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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Identifiering av åtgärder som kan bidra till att förbättra analysen av miljökemiska sedimentundersökningar : En studie på provtagningsdata från Kalmarsund och Oskarshamns hamn.

Karlsson, Niklas January 2013 (has links)
Föroreningar av metaller är ett problem längs med kusterna, vilket har en negativ inverkan på vattenlevande organismer och miljön. Orsaken till detta beror till stor del på pågående utsläpp från tätorter, hamnar, industrier och på ”gamla synder (då det inte fanns några detaljerade miljölagar som reglerade spridningen av föroreningar från exempelvis industriprocesser)”. Utsläpp av föroreningar behöver inte bara komma lokalt utan kan också transporteras via avrinningsområdena och via atmosfäriskt nedfall. Idag arbetar länsstyrelsen med att invertera och sanera förorenade områden, men för att kunna ta reda på hur det ligger till med kusterna och hamnarna är sedimentprovtagningar ett måste. Att analysera data från sedimentprover kan vara speciellt utmanande eftersom det finns många olika faktorer som kan ha betydelse när data skall analyseras. Det kan vara faktorer som bottentyper, utspädning, kornstorlekar mm i en miljö som är speciellt utsatt för omrörningar. Syftet med detta arbete är att identifiera åtgärder som kan bidra till att förbättra analysen av föroreningar från sedimentundersökningar då det finns faktorer som kan påverka föroreningssignalen. Till detta arbete har data från Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU) använts. Provtagningarna genomfördes längs med kusten i Kalmarsund under åren 1998, 2003 och 2008. Dessa data har tidigare studerats med fokus på metallkoncentrationer. I detta arbete ligger fokus istället på att göra fördjupande jämförelser genom att studera morän, organiskt material, samt tillämpningen av normaliseringar och elementförhållanden. Även data från Structor Miljö Göteborg AB som tagit prover i Oskarshamns hamn under 2011 med hjälp av sedimentfällor har använts. Syftet är att göra en jämförelse med SGU:s provtagningar, samt att undersöka miljögiftsbelastningen och sedimentationshastigheten i Oskarshamns hamn och ytterområde. Resultatet visar att spridningen av metaller kan förbättras genom att studera koncentrationerna tillsammans med organiskt material, normalisering mot organiskt material och naturliga utsläpp av metaller ifrån morän. Resultatet visar också att sedimentfällor är ett utmärkt komplement till vanliga sedimentprovtagare.

Temporal and Spatial Variability of Organic Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Particles Collected from Sediment Traps in the Western Okinawa Trough

Chuang, Tzu-Shen 14 July 2000 (has links)
Abstract This study is to investigate the spatial and temporal variabilities of geochemical and carbon isotopic compositions of particles collected in the region off northeast Taiwan. Organic carbon isotopic compositions (d13Corg), total organic carbon content (TOC) and C/N ratio were determined in sediment particles collected at different water depths from three time-series sediment traps (at T12, T13, and T18 stations, respectively). The results showed abnormally high mass fluxes than those previously found. Generally they increase with water depths, implying both the transport from Lanyang-Hsi River and the resuspension from the seafloor. TOC contents range from 0.5 to 1.5wt% and decrease with depths. This can be attributed to changes in the surface productivity, lateral transport and organic preservation. The organic carbon isotopic compositions range between -21 and -25o/oo, which falls well within the d13Corg values of continental margin sediments. The lower d13Corg values at T12 station than those at T13 station can be attributed to the large terrestrial inputs. It is noted that d13Corg values decrease with depths, suggesting a significant contribution of the horizontal transport of particles to the settling process.

