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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nested Well Plasma Traps

Dolliver, Darrell 08 1900 (has links)
Criteria for the confinement of plasmas consisting of a positive and negative component in Penning type traps with nested electric potential wells are presented. Computational techniques for the self-consistent calculation of potential and plasma density distributions are developed. Analyses are presented of the use of nested well Penning traps for several applications. The analyses include: calculations of timescales relevant to the applications, e.g. reaction, confinement and relaxation timescales, self-consistent computations, and consideration of other physical phenomenon important to the applications. Possible applications of a nested well penning trap include production of high charge state ions, studies of high charge state ions, and production of antihydrogen. In addition the properties of a modified Penning trap consisting of an electric potential well applied along a radial magnetic field are explored.

Sampling UK Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) : the effect of trapping on population structure

Stancliffe-Vaughan, Abigail E. January 2015 (has links)
Populations of non-native signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, are damaging to UK native species and habitats though their populations are expanding with no coherent framework in place for their control. This is partly the result of a literature gap on the effect of trapping on non-native crayfish population structure which this thesis will explore in order to add to the European literature. Population size structure analysis has been facilitated via the creation of novel samplers and an in-depth analysis of the effect of aperture on the size/life stage of crayfish sampled. Smaller trap apertures, the addition of refuge material and novel samplers increased the catch of juvenile crayfish. Sex was indeterminable for up to 50% of juvenile crayfish, with juvenile sex ratios potentially biased towards females. Conditions on the River Lark did not limit populations, though temperature varied significantly between sites whilst substrata, pH and biological oxygen demand did not. Three years of trapping and juvenile sampling enabled population analysis at a site level. The population at Lark Head (professionally trapped), had a consistent size structure from 2010 to 2012, whilst individuals at Barton Mills (community trapped) and the Plough (untrapped), showed size decreases over time. The proportions of adult to juvenile individuals, and males to females, were similar at all three sites in 2011 & 2012. Catch per unit effort, decreased at all three sites with the greatest reductions at trapped sites. There is no evidence that catch sizes, or the proportion of juveniles, increased with trapping in spite of one site being trapped by the community since 2001 and another trapped by professionals since 2005. This refutes inferences that trapping causes an increase in biomass due to a reduction in the number of cannibalistic and dominant large males, with size and sex bias in traps also not corroborated.

Identifiering av åtgärder som kan bidra till att förbättra analysen av miljökemiska sedimentundersökningar : En studie på provtagningsdata från Kalmarsund och Oskarshamns hamn.

Karlsson, Niklas January 2013 (has links)
Föroreningar av metaller är ett problem längs med kusterna, vilket har en negativ inverkan på vattenlevande organismer och miljön. Orsaken till detta beror till stor del på pågående utsläpp från tätorter, hamnar, industrier och på ”gamla synder (då det inte fanns några detaljerade miljölagar som reglerade spridningen av föroreningar från exempelvis industriprocesser)”. Utsläpp av föroreningar behöver inte bara komma lokalt utan kan också transporteras via avrinningsområdena och via atmosfäriskt nedfall. Idag arbetar länsstyrelsen med att invertera och sanera förorenade områden, men för att kunna ta reda på hur det ligger till med kusterna och hamnarna är sedimentprovtagningar ett måste. Att analysera data från sedimentprover kan vara speciellt utmanande eftersom det finns många olika faktorer som kan ha betydelse när data skall analyseras. Det kan vara faktorer som bottentyper, utspädning, kornstorlekar mm i en miljö som är speciellt utsatt för omrörningar. Syftet med detta arbete är att identifiera åtgärder som kan bidra till att förbättra analysen av föroreningar från sedimentundersökningar då det finns faktorer som kan påverka föroreningssignalen. Till detta arbete har data från Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU) använts. Provtagningarna genomfördes längs med kusten i Kalmarsund under åren 1998, 2003 och 2008. Dessa data har tidigare studerats med fokus på metallkoncentrationer. I detta arbete ligger fokus istället på att göra fördjupande jämförelser genom att studera morän, organiskt material, samt tillämpningen av normaliseringar och elementförhållanden. Även data från Structor Miljö Göteborg AB som tagit prover i Oskarshamns hamn under 2011 med hjälp av sedimentfällor har använts. Syftet är att göra en jämförelse med SGU:s provtagningar, samt att undersöka miljögiftsbelastningen och sedimentationshastigheten i Oskarshamns hamn och ytterområde. Resultatet visar att spridningen av metaller kan förbättras genom att studera koncentrationerna tillsammans med organiskt material, normalisering mot organiskt material och naturliga utsläpp av metaller ifrån morän. Resultatet visar också att sedimentfällor är ett utmärkt komplement till vanliga sedimentprovtagare.

