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Tuning Effect on Thermal Radiative Emission of Thermo-Mechano-Optical Gratings and MultilayersAraki, Ken 12 1900 (has links)
The recipes of optical radiative properties manipulation are their materials chemistry, nano/microscale geometry, and transport properties of quasiparticle carriers such as photons, phonons, and electrons. The important technical element in optical properties is the dielectric function of materials, which is different for metals, dielectrics, 2D materials, and phase transition materials. Graphene has a unique electrical conductivity profile which have metallic nature depending on the frequency, but also has a negative thermal expansion coefficient that makes graphene unique. Hence, graphene creates wrinkles when deposited on the substrate as temperature decreases to room temperature from high substrate temperature. We also study phase transition material, particularly vanadium dioxide that transitions from insulating to metallic phase based on temperature change; we investigate its role in far-field thermal radiation. Other transition metal oxides are studied as a thermally and electrically tunable plasmonic gratings: Transition metal oxides include vanadium dioxide, tungsten trioxide, and molybdenum trioxide. The work demonstrates plasmonic phenomena and absorptance/emittance tunability. First, surface plasmon polariton along the graphene (SPPG) when wrinkles are formed above the plasmonic grating is studied. The resonance peak shift is modeled for both magnetic polariton (MP) with inductor-capacitor (LC) circuit and SPPG with Fabry-Perot phase change model. Second, the self-adaptive radiative coating is proposed using vanadium dioxide for high turn-down in emissivity spectrum. The Si high contrast grating (HCG) is introduced on the vanadium dioxide coating to prevent solar absorption by vanadium dioxide layer which have high extinction coefficient in visible to near-infrared region. Lastly, the switching in resonances, transitioning from MP resonance at metallic state to transmission mode obtained from concept of zero contrast grating (ZCG) is described. Overall, the work is aimed to tailor the optical radiative properties of gratings and multilayers used for thermal regulating applications.
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Microfluidique diphasique accordable / Tunable diphasic microfluidicTarchichi, Nathalie 18 April 2013 (has links)
Depuis ces dernières années, il y a eu augmentation de l’effort pour le développement des systèmes microfluidiques dédiésà la dispersion d’une phase fluide dans une autre phase fluide immiscible. Les gouttelettes ou les bulles résultantes ont de nombreuses applications dans des diverses domaines (photonique, chimique, biologique...). Pour la plupart de ces applications, il est primordial de contrôler la taille et la forme de ces gouttelettes/bulles, paramètres qui influencent directement le comportement ou la réponse du système. Notre but consiste ainsi à générer des gouttelettes de taille unique (mono-dispersées) et contrôlable pour produire des structures accordables. Nous analysons aussi leurs mécanismes de formation et étudions les paramètres qui influent sur leur taille et leur forme. Dans le présent travail, la génération de gouttelettes est réalisée en utilisant une intersection entre deux microcanaux (jonction en T) où leur taille est directement liée à la géométrie. Dans cette configuration, il existe trois régimes connus de génération de gouttelettes qui sont les régimes de dripping, squeezing et jetting. Nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à l’étude du régime dripping car il assure la génération de gouttelettes ayant une taille plus petite que celle obtenue avec les autres régimes. Les expériences et les études théoriques ont montré que le diamètre des gouttelettes diminue quand la largeur des canaux diminue, quand la vitesse de la phase continue augmente et quand la vitesse de la phase dispersée diminue. De plus, nous avons pu mettre en évidence un nouveau régime de génération de gouttelettes pour lequel les gouttelettes générées ont un diamètre constant, indépendamment des vitesses des phases continue et dispersée, et qui ne dépend que de la géométrie des canaux. Nous avons appelé ce nouveau régime le régime “balloon”. Nous avons enfin montré l’intérêt de l’accordabilité des systèmes microfluidiques en optique et en acoustique. Ainsi, nous avons montré que la période du réseau de diffraction optique est facilement modifiable en contrôlant les paramètres de génération de bulles. De même, nous avons pu voir que la réponse acoustique est liée `a la résonance des bulles dans le milieu liquide. Cette réponse est une fonction du diamètre des bulles générées. Enfin, nous proposons