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Organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst production, composition and flux in the Central Strait of Georgia (BC, Canada): a sediment trap studyEsenkulova, Svetlana 04 January 2010 (has links)
To study the ecology of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts, the changes in species composition, diversity, and seasonal variations of cyst flux in the sediment trap deployed in the Strait of Georgia (BC, Canada) were examined. The cyst production rate varied from ~600 to 336,200 cysts m-2 day-1, with an average of 20,000 cysts m-2 day-1. Throughout the study period (March, 1996 - January, 1999), cyst assemblages were mostly dominated by cysts produced by heterotrophic dinoflagellates, such as Protoperidineaceae (Brigantedinium spp., Quinquequspis concreta, and cysts of Protoperidinium americanum). Cysts produced by heterotrophic dinoflagellates peaked in June each year, whereas cysts produced by autotrophic taxa were most abundant during August-September. The total annual dinoflagellate cyst flux was higher in 1996 than in 1997 and 1998, being enhanced by the bloom of Alexandrium spp. The warmer sea-surface temperature in 1998 had a positive effect on the production of both autotrophic and heterotrophic dinoflagellates, as inferred from the cyst fluxes.
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High resolution dinoflagellate cyst sedimentary records of past oceanographic and climatic history from the Northeastern Pacific over the last millenniumBringué, Manuel Alain 07 August 2015 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the development of dinoflagellate cysts as indicators of past environmental change in the Northeastern Pacific coastal ocean, and investigates past variations in sea-surface temperature, salinity and primary productivity encoded in dinoflagellate cyst sedimentary records from the Santa Barbara Basin (SBB, southern California) and Effingham Inlet (Vancouver Island, British Columbia) over the last millennium. The dinoflagellate cyst records extracted from the SBB and Effingham Inlet predominantly laminated sediments and analysed at sub-decadal resolutions, constitute some of the most detailed records of cyst-producing dinoflagellate populations in the world.
A two year-long sediment trap study from the SBB documents the seasonality in dinoflagellate cyst production for the first time on the Pacific coast of the United States. The study shows that dinoflagellate cyst data can be used as indicators of changes in sea-surface temperature and primary productivity associated with seasonal upwelling in the SBB. In particular, several dinoflagellate cyst taxa such as Brigantedinium spp. and Lingulodinium machaerophorum are identified as indicators of “active upwelling” (typically occurring in spring and early summer) and “relaxed upwelling” conditions (fall and early winter) at the site, respectively.
Analysis of a dinoflagellate cyst record from the SBB spanning the last ~260 years at biannual resolution documents the response of cyst-producing dinoflagellates to instrumentally-measured warming during the 20th century, and reveals decadal scale variations in primary productivity at the site that are coherent with phases of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The cyst assemblages are dominated by cysts produced by heterotrophic dinoflagellates (in particular Brigantedinium spp.), but the turn of the 20th century is marked by an abrupt increase in concentrations of L. machaerophorum and Spiniferites ramosus, two cyst taxa of autotrophic affinity. Their increasing abundances during the 20th century are interpreted to reflect warmer conditions and possibly stronger stratification during summer and fall. The dinoflagellate cyst data suggest a warming pulse in the early 1900s and provide further evidence that persistently warmer and/or more stratified conditions were established by the late 1920s.
The dinoflagellate cyst record from Effingham Inlet, spanning the last millennium, is characterized by the proportionally equal contribution of cysts produced by autotrophic and heterotrophic dinoflagellates in most samples. The cyst data indicate variations in sea-surface temperature, salinity and primary productivity that are associated with local expressions of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (from the base of the record to ~1230), the Little Ice Age (from ~1230 to ~1900) and warming during the second half of the 20th century.
