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Modeling Microscopic Driver Behavior under Variable Speed Limits: A Driving Simulator and Integrated MATLAB-VISSIM StudyConran, Charles Arthur 20 June 2017 (has links)
Variable speed limits (VSL) are dynamic traffic management systems designed to increase the efficiency and safety of highways. While the macroscopic performance of VSL systems is well explored in the existing literature, there is a need to further understand the microscopic behavior of vehicles driving in VSL zones. Specifically, driver compliance to advisory VSL systems is quantified based on a driving-simulation experiment and introduced into a broader microscopic behavior model. Statistical analysis indicates that VSL compliance can be predicted based upon several VSL design parameters. The developed two-state microscopic model is calibrated to driving-simulation trajectory data. A calibrated VSL microscopic model can be utilized for new VSL control and macroscopic performance studies, adding an increased dimension of realism to simulation work. As an example, the microscopic model is implemented within VISSIM (overriding the default car-following model) and utilized for a safety-mobility performance assessment of an incident-responsive VSL control algorithm implemented in a MATLAB COM interface. Examination of the multi-objective optimization frontier reveals an inverse relationship between safety and mobility under different control algorithm parameters. Engineers are thus faced with a decision between performing multi-objective optimization and selecting a dominant VSL control objective (e.g. maximizing safety versus mobility performance). / Master of Science / Variable speed limits (VSL) are dynamic traffic management systems designed to increase the efficiency and safety of highways. While the system performance of VSL systems is well explored in previous research, there is a need to further understand the individual behavior of vehicles driving under VSL control. Specifically, driver compliance to advisory VSL systems is modelled based on a driving-simulation experiment. Low compliance equates to poor VSL performance so it is important for engineers to have the ability to predict compliance based on VSL design conditions. The compliance model is introduced into a driver behavior model that quantifies and predicts the driver decision process on VSL controlled highways. The driver behavior model parameters are set using data obtained from the driving-simulation experiment. Utilization of the developed driver behavior model will increase the accuracy of future simulation work on VSL system performance. In this study, the model is implemented within a traffic simulation software to conduct an assessment of the trade-offs between safety and mobility VSL performance for different VSL control designs. An accident is modelled in the simulation software, and VSL is utilized to respond to and alleviate the incident. Simulation results indicate an inverse relationship between safety and mobility performance – indicating that engineers must select a primary objective when selecting VSL control design parameters.
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Calibration and Comparison of the VISSIM and INTEGRATION Microscopic Traffic Simulation ModelsGao, Yu 24 September 2008 (has links)
Microscopic traffic simulation software have gained significant popularity and are widely used both in industry and research mainly because of the ability of these tools to reflect the dynamic nature of the transportation system in a stochastic fashion. To better utilize these software, it is necessary to understand the underlying logic and differences between them. A Car-following model is the core of every microscopic traffic simulation software. In the context of this research, the thesis develops procedures for calibrating the steady-state car-following models in a number of well known microscopic traffic simulation software including: CORSIM, AIMSUN, VISSIM, PARAMICS and INTEGRATION and then compares the VISSIM and INTEGRATION software for the modeling of traffic signalized approaches.
The thesis presents two papers. The first paper develops procedures for calibrating the steady-state component of various car-following models using macroscopic loop detector data. The calibration procedures are developed for a number of commercially available microscopic traffic simulation software, including: CORSIM, AIMSUN2, VISSIM, Paramics, and INTEGRATION. The procedures are then applied to a sample dataset for illustration purposes. The paper then compares the various steady-state car-following formulations and concludes that the Gipps and Van Aerde steady-state car-following models provide the highest level of flexibility in capturing different driver and roadway characteristics. However, the Van Aerde model, unlike the Gipps model, is a single-regime model and thus is easier to calibrate given that it does not require the segmentation of data into two regimes. The paper finally proposes that the car-following parameters within traffic simulation software be link-specific as opposed to the current practice of coding network-wide parameters. The use of link-specific parameters will offer the opportunity to capture unique roadway characteristics and reflect roadway capacity differences across different roadways.
