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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Women in the workplace : four Spanish novels by women, 1979--1998

Ross, Catherine Bourland, 1973- 03 August 2011 (has links)
Not available / text

Popis turistických cest v regionu "Česká Kanada" (turistické cesty pěší, cyklistické, lyžařské a vodácké) / Description of the tourist routes in the region known as Czech Canada (hiking trails, bicycle trails, ski trails, water routes)

KORTANOVÁ, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
This thesis work describes the hiking, bicycle, ski, and horse trails in the region known as ?Czech Canada?, specifically the area between Nová Bystřice, Kunžák, and Slavonice marked on the hiking map ?Česká Kanada a Slavonicko? on a 1:50,000 scale. The introductory chapters characterize the territorial layout from the physical-geographic and socio-geographic aspects and include an analysis of used literature. The methodology of work is taken from thesis works of a similar topic defended at the Department of Geography. This is followed by a description of individual hiking trails ? in text form as well as in information panels (this includes information on the surface type, the surrounding landscape, monuments in the area, geometry of the trails, and more). These texts, panels, and attached map with a drawing of the described trails permit one to embark on individual hiking, bicycle, ski, and other tourist journeys. The conclusion of the work is supplemented by a didactic transformation of the resolved issue. The attachment consists of photographs and a glossary of topographical terms.

Vliv výstavby silničního obchvatu Klatov na biodiverzitu / The effect of the construction of road bypasses by Klatovy on biodiversity

ŠIZLINGOVÁ, Václava January 2012 (has links)
The theme of this thesis was the influence of the construction of ring road Klatovy and adjacent communities on the landscape and biodiversity (fauna and flora). Road bypass Klatovy best solution would be to reduce noise and emission limits for residents of the city center and surrounding villages. The work was described and compared to the previous (1997) and the current status of the territories. The bypass was assessed in terms of impact on landscape and biodiversity based on the evaluation of environmental impact, not only in my own observation, but also according to the results that emerged from the EIA process. Structure was evaluated invertebrate communities epigeických to pass the planned route in all its variants. In the section I and II. bypass was in the process of EIA (1997) and my own observations assessed and evaluated only one option which was selected in the previous period as the most suitable. In section III. bypass has been assessed and evaluated five options V1 - V5. The EIA process has been selected as the most suitable variant V4, both in terms of impact on landscape, biodiversity, and on the population. The suitability of the V4 variant was also confirmed by my own observations. After their evaluation, I concluded that the bypass, although this variant cross turfy stream, but the forest reaches a minimum. The route passes through predominantly agricultural landscape management, which is already burdened in this area the existence of bike paths and rail corridors.

Návrh optimalizace turistických tras v CHKO Labské pískovce / The proposal for new hiking trails in PLA Labské pískovce

BENČÍKOVÁ, Zdenka January 2018 (has links)
The objective of this diploma thesis is search processing of tourism, his problematics and protection of the nature. In the other part this thesis deal with analysis of hiking trail in Labske piskovce PLA in focus of potentional atractive with proposal of new hiking trails in this location. Analysis containe all hiking trails in this location according to colored tourism distinction of trails. Proposal of new hiking trails was formed with regard on protection of nature thus at the same time was surrounding area approached for visitors as much as possible. Proposal comprise new and turisty often attended attractiviness. This proposal can produce increase of attractiviness in this district and the influx of new turists.

Evaluación biológica de nuevos recubrimientos osteoinductores sintetizados vía sol-gel para aplicación en implantología dental

