Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grade promotion""
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Institucionální podpora českých exportérů na strategicky významných trzích / Institutional support of Czech exporters on strategic marketsHávová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on institutional structure of trade promotion in the Czech Republic and highlights the activities of particular trade promotion agencies on strategic markets - China and Brazil. The thesis contains also detailed description of EU Common Commercial Policy and how it influences the trade policy-making in the Czech Republic. The part of the thesis analyses the international trade of the Czech Republic, including the territorial and commodity structure with subsequent in-depth focus on international trade between the Czech Republic and China/Brazil.
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Analýza exportu a podpory zahraničního obchodu ve Spolkové republice Německo / Analysis of Export and Foreign Trade Promotion of the Federal Republic of GermanyMarek, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to analyse the German export and to analyse German indirect foreign trade promotion. The first part examines export weaknesses and risks and their impacts on German economy. The second part investigates and evaluates the institutional arrangement of the foreign trade promotion system and compares it with selected European economies.
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The Brazilian crawl : its impact on trade and capital flowsOmar, Jaber H. (Jaber Hussein), 1948- January 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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Canadian Government Intervention ion Exports of Aerospace Technology: Legal and EconomicLessard, Stéphane January 1989 (has links)
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A comparison between export processing zones and industrial development zones with special reference to Walvis Bay and CoegaHunt, Robin 03 1900 (has links)
Theses (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In order to survive in a global economy, developing nations can no longer rely on their
own resources if they wish to prosper, they require outside assistance. Various economic
policies and strategies have been adopted over the years in order to encourage foreign
capital to contribute to the growth of developing nations. One of the most common of
these is the concept of an export promotion zone. This is a dedicated area inside the host
country where the host tries to lure foreign investors - usually by providing a range of
financial and labour concessions.
Namibia instituted an export promotion zone in the mid nineties in Walvis Bay but has
met with limited success, as indeed have many of the other countries which have tried
this approach.
Namibia's immediate neighbour - South Africa - reviewed this and other economic zones
with the intent of adopting a policy better suited to the needs of foreign capital. The result
was the development of an industrial development zone in Coega outside Port Elizabeth.
This study contrasts these two concepts in order to ascertain similarities and differences
both in terms of their respective legislation and in terms of the World Association of
Investment Promotion Agencies ten criteria for a successful investment environment.
The conclusion was that these two policy frameworks are different more in name than in
substance, with one crucial exception: South Africa has effectively waived most of the
tax concessions generally found in this type of area.
It is argued that if the South Africa concept does succeed it will probably be more a
function of the country's relative economic size in Africa rather than because of policy
differences. Beyond that there is little reason to believe that South Africa will meet with
any more success than Namibia barring the acquisition of a major anchor tenant to draw
other affiliate industries. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ontwikkelende lande het buitelandse bystand nodig om in 'n wêreld ekonomie te bestaan
omdat hulle nie meer op hulle eie reserwe bronne kan staat maak nie. Verskeie strategieë
en ekonomiese beleidstoepassings is in die verlede aangewend om buitelandse beleggings
te lok ten einde by te dra tot die groei van ontwikkelende nasies. 'n Algemene strategie is
die daarstelling van 'n uitvoersone waardeur die land probeer om buitelandse beleggers te
lok deur die daarstelling van 'n reeks finansiële- en arbeidstoegewings.
Namibië het so 'n uitvoersone in die middel negentigs in Walvis Baai tot stand gebring,
met min sukses. Verskeie ander lande het ook nie bevredigende resultate met hierdie
metode gehad nie.
Suid-Afrika, 'n direkte buurland van Namibië, het hierdie ekonomiese sone en
soortgelyke implementerings ondersoek met die doel om die beleid aan te pas en te
verbeter om sodoende meer buitelandse kapitaal te lok. Die resultaat was die
ontwikkeling en totstandkoming van die industriële ontwikkelingsarea in Coega buite
Port Elizabeth.
In hierdie studie word die twee konsepte met mekaar vergelyk ten einde die
ooreenkomste en verskille uit te lig, beide in terme van wetgewing asook in terme van die
Wereld Assosiasie van Bellegingsbevorderings Agentskappe se tien kriterieë vir 'n
suksesvolle beleggingsomgewing.
