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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving scalability of exploratory model checking

Boulgakov, Alexandre January 2016 (has links)
As software and hardware systems grow more complex and we begin to rely more on their correctness and reliability, it becomes exceedingly important to formally verify certain properties of these systems. If done na&iuml;vely, verifying a system can easily require exponentially more work than running it, in order to account for all possible executions. However, there are often symmetries or other properties of a system that can be exploited to reduce the amount of necessary work. In this thesis, we present a number of approaches that do this in the context of the CSP model checker FDR. CSP is named for Communicating Sequential Processes, or parallel combinations of state machines with synchronised communications. In the FDR model, the component processes are typically converted to explicit state machines while their parallel combination is evaluated lazily during model checking. Our contributions are motivated by this model but applicable to other models as well. We first address the scalability of the component machines by proposing a lazy compiler for a subset of CSP<sub>M</sub> selected to model parameterised state machines. This is a typical case where the state space explosion can make model checking impractical, since the size of the state space is exponential in the number and size of the parameters. A lazy approach to evaluating these systems allows only the reachable subset of the state space to be explored. As an example, in studying security protocols, it is common to model an intruder parameterised by knowledge of each of a list of facts; even a relatively small 100 facts results in an intractable 2<sup>100</sup> states, but the rest of the system can ensure that only a small number of these states are reachable. Next, we address the scalability of the overall combination by presenting novel algorithms for bisimulation reduction with respect to strong bisimulation, divergence- respecting delay bisimulation, and divergence-respecting weak bisimulation. Since a parallel composition is related to the Cartesian product of its components, performing a relatively time-consuming bisimulation reduction on the components can reduce its size significantly; an efficient bisimulation algorithm is therefore very desirable. This thesis is motivated by practical implementations, and we discuss an implementation of each of the proposed algorithms in FDR. We thoroughly evaluate their performance and demonstrate their effectiveness.

Pokrytelnosti pro paralelní programy / Coverability for Parallel Programs

Turoňová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This work is focusing on automatic verification of systems with parallel running processes. We discuss the existing methods and certain possibilities of optimizing them. Existing techniques are essentially based on finding an inductive invariant (for instance using a variant of counterexample-guided abstract refinement (CEGAR)). The effectiveness of these methods depends on the size of the invariant. In this thesis, we explored the possibility of improving the methods by focusing on finding invariants of minimal size. We implemented a tool that facilitates exploring the space of invariants of the system under scrutiny. Our experimental results show that many practical existing systems indeed have invariants that are much smaller than what can be found by the existing methods. The conjectures and the results of the work will serve as a basis of future research of an efficient method for finding small invariants of parallel systems.

Algorithmique et complexité des systèmes à compteurs / Algorithmics and complexity of counter machines

