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The Project Management Framework of a Large-scale Lump Sum Turnkey ProjectHwang, Rong-Yuh 24 August 2011 (has links)
The domestic construction project contracts have made a great development to large-scale lump sum turnkey project, which includes engineering, procurement and construction. The turnkey contractors are responsible for the interface integration among various projects to reduce the delays caused by poor interface coordination, and to shorten the project schedule, moreover to ensure project quality. However, there are huge discrepancies between lump sum turnkey construction projects and general construction projects. Lump sum turnkey projects require a wider field of engineering project management covering the project planning and project control of engineering design, procurement and site construction. So, it is important to do further research in this area. The main purpose of this study is to develop a complete project management framework for large-scale lump sum turnkey projects from the standpoint of a project owner. A real case of the LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) receiving terminal project at Taichung Harbor was used to verify the feasibility of the proposed framework.
This study is based on literature review, interview and case study of a large-scale lump sum turnkey project. The engineering project management system of a large-scale construction contractor was studied. The interviewees included top management personnel, information system personnel, and project management system users of the best practice company. The results of this study serve as guidelines of large-scale lump sum turnkey construction project management for project owners. It¡¦s also beneficial for small and median sized contractors to learn from best practice experiences.
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Turnkey contract is a commonly used form of contract for procurement of projects, however not so common when it comes to rail infrastructure, because railway installations are so complex and makes greater demands on availability and traffic safety. Performance contracts have occurred in railway projects for a long time. The Swedish Transport Administration has received directives from the government to push for increased productivity and increased degree of innovation in the construction industry. The Swedish Transport Administration has the ambition to transform its role as a client to create the conditions for the market and its driving forces for increased innovation and productivity by handing over a greater commitment and responsibility to the contractors. A strategic primary focus is to increase the proportion of turnkey projects within the construction industry. Contracts relating to investments between 25-500 million will be procured through turnkey projects. The purpose of this report is to identify how the market views the specifications with emphasis on object-specific technical description, its calculability, structure and clarity. The section that has been analyzed in this report is the construction of the freight line between Stenkumla - Dunsjö that is part of the whole distance between Hallsberg - Degerön. Interviews were conducted with entrepreneurs who have participated in the bidding contest. The purpose of the interviews was to get the contractors' views on the specifications that can be taken into account in future projects. Responses will be analyzed by the Swedish Transport Administration and taken into account for the development of future specifications in turnkey contracts for the construction industry. OTB for the route Stenkumla - Dunsjö, entrepreneurs are not allowed to come up with innovative solutions, since the specifications contain many technical solutions specified by the Swedish Transport Administration. The contractors want more freedom in the specifications in order to provide innovative solutions. One reason that there are many technical solutions in this project is because, the project was meant to be procured as performance contract and Traffic Authority had already planned a lot before they decided to purchase it as Turnkey contract. / Totalentreprenader är vanligt förekommande entreprenadformen vid upphandling av projekt dock inte så vanligt när det gäller järnvägsanläggningar eftersom järnvägsanläggningar är så komplexa och ställer större krav på tillgänglighet och trafiksäkerhet. Utförandeentreprenader har varit entreprenadformen som har förekommit vid järnvägsprojekt under en längre tid. Trafikverket har fått direktiv från regering att verka för ökad produktivitet och ökad innovationsgrad i anläggningsbranschen. Trafikverket har som ambition att förändra sin roll som beställare för att skapa förutsättningar för marknaden och dess drivkrafter till ökas innovation och produktivitet genom att överlämna ett större åtagande och ansvar till entreprenörerna. En strategisk huvudinriktning är att öka andelen totalentreprenader inom anläggningsbranschen. Entreprenader som avser investeringar mellan 25 – 500 Mkr ska 50 % av entreprenaderna upphandlas genom totalentreprenader. Syftet med denna rapport är att kartlägga hur marknaden ser på förfrågningsunderlaget med tonvikt på det objektspcifik tekniska beskrivningen, dess kalkylbarhet, struktur och tydlighet. Sträckan som har i denna rapport analyserat är byggnationen av godsstråket mellan Stenkumla – Dunsjö som är en del av hela sträckan mellan Hallsberg – Degerön. Intervjuer har utförts med entreprenörerna som har deltagit i anbudstävlingen. Syftet med intervjuerna har varit för att få entreprenörernas synpunkter på förfrågningsunderlaget som kan tas hänsyn till i kommande projekt. Svaren kommer analyseras av Trafikverket och tas i hänsyn till utvecklingsarbetet av framtida förfrågningsunderlag inom totalentreprenader för anläggningsbranschen. OTB för just sträckan Stenkumla – Dunsjö, tillåts inte entreprenörerna komma med innovativa lösningar eftersom förfrågningsunderlaget innehåller många tekniska lösningar som angivits av Trafikverket. Entreprenörerna vill ha mer frihet i förfrågningsunderlagen för att kunna bidra med innovativa lösningar. En anledning till att det finns många tekniska lösningar i detta projekt är att det finns en beslutad järnvägsplan. Järnvägsplanen styr utformningen av anläggningen.