Die gevolgtrekking was dat die twee beleidsraamwerke baie min verskil, met die
uitsondering dat daar min of geen belasting toegewings gemaak word ten opsigte van
implementering van hierdie sones in Suid-Afrika nie.
Daar word aangevoer dat indien die Suid-Afrikaanse konsep suksesvol is, dit meer
waarskyknlik die gevolg sal wees van die land se relatiewe ekonomiese stand in Afrika, as die gevolg van beleidstoepassing. Behalwe hierdie faktor is daar min rede om te glo
dat Suid-Afrika meer suksesvol sal wees as Namibië, tensy 'n industrie gevestig kan
word wat as hoeksteen van die ontwikkeling kan dien, wat om die beurt ander verwante
industrieë kan lok en ontwikkel.
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Namibian Export Processing Zones (EPZ) : success or myth?Karaerua, Gerson Uaeta 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the quest to attract foreign investments which is seen as one way of alleviating poverty by
creating employment opportunities and earning foreign currency many countries have
implemented the EPZ regime. Though the concept remains the same throughout the world, it
has adopted different names depending on the country. In Mexico the EPZ's are called the
"Maquiladoras" and in Bulgaria EPZ's are called Free Trade Zones. No matter the differences
in names the concept is principally the same: EPZ is an enclave which operates outside the
normal economic framework of the country.
At independence Namibia faced a high unemployment rate and poverty. In 1995 the
Namibian government passed the EPZ Act in order to pave the way for the development of
EPZ industrial parks. The need for passing the EPZ Act was necessitated by the acute
unemployment rate which the country faced at the time, which had the potential to threaten
the political stability the country enjoyed. Thus, amongst other policy instruments, the EPZ
Act was passed with the principle objective of attracting the much needed foreign
investments which would result in creation of the needed employment opportunities. The
government set a very ambitious target for the EPZ regime; it was expected that by 1999 the
EPZ regime would have created about 25 000 job opportunities. Thus, the anticipated
number of job opportunities was quite frequently used as a justification for the massive
investments provided for the development of infrastructures in the EPZ industrial parks and
hefty subsidies which were extended to some EPZ companies. It is important to note that
unlike other countries who adopted the location-based EPZ model, Namibia has adopted a
flexible EPZ model implying that a company which acquires the EPZ status is free to locate
or set-up its facility anywhere in the country.
In 2003 a Malaysian textile company called Ramatex closed its operations in South Africa
and relocated to Namibia. In terms of employment creation the EPZ reached its peak in 2004
when about 10 057 persons / individuals were actively employed in the EPZ companies.
Ramatex accounted for about 80% of the total of 10 057 EPZ jobs. Since 2004 the number of
jobs in the Namibian EPZ regime started to decline at an alarming rate; at the end of 2007
there were only 5 248 people employed by the EPZ companies. Many times Ramatex
threatened to close its operations, citing decline in the demand of its products and low
productivity, but after some closed-door negotiations the government initially managed to
convince it to continue its operation. Regrettably the success of the Namibian government to
convince Ramatex to continue with its operation in Namibia was short-lived, when in the first
quarter of 2008; the inevitable closure of Ramatex became a reality. The closure of Ramatex
has resulted in the retrenchment of about 3 000 people.
The overall performance of the Namibian EPZ regime leaves a lot to be desired. The
Namibian EPZ regime so far failed to attract enough investments to create the anticipated job
opportunities and to increase the export of manufactured goods. On a positive note, EPZ
regime compelled the authority to invest in infrastructures which it might otherwise not have
invested in. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die soeke na 'n wyse om buitelandse beleggings te trek as een van die maniere om
armoede te verlig deur die skepping van werksgeleenthede en die verkryging van
buitelandse valuta, het baie lande die EPZ-regime geimplementeer. Hoewel die konsep
dwarsdeur die wereld dieselfde bly, het dit verskillende name in verskillende lande. In
Meksiko word dit die UMaquiladoras' genoem en in Bulgarye is dit Vryehandelsones.
Ongeag wat dit genoem word , bly die konsep in wese dieselfde: EPZ is 'n enklave wat buite
die normale ekonomiese raamwerk van die land opereer.
