technologies, and usability issues - while focusing on how to design a suitable application. The application will maybe be used by the Nobel Museum to offer information, and assistance to tourists who are looking for and visiting different locations connected with the Nobel Prize. The focus will be to achieve an easy to use system for these users, as the user will not be able to get support after leaving the museum. The application is meant to be distributed as freeware that will contribute to a positive experience by museum visitors. One of the aims is that the users should find the application appealing, motivating them to learn more about the Nobel Prize following their visit to the Nobel Museum. For tourists this means that they get the possibility to experiencing Stockholm in a new way, where information is stored at different locations. They get a guided tour of Stockholm without a guide, they can take the time they want. The museum gets the possibility to spread their message about the Nobel Price around in Stockholm in a new and exciting way. With the use of technology it is possible to spread the museum experience outside its walls, which will be shown in this report. / Det här examensarbetet undersöker hur man kan designa en Android-applikation somanvänder förstärkt verklighet för att hjälpa användare navigera i Stockholms stad. Denhuvudsakliga användaren antas vara förstagångsbesökare i Stockholm.Examensarbetet avser design, teknik och användarvänlighet - med fokus på hur man utformaren lämplig applikation. Applikationen kommer eventuellt att användas av Nobelmuseetför att erbjuda information och hjälp turister som är intresserade av olika platser som ärrelaterade till Nobelpriset.Fokus kommer vara att uppnå ett lättanvänt system för dessa användare. Användarenkommer inte kunna fånågot stöd efter att de lämnat museet. Applikationen är tänkt att delasut som freeware, som bidrar till en positiv upplevelse för museets besökare. Ett av syftena äratt användarna ska anse att applikationen är intressant och motivera dem att lära sig mer om Nobelpriset efter deras besök på Nobelmuseet.För turister innebär detta att de får möjlighet att uppleva Stockholm på ett helt nytt sättdär information lagras på olika platser. De får en guidad tur i Stockholm som sker utan enguide, de kan ta den tid de vill. Museet får möjlighet att sprida sitt budskap om Nobelprisetrunt i Stockholm på ett nytt och spännande sätt. Med hjälp av teknik är det möjligt att spridamuseiupplevelse utanför dess område, som kommer att visas i denna rapport.

Influencia del desarrollo turístico cultural en la sostenibilidad económica de la región de Ayacucho para el Bicentenario del Perú / Influence of cultural and experiential tourism development on the economic sustainability of the Ayacucho region for the Bicentennial of Peru

Acuña Aylas, Edher John, Ayala Gómez, Leydi Rosario 03 February 2022 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene finalidad investigar si es que el desarrollo del turismo cultural influye en la sostenibilidad económica de la región de Ayacucho, y en base a que aspectos es que podrían estar relacionados de forma directa. El trabajo está orientado en el sector turístico de la región ayacuchana, puesto que se observó un potencial crecimiento en dicho rubro económico; pero con la carencia de que su demanda es estacional; es decir, la mayor fluctuación de turistas en la región es solo en los meses de febrero (carnavales) y abril (Semana Santa), lo cual es un problema para el desarrollo del sector turismo en la región. En los últimos años se aperturaron nuevos lugares turísticos y con mucho potencial para que brinde sostenibilidad económica a las comunidades y empresas relacionadas. La investigación cuenta con una metodología del tipo Aplicado porque busca resolver un problema de investigación; tiene una naturaleza desarrollada mediante un enfoque mixto debido a que se aplican variables cuantitativas, procesada mediante SPSS y cualitativas vía Atlas Ti. El trabajo de investigación tiene una hipótesis general y cuatro específicas; para la validación de las hipótesis se realizaron encuestas con preguntas abiertas y ordinales a 47 operadores turísticos (n) y entrevistas realizadas a expertos relacionados con el turismo de la región. / The present research work aims to investigate whether the development of cultural tourism - experiential influences the economic sustainability of the Ayacucho region, and on the basis of which aspects could be directly related. The work is oriented to the tourism sector of the Ayacucho region, since a potential growth in this economic sector was observed; but with the lack of seasonal demand; that is, the greatest fluctuation of tourists in the region is only in the months of February (carnivals) and April (Easter), which is a problem for the development of the tourism sector in the region. In recent years, new tourist sites have opened with great potential to provide economic sustainability to the communities and related companies. The research has a methodology of the Applied type because it seeks to solve a research problem; it has a nature developed through a mixed approach because quantitative variables are applied, processed through SPSS and qualitative variables through Atlas Ti. The research work has a general hypothesis and four specific hypotheses; for the validation of the hypotheses, surveys with open and ordinal questions were conducted with 47 tour operators (n) and interviews were conducted with experts related to tourism in the region. / Tesis