Blondin, Michael 29 June 2016 (has links)
L'un des aspects fondamentaux des systèmes informatiques modernes, et en particulier des systèmes critiques, est la possibilité d'exécuter plusieurs processus, partageant des ressources communes, de façon simultanée. De par leur nature concurrentielle, le bon fonctionnement de ces systèmes n'est assuré que lorsque leurs comportements ne dépendent pas d'un ordre d'exécution prédéterminé. En raison de cette caractéristique, il est particulièrement difficile de s'assurer qu'un système concurrent ne possède pas de faille. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la vérification formelle, une approche algorithmique qui vise à automatiser la vérification du bon fonctionnement de systèmes concurrents en procédant par une abstraction vers des modèles mathématiques. Nous considérons deux de ces modèles, les réseaux de Petri et les systèmes d'addition de vecteurs, et les problèmes de vérification qui leur sont associés. Nous montrons que le problème d'accessibilité pour les systèmes d'addition de vecteurs (avec états) à deux compteurs est PSPACE-complet, c'est-à-dire complet pour la classe des problèmes solubles à l'aide d'une quantité polynomiale de mémoire. Nous établissons ainsi la complexité calculatoire précise de ce problème, répondant à une question demeurée ouverte depuis plus de trente ans. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche au problème de couverture pour les réseaux de Petri, basée sur un algorithme arrière guidé par une caractérisation logique de l'accessibilité dans les réseaux de Petri dits continus. Cette approche nous a permis de mettre au point un nouvel algorithme qui s'avère particulièrement efficace en pratique, tel que démontré par notre implémentation logicielle nommée QCover. Nous complétons ces résultats par une étude des systèmes de transitions bien structurés qui constituent une abstraction générale des systèmes d'addition de vecteurs et des réseaux de Petri. Nous considérons le cas des systèmes de transitions bien structurés à branchement infini, une classe qui inclut les réseaux de Petri possédant des arcs pouvant consommer ou produire un nombre arbitraire de jetons. Nous développons des outils mathématiques facilitant l'étude de ces systèmes et nous délimitons les frontières au-delà desquelles la décidabilité des problèmes de terminaison, de finitude, de maintenabilité et de couverture est perdue. / One fundamental aspect of computer systems, and in particular of critical systsems, is the ability to run simultaneously many processes sharing resources. Such concurrent systems only work correctly when their behaviours are independent of any execution ordering. For this reason, it is particularly difficult to ensure the correctness of concurrent systems.In this thesis, we study formal verification, an algorithmic approach to the verification of concurrent systems based on mathematical modeling. We consider two of the most prominent models, Petri nets and vector addition systems, and their usual verification problems considered in the literature.We show that the reachability problem for vector addition systems (with states) restricted to two counters is PSPACE-complete, that is, it is complete for the class of problems solvable with a polynomial amount of memory. Hence, we establish the precise computational complexity of this problem, left open for more than thirty years.We develop a new approach to the coverability problem for Petri nets which is primarily based on applying forward coverability in continuous Petri nets as a pruning criterion inside a backward coverability framework. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by implementing it in a tool named QCover.We complement these results with a study of well-structured transition systems which form a general abstraction of vector addition systems and Petri nets. We consider infinitely branching well-structured transition systems, a class that includes Petri nets with special transitions that may consume or produce arbitrarily many tokens. We develop mathematical tools in order to study these systems and we delineate the decidability frontier for the termination, boundedness, maintainability and coverability problems for these systems.

Stochastic transition systems: bisimulation, logic, and composition

Gburek, Daniel 23 October 2018 (has links)
Cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things raise various challenges concerning the modelling and analysis of large modular systems. Models for such systems typically require uncountable state and action spaces, samplings from continuous distributions, and non-deterministic choices over uncountable many alternatives. In this thesis we fo- cus on a general modelling formalism for stochastic systems called stochastic transition system. We introduce a novel composition operator for stochastic transition systems that is based on couplings of probability measures. Couplings yield a declarative modelling paradigm appropriate for the formalisation of stochastic dependencies that are caused by the interaction of components. Congruence results for our operator with respect to standard notions for simulation and bisimulation are presented for which the challenge is to prove the existence of appropriate couplings. In this context a theory for stochastic transition systems concerning simulation, bisimulation, and trace-distribution relations is developed. We show that under generic Souslin conditions, the simulation preorder is a subset of trace-distribution inclusion and accordingly, bisimulation equivalence is finer than trace-distribution equivalence. We moreover establish characterisations of the simulation preorder and the bisimulation equivalence for a broad subclass of stochastic transition systems in terms of expressive action-based probabilistic logics and show that these characterisations are still maintained by small fragments of these logics, respectively. To treat associated measurability aspects, we rely on methods from descriptive set theory, properties of Souslin sets, as well as prominent measurable-selection principles.:1 Introduction 2 Probability measures on Polish spaces 3 Stochastic transition systems 4 Simulations and trace distributions for Souslin systems 5 Action-based probabilistic temporal logics 6 Parallel composition based on spans and couplings 7 Relations to models from the literature 8 Conclusions 9 Bibliography