Settling Particulates on the Continental Slope off Northeast Taiwan ¡GMass Flux ¡AGrain Size Distribution and Disequilibrium between Lead-210 and Polonium-210

Hung, Gwo-Wei 01 February 2001 (has links)
Previous studies have shown that the continental shelf and slope area off northeastern Taiwan is a region where the material exchange processes between the East China Sea and open ocean are most rigorous under the influences of the Kuroshio and the monsoons. In order to understand the topographic effects on the particulate flux and the transport path of the settling particles in this region, this study has conducted a series of field measurements using time-series sediment traps and current meters as tools. The temporal and spatial variations on the current, the particulate flux and the particle-size distribution as well as the activity and flux of 210 Pb and 210 Po are presented in this thesis. The biological productivity and the runoff of main rivers from Taiwan were not correlated with the particulate fluxes in our study area. However, the variations of the particulate flux in the canyon and on the slope areas were clearly affected by the tidal currents, showing good positive correlation with their amplitudes. The particulate, 210 Pb and 210 Po fluxes all showed an increase toward the ocean bottom but a decrease away from the shore, suggesting that the transports of particle and particle reactive elements were strongly influenced by the lateral transport process in the study area. Highest fluxes were observed in the Mien-Hua Canyon(MHC) and the lower slope southwest of the canyon. Intermediate values were observed in the South Okinawa Trough and the North Mien-Hua Canyon(NMHC). The intercanyon slope and the shallow traps in the NMHC had lowest values. The particulates and particle reactive elements were transported out of the shelf or upper slope area essentially through the MHC toward the slope southwest of the canyon. The NMHC and the intercanyon area were not major pathways for these materials. The fluxes of particle, 210 Pb and 210 Po in the study area were generally at least an order of magnitude greater than those observed from other continental margins in the world, except for the lowest values at the intercanyon station and the shallow water in the NMHC. Thus the continental margin off northeastern Taiwan is one of the most important areas for material exchanges with open oceans in the world. The trapped particulates were mainly silt with variable sand fractions. High sand contents were observed in the MHC and the lower slope southwest of the canyon, the intermediate values were in the outlet of the MHC and the NMHC, and the lowest in the South Okinawa Trough. This shows that the sand content decreases awayfrom the shore. On the contrary, silt and clay fractions in percent increase away from the shore. Under the influence of tidal currents, the settling sand particles in the MHC and its adjacent lower slope were laterally transported from resuspended sandy sediments of the continental shelf and upper slope area adjoining the head of the MHC. The fluxes of sand, silt and clay all decreased toward the South Okinawa Trough but increased toward the bottom. This particle-size distribution pattern also reflected the effect of lateral transport process in the study area. Variations of the 210 Pb activity in this study area were generally correlated inversely with the particulate flux and the sand content, indicating the effect of dilution of the mass flux and the sand content, but were positively correlated with the silt and clay contents because they were major 210 Pb scavengers. No apparent correlations of 210 Po with the mass flux and the three particle-size fractions were observed, suggesting that the variation of 210 Po activity was not related to the mass fluxes or the three particle-size fractions. High 210 Pb activities were found to be associated with high contents of POC, Mn and Fe. Correlations of 210 Pb with both Mn and Fe indicate that the oxide and hydroxide precipitates of Mn and Fe supplied from sediments on the continental shelf, upper slope area and submarine hydrothermal activities might serve as important mechanisms for enhanced 210 Pb scavenging. The relationship between the 210 Pb activity and the POC content might reflect either the settling mode of the fine particles incorporated with fecal pellets or aggregates, or sharing the same source with fine particles. The variatio ns of 210 Po activity were not correlated with Mn, Fe, major components or biogenic components, implying that the association of 210 Po with biogenic components might be masked by the enormous terrigenous materials. Except for the upper-trap samples collected at the intercanyon slope and the NMHC, the 210 Po activity was lower than the 210 Pb activity with 210 Po/210 Pb ratios less than unity. Based on comparisons of 210 Pb and 210 Po with relevant parameters and references of past studies, we can propose several possible mechanisms to explain why the ratios were less then unity: 1. 210 Pb was preferentially scavenged by advecting and settling particulates of terrigenous origin. 210 Po, known to be biophilic, might remain associated with the suspended organic particulates which could be dissolved or not settling. Moreover, the oxide and hydroxide precipitates of Mn and Fe in the study area would further enhance the scavenging of 210 Pb. 2. The particulates in suspension were favorable for differentiation between 210 Pb and 210 Ponuclides while those settled in sediments would allow them to grow toward the secular equilibrium. Therefore, the trapped particulates might be in frequent suspension and short in deposited sediments during their lateral transport. 3. The 210 Pb supplied from the East Asia aerosol in large quantity was accumulated in water column abd carried by the Kuroshio to the study area. The intrusion and eddies of Kuroshio off northeastern Taiwan could bring large amount of 210 Pb into the region of continental shelf and slope, allowing particulates to scavenge 210 Pb more effectively from the surrounding water. The upper trap in the NMHC and that in the intercanyon site yield lowest particulate flux but highest POC content. With less terrigenous material and more biogenic components in these samples, 210 Po/210 Pb ratios were greater than unity and variations of 210 Pb activity were hardly correlated with those of POC contents but were inversely correlated with those of Mn contents. However, the 210 Po activities of upper trap at the intercanyon site were well positively correlated with POC and PIC contents, indicating effects of the fresh biogenic particles. Based on the mass balance calculations of particulate and 210 Pb fluxes, current data and other related data gathered in this study, we may infer the sedimentation dynamics and transport path of the settling particles below 300m depth in the study area. Under the influence of tidal oscillation, terrigenous sediments on the shelf and the shelf break as well as the upper slope would be resuspended and carried into the MHC and transported further away. Most of the sand particles would deposit in the canyon while part of the silt and clay would be transported to the South Okinawa Trough directly and the rest to the lower slope southwest of the MHC. The particulate flux at the lower slope southwest of MHC might also have a portion of particulates swept from the upper slope by the Kuroshio eddies. As the NMHC and the intercanyon sites are located in the central area of the Kuroshio eddies, the particulates from the continental shelf and upper slope area would be blocked, resulting in very low particulate fluxes. High particulate fluxes observed in the lower NMHC trap should largely be due to resuspension of the sediments from the banks of the canyon.