Second, the study compares the logic used in both the VISSIM and INTEGRATION software, applies the software to some simple networks to highlight some of the differences/similarities in modeling traffic, and compares the various measures of effectiveness derived from the models. The study demonstrates that both the VISSIM and INTEGRATION software incorporate a psycho-physical car-following model which accounts for vehicle acceleration constraints. The INTEGRATION software, however uses a physical vehicle dynamics model while the VISSIM software requires the user to input a vehicle-specific speed-acceleration kinematics model. The use of a vehicle dynamics model has the advantage of allowing the model to account for the impact of roadway grades, pavement surface type, pavement surface condition, and type of vehicle tires on vehicle acceleration behavior. Both models capture a driver's willingness to run a yellow light if conditions warrant it. The VISSIM software incorporates a statistical stop/go probability model while current development of the INTEGRATION software includes a behavioral model as opposed to a statistical model for modeling driver stop/go decisions. Both software capture the loss in capacity associated with queue discharge using acceleration constraints. The losses produced by the INTEGRATION model are more consistent with field data (7% reduction in capacity). Both software demonstrate that the capacity loss is recovered as vehicles move downstream of the capacity bottleneck. With regards to fuel consumption and emission estimation the INTEGRATION software, unlike the VISSIM software, incorporates a microscopic model that captures transient vehicle effects on fuel consumption and emission rates. / Master of Science
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Modeling Traffic DispersionFarzaneh, Mohamadreza 05 December 2005 (has links)
The dissertation studies traffic dispersion modeling in four parts. In the first part, the dissertation focuses on the Robertson platoon dispersion model which is the most widely used platoon dispersion model. The dissertation demonstrates the importance of the Yu and Van Aerde calibration procedure for the commonly accepted Robertson platoon dispersion model, which is implemented in the TRANSYT software. It demonstrates that the formulation results in an estimated downstream cyclic profile with a margin of error that increases as the size of the time step increases. In an attempt to address this shortcoming, the thesis proposes the use of three enhanced geometric distribution formulations that explicitly account for the time-step size within the modeling process. The proposed models are validated against field and simulated data.
The second part focuses on implementation of the Robertson model inside the popular TRANSYT software. The dissertation first shows the importance of calibrating the recurrence platoon dispersion model. It is then demonstrated that the value of the travel time factor β is critical in estimating appropriate signal-timing plans. Alternatively, the dissertation demonstrates that the value of the platoon dispersion factor α does not significantly affect the estimated downstream cyclic flow profile; therefore, a unique value of α provides the necessary precision. Unfortunately, the TRANSYT software only allows the user to calibrate the platoon dispersion factor but does not allow the user to calibrate the travel time factor. In an attempt to address this shortcoming, the document proposes a formulation using the basic properties of the recurrence relationship to enable the user to control the travel time factor indirectly by altering the link average travel time.
In the third part of the dissertation, a more general study of platoon dispersion models is presented. The main objective of this part is to evaluate the effect of the underlying travel time distribution on the accuracy and efficiency of platoon dispersion models, through qualitative and quantitative analyses. Since the data used in this study are generated by the INTEGRATION microsimulator, the document first describes the ability of INTEGRATION in generating realistic traffic dispersion effects. The dissertation then uses the microsimulator generated data to evaluate the prediction precision and performance of seven different platoon dispersion models, as well as the effect of different traffic control characteristics on the important efficiency measures used in traffic engineering. The results demonstrate that in terms of prediction accuracy the resulting flow profiles from all the models are very close, and only the geometric distribution of travel times gives higher fit error than others. It also indicates that for all the models the prediction accuracy declines as the travel distance increases, with the flow profiles approaching normality. In terms of efficiency, the travel time distribution has minimum effect on the offset selection and resulting delay. The study also demonstrates that the efficiency is affected more by the distance of travel than the travel time distribution.