Both dinoflagellate cyst records reveal that since the beginning (in the SBB) and mid-20th century (in Effingham Inlet), autotrophic dinoflagellates contribute to a greater portion of the primary production in the region, whereas heterotrophic dinoflagellates, as indicators of diatom populations, decline. Variability in the dinoflagellate cyst data is coherent at both sites and suggest a reduced expression of decadal scale variability associated with the PDO during the 19th century. / Graduate / 0416 / 0427 / mbringue@uvic.ca
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Combining limnology and paleolimnology : a refined understanding of environmental sediment signal formation in a varved lakeMaier, Dominique Béatrice January 2017 (has links)
Paleoclimatic archives, such as lake sediments, extend our understanding of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem dynamics in relation to climate variability beyond the period covered by instrumental data. In this context, annually laminated (i.e. varved) lake sediments are particularly valuable, as they offer high temporal resolution and undisturbed sediment. However, in order to extract reliable climate information from lake sediments, a careful calibration with the processes controlling the sediment formation is essential. This thesis combines limnological and paleolimnological data from a varved, boreal lake in northern Sweden (Nylandssjön, Nordingrå) collected over different time scales. The main aim of the thesis is to gain a more refined insight into which processes are reflected in the sedimentary diatom assemblage. More specifically, sequential sediment trap records were coupled with physical, chemical and biological lake monitoring and environmental data for comparison and validation with the varved sediment record. The main result of the thesis is that timing, succession and inter-annual variability of key limnological and environmental processes (e.g. ice-cover duration, lake over-turn or catchment run-off) are of major importance for the sedimentary diatom assemblage formation. Continuous monitoring of physico-chemical parameters over three consecutive years identified varying winter air temperature as a major factor influencing in-lake processes and hence the diatom record. Timing of lake over-turn and catchment run-off seemed to be the driver for monospecific diatom blooms, which are reflected in the annual sediment signal. The integrated annual diatom signal in the sediment was dominated by spring or autumn blooms, resulting either from a Cyclotella glomerata dominated spring bloom after relatively warm winter conditions, or a Asterionella formosa dominated autumn bloom after relatively cold winter conditions. The analysis of the diatom stratigraphy in the varved sediment over several decades corroborated the importance of climatic variables (late winter air temperature and NAO), even though the variables with the most predictive power for variance in the diatom data were associated with sediment composition (C, N and sedimentation rate) and pollution (Pb and Cu). Overall, the analysis of the drivers of inter-annual and decadal diatom assemblage fluctuations emphasizes the importance of winter air temperature, indicating that weather extremes may be disproportionately represented in annual sediment records in contrast to nutrient concentrations or sedimentation rate.
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Sedimentprovtagning av dagvattendammar som ett alternativ till flödesproportionell vattenprovtagning / Sediment sampling in stormwater ponds as an alternative to flow-weighted water samplingPersson, Annika January 2010 (has links)
<p>Stormwater run-off from surfaces such as roads or rooftops is often polluted with heavy metals and nutrients. Many of these substances can cause great damage in biota if they end up in the recipient. In Sweden constructed wetlands and ponds for treatment of stormwater are frequently used, since research has shown that these treatment ponds are reducing stormwater pollution considerably to a low cost. The knowledge of these pollutant removal mechanisms and how follow-up and assessment of the ponds should be performed is still limited.</p><p>To determine the pollutant removal efficiency of the stormwater ponds it is recommended that flow-weighted water samples are collected from both the inflow and the outflow of the pond. This method demands considerable resources of time and money for installations and analysis. Alternative methods for assessing pollutant removal are requested, methods with lower costs but relevant results. This thesis is investigating whether sediment sampling could be such an alternative.</p><p>Sediment core samples were taken in four stormwater ponds where flow-weighted water sampling has been performed as well. This makes it possible to compare the two methods. A method of sampling recently sedimented material was also tried out by constructing and placing sediment traps on the pond floor. Analysis of concentration of six heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) and phosphorus were carried out.</p><p>The results show i.e. that the concentrations of heavy metals and phosphorus in the pond sediments decrease as the distance from the pond inlet increase. Comparing the two methods shows that the results from the sediment sampling are in the same order of magnitude as the results from the water sampling. Consequently, the conclusion states that a well executed sediment sampling may be an alternative to flow-weighted water sampling.</p> / NOS dagvatten