l’utilisation du système microfluidique en électronique pour produire des capacités variables, ouvrant la voie à des nouvelles fonctionnalités pour la microfluidique diphasique. / Since the past few years, there has been an increasing effort in developing microfluidic devices for dispersing one fluid phase in another immiscible fluid phase. Micro fluidic bubbles or droplets have many applications in different fields such as photonics, chemistry, biology... For most of these applications, it is important to control the size and the shape of these droplets or bubbles, since they directly influence the response of the system. Our goal is to generate mono disperse and controllable droplets to produce tunable structures. We also analyze their formation mechanisms and study the parameters that affect their size and their shape. In the present work, we use T-junction geometry to generate droplets of uniform size. In this configuration, there are three known regimes of droplet generation: dripping, squeezing and jetting regimes. We are particularly interested in the study of the dripping regime since it ensures the generation of droplets of smaller size compared to the other regimes. The experimental and the theoretical studies have shown that the droplets diameter decreases when the channels width decreases, when the continuous phase velocity increases and when the dispersed phase velocity decreases. In addition, we have shown evidence of a new regime of droplet generation in which the droplet diameter is constant, independent of the continuous and dispersed phases velocities and only related to the geometry of the T-junction channels. We named this new regime the balloon regime. We finally demonstrated the usefulness of the tunability of microfluidic systems in optics and acoustics. Actually, we show that the diffraction grating period can be easily changed by controlling the parameters of bubble generation. We show also that the acoustic response is related to the bubbles resonance in the liquid medium. This response is a function of the bubbles diameter. Finally, we propose the use of the microfluidic system in electronics, for realizing varying capacitors, where the diphasic microfluidic opens the way to new functionalities
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Caractérisations diélectriques très large bande de films minces ferroélectriques de BaxSr(1-x)TiO3 pour des applications de reconfigurabilité de dispositifs hyperfréquences / Broadband dielectric characterization of BaxSr(1-x)TiO3 ferroelectric thin films for reconfigurability applications of microwave devicesGhalem, Areski 10 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’intégration des films minces ferroélectriques de BaxSr(1-x)TiO3 au sein de dispositifs microondes. Dans un premier temps, les caractéristiques diélectriques des films de B0.3S0.7TiO3 déposés par pulvérisation cathodique ont été déterminées. Il a été mis en évidence l’intérêt d’une couche tampon dans le contrôle de l’orientation des films ainsi que son impact dans l’évolution des propriétés diélectriques. L’utilisation d’une structure coplanaire optimisée a été utilisée dans le but de déterminer les évolutions fréquentielles de la permittivité, des pertes ainsi que de l’accordabilité jusqu’à 67 GHz. La caractérisation du matériau a permis la réalisation et la qualification de l’élément de base dans la conception de dispositifs microondes accordables : la capacité ferroélectrique. Le phénomène d’agilité a été mis en exergue au sein de cette structure.Par la suite, une analyse complète a été menée sur un dispositif de type résonateur. Une étude analytique couplée à la réalisation de démonstrateur a permis de mettre en évidence la configuration nous permettant d’exploiter au mieux les propriétés des films de BST. / This work is dedicated to the integration of ferroelectric BaxSr(1-x)TiO3 thin films in microwave devices. Initially, the dielectric properties of B0.3S0.7TiO3 films deposited by radiofrequency magnetron sputtering were determined. It has been demonstrated the influence of a buffer layer in the control of orientation films and the impact in the evolution of dielectric properties. The realization of optimized coplanar waveguide has permit to determine the frequency evolution of permittivity, loss factor and tunability up to 67 GHz. The characterization of the dielectric properties has enabled the realization and qualification of the basic element in the design of tunable microwave devices: the ferroelectric capacitance. The agility property has been highlighted within this structure. Subsequently, a complete analysis was conducted on a resonator. An analytical study coupled with the demonstrator realization highlighted the configuration allowing us to exploit the properties of BST films.