Pb-210 and Po-210 radioactive disequilibrium in particulates of the western South Okinawa Trough

Tsai, Kang-Ling 02 September 2002 (has links)
In order to understand the source, transport pathway and sink of settling particulates in the sea off northeast Taiwan, three moorings with six sediment traps (about 100 m and 300 m above bottom) were deployed on the northern slope of the Ilan ridge (T17S and T18S) and in the South Okinawa trough (T19S). The mooring deployed at T17S was lost due to a connecting ring which was rusted and broken. The duration of the mooring was 6 months (late November, 1999 to early May, 2000) with sampling intervals at 15 days each. When the moorings were recovered, seawater samples were collected for filtration near each station and a box core at T19S was also taken so that the settling particulates, suspended particulates and bottom sediments can be compared for their characteristics. The results show that higher apparent mass fluxes were observed in January, February and early April, 2000 at T18S. The apparent mass fluxes vary between 11 and 91 g/m2/d at T18S, and between 6 and 22 g/m2/d at T19S. The time-series variations of the Pb-210 activity are between 46 and 76 dpm/g at T18S, and between 79 and 122 dpm/g at T19S, the values of which are much higher than those of T18S. The temporal Po-210 variations range between 18 and 90 dpm/g at T18S, and from 65 to 193 dpm/g at T19S. The Po-210 activity and its variation are greater at T19S than at T18S. The 210Po/210Pb activity ratios are less than unity at about 0.8 at T18S, and greater than unity at about 1.3 at T19S. The total Po-210 activity in all water columns varies between 0.2 and 16 dpm/100kg while the total Pb-210 activity varies between 28 and 43 dpm/100kg. The mean total 210Po/210Pb activity ratio is about 0.3, indicating that Po-210 was easily scavenged and removed from water columns by particulate matter. The box core taken at T19S has Po-210 activity ranging from 54 to 121 dpm/g and Pb-210 activity from 51 to 90 dpm/g. The 210Po/210Pb activity ratio is greater than unity in the upper 6 cm, indicating an excess of Po-210 activity. Below 6 cm Po-210 and Pb-210 are nearly at equilibrium. The 210Po/210Pb activity ratios in the water columns observed after the first deployments were higher than those observed after the second deployments. However, the 210Po/210Pb activity ratios of the settling particulates collected from the first trap deployments were lower than those from the second trap deployments. These changes might be attributed to earthquakes which occurred mainly before the second mooring period. These earthquakes could have caused a large quantity of terrigenous particulates with higher 210Po/210Pb activity ratio to be transported out to the study area in addition to resuspended shelf and slope sediments. These settling particulates, being enriched in organic matter with higher activity ratio, could preferentially scavenge Po-210 from the water column, resulting in much higher 210Po/210Pb activity ratios.

