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Identifiering av åtgärder som kan bidra till att förbättra analysen av miljökemiska sedimentundersökningar : En studie på provtagningsdata från Kalmarsund och Oskarshamns hamn.Karlsson, Niklas January 2013 (has links)
Föroreningar av metaller är ett problem längs med kusterna, vilket har en negativ inverkan på vattenlevande organismer och miljön. Orsaken till detta beror till stor del på pågående utsläpp från tätorter, hamnar, industrier och på ”gamla synder (då det inte fanns några detaljerade miljölagar som reglerade spridningen av föroreningar från exempelvis industriprocesser)”. Utsläpp av föroreningar behöver inte bara komma lokalt utan kan också transporteras via avrinningsområdena och via atmosfäriskt nedfall. Idag arbetar länsstyrelsen med att invertera och sanera förorenade områden, men för att kunna ta reda på hur det ligger till med kusterna och hamnarna är sedimentprovtagningar ett måste. Att analysera data från sedimentprover kan vara speciellt utmanande eftersom det finns många olika faktorer som kan ha betydelse när data skall analyseras. Det kan vara faktorer som bottentyper, utspädning, kornstorlekar mm i en miljö som är speciellt utsatt för omrörningar. Syftet med detta arbete är att identifiera åtgärder som kan bidra till att förbättra analysen av föroreningar från sedimentundersökningar då det finns faktorer som kan påverka föroreningssignalen. Till detta arbete har data från Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU) använts. Provtagningarna genomfördes längs med kusten i Kalmarsund under åren 1998, 2003 och 2008. Dessa data har tidigare studerats med fokus på metallkoncentrationer. I detta arbete ligger fokus istället på att göra fördjupande jämförelser genom att studera morän, organiskt material, samt tillämpningen av normaliseringar och elementförhållanden. Även data från Structor Miljö Göteborg AB som tagit prover i Oskarshamns hamn under 2011 med hjälp av sedimentfällor har använts. Syftet är att göra en jämförelse med SGU:s provtagningar, samt att undersöka miljögiftsbelastningen och sedimentationshastigheten i Oskarshamns hamn och ytterområde. Resultatet visar att spridningen av metaller kan förbättras genom att studera koncentrationerna tillsammans med organiskt material, normalisering mot organiskt material och naturliga utsläpp av metaller ifrån morän. Resultatet visar också att sedimentfällor är ett utmärkt komplement till vanliga sedimentprovtagare.
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Benthic fluxes of biogenic elements in the Baltic Sea : Influence of oxygen and macrofaunaEkeroth, Nils January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates how benthic fluxes of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and silicon (Si) change upon oxygenation of anoxic soft bottoms in the brackish, eutrophicated Baltic Sea. Direct measurements in situ by benthic landers demonstrated that fluxes of dissolved inorganic P (DIP) from anoxic bottom sediments in the Eastern Gotland Basin are higher than previously thought (Paper I). It is argued that the benthic DIP flux has a much larger influence on the DIP inventory in the Baltic proper than the external sources. Similarly, benthic fluxes of DIP and dissolved inorganic N (DIN) from anoxic sediment in the coastal Kanholmsfjärden Basin, Stockholm archipelago, were sufficiently high to renew the pools of these nutrients below the upper mixed layer in roughly one year (Paper II). A natural inflow of oxygen rich water into the deep, and previously long-term anoxic part of Kanholmsfjärden Basin, increased the P content in the sediment by 65% and lowered DIP and dissolved silica (DSi) concentrations in the pore water. These changes, as well as the large increases in benthic effluxes of these solutes following de-oxygenation of the bottom water, suggest that they are influenced similarly by changing oxygen conditions. Experimental results in papers III and IV show that common benthic macrofauna species in the Baltic Sea can stimulate benthic release of DIN and DSi, as well as dissolved organic and particulate bound nutrients. Thus, if benthic oxygen conditions would improve in the Baltic, initial effects on benthic–pelagic nutrient coupling will change due to animal colonisation of currently azoic soft bottoms. A new box corer was designed (Paper V) which can be used to obtain highly needed virtually undisturbed samples from soft bottom sediments – if lowered slowly and straight into the bottom strata – as demonstrated by in situ videography and turbidimetry. The commonly used USNEL box corer caused severe biasing during sediment collection. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript.</p> / Baltic oxygenation project
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DEVELOPMENT OF AN UNCREWED SEDIMENT SAMPLING SYSTEMJun han Bae (11847203) 18 December 2021 (has links)
