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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Funktion der HRD-Ubiquitinligase bei der Protein- Dislokation aus dem Endoplasmatischen Retikulum

Mehnert, Martin 13 May 2013 (has links)
Fehlgefaltete Proteine des sekretorischen Weges werden aus dem Endoplasmatischen Retikulum (ER) in das Zytosol transportiert und dort durch das Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System abgebaut. Dieser Qualitätskontrollmechanismus wird als Endoplasmatisches Retikulum-assoziierte Proteindegradation bezeichnet (ERAD). In der Bäckerhefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae stellt die HRD-Ubiquitinligase eine zentrale Komponente dieses Abbausystems dar. Eine Untereinheit dieses Multienzymkomplexes ist das ER-ständige Membranprotein Der1, das über den Faktor Usa1 an die Ubiquitinligase Hrd1 rekrutiert wird und ausschließlich für den Abbau löslicher luminaler ERAD-Substrate notwendig ist. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass der C-Terminus von Der1 die Interaktion zu Usa1 und damit die Rekrutierung des Proteins zur HRD-Ligase vermittelt. Usa1 wirkt nicht nur als Rekrutierungsfaktor, sondern induziert auch die Der1-Oligomerisierung. Punktmutationen in den Transmembrandomänen von Der1 beeinträchtigen die Dislokation luminaler Substratproteine aus dem ER. Um weitere Hinweise für eine Beteiligung von Der1 beim Substrattransport zu erhalten, wurde die Methode des zielgerichtetem in vivo photocrosslinking für Der1 angewendet. Hierbei wurden bestimmte Positionen von Der1 mit dem photoreaktiven Aminosäureanalogon p-Benzoylphenylalanin markiert, was die Ausbildung von Quervernetzungen von Der1 zu Interaktionspartnern nach einer UV-Bestrahlung ermöglichte. Schließlich konnte auf diese Weise eine räumliche Nähe der luminal exponierten Bereiche von Der1 zum Substratrezeptor Hrd3 gezeigt werden, während die Transmembransegmente Quervernetzungen zu Hrd1 ausbildeten. Beide Bereiche von Der1 konnten zudem mit einem luminalen ERAD-Substrat quervernetzt werden. Anhand dieser Ergebnisse wurde somit erstmals eine direkte Beteiligung von Der1 insbesondere in den ersten Schritten der Substratdislokation gezeigt, was eine Funktion von Der1 als zentrale Komponente des Exportkomplexes nahelegt. / Newly synthesized proteins of the secretory pathway are subjected to an efficient quality control system in the endoplasmic reticulum. In order to prevent a harmful aggregation misfolded proteins are exported via a largely unknown mechanism into the cytosol and degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system in a process termed ER associated degradation (ERAD). In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the HRD-ligase constitutes a central component of ERAD. A subunit of this multi-enzyme complex is the small multispanning membrane protein Der1, which is exclusively required for the degradation of misfolded ER luminal proteins but dispensable for the turnover of membrane-bound substrates. In this study a short conserved motif in the cytosolic carboxyterminus of Der1 was identified that mediates the binding to the HRD-ligase. Moreover, co-immunoprecipitation experiments show that Der1 forms oligomers, which relies on its assembly into the degradation complex. Mutations in the transmembrane domains of Der1 block the export of soluble proteins across the ER-membrane. To further investigate the function of Der1 in substrate dislocation an in vivo site-specific photocrosslinking approach was applied. Various positions of Der1 were labelled with the photoreactive amino acid analogue p-benzoyl-phenylalanine followed by UV irradiation of living cells expressing these Der1 constructs. The crosslinking experiments reveal a spatial proximity of ER luminal exposed parts of Der1 to the substrate receptor Hrd3. By contrast, the membrane-embedded domains of Der1 reside adjacent to the ubiquitin ligase Hrd1. Intriguingly, both regions also form crosslinks to a client protein. In summary the data of this work imply that multimeric Der1 initiates the export of aberrant polypeptides from the ER-lumen by threading such molecules into the ER-membrane and routing them to Hrd1 for ubiquitylation.