Geochemistry of Settling Materials in the Northern South China Sea

Tsai, Li-shan 12 September 2007 (has links)
The time-series sediment traps were deployed in the northern South China Sea (NSCS) to collect settling particles to study the spatial and temporal variations of particle fluxes, particle sources and particle compositions. Each recovered sample was analyzed to determine the particle flux, major compositions (OM, Carbonate, opal and lithogenic materials) and trace metals (Al, Fe, Mn, Cd, Zn). The data were employed to elucidate the biochemical processes in controlling particle and chemical fluxes. The results show that the particle fluxes vary significantly in time and space, and were apparently related to terrestrial inputs and monsoon-effected processes. Episodic events such as typhoon and earthquakes also effected the fluxes considerably. Vertical fluxes generally decreased with depth for biogenic components (POC, carbonate, opal) but increased with depth for the lithogenic component. Most lithogenic fluxes below the surface were likely derived from lateral transport and decreased with distance away from Taiwan Island. Biogenic fluxes in surface layers were generally higher in winter than in otherseasons, which may be resulted from the elevated primary production in winter. Typhoons also enhanced biogenic fluxes in surface layers but biogenic fluxes were diluted in deep layers by strong lithogenic fluxes. Carbonate dominated the biogenic fluxes in the upper layer and may play as the major ballast in the transportation of biogenic materials through the water column. The C/N ratios of organic matter increased generally with depth implying that nitrogen was preferentially decayed over carbon through the water column. Lithogenic elements such as Al, Fe, Mn were closely correlated and increased in fluxes with depth. However, microelements associated with biogenic materials (Cd, Zn) displayed a significant decrease in content with depth, showing a rapid recycling in water columns.

Biogenic Particle Transport in the Gaoping Submarine Canyon off Southwestern Taiwan- Comparison of T6KP and T7KP Sediment Traps

Lin, Yi-Jiun 04 September 2009 (has links)
Submarine canyons are common features on continental margins worldwide. They are important natural conduits for transfer of terrigenous sediments to the deep sea, and thus, preferential pathways for shelf-slope exchange. The purpose of this study is to understand the biogenic particle transport in the seasons according two sediment trap moorings deployed in the Gaoping submarine canyon. The T6KP mooring was deployed in dry season while the T7KP mooring was deployed in wet season. Two typhoons, Kalmaegi and Fung Wong, invaded Taiwan during 16-18 and 26-29 July within the deployment of T7KP. We discussed the influence of rainfall and river discharge on biogenic particle transport based on results of the two sediment traps. The foraminiferal abundance in sediment traps in comparison with plankton tows was discussed regarding the particle transport mechanism of the water column in the Gaoping submarine canyon. The biogenic particle transport was a tide-dominated situation and displayed a periodic variation in dry season. In wet season, fine grain fraction (less than 63 micro meter) was dominant in the particle size and sedimentary condition was flood-dominated. The sedimentary condition was back to the tide-dominated state approximately 15 days after Kalmaegi typhoon (16-18, July). The activities of 210Pb and 234Th in the lower trap of T7KP mooring were an order less than that in T6KP mooring, indicating particles scavenge nuclides of the water column less effectively in wet season than in dry season. The absolute abundances of foraminifera in the canyon revealed that the biogenic particle was influenced by the terrigenous input and was different between dry and wet seasons. Seasonal variations of total flux and relative abundance of living foraminifera were evident in the upper 200 m water column near the Gaoping submarine canyon. Therefore, the seasonal variations of living foraminifera might be reflected on the biogenic particle transport in different seasons in the Gaoping submarine canyon.

