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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of warming and nutrient enrichment on feeding behavior, population stability and persistence of consumers and their resources

Uszko, Wojciech January 2016 (has links)
Consumer-resource interactions are the basic building blocks of every food web. In spite of being a central research theme of longstanding interest in ecology, the mechanisms governing the stability and persistence of consumer-resource interactions are still not entirely understood. In particular, theoretical predictions on consumer-resource stability along gradients of temperature and nutrient enrichment diverge widely and are sometimes in conflict with empirical results. In this thesis I address these issues from the angle of the functional response, which describes a consumer’s feeding rate as a function of resource density. Specifically, I explore mechanistic, nutrient-based consumer-resource interaction models with respect to the influence of feeding behavior (the shape of the functional response), environmental temperature, nutrient enrichment, and resource quality on consumer-resource stability and persistence. In order to parameterize these models I performed extensive laboratory experiments with pairs of freshwater pelagic algae and grazers of the genus Daphnia, which are widespread, ecologically important model organisms. I found a sigmoidal type III functional response in every studied Daphnia-algae species pair. The exact form of its shape is described by an exponent b which is determined by fitting functional response models to the experimental data. A high value of b can stabilize consumer-resource systems under the otherwise destabilizing influence of nutrient enrichment, as predicted by a novel stability criterion relating b to the consumer’s prey handling time, food conversion efficiency and mortality. Estimated parameter values and, consequently, stability predictions are sensitive to the method of parameter estimation, and I propose a new estimation procedure that minimizes parameter uncertainty. Because many consumers’ feeding rates depend on temperature, warming is expected to strongly affect food web stability. In functional response experiments over a broad temperature gradient, I found that the attack rate coefficient and the maximum ingestion rate of Daphnia are hump-shaped functions of temperature. Moreover, the functional response exponent increases with warming towards stronger type III responses. Plugging these findings into a nutrient-based consumer-resource model, I found that predator persistence is a U-shaped function of temperature in nutrient enrichment-temperature space. Enrichment easily turns the system unstable when the consumer has a type II response, whereas a type III response opens up a large region of stability at intermediate, for the consumer optimal, temperatures. These findings reconcile seemingly conflicting results of earlier studies of temperature effects on consumer-resource dynamics, which can be mapped as special cases onto the enrichment-temperature space. I finally demonstrate the utility of three key model ingredients - temperature dependence of rate parameters, a mechanistic description of the dynamics of algal resources, and a type III functional response in Daphnia - by successfully implementing them in the description and explanation of phytoplankton-Daphnia dynamics in a mesocosm experiment exploring effects of warming on the spring succession of the plankton.

The intracellular pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis targets proteins of the ESCRT machinery / Le pathogène intracellulaire Chlamydia trachomatis cible des protéines de la machinerie ESCRT

