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Konstrukce malého CNC soustruhu / Design of small CNC turning machinePodloucký, Milan January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is construction a small CNC lathe ideal for small series of mostly minor workpieces or for learning needs. In the first part of the work is carried out general literature search containing turning technology, tools for turning and the allocation of turning machines. There is also retrieval of small lathes located not only in our market. Based on research are selected technical parameters of the machine and carried out construction calculations. Also included is a 3D model of the entire assembly and assembly drawings of machine nodes.
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Obrábění součásti ze slitiny hliníku / Machining of aluminum alloy componentLačňák, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the technology of production of the turbine-type component in Edwards company. It specifically focuses on the part of the turning production, in which in the first part an analysis of the component and the technologicity of its construction is created. Problematic aspects are analysed in terms of material structure and procedure technology. An evaluation of the former and the new supplier is made in terms of rationalization of material structure and their statistical evaluation of rationalization improvement towards keeping to geometrical tolerances. Grooving tools greatly influence the overall machining time during turning. An experiment is made to find out the measured values of the radial forces, the process of chip formation and surface roughness during grooving. The technology of procedure further deals with rationalization of the current machine OKUMA LU25-M and purchase of a new machine Mori Seiki NTX 2000, for which new tool equipment is made in cooperation with Walter company. The final technical-economical evaluation sums up all findings from the research of the given issue. In the discussion, further continuation is suggested for the research in the development and for the continuously controlled component productivity.
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Multifunkční obráběcí centrum pro rotační i nerotační obrobky / Multifunctional machining centers for machining rotating and prismatic partsMerenus, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
This thesis will focus on a design of multifunctional machining center. The work is created in cooperation with two colleagues. Michal Kunorza will design a rotary table and Tomáš Grëtz will design a machine spindle with automatic tool exchange. My part of the work will focus on design of linear tool axis. The result of this cooperation should be machining center for rotary and non-rotary workpieces.
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Možnosti systému Sinumerik při programování rotační strojní součásti / Sinumerik tools for programming of rotational machine partSlavík, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a manufacture of rotating mechanical component on CNC lathe machine with Sinumerik control system. At first the chosen component is briefly described and then NC program is created in Sinutrain Operate 4.5 system. Afterwards the program is verified by simulation. Within the diploma thesis a technological documentation is elaborated that contains a new technological course of manufacture and a manufacture drawing of the component. The final part of this thesis is focused on technical-economic evaluation of newly designed manufacture with verification of cutting conditions and required output of the CNC machine. The outcome of the thesis defines an hour rate of CNC lathe and price of component that regards to newly presented manufacture.
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Návrh vřeteníku odhrotovacího stroje / Design of headstock of the deburring machineTatíček, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is design of deburring machine, focusing on the headstock, capable of aligning the front side and chamfering at the round bars. At the beginning is a short research design nodes, used in the construction of machine tools. As part of the work was done and the measurement of cutting forces to determine the load while standing. Work also includes a series of calculations to justify the use of selected components. The outcome of the work is also a 3D model.
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Zefektivnění výroby rotačních součástí na soustružnických automatech / Increasing effectiveness of rotary parts production on auto lathe machinesBauer, Vít January 2011 (has links)
Increasing effectiveness of semi-tightening tips production on the Swissstyle lathes. Analysis of current status. Design of areas for improvement. Proposed measures in the form of changes in cutting conditions, changes in geometry of tool, or an alternative solution to the current situation. Technical and economic evaluation of the proposed measures.