Environmental controls on the geochemistry of Globorotalia truncatulinoides in the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions

Reynolds, Caitlin Elizabeth 27 June 2018 (has links)
Modern observations of planktic foraminifera from sediment trap studies help to constrain the regional ecology of paleoceanographically valuable species. Results from a weekly-resolved sediment trap time series (2008–2014) in the northern Gulf of Mexico demonstrate that 92% of Globorotalia truncatulinoides flux occurs in winter (January, February, and March), and that encrusted and non-encrusted individuals represent calcification in distinct depth habitats. We use individual foraminiferal analysis (IFA) of G. truncatulinoides tests to investigate differences in the elemental (Mg/Ca) and isotopic composition (18O and 13C) of the encrusted and non-encrusted ontogenetic forms of G. truncatulinoides, and to estimate their calcification depth in the northern Gulf of Mexico. We estimate that non-encrusted and encrusted G. truncatulinoides have mean calcification depths of 66 ± 9 meters and 379 ± 76 meters, respectively. We validate the Mg/Ca-calcification temperature relationship for G. truncatulinoides and demonstrate that the 18O and Mg/Ca of the non-encrusted form is a suitable proxy for winter surface mixed layer conditions in the Gulf of Mexico. Care should be taken not to combine encrusted and non-encrusted individuals of G. truncatulinoides for down core paleoceanographic studies.