<div>Sediment has a significant impact on social, economic, and environmental systems. With the need for an effective sediment management and monitoring system growing more important,</div><div>a method for precisely and reproducibly obtaining sediment samples that represent the actual environment is essential for water resource management and researchers across aquatic domains (such as lakes, rivers, reservoirs, mine drainage ponds, and wastewater lagoons).</div><div>Sediment sampling is usually carried out less frequently than water sampling because of the cost and labor involved. However, more frequent sediment sampling and an increase in the</div><div>range of the sampling area are necessary to more effectively monitor the ecosystem and water quality.</div><div>To fill this gap, robotic approaches for sediment sampling have been introduced. However, they are not tailored to a sediment sampling method and do not focus on the quality of</div><div>the sediment sample. Moreover, there are many challenges involved in developing such a sediment sampling system for the surface water of rivers, streams, lakes, ponds reservoirs, and lagoons. Thus, this study can be conducted to investigate to design and develop an uncrewed sediment sampling system for surface-water environments based on marine robot platforms that are capable of collecting intact sediment samples from a range of sediment types. As part of this study, an unmanned surface vehicle (USV) was used to deploy the underwater sediment sampler (USS) at the sampling locations. The USS adopted a core sampling method to collect the sediment samples. The specific requirements were integrated, taking into consideration the challenges posed by surface water and underwater environments, to design and develop an unmanned sediment sampling system.</div><div>The USV has two missions - deploying and positioning. Users can deploy the USV with the USS to the desired sampling area. Once the USV arrives, it has to maintain its position while launching the USS and during the sampling process. The USS also has two missions — launching and sampling. The USS must be a negative-buoyancy platform so it can reach the bottom and maintain its stability during sampling. To sample the sediment, the USS has to generate a sampling pattern. We defined and formulated challenges based on the missions of each platform.</div><div><div>The USV consists of three sub-systems; propulsion, launching, and monitoring system to accomplish missions. The propulsion system and launching system are necessary to accomplish deploying and positioning missions. The propulsion system is consists of two thrusters to navigate the USV. The launching system is to launch anchors for positioning and the USS for sampling. The monitoring system is to monitor and control other systems on-board via online video. The USS can generate sampling patterns based on three motions; linear, rotational, and hammering motion. We integrated servos, sensors, and mechanical components to generate three motions. The main system of the USS is completely waterproof, even for linear and rotational motion with enclosures, O-rings, and rubber bellows. Since the USS operates underwater, the water pressure causes the pressure difference between inside and outside the enclosure. We designed a pressure-equalizing system to compensate for the volume change because of sampling motions and pressure differences. Extensive field experiments were conducted to evaluate the proposed system. Users can monitor and control the system from the base station based on all data and images from each platform. The evaluation of the system is based on the data from sensors installed on each platform. Deploying and positioning missions of the USV can be shown based on the trajectory data. Launching and sampling missions of the USS can be validated based on depth, orientation, and reaction force data.</div><div>Contributions of the proposed unmanned sediment sampling system are, 1) It is the first unmanned system with a novel design to collect the less disturbed sediment samples even</div><div>from the inaccessible area and remove the potential risks of human-based sampling tasks, 2) We proposed and integrated a new sediment sampling pattern based on the sediment</div><div>sampling pattern analysis to increase the quality of sediment samples by minimizing disturbances, and 3) The proposed unmanned sediment sampling system is the first step toward the autonomous environmental monitoring system for more effective environmental monitoring.</div><div>This proposed system has many potential elements that can be a total solution for robotic environmental monitoring in addition to other features such as water sampling system, and various types of sensing system.</div></div>
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The Accuracy of River Bed Sediment SamplesPetrie, John Eric 19 January 1999 (has links)
One of the most important factors that influences a stream's hydraulic and ecological health is the streambed's sediment size distribution. This distribution affects streambed stability, sediment transport rates, and flood levels by defining the roughness of the stream channel. Adverse effects on water quality and wildlife can be expected when excessive fine sediments enter a stream. Many chemicals and toxic materials are transported through streams by binding to fine sediments. Increases in fine sediments also seriously impact the survival of fish species present in the stream. Fine sediments fill tiny spaces between larger particles thereby denying fish embryos the necessary fresh water to survive. Reforestation, constructed wetlands, and slope stabilization are a few management practices typically utilized to reduce the amount of sediment entering a stream. To effectively gauge the success of these techniques, the sediment size distribution of the stream must be monitored.