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Orsaker samt avslut av kriminella karriärer : En studie med bistånd från teorin om sociala bandYayo, Michael January 2020 (has links)
Crime comes in many different forms and can be viewed differently depending on culture, individual factors and geography. This increases the importance of discussing the subject by continually analyzing its causes, to eventually enable the development of methods and means to stop it. This study seeks to contribute to this process by analyzing factors that influence crime but also the ending of it, in the context of social factors. Accordingly, the overall goal of the study is to contribute to broadening the know-how about what influences criminal careers to help in the development of methods to stop them. This is done by analyzing the field from in two approaches; (1) what indicate crimes and (2) what contributes to the ending. This is of great importance today as it will fill a prevailing shortage in previous research which tend to focus on the field in one of the two approaches and often with the same type of participants. To achieve its purpose, the study includes individuals which are young with on-going criminal lifestyles and older which have put their criminal past behind them. Through the study analysis six themes where identified; threat of punishment, drug abuse, family relations, environmental aspects and school. / Brott förekommer i många olika former och betraktas skiftande beroende på kultur, individuella och geografiska faktorer. Brottslighet är dessutom ett eskalerande samhällsproblem som har med sig stora negativa konsekvenser på ekonomisk aktivitet och den psykiska hälsan hos samhällsinvånare. Detta sätter stor vikt på att kontinuerligt diskutera ämnet och analysera orsaker till kriminalitet för att vidareutveckla förebyggande metoder och processer. Denna studie bidrar till denna process genom att analysera faktorer som indikerar brott men också varför respondenter valt att avsluta sina kriminella karriärer, i samband med sociala band teorin. Följaktligen, är det övergripande målet att bidra till att bredda kunskapen om vad som påverkar kriminella karriärer och därav bidra till utvecklingen av metoder för att stoppa dem. Detta utförs genom att analysera studieområdet ur två olika infallsvinklar; (1) vad som skapar brott och (2) vad som stoppar det. Detta ger inte enbart studien samhällsviktig tyngd utan bidrar också till en bristfällig forskning som tenderar att endast fokusera på en infallsvinkel och ofta i datainsamling från samma typ av deltagare. För att uppnå sitt syfte har studien inkluderat individer med pågående kriminell livsstil samt personer vars kriminella karriär ligger bakom dom. Sex teman identifierades under studieanalysen; straffhot, drogmissbruk, familjerelationer, miljöaspekter och skola.
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KARRIÄRVÄGLEDNING FÖR PERSONER MED UTMATTNINGSSYNDROM : En kvalitativ studie om livslångt lärande och karriärkompetensHiller, Paula, Palm, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Många som drabbas av utmattningssyndrom (UMS) upplever en nedsatt kognitiv förmåga och att sjukdomen blir en brytpunkt och ett vägval som kräver en väl fungerande handlingsplan inför framtiden. Denna studie har intervjuat individer med UMS och frågat hur de ser på karriärvägledning, om den behövs och vilken typ av vägledning som de efterfrågar. Resultaten från de kvalitativa intervjuerna analyserades utifrån careershipteorin och konstruktivistisk teori och visar att personer med UMS är i behov av en livsförändring som kräver ny insikt, utsikt och framsikt för en lyckad återgång till arbetslivet och ett hälsosamt förhållningssätt till arbete och prestation. Vidare framkom det ett behov av ett holistiskt förhållningssätt där individens egen livshistoria sätts i centrum då det inte finns några mediciner eller färdiga lösningar som passar alla. Karriärkompetens och livslångt lärande är centrala delar av denna studie och med en fördjupad kunskap inom detta område kan en studie- och yrkesvägledarens insats, det vill säga karriärvägledning, vara till stor nytta för personer med UMS. / Many people who suffer from fatigue syndrome (UMS) experience a reduced cognitive ability that becomes a turning point, leading to a crossroad that requires a well-functioning action plan for the future. In this study, interviews with people that are or have been diagnosed with UMS have shared their opinions regarding career guidance, whether career guidance is needed, and what type of guidance they perceive as needed. The results from the qualitative interviews were analyzed drawing on careership theory and constructivist theory, showing that people with UMS are in need of a life change that requires new insight, perspective and foresight for a successful return to work and a healthy way of relating to work and accomplishment. Furthermore, the study shows that there is a need for a holistic approach where the individual's own life story is put at the center, since no medications or ready-made solutions that suit everyone exist. Career management skills and lifelong learning are central parts of this study and with an expertise within this area, a career counsellor’s contribution, i.e. career guidance, can be of great benefit to people with UMS.