Compréhension des mécanismes physiopathologiques des malformations du développement cortical associées à des mutations dans les gènes KIF2A et NEDD4L / Understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms of malformations of cortical development associated with mutations in KIF2A and NEDD4L genes

Broix, Loïc 24 November 2016 (has links)
Les malformations du développement cortical (MDC) résultent d’altérations au niveau de différentes étapes de la corticogénèse telles que la prolifération, la migration et la différenciation neuronale et sont généralement associées à des épilepsies pharmaco-résistantes et à des déficiences intellectuelles sévères. Les causes génétiques des MDC restent encore inconnues dans de nombreux cas, nous avons donc réalisé le séquençage de l’exome entier de nombreux patients présentant des MDC et les analyses ont permis de mettre en évidence l’implication des gènes KIF2A et NEDD4L dans les MDC. Dans le cadre de ma thèse, nous proposons de focaliser sur les conséquences cellulaires et neurodéveloppementales résultant des mutations dans les gènes KIF2A et NEDD4L retrouvées chez les patients atteints de MDC. KIF2A code pour une kinésine-13 qui a pour fonction de réguler la dynamique des microtubules (MT) via son activité MT dépolymérase ATP-dépendante aux niveaux des extrémités des MT. L’approche basée sur la technique d’électroporation in utero nous a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle crucial joué par KIF2A dans la régulation de la neurogénèse, la migration neuronale et le positionnement des neurones dans le cortex. En particulier, nos données révèlent que l’expression des mutants KIF2A responsables de MDC entraîne une augmentation du nombre de cellules à l’état de progéniteurs qui est conséquente à un allongement du temps passé dans le cycle cellulaire. Nos premières données cellulaires et au cours du développement montrent que l’expression des mutants KIF2A induit des altérations dans l’intégrité du fuseau mitotique, dans la progression mitotique et également une localisation anormale de KIF2A au niveau du cil primaire. NEDD4L code pour une E3 ubiquitine ligase qui joue un rôle dans l’ubiquitination de nombreux substrats permettant la régulation de leur dégradation et de leur localisation subcellulaire. Dans un premier temps, nos données cellulaires ont montré que les mutants associées à des MDC ont une sensibilité accrue pour la dégradation par le protéasome. De plus, l’approche d’électroporation in utero a permis de montrer que l’expression des mutants NEDD4L ainsi qu’un excès de NEDD4L WT dérégulent la neurogenèse, le positionnement des neurones et le processus de translocation terminal. Des études complémentaires, incluant le traitement à la rapamycine, ont révélé qu’un excès de NEDD4L WT mène à la dérégulation des voies de signalisations mTORC1 et Dab1 tandis que l’expression des mutants est associée à une dérégulation des voies mTORC1 et Akt. L’ensemble de ces résultats renforce donc dans un premier temps l’importance des protéines liées aux MT dans le développement cortical en décrivant le rôle crucial de la kinésine KIF2A dans des mécanismes tels que la dynamique de migration neuronale et dans la régulation du cycle cellulaire des progéniteurs neuronaux. D’autre part, nous fournissons également de nouvelles données permettant de mieux comprendre le rôle critique de NEDD4L dans la régulation des voies mTOR et de leurs contributions dans le développement cortical. / Malformations of cortical development (MCD) result from alterations in different stages of corticogenesis such as proliferation, migration and neuronal differentiation, and are generally associated with drug-resistant epilepsy and severe intellectual disabilities. The genetics causes of MCD remain largely unknown, we have thus performed the whole-exome sequencing of many patients with MCD and reported the identification of multiple pathogenic missense mutations in KIF2A and NEDD4L genes. Within the frame of my thesis project, we propose to focus on the cellular and neurodevelopmental consequences resulting from KIF2A and NEDD4L mutations shown to be involved in MCD. KIF2A is a member of the kinesin-13 family, which rather than regulating cargos transport along microtubules (MT), regulates MT dynamics by depolymerizing MTs. The in utero electroporation approach allowed us to highlight the crucial role of KIF2A in the regulation neurogenesis, neuronal migration and the neuronal positioning in the cortex. Particularly, our data show that the expression of the KIF2A mutants involved in MDC lead to an increase in the number of cells in proliferative state which is a consequence of a prolonged time spent in the cell cycle. Our first cellular data and during development show that the expression of pathogenic KIF2A mutations induce alterations in the mitotic spindle integrity, in the mitotic progression and also an abnormal localization of KIF2A in the primary cilium. NEDD4L encodes a member of the NEDD4 family of HECT-type E3 ubiquitin ligases known to regulate the turnover and function of a number of proteins involved in fundamental cellular pathways and processes. Firstly, cellular and expression data showed sensitivity of MCD-associated mutants to proteasome degradation. Moreover, the in utero electroporation approach showed that PNH-related mutants and excess wild-type NEDD4L affect neurogenesis, neuronal positioning and terminal translocation. Further investigations, including rapamycin-based experiments, found differential deregulation of pathways involved. Excess wild-type NEDD4L leads to disruption of Dab1 and mTORC1 pathways, while MCD-related mutations are associated with deregulation of mTORC1 and AKT activities. Altogether, these results reinforce the importance of MT-related proteins in cortical development describing the crucial role of KIF2A kinesin in mechanisms such as neuronal migration dynamics and neuronal progenitor’s cell cycle regulation. On the other hand, we also provide new data to better understand the critical role of NEDD4L in the regulation of mTOR pathways and their contributions in cortical development.