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農業科技整廠輸出之可行性分析 / The research on agriculture technology with turnkey project as the business model詹淑珠 Unknown Date (has links)
就農業科技本身而言,多數人對於交易的標的都仍停留在「產品」的階段,而忽略實際上在農業科技應用的過程中所形成或產生之技術、know how、原料、設備資材、半成品等也能夠做為交易的標的,但是因為農業的本質上有其特殊性,因此也會連帶影響到農業科技商品化的選擇,如商品的選擇及組合多元、技術實施可能受限、知識經驗含量深,容易因人而異、保護複雜性高及需考量繁殖特性、悠關生活,安全性要求高、回收期較長等都是在將農業科技商品化過程中需要考量的重要議題。
整體而言,台灣所擁有的農業科技技術含含量及know how均有相當高的水準,有能力擔任技術輸出方,而面對食品安全、糧荒議題備受重視、新興市場興起及對技術的需求急切,因此對於農業科技整廠輸出這樣的需求是存在且相當必要的,是以對台灣來說整廠輸出的確是一種可行的交易選擇。
然而,在目前的整體環境之下,若要採用整廠輸出的交易模式仍有一定之挑戰,因此於本論文最後分別對業者及政府提出建議。對業者來說,最重要的是要了解技術與產業之發展,挑選適當的技術做為整廠輸出之核心,並對此技術嚴加保護及掌握,如此才能長久保持競爭力,同時業者也應該更加強對商業化活動的了解與多元人才的引進,強化企業的經營與規模;而對政府而言,最重要的則是建構一個有利於整廠輸出模式執行的環境,包括整廠輸出模式之宣導及推廣,提供業者在執行過程中的實質協助,並協助將分散於學研單及民間業者或個人的技術整合,組成技術組合,同時也應就行政管理層面整合,減少業者在執行整廠輸出過程中因為行政程序或是不同單位之規定而造成時間或資源上的浪費,且應積極透過政策來導農業加速產業化,改變一般人對於農業的觀感,吸納更多的能量與人才進入農業,促進成正向的循環。 / Agriculture technology developments and the research abilities in Taiwan are well known around the world. Nowadays in Taiwan agriculture technology development is one of the most important strategies, so that how to transform the technology into real economic value is becoming a big issue.
In this research, we will discuss whether the turnkey project is suitable for agriculture technology or not from several points of view, such as the nature of agriculture technology, the characteristics in its commercialization progress, the outside environments, ect.
In 1980’s, governments in Taiwan began to promote the’’ Turnkey Project ’’ model to the industries and gave them assistances in both policy making and consulting institute establishing. These strategies really contributed to the economic development in the following years. So the turnkey project could be a workable and useful business model.
The turnkey project business model consists of five phases, including target setting, project bidding, design and construction, testing and training, and transferring the management. Each stage has different tasks and different issues awaited to be accomplished. It’s a complicated, high-risk, and long-term deal. Usually, we will use the turnkey project when having a high-level technology or complicated technology portfolios in one trade. Thus as being the technology supplier, highly integrative ability and lots of resources are requested.
When talking about trade in agriculture, it comes out ’’products ’’ in most people’s minds. Actually, there are more than products which could be viewed as the trading subjects, such as the supporting technologies, know how, raw materials, equipments, etc. Therefore, agriculture has many distinctive characteristics when commercializing, and these characteristics will lead to different results. All these characteristics are important issues to deal with.
The turnkey Project is a kind of environment creating and preserving. It creates the appropriate environment for the technology to practice. When this model used on agriculture technology, it is just compliance with the distinctive characteristics of agriculture technology. Therefore, turnkey project model could ensure the better results and higher value of agriculture technology.
Before choosing turnkey project as the business model, the technology owner or supplier needs to confirm several conditions about the target importing country or area. He has to check whether the acceptance of the technology is high, the developing restriction of the technology is few, the protection of the technology is easy, and the local government policies is supportive, to make sure this agriculture technology can enter, exit here and not to reduce his own competitiveness at the same time.
Viewing the world as a market, the demand of agriculture technology is urgent and serious because the food safety and the food shortage issues are becoming more and more critical and the emerging countries are eager to have new and good technologies in developing their own countries. Taiwan’s agriculture technologies are both good at quality and quantity. Therefore, being the technology exporter with the turnkey project model is a great opportunity to Taiwan.
However, there are still some challenges now in Taiwan when using turnkey project as the business model. To solve the problems, as the private firms, they have to figure out the development of the industry and the technology, and then find out the core of technologies, set up an appropriate protection and design a proper trading package. Also they need to learn more about business language and logics for better communication with their customers in the future. For the government sections, their missions are to create a friendly environment for the business executing turnkey project.
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