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Sedimentprovtagning av dagvattendammar som ett alternativ till flödesproportionell vattenprovtagning / Sediment sampling in stormwater ponds as an alternative to flow-weighted water samplingPersson, Annika January 2010 (has links)
Stormwater run-off from surfaces such as roads or rooftops is often polluted with heavy metals and nutrients. Many of these substances can cause great damage in biota if they end up in the recipient. In Sweden constructed wetlands and ponds for treatment of stormwater are frequently used, since research has shown that these treatment ponds are reducing stormwater pollution considerably to a low cost. The knowledge of these pollutant removal mechanisms and how follow-up and assessment of the ponds should be performed is still limited. To determine the pollutant removal efficiency of the stormwater ponds it is recommended that flow-weighted water samples are collected from both the inflow and the outflow of the pond. This method demands considerable resources of time and money for installations and analysis. Alternative methods for assessing pollutant removal are requested, methods with lower costs but relevant results. This thesis is investigating whether sediment sampling could be such an alternative. Sediment core samples were taken in four stormwater ponds where flow-weighted water sampling has been performed as well. This makes it possible to compare the two methods. A method of sampling recently sedimented material was also tried out by constructing and placing sediment traps on the pond floor. Analysis of concentration of six heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) and phosphorus were carried out. The results show i.e. that the concentrations of heavy metals and phosphorus in the pond sediments decrease as the distance from the pond inlet increase. Comparing the two methods shows that the results from the sediment sampling are in the same order of magnitude as the results from the water sampling. Consequently, the conclusion states that a well executed sediment sampling may be an alternative to flow-weighted water sampling. / NOS dagvatten
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Challenges and perspectives of the North Frisian Halligen Hooge, Langeness and Nordstrandischmoor / Marshland accretion and adaptation capacity to sea-level-riseSchindler, Malte 14 November 2014 (has links)
Die Anpassung von Küstenniederungen, Seemarschen und Inseln an klimatische Veränderungen und einen steigenden Meeresspiegel ist eine der großen Herausforderungen des
21. Jahrhunderts. Im Gegensatz zu eingedeichten Küstenmarschen und Inseln besitzen tidebeeinflusste Seemarschen ein natürliches Anpassungspotential an sich verändernde hydrologische Rahmenbedingungen. Überflutungsabhängige Sedimenteinträge führen zu einem Anwachsen der Marschoberfläche und kompensieren somit einen Anstieg des Meeresspiegels. Die 10 verbliebenen nordfriesischen Halligen (Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland) (Kapitel 1) sind bewohnte Inselmarschen, welche aufgrund ihrer anthropogenen Überprägung von naturbelassenen Seemarschen unterschieden werden müssen. Diese umfasst z.B. den Bau von flachen Sommerdeichen und Sielanlagen. Inwiefern sich diese Veränderungen auf die Sedimentdynamik der Marschen auswirken, ist bislang unzureichend belegt, was eine fundierte Diskussion bezüglich zukünftiger Entwicklungsperspektiven der Halligmarschen verhindert. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist dazu angelegt, diese Wissenslücke zu schließen. Sie untersucht das vertikale Marschwachstum exemplarisch auf den Halligen Hooge, Langeneß und Nordstrandischmoor und beurteilt deren Anpassungsvermögen an einen steigenden Meeresspiegel. Darüber hinaus werden zukünftige Entwicklungsperspektiven diskutiert.
Um Faktoren und Prozesse, welche maßgeblich die Sedimentdynamik der Halligen beeinflussen, messbar zu machen, musstengeeignete Methoden entwickelt und angewendet werden. Zur Berechnung jährlicher Überflutungshäufigkeiten wurden Pegelschwellenwerte für Überflutungsereignisse auf Basis von digitalen Geländemodellen (DGMs) und d-GPS (differential global positioning system) Messungen errechnet und auf die verfügbaren, regionalen Pegeldaten angewendet (Kapitel 2). Sedimentfallen, bestehend aus LDPE (low density polyethylene) Flaschen (1 Liter) und Kunstrasenmatten (20 x 30 cm), bilden die Grundlage einer dreijährigen (November 2010 – März 2013) Feld- und Laborstudie zur zeitlichen und räumlichen Erfassung der sturmflutabhängigen Sedimentdeposition (Kapitel 3). Durch die Verwendung regionaler bodenphysikalischer Parameter (Lagerungsdichte und Gehalt an organischer Bodensubstanz) können Depositionsraten in eine vertikale Wachstumskomponente transformiert werden. Dazu werden Ergebnisse einer Rammkernsondierung genutzt, welche 12 Sedimentkerne mit einer Länge von maximal 100 cm umfasst. Die Sedimentbohrkerne sind weiterhin die Grundlage für eine 137Cs- und 210Pb-Datierung. Die Kombination beider Datensätze (Kapitel 4) ermöglicht einen schlüssigen Vergleich der Marschentwicklung seit dem Jahr 1915 mit regionalen Pegeldaten und Projektionen des zukünftigen Meeresspiegelanstiegs.