Using IR Thermography to Evaluate Temperature Distributions on a Diesel NOx Adsorber Catalyst during Simulated Operation

Aftab, Khurram January 2007 (has links)
In emissions catalyst applications, an axial distribution of reaction, surface chemistry, and temperature all exist on or along the surface of the catalyst. Understanding these distributions is very important in developing physically relevant models of such systems. One focus of this work was developing a technique to obtain accurate temperature measurements from a catalyst during exothermic or endothermic reaction steps. IR thermography was tested as a method to evaluate spatial temperature distributions as a function of time on a diesel NOX adsorber catalyst. The technique proved accurate, relatively simple to interpret and operate, and efficient to the extent it can be used for data generation. As a continuation of the technique development, the temperature changes and gradients formed during simulated operation of a Pt/Ba/Al2O3 NOX adsorber catalyst (NAC) for diesel exhaust applications were monitored using IR thermography and standard thermocouples. NACs operate in a cyclic manner; during the lean phase, when the engine is in normal operation, the catalyst traps entering NOX; once the catalyst nears saturation, the catalyst is exposed to a rich exhaust phase, in reductant relative to oxygen, where the trapped NOX is reduced to N2; and finally the exhaust returns to the normally lean conditions thereby completing the cycle. During the rich phase, previous work has suggested that significant temperature changes might be occurring along the length of the catalyst. In this study, temporally and spatially resolved temperature distributions were obtained throughout the cycle in order to evaluate the significance of these temperature changes and their effects on the reaction chemistry. The effects of (1) reactor in the possible reaction pathways, (2) CO and O2 levels in the regeneration phase, (3) NO and NO2 as the source of NOX in the lean cycle and (4) nominal operating temperature on these temperature distributions were evaluated. The temperature gradient and distribution measurements are being used to characterize the reactions and as input into models.

Using IR Thermography to Evaluate Temperature Distributions on a Diesel NOx Adsorber Catalyst during Simulated Operation

Aftab, Khurram January 2007 (has links)
In emissions catalyst applications, an axial distribution of reaction, surface chemistry, and temperature all exist on or along the surface of the catalyst. Understanding these distributions is very important in developing physically relevant models of such systems. One focus of this work was developing a technique to obtain accurate temperature measurements from a catalyst during exothermic or endothermic reaction steps. IR thermography was tested as a method to evaluate spatial temperature distributions as a function of time on a diesel NOX adsorber catalyst. The technique proved accurate, relatively simple to interpret and operate, and efficient to the extent it can be used for data generation. As a continuation of the technique development, the temperature changes and gradients formed during simulated operation of a Pt/Ba/Al2O3 NOX adsorber catalyst (NAC) for diesel exhaust applications were monitored using IR thermography and standard thermocouples. NACs operate in a cyclic manner; during the lean phase, when the engine is in normal operation, the catalyst traps entering NOX; once the catalyst nears saturation, the catalyst is exposed to a rich exhaust phase, in reductant relative to oxygen, where the trapped NOX is reduced to N2; and finally the exhaust returns to the normally lean conditions thereby completing the cycle. During the rich phase, previous work has suggested that significant temperature changes might be occurring along the length of the catalyst. In this study, temporally and spatially resolved temperature distributions were obtained throughout the cycle in order to evaluate the significance of these temperature changes and their effects on the reaction chemistry. The effects of (1) reactor in the possible reaction pathways, (2) CO and O2 levels in the regeneration phase, (3) NO and NO2 as the source of NOX in the lean cycle and (4) nominal operating temperature on these temperature distributions were evaluated. The temperature gradient and distribution measurements are being used to characterize the reactions and as input into models.

Reflection on the traditional discourse of territorial sovereignty

Lin, Chih-Ju 28 November 2011 (has links)
Territorial Sovereignty has been treated as a presupposition without the perspective of history in the study of international relations. This paper aims at tracing back the relationship between authority and space in the Middle Ages, finding it was defined by feudatory¡¦s fealty and alliance rather than by boundaries. Therefore, authority space in the Middle Ages could overlap and coexist above one land. On the contrary, modern national boundary excludes other authorities from its territory; territory serves as a container to reify power in the modern time. Besides, this paper shows that processes of re-scaling of authority space, which include sub-national spatial scales of global cities and supra-national spatial scales of the European Union, constitute the current round of globalization. This development of overlapping authority spaces could be conceived as a sign of arrival of Neo-Medievalism.