Study Abroad and Student-Athlete Choice

O'Neil, Chaunte' LaJoyce 05 1900 (has links)
The focus of this case study was a study abroad program for student-athletes at a high academically achieving, small liberal arts college in the mid-west region of the United States. The program is designed to maintain a culture of internationalism and multiculturalism by exposing as many student-athletes as possible to study abroad. I reviewed literature to extract an appropriate theoretical framework along with variables that aligned with the purpose of the study; structural and organizational characteristics of the institution, student's background and pre-college traits, interaction with agents of socialization and institutional environment, and quality of effort. I used the semi-structured interview process to interview 9 senior student-athletes (3 female, 6 male; 7 White, 1 African American/White, 1 Chilean/White) who participated in study abroad during the 2015-2016 academic school year at the researched institution and to interview 5 administrators who facilitate the athletic department at the institution. I found that certain critical elements emerged as necessary to create and maintain a study abroad program geared specifically to the needs of the student-athlete population. I also found strong implications for adaptable elements that could generate opportunities for student-athletes to study abroad at a higher rate. These elements serve as a recommended framework and set of initial guidelines for student-athletes and athletic departments nationwide.

Перформансе туристичког водича као фактор задовољства туриста у културном туризму / Performanse turističkog vodiča kao faktor zadovoljstva turista u kulturnom turizmu / The Performance of Tour Guide as a Factor for Tourist Satisfaction in Cultural Tourism