Charakterisierung der MuRF2/MuRF3-Doppelknockout-Mauslinie hinsichtlich ihres Herz- und Skelettmuskel-Phänotyps

Lodka, Dörte 11 June 2015 (has links)
E3-Ubiquitin-Ligasen übertragen Ubiquitin auf die von ihnen gebundenen Substratproteine. Durch diese Ubiquitinierung werden Proteine für den kontrollierten Abbau im Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System markiert. Dieser Prozess beeinflusst aber auch die Aktivität verschiedener Signalwege, die Lokalisation von Proteinen oder die strukturelle Integrität zellulärer Komponenten. MuRF1, MuRF2 und MuRF3 sind E3-Ubiquitin-Ligasen, die hauptsächlich in quergestreifter Muskulatur exprimiert werden. Von MuRF1 ist bereits bekannt, dass es u. a. über die Ubiquitinierung von Myosinen und deren anschließender Degradation an der Entwicklung der Herz- und Skelettmuskelatrophie beteiligt ist. Da das Wissen über MuRF2 und MuRF3 in diesem Zusammenhang noch begrenzt ist, sollte die Auswirkung der kombinierten Keimbahndeletion von MuRF2 und MuRF3 in einem Mausmodell untersucht werden. Der Doppelknockout (DKO) von MuRF2 und MuRF3 führte zu Veränderungen der Morphologie und der Funktionsfähigkeit der Skelett- und Herzmuskulatur. In Skelettmuskelfasern kam es zur Ablagerung myosinhaltiger Proteinaggregate, zu einer Zunahme an langsam kontrahierenden Muskelfasern sowie zum Auftreten von Myozyten mit zentral gelegenen Nuclei als Anzeichen von Regenerationsprozessen. Isolierte Skelettmuskeln von DKO-Mäusen entwickelten eine geringere maximale spezifische Kraft als Muskeln aus Kontrolltieren. Ihre Herzen waren morphologisch unauffällig. Dennoch waren die Kontraktion des linken Ventrikels und das Schlagvolumen reduziert. Darüber hinaus zeigten isolierte Kardiomyozyten Beeinträchtigungen der Kontraktionsfähigkeit und der Kalziumströme in vitro. Eine massenspektrometrische Untersuchung ergab, dass in den Muskeln der MuRF2/3-DKO-Mäuse im Vergleich zu den Kontrollmäusen 12 Proteine in erhöhter Menge vorhanden waren. Eine Anreicherung von MAPKAP-K3, einem dieser Proteine, und von MAPKAP-K2 konnte im Western Blot von Proteinlysaten aus Skelettmuskeln und dem Herz der MuRF2/3-DKO-Mäuse detektiert werden. / E3 ubiquitin ligases attach the small modifier ubiquitin to their substrate proteins. This ubiquitin-tag not only marks proteins for the proteasome dependent degradation, but also influences the activity of signalling pathways, the localisation of proteins or the structural integrity of cellular components. MuRF1, MuRF2, and MuRF3 are E3 ubiquitin ligases predominantly expressed in striated muscles. MuRF1 is involved in cardiac and skeletal muscle atrophy by mediating proteasome-dependent degradation of myosins. The knowledge about MuRF2 and MuRF3 in this context is limited. Therefore, a mouse model was used to analyse the impact of the combined deletion of MuRF2 and MuRF3. The double knockout (DKO) of MuRF2 and MuRF3 influenced the structure and function of skeletal and cardiac muscle. Skeletal muscle fibres exhibited myosin-containing protein aggregates, a fibre-type shift towards slow fibres, and myoycytes with central nuclei which is an indication of regeneration. Maximal force development was reduced in isolated hindlimb muscles M. soleus and M. extensor digitorum longus of MuRF2/3-DKO mice. Hearts were morphologically normal. No protein aggregates or signs of fibrosis were detected. However, heart performance was impaired. The contractibility of the left ventricle and the ejection fraction were reduced. Isolated cardiomyocytes showed a diminished contractibility. Furthermore, their speed of contraction and relaxation was reduced and they had impaired calcium transients. Mass spectrometric analysis of muscle lysates identified 12 enriched proteins in MuRF2/3-DKO muscles. Western Blot analysis confirmed that MAPKAP-K3, one of these proteins, and MAPKAP-K2 were enriched in lysates of skeletal muscles and left ventricles of MuRF2/3-DKO mice. Further investigations will show how MAPKAP-K2- and MAPKAP-K3-signalling pathways are involved in the development of the MuRF2/3-DKO-phenotype.