Vromman, Francois 10 June 2014 (has links)
Chlamydia trachomatis est une bactérie intracellulaire obligatoire. Ce pathogène de l’Homme est la première cause infectieuse de cécité ainsi que de maladies sexuellement transmissible d’origine bacterienne.Utilisant une souche de C. trachomatis L2 exprimant une protéine fluorescente, nous avons développé des méthodes de microscopie et de cytométrie en flux permettant de suivre les différentes étapes du développement de la bactérie. Ces méthodes faciliteront les futures études de l’infection par Chlamydia.Chlamydia interagit avec différents processus cellulaires, et plus particulièrement via la sécrétion d’effecteurs par le système de sécrétion de type 3 (ST3). Nous avons identifié une famille de protéines possédant un signal de ST3 qui partagent un domaine, le DUF582, présent uniquement chez les Chlamydia pathogènes.Nous avons montré que les 5 protéines DUF582 de C. trachomatis sont exprimées à partir du milieu du cycle infectieux. Nous avons démontré que la protéine Hrs interagit avec le DUF582 et que la protéine DUF582 CT619 interagit avec Tsg101. Hrs et Tsg101 sont d’importants composants de la machinerie ESCRT impliquée dans de nombreux processus de fission membranaire.Utilisant l’interférence ARN, nous avons montré que Hrs et Tsg101 ne sont requis ni pour l’entrée, ni pour le développement de la bactérie. Ceci suggère que les protéines DUF582 bloquent des processus dépendant de Hrs/Tsg101. A l’inverse, la bactérie pourrait utiliser la machinerie ESCRT mais l’existence de mécanismes redondants expliquerait l’absence de phénotype dans les expériences d’interférence. Nous discutons trois hypothèses concernant le rôle des protéines DUF582 dans l’infection. / Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular human pathogen. It is the first infectious cause of blindness and the most common cause of sexually transmitted diseases of bacterial origin. Using a strain of C. trachomatis serovar L2 expressing a fluorescent protein we developed microscopy and flow cytometry based methods to quantify several steps of its developmental cycle. These methods will facilitate future studies aimed at testing anti-bacterial compounds or various culture conditions. Chlamydiae interfere with many cellular processes, in particular via the secretion of bacterial proteins through a type 3 secretion (T3S) system. We identified a family of proteins that possess T3S signals. They share a domain designated as DUF582, which is only found in pathogenic chlamydiae. We showed that the five DUF582 proteins of C. trachomatis are expressed from the mid phase of infection. We demonstrated that the protein Hrs is a common interactor for the DUF582. In addition the N-terminal part of the DUF582 protein CT619 interacts with Tsg101. Hrs and Tsg101 are both important components of the ESCRT machinery, which is an ancient machinery required for several processes involving membrane fission.Using RNA interference we showed that Hrs and Tsg101 are dispensable for bacterial entry and growth. This last result suggest that DUF582 proteins actually prevent Hrs and/or Tsg101 driven processes. Alternatively, the bacteria might highjack the ESCRT machinery but redundant mechanisms would explain the absence of phenotype on bacterial development observed in the silencing experiments. We discuss three hypotheses as to the possible role of the DUF582 proteins in infection.

Biofilm and Virulence Regulation in the Cystic Fibrosis-Associated Pathogens, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Layla Ramos-Hegazy (8771495) 30 April 2020 (has links)
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a fatal, incurable genetic disease that affects over 30,000 people in the United States alone. People with this disease have a homozygous mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) which causes defects in chloride transport and leads to build up of mucus in the lungs and disruption of function in various organs. CF patients often suffer from chronic bacterial infections within the lungs, wherein the bacteria persist as a biofilm, leading to poor prognosis. Two of these pathogens, <i>Stenotrophomonas maltophilia</i> and <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>, are often found in the lungs of patients with CF and are an increasing medical concerns due to their intrinsic antimicrobial resistance. Both species can readily form biofilms on biotic and abiotic surfaces such as intravascular devices, glass, plastic, and host tissue. Biofilm formation starts with bacterial attachment to a surface and/or adjacent cells, initiating the acute infection stage. Chronic, long-term infection involves subsequent or concurrent altered genetic regulation, including a downregulation of virulence factors, resulting in the bacteria committing to a sessile lifestyle, markedly different from the planktonic one. Many of these genetic switches from an acute to chronic lifestyle are due to pressures from the host immune system and lead to permanently mutated strains, most likely an adaptive strategy to evade host immune responses. Biofilms are extremely problematic in a clinical setting because they lead to nosocomial infections and persist inside the host causing long-term chronic infections due to their heightened tolerance to almost all antibiotics. Understanding the genetic networks governing biofilm initiation and maintenance would greatly reduce consequences for CF and other biofilm-related infections and could lead to the development of treatments and cures for affected patients. This study showed that in<i> S. maltophilia</i>, isogenic deletion of phosphoglycerate mutase (<i>gpmA</i>) and two chaperone-usher pilin subunits, <i>S. maltophilia</i> fimbrae-1 (<i>smf-1</i>) and<i> cblA</i>, lead to defects in attachment on abiotic surfaces and cystic fibrosis derived bronchial epithelial cells (CFBE). Furthermore, Δ<i>smf-1</i> and Δ<i>cblA</i> showed defects in long-term biofilm formation, mimicking that of a chronic infection lifestyle, on abiotic surfaces and CFBE as well as stimulating less of an immune response through TNF-α production. This study also showed that in <i>P. aeruginosa</i>, the Type III secretion system (T3SS), an important virulence factor activated during the acute stage of infection, is downregulated when <i>polB</i>, a stress-induced alternate DNA polymerase, is overexpressed. This downregulation is due to post-transcriptional inhibition of the master regulatory protein, ExsA. Taken together, this project highlights important genes involved in the acute and chronic infection lifestyle and biofilm formation in <i>S. maltophilia</i> and genetic switches during the acute infection lifestyle in <i>P. aeruginosa</i>.