Anđelković Željko 09 June 2017 (has links)
<p>Tуристички водичи су веома важни у туристичкој индустрији. Неретко управо од њихових перформанси зависи и целокупно туристичко задовољство (и&nbsp; дестинацијом и комплетним пакет аранжманом). У литератури има мало радова, посебно у Србији,&nbsp; који се баве повезивањем перформанси туристичког водича и задовољством туриста&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; посебно их је мало у области културног туризма. Важан теоријски допринос ове дисертације је&nbsp; у вези са&nbsp; препознавањем значаја перформанси које су кључне код туристичког водича како би он својим делањем задовољио туристичке потребе. За потребе дисертације урађено је истраживање на узорку од 255 туриста из земље и&nbsp; иностранства&nbsp; при њиховим посетама&nbsp; Нишу, Новом Саду и Београду, на&nbsp; просторима који предствљају&nbsp; важне центре&nbsp; културног туризма&nbsp; у Србији и то на следећим локалитетима:&nbsp; музеји, галерије&nbsp; и&nbsp; градска језгра.&nbsp; У&nbsp; вези са задовољством туристичким услугама,потврђена&nbsp; је&nbsp; хипотеза&nbsp; која&nbsp; је&nbsp;&nbsp; постављена као основа&nbsp; исраживања, а која гласи: перформансе туристичког водича дикретно утичу на&nbsp; степен задовољства туриста. Потврђене су и следеће хипотезе: Туристички водич може својим адекватним перформансама да лошу&nbsp;дестинацију подигне на виши ниво и обратно&nbsp; је такође потврђена;&nbsp; Задовољство&nbsp;туриста услугама туристичког&nbsp; водича директно утиче на задовољство целокупним пакет аранжманом&nbsp; је такође потврђена;&nbsp; Задовољство туриста неком туром зависи и од степена задовољства услугама туристичког водича и од задовољства&nbsp; перформансама водича; Испитаници различитих социо-демографских&nbsp; карактеристика се разликују према степену њиховог задовољства услугама&nbsp; (перформансама) туристичког водича;&nbsp; Задовољство&nbsp; туриста перформансама туристичког&nbsp; водича разликује се код људи са различитом учесталости&nbsp; путовања;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Постоје одређене перфомансе туристичког водича које су универзалне и високо рангиране без обзира на социо-демографске особине испитаника.&nbsp; Једина хипотеза која се одбацује гласила је:&nbsp; Висина месечних примања утиче на задовољство туриста перформансама водича и свеукупно задовољство&nbsp; туристичким аранжманом. Практични допринос овог рада огледа се у&nbsp; препознавању значаја свих&nbsp; перформанси туристичког водича,&nbsp; а које&nbsp; ће помоћи да се туристи са путовања враћају задовољнији.</p> / <p>Turistički vodiči su veoma važni u turističkoj industriji. Neretko upravo od njihovih performansi zavisi i celokupno turističko zadovoljstvo (i&nbsp; destinacijom i kompletnim paket aranžmanom). U literaturi ima malo radova, posebno u Srbiji,&nbsp; koji se bave povezivanjem performansi turističkog vodiča i zadovoljstvom turista&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; posebno ih je malo u oblasti kulturnog turizma. Važan teorijski doprinos ove disertacije je&nbsp; u vezi sa&nbsp; prepoznavanjem značaja performansi koje su ključne kod turističkog vodiča kako bi on svojim delanjem zadovoljio turističke potrebe. Za potrebe disertacije urađeno je istraživanje na uzorku od 255 turista iz zemlje i&nbsp; inostranstva&nbsp; pri njihovim posetama&nbsp; Nišu, Novom Sadu i Beogradu, na&nbsp; prostorima koji predstvljaju&nbsp; važne centre&nbsp; kulturnog turizma&nbsp; u Srbiji i to na sledećim lokalitetima:&nbsp; muzeji, galerije&nbsp; i&nbsp; gradska jezgra.&nbsp; U&nbsp; vezi sa zadovoljstvom turističkim uslugama,potvrđena&nbsp; je&nbsp; hipoteza&nbsp; koja&nbsp; je&nbsp;&nbsp; postavljena kao osnova&nbsp; israživanja, a koja glasi: performanse turističkog vodiča dikretno utiču na&nbsp; stepen zadovoljstva turista. Potvrđene su i sledeće hipoteze: Turistički vodič može svojim adekvatnim performansama da lošu&nbsp;destinaciju podigne na viši nivo i obratno&nbsp; je takođe potvrđena;&nbsp; Zadovoljstvo&nbsp;turista uslugama turističkog&nbsp; vodiča direktno utiče na zadovoljstvo celokupnim paket aranžmanom&nbsp; je takođe potvrđena;&nbsp; Zadovoljstvo turista nekom turom zavisi i od stepena zadovoljstva uslugama turističkog vodiča i od zadovoljstva&nbsp; performansama vodiča; Ispitanici različitih socio-demografskih&nbsp; karakteristika se razlikuju prema stepenu njihovog zadovoljstva uslugama&nbsp; (performansama) turističkog vodiča;&nbsp; Zadovoljstvo&nbsp; turista performansama turističkog&nbsp; vodiča razlikuje se kod ljudi sa različitom učestalosti&nbsp; putovanja;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Postoje određene perfomanse turističkog vodiča koje su univerzalne i visoko rangirane bez obzira na socio-demografske osobine ispitanika.&nbsp; Jedina hipoteza koja se odbacuje glasila je:&nbsp; Visina mesečnih primanja utiče na zadovoljstvo turista performansama vodiča i sveukupno zadovoljstvo&nbsp; turističkim aranžmanom. Praktični doprinos ovog rada ogleda se u&nbsp; prepoznavanju značaja svih&nbsp; performansi turističkog vodiča,&nbsp; a koje&nbsp; će pomoći da se turisti sa putovanja vraćaju zadovoljniji.</p> / <p>Tour guides are very important in tourism industry. It is not the rare case that their performance determines the overall tourist satisfaction (both in terms of destination and package tour). There is very little paperwork, especially from the field of cultural tourism in Serbia that deal with the link between the tour guides‟ performances and tourists‟ satisfaction. The important theoretical contribution this&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; has relates to the identifying the significance of the tour guides‟ performances that seem &nbsp; to be crucial for making their tourists satisfied. For this purpose, the research was conducted that included 255 Serbian and foreign tourists visiting Ni&scaron;, Novi Sad and Belgrade-&nbsp; the places that represent important centers of cultural tourism in Serbia and museums, galleries and downtown areas there. When it comes to the&nbsp; satisfaction with the tourist services, the hypothesis that has been proposed as a starting point for this research has been confirmed and it says that the tour guides‟ performances are directly related to the level of tourists‟ satisfaction. The following hypothesis have been confirmed as well: A tour guide with adequate performances is&nbsp; able to elevate a bad destination as well as the hypothesis that claims opposite; The hypothesis that states that tourists‟ satisfaction with tour guides‟ services is directly related to the overall satisfaction with the complete package tour is also confirmed; The tourists‟ satisfaction with the tour depends on the level of satisfaction with the tour guides‟ services as well as their performances; Interviewees with different socio- demographic characteristics differ in terms of the level of their satisfaction with tour guides‟ services (performances); The satisfaction with tour guides‟ performances varies depending on the travel frequency of interviewees; There are certain tour guides performances that seem to be universal and highly ranked no matter what socio-demographic characteristics of the interviewees are. The only hypothesis that&nbsp; is not confirmed states: The monthly income influences tourists‟ satisfaction with tour guides‟ performances and overall satisfaction with the package tour. Practical contribution of this thesis reflects the importance of identifying all the tour guides‟ performances that will help the tourists be more satisfied after they get home.</p>