Lara Sáez, Irene 10 June 2015 (has links)
[EN] ABSTRACT In this Doctoral Thesis, the author carried out the biological evaluation of new silicon-based hybrid (organic-inorganic) coatings, synthesized by sol-gel route, used as osseointegrator and osteoinductor coatings applied to titanium radicular prosthesis in the dental implantology field. The biological evaluation of the new coatings consisted of a complete study to determine the effect of the coatings in the osteoblastic cell line and the tissular effects after the in vivo implantation in rabbit tibia (foreign-body reaction response and osseointegration), by histological study. The biological characterization was complemented with a physicochemical characterization of the materials, determining their topography, wettability, surface reactivity, as well as their degradation rate and silicon delivery, to explain the biological behaviour that each material induced. The coatings that showed a better cell behaviour were selected as material candidates for the in vivo implantation phase. This part of the work consisted of two experimental phases: (1) Characterization Phase I, from which one formulation prototype was obtained, and (2) Characterization Phase II, where different chemical improvements of the prototype were evaluated and a final coating prototype was selected. The degradable coatings that were obtained released silicon compounds during their hydrolytic degradation, inducing the implant osseointegration by distance osteogenesis. The new coatings offer the possibility to functionalize the titanium surface and serve like delivery vehicle of biomolecules and drugs that could improve and accelerate the titanium osseointegration process. / [ES] RESUMEN En esta Tesis Doctoral se llevó a cabo la evaluación biológica de nuevos recubrimientos híbridos (orgánico-inorgánico), sintetizados vía sol-gel, basados en precursores de silicio, como recubrimientos osteointegradores y osteoinductores aplicados a prótesis radiculares de titanio en el ámbito de la implantología dental. La evaluación biológica de los nuevos recubrimientos constó de un estudio completo para determinar el efecto de los recubrimientos sobre cultivos celulares de linaje osteoblástico y el efecto de los tejidos tras la implantación in vivo en tibia de conejo (respuesta de reacción a cuerpo extraño y osteointegración), mediante estudio histológico. La caracterización biológica se complementó con una caracterización físico-química de los materiales, determinando su topografía, su mojabilidad, la reactividad de su superficie, así como su grado de degradación y la liberación de silicio, para explicar el comportamiento biológico que cada uno de los materiales indujo. Los recubrimientos que presentaron un mejor comportamiento celular fueron seleccionados como materiales candidatos para llevar a la fase de implantación in vivo. Este trabajo constó de dos fases experimentales; (1) la Fase de Caracterización I de la que se extrajo una formulación prototipo, sobre la cual se realizaron mejoras químicas evaluadas en la (2) Fase de Caracterización II, de la cual fue elegido el recubrimiento prototipo final. Se obtuvieron recubrimientos degradables en cuya degradación hidrolítica liberaron compuestos de silicio que indujeron la osteointegración de los implantes recubiertos mediante osteogénesis a distancia, sin interferir en el proceso de osteointegración del titanio. Los nuevos recubrimientos ofrecen la posibilidad de funcionalizar la superficie del titanio y servir de vehículo de liberación de biomoléculas y fármacos que puedan mejorar y acelerar el proceso de osteointegración del titanio. / [CAT] RESUM En aquesta Tesi Doctoral es va dur a terme l'avaluació biològica de nous recobriments híbrids (orgànic-inorgànic), sintetitzats via sol-gel, basats en precursors de silici, com recobriments osteointegradors i osteoinductors aplicats a pròtesis radiculars de titani en l'àmbit de la implantologia dental. L'avaluació biològica dels nous recobriments va constar d'un estudi complet per determinar l'efecte dels recobriments sobre cultius cel¿lulars de llinatge osteoblástic i l'efecte dels teixits després de la implantació in vivo en tèbia de conill (resposta de reacció a cos estrany i osteointegració), mitjançant estudi histològic. La caracterització biològica es va complementar amb una caracterització fisicoquímica dels materials, determinant la seva topografia, la seva mullabilitat, la reactivitat de la seva superfície, així com el seu grau de degradació i l'alliberament de silici, per explicar el comportament biològic que cada un dels materials va induir. Els recobriments que van presentar un millor comportament cel¿lular van ser seleccionats com materials candidats per portar a la fase d'implantació in vivo. Aquest treball va constar de dues fases experimentals; (1) la Fase de Caracterització I de la qual es va extreure una formulació prototip, sobre la qual es van realitzar millores químiques avaluades en la (2) Fase de Caracterització II, de la qual va ser elegit el recobriment prototip final. Es van obtenir recobriments degradables, en la seva degradació hidrolítica van alliberar compostos de silici que van induir l'osteointegració dels implants recoberts mitjançant osteogènesi a distància. Els nous recobriments ofereixen la possibilitat de funcionalitzar la superfície del titani i servir de vehicle d'alliberament de biomolècules i fàrmacs per poder millorar i accelerar el procés d'osteointegració del titani. / Lara Sáez, I. (2015). Evaluación biológica de nuevos recubrimientos osteoinductores sintetizados vía sol-gel para aplicación en implantología dental [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/51463 / TESIS

