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Ukukhula komfana esizweni samaZuluMthembu, Magwegwe Zeblon January 2006 (has links)
Submitted in partial requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of IsiZulu namaGugu in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Zululand, 2006. / Lolu cwaningo lucubungula indlela umfana akhuliswa ngayo esizweni
samaZulu nokubaluleka kwakhe. Lubheka imikhutshana eyenziwa
kusukela ezalwa ekhula aze eluse, esenga, ebophela, ebuthwa aze
abe insizwa lapho eseqomisa.
Isahluko sokuqala sizokwethula ucwaningo nenhloso yalo.
Kuzovezwa umklamo wocwaningo nendlela ezosetshenziswa
ngenkathi kubhekenwe nalo mshikashika. Kuzokwenekwa umlando
omfishane ngendlela umfana akhuliswa ngayo esizweni
Isahluko sesibili sizobheka kabanzi imikhutshana namasiko enziwa
mhlazane kuzelwe umntwana womfana. Kuzobhekwa amakhambi
agezwa ngawo nezinyamazane ashunqiselwa ngazo. Ukubaluleka
kokugcotshwa ngebomvu nakho kuzobhekwa ngeso lokhozi.
Luzobheka ngokubanzi umkhutshana wokuklekla, ukuphehla,
ukusokwa luze lumgojele lapho esekhula.
Isahluko sesithathu sizogxila lapho umfana eselusa noqeqesho
aluthola khona. Sizomqala phansi lapho esalusa izinkukhu, sinyuke
naye eselusa izimbuzi, aye emvemveni, emankonyaneni, amathole
aze afike ezinkomeni. Izifundo ezitholakala ekwaluseni njengolwazi
lwezilwane, izinyoni nemithi nakho kuzenhlobonhlobo etholakala ekwaluseni
ukungcweka, ukudla iphaphu, nokuciba insema.
esebuthwa nalapho eseba udibi.
Sizombheka lapho
Isahluko sesine sizocubungula uqeqesho umfana aluthola ekhaya.
Lapho kuzobhekwa ukusenga, ukuhlinza, ukuhlahlela, ukubophela
izinkabi, nokudipha. Indlela yokuvunula sizoyifakela iso lapho
ezofundiswa khona ukusika amabheshu nezinene. Ukugawula
izintingo umfana efundiswa ukwakha isibaya nakho kuzovezwa.
Isahluko sesihlanu sizogxila lapho umfana esengene ebunsizweni,
eseqomisa. Sizobheka izingqinamba nemikhutshana ephathelene
nokuqomisa. Amakhambi asetshenziswayo ukuze insizwa ibe nogazi
ezintombini njengobulawu nakho kuzofakelwa iso. Eminye
imikhutshana eyenziwayo ukuzuza intombi njengokunqunda
izimbangi ukuyiphonsa, ukuyithwala, ukukhuzela neminye nakho
kuzocutshungulwa. Umkhosi wokubonga indaba nawo ngeke
wabukelwa phansi.
Isahluko sesithupha sizobe sesiyiphothula le mbenge bese sihlaziya
lonke ucwaningo siveze namakhambi (izincomo). Imidlalo
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Traditioner och hogtider i den svenska skolanMagnusson, Olivia, Andersson, Emy January 2010 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen behandlar ämnet traditioner och högtider i skolan, men även hur två skolor arbetar kring traditioner och högtider. Hanteringen av religiösa traditioner i skolan är och har varit ett debatterat ämne då Sverige mer och mer blivit ett mångkulturellt samhälle. Dettainnebär att förändringar i skolan sker då den kulturella och religiösa bakgrunden hos eleverna blir mångfaldig. Vi studerar i denna uppsats hur de utvalda skolorna hanterar religionsundervisningen och firandet av högtider med bakgrund i en kristen tradition. Vi granskar också elevers kunskaper om olika religiösa högtider som har sina traditioner i judendomen, kristendomen och islam. Då dessa uppmärksammas mest i religionsundervisningen i årskurs 4-6. December månad är en högtidsmånad. De kristna högtiderna som firas är advent, Luciafirande och jul som är aktuellt. Bajram, som är en muslimsk högtid firas, men dock inte alltid i december eftersom det är en rörlig högtid. Den judiska högtiden Chanukka firas också. Framför allt är Luciafirandet en stor del på många skolor som elever deltar i. Vi vill se hur medvetna eleverna är av innebörden i dessa högtider.Nyckelord: Traditioner, högtider, mångkulturalitet, elevperspektiv, ämneskunskaper / This paper concerns the subject traditions and celebrations in the Swedish school, but also how it is being handled in two separate schools. Religious traditions in school have been debated since Sweden has become more and more multi-cultural. This means that changes becomes relevant when the cultural and religious backgrounds with the students gets varying.We will in this paper look into how the chosen schools are handling education of religion and celebrations that carries Christian traditions. We will also see what the students know about religious celebrations concerning, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which are combined, and are the ones which are most noticed during school year 4-6. December is a month of celebrations. Lucia, Advent and Christmas are celebrated but also Chanukah and Bajram,which not always is celebrated in December. Lucia has a large place in many schools andstudents are participating. We want to see how many of the students who actually know what they are celebrating in the schools we examined.