East African monsoon variability since the last glacial

Wolff, Christian January 2011 (has links)
The impact of global warming on human water resources is attracting increasing attention. No other region in this world is so strongly affected by changes in water supply than the tropics. Especially in Africa, the availability and access to water is more crucial to existence (basic livelihoods and economic growth) than anywhere else on Earth. In East Africa, rainfall is mainly influenced by the migration of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and by the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) with more rain and floods during El Niño and severe droughts during La Niña. The forecasting of East African rainfall in a warming world requires a better understanding of the response of ENSO-driven variability to mean climate. Unfortunately, existing meteorological data sets are too short or incomplete to establish a precise evaluation of future climate. From Lake Challa near Mount Kilimanjaro, we report records from a laminated lake sediment core spanning the last 25,000 years. Analyzing a monthly cleared sediment trap confirms the annual origin of the laminations and demonstrates that the varve-thicknesses are strongly linked to the duration and strength of the windy season. Given the modern control of seasonal ITCZ location on wind and rain in this region and the inverse relation between the two, thicker varves represent windier and thus drier years. El Niño (La Niña) events are associated with wetter (drier) conditions in east Africa and decreased (increased) surface wind speeds. Based on this fact, the thickness of the varves can be used as a tool to reconstruct a) annual rainfall b) wind season strength, and c) ENSO variability. Within this thesis, I found evidence for centennialscale changes in ENSO-related rainfall variability during the last three millennia, abrupt changes in variability during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age, and an overall reduction in East African rainfall and its variability during the Last Glacial period. Climate model simulations support forward extrapolation from these lake-sediment data, indicating that a future Indian Ocean warming will enhance East Africa’s hydrological cycle and its interannual variability in rainfall. Furthermore, I compared geochemical analyses from the sediment trap samples with a broad range of limnological, meteorological, and geological parameters to characterize the impact of sedimentation processes from the in-situ rocks to the deposited sediments. As a result an excellent calibration for existing μXRF data from Lake Challa over the entire 25,000 year long profile was provided. The climate development during the last 25,000 years as reconstructed from the Lake Challa sediments is in good agreement with other studies and highlights the complex interactions between long-term orbital forcing, atmosphere, ocean and land surface conditions. My findings help to understand how abrupt climate changes occur and how these changes correlate with climate changes elsewhere on Earth. / Änderungen des Klimas in einer sich erwärmenden Erde haben große Auswirkungen auf den globalen und lokalen Wasserhaushalt und rücken anhand starker Extremereignisse immer häufiger in den Fokus der Öffentlichkeit. Besonders die Regionen der Tropen sind von derartigen Einschnitten stark gefährdet. Der jährliche Niederschlag in Ostafrika ist stark mit der saisonalen Wanderung der ITCZ (Innertropischen Konvergenzzone) sowie mit dem El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Phänomen verbunden. Extreme Regenfälle und Überschwemmungen während El Niño Jahren stehen Trockenheit und Dürren in La Niña Jahren gegenüber. Prognosen über zukünftige Veränderungen der ostafrikanischen Niederschläge erfordern ein verbessertes Verständnis der ENSO antreibenden Faktoren. Unglücklicherweise sind die vorhandenen meteorologischen Datenreihen nicht lang genug oder besitzen nicht die benötigte Homogenität. Einen hilfreichen Beitrag können jährlich geschichtete Seesedimente des am Fuße des Kilimandscharo gelegenen Lake Challa leisten. Anhand einer monatlich aufgelösten Sedimentfalle konnte ich nachweisen, dass die rund 25.000 Jahre zurückreichenden Sedimente eine jährliche Struktur besitzen sowie die Dicke dieser jährlichen Schichtung (Warve) stark mit der Dauer und Intensität der saisonal windreichen/trockenen Jahreszeit verbunden ist. Dickere Warven repräsentieren windige/trockene Jahre, wohingegen dünnere Warven für windschwache und feuchte Jahre stehen. Stärkere Winde und kaum Niederschläge treten oft im Zusammenhang mit einem La Niña Ereignis in Ostafrika auf, wohingegen während eines El Niño Ereignisses häufig extreme Niederschläge mit wenig Wind zu beobachten sind. Anhand der Vermessung der Warven kann man verschiedene Klimaparameter rekonstruieren: a) den jährlichen Niederschlag b) jährliche Windgeschwindigkeiten und ihre Intensitäten sowie c) ENSO Variabilitäten. Die in meiner Arbeit gewonnenen klimatischen Informationen zeigen starke Änderungen der ENSO Variabilität innerhalb der letzten 3.000 Jahre mit starken Unterschieden während der Kleinen Eiszeit und während der Mittelalterlichen Warmzeit sowie deutlich trockene und windige Bedingungen mit sehr geringen ENSO Aktivitäten im glazialem Zeitraum (18.500 und 21.000 Jahren). Modellberechnungen unterstützen diese Ergebnisse einer Zunahme von Extremereignissen und feuchteren Bedingungen im Zuge einer Erwärmung des Indischen Ozeans. Mittels geochemischer Analysen der Sedimentfallenproben sowie die daraus resultierende Verknüpfung mit limnologischen und meteorologischen Parametern, konnte ich einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur erfolgreichen Interpretation der existierenden 25.000 Jahre langen μXRF Datensätze leisten. Der Anteil an allochthonem und autochthonem Eintrag kann so genau klassifiziert werden. Das dadurch gewonnene Bild der Klimaentwicklung der letzten 25.000 Jahre deckt sich hervorragend mit anderen Studien und ermöglicht Einblicke in das komplexe Zusammenspiel zwischen Ozean-Atmosphäre und Umwelt auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent. Besonders die für die Ostafrikaforschung extrem hohe Auflösung der Daten wird helfen, die abrupten Klimawechsel und Interaktionen besser verstehen zu können.