A proof-of-concept of the audio tour guide application, SoundTracker, aimed at friends and family

Bassam Abdulhamid, Ansam, Jamshaid Gill, Namra January 2018 (has links)
Kontextmedvetenhet kan användas i turistguide applikationer för att bidra användare med information och tjänster. Majoriteten av turistguide applikationer utvecklas vanligtvis för utbildnings eller historiska ändamål. Den här studien presenterar en konceptvalidering av den opublicerade ljuvandrings applikationen "SoundTracker", i syfte att förbättra den. Den nya "SoundTracker" prototypen inriktar sig inte på utbildnings eller historiska ändamål, utan den är inriktad på inspelning, uppspelning, och delning av personliga ljudvandringar med vänner och familj. Konceptvalideringen är begränsad av de definierade forskningsfrågorna i den här uppsatsen. Det handlar i korta drag om en förbättring av noggranheten på de inlästa GPS koordinaterna från en användares position, för att förse användaren med en trevlig användarupplevelse. Dessutom är grafiska användargränssnittet av den originala prototypen förbättrat, och testat genom webb enkäter. Vad gäller delnings funktionaliteten, en test applikation är skapad för att hitta essentiella aspekter som behöver tas hänsyn till i den nya "SoundTracker" prototypen när en användare vill dela ett ljudspår med vänner och familj. Test applikationen testas baserat på samlade svar genom en semi strukturerad interview på människor i åldersgruppen 20-30 år.De erhållna resultaten indikerar på att genom användning av Kalman filter, förbättras noggrannheten på användarens position, vilket resulterar i en ljudvandring med mindre avvikelser jämfört med en GPS-sensor. Vad gäller det förbättrade grafiska användargränssnittet, det var enklare för användarna att förstå den förbättrade prototypen såväl som navigera igenom den, än fallet med den originala prototypen. Användarna finner det även intressant när en delningsfunktion implementeras med designen som diskuteras i det här arbetet. / Context-awareness can be used in tour guide applications in order to provide users with information and services. The majority of tour guide applications are usually developed for educational or historical review purposes. This paper presents a proof-of-concept of the unpublished audio tour guide application, “SoundTracker”, with the aim of improving it. The new “SoundTracker” prototype does not aim for educational or historical review purposes, instead it is aimed for recording, listening and sharing personal audio tour guides with friends and family. The proof-of-concept is limited by the defined research questions found in this paper. In summary, the accuracy of the read-in GPS coordinates of a user’s position is enhanced with Kalman filter, to give an enjoyable user experience. Additionally, the graphical user interface of the original prototype is improved and tested through web-surveys. As for the sharing functionality, a test application is created in order to find what necessary aspects need to be considered in the new "SoundTracker" prototype when a user wants to share a sound-walk with friends and family. The test application is tested based on responses obtained through a semi-structured interview from people in the age of 20-30 years.The obtained results indicate that, with use of Kalman filter, the location accuracy of the user is enhanced, which results in a sound-walk with less deviations compared to location accuracy of only GPS-sensor. Regarding the improved graphical user interface, users found the new "SoundTracker" prototype easier to understand, as well as to navigate through it, than the case in the original prototype. Users also find it interesting when a sharing function is implemented with the design that is discussed in this work.