Estudo da expressão de Arkadia, proteína E3 de ubiquitinação, em tumores de tiróide e sua relação com a via de sinalização de TGF-Beta. / Study of Arkadia expression, ubiquitination E-3 protein, in thyroid tumors and its relation to the TGF-beta signaling pathway.

Rezende, Eloiza de 12 May 2009 (has links)
Arkadia participa do processo de amplificação da sinalização de TGF-b mediada por Smads, via degradação do I-Smad. O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar e investigar a influência de Arkadia em linhagens celulares de cânceres de tiróide. A expressão gênica de Arkadia em linhagens celulares de carcinomas papílifero (NPA), folicular (WRO) e anaplásico (ARO), foi avaliada por PCR quantitativo. Em ARO, que apresenta a maior expressão de Arkadia, foram identificados subclones (ARO_1 e ARO_2) com expressão diferencial de Arkadia, ARO_2>ARO_1. A expressão gênica de SMAD2, 3, 4, 7 e de genes do ciclo celular modulados por TGF-b, foi maior em ARO_2. Os subclones respondem ao tratamento com peptídeo de TGF-b1 e activina A. O crescimento in vivo (xenotransplante) mostra que ARO_2 desenvolve um tumor de menor volume. Recentemente a origem de ARO foi questionada e comprovamos sua origem por análises de expressão gênica e morfologias. Desta maneira, observamos que a expressão diferencial de Arkadia indica que ela está envolvida na modulação inibitória da via de TGF-b. / Arkadia is involved in the process of amplification of the TGF-b signaling mediated by Smads, by degradation of I-Smad. The aim of this study was to characterize and investigate the influence of Arkadia in thyroid cancers cell lines. Arkadia gene expression in the papillary (NPA), follicular (WRO) and anaplastic carcinoma cell lines (ARO) was evaluated by quantitative PCR. In ARO, which presents the highest Arkadia expression, we identified subclones (ARO_1 and ARO_2) with differential Arkadia expression ARO_2> ARO_1. The expression of SMAD2, 3, 4, 7 and the cell cycle genes modulated by TGF-b, was also higher in ARO_2. However both the subclones responded to treatment with peptide of TGF-b1 and activin A. The in vivo growth (evaluated by xenotransplant), showed that ARO_2 developed tumors of lower volume. Recently the ARO origin was questioned and we proved its origin by gene expression and morphological analysis. This way, the differential Arkadia expression indicates that it is involved in modulation of the inhibitory TGF-b pathway.