O papel de transferência horizontal de genes na história evolutiva de duas classes de genes em bactérias / The role of horizontal gene transfer in the evolutionary history of two bacterial gene classes

Rangel, Luiz Thibério Lira Diniz 10 August 2017 (has links)
A Transferência Horizontal de Genes (THG) é um dos principais mecanismos de evolução bacterianos, impactando a evolução de praticamente todas famílias gênicas. Neste trabalho identificamos e avaliamos padrões de possíveis transferências horizontais de genes pertencentes a duas classes funcionais de dois níveis taxonômicos distintos. Caracterizamos a ocorrência e evolução de 45 genes importantes para a fixação de N2 em 479 genomas de Proteobacteria. Identificamos cinco potenciais aquisições de genes ligados a fixação de N2 por linhagens de Proteobacteria, as quais foram identificadas consistentemente em 36 dos genes analisados. Realizamos predições de transferências horizontais dos 45 entre todos os 479 genomas de Proteobacteria e identificamos possíveis enriquecimentos de THG, provavelmente ligados à sinais filogenéticos e ecológicos. Desenvolvemos um pipeline para identificação semi-automática de efetores do Sistema Secretor do Tipo III em Aeromonas, o qual reportou 21 famílias de potenciais efetores presentes em 105 genomas. Entre os 21 efetores identificados 17 foram descritos pela 1º vez em Aeromonas, corroborando a sensibilidade de nosso pipeline. Com o auxílio de nossos colaboradores foram realizados testes de citotoxidade para efetores identificados in silico, e apenas quatro não inibiram o crescimento de Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Por fim, desenvolvemos um método para agrupamento de famílias gênicas com histórias evolutivas similares que não requer a reconstrução de árvores filogenéticas, aumentando a eficiência computacional. Aplicamos o método desenvolvido para reconstrução da filogenia de Aeromonas, o qual mostrou-se compatível com dados presentes na literatura. / Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) is one of main mechanisms of bacterial evolution, affecting virtually all gene families. In this document we identified and assessed putative horizontal transfers of genes from two functional classes from two distinct taxonomic levels. We characterized the distribution and evolution of 45 genes important to N2 fixation among 479 Proteobacteria genomes. We identified five potential distinct acquisitions of such genes by Proteobacteria lineages. The distinct origins are consistently identified in 36 out of the 45 assessed genes. We computed possible horizontal transfers of the 45 genes among the 479 Proteobacteria genomes, and we identified enrichments of HGT, likely related to phylogenetic and ecological signals. We developed a semi-automated pipeline to identify effectors of the Type III Secretion System within Aeromonas, which reported 21 putative effector families distributed among 105 genomes. Among the 21 likely effectors 17 have been described in Aeromonas for the first time, highlighting the sensibility of our pipeline. Our colaborators performed cytotoxicity tests for the 21 likely effector families identified by in silico analysis, and only four did not inhibited Saccharomyces cerevisiae growth. Lastly, we developed a method to cluster gene families according to shared evolutionary history, without the requirement of phylogenetic tree reconstruction, increasing computational efficiency. We applied this proposed method during Aeromonas phylogenetic reconstruction, and it showed up compatible with data available on the literature.

Étude de la composition et de l'assemblage du pore de translocation du système de secretion de type III chez Pseudomonas aeruginosa