An Historic Tour of Johnson City, Tennessee - 2006

Johnson City GIS Division 28 March 2006 (has links)
Created 3/28/2006 by Johnson City GIS, this map provides a tour of historic places in Johnson City, Tennessee. Historic sites are listed on the right edge and are denoted by numbers which correspond to places on the map.Road names are listed on the map itself. Physical copy resides with Johnson City, Geographic Information Systems Division. Scale - 1" = 0.257260 miles / https://dc.etsu.edu/rare-maps/1054/thumbnail.jpg

The Role of Algorithmic Decision Processes in Decision Automation: Three Case Studies

Durtschi, Blake Edward 15 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis develops a new abstraction for solving problems in decision automation. Decision automation is the process of creating algorithms which use data to make decisions without the need for human intervention. In this abstraction, four key ideas/problems are highlighted which must be considered when solving any decision problem. These four problems are the decision problem, the learning problem, the model reduction problem, and the verification problem. One of the benefits of this abstraction is that a wide range of decision problems from many different areas can be broken down into these four “key” sub-problems. By focusing on these key sub-problems and the interactions between them, one can systematically arrive at a solution to the original problem. Three new learning platforms have been developed in the areas of portfolio optimization, business intelligence, and automated water management in order to demonstrate how this abstraction can be applied to three different types of problems. For the automated water management platform a full solution to the problem is developed using this abstraction. This yields an automated decision process which decides how much water to release from the Piute Reservoir into the Sevier River during an irrigation season. Another motivation for developing these learning platforms is that they can be used to introduce students of all disciplines to automated decision making.

Prototype of a Virtual Experiment Information System for the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory

Gräbling, Nico, Sen, Özgur Ozan, Bilke, Lars, Cajuhi, Tuanny, Naumov, Dmitri, Wang, Wenqing, Ziefle, Gesa, Jaeggi, David, Maßmann, Jobst, Scheuermann, Gerik, Kolditz, Olaf, Rink, Karsten 03 November 2023 (has links)
Underground Research Laboratories (URLs) allow geoscientific in-situ experiments at large scale. At the Mont Terri URL in Switzerland, international research groups conduct numerous experiments in parallel. The measured and simulated data as well as research results obtained from them are highly relevant as they improve the general understanding of geological processes, for example in the context of radioactive waste disposal. Unfortunately, the data obtained at the test site is often only available to researchers who are directly involved in a particular experiment. Furthermore, typical visualisation techniques of such data by domain scientists often lack spatial context and accessing and exploring the data requires prior technical knowledge and a high level of effort.We created a digital replica of the Mont Terri URL and thereby implemented a prototype of a Virtual Experiment Information System that integrates highly heterogeneous data from several different sources. It allows accessing and exploring the relevant data embedded in its spatial context without much prior technical knowledge. Both, simulation results and observation data are displayed within the same system. The 4D visualisation approach focuses on three exemplary experiments conducted at Mont Terri and is easily transferable to other experiments or even other URLs. The Unity Game Engine has been used to develop the prototype. This allowed to build the application for various output devices like desktop computers or Virtual Reality hardware without much additional effort. The implemented system reduces the technical effort required to access and explore highly relevant research data and lowers the cognitive effort usually needed to gain insights from measurements, simulation models and context data. Moreover, it promotes exchange among research groups by enabling interactive visualisations embedded in the URL’s spatial context. In addition, a future use of the system for the communication of scientific methods and results to stakeholders or the general public is plausible.

Developing Immersive Experience in Virtual Tour Applications on Mobile Devices

Wang, Dong January 2021 (has links)
As a cutting-edge technology, VR is applied to all aspects of life. Especially when the pandemic is spreading, the immersive experience of VR provides another possibility for people's virtual tours and online exhibitions. Limited by the high price of professional VR equipment, VR technology still exists in specific professional fields. This project mainly studies some of the challenges of immersive experience on mobile phones and improves the immersive experience to make the virtual tour convenient and straightforward on mobile phones. Through research, it is found that interactive 360-video may be a potential solution. Users can explore freely in 360-video and interact with people or things in the environment. The most important thing is that interactive 360-video can rely on mobile phones as a medium so that everyone can afford it, and it allows users to explore and discover anytime, anywhere. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

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