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Dying TraditionsWinther, Sarah January 2016 (has links)
Within a year I lost three close family members. My grandfather, my grandmother and my stepfather. Three very different deaths and therefore very different mourning periods were entangled and intertwined. Death suddenly became a ubiquitous part of my life, and the sorrow an overshadowing part of my everyday. This period in my life became the starting point for my thesis 'Dying Traditions'. In todays Western Society we have become so good at prolonging life, that most people get to live a long life and die of old age. But the advancements in medical science have, together with the institutionalization, removed death from our daily life. We are no longer in contact with death aside from what we see through media and movies. We are missing a way of coping with the natural death, which makes it difficult to grasp and surrounds it with a taboo. With my work I want to facilitate a conversation surrounding death. By the use of contemporary jewellery and silversmithing work I want to place the conversation and presence of death in both the public, private and personal space. I want to create a starting point for new rituals to work through a mourning period. I make use of my own personal experiences as a starting point to create contemporary Memento Mori objects fitting for todays Northern European Society. / <p>Photos are removed due to copy rights.</p>
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Royal eloquence in the Spanish Peninsula with particular reference to the Crown of Aragon c. 1200-1410Cawsey, Suzanne F. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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The Book of the Covenant : a comparison of diachronic and synchronic approachesWilliamson, James January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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The ascension of the Messiah : an inquiry into the ascension and exaltation of Jesus in Lukan ChristologyZwiep, Arie W. January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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The impact of education reform on the role of secondary school principals in ChinaXu, Yifen January 2015 (has links)
Worldwide, school principals, especially those in secondary schools, have felt increased pressure in their roles as many countries press for higher levels of student attainment. At the same time, education reforms and, in many systems, increased delegation to school leaders, have greatly increased principals' responsibilities and made the job much more complicated. Given their strategic importance, it is not surprising that the role of principals has attracted great attention since the 1990s. The central focus of this thesis was an investigation and analysis of the impact of recent education reforms on the role of secondary school principals in China. At the time of writing no clear picture of the expectations placed on principals in China exists, though there is no doubt that these expectation are greatly increased. The aim of the study was to investigate principals' own views of their role, their main activities and priorities, and the main influences on these. Consideration was also given to the major challenge or problems confronting school principals, and to identify similarities and differences between the principals' roles and attitudes in China and in the West. Naturalistic qualitative methods were used to investigate the experiences of 28 school leaders regarding how their role has developed in China during this period of major education reforms. Semi-structured interviews and shadowing these principals as they went about their work were the main methods of data collection drawn on in this study. Further information was extracted from documents about training policies and programmes accessible via official websites. Thematic analysis of the interview data was conducted, to identify key themes and issues. The analysis suggests that school principals encounter new challenges as 'curriculum leaders', in developing with their staff new pedagogies that shift the balance away from 'teaching' onto 'learning', and in dealing with the expectation of multiple stakeholders. It also emerged that the principals felt that they did not have sufficient autonomy to lead their schools as they would wish, which restricted curriculum development. Regarding the key findings, the main worry of the principals was with poor student attainment. Under the 'high-stakes' testing system, invisible pressure is exerted on the school for improving test results. The quality of education has never been subject to so much scrutiny from such a wide range of stakeholders, including parents, the community, and employers. As a result, the role of principals has become more complicated, and they are under increasing pressure from higher expectations amongst those both in and outside of the school. Leadership development has been embraced as an important factor in meeting those expectations. However, the thesis argues that there is not sufficient training provided for principals to develop their skills to meet these expectations.