Toe Namibia onafhanklik geword het, het die land gebuk gegaan onder 'n hoe
werkloosheidskoers en armoede. In 1995 het die Namibiese regering die Wet op EPZ
uitgevaardig om ruimte te skep vir die ontwikkeling van EPZ-nywerheidsparke. Die akute
werkloosheidskoers van die land op daardie tydstip het dit noodsaaklik gemaak dat hierdie
wet uitgevaardig word, aangesien die werkloosheid potensieel die politieke stabiliteit in die
land kon bedreig.
As deel van ander politieke instrumente is die Wet op EPZ dus uitgevaardig, met as
hoofdoelwit die 10k van broodnodige buitelandse beleggings wat sou lei tot die skepping van
die ewe nodige werksgeleenthede. Die regering het 'n baie ambisieuse doelwit vir die EPZregime
gestel; dit sou na verwagting teen 1999 nagenoeg 25 000 werksgeleenthede skep.
Die verwagte getal werksgeleenthede is dus dikwels gebruik as regverdiging vir die
massiewe beleggings wat voorsien is vir die ontwikkeling van die infrastrukture in die EPZ nywerheidsparke asook die groot subsidies toegestaan aan sommige EPZ-maatskappye.
Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat, anders as ander lande waar die EPZ-model
plekgebonde was, Namibia 'n buigsame EPZ-model aanvaar het. Dit het geimpliseer dat 'n
maatskappy wat EPZ-status verwerf het, sy fasiliteit enige plek in die land kon vestig.
'n Maleisiese tekstielmaatskappy met die naam Ramatex het in 2003 sy bedryf in Suid Afrika
toegemaak en na Namibie verhuis. Sover dit die skepping van werksgeleenthede
aangaan, het die EPZ in Namibie in 2004 sy hoogtepunt bereik, toe ongeveer 10 057
persone / individue aktief in diens van die EPZ-maatskappye was. Ramatex het ongeveer
80% van die totale 10057 EPZ-werksgeleenthede voorsien. Sedert 2004 het die getal
werksgeleenthede in die Namibiese EPZ-regime teen 'n ontstellende koers afgeneem, sodat
daar teen die einde van 2007 net 5248 mense in diens van die EPZ-maatskappye was.
Ramatex het by verskeie geleenthede gedreig om sy bedrywighede te sluit weens die
afname in die vraag na sy produkte en lae produktiwiteit, maar na onderhandelinge agter
geslote deure het die regering aanvanklik daarin geslaag om Ramatex te oortuig om voort te
gaan. Hierdie sukses van die Namibiese regering was ongelukkig van korte duur, aangesien
die onafwendbare sluiting van Ramatex in die eerste kwartaal van 2008 werklikheid geword
het. Die gevolg was die afdanking van ongeveer 3 000 mense.
Die oorkoepelende prestasie van die Namibiese EPZ-regime is ver van bevredigend.
Hierdie regime het tot nou toe nie daarin geslaag om genoeg beleggings te lok om die
verwagte werksgeleenthede te skep en die uitvoer van vervaardigde produkte te verhoog
nie. Aan die positiewe kant het die EPZ-regime die owerheid gedwing om te bele in
infrastrukture waarin hulle andersins nie sou bele het nie.
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Entering newly liberalized service markets : opportunities derived from the EU bilateral trade agreements with Mexico and Chile / Etablering på nyliberaliserade tjänstemarknader : tillfällen skapade efter EU:s bilaterala handelsavtal med Mexico och ChileVillegas Méndez, Sheila, Rocco Lundgren, Joanna January 2003 (has links)
<p>Background: The service sector accounts for more than 60 percent of global output. The EU has signed bilateral trade agreements with several countries and economic blocks in order to achieve reciprocal service liberalizations. The extensive trade agreements recently signed with Mexico and Chile, are expected to pave the way for new opportunities for Swedish service companies looking to entering the Latin-American market. </p><p>Purpose: To examine which entry mode will provide service companies with the best competitive advantages when entering the Mexican or Chilean market. </p><p>Results: Strong liberalizations have been made in sectors important to Swedish service companies. This will open up new opportunities for the companies when it comes to obtaining a stronger form of control over the foreign establishment. For some sectors sole venture or joint venture could be seen as realistic alternatives, while for others trade barriers still stand in the way for a more far-reaching establishment mode.</p>
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Entering newly liberalized service markets : opportunities derived from the EU bilateral trade agreements with Mexico and Chile / Etablering på nyliberaliserade tjänstemarknader : tillfällen skapade efter EU:s bilaterala handelsavtal med Mexico och ChileVillegas Méndez, Sheila, Rocco Lundgren, Joanna January 2003 (has links)
Background: The service sector accounts for more than 60 percent of global output. The EU has signed bilateral trade agreements with several countries and economic blocks in order to achieve reciprocal service liberalizations. The extensive trade agreements recently signed with Mexico and Chile, are expected to pave the way for new opportunities for Swedish service companies looking to entering the Latin-American market. Purpose: To examine which entry mode will provide service companies with the best competitive advantages when entering the Mexican or Chilean market. Results: Strong liberalizations have been made in sectors important to Swedish service companies. This will open up new opportunities for the companies when it comes to obtaining a stronger form of control over the foreign establishment. For some sectors sole venture or joint venture could be seen as realistic alternatives, while for others trade barriers still stand in the way for a more far-reaching establishment mode.