Verification of asynchronous concurrency and the shaped stack constraint

Kochems, Jonathan Antonius January 2014 (has links)
In this dissertation, we study the verification of concurrent programs written in the programming language Erlang using infinite-state model-checking. Erlang is a widely used, higher order, dynamically typed, call-by-value functional language with algebraic data types and pattern-matching. It is further augmented with support for actor concurrency, i.e. asynchronous message passing and dynamic process creation. With decidable model-checking in mind, we identify actor communicating systems (ACS) as a suitable target model for an abstract interpretation of Erlang. ACS model a dynamic network of finite-state processes that communicate over a fixed, finite number of unordered, unbounded channels. Thanks to being equivalent to Petri nets, ACS enjoy good algorithmic properties. We develop a verification procedure that extracts a sound abstract model, in the form of an ACS, from a given Erlang program; the resulting ACS simulates the operational semantics of the input. Using this abstract model, we can conservatively verify coverability properties of the input program, i.e. a weak form of safety properties, with a Petri net model-checker. We have implemented this procedure in our tool Soter, which is the first sound verification tool for Erlang programs using infinite-state model-checking. In our experiments, we find that Soter is accurate enough to verify a range of interesting and non-trivial benchmarks. Even though ACS coverability is Expspace-complete, Soter's analysis of these verification problems is surprisingly quick. In order to improve the precision of our verification procedure with respect to recursion, we investigate an extension of ACS that allows pushdown processes: asynchronously communicating pushdown systems (ACPS). ACPS that satisfy the empty-stack constraint (a pushdown process may receive only when its stack is empty) are a popular subclass of ACPS with good decision and complexity properties. In the context of Erlang, the empty stack constraint is unfortunately not realistic. We introduce a relaxation of the empty-stack constraint for ACPS called the shaped stack constraint. Stacks that fit the shape constraint may reach arbitrary heights. Further, a process may execute any communication action (be it process creation, message send or retrieval) whether or not its stack is empty. We prove that coverability for shaped ACPS, i.e. ACPS that satisfy the shaped constraint, reduces to the decidable coverability problem for well-structured transition systems (WSTS). Thus, shaped ACPS enable the modelling and verification of a larger class of message passing programs. We establish a close connection between shaped ACPS and a novel extension of Petri nets: nets with nested coloured tokens (NNCT). Tokens in NNCT are of two types: simple and complex. Complex tokens carry an arbitrary number of coloured tokens. The rules of a NNCT can synchronise complex and simple tokens, inject coloured tokens into a complex token, and eject all tokens of a specified set of active colours to predefined places. We show that the coverability problem for NNCT is Tower-complete, a new complexity class for non-elementary decision problems introduced by Schmitz. To prove Tower-membership, we devise a geometrically inspired version of the Rackoff technique, and we obtain Tower-hardness by adapting Stockmeyer's ruler construction to NNCT. To our knowledge, NNCT is the first extension of Petri nets (belonging to the class of nets with an infinite set of token types) that is proven to have primitive recursive coverability. This result implies Tower-completeness of coverability for ACPS that satisfy the shaped stack constraint.

Aplicação de modelos de defeitos na geração de conjuntos de teste completos a partir de Sistemas de Transição com Entrada/Saída / Applying fault models in complete test suite generation from Input/Output Transition Systems

Paiva, Sofia Larissa da Costa 16 March 2016 (has links)
O Teste Baseado em Modelos (TBM) emergiu como uma estratégia promissora para minimizar problemas relacionados à falta de tempo e recursos em teste de software e visa verificar se a implementação sob teste está em conformidade com sua especificação. Casos de teste são gerados automaticamente a partir de modelos comportamentais produzidos durante o ciclo de desenvolvimento de software. Entre as técnicas de modelagem existentes, Sistemas de Transição com Entrada/Saída (do inglês, Input/Output Transition Systems - IOTSs), são modelos amplamente utilizados no TBM por serem mais expressivos do que Máquinas de Estado Finito (MEFs). Apesar dos métodos existentes para geração de testes a partir de IOTSs, o problema da seleção de casos de testes é um tópico difícil e importante. Os métodos existentes para IOTS são não-determinísticos, ao contrário da teoria existente para MEFs, que fornece garantia de cobertura completa com base em um modelo de defeitos. Esta tese investiga a aplicação de modelos de defeitos em métodos determinísticos de geração de testes a partir de IOTSs. Foi proposto um método para geração de conjuntos de teste com base no método W para MEFs. O método gera conjuntos de teste de forma determinística além de satisfazer condições de suficiência de cobertura da especificação e de todos os defeitos do domínio de defeitos definido. Estudos empíricos avaliaram a aplicabilidade e eficácia do método proposto: resultados experimentais para analisar o custo de geração de conjuntos de teste utilizando IOTSs gerados aleatoriamente e um estudo de caso com especificações da indústria mostram a efetividade dos conjuntos gerados em relação ao método tradicional de Tretmans. / Model-Based Testing (MBT) has emerged as a promising strategy for the minimization of problems related to time and resource limitations in software testing and aims at checking whether the implementation under test is in compliance with its specification. Test cases are automatically generated from behavioral models produced during the software development life cycle. Among the existing modeling techniques, Input/Output Transition Systems (IOTSs) have been widely used in MBT because they are more expressive than Finite State Machines (FSMs). Despite the existence of test generation methods for IOTSs, the problem of selection of test cases is an important and difficult topic. The current methods for IOTSs are non-deterministic, in contrast to the existing theory for FSMs that provides complete fault coverage guarantee based on a fault model. This manuscript addresses the application of fault models to deterministic test generation methods from IOTSs. A method for the test suite generation based on W method for FSMs is proposed for IOTSs. It generates test suites in a deterministic way and also satisfies sufficient conditions of specification coverage and all faults in a given fault domain. Empirical studies evaluated its applicability and effectiveness. Experimental results for the analyses of the cost of test suite generation by random IOTSs and a case study with specifications from the industry show the effectiveness of the test suites generated in relation to the traditional method of Tretmans.