Finally, in the fourth part of the dissertation, platoon dispersion is studied from a microscopic standpoint. From this perspective traffic dispersion is modeled as differences in desired speed selection, or speed variability. The dissertation first investigates the corresponding steady-state behavior of the car-following models used in popular commercially available traffic microsimulation software and classifies them based on their steady-state characteristics in the uncongested regime. It is illustrated that with one exception, INTEGRATION which uses the Van Aerde car-following model, all the software assume that the desired speed in the uncongested regime is insensitive to traffic conditions. The document then addresses the effect of speed variability on the steady-state characteristics of the car-following models. It is shown that speed variability has significant influence on the speed-at-capacity and alters the behavior of the model in the uncongested regime. A method is proposed to effectively consider the influence of speed variability in the calibration process in order to control the steady-state behavior of the model. Finally, the effectiveness and validity of the proposed method is demonstrated through an example application. / Ph. D.
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Developing freeway merging calibration techniques for analysis of ramp metering In Georgia through VISSIM simulationWhaley, Michael T. 27 May 2016 (has links)
Freeway merging VISSIM calibration techniques were developed for the analysis of ramp metering in Georgia. An analysis of VISSIM’s advanced merging and cooperative lane change settings was undertaken to determine their effects on merging behavior. Another analysis was performed to determine the effects of the safety reduction factor and the maximum deceleration for cooperative braking parameter on the simulated merging behavior. Results indicated that having both the advanced merging and cooperative lane change setting active produced the best results and that the safety reduction factor had more influence on the merging behavior than the maximum deceleration for cooperative braking parameter. Results also indicated that the on-ramp experienced unrealistic congestion when on-ramp traffic was unable to immediately find an acceptable gap when entering the acceleration lane. These vehicles would form a queue at the end of the acceleration lane and then be unable to merge into the freeway lane due to the speed differential between the freeway and the queued ramp traffic. An Incremental Desired Speed algorithm was developed to maintain an acceptable speed differential between the merging traffic and the freeway traffic. The Incremental Desired Speed algorithm resulted in a smoother merging behavior. Lastly, a ramp meter was introduced and an increase in both the freeway throughput and overall speeds was found. Implications of these findings on the future research is discussed.
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Incorporation of Departure Time Choice in a Mesoscopic Transportation Model for StockholmKristoffersson, Ida January 2009 (has links)
<p>Travel demand management policies such as congestion charges encourage car-users to change among other things route, mode and departure time. Departure time may be especially affected by time-varying charges, since car-users can avoid high peak hour charges by travelling earlier or later, so called peak spreading effects. Conventional transport models do not include departure time choice as a response. For evaluation of time-varying congestion charges departure time choice is essential.</p><p>In this thesis a transport model called SILVESTER is implemented for Stockholm. It includes departure time, mode and route choice. Morning trips, commuting as well as other trips, are modelled and time is discretized into fifteen-minute time periods. This way peak spreading effects can be analysed. The implementation is made around an existing route choice model called CONTRAM, for which a Stockholm network already exists. The CONTRAM network has been in use for a long time in Stockholm and an origin-destination matrix calibrated against local traffic counts and travel times guarantee local credibility. On the demand side, an earlier developed departure time and mode choice model of mixed logit type is used. It was estimated on CONTRAM travel times to be consistent with the route choice model. The behavioural response under time-varying congestion charges was estimated from a hypothetical study conducted in Stockholm.</p><p>Paper I describes the implementation of SILVESTER. The paper shows model structure, how model run time was reduced and tests of convergence. As regards run time, a 75% cut down was achieved by reducing the number of origin-destination pairs while not changing travel time and distance distributions too much.</p><p>In Paper II car-users underlying preferred departure times are derived using a method called reverse engineering. This method derives preferred departure times that reproduce as well as possible the observed travel pattern of the base year. Reverse engineering has previously only been used on small example road networks. Paper II shows that application of reverse engineering to a real-life road network is possible and gives reasonable results.</p> / Silvester
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InterSCSimulator: a scalable, open source, smart city simulator / InterSCSimulator: um simulador de cidades inteligentes escalável e de código abertoSantana, Eduardo Felipe Zambom 18 March 2019 (has links)