Die Analyse der verfügbaren Pegeldaten (Kapitel 2) zeigt eine hohe Variabilität der jährlichen Überflutungshäufigkeiten. Das zehnjährige Mittel eintretender Ereignisse beträgt 2 Überflutungen auf Hooge, 9 – 10 Überflutungen auf Langeneß und 15 Überflutungen auf Nordstrandischmoor. Aufgrund der künstlichen Überhöhung der Marschkante durch Sommerdeiche mit + 1.54 m ü. mittlerem Tidehochwasser (MThw) auf Hooge und + 0.98 m ü. MThw auf Langeneß werden die betreffenden Halligen lediglich bei selten eintretenden Sturmflutereignissen überflutet. Die Höhe des wasser- und sedimentundurchlässigen Steinpflasters auf Nordstrandischmoor beträgt lediglich + 0.7 m ü. MThw.
Die methodischen Untersuchungen bezüglich der Nutzung von Sedimentfallen (Kapitel 3) zeigen, dass beide Typen von Sedimentfallen vergleichbare Ergebnisse liefern. Oberhalb einer Depositionsrate von ~ 2.0 kg/m2 sinkt das Rückhaltevermögen der Kunstrasenmatte im Vergleich zur LDPE Flasche deutlich ab. Die parallele Nutzung beider Fallentypen, insbesondere wenn die Depositionsraten den Schwellenwert (~ 2.0 kg/m2) nicht überschreiten, erlaubt:
(1) Die Überprüfung, ob beide Datensätze konsistent sind. (2) Die Identifizierung von Ausreißern. (3) Eine Abschätzung, ob Sediment auf oder in der Sedimentfalle nach der Überflutung remobilisiert wird. Um die Sedimentdeposition in eine vertikale Wachstumsrate zu übersetzen, muss die mittlere Bodendichte als auch der Gehalt an organischer Bodensubstanz des Marschbodens berücksichtigt werden. Die Bohrkernuntersuchungen zeigen, dass diese bodenphysikalischen Parameter auf den unterschiedlichen Halligen stark variieren. Marschen, die häufig überflutet werden lagern weniger organisches Material im Oberboden ein als selten überflutete Marschen. Niedrige Gehalte an leichten organischen Materialien geringer Dichte resultieren wiederum in einer höheren Lagerungsdichte des Marschbodens (Hooge 0.64 g/cm3, Langeneß 0.67 g/cm3, Nordstrandischmoor 0.83 g/cm3). Autochthones organisches Material (welches primär von der Halligvegetation stammt) trägt mit einem Anteil von 9.0 ± 1.4 % (Hooge) bis 21.4 ± 6.6 % (Nordstrandischmoor) zum Marschwachstum bei.
Die Ergebnisse der Sedimentfallenuntersuchungen als auch der Datierungen zeigen deutlich ein Ungleichgewicht zwischen Marschwachstum und Meeresspiegelanstieg seit Beginn des
20. Jahrhunderts. Die langjährigen Wachstumsraten, basierend auf der 210Pb-Datierung, liegen mit
1.0 ± 0.3 mm/a auf Hooge, 1.2 ± 0.3 mm/a auf Langeneß und 2.6 ± 0.9 mm/a auf Nordstrandischmoor deutlich unterhalb des MThw-Anstiegs von 5.0 ± 0.3 mm/a (1951 – 2011, Wyk auf Föhr). Projektionen des Meeresspiegelanstiegs bis zum Jahr 2100 (Berechnet durch das fwu, Siegen) weisen darauf hin, dass extreme Wasserstände (höchste, jährliche Tidehochwasserstände, HThw, 6.6 ± 3.8 mm/a) deutlich schneller ansteigen werden als das MThw oder der mittlere Meeresspiegel (2.6 ± 0.4 mm/a). Aufgrund dieser Beobachtungen ist von einem zukünftigen Anstieg des Gefährdungspotentials für die Halligen auszugehen, wenn es nicht gelingt, ein sedimentologisches Gelichgewicht zwischen Meeresspiegel und Marschwachstum herzu stellen. Der Anstieg der Wellenhöhe und Periode, aufgrund von steigender Wassertiefe und einer geringeren Wellentransmissionsrate an den Sommerdeichen, resultiert in einer steigenden hydrodynamischen Belastung der Warften und der Marschoberfläche. Das sedimentäre Ungleichgewicht, besonders auf Hooge und Langeneß, kann eindeutig auf das hydrologische Management der Halligen zurückgeführt werden. Aus sedimentologischer Sicht sind die beiden Hauptkritikpunkte (1) die geringe Anzahl an Überflutungen aufgrund der Deichanlagen und (2) der eingeschränkte Transport suspendierter Feststoffe über die Binnenpriele. Letzteres resultiert aus der Blockade der Binnenpriele durch Sielanlagen und führt zu einer Abnahme der Sedimentdeposition mit zunehmender Entfernung zur Uferlinie.