Investigation of the function and regulation of ABC transporters

Akkaya, Begum Gokcen January 2014 (has links)
ATP-Binding-Cassette (ABC) transporters are primary active pumps that typically couple the binding and hydrolysis of ATP to the translocation of compounds across cellular membranes. Some, like ABCB1, ABCC1 and ABCC3, are polyspecific and can efflux clinically important drugs which may contribute to their therapeutic failure. In this study I have investigated (1) the mechanism of ABC transporter function, (2) studied the potential for regulation by ubiquitin ligases (both using ABCB1 as a model), and (3) tested the involvement of ABCC1 and ABCC3 in autocrine signalling in cancer. (1) In 1966, Jardetzky et. al [1] proposed that membrane pumps function by exposing their ligand-binding pocket alternately on different sides of the membrane. For ABC transporters, this coupling of the aspect and affinity of the ligand-binding cavities of the two transmembrane domains (TMDs) to the ATP catalytic cycle of the two nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) is fundamental to the transport mechanism but is poorly understood at the molecular level. Structure data suggest signals are transduced through intracellular loops of the TMDs which slot into grooves on the top surface of the NBDs. At the base of these grooves is the Q-loop. By analysing the function of Q-loop mutants in combination with ligand binding cavity mutants I have discovered that the Q-loops are crucial to the transport cycle and that they are required to couple ligand binding to conformational changes at the NBDs necessary to drive the transporter into an inward closed state. 4 (2) ABCB1 is known to be a key component of chemical barrier separating the circulation from the cerebrospinal fluid. It has also been reported to transport β-amyloid across the lumenal membrane and into the circulation. Loss of ABCB1 from the barrier with age has therefore been suggested to play a role in Alzheimer’s Disease. The ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-1 has been implicated in the post-translational regulation of ABCB1 abundance in cells. Here, I report that ABCB1 can be ubiquitinated by Nedd4-1 in vitro and identify the residues modified (by mass spectrometry). (3) Lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI) is an autocrine metabolite produced by cancer cells that binds to the G-protein coupled transmembrane receptor GPR55 on the surface of cells. Stimulation of GPR55 activates a signalling cascade that induces proliferation and metastases of the cancer cells. How LPI is released from the cells was not known. In this study I show that ABCC1 and ABCC3, which are known to be expressed in ovarian and pancreatic cancers, can transport LPI into inside-out vesicles suggesting a new role for these “drug resistance” transporters in cancer biology.

Le rôle de l’ubiquitination et des endomembranes dans l’activation du facteur de transcription NF-κB / The Role of Ubiquitinylation and Organelles During the Activation of the Transcription Factor NF-κB