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"Etude de la croissance du titanate de baryum et de strontium en couches minces et de ses propriétés électriques sur une large gamme de fréquence".Midy, Jean 30 May 2012 (has links)
Le titanate de baryum et de strontium (BaSrTiO3) est un matériau diélectrique de synthèse à forte permittivité possédant la propriété d'être accordable lorsqu'il est soumis à un champ électrique. Ceci est lié à sa structure cristalline à maille perovskite. Son intégration dans des dispositifs capacitifs est donc prometteuse pour l'industrie de la microélectronique. Il est déposé en couches minces par pulvérisation cathodique à partir de cibles pressées à froid au sein du laboratoire. L'étude de la croissance du matériau, dopé ou non, et de ses propriétés électriques à 100 khz ont permis d'envisager une montée en fréquence. Les évolutions de la permittivité diélectrique complexe et de l'accordabilité du matériau ont ainsi pu être étudiées sur un dispositif spécifique dans une gamme de fréquences allant de 1 à 60 ghz. L'utilisation d'un logiciel de simulation numérique par éléments finis (ELFI) dans le cadre de l'étude à haute fréquence permet de remonter aux caractéristiques propres du matériau, et ainsi d'interpréter plus finement les résultats issus de l'étude en basse fréquence. L'ensemble des connaissances acquises permet finalement de développer des dispositifs à capacité variable qui sont actuellement en cours d'élaboration au sein du laboratoire. / The barium and strontium titanate (BST) is a human made dielectric material with a high dielectric constant which is tunable once submitted to an electric field. This is due to its crystalline structure based on a perovkite mesh. Its integration into capacitive devices is thus fully promising for microelectronic industry. The material is deposited by RF magnetron sputtering from cold pressed targets made in the laboratory. Studying the growth of the material, doped or not, and its electrical properties at 100 kHz has allowed increasing frequency. The variations of the complex permittivity and tunability have thus been studied on a range of frequencies from 1 to 60 GHz. Using the numerical simulation software Elfi enables one to get a good estimation of the intrinsic properties of BST and a sharper explanation of the results obtained at low frequencies. This knowledge finally allows engineering in varactor devices, which is now in progress.
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Electro-Optical Na0.5K0.5NbO3 FilmsBlomqvist, Mats January 2005 (has links)
Ferroelectric oxides are a group of advanced electronic materials with a wide variety of properties useful in applications such as memory devices, resonators and filters, infrared sensors, microelectromechanical systems, and optical waveguides and modulators. Among the oxide perovskite-structured ferroelectric thin film materials, sodium potassium niobate or Na0.5K0.5NbO3 (NKN) has recently emerged as one of the most promising materials in radio frequency (rf) and microwave applications due to high dielectric tenability and low dielectric loss. This thesis presents results on growth and structural, optical, and electrical characterization of NKN thin films. The films were deposited by rf-magnetron sputtering of a stoichiometric, high density, ceramic Na0.5K0.5NbO3 target onto single crystal LaAlO3 (LAO), Al2O3 (sapphire), SrTiO3, and Nd:YAlO3, and polycrystalline Pt80Ir20 substrates. By x-ray diffractometry, NKN films on c-axis oriented LaAlO3, SrTiO3 and Nd:YAlO3 substrates were found to grow epitaxially, whereas films on r-cut sapphire and polycrystalline Pt80Ir20 substrates were found to be preferentially (00l) oriented. The surface morphology was explored using atomic force microscopy. Optical and waveguiding properties of the Na0.5K0.5NbO3/substrate heterostructures were characterized using prism-coupling technique. Sharp and distinguishable transverse magnetic and electric propagation modes were observed for NKN thicknesses up to 2.0 μm. The extraordinary and ordinary refractive indices were calculated together with the birefringence of the NKN material. The electro-optic effect in transverse geometry was measured in transmission, where the effective linear electro-optic response was determined to reff = 28 pm/V for NKN/Al2O3 with an applied dc field up to 18 kV/cm. The ferroelectric state in NKN films on Pt80Ir20 at room temperature was indicated by a polarization loop with saturated polarization as high as 33.4 μC/cm2 at 700 kV/cm, remnant polarization of 10 μC/cm2, and coercive field of 90 kV/cm. Current-voltage characteristics of vertical Au/NKN/PtIr capacitive cells and planar Au/NKN/LAO interdigital capacitors (IDCs) showed very good insulating properties, with the leakage current density for an NKN IDC on the order of 30 nA/cm2 at 400 kV/cm. Rf dielectric spectroscopy demonstrated low loss, low frequency dispersion, and high voltage tunability. At 1 MHz, NKN/LAO showed a dissipation factor tan δ = 0.010 and a tunability of 16.5 % at 200 kV/cm. For the same structure the frequency dispersion was Δεr = 8.5 % between 1 kHz and 1 MHz. / QC 20100928