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An afrocentric critique of the foreign policy of republic of China towards Africa : case study of Zambia, 2010-2018Rapanyane, Makhura Benjamin January 2020 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (International Politics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2020 / The foreign policy of the Republic of China (PRC) has been a considerable subject for
debate in the past two decades. This is because China has turned its attention towards
Africa, seen with the establishment of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)
in the early 2000s. Another reason for this debate is found in the fact that after
FOCAC’s initiation, China has managed to become the largest trade partner of the
African continent and the second biggest economy in the past two decades. Generally,
China-Africa relations are largely a by-product of economic and political orientations.
In the context of the above, this study uses a case study design to critique the foreign
policy of China towards Africa. This case study design uses Zambia as a test case to
critique the post-2010 Chinese foreign policy towards Africa. This is done by
constructing and analysing China’s Africa policy and subsequently, locating China’s
International relations with Zambia. To a great extent, this study imparts historical
sensibility as it locates China’s international relations with Zambia from as far as during
the colonial period. The consideration of historicity in this study draws fundamentally
from the fact that the past always provides a resonate basis for comprehending the
present and the future.
In this study, the researcher advocate for the utility of Afrocentricity as a substitute
theoretical framework important in apprehending China’s foreign policy towards Africa.
The adoption and utility of this paradigm in this study are informed highly by its ability
in spotlighting and highlighting the Asian tiger (China)’s international relations with
Zambia. It is believed in this study that a profound comprehension of China’s Zambia
policy can be realised when such interpretations and analysis are deeply found in the
continental context of the African continent. Equally important are the objectives of this
study which were realised, methodologically, through the use of document review.
In consideration of the case study of Zambia, It is important to highlight that China
ground-roots its engagement with Zambia on several factors of which the leading are:
investment, international legitimacy and market drive. To add, Zambia’s stable political
and economic environments continue to play a key role in the two countries'
interrelations. This is so, even though some of the Chinese companies operating in
Zambia are still unfamiliar with the practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Overall, the concept of CSR should be in the leading front when it comes to the
operations of Chinese companies in Zambia’s economic stakeholders.
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The Effect of Export Promotion Programs on Establishing Export MarketsOch, Nathan Ronald January 2010 (has links)
There is a pattern of growth throughout agribusiness in North Dakota in which agricultural products ranging from commodities to machinery have all seen growth since 2000. Exports have contributed to most of this production increase. Agribusinesses across North Dakota are exporting to many areas of the world. With the help of the North Dakota Trade Organization (NDTO) many companies have developed trading relationships with clients in other nations. The purpose of this research is to measure the value of NDTO export promotion on North Dakota agribusiness [through the use of marketing, export programs, and counseling]. If the data supports the use of the NDTO, firms may be encouraged to use the services provided by the NDTO when export issues arise. This thesis uses a Tobit left censored model to bring the data together to produce empirical results which can be associated with the NDTO and its impact on a firm's total exports. Firm-level export promotion was found to be insignificant. However, small and
medium firms were shown to benefit from the use of the NDTO through an average increase in 2008 export revenue of about $16,095 and $269,317, respectively. Furthermore, this is a $6.44 and a $107.73 return on dollar investment for small and medium firms investing in the services of the NDTO, respectively.
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