Zemirli, Naïma 24 November 2014 (has links)
Le facteur de transcription NF-κB régule l’expression d’une pléthore de gènes impliqués dans divers processus physiologiques notamment la prolifération et la survie cellulaires, l’inflammation ainsi que les réponses immunes. Il intervient également dans de nombreux processus pathologiques à l’exemple de certains cancers et maladies auto-immunes.L’activation de NF-κB suite à l’engagement de différents immunorécepteurs requiert la mise en place de larges signalosomes formés suite au recrutement de différents adaptateurs au niveau des immunorécepteurs engagés. Ces adaptateurs subissent des ubiquitinations non-dégradatives nécessaires pour la transduction du signal. Nous avons démontré dans un précédent travail que ces protéines ubiquitinylées s’accumulent au niveau de la membrane du réticulum endoplasmique (RE) via la protéine réticulaire Métadhérine (MTDH). De plus, nos résultats suggèrent que l’ubiquitination est un prérequis nécessaire à l’adressage de ces protéines au RE. Afin d’évaluer la contribution des E3 ubiquitine ligases en charge de relayer NF-κB au niveau des organites, nous avons effectué le crible d’une banque de siRNAs dirigés contre les 46 E3 ligases transmembranaires en utilisant comme modèle la signalisation du TNF récepteur. Ce crible nous a permis d’identifier l’E3 ligase RNF121 comme régulateur positif de NF-κB. Bien que le mécanisme d’action de RNF121 ne soit pas complètement élucidé, nos données suggèrent qu’il agirait au niveau de la régulation de l’inhibiteur de NF-κB « IκBα ».Durant la deuxième partie de cette thèse, je me suis intéressée à la dynamique mitochondriale. Les mitochondries sont des organites dynamiques, dont la forme est maintenue grâce à une balance entre deux processus antagonistes appelés : fission et fusion. Il a été rapporté qu’en présence de certains stress modérés, les mitochondries hyperfusent, ce processus est appelé SIMH (Stress-Induced Mitochondrial Hyperfusion). Nous avons pu démontrer que la SIMH s’accompagne de l’activation de la voie canonique du facteur de transcription NF-κB via l’E3 ubiquitine ligase mitochondriale MULAN. Nos résultats suggèrent que durant le SIMH, MULAN forme un complexe avec TRAF2 et module son ubiquitination. Ces résultats suggèrent que la mitochondrie, de part sa dynamique, convertie un signal de stress en un signal de survie via l’activation de NF-κB. Pris dans leur ensemble, nos résultats illustrent la complexité de la régulation de NF-κB par ubiquitination et attribuent aux organites un nouveau rôle dans la transduction de la signalisation. / The transcription factor NF-κB regulates the expression of several genes implicated in various physiological processes such as cell proliferation and survival, inflammation and immune responses. Dysregulation of its activation is involved in diverse pathologies such as cancer and auto-immune diseases. Following the engagement of immunoreceptors, NF-κB signaling requires a large signalosome assembly containing different adaptor proteins. These adaptors undergo poly-ubiquitinylation in a non-degradative manner, which is essential for signal transduction. We demonstrated in previous work that these ubiquitinylated proteins accumulate at the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) via a reticular protein called “Methaderin” (MTDH). Furthermore, our results suggest that ubiquitinylation is a necessary prerequisite for protein addressing to the ER. To evaluate the contribution of E3 ubiquitin ligases in this process we performed a screen of a siRNA bank, targeting the 46 human transmembrane E3 ligases, using the TNF receptor signaling as a model. This screen enabled the identification of RNF121, a Golgi E3 ligase, as a positive regulator of NF-κB. Although the mechanism by witch RNF121 acts is not yet elucidated, our data suggest that it acts on the regulation of NF-κB inhibitor (IκBα). In the second part of this thesis, we investigated mitochondrial dynamics. Mitochondria are dynamic organelles; their shape is maintained due to a balance between two antagonist processes called: fusion and fission. It is known that moderate stress triggers mitochondrial hyperfusion, this process is called: SIMH (Stress-Induced Mitochondrial Hyperfusion). During this thesis, we demonstrated that SIMH is accompanied by NF-κB activation through the mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin ligase MULAN. Our results suggest that during SIMH, MULAN forms a complex with the protein TRAF2 and modulates its ubiquitinylation to allow NF-κB signaling transduction. This work shows that, through their dynamics, mitochondria convert stress signals into a prosurvival response via NF-κB activation.In summary, our results illustrate the complexity of the ubiquitin-dependant regulation of NF-κB and attribute a new role in signaling transduction to the organelles.

Contrôle de la stabilité de TIMELESS par un complexe ubiquitine ligase de type Culline-3 dans l’horloge circadienne de Drosophila melanogaster / Control of TIMELESS stability by the Cul-3 ubiquitin ligase complex in the Drosophila circadian clock