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Stacked Dual Narrowband Organic Near-Infrared PhotodetectorsWang, Yazhong January 2017 (has links)
Compared with the detector devices made of inorganic semiconductors, organic photodetectors are granted with additional strengths, such as flexibility, high scalability and bio-compatibility. However, in the family of organic optoelectronic devices, the detectors that are capable of detecting photons at two or multiple specific wavelengths are still missing. Such photodetectors are highly interesting because they could identify the target objects or materials much more precisely by detecting the reflected, transmitted or emitted photons at two or multiple characteristic wavelengths. In this thesis project, the optical simulations using Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) were performed on the organic devices to achieve the dual wavelength narrowband detection in the near-infrared (NIR) spectral range of 700 ~ 1100 nm. The devices use the fact that, at the interface of the blended organic electron donating and accepting materials, the charge-transfer (CT) states with the transition energies that are lower than the optical gap of the neat materials are formed. Combined with a Fabry-Perot resonant cavity, the CT absorption can be dramatically enhanced at certain wavelengths. The simulation results show that the two detection wavelengths can be tuned independently from 650 to 1100 nm. The spectral resolution (full with at half maximum - FWHM) of the detection bands varies between 10 and 30 nm. The simulated external quantum efficiency (EQE) is ~35% at 700 nm and ~10% at 1000 nm, respectively. A possible application of such photodetectors is for example moisture detection, where two of the characteristic absorption peaks of water are located at around 750 and 960 nm. By optimizing the thickness of the two photo-absorbing layers in a tandem device structure, the detection bands can be tuned to match with those two wavelengths for simultaneous and precise detection.
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Dispositifs hyperfréquences et antennes périodiques reconfigurables à base de films minces ferroélectriques des systèmes KTN-KNN / Tunable microwave devices and periodic antennas based on ferroelectric thin films in the KTN-KNN systemsCissé, Fatou 04 July 2017 (has links)
Ce travail concerne la réalisation et la caractérisation de dispositifs hyperfréquences agiles en fréquence à base du matériau ferroélectrique KTa1-xNbxO3 (KTN) déposé en couche mince. Doté d'une permittivité diélectrique élevée (er = 700 à 10 GHz et Ebias = 0 kV/cm), KTN est un candidat prometteur pour la reconfigurabilité et la miniaturisation des dispositifs hyperfréquences. Ses pertes restent néanmoins conséquentes (tanδr = 0,3 à 10 GHz et Ebias = 0 kV/cm) et sont en partie à l'origine des pertes globales des dispositifs hyperfréquences réalisés. Afin de limiter ces pertes, une double approche a été engagée : (1) réduction des pertes diélectriques par le dopage du matériau KTN par un oxyde à faibles pertes : MgO à 3% et 6% en moles et (2) réduction des pertes globales par le confinement du matériau KTN dopé dans les zones actives des dispositifs hyperfréquences. Les couches minces de KTN non dopé et dopé d'épaisseur ~ 600 nm ont été déposées sur substrats de saphir orienté R par ablation laser pulsé (PLD). Deux compositions différentes (KTa0,5Nb0,5O3 et KTa0,65Nb0,35O3) ont été sélectionnées pour cette étude. Des dispositifs coplanaires imprimés sur les films ferroélectriques ont été réalisés et caractérisés dans la bande d'intérêt 1 GHz-20 GHz. Le dopage à 6% assure le meilleur compromis pertes / agilité avec une réduction significative des pertes globales de 0,73 à 0,20 (facteur ~ 4) du dispositif résonant imprimé sur KTa0,5Nb0,5O3 après son confinement par microgravure laser. Une agilité en fréquence de 8% est obtenue sous Ebias ≈ 75 kV/cm. L'étude d'une antenne à ondes de fuite reconfigurable en bande Ku a ensuite été mise en oeuvre. Les couches minces de KTa0,5Nb0,5O3 d'épaisseur ~ 600 nm ont été déposées par PLD sur substrats de saphir R, puis le matériau ferroélectrique a été localisé par microgravure laser dans les 6 zones actives de l'antenne (constituée de 6 tronçons). L’évolution du coefficient de réflexion sous Ebias ≈ 85 kV/cm montre une agilité en fréquence égale à 2%. Un gain maximal de 6,7 dBi a été mesuré à f = 17 GHz et Ebias = 0 kV/cm, conformément aux résultats de simulation. / This work deals with the fabrication and characterization of frequency tunable microwave devices based on ferroelectric KTa1-xNbxO3 (KTN) thin films. KTN material is a promising candidate for the tunability and miniaturization of microwave devices, due to