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Hermes Recidivus: a postmodern reading of the recrudescence of the Hermetic imaginaryMarvell, Leon, University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Faculty of Social Inquiry, School of Humanities January 1998 (has links)
It is proposed that there exist unmistakable resonances of the Hermetic world-view in much of the science of the modern period. Hermes Recidivus examines key figurations operating within both the imaginaries of Hermeticism and modern(ist) science with a view to developing a postmodern critical position in regard to the discourse of the modernist scientific project. It is proposed that a re-examination of the notions surrounding these key figurations may provide new hermeneutical tools, and that the imaginary of Hermeticism represents a potentially rich resource from which to develop alternative modes of critical enquiry. It is furthermore proposed that the mechanism by which these Hermetic resonances are perpetuated within the discourse of modernist science takes the form of a logic of the imaginary associated with key figurations within Hermeticism. Certain figural elements associated with the Hermetic imaginary seem to possess a constancy that travels across temporal and disciplinary barriers, encouraging the assumption that these figures are central organising principles within both Hermeticism and modern science. Specifically these figurations are those of the anima mundi and the Gnostic 'alien light' or spintheros. It is proposed that these figurations take the form of 'ideal objects' within both the discourses of Hermeticism and modernist science. The individual chapters respectively examine the relevance of the Hermetic imaginary to Artificial Intelligence research and cybernetic theory; occidental and oriental traditions of the 'subtle body' and their relevance to developing a postmodern perspective on the question of mind-body dualism; the 'metaphysical geometry' of key figures within the Hermetic and Kabbalistic traditions and their resonances within mathematical 'catastrophe theory' as developed by Rene Thom; the Hermetic alchemy of Robbert Fludd as revealed in his text Truth's Golden Harrow, and its relevance in regard to the subject-object split of modern(ist) scientific consciousness and, finally, the influence of Kabbalistic and Hermetic figuration on the development of Leibniz's monadological philosophy and on the notion of the 'field' in contemporary physical theory / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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English in the Margins: Cajun Literacy Communities in Bec Doux et ses amisJakobeit, Samantha 16 December 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, I will explore the dual language Cajun-French and English comic strip, Bec Doux et ses amis, in terms of its value within the literacy communities of southwest Louisiana. I will claim that the text subverts the established power dynamics which existed between the American English speakers, the unreconstructed Cajuns, and the bilingual Cajun French and English speaking communities through the use of text placement and trickster figures.
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Les Femmes Face aux Traditions dans les Litteratures et Cinemas Contemporains de l'Afrique FrancophoneToure, Zalia Maiga January 2010 (has links)
Starting with a contextual characterization of the concepts of “women”, and “traditions”, this dissertation examines the position of women facing African traditions, particularly through some of their practical manifestations: excision, polygamy and levirate. This dissertation focuses on the description of the ontological, social and cultural bases of these traditional practices in order to reflect on their links to ancestral believes. This study explores how social representations are reflected in a corpus of five novels and three films, chosen in connection with their pertinence to the subject. In this respect, the ideological and philosophical position of the authors regarding those ancestral practices is analyzed. In such a respect, it is important to mention Fatou Keita in Rebelle, Mariama Barry in La Petite Peule, Mariama Bâ in Une si longue lettre, Habibatou Traoré in Sidagamie, Dieudonné Nkounkou in Le lévirat, on the one hand, Sembène Ousmane in Moolaadé and Xala, Cheick Oumar Sissoko in Finzan, on the other hand. My analysis explores the attitudes of female heroines who revolt against their oppressive patriarchal environments and it reveals the necessity of questioning those behaviors and habits of mind that perpetuate the subjugation of women in the name of tradition. I also review perceptions of ancestral practices in West Africa, first by women themselves and then by society as a whole. This study brings to light some of the most traditional and egregious abuses against women that are rooted in West African ancestral traditions, particularly against those women living in rural areas. I consider, for example, the various systems of mystification that allow the oppression of women to persist today in the name of tradition. While this study points out the urgent need to overcome certain negative aspects of West African traditions, it also acknowledges the benefit of valorizing positive elements of traditional life and cultural experience, even more than we already do presently.
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