Dognon, Alexandre 16 March 2011 (has links)
La plupart des êtres vivants possèdent une horloge circadienne (période de 24heures). Elle leur permet notamment d’anticiper les changements quotidiens (lumière,température) imposés par la rotation de la terre et d’y adapter leur comportement et leurphysiologie. L’horloge est présente dans la plupart des cellules et repose sur deux boucles derégulation transcriptionnelle négative qui génèrent des oscillations d’ARNm des gènesd’horloge. Un délai entre l’accumulation des ARNm et celle des protéines assure lefonctionnement de la boucle de rétroaction. Ce délai est dû à des modifications posttraductionnellesdes protéines PERIOD et TIMELESS. Les oscillations protéiques sontnotamment contrôlées par leur phosphorylation, l’ubiquitination et la dégradation via leprotéasome. L’ubiquitine ligase SCFSlmb induit la dégradation circadienne de PER et de TIM.SCFJetlag contrôle la dégradation de TIM par la lumière, cette dernière intervenant dans lasynchronisation de l’oscillateur.Au cours de notre étude, nous avons identifié une nouvelle ubiquitine ligase, uncomplexe Cul-3, qui contrôle principalement la stabilité de TIM. Nos résultats indiquent queCul-3 contrôle surtout la stabilité de TIM peu phosphorylé, de façon indépendante de PER,tandis que Slmb contrôle principalement la stabilité de TIM phosphorylé. Nous proposons unmodèle dans l'oscillation de TIM régie par deux systèmes d'ubiquitination: Cul-3 pourretarder l'accumulation nocturne de la protéine, et Slmb pour précipiter sa disparition en finde nuit. / Most living organisms possess a circadian clock (24 hours period). This internal clockallows them to anticipate the daily changes (light, temperature) due to the rotation of theearth and consequently adapt their behavior and physiology. The molecular clock relies ontwo negative feedback loops that generate oscillations of the clock gene mRNA. A delaybetween the accumulation of the mRNAs and the proteins is required for the feedback loop,and is generated by post-translational modifications of PERIOD and TIMELESS. The proteinoscillations are controlled by their phosphorylation, ubiquitination and proteasomedependentdegradation. The ubiquitin ligase SCFSlmb induces the circadian degradation ofPER and TIM. SCFJetlag controls the light-dependent degradation of TIM, which is involved inthe resetting of the clock.In our study, we have identified Cul-3, as a new clock ubiquitin ligase that controlsTIM stability. Our results indicate that Cul-3 mostly controls the stability ofhypophosphorylated TIM, independently of PER, whereas SLMB controls the stability ofphosphorylated TIM. We propose a model where TIM oscillations are regulated by twoubiquitination process. Cul-3 delays the night accumulation of TIM, whereas Slmbprecipitates its degradation at the end of the night.

Discovery and characterization of a novel family of human ubiquitin ligases termed Membrane Associated RING-CH (MARCH) proteins

Bartee, Eric Carter 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ph.D. / Molecular Microbiology and Immunology / Both poxviruses and γ2-herpesviruses share the K3-family of viral immune evasion proteins. These proteins are characterized by an amino-terminal RING-CH domain followed by two transmembrane domains. We analyzed several human homologues of the K3-family termed membrane-associated RING-CH (MARCH) proteins. All MARCH proteins localized to subcellular membranes while several reduced surface levels of known K3-family substrates. Thus, MARCH proteins appear to be structurally and functionally homologous to viral K3 proteins. One of the major challenges in determining the function of this family is the identification of their physiological substrates. To overcome this we created a quantitative proteomics approach which can be used to identify novel substrates for both the K3- and MARCH-families. Using stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture, we compared the proteome of plasma membrane, golgi, and endoplasmic reticulum membranes in the presence and absence of K5 and MARCH-VIII. Quantitative mass spectrometric protein identification from these fractions revealed that CD316 (bone marrow stromal antigen 2), CD166 (activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule) and syntaxin-4 were consistently underrepresented in the plasma membrane of K5 expressing cells, while CD44, CD81 (TAPA-1) and B-cell receptor-associated protein 31kDa (Bap31) were consistently underrepresented in the plasma membrane of MARCH-VIII expressing cells. Furthermore, downregulation of each of these proteins was independently confirmed. Our results both identify and characterize a novel family of human ubiquitin ligase enzymes and elucidate a novel technique which can analyze this family and be easily adapted to the analysis of other cellular enzymes viral immune modulators.

Manipulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system by HIV-1 : role of the accessory protein Vpr

Belzile, Jean-Philippe 02 1900 (has links)
Le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine de type 1 (VIH-1), l’agent étiologique du SIDA, est un rétrovirus complexe arborant plusieurs protéines accessoires : Nef, Vif, Vpr, et Vpu. Celles-ci sont impliquées dans la modulation de la réplication virale, dans l’évasion immunitaire et dans la progression de la pathogenèse du SIDA. Dans ce contexte, il a été démontré que la protéine virale R (Vpr) induit un arrêt de cycle cellulaire en phase G2. Le mécanisme par lequel Vpr exerce cette fonction est l’activation, ATR (Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related)-dépendante, du point de contrôle de dommage à l’ADN, mais les facteurs et mécanismes moléculaires directement impliqués dans cette activité demeurent inconnus. Afin d’identifier de nouveaux facteurs cellulaires interagissant avec Vpr, nous avons utilisé une purification d’affinité en tandem (TAP) pour isoler des complexes protéiques natifs contenant Vpr. Nous avons découvert que Vpr s’associait avec CRL4A(VprBP), un complexe cellulaire d’E3 ubiquitine ligase, comprenant les protéines Cullin 4A, DDB1 (DNA damage-binding protein 1) et VprBP (Vpr-binding protein). Nos études ont mis en évidence que le recrutement de la E3 ligase par Vpr était nécessaire mais non suffisant pour l’induction de l’arrêt de cycle cellulaire en G2, suggérant ainsi que des événements additionnels seraient impliqués dans ce processus. À cet égard, nous apportons des preuves directes que Vpr détourne les fonctions de CRL4A(VprBP) pour induire la polyubiquitination de type K48 et la dégradation protéosomale de protéines cellulaires encore inconnues. Ces événements d’ubiquitination induits par Vpr ont été démontrés comme étant nécessaire à l’activation d’ATR. Finalement, nous montrons que Vpr forme des foyers ancrés à la chromatine co-localisant avec VprBP ainsi qu’avec des facteurs impliqués dans la réparation de l’ADN. La formation de ces foyers représente un événement essentiel et précoce dans l’induction de l’arrêt de cycle cellulaire en G2. Enfin, nous démontrons que Vpr est capable de recruter CRL4A(VprBP) au niveau de la chromatine et nous apportons des preuves indiquant que le substrat inconnu ciblé par Vpr est une protéine associée à la chromatine. Globalement, nos résultats révèlent certains des ménanismes par lesquels Vpr induit des perturbations du cycle cellulaire. En outre, cette étude contribue à notre compréhension de la modulation du système ubiquitine-protéasome par le VIH-1 et son implication fonctionnelle dans la manipulation de l’environnement cellulaire de l’hôte. / Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1), the etiologic agent of AIDS, is a complex retrovirus with several accessory proteins. HIV-1 accessory proteins Nef, Vif, Vpr, and Vpu have been implicated in the modulation of viral replication, enhancement of viral fitness, immune evasion, and progression of AIDS pathogenesis. In that regard, viral protein R (Vpr) induces a cell cycle arrest in the G2 phase by activating the canonical ATR (Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related)-mediated DNA damage checkpoint, but cellular factors and mechanisms directly engaged in this process remain unknown. To identify novel Vpr-interacting cellular factors, we used tandem affinity purification (TAP) to isolate native Vpr-containing complexes. We found that Vpr hijacks a cellular E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, CRL4A(VprBP), composed of Cullin 4A, DDB1 (DNA damage-binding protein 1) and VprBP (Vpr-binding protein). Moreover, we observed that recruitment of the E3 ligase by Vpr was necessary but not sufficient for the induction of G2 cell cycle arrest, suggesting that additional events are involved. In this context, we provide direct evidence that Vpr usurps the function of CRL4A(VprBP) to induce the K48-linked polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of as-yet-unknown cellular proteins. These ubiquitination events mediated by Vpr were necessary for the activation of ATR. Moreover, we show that Vpr forms chromatin-associated foci that co-localize with VprBP and DNA repair factors. Our data indicate that formation of these foci represent a critical early event in the induction of G2 arrest. Finally, we show that Vpr is able to recruit CRL4A(VprBP) on chromatin and we provide evidence that the unknown substrate targeted by Vpr is a chromatin-associated protein. Overall, our results reveal some of the mechanisms by which Vpr induces cell cycle perturbations. Furthermore, this study contributes to our understanding of the modulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system by HIV-1 and its functional implication in the manipulation of the host cellular environment.

Identification des composantes du système ubiquitine-protéasome régulant la stabilité de la MAPK atypique ERK3

Mathien, Simon 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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