Gravel bed streams are typically stratified vertically, in terms of particle size, in three layers, with each layer having its own distinct grain size distribution. The top two layers of the stream bed, the pavement and subpavement, are the most significant in determining the characteristics of the stream. These top two layers are only as thick as the largest particle size contained within each layer. This vertical stratification by particle size makes it difficult to characterize the grain size distribution of the surface layer. The traditional bulk or volume sampling procedure removes a specified volume of material from the stream bed. However, if the bed exhibits vertical stratification, the volume sample will mix different populations, resulting in inaccurate sample results. To obtain accurate results for the pavement size distribution, a surface oriented sampling technique must be employed. The most common types of surface oriented sampling are grid and areal sampling. Due to limitations in the sampling techniques, grid samples typically truncate the sample at the finer grain sizes, while areal samples typically truncate the sample at the coarser grain sizes. When combined with an analysis technique, either frequency-by-number or frequency-by-weight, the sample results can be represented in terms of a cumulative grain size distribution. However, the results of different sampling and analysis procedures can lead to biased results, which are not equivalent to traditional volume sampling results. Different conversions, dependent on both the sampling and analysis technique, are employed to remove the bias from surface sample results.
The topic of the present study is to determine the accuracy of sediment samples obtained by the different sampling techniques. Knowing the accuracy of a sample is imperative if the sample results are to be meaningful. Different methods are discussed for placing confidence intervals on grid sample results based on statistical distributions. The binomial distribution and its approximation with the normal distribution have been suggested for these confidence intervals in previous studies. In this study, the use of the multinomial distribution for these confidence intervals is also explored. The multinomial distribution seems to best represent the grid sampling process. Based on analyses of the different distributions, recommendations are made. Additionally, figures are given to estimate the grid sample size necessary to achieve a required accuracy for each distribution. This type of sample size determination figure is extremely useful when preparing for grid sampling in the field.
Accuracy and sample size determination for areal and volume samples present difficulties not encountered with grid sampling. The variability in number of particles contained in the sample coupled with the wide range of particle sizes present make direct statistical analysis impossible. Limited studies have been reported on the necessary volume to sample for gravel deposits. The majority of these studies make recommendations based on empirical results that may not be applicable to different size distributions. Even fewer studies have been published that address the issue of areal sample size. However, using grid sample results as a basis, a technique is presented to estimate the necessary sizes for areal and volume samples. These areal and volume sample sizes are designed to match the accuracy of the original grid sample for a specified grain size percentile of interest. Obtaining grid and areal results with the same accuracy can be useful when considering hybrid samples. A hybrid sample represents a combination of grid and areal sample results that give a final grain size distribution curve that is not truncated. Laboratory experiments were performed on synthetic stream beds to test these theories. The synthetic stream beds were created using both glass beads and natural sediments. Reducing sampling errors and obtaining accurate samples in the field are also briefly discussed. Additionally, recommendations are also made for using the most efficient sampling technique to achieve the required accuracy. / Master of Science
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Sampling spatial sediment variation in gravel-bed streamsCrowder, David W. 07 October 2005 (has links)