Systém pro on-line záznam jízd autoškoly / A System for On-Line Driving School Trip Recording

Voneš, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the design and implementation of a client-server applications for collecting GPS data using a smartphone with Android OS. The system is used for real-time monitoring and recording vehicle’s movement on a server, where the data are adapted to the real road. This thesis is a continuation of the project DoAutoškoly.cz . The theoretical part of the thesis deals with GPS, real-time communication problems and the Android platform, including its application interface for GPS. In the next part of the thesis, this knowledge is used to design the whole system. The thesis continues with the implementation of a mobile application, the web module and the corresponding server application. The chapters continue to deal with real-time tracking and route editing. The last part is focused on testing and evaluation of the results.

Systém pro organizaci běžeckých závodů / A System for Organizing Running Races

Kalus, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the analysis, design and implementation of a system for organizing running races with the support of racers registration and the possibility of multiple online and offline checkpoints during the race. The system is composed of two web applications and a client desktop application. An administration web application is used to create and manage the race. A presentation web application with optional registration is responsible for publishing the race. It is possible to scan RFID chips of the racers on multiple track stations during the race using a client application. The RFID chips are scanned by an RFID reader connected to host device. If the client application is connected to the internet, the scanned times of racers are displayed on the presentation application in real time. Web applications are implemented with the ASP.NET MVC technology. Authorization and Authentication is provided by ASP.NET Identity. The client application is implemented using the WPF technology.

Residence Erasmus - příprava, realizace a řízení stavby / Residence Erasmus - preparation, implementation and project management

Dokoupil, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the construction of a residential building The Erasmus Residence. This work includes a technical report of the issue solved, construction site installations of three phases of construction, which are groundwork, rough top construction and finishing. The work includes drawings of construction site installations for all these stages. The thesis also includes technological specification for thermal insulation systems including scaffolding construction, timing of construction, inspection and quality test plan and itemized budget.

Design centrum HANÁK NÁBYTEK a.s., Popůvky u Kojetína - příprava a organizace výstavby objektu / Design center HANÁK NÁBYTEK a.s., Popůvky u Kojetína - project planning and management of construction

Izsová, Radka January 2014 (has links)
This thesis addresses the Design centrum HANÁK NÁBYTEK a.s., Popůvky u Kojetína - This is a new object had the basement and a second floor. The thesis includes - Technical report on the construction technology of the project , which are described in each chapter building equipment, coordination of building relationships with the wider transport routes , the study of the main technological stages, the design of the main building machines and mechanisms. There is a solution on time and financial plan object , the schedule object SO03 - Rapid technological and construction timetable and plan for securing material resources SO03 object . This thesis addresses the technological specification for excavation work with the control and test plan then is solved problems of chemical anchoring pillars object SO203 , which are included tensile tests on chemical anchors.

Stavebně technologický projekt rekonstrukce budovy magistrátu Brno střed / Construction technological project of reconstruction building of municipality Brno centre

Rentková, Katarína January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation is focuses on the design of remedial adjustments and replacement of the existing pavement for a new one on the New Town Hall in Brno. On this building I have worked on the technological regulation for the reconstruction of the internal courtyard and remediation work which I have completed by the inspection and test plans. I have created a timetable and mechanisms for used machines. Specialization of my thesis is to BOZP and risk plan for the whole building.

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