Large cities around the world face numerous challenges to guarantee the quality of life of its citizens. A promising approach to cope with these problems is the concept of Smart Cities, of which the main idea is the use of Information and Communication Technologies to improve city services and infrastructure. Being able to simulate the execution of Smart Cities scenarios would be extremely beneficial for the advancement of the field and for governments. Such a simulator would need to represent a large number of agents such as cars, hospitals, and gas pipelines. One possible approach for doing this in a computer system is to use the actor model as a programming paradigm so that each agent corresponds to an actor. The Erlang programming language is based on the actor model and is the most commonly used implementation of it. In this thesis, we present the first version of InterSCSimulator, an open-source, extensible, large-scale traffic Simulator for Smart Cities developed in Erlang. Experiments showed that the simulator is capable of simulating millions of agents using a real map of a large city. We also present study cases which demonstrate the possible uses of the simulator such as tests new urban infrastructure and test the viability of future transportation modes. / Grandes cidades ao redor do mundo enfrentam grandes desafios para garantir boas condições de vida para seus cidadãos. Uma abordagem para responder aos problemas das cidades é a ideia de Cidades Inteligentes, a qual tem como principal característica o uso de Tecnologias de Telecomunicações e Informação (TIC) para melhorar os serviços da cidade. Simular cenários de Cidades Inteligentes pode beneficiar bastante essa área de pesquisa e também gestores de cidades. Um simulador desse tipo precisa representar diversos tipos de agentes como carros, hospitais e a infraestrutura da cidade. Uma possível implementação desse simulador pode usar o modelo de atores como paradigma de programação, implementando cada agente como um ator. O Erlang é uma das linguagens de programação baseada no modelo de atores mais utilizadas para o desenvolvimento de aplicações de larga escala. Esta tese apresenta a primeira versão do InterSCSimulator, um simulador de Cidades Inteligentes de código aberto, extensível e de larga escala desenvolvido em Erlang. Experimentos mostraram que o simulador é capaz de simular todo o trânsito de uma metrópole como S\\~ao Paulo. Adicionalmente, são apresentados diversos casos de usos demonstrando como o simulador pode ser utilizado em trabalhos sobre Cidades Inteligentes como pesquisas sobre novos modos de transportes, redes veiculares e aplicações de Cidades Inteligentes.
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Traffic simulation and signal timing optimization are classified in structure into two main categories: (i) Macroscopic or Microscopic; (ii) Deterministic or Stochastic. Performance of the optimized signal timing derived by any tool is influenced by the methodology used in how calculations are executed in a particular tool. In this study, the performance of the optimal signal timing plans developed by two of the most popular traffic analysis tools, HCS and Tru-Traffic, each of them has its inbuilt objective function(s) to optimize signal timing for intersection, is compared with an ideal and an existing timing plans (base case) for the area of study using the microsimulation software VISSIM. An urban arterial with 29 intersections and high traffic in Fort Lauderdale, Florida serves as the test bed. To eliminate unfair superiority in the results, all experiments were performed under identical geometry and traffic conditions in each tool. Comparison of the optimized plans is conducted on the basis of average delay, average stopped delay, average number of stops, number of vehicles completed trips, latent delay, and latent demand from the simulated vehicle network performance evaluation results in VISSIM. The results indicate that, overall, HCS with its overall delay objective and the Tru-Traffic programs produce signal timing with comparable quality that performed similar to the un-optimized base case for most of the performance measures. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2019. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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A model for simulation and generation of surrounding vehicles in driving simulatorsJanson Olstam, Johan January 2005 (has links)
<p>Driving simulators are used to conduct experiments on for example driver behavior, road design, and vehicle characteristics. The results of the experiments often depend on the traffic conditions. One example is the evaluation of cellular phones and how they affect driving behavior. It is clear that the ability to use phones when driving depends on traffic intensity and composition, and that realistic experiments in driving simulators therefore has to include surrounding traffic.</p><p>This thesis describes a model that generates and simulates surrounding vehicles for a driving simulator. The proposed model generates a traffic stream, corresponding to a given target flow and simulates realistic interactions between vehicles. The model is built on established techniques for time-driven microscopic simulation of traffic and uses an approach of only simulating the closest neighborhood of the driving simulator vehicle. In our model this closest neighborhood is divided into one inner region and two outer regions. Vehicles in the inner region are simulated according to advanced behavioral models while vehicles in the outer regions are updated according to a less time-consuming model. The presented work includes a new framework for generating and simulating vehicles within a moving area. It also includes the development of enhanced models for car-following and overtaking and a simple mesoscopic traffic model.