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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Užsiėmimų tvarkaraščių projektavimo sistema / Schedule projection system

Jociūtė, Dovilė 30 May 2005 (has links)
That project’s purpose is to create the Schedule Projection System. Tere is given information about analogous Schedule Projection Systems in Lithuania and other countries. It was used “fall” model for that system’s creating control. The program was created in Microsoft Visual Basic environment and it uses OLE interface for comunicating with Microsoft Exel program. Schedule Projection System runs in any computer with x86 architecture, Microsoft Windows operating system and Microsoft Office pack. Systems documentation: Projection methodology and technology analysis. Requirements specification. Detailed project’s plan. System’s working documentation: System functional description. System manager. System installation document System administrator document After program’s revise and testing procedures the system was evaluated like specious for exploitation.

Pamokų tvarkaraščio optimizavimas profiliuotoms mokykloms / Optimization of profiled school schedule

Norkus, Aurimas 25 May 2005 (has links)
There are three implemented algorithms in this work: lessons permutation, lessons permutation with simulated annealing adjustment, lessons permutation using Bayesian approach theory to optimize SA parameters algorithms. Algorithms and graphical user interface are programmed with JSP which is based on Java object programming language. To evaluate schedule goodness algorithms are computing every penalty points which are given for some inconvenieces. User is able to define how much penalty points will be given if some inconveniece is satisfied. Also he is able to assign stochastic algorithm parameters. There was accomplished theory, where was observed using of simulated annealing and Bayesian approch methods in other stochastic algorithms and their different combination. There is a description of profiled school schedule optimization algorithm, which is based on SA searching methodology: searching for the optima through lower quality solutions, using temperature function which convergence, difference in quality. Algorythm which is using BA was created in case to improve SA searching methodology. User by changing systems temperature or annealing speed througth parameters can make big influence to SA behaviour. Passing parameters then using algorithm with BA meaner influence is made to behaviour because this method prognosticates, acording to him, better parameters with which SA should work effectively and changing them. Researches with three stochastic algorithms were made... [to full text]

Interaktyvus Web sistemos kūrimas / Interactive web system development

Dvilevičius, Andrius 27 June 2014 (has links)
Sparčiai plintant informacinėms technologijoms vis daugiau daiktų ir paslaugų yra perkeliama į virtualią erdvę. Šis darbas nagrinėja galimybę padaryti universaliu rezervacijos procesą. Pagrindinis tikslas sukurti paprastą sistemą, kurią skirtingoms situacijoms galėtų susikonfigūruoti pats vartotojas. Viena iš sudėtingiausių funkcijų kurią nagrinėja darbas yra galimybė sistemai generuoti automatinius tvarkaraščius. Sistemos praktiškumo būtinybė reikalavo gana plataus analizės spektro: sistemos įgyvendinimo principo tyrimo, programinės įrangos parinkimo, rezervavimo algoritmo sukūrimo, tvarkaraščių sudarymo algoritmo išvedimo. Galutinis rezultatas yra ištirti ir aprašyti konfigūravimo, administravimo bei rezervavimo procesai, jų tyrimų metodai ir gauti rezultatai. / With rapid spread of information technologies, more and more things and services are transferred to the virtual space. Online stores or online reservation systems has long ceased to surprise customers. The main purpose of this master thesis is to analyze and find the way to universalize online reservation process using information gathered from scientific literature analysis and from author’s research. The main objective is to create a model of a simple system for the different situations that could be configured by administrator. Since most of internet users have great computer skills and new IT technologies are becoming more sophisticated and easier to use, most of processes could be performed by ordinary user with no IT education with use of simplified tools. One of the most complex parts of this thesis is to examine the possibility of the system to generate automated schedules. Usability of the system called for the need of a relatively broad spectrum of analysis: the research of various ways of implementation of system, software selection, the creation of a reservation algorithm, scheduling algorithm modification and analysis. In my work I analyze theoretical fundamentals needed for creation of sophisticated reservation system. I review installation and configuration, reservation, object creation and other processes. Also I examine real situations and possible their implementation. The final result of my thesis is detailed information about preferred implementation way... [to full text]

Mokyklos tvarkaraščių optimizavimas / School schedule optimizing

Pupeikienė, Lina 25 May 2004 (has links)
In this work was created algorithm of SA – Simulated Annealing method and GMJ – Global Minimizer for Java. GMJ it’s solution of so called frames of optimised tasks. The method of SA is a technique that has attracted significant attention as suitable for optimization problems of large scale. For practical purposes, simulated annealing has effectively “solved” the famous travelling salesman. At the heart of the method of simulated annealing is an analogy with thermodynamics, specifically with the way that liquids freeze and crystallize, or metals cool and anneal. So the essence of the process is slow cooling, allowing ample time for redistribution of the atoms as they lose mobility. This is the technical definition of annealing, and it is essential for ensuring that a low energy state will be achieved. GMJ – it’s a software solution of so called frames of global optimisation tasks. This method realizes: · algorithms of global optimisation (methods), · functions, that’s can be optimised (tasks), · objects, that’s can be showed on display (analysis). After the program was created, exhaustive inquiry of in this work realized methods was done: analysed influence of teachers, students and others different restrains multipliers to school scheduler making. The research was done using the data of college of Marijampolė. There was accomplished theoretical and experimental comparison of SA and the school schedule programs of others firms.