its high dielectric permittivity (er= 700 at 10 GHz and Ebias= 0 kV/cm). Nevertheless its intrinsic loss (tanδr= 0.3 at 10 GHz and Ebias= 0 kV/cm) strongly impacts the global loss of the tunable microwave devices. To reduce this, a twofold solution has been investigated: (1) reduction of the loss tangent by doping KTN material with a low loss oxide, namely MgO (3% and 6% in mol.) and (2) confinement of the doped KTN film in efficient regions of the microwave devices and removal in noncritical areas by laser microetching. The ~ 600 nm-thick undoped and doped KTN films have been grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) on R-plane sapphire substrates. Two different compositions (KTa0.5Nb0.5O3 and KTa0.65Nb0.35O3) were specifically selected for this study. Microwave measurements have been performed on KTN-based coplanar devices from 1 GHz to 20 GHz. Stub resonator printed on confined 6% doped KTa0.5Nb0.5O3 film exhibits the best loss/agility trade-off with a significant global loss reduction from 0.73 to 0.20 (factor ~ 4) with a 8% frequency tunability under Ebias≈ 75 kV/cm.Thereafter, the study of a reconfigurable Ku-band leaky-wave antenna has been carried out. A ~600 nm-thick KTa0.5Nb0.5O3 film was deposited by PLD on R-plane sapphire substrate. The ferroelectric material was localized by laser microetching on 6 specific areas of the antenna (consisted of 6 sections). The variation of the reflection coefficient under biasing (Ebias≈ 85 kV/cm) demonstrates a frequency tunability of 2%. A gain equal to 6.7 dBi has been measured at f= 17 GHz and Ebias= 0 kV/cm, in accordance with the numerical results.
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Semiconductor quantum dots entangled photon sources: from wavelength tunability to high brightnessChen, Yan 09 July 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we focus on the generation of entangled photon pair from III-V quantum dots. The achievements mainly consists of two aspects: one is the wavelength tunability of these entangled photon pairs, which is enabled by on-chip strain engineering; the other is the brightness enhancement with an optical-broadband antenna to boost the extraction of entangled photons from the material matrix where quantum dots are embedded in.
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Laditelné materiály a struktury pro terahertzovou spektrální oblast / Tunable materials and structures for terahertz spectral rangeSkoromets, Volodymyr January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to an experimental study of dielectric properties of incipient fer- roelectrics. The terahertz time-domain spectroscopy was used to investigate the complex permittivity spectra in both single crystals and various strained thin film structures versus temperature and applied electric bias. Namely, it allowed characterizing the ferroelectric soft-mode dynamics and its coupling to a central mode. An electric-field tunability of bulk single crystals of SrTiO3 was determined up to room temperature for the first time. The phenomenon is governed by soft-mode stiffening under applied field. As an application we proposed and characterized a tunable one-dimensional photonic structure with a thin SrTiO3 plate inserted as a defect layer. The importance of the soft-mode dynamics was stressed also in the study of bulk high density KTaO3 ceramics. A systematic study was performed of a KTaO3 thin film and especially of a set of strained multilayers consisting of SrTiO3/DyScO3 bilayers grown on DyScO3 substrate. Strain-induced ferroelectric transition was observed in these films governed by the soft mode coupled to a lower-frequency relaxation. A general model was developed describing the whole family of the studied samples. Effect of the composition stoichiometry of SrTiO3 films grown on DyScO3 was...
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Designing Plasmonic Meta-Surfaces via Template-Assisted 1D, 2D, and 3D Colloidal AssemblyProbst, Patrick T. 13 December 2021 (has links)
Atoms change their optical properties drastically when combined into molecules or crystals. This becomes evident when comparing isolated carbon atoms with their solid-state polymorphs graphite and diamond. Plasmonic meta-surfaces adopt this concept to design the optical properties of thin films at will. In analogy to natural materials, the optical response of a meta-surface is dictated by the arrangement and plasmonic coupling (hybridization) of sub-wavelength metallic objects, so-called meta-atoms, rather than by the individual components. Although traditional direct writing approaches offer a high degree of freedom in design of nanostructures, reconfiguration of meta-atoms is usually limited. Especially their spatial rearrangement remains a huge challenge. Postfabrication tunability, however, would be crucial to advance device miniaturization and optical computing, by introducing dynamically tunable optics and optical switches.