Trailblazers in the Forest: Response of Endangered Mt. Graham Red Squirrels to Severe Insect Infestation

Zugmeyer, Claire Ann January 2007 (has links)
I examined habitat selection of middens within insect-damaged forest and compared home range and survival for Mt. Graham red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis) in insect-damaged and healthy forest. Squirrels used habitat in areas with < 69% tree mortality. Basal area, canopy cover, and log volume were greater at middens than random locations. Within midden sites, only greater basal area of live trees distinguished occupied sites from unoccupied sites. Surface temperature at occupied middens tended to be cooler than unoccupied middens. Squirrels living in insect-damaged forest had larger home ranges than in healthy forest. Squirrel body mass and reproductive condition did not differ between forest types, suggesting that insectdamaged forest provided adequate resources. However, squirrels inhabiting insectdamaged forest experienced lower survivorship and 50% fewer potential reproductive events than squirrels in healthy forest, implicating presence of an ecological trap. Preservation of remaining healthy forest is a priority for management of this endangered species.

New atomic masses related to fundamental physics measured with SMILETRAP

Nagy, Szilárd January 2005 (has links)
This thesis describes the recent improvements of the SMILETRAP Penning trap mass spectrometer and a number of interesting high precision mass measurements, which have been performed using the improved apparatus, and are relevant in todays fundamental physics problems. The mass of the hydrogen-like 24,26Mg ions as well as the masses of the hydrogen- and lithium-like 40Ca ions are presented in this work that are indispensable input values when evaluating g-factor measurements of the bound electron. In both cases the uncertainty in the masses was improved by one order of magnitude compared to the literature values known so far. The mass of 7Li has been measured and a new mass value has been obtained with an unprecedented relative uncertainty of 6.3x10-10. A large deviation of 1.1 μu (160ppb) compared to the literature value has been observed. In order to find the reason of this large deviation and to look for possible systematics we have measured the mass of 4He and 6Li and concluded that the 6Li(n,γ)7Li reaction Q-value used in the literature when calculating the 7Li mass is wrong by about 1 keV. The mass difference between 3He and 3H (Δ m (3H -3He)) is the Q-value of the tritium β-decay. An accurate knowledge of the tritium Q-value is of importance in the search for a finite rest mass of the electron neutrino. By adding a measurement of the mass of 3He1+ to previous mass measurement of 3H1+ and 3He2+ we have improved our previous Q-value by a factor of 2. At the moment our Q-value is the most accurate and more importantly it is based on the correct atomic mass values.

Experimental advances toward a compact dual-species laser cooling apparatus

Ladouceur, Keith 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis describes the advances made towards a dual-species magneto-optical trap (MOT) of Li and Rb for use in photoassociation spectroscopy, Feshbach resonance studies, and, as long-term aspirations, the formation of ultracold heteronuclear polar molecules. The initial discussion will focus on a brief theoretical overview of laser cooling and trapping and the production of ultracold molecules from a cold atom source. Subsequently, details of the experimental system, including those pertaining to the required laser light, the vacuum chamber, and the computer control system will be presented. Finally, preliminary optimization and characterization measurements showing the performance of a single species Li MOT are introduced. These measurements demonstrated the loading of over 8 x 107 Li atoms directly into a MOT without the need for a Zeeman slower.

Experimental advances toward a compact dual-species laser cooling apparatus

Ladouceur, Keith 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis describes the advances made towards a dual-species magneto-optical trap (MOT) of Li and Rb for use in photoassociation spectroscopy, Feshbach resonance studies, and, as long-term aspirations, the formation of ultracold heteronuclear polar molecules. The initial discussion will focus on a brief theoretical overview of laser cooling and trapping and the production of ultracold molecules from a cold atom source. Subsequently, details of the experimental system, including those pertaining to the required laser light, the vacuum chamber, and the computer control system will be presented. Finally, preliminary optimization and characterization measurements showing the performance of a single species Li MOT are introduced. These measurements demonstrated the loading of over 8 x 107 Li atoms directly into a MOT without the need for a Zeeman slower.

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