Study of concurrency in real-time distributed systems

Balaguer, Sandie 13 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is concerned with the modeling and the analysis of distributedreal-time systems. In distributed systems, components evolve partlyindependently: concurrent actions may be performed in any order, withoutinfluencing each other and the state reached after these actions does notdepends on the order of execution. The time constraints in distributed real-timesystems create complex dependencies between the components and the events thatoccur. So far, distributed real-time systems have not been deeply studied, andin particular the distributed aspect of these systems is often left aside. Thisthesis explores distributed real-time systems. Our work on distributed real-timesystems is based on two formalisms: time Petri nets and networks of timedautomata, and is divided into two parts.In the first part, we highlight the differences between centralized anddistributed timed systems. We compare the main formalisms and their extensions,with a novel approach that focuses on the preservation of concurrency. Inparticular, we show how to translate a time Petri net into a network of timedautomata with the same distributed behavior. We then study a concurrency relatedproblem: shared clocks in networks of timed automata can be problematic when oneconsiders the implementation of a model on a multi-core architecture. We showhow to avoid shared clocks while preserving the distributed behavior, when thisis possible.In the second part, we focus on formalizing the dependencies between events inpartial order representations of the executions of Petri nets and time Petrinets. Occurrence nets is one of these partial order representations, and theirstructure directly provides the causality, conflict and concurrency relationsbetween events. However, we show that, even in the untimed case, some logicaldependencies between event occurrences are not directly described by thesestructural relations. After having formalized these logical dependencies, wesolve the following synthesis problem: from a formula that describes a set ofruns, we build an associated occurrence net. Then we study the logicalrelations in a simplified timed setting and show that time creates complexdependencies between event occurrences. These dependencies can be used to definea canonical unfolding, for this particular timed setting.

Le point de vue epistémique de théorie de la concurrence

Knight, Sophia 20 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Le raisonnement epistémique joue un rôle en théorie de la concurrence de plusieurs manières distinctes mais complémentaires; cette thèse en décrit trois. La première, et presque certainement la moins explorée jusqu'à présent, est l'idée d'utiliser les modalités épistémiques comme éléments d'un langage de programmation. La programmation logique émergea sous le slogan <> et dans le paradigme de la programmation concurrente par contraintes, le lien est manifeste de manière très claire. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous explorons le rôle des modalités épistémiques, ainsi que celui des modalités spatiales qui leur sont étroitement liées, en tant que partie intégrante du langage de programmation et non simplement en tant que partie du meta-langage du raisonnement à propos des protocoles. La partie suivante explore une variante de la logique épistémique dynamique adaptée aux systèmes de transitions étiquetés. Contrairement à la partie précédente, on serait tenté de croire que tout ce qu'on pouvait dire à ce sujet a déjà été dit. Cependant, le nouvel ingrédient que nous proposons est un lien étroit entre la logique épistémique et la logique de Hennessy-Milner, cette dernière étant \emph{la} logique des systèmes de transitions étiquetés. Plus précisement, nous proposons une axiomatisation et une preuve d'un théorème de complétude faible, ce qui est conforme au principe général qu'on utilise pour des logiques telles que la logique dynamique mais nécessite des adaptations non triviales. La dernière partie de la thèse se concentre sur l'étude d'agents en interaction dans les processus concurents. Nous présentons une sémantique des jeux pour l'interaction d'agents qui rend manifeste le rôle de la connaissance et du flux d'information dans les interactions entre agents, et qui permet de contrôler l'information disponible aux agents en interaction. Nous utilisons les processus comme support de jeu et définissons des stratégies pour les agents de telle sorte que deux agents qui interagissent conformément à leurs stratégies respectives déterminent l'exécution du processus, rempla{\c}cant ainsi l'ordonnanceur traditionnel. Nous démontrons que des restrictions différentes sur les stratégies réprésentent des quantités d'information différentes disponibles à l'ordonnanceur. Ces restrictions sur les stratégies ont un aspect épistémique explicite, et nous présentons une logique modale pour les stratégies et une caractérisation logique de plusieurs restrictions possibles sur les stratégies. Ces trois approches d'analyse et de représentation de l'information épistémique en théorie de la concurrence apportent une nouvelle manière de comprendre la connaissance des agents dans des processus conncurrents, ce qui est vital dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, dans lequel les systèmes distribués composés de multiples agents sont omniprésents.