This thesis investigates colloidal assembly as a cost-efficient approach to fabricate meta-surfaces on cm²-areas whose optical properties can be tuned by geometrical reconfiguration. Hydrodynamic fields and topographical templates guide the deposition of colloidal nanoparticles with precise orientational and/or positional control. In the course of this work, the level of particle assembly complexity is successively increased to realize 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional (1D, 2D, 3D) plasmonic assemblies. Strongly correlated with assembly geometry, different aspects of light are controllable. (I) 1D alignment of silver nanowires (AgNWs) produces differential transmission for linear polarization states (linear dichroism). (II) Single particles in a 2D square array interact coherently to produce a sharp, so-called surface lattice resonance (SLR). This effect confines strong electromagnetic fields in the lattice plane, which is promising for plasmonic lasing. (III) 3D chiral, cross-stacked particle chains control the transmission of circular polarization states (circular dichroism, CD).
The unique advantages of colloidal assembly are demonstrated. (I) Spray coating allows rapid deposition of oriented AgNWs over large areas and is compatible with roll-to-roll processing. Employing wrinkle-structured receiver substrates, gradients of continuously varying linear dichroism are feasible in a single step. (II) Capillary assembly is able to realize ~1 nm inter-particle spacing, which is not achievable by conventional top-down lithographical methods. The small spacing enhances inter-particle plasmon coupling and boosts CD in cross-stacked, chiral particle chains, as presented in this thesis. (III) Such hierarchical and restackable, chiral structures make large volumes of superchiral fields accessible for ultrasensitive, enantioselective detection of analytes. This is in vast contrast to stacked nanobars produced via lithography where the most pronounced fields in the inter-layer gap are blocked by the presence of spacing layers.
A central focus of this thesis is the postfabrication reconfiguration of the systems presented. This in-situ tunability is realized by elastic and reversibly stackable templates. (I) Uniaxial, mechanical strain converts the 2D square lattice into a rectangular one. This splits the SLR into two polarization-dependent modes whose resonance position is shifted reversibly when load is applied. (II) The cross-stacked, chiral particle chains are restackable. This allows adjustment of the stacking angle to tune CD magnitude and sign. (III) Reversible compression of this chiral stack induces a bending of the chains to shift the spectral position of CD modes. In a proof of concept, locally varying compression is shown to create a gradient of CD response as important step towards on-chip CD spectroscopy.
Overall, this thesis (I) tests the limits of colloidal assembly by going from single-particle arrays to complex 3D arrangements; (II) explores geometrical reconfiguration of these plasmonic nanostructures to tune pronounced optical effects. The strategies presented herein can be extended to other colloidal particle shapes and materials. Moreover, the concepts of restackable meta-surfaces and local compression for tuning optical response open an intriguing playground and might inspire top-down approaches as well. / Atome ändern ihre optischen Eigenschaften drastisch, wenn sie sich zu Molekülen oder Kristallen vereinigen. Dies wird deutlich, wenn man isolierte Kohlenstoffatome mit ihren Festkörperpolymorphen Graphit und Diamant vergleicht. Plasmonische Meta-Oberflächen übernehmen dieses Konzept, um die optischen Eigenschaften dünner Schichten nach Belieben einzustellen. In Analogie zu natürlichen Materialien wird die optische Antwort einer Meta-Oberfläche durch die Anordnung und plasmonische Kopplung (Hybridisierung) metallischer Mikro- und Nano-Objekte, den sogenannten Meta-Atomen, bestimmt und kann sich stark von den Eigenschaften der Einzelkomponenten unterscheiden. Obwohl traditionelle Direktschreibverfahren ein hohes Maß an Gestaltungsfreiheit in der Nanostrukturierung bieten, ist die Rekonfiguration von Meta-Atomen in der Regel begrenzt. Vor allem ihre räumliche Neuordnung bleibt eine große Herausforderung. Eine Durchstimmbarkeit auch nach der Herstellung zu gewährleisten wäre jedoch entscheidend, um die Miniaturisierung von Geräten und die Realisierung optischer Computer—durch die Einführung dynamisch durchstimmbarer optischer Bauteile und optischer Schalter—voranzutreiben.