GOURE, Julien 09 February 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa est un pathogène opportuniste responsable d'infections graves chez les individus immunodéprimés et chez les personnes atteintes de mucoviscidose. Cette pathogénicité repose sur de nombreux facteurs de virulence, dont l'un, le système de sécrétion de type III (SSTT) est présent chez un grand nombre de bactéries pathogènes à Gram négatif. Ce système de sécrétion permet à la bactérie d'injecter des effecteurs cytotoxiques directement dans le cytoplasme de la cellule eucaryote cible. Chez P. aeruginosa, le SSTT est constitué d'un appareil de sécrétion, appelé Psc (Pop secretion) permettant le passage des effecteurs à travers les membranes bactériennes, et d'un translocon, codé par l'opéron pcrGVHpopBD, permettant l'injection des effecteurs cytotoxiques dans le cytosol de la cellule eucaryote. Nous avons montré dans le laboratoire que l'isolat clinique CHA de P. aeruginosa est capable d'échapper à l'activité bactéricide des polymorphonucléaires neutrophiles humains (PMNs) et d'induire une mort rapide par oncose des phagocytes (Dacheux et al., 2000). Dans un premier volet, l'utilisation des hématies comme modèle cellulaire m'a permis de montrer que cette oncose est précédée par la formation de pores, de taille estimée entre 28 et 35 Å, dans la membrane cytoplasmique de ces cellules. Des expériences de mutagénèse montrent que la formation de ces pores requiert les protéines PcrV, PopB et PopD. L'analyse par Western blot de membranes isolées d'hématies infectées par P. aeruginosa indiquent que les protéines PopB et PopD constituent le pore de translocation inséré dans la membrane cytoplasmique des cellules eucaryotes. La protéine PcrV, qui n'est jamais retrouvée dans la fraction membranaire d'hématies infectées par P. aeruginosa, agit à la surface de la bactérie comme une « chaperonne extracellulaire » responsable de l'assemblage de PopB et PopD en un complexe hétéro-oligomérique. Le second volet traite du mécanisme d'action des anticorps protecteurs anti-PcrV contre les infections à P. aeruginosa. Des expériences de fractionnement d'hématies infectées par P. aeruginosa en présence de ces anticorps protecteurs a permis d'établir que ces derniers inhibent l'assemblage du pore de translocation du SSTT.

De Vlasov à STEREO : couplages non-linéaires dans le vent solaire

Henri, Pierre 08 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
De nombreux plasmas astrophysiques, dont le vent solaire, sont non-collisionels. Les fréquences typiques des processus dynamiques sont grandes devant la fréquence de collision, de sorte que le vent solaire est hors équilibre thermodynamique local. Dans ce contexte, les processus cinétiques et/ou non-linéaires (interactions ondes-particules et ondesondes) permettent de redistribuer l'énergie dans le plasma. Si les processus cinétiques et la théorie non-linéaire des plasmas ont été intensivement étudiés depuis les années 1960, des preuves observationnelles concluantes manquent encore. L'objectif de cette thèse est double : d'une part comprendre les effets cinétiques et/ou nonlinéaires (en particulier dans le cas des couplages electrostatiques ions-electrons) et d'autre part fournir des preuves observationnelles de leur existence dans les plasmas spatiaux. Cette étude se fonde sur des observations in-situ et des simulations numériques. Les mesures de formes d'onde de champ électrique sont fournies par l'instrument radioWAVES embarqué sur les sondes STEREO. Les simulations numériques sont réalisées en utilisant un code cinétique Vlasov-Poisson unidimensionel dans l'approximation électrostatique. Les résultats de cette thèse sont les suivants. (1) Une méthode de mesure et d'étalonnage in-situ des fluctuations de densité haute fréquence (0.1 - 1kHz donc dans un domaine non accessible par les instruments particulaires) a été développée en utilisant les variations quasi-statiques du potentiel flottant des sondes. (2) Des mesures simultanées de champ électrique et de densité sur plus de trois ans de données fournissent la première preuve observationnelle d'effets pondéromoteurs dans le vent solaire, permettant de coupler la densité du plasma aux ondes de Langmuir de grande amplitude. (3) Ce travail fournit également la première preuve observationnelle directe de l'instabilité de décroissance des ondes de Langmuir, un archétype d'interaction onde-onde, associé à un sursaut de type III. Le caractère résonant de l'interaction est validé grâce aux observations de forme d'ondes, en vérifiant la conservation de l'impulsion et de l'énergie (relations de résonances), ainsi que la résonance de phase à travers une analyse de bicohérence. Les simulations fournissent une nouvelle expression du seuil d'instabilité de décroissance des ondes de Langmuir, en accord avec les niveaux d'énergie observés. (4) Enfin, les simulations Vlasov-Poisson montrent que l'évolution de la turbulence faible de Langmuir sur des temps longs tend vers un régime de turbulence forte via la formation de structures cohérentes électrostatiques (cavitons). Cette thèse illustre l'importance d'une approche complémentaire observations-simulations pour l'étude des plasmas spatiaux, ainsi que le rôle fondamental joué par les processus cinétiques.