A gravel-bed stream's grain size distribution plays an important role in determining a river's depth, sediment transport rates, and stream bed stability as well as the survival rates of mussels and salmonids. Unfortunately, the material found in gravel-bed rivers exhibits vertical stratification as well as spatial variation in the horizontal direction and is difficult to sample. Previous research has largely dealt with the ability of grid, areal, and bulk sampling techniques to sample a single spot within a river. Little has been done in characterizing an entire river reach. Of the methods suggested, none is adequate because they are either inherently biased or are incapable of describing the spatial variations within a sampled region. The present research proposes a method that overcomes these problems. It shows that a single large grid sample, or composite grid sample, can be used to obtain an unbiased estimate of an area's overall grain size distribution at a known accuracy level. It then suggests that the arithmetic mean is a suitable parameter to characterize the coarseness of individual sediment deposits within a sampled area. Thus, by recording the size and location of each stone taken in the composite grid sample one can use statistical hypothesis testing to systematically analyze local means throughout the sampled area and locate sediment boundaries. Once the boundaries are located, stones from the composite grid sample falling within the boundaries of a particular deposit can be analyzed as separate grid samples representative of the individual deposits present and describe the local variability. / Master of Science
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Förslag på generell arbetsprocess för utredningar av befintliga dagvattendammar ur ett funktionellt perspektiv / Suggested general work process for investigations of existing stormwater ponds from a functional perspectiveBlekic, Demir, Fritz, Adam January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: I dagens läge byggs nya dagvattendammar för att magasinera dagvatten som överbelastar dagvattenledningssystemen och de befintliga dagvattendammarna förblir utan översyn. Eftersom klimatförändringar bidrar till att femårsregn kommer i en högre frekvens ökar flödet av dagvatten och orsakar att allt fler dagvattendammar kommer att bli underdimensionerade. För att bevara samhällsfunktioner utreds en generell arbetsprocess hur kommuner kan undersöka och bevara befintliga dagvattendammar. Metod: Metoderna som används är intervju, fallstudie och litteraturstudie. Intervju bidrar till att lösningar och förslag av undersökningsmetoder och åtgärdsförslag samlas in. Fallstudien utfördes på tre olika dagvattendammar och undersöker vilka undersökningsmetoder som kan användas. Att samla empiri i ett praktiskt fall bör bidra till att utredningens trovärdighet förstärks. De metoderna som användes i fallstudien är beräkningar, sedimentprovtagning och dokumentanalys från underlag av befintliga dagvattendammar. Med hjälp av litteraturstudie analyseras utredningens empiri med andra källor för att kontrollera empirins tillförlitlighet. Resultat: Ett flertal undersökningsmetoder och åtgärdsförslag analyserades. Tre undersökningsmetoder som passade en generell arbetsprocess var: flödesproportionell provtagning, sedimentprovtagning och dagvattenberäkningar med dagvattenmodellen Stormtac. Åtgärdsförslag som passade var: byggnation av en vall runt dammen för att utöka magasineringen, plantering av växter som tar upp näringsämnen och tungmetaller bundna i dagvattnet, utnyttja dagvattendammens form där dagvattendammens hydrauliska effektivitet utnyttjas maximalt samt anlägga fördamm med en makadamvall med vattenlevande växter. Konsekvenser: Flödesproportionell provtagning var tillförlitlig undersökningsmetod enligt intervju och litteraturstudie. Sedimentprovtagning av sediment i botten av inoch utlopp går att nyttjas i en generell arbetsprocess, men vissa föroreningshalter kan vara missvisande beroende på hur detaljerat sedimentprovtagningen görs. Dagvattenmodellen Stormtac och dess beräkningar kan nyttjas i en generell arbetsprocess eftersom Svenskt Vatten P110 (2016) bekräftar modellens beräkningar. Åtgärdsförslagen testades inte i verkliga fall, men effekten bekräftades i intervjun och litteraturstudien. Ett förslag på generell arbetsprocess kunde sammanställas. Stickprovstagning passar sämre in i en generell arbetsprocess. Begränsningar: Fallstudien har begränsats genom att utreda två metoder, varav den ena är dagvattenmodellen Stormtac och den andra är sedimentprovtagning. Utvalda föroreningar som tungmetaller, olja, kväve och fosfor analyseras. Studien avgränsas från att analysera hur recipienter påverkas av de befintliga dagvattendammar som studerats. / Purpose: At present are new stormwater ponds constructed to store stormwater which overloads stormwater pipe systems while existing stormwater ponds remains without overhaul. Since climate changes contributes to five-year rain in a higher frequency, which increases the flow of stormwater and causing more stormwater ponds to be undersized. In order to preserve social functions, are a general work process investigated of how municipalities