Diese Dissertation untersucht kolloidale Assemblierung als kostengünstigen Ansatz zur Herstellung von Meta-Oberflächen im cm²-Maßstab, deren optische Eigenschaften durch geometrische Rekonfiguration durchgestimmt werden können. Hydrodynamische Felder und topographische Template steuern die Ablagerung kolloidaler Nanopartikel mit präziser Orientierungs- und/oder Positionskontrolle. Im Verlauf dieser Arbeit wird die Komplexität der Partikelanordnung sukzessive erhöht, um 1-, 2- und 3-dimensionale (1D, 2D, 3D), plasmonische Anordnungen zu realisieren. Eng verbunden mit der Anordnungsgeometrie können verschiedene Aspekte des Lichts gesteuert werden. (I) Die 1D-Ausrichtung von Silbernanodrähten ruft unterschiedliche Transmission für lineare Polarisationszustände hervor (linearer Dichroismus). (II) Einzelpartikel in einem quadratischen 2D-Kristall wechselwirken kohärent, was eine scharfe, sogenannte Oberflächengitterresonanz (surface lattice resonance) erzeugt. Dieser Effekt konzentriert starke elektromagnetische Felder in der Gitterebene, was ihn für plasmonische Laser interessant macht. (III) 3D-chirale, über Kreuz geschichtete Partikelketten beeinflussen die Transmission zirkularer Polarisationszustände (zirkularer Dichroismus).
Die einzigartigen Vorzüge der kolloidalen Assemblierung werden aufgezeigt. (I) Die Sprühbeschichtung ermöglicht eine rasche Abscheidung orientierter Silbernanodrähte auf großen Flächen und lässt sich mit kontinuierlicher Fertigung (Rolle-zu-Rolle) verbinden. Mit Hilfe faltenstrukturierter Substrate können Gradienten mit kontinuierlich variierendem Lineardichroismus in einem einzigen Schritt erzeugt werden. (II) Partikelanordnung mittels Kapillarkräften ermöglicht Partikelabstände von ~1 nm, was mit herkömmlichen, lithographischen Methoden nicht erreichbar ist. Dieser geringe Abstand verbessert die Plasmonenkopplung zwischen den Partikeln und verstärkt den Zirkulardichroismus in gekreuzten, chiralen Partikelketten, wie in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt wird. (III) Solche hierarchischen und wiederholt stapelbaren, chiralen Strukturen machen große Volumina an superchiralen Feldern für Analytmoleküle zugänglich, was deren ultrasensitive, enantioselektive Detektion ermöglicht. Dies steht in starkem Gegensatz zu gestapelten, lithographisch hergestellten Nanostäbchen, bei denen die stärksten Felder im Zwischenschichtspalt durch die Anwesenheit von Abstandsschichten versperrt bleiben.
Ein zentrales Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Rekonfiguration der vorgestellten Systeme im Anschluss an deren Fertigung. Diese in-situ-Durchstimmbarkeit wird durch elastische und reversibel stapelbare Template realisiert. (I) Mechanische Deformation entlang einer Achse überführt den quadratischen 2D-Kristall in einen rechteckigen. Dadurch wird die Oberflächengitterresonanz in zwei polarisationsabhängige Moden aufgespalten, deren Resonanzposition unter Krafteinwirkung reversibel verschoben wird. (II) Die über Kreuz gestapelten, chiralen Partikelketten sind wiederholt stapelbar. Dies ermöglicht die Anpassung des Stapelwinkels, um die Stärke und das Vorzeichen des Zirkulardichroismus einzustellen. (III) Reversible Kompression dieses chiralen Stapels verursacht ein Verbiegen der Ketten und verschiebt so die spektrale Position der zirkulardichroitischen Moden. In einer Machbarkeitsstudie konnte gezeigt werden, dass lokal variierende Kompression einen Gradienten des Zirkulardichroismus hervorruft. Dies stellt einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung Ein-Chip-Spektroskopie dar.
Diese Arbeit (I) lotet die Grenzen der kolloidalen Assemblierung aus, indem sie von Einzelpartikel-Anordnungen zu komplexen 3D-Arrangements übergeht; (II) untersucht die geometrische Rekonfiguration dieser plasmonischen Nanostrukturen, um ausgeprägte optische Effekte zu modulieren. Die hier vorgestellten Strategien können auf andere kolloidale Partikelformen und materialien übertragen werden. Darüber hinaus bereiten die Konzepte wiederholt stapelbarer Meta-Oberflächen und der lokalen Kompression zum Einstellen der optischen Eigenschaften eine faszinierende Spielwiese. Auch der Top-Down-Fertigung könnten diese Ansätze als Blaupause dienen.
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