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Transcendování a jeho význam pro socializaci a formování dítěte jako osobnosti / Transcending and its meaning for the socialization and formation process of child's personalityBravená, Noemi January 2016 (has links)
The submitted interdisciplinary dissertation on (outreach) transcendence of the child contains two parts: theoretical and empirical one. The theoretical part analyzes this concept in terms of linguistics, philosophy of education, psychology and religious pedagogy which implies conclusions for education. It also examines the concept of an ideal homo transcendens about which we can speak of a paradoxical and typological significance. In addition to this, the work reflects the care of overlap educators, child and curriculum. The empirical part of this work presents two pre surveys: One on children, the other on adults and children. Here is also presented methodology ready for transcendence term and it has its own specifics in a group interview based on two fictional stories. Qualitative research results are presented in four units: hermeneutical, socializing, emotional- attitudinal and empowermantal. Overlap as part of the education turnover to a child is related to the child together with the turnover in the child and the teacher. KEYWORDS: transcendence, transcending, outreach, child, personality, socialization, typology, metanoia, turning-to-child education
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”Man blir inte helt fri från det även fast man lämnat helt" : En kvalitativ studie om beslutet att lämna kriminaliteten samt stödet från omgivningen och myndigheterNazari, Sonia, Jaffar, Mariam January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad som driver individer till att begå brott, vilka bidragande faktorer som avgjort att de ex-kriminella valt att lämna sin kriminella karriär, och hur socialtjänsten och arbetsförmedlingen hjälpt de ex-kriminella under vägen ut ur det kriminella livet. Studien belyser även vilken specifik händelse som varit vändpunkten för ex-kriminella och deras beslut att bli avhoppare. Hur ex-kriminellas återintegrering in i samhället sett ut samt hur samhället, myndigheter samt deras omgivning bemött dem under utträdesprocessen.Det empiriska underlaget består av kvalitativa intervjuer med fem personer som tidigare varit kriminella. Med stöd av teorier och tidigare forskningen har en analys gjorts av intervjusvaren. Faktorer såsom familjeförhållanden, ogynnsam skolgång, brottsbelastad kamratkrets samt rastlöshet, spänningssökande och bristande ekonomiska tillgångar har varit orsaker till att individer tenderar att utveckla ett kriminellt beteende. Resultatet visar även att samtliga intervjupersoner hade en utmärkande händelse som orsakade vändpunkten i deras liv. Fyra av de fem deltagarna som medverkade beslutade även att flytta till ett annat land/stad för att påbörja ett nytt liv med nya möjligheter samt reducera chanserna till att bli stämplad eller dömd på grund av sitt förflutna. Samtliga deltagare hade dåliga erfarenheter av hjälp från myndigheter då de upplevde att de inte fick bra stöd. / The purpose of the study is to investigate what motivates individuals to commit crimes, what contributing factors that have determined that ex-criminals have chosen to leave their criminal careers, and how social services and the employment service helped the ex-criminals on their way out of the criminal life.The study also sheds lights on what specific events that have been the turning point for ex-criminals and their final decision to leave the criminal lifestyle, and how ex-criminals' reintegration into society looked like and how society, authorities and their surroundings treated them during the withdrawal process. The empirical data has been collected in the form of a qualitative interview study with five ex-criminals. With the help of the selected theories and previous research, an analysis has been made of the interviews. Factors such as family relationships, unfavorable schooling, criminal friends, sensation seeking, and lack of financial assets have been reasons to why individuals tend to develop criminal behavior. The results showed that all interviewees experienced one or more specific events that caused the turning point in their lives. Majority of the participants decided to move to reduce the risk of them being judged because of their past. All participants had a bad opinion about receiving help from the authorities as they experienced that they were both badly treated and didn’t receive correct help.
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