can investigate and preserve their existing stormwater ponds. Method: The methods that are used are interviews, case study and literature study. The interviews contribute to solutions and proposals of investigation methods and proposals for action. The case study were performed in three stormwater ponds and examines the investigation methods that can be used. Collecting empirical data in a practical case, should increase the investigation’s credibility. The methods used in the case study are calculations, sediment sampling and document analysis of the basis of existing stormwater. Using literature study are the empirical data of the investigation analyzed with other sources to check the reliability of the empirical data. Findings: Several methods of investigations and action proposals were analyzed. Three investigation methods which fit a general work process were: flow proportional sampling, sediment sampling and stormwater calculations through the stormwater model Stormtac. The proposals for action which suited a general work process were: construction of a trench around the pond to expand the storage area, planting plants that take up nutrients and heavy metals tied up in stormwater, exploit the stormwater ponds shape where the hydraulic efficiency are exploited flat out by placing the inlet and outlet on opposite ends, and building trenches with a gravel embankment with aquatic plants. Implications: Flow proportional sampling were a reliable investigation method according to interview and literature study. Sediment sampling of sediment in bottom of in- and outlet can be used in a general work process, but certain contamination levels can be misleading depending on how detailed sediment samplings are done. Stormwater model Stormtac and its calculations can be used in a general workprocess because publication Svenskt Vatten P110 (2016) are confirming the models calculations. The proposals for action were not tested in real cases, but the effect was confirmed in the interview and literature study. Limitations: The case study was limited by investigating two methods, one of which is stormwater model Stormtac and sediment sampling. Selected contaminants such as heavy metals, oil, nitrogen and phosphorus are analysed. The study is delimitated by analyzing how recipients are affected by the studied existing stormwater ponds.
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Uppföljning av reningsfunktionen i Steningedalens våtmark / Follow-Up of the Water Purification Function at Wetland of SteningedalenGirleviciute, Aiste January 2018 (has links)
Dagvattnet från Märsta är belastat med bland annat tungmetaller och näringsämnen. Vattnet hamnar i Märstaån och transporteras vidare ut till Mälaren. Steningedalens våtmark är ett dammsystem som renar och fördröjer en del av Märstaåns flöde före transport ut mot Mälaren. Syftet med detta självständiga arbete på kandidatnivå har varit att undersöka anläggningens reningsfunktion med hjälp av sedimentprovtagning. Sedimentprover har tagits vid in- och utloppet och en kemisk analys av dessa har utförts i ett ackrediterat laboratorium. Resultaten från in- och utloppet har jämförts för att se om det sker en minskning av föroreningar genom systemet. Fem sedimentfällor har placerats ut i delar av dammsystemet för att undersöka sedimentfördelningen och muddringsbehovet i anläggningen. Resultatet av studien visade att dammsystemet har en god vattenreningsfunktion med avseende på tungmetallerna bly, nickel, kadmium, krom, koppar och zink samt näringsämnet fosfor. Anläggningen har bedömts att vara i behov av muddring. / In Märsta, the storm water is contaminated with heavy metals and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) among other pollutants. The water emits to the river Märstaån and further to the lake Mälaren. The wetland of Steningedalen is a pond system that delays part of the stream in Märstaån and purifies the water on its way through the system. This independent project is based on investigation of the purification functioning at Steningedalen wetland. The investigation has been done by sediment sampling and analysis. The samples were taken from the inlet and the outlet of the pond system. Chemical analysis has been made on these samples in an accredited laboratory. The results were compared in order to see if there is a trend through the system. Five sediment traps were placed in parts of the system to study the distribution of the sediment and the need of dredging. The results of the study have concluded that the stormwater pond system has a good water purification function with regard to heavy metals lead, nickel, cadmium, chromium, copper and and zinc aswell as the nutrient phosphorous. The study has also shown that the system is in need of dredging.