Užsiėmimų tvarkaraščių projektavimo sistema / Scheduling and Course Planning System

Gabrienė, Vitalija 16 August 2007 (has links)
Informacinių technologijų srityje tvarkaraščių projektavimo sistemos nėra naujas dalykas, tačiau sistemos turi būti projektuojamos atsižvelgiant tiek į bendrus, tiek į individulius poreikius kiekvienai švietimo įstaigai. Norint pradėti projektuoti sistemą riekia žinoti kokį rezultatą norime gauti ir parinkti priemones reikalingas sistemai kurti. Kokia kalba bus sistema projektuojama, kaip bus kuriama duomenų bazė ir kokie duomenys bus įvedami, kaip jie bus saugomi, keičiami., kokios bus programos galimybės. Gauti norimą rezultatą padėjo formacija apie jau egzistuojančias panašias tvarkaraščių programas, jų privalumus bei trūkumus. Informacija apie projekto užsakovą, jo poreikius ir reikalavimus padės optimaliai spręsti iškeltą uždavin��. / The goal of this work is to create Scheduling and Course Planning System which should help to organize courses and make timetables in more convenient, simple and effective way. This system should satisfy the requirements of lecturers and students. The system should be able to keep initial data necessary for generation of diagrams and reports. The initial data can be modified by the users of this system.

Gamybinių tvarkaraščių sudarymo uždavinio algoritmai ir analizė / Algorithms and analysis of the scheduling problem

Simonavičius, Julius 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo pradžioje supažindinsiu su gamybinių tvarkaraščių sudarymo uždaviniu. Jo tikslas rasti tvarkaraštį tam tikrai gamybinei situacijai. Uždavinys turi pilnai nusakyti kas ir kur turi įvykti ir apibrėžti visus apribojimus, o gautas sprendinys turi tenkinti šiuos reikalavimus ir vienareikšmiškai nusakyti operacijų vykdymą. Ši problema aktuali gamyklose, personalo valdyme, krovinių gabenime, oro uostuose, traukinių stotyse ir daugelyje kitų. Kadangi matematinis gamybinių tvarkaraščių sudarymo apibūdinimas sudaromas atsižvelgiant į realaus pasaulio problemas, egzistuoja daug šio uždavinio variantų. Dėl to teko pasirinkti kurį konkretų uždavinį nagrinėti. Pirmajame skyriuje supažindinu su šiuo konkrečiu uždaviniu, pateikiu apibrėžimus, s��vokas ir egzistuojančias problemas sprendžiant gamybinių tvarkaraščių uždavinį. Galiausiai parodysiu, kad tai yra sunkiai sprendžiamas ir dėl to vienas iš aktualių kombinatorinio optimizavimo uždavinių. Tuomet plačiau apibūdinu genetinį ir skruzdžių kolonijos optimizavimo algoritmus. Šie algoritmai ir naudojami sprendžiant mano konkret�� gamybinių tvarkaraščių sudarymo uždavinį. Aš apibūdinu visus parametrus ir koeficientus. Vėliau aš pristatau sukurtą programinę įrangą, skirtą rasti spręsti gamybinių tvarkaraščių sudarymo uždavinį ir vaizdžiai pateikti gautus sprendinius. Taip pat grafikų lentelių ir kitų priemonių pagalba pateikiu atliktų eksperimentų rezultatus. Tuomet apžvelgiu gautus rezultatus ir aptariu pastebėtas tendencijas ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / At the begining of this work introduction to the scheduling problem and its basics is given. The goal of a scheduling problem is to make a schedule for a certain production situation. In the problem it is stated what must take place, and the solution describes exactly what should happen at what time. These problems occur in factories, personnel planning, transportation, airfields, railroad stations etcetera. Since mathematical descriptions of scheduling problems are often distilled from practical situations there are many variants of scheduling problems. A selection had to be made which problem is going to be a target of the study. The job shop scheduling problem was chosen. In the first chapter there is definitions of the problems we are trying to solve, introduction of important concepts (properties, bounds, definitions) from the field of scheduling. The last section takes a small detour into theoretical computer science in order to make precise that scheduling problems are hard to solve. In the second chapter introduction of genetic and ant colony optomization algorithms and its basius is given. It is used to solve scheduling problem, which was mentioned before. Introduction of all genetic and ant colony optimization algorithm operators and settings are given here. Then follows the introduction to software witch was made to solve and visualize solutions of scheduling problem. A great number of plots and figures are used in the experimental chapter to explain what... [to full text]

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