Sinking particle dynamics in the Gaoping Submarine Canyon

Kuo, Chia-Ta 13 December 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to understand the sinking particle dynamics in the Gaoping Submarine Canyon (GPSC), the change of their geochemical character, and their causal relationship with dynamic parameters. Also this research inquires into the significance of sedimentary environment, transport process, and the influence of non-tidal actions (turbidity current) in the sedimentary environment. The field experiments including LADCP moorings, T6KP(1/10/-3/20), and T7KP (7/7-9/11) sediment traps moorings were deployed in the GPSC to collect the time-series data of sinking particle and related dynamic parameters. Parameters of discrete sediment analysis were used to build continuous time-series data by interpolation, and time series analysis applied to understand the change of physical and geochemical character and their correlation with dynamic parameters. The results showed that sinking particles of different grain-size classes confront different forces in the canyon and their grain-size distribution structures are influenced accordingly. Vertical component of the flow has more influences on coarse particles, while the along canyon flow component has more influences on fine particles. The influence of semidiurnal tide on sinking particle is not clearly resoloved, but spring tide and neap tide affect them significantly. GPSC is normally a stable deposition environment dominated by tidal currents. Particle-reactive materials vary upon with clay concentration, coarse paericles vary upon with the flow field, and the change of benthic nepheloid layer thickness during spring and neap tide cycle affects the vertical distribution of particle size-groups near the bottom of canyon. The particle in the upper (rim) and lower (near the bottom) canyon belong to different transport and dynamic regimes. The upper part was affected by upwelling and shelf processes, while the lower part was affected by tidal currents. In case of episodic event, if surge-like turbidity flows pass near the canyon floor, in the waxing phase, the sinking particle would be affected by the strong momentum of resuspension and mixing which leads to a dramatic change of geochemical character of these particles. In turbidity current event, coarse sand and silt are the major particle sizes with low clay content, suspended sediment concentration about 4.41 g / l. The fluctuation of time series analysis by HHT found a frequency between 2.1~9.8 clcle per day. In the waning phase, dynamics and geochemical character of sinking particle will gradually return to those variations in tidal dominance. In winter, most sinking particles in GPSC are the source material (particles of biological origin) coming from the off-sea with the upcanyon flow during spring tide period. In summer, most sinking particles in GPSC are the terrigenous material (higher organic matter) output from the Gaoping River during typhoons, and flowing to the South China Sea along the canyon with turbidity flow.

Seasonal Variations of the Planktonic Foraminiferal Assemblages and Stable Isotopic Compositions: Sediment Trap Results from the Kao-ping Submarine Canyon and Northern South China Sea

Wang, Wei-chiao 26 June 2003 (has links)
Abstract The carbon and oxygen isotopes of planktonic foraminifera, faunal assemblage, and coarse fraction of trap materials were analyzed in this study. The sediment traps were deployed in two lacations. One was in the Kao-ping submarine canyon and the other was in the northern South China Sea. Variations of the individual concentrations from Kao-ping submarine canyon are small throughout the deployment interval except for the period when the Typhoon Chi-Te invaded southern Taiwan in July 2000. The results that benthic foraminifer abundances (#/g) are higher than that of planktonic foraminifera after typhoon invasion reflect the influence of particle settling by lateral transport. In addition, the major planktonic foraminifera found in canyon are Globigerinoides aequilateralis, Globigerinoides ruber, Globigerinoides sacculifer, and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei. At the same time, we also found Globigerina bulloides that usually lives in the high latitudes and cold temperature. It reveals the effect of nutrient supply along coastal region. The coarse fraction contents and foraminiferal abundances collected by the traps in the northern South China Sea are both increasing in January and March. It could be associated with the enhanced surface productivity. The planktonic foraminifera divided into two groups based on their preferrence. The G. bulloides and N. dutertrei live in cold environment while G. aequilateralis, G. ruber, G. sacculifer, and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata preferr warm areas. In this study, G. bulloides and N. dutertrei were found in January whereas G. aequilateralis, G. rubber, G. sacculifer, and P. obliquiloculata were mostly in March. The difference of carbon isotopes of planktonic foraminifera between species are distinct. Orbulina universa is the heaviest and G. ruber was the lightest. Foraminiferal d18O are depleted in October and enriched in January and March. It is suggested that sea surface temperature might be responsible for the variations of planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotopes. Comparisons of foraminiferal d18O with the hydrographic data provide some informations. The results show that G. ruber lives in shallow water (~10m), G. sacculifer lives in 25m on average, and O. universa lives in deeper water layer (~70m) in northern South China Sea. Moreover, both the carbon isotopes and foraminiferal abundance of G. ruber show a negative correlation with the particles fluxes.

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