Type III secretion- the various functions of the translocon operon in bacterial pathogenesis

Bröms, Jeanette January 2004 (has links)
<p>In order to establish colonisation of a human host, pathogenic <i>Yersinia</i> use a type III protein secretion system to directly intoxicate host immune cells. Activation of this system requires target cell contact and is a highly regulated process. Both the intoxication and regulation events depend on the <i>lcrGVHyopBD </i>transloco<i>n</i> operon, which is highly conserved in many bacterial pathogens. In this study, the role of individual operon members was analysed and functional domains identified by using the highly homologous <i>pcrGVHpopBD</i> operon of <i>P. aeruginosa</i> as a comparative tool. </p><p><i>Yersinia</i> spp. and<i> P. aeruginosa </i>were shown to form translocation pores of a similar size that promoted equally efficient protein delivery. A strong dependency on interactions between native translocator(s) in protein delivery was revealed, suggesting that each pathogen has delicately fine-tuned this process to suit its own infection niche. In particular, the C-terminus of YopD was shown to possess functional specificity for effector delivery in <i>Yersinia</i> that could not be conferred by the comparable region in homologous PopD. Moreover, a role for LcrV and PcrV in substrate recognition during the protein delivery process was excluded. </p><p>The N-terminus of LcrH was recognized as a unique regulatory domain, mediating formation of LcrH-YscY regulatory complexes in <i>Yersinia</i>, while equivalent complexes with analogous proteins were not formed in <i>P. aeruginosa</i>. These results compliment the idea that a negative regulatory pathway involving LcrH, YopD, LcrQ and YscY is unique to <i>Yersinia</i>. </p><p>Finally, PcrH was identified as a new member of the translocator class of chaperones, being essential for assembly of a functional PopB/PopD mediated translocon in <i>P. aeruginosa</i>. However, in contrast to the other members of this family, PcrH was dispensable for type III regulation. Moreover, both LcrH and PcrH were shown to possess tetratricopeptide repeats crucial for their chaperone function. One tetratricopeptide repeat mutant in LcrH was even isolated that failed to secrete both YopB and YopD substrates, even though stability was maintained. This demonstrates for the first time that LcrH has a role in substrate secretion in addition to its critical role in promoting substrate stability.</p>

Genome-enabled discovery and characterization of type III effector-encoding genes of plant symbiotic bacteria

Kimbrel, Jeffrey A. 13 March 2012 (has links)
Symbiosis is the close and protracted interaction between organisms. The molecular interactions that occur during symbiosis are complex with multiple barriers that must be overcome. Many Gram-negative, host-associated bacteria use a type III secretion system to mediate associations with their eukaryotic hosts. This secretion system is a specialized apparatus for the injection of type III effector proteins directly into host cells, which in the case of plant pathogens, are collectively necessary to modulate host defense. The type III secretion system is not a mechanism exclusive to pathogens, however, as many strains of commensal Pseudomonas fluorescens and mutualistic rhizobia demonstrably require a type III secretion system to interact with their host plants. The work presented in this thesis describes genome-enabled approaches for characterizing type III effector genes across the range of plant symbiosis. Using high-throughput sequencing technology, draft genome sequences were generated for the plant pathogen, Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae M081, the plant commensal, Pseudomonas fluorescens WH6, and six strains from the plant mutualists Sinorhizobium fredii and Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Analyses of the draft genome sequences and publicly available finished sequences contributed insights into mechanisms of host-association and to increasing the inventory of type III effector sequences as well as developing methods directly applicable for agriculture. Finally, characterization of the genetic diversity of type III effectors from rhizobia shows that collections of type III effectors of mutualists are static, with little diversity in content and sequence variation. This represents the first comprehensive cataloging of type III effector from species of mutualistic bacteria and the first to provide evidence for purifying selection of this important class of genes. / Graduation date: 2012

Type III secretion- the various functions of the translocon operon in bacterial pathogenesis

