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Free oscillation rheometry in the assessment of platelet qualityTynngård, Nahreen January 2008 (has links)
Platelets play an important role in the haemostatic process in order to seal damaged blood vessels. The platelets form a platelet plug at the damaged area and prevent blood loss. Once the damage to the vessel wall has been covered, the platelets retract the coagulum, to allow the blood to flow freely in the vessel. Free oscillation rheometry (FOR) can be used for analysis of coagulation as measured by clotting time and changes in clot elasticity (G'). Clot G' provides information about the fibrin network in the coagulum and the platelets’ ability to retract the coagulum. FOR analysis is performed using the ReoRox® 4 instrument. The blood sample is added to a cylindrical sample cup, which is set into free oscillation. The frequency and damping of the oscillation is recorded over time as the blood coagulates. The change in G' is calculated from the frequency and damping measured. Patients with malignant haematological diseases are often thrombocytopaenic and require platelet transfusions to prevent or stop bleeding. To ensure good haemostatic function in the recipient it is important that the quality of the platelets used for transfusion is well preserved. The aim of this thesis was to determine the quality of platelet concentrates (PCs), during storage, using various in vitro methods, including FOR, and to investigate how various preparation processes affect the quality. We also investigated whether FOR can be used to evaluate the haemostatic status in subjects at risk for thrombosis or bleeding as well as how the haemostatic status was affected by a platelet transfusion. We show that FOR can provide information about the coagulation properties in subjects at risk of thrombosis (pregnant women) or bleeding (thrombocytopaenic patients). We also show that the coagulation as measured by FOR is influenced by red blood cells and the fibrinogen concentration. However, the presence of functional platelets accounted for 90% of the G'. Furthermore we present data that FOR can provide information on the haemostatic effect of platelet transfusions and on the function of the transfused platelets. PCs produced by two different cell separators showed similar quality during storage for 7 days as assessed by FOR analysis. Leukocytes in the PCs can cause transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease which can be prevented by gamma irradiation of the PCs. Gamma irradiation did not affect the quality of PCs during 7 days of storage as analysed by FOR. The clotting time was unchanged during the storage period. The capacity of platelets to retract the coagulum was reduced from days 1 to 5 of storage as seen by a prolonged time to reach maximum G' and the reduced mean change in G' per minute. However, if sufficient time is allowed for the platelets to regain their function, the clot will be fully retracted (as seen by a well maintained maximum G'). The FOR parameters were similar for 5- and 7-day old PCs, which, combined with other in vitro tests (e.g. hypotonic shock response, changes in pH, swirling, lactate and glucose), support the prolongation of the platelet storage period to 7 days. Intercept™ treatment of PCs can be performed to inhibit replication of contaminating bacteria in PCs. Intercept™ treatment of PCs did not diminish the clot-promoting capacity of the platelets as assessed by FOR clotting time. In conclusion, FOR is a promising method for assessing hyper- and hypocoagulability. It can provide information on the haemostatic effect of platelet transfusions and the function of the transfused platelets. FOR was also shown to be useful for analysing PC quality during different preparation and storage conditions.
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Bestämning och jämförelse av helblodspåsars leukocyt-innehåll : vid tre olika vilotider efter blodgivning, analyserat med flödescytometri / Determination and comparison of whole blood bags leukocyte content : at three different resting periods after blood donation, analyzed by flow cytometrySvahn, Leo January 2021 (has links)
Vid blodgivning donerar blodgivare blod frivilligt. Blodet kan sedan användas inom sjukvården för exempelvis blodtransfusion, vilket kräver blodprodukter kompatibla med patienten. Förekomst av leukocyter i blodprodukter medför en ökad risk för febrila transfusionsreaktioner hos transfunderade patienter. Därför krävs det att vid framställning leukocytreducera blodprodukter och utföra kvalitetskontroll. Med analysen B-leukocytpartikelkoncentration (LPK) kan totalantalet leukocyter i helblod beräknas. Flödescytometri är en metod som kan analysera optiska och fluorescerande egenskaper hos exempelvis celler i en suspension, vilket kan användas för att kvantifiera cellantal. BD Leucocount™-Kit (BD Biosciences) är avsett för flödescytometrisk analys av antalet kvarvarande leukocyter i leukocytreducerade blodprodukter. Vid framställning av blodprodukter ska helblodspåsen vila vid rumstemperatur i minst 3 timmar efter blodgivning. I Falun används antingen ett dagsprogram där produktion sker samma dag som blodgivningen, eller ett övernattningsprogram där produktion sker dagen därpå. Prover från 505 kontrollerade erytrocytenheter, samlade i Falun, har påvisat en skillnad i leukocytkoncentration beroende på vilket program som använts. Anledningen till att erytrocytenheternas leukocytinnehåll skiljer sig är inte känt. Syftet med denna studie är därav att undersöka om vilotiden har någon effekt på leukocytkoncentrationen i helblodspåsar. LPK varierade mellan helblodspåsarna. Ett ökande leukocytantal observerades över tid i majoriteten av helblodspåsar, inklusive medelvärde. Däremot kunde inte hypotesprövning påvisa statistisk signifikans. Hypotesen om att leukocytantalet ökar över tid går emot grundläggande hematologi. Utifrån resultaten i denna studie kan inte hypotesen bevisas. Vidare studier bör genomföras. / During blood donation, blood donors donate blood voluntarily. The blood can then be used in healthcare for, for example, blood transfusions, which requires blood products compatible with the patient. The presence of leukocytes in blood products increases the risk of febrile transfusion reactions in transfused patients. Therefore, leukocyte-reduction in blood products is necessary during production. Each blood center must perform quality control on produced blood products. With the analysis B-leukocyte particle concentration (LPK), the total number of leukocytes in whole blood can be calculated. Flow cytometry is a method that can analyze the optical and fluorescent properties of, for example, cells in a suspension, which can be used to quantify cell numbers. The BD Leucocount™-Kit (BD Biosciences) is intended for flow cytometric analysis of the number of leukocytes remaining in leukocyte-reduced blood products. When producing blood products, the whole blood bag should rest at room temperature for at least three hours after the donation. In Falun, either a day program is used where production takes place on the same day as the blood was donated, or an overnight program where production takes place the next day. Samples from 505 controlled erythrocyte units, collected in Falun, have shown a difference in leukocyte concentration depending on the program used. The reason why the leukocyte content of erythrocyte units differs is not known. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate whether the resting period has any effect on the leukocyte concentration in whole blood bags. The LPK varied between the whole blood bags. An increasing leukocyte count was observed over time in most of the whole blood bags. However, hypothesis testing did not show statistical significance. The hypothesis that leukocyte counts increase goes against basic hematology. Based on the results of this study, the hypothesis cannot be proven. Further studies should be conducted. / <p>Vårdförbundet tilldelade Leo Svahn stipendium 2021 för <em>bästa kandidatuppsats inom biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap</em>.</p>
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