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Sedimentprovtagning av dagvattendammar som ett alternativ till flödesproportionell vattenprovtagning / Sediment sampling in stormwater ponds as an alternative to flow-weighted water samplingPersson, Annika January 2010 (has links)
<p>Stormwater run-off from surfaces such as roads or rooftops is often polluted with heavy metals and nutrients. Many of these substances can cause great damage in biota if they end up in the recipient. In Sweden constructed wetlands and ponds for treatment of stormwater are frequently used, since research has shown that these treatment ponds are reducing stormwater pollution considerably to a low cost. The knowledge of these pollutant removal mechanisms and how follow-up and assessment of the ponds should be performed is still limited.</p><p>To determine the pollutant removal efficiency of the stormwater ponds it is recommended that flow-weighted water samples are collected from both the inflow and the outflow of the pond. This method demands considerable resources of time and money for installations and analysis. Alternative methods for assessing pollutant removal are requested, methods with lower costs but relevant results. This thesis is investigating whether sediment sampling could be such an alternative.</p><p>Sediment core samples were taken in four stormwater ponds where flow-weighted water sampling has been performed as well. This makes it possible to compare the two methods. A method of sampling recently sedimented material was also tried out by constructing and placing sediment traps on the pond floor. Analysis of concentration of six heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) and phosphorus were carried out.</p><p>The results show i.e. that the concentrations of heavy metals and phosphorus in the pond sediments decrease as the distance from the pond inlet increase. Comparing the two methods shows that the results from the sediment sampling are in the same order of magnitude as the results from the water sampling. Consequently, the conclusion states that a well executed sediment sampling may be an alternative to flow-weighted water sampling.</p> / NOS dagvatten
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Sedimentprovtagning av dagvattendammar som ett alternativ till flödesproportionell vattenprovtagning / Sediment sampling in stormwater ponds as an alternative to flow-weighted water samplingPersson, Annika January 2010 (has links)
Stormwater run-off from surfaces such as roads or rooftops is often polluted with heavy metals and nutrients. Many of these substances can cause great damage in biota if they end up in the recipient. In Sweden constructed wetlands and ponds for treatment of stormwater are frequently used, since research has shown that these treatment ponds are reducing stormwater pollution considerably to a low cost. The knowledge of these pollutant removal mechanisms and how follow-up and assessment of the ponds should be performed is still limited. To determine the pollutant removal efficiency of the stormwater ponds it is recommended that flow-weighted water samples are collected from both the inflow and the outflow of the pond. This method demands considerable resources of time and money for installations and analysis. Alternative methods for assessing pollutant removal are requested, methods with lower costs but relevant results. This thesis is investigating whether sediment sampling could be such an alternative. Sediment core samples were taken in four stormwater ponds where flow-weighted water sampling has been performed as well. This makes it possible to compare the two methods. A method of sampling recently sedimented material was also tried out by constructing and placing sediment traps on the pond floor. Analysis of concentration of six heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) and phosphorus were carried out. The results show i.e. that the concentrations of heavy metals and phosphorus in the pond sediments decrease as the distance from the pond inlet increase. Comparing the two methods shows that the results from the sediment sampling are in the same order of magnitude as the results from the water sampling. Consequently, the conclusion states that a well executed sediment sampling may be an alternative to flow-weighted water sampling. / NOS dagvatten