Bröms, Jeanette January 2004 (has links)
In order to establish colonisation of a human host, pathogenic Yersinia use a type III protein secretion system to directly intoxicate host immune cells. Activation of this system requires target cell contact and is a highly regulated process. Both the intoxication and regulation events depend on the lcrGVHyopBD translocon operon, which is highly conserved in many bacterial pathogens. In this study, the role of individual operon members was analysed and functional domains identified by using the highly homologous pcrGVHpopBD operon of P. aeruginosa as a comparative tool. Yersinia spp. and P. aeruginosa were shown to form translocation pores of a similar size that promoted equally efficient protein delivery. A strong dependency on interactions between native translocator(s) in protein delivery was revealed, suggesting that each pathogen has delicately fine-tuned this process to suit its own infection niche. In particular, the C-terminus of YopD was shown to possess functional specificity for effector delivery in Yersinia that could not be conferred by the comparable region in homologous PopD. Moreover, a role for LcrV and PcrV in substrate recognition during the protein delivery process was excluded. The N-terminus of LcrH was recognized as a unique regulatory domain, mediating formation of LcrH-YscY regulatory complexes in Yersinia, while equivalent complexes with analogous proteins were not formed in P. aeruginosa. These results compliment the idea that a negative regulatory pathway involving LcrH, YopD, LcrQ and YscY is unique to Yersinia. Finally, PcrH was identified as a new member of the translocator class of chaperones, being essential for assembly of a functional PopB/PopD mediated translocon in P. aeruginosa. However, in contrast to the other members of this family, PcrH was dispensable for type III regulation. Moreover, both LcrH and PcrH were shown to possess tetratricopeptide repeats crucial for their chaperone function. One tetratricopeptide repeat mutant in LcrH was even isolated that failed to secrete both YopB and YopD substrates, even though stability was maintained. This demonstrates for the first time that LcrH has a role in substrate secretion in addition to its critical role in promoting substrate stability.

Role of YopE and LcrH in effector translocation, HeLa cell cytotoxicity and virulence

Aili, Margareta January 2005 (has links)
In order to establish an extra-cellular infection the gram-negative bacteria Yersinia pseudotuberculosis uses a type III secretion system (T3SS) to translocate a set of anti-host effectors into eukaryotic cells. The toxins disrupt signalling pathways important for phagocytosis, cytokine production and cell survival. Secretion and translocation via this T3SS is strictly regulated on several levels. In this context, the function of YopE and LcrH during Yersinia infections has been analysed. YopE is an essential translocated effector that disrupts the actin cytoskeleton of infected eukaryotic cells, by inactivating small GTPases through its GTPase activating protein (GAP) activity. However, cytotoxicity can be uncoupled from in vitro GAP activity towards the RhoA, Rac1 and Cdc42 GTPases. Furthermore, in vivo studies of the YopE GAP activity revealed that only RhoA and Rac1 are targeted, but this is not a pre-requisite for Yersinia virulence. Hence, YopE must target one or more additional GTPases to cause disease in mice. YopE was the only Yersinia effector that blocks LDH release from infected cells. Moreover, translocated YopE could regulate the level of subsequent effector translocation by a mechanism that involved the YopE GAP function and another T3S component, YopK. Loss of translocation control elevated total T3S gene expression in the presence of eukaryotic cells. This indicated the existence of a regulatory loop for feedback control of T3S gene expression in the bacteria that originates from the interior of the eukaryotic cell after effector translocation is completed. This might represent the true virulence function of YopE. Exoenzyme S (ExoS) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa has a YopE-like GAP domain with similar activity towards RhoA, Rac1 and Cdc42. However, ExoS is unable to complement hyper-translocation resulting from loss of YopE. This indicates a unique function for YopE in translocation control in Yersinia that might be dependent on correct intracellular localisation. It follows that the Membrane Localisation Domain in YopE was important for translocation control, but dispensable for cytotoxicity and blockage of LDH release. YopD and its cognate chaperone LcrH are negative regulatory elements of the T3S regulon and together with YopB, are involved in the effector translocation process. Randomly generated point mutants in LcrH specifically effected stability and secretion of both the YopB and YopD substrates in vitro and prevented their apparent insertion as translocon pores in the membranes of infected cells. Yet, these mutants still produced stable substrates in the presence of eukaryotic cells and most could mediate at least partial effector translocation. Thus, only minimal amounts of the YopB and YopD translocator proteins are needed for translocation and the LcrH chaperone may regulate this process from inside the bacteria.

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