A Refinement-Based Methodology for Verifying Abstract Data Type Implementations

Divakaran, Sumesh January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is about techniques for proving the functional correctness of Abstract Data Type (ADT) implementations. We provide a framework for proving the functional correctness of imperative language implementations of ADTs, using a theory of refinement. We develop a theory of refinement to reason about both declarative and imperative language implementations of ADTs. Our theory facilitates compositional reasoning about complex implementations that may use several layers of sub-ADTs. Based on our theory of refinement, we propose a methodology for proving the functional correctness of an existing imperative language implementation of an ADT. We propose a mechanizable translation from an abstract model in the Z language to an abstract implementation in VCC’s ghost language. Then we present a technique to carry out the refinement checks completely within the VCC tool. We apply our proposed methodology to prove the functional correctness of the scheduling-related functionality of FreeRTOS, a popular open-source real-time operating system. We focused on the scheduler-related functionality, found major deviations from the intended behavior, and did a machine-checked proof of the correctness of the fixed code. We also present an efficient way to phrase the refinement conditions in VCC, which considerably improves VCC’s performance. We evaluated this technique on a simplified version of FreeRTOS which we constructed for this verification exercise. Using our efficient approach, VCC always terminates and leads to a reduction of over 90% in the total time taken by a naive check, when evaluated on this case-study.

Test symbolique de services web composite / Symbolic Testing Approach of Composite Web Services

Bentakouk, Lina 16 December 2011 (has links)
L’acceptation et l’utilisation des services Web en industrie se développent de par leursupport au développement d’application distribuées comme compositions d’entitéslogicielles plus simples appelées services. En complément à la vérification, le testpermet de vérifier la correction d’une implémentation binaire (code source nondisponible) par rapport à une spécification. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons uneapproche boîte-noire du test de conformité de compositions de services centralisées(orchestrations). Par rapport à l’état de l’art, nous développons une approchesymbolique de façon à éviter des problèmes d’explosion d’espace d’état dus à la largeutilisation de données XML dans les services Web. Cette approche est basée sur desmodèles symboliques (STS), l’exécution symbolique de ces modèles et l’utilisationd’un solveur SMT. De plus, nous proposons une approche de bout en bout, quiva de la spécification à l’aide d’un langage normalisé d’orchestration (ABPEL) etde la possible description d’objectifs de tests à la concrétisation et l’exécution enligne de cas de tests symboliques. Un point important est notre transformation demodèle entre ABPEL et les STS qui prend en compte les spécifications sémantiquesd’ABPEL. L’automatisation de notre approche est supportée par un ensemble d’outilsque nous avons développés. / Web services are gaining industry-wide acceptance and usage by fostering the developmentof distributed applications out of the composition of simpler entities calledservices. In complement to verification, testing allows one to check for the correctnessof a binary (no source code) service implementation with reference to a specification.In this thesis, we propose black box conformance testing approach for centralizedservice compositions (orchestrations). With reference to the state of the art, wedevelop a symbolic approach in order to avoid state space explosion issues due to theXML data being largely used in Web services. This approach is based on symbolicmodels (STS), symbolic execution, and the use of a satisfiability modulo theory(SMT) solver. Further, we propose a comprehensive end-to-end approach that goesfrom specification using a standard orchestration language (ABPEL), and the possibledescription of test purposes, to the online realization and execution of symbolic testcases against an implementation. A crucial point is a model transformation fromABPEL to STS that we have defined and that takes into account the peculiarities ofABPEL semantics. The automation of our approach is supported by a tool-chainthat we have developed.

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