</p><p>The developed model has been integrated and tested within the VTI Driving simulator III. A driving simulator experiment has been performed in order to check if the participants observe the behavior of the simulated vehicles as realistic or not. The results were promising but they also indicated that enhancements could be made. The model has also been validated on the number of vehicles that catches up with the driving simulator vehicle and vice versa. The agreement is good for active and passive catch-ups on rural roads and for passive catch-ups on freeways, but less good for active catch-ups on freeways.</p>
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Dynamic Modelling of Transit Operations and Passenger DecisionsCats, Oded January 2011 (has links)
Efficient and reliable public transport systems are fundamental in promoting green growth developments in metropolitan areas. A large range of Advanced Public Transport Systems (APTS) facilitates the design of real-time operations and demand management. The analysis of transit performance requires a dynamic tool that will enable to emulate the dynamic loading of travelers and their interaction with the transit system. BusMezzo, a dynamic transit operations and assignment model was developed to enable the analysis and evaluation of transit performance and level of service under various system conditions and APTS. The model represents the interactions between traffic dynamics, transit operations and traveler decisions. The model was implemented within a mesoscopic traffic simulation model. The different sources of transit operations uncertainty including traffic conditions, vehicle capacities, dwell times, vehicle schedules and service disruptions are modeled explicitly. The dynamic path choice model in BusMezzo considers each traveler as an adaptive decision maker. Travelers’ progress in the transit system consists of successive decisions that are defined by the need to choose the next path element. The evaluations are based on the respective path alternatives and their anticipated downstream attributes. Travel decisions are modeled within the framework of discrete random utility models. A non-compensatory choice-set generation model and the path utility function were estimated based on a web-based survey. BusMezzo enables the analysis and evaluation of proactive control strategies and the impacts of real-time information provision. Several experiments were conducted to analyze transit performance from travelers, operator and drivers perspectives under various holding strategies. This analysis has facilitated the design of a field trial of the most promising strategy. Furthermore, a case study on real-time traveler information systems regarding the next vehicle arrival time investigated the impacts of various levels of coverage and comprehensiveness. As passengers are more informed, passenger loads are subject to more fluctuation due to the traveler adaptations. / QC 20111201
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Verification of Rural Traffic Simulator, RuTSim 2Akililu, Meaza Negash January 2012 (has links)
Traffic models based on micro-simulation are becoming increasingly important as traffic analysistools. Due to the detailed traffic description, different micro-simulation models are needed tosimulate different traffic environments. The Rural Traffic Simulator, RuTSim, is a unique microtrafficsimulation model for traffic on rural roads. RuTSim is developed at VTI with support fromthe Swedish Transport Administration. Currently, a new version of the RuTSim model has beenimplemented based on the earlier one but with some enhancements. Due to these enhancements,the new implementation of RuTSim should be verified before being used to analyze real worldproblems. In this master’s thesis, a verification of the new implementation of the RuTSim model, RuTSim 2,has been carried out. This paper includes a description of traffic micro-simulation models forrural roads in general and a description of RuTSim model in particular. Common verificationtechniques of the simulation models are also discussed in this study. Based on the theoretical assessments, a model-to-model comparison verification scheme isselected to verify the RuTSim 2 model. That is, the model verification is performed by comparingthe simulation outputs from RuTSim 2 to the old version of RuTSim (RuTSim 1), since RuTSim1 is well verified and calibrated. Statistical hypothesis tests are used to check whether the meanand standard deviation differences of the simulation outputs between the two simulators aresignificant or not. Based on the verification results, the new version of the RuTSim model has comparable modelingof vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure interactions as the old version. Furthermore, thehypothesis test results show that the differences of the mean simulation results of the twosimulators are not significant. Therefore, the new implementation of RuTSim model, RuTSim 2,has been proven to be equivalent model as the old version.
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