Um dem Ungleichgewicht zwischen Marschwachstum und Meeresspiegelanstieg entgegenzuwirken, ist es dringend erforderlich, neue Managementstrategien für die Halligen zu entwickeln (Kapitel 6), welche sedimentologische/geomorphologische Aspekte sowie die speziellen Bedürfnisse der Halligbevölkerung gleichermaßen berücksichtigen. Letztere beinhalten die Minimierung ökonomischer Schäden wie etwa Einschränkungen der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzung oder des Tourismus. Mögliche Szenarien können ein Abflachen der bestehenden Deiche oder deren Rückbau und Erneuerung durch wasser- und sedimentdurchlässige Rauhstreifen
(z.B. Elastocoast®, BASF) beinhalten. Weiterhin erscheint die Reaktivierung der blockierten Binnenpriele eine plausible Maßnahme zu sein. Erste Freilandexperimente auf Hallig Langeneß (Kapitel 5) belegen einen erhöhten Sedimenttransport in die Binnenmarsch aufgrund geöffneter Sielanlagen in Verbindung mit Windstau (Thw-Ereignisse über Springtideniveau). Ob die generelle Umsetzung derartiger Maßnahmen möglich ist, ist in erster Linie davon abhängig, ob die Halligbevölkerung derartigen Veränderungen ihrer Umwelt aufgeschlossen gegenübersteht und diese lokalpolitisch getragen werden. Auf jeden Fall ist ein Umdenken dahingehend erforderlich, die halligtypischen Überflutungen (Land-Unter) nicht ausschließlich als Bedrohung zu verstehen. Sie sind ein natürliches Phänomen, welches notwendig ist, um das Gleichgewicht zwischen Meeresspiegelanstieg und Sedimentdeposition aufrechtzuerhalten.
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Physical processes and biogeochemistry of particle fluxes over the Beaufort slope and in Canada BasinO'Brien, Mary C. 28 August 2009 (has links)
Sedimentation rates and compositions of sinking particles were investigated at three sites on the Beaufort slope and one in Canada Basin during the period 1990-1994 using moored sequential sediment traps. A method was developed to identify the terrigenous and biogenic components of the fluxes. The physical context including ice cover, ocean currents, river inputs, winds, air temperature, incident light, and nutrient availability provide essential information to the interpretation of the particle fluxes and to the understanding of shelf-basin sediment transport in this area. Eddies, internal waves, upwelling and downwelling, and the state of the ice cover all played important and overlapping roles in the pattern of observed fluxes. A peak in the flux of highly terrigenous material under complete ice cover in mid-winter to the northwest of Mackenzie Trough was associated with predominantly downwelling conditions and the passage of a series of eddies and internal waves. A prolonged spring diatom bloom occurred in the mid-slope area and was clearly associated with an early opening of the ice on the east side of the shelf. Higher fluxes at the Canada Basin site were associated with a large eddy clearly identifiable from the current-T-S record and also from the composition of the suspended material carried with it. At the base of the slope (2700 m), the composition was highly terrigenous and remarkably consistent. Higher up the slope (700 m), biogenic peaks in the summer diluted the terrigenous material briefly, but it appears that there is a constant background of highly terrigenous material. There was a high degree of variability between sites and over the slope there was not enough data to asses the inter-annual variability. In Canada Basin, the inter-annual variability was closely linked to the extent of open water in the summer period. At all sites, lateral transport is clearly indicated by the increase in flux with depth. The data robustly demonstrate the need for detailed knowledge of physical processes for informed interpretation of particle fluxes and sediment transport in this area.
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