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Föroreningsmängder och koncentrationer i dagvattendammars sediment : påverkan från omgivande markanvändning, en studie i Gävle / Contaminant amounts and concentrations in sediment of stormwater ponds : impact from surrounding landuse, a study in GävleLignell, Moa January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport var att utreda hur föroreningsmängder och föroreningskoncentrationer i dagvattendammars sediment påverkas av markanvändningen i avrinningsområdet. Sedimentprovtagning skedde under april 2019 i tre dagvattendammar i Gävle, med olika markanvändningar: industri, villaområde samt två avrinningsområden innehållande trafik. Markanvändningen ”trafik vid Västerbacken” hade en trafikintensitet på cirka 2000 bilar/dygn och ”trafik vid Hamnleden” en intensitet på 7000 bilar/dygn. Provtagningen utfördes med rysskannborr och sedimentdjup mättes för att kvantifiera sedimentvolymen i dagvattendammarna. Proverna skickades till laboratorie för analys av metaller, fosfor, alifater, aromater samt polycykliska aromatiska kolväten [PAH]. Dagvattendammen med markanvändning industriområde hade sedimentet med högst föroreningskoncentrationer, följt av villaområde – trafik vid Hamnleden – trafik vid Västerbacken. Resultaten för denna studie visar att inga markanta skillnader kan ses vid jämförelse av föroreningskoncentrationer i sedimentet, utifrån omgivande markanvändning. Markanvändningarna visade liknande koncentrationsmönster i de grafiska figurer som jämfördes. Resultatet kan bero på att dagvattendammarna ligger geografiskt nära och därmed kan bli påverkade av samma atmosfäriska nedfall och bakgrundshalter. Det förväntades inte att föroreningskoncentrationerna i villaområdets sediment skulle vara näst högst. En förklaring kan vara den högre halten organiskt material i villaområdets sediment, vissa föroreningar tenderar att binda starkt till organiskt material. Däremot sågs stora skillnader mellan dagvattendammarnas föroreningsmängder i sedimentet (jämförelsetalet ”fastlagd förorening per år”), vilket återspeglades av sedimentvolymen. Störst mängd föroreningar och störst sedimentvolym sågs i dagvattendammen med markanvändning industriområde. I fallande skala följde trafik vid Hamnleden – trafik vid Västerbacken – villaområde. Resultatet kan bero på skillnader i andel partikulära fraktioner i dagvattnet från respektive markanvändning, där industriområdet i så fall har störst andel partikulära fraktioner enligt resultatet i denna studie. Beräkningar utfördes i StormTac för teoretisk föroreningstransport i inkommande dagvatten till dagvattendammarna. Beräkningarna genererade i totalmängder (lösta och partikulära fraktioner). När föroreningstransporten jämfördes med ”fastlagd förorening per år” för villaområde sågs att föroreningstransportens mängder var markant större, vilket delvis kan förklaras med att totalmängder jämfördes med partikulära mängder. En slutsats som dras är att omgivande markanvändning påverkar föroreningsmängderna i sedimentet och sedimentvolymen, snarare än koncentrationerna. / This thesis addresses how human activities in the catchment area could influence the contaminant concentrations and amounts of contaminants in the sediments of stormwater ponds. Sediment sampling was done in April 2019. The storm water ponds had different land uses: industrial, residential (detached area) and two land uses of traffic with different intensities; “traffic by Hamnleden” (7000 cars/day) and “traffic by Västerbacken” (2000 cars/day). Samples were taken with a Russian corer and sediment depth was measured to quantify sediment volume. Samples were sent to laboratory for analysis of metals, phosphorus, aliphatics, aromatics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [PAH]. The stormwater pond with industry as land use had the highest concentration of contaminants in the sediment, followed by residential area – traffic by Hamnleden – traffic by Västerbacken. The results of this study showed that the land use concentrations of contaminants were all similar, and the patterns of concentration in the graphic figures were similar. The results could be explained by the narrow geographic area in which the three storm water ponds are situated. They could be affected by the same atmospheric downfall which could even out the concentrations. It was not expected that the residential area would have one of the highest concentrations in the sediment. This could be explained by the high content of organic matter, as some contaminants create strong chemical bonding with organic matter. Bigger differences were seen for the amounts of contaminants in the sediments and the comparative figure “fixated amount of contaminant per year”. The land use industry had the highest amount of contaminants followed by traffic by Hamnleden – traffic by Västerbacken – residential area. This is probably due to differences in particle quota in the storm water coming from the land uses. Calculations were done for the amount of transported contaminants in stormwater, via the watershed management tool and model StormTac. The calculated transportation of contaminants resulted in total amounts of contaminants, meaning both dissolved and particulate fractions. The calculations from StormTac were compared with the comparative figure “fixated amount of contaminant per year” for the land use residential area, and the amounts were significantly higher for the calculated transportation. This could partly be explained by comparing total amounts with particulate amounts. A conclusion of this report is that land use affects the amounts of contaminants and sediment volume in the studied storm water ponds, rather than the concentrations.
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