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A Framework for Mobile Paper-based ComputingSylverberg, Tomas January 2007 (has links)
Military work-practice is a difficult area of research where paper-based approaches are still extended. This thesis proposes a solution which permits the digitalization of information at the same time as workpractice remains unaltered for soldiers working with maps in the field. For this purpose, a mobile interactive paper-based platform has been developed which permits the users to maintain their current work-flow. The premise of the solution parts from a system consisting of a prepared paper-map, a cellular phone, a desktop computer, and a digital pen with bluetooth connection. The underlying idea is to permit soldiers to take advantage of the information a computerized system can offer, at the same time as the overhead it incurs is minimized. On one hand this implies that the solution must be light-weight, on the other it must retain current working procedures as far as possible. The desktop computer is used to develop new paper-driven applications through the application provided in the development framework, thus allowing the tailoring of applications to the changing needs of military operations. One major component in the application suite is a symbol recognizer which is capable of recognizing symbols parting from a template which can be created in one of the applications. This component permits the digitalization of information in the battlefield by drawing on the paper-map. The proposed solution has been found to be viable, but still there is a need for further development. Furthermore, there is a need to adapt the existing hardware to the requirements of the military to make it usable in a real-world situation.
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User Innovation Toolkits für situationsbezogene Dienste. Konzeptionell-evaluative Geschäftsmodellanalyse und prototypische Implementierung.Simhandl, Georg 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit User Innovation Toolkits für situationsbezogene Dienste. Während User Innovation Toolkits Endnutzern erlauben, mobile Dienste selbst zu gestalten, haben situationsbezogene Dienste die Fähigkeit, sich an die Bedürfnisse des Nutzers und die Nutzungssituation anzupassen. Aufbauend auf einer empirischen Studie konnten drei wesentliche Herausforderungen der mobilen Telekommunikationsbranche identifiziert werden: Erstens, sind die Bedürfnisse von Nutzern mobiler Dienste hochgradig heterogen und ändern sich laufend. Zweitens, mangelt es an Geschäftsmodellen, um von dem wachsenden Markt zu profitieren. Schließlich sind technologische Probleme hinsichtlich adaptierbarer und lernfähiger Informationssysteme zu lösen. Die Untersuchung der theoretischen Grundlagen fokussierte vor allem auf den Transfer von Kundenwissen, der Wissensemergenz und der Situationstheorie und ihrer Anwendungen. Im Rahmen der Aktionsforschung konnte gemeinsam mit Fachexperten ein Ökonomisch sinnvolles generisches Geschäftsmodell für User Innovation Toolkits konzipiert und evaluiert, ein neues Vorgehensmodell zur Anforderungsanalyse generiert und die Informationsarchitektur zur Realisierung situationsbezogener Dienste modelliert werden. Die Synthese stellt den Prototyp eines User Innovation Toolkits für situationsbezogene Dienste dar. (Autorenref.)
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An agent-centric approach to implicit human-computer interaction / Master thesisSurie, Dipak January 2005 (has links)
Humans live in physical world and perform activities that are physical, natural and biological. But humans are forced to shift explicitly from physical world to virtual world and vice-versa in performing computer aided physical activities. The research reported here is investigating: How implicit human-computer interaction can be used as a means to bridge the gap between physical world and virtual world. An agent-centric approach is introduced to extend ubiquitous computing to unlimited geographical space and a framework for implicit human-computer interaction is also discussed. The benefits of standardized ontologies are used as a base upon which this framework is built. This semantic approach together with agent-centric approach is discussed to visualize the visions of implicit Human-Computer Interaction (i-HCI). / PHYVIR project
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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Every year the queues in hospitals publics and privates grows due to, among others, the
increasing of the world population and the delay in the patients service. This is a serious problem
faced by administrators of hospitals which believe that it is increasingly difficult to offer
services of quality to those who search for them. One of the ways to decrease these queues is
through the development of homecare systems that allow the patient to receive the clinic treatment
directly in his house. The development of these kind of systems would help to decrease
the queues and consequently, would improve the attendance of those who goes to the hospitals
looking for assistance. Considering this, this work has as main purpose to present the modelling
of an architecture of a pervasive system to be applied in homecare environments. The pervasive
systems developed from this modelling aim to improve the services provided by healthcare professionals
in the treatment of patients that are located in their houses. The architecture proposed
by the methodology uses concepts of pervasive computing to provide access to information anytime
and wherever the user is, once that a homecare environment has a high level of dynamicity
of the envolved. The knowledge representation of the homecare environment needed in the
modelling of the architecture is made through ontologies due to the possibility of reuse of the
information stored, as well as the interoperability of information among different computational
devices. To validate the proposed methodology, we present two use cases, which are also used
to demonstrate the workflow of the pervasive system of homecare. / A cada ano que passa as filas de hospitais públicos e privados crescem devido, entre outros
fatores, ao aumento da população mundial e a demora no atendimento de pacientes. Este
é um problema sério enfrentado por administradores de hospitais os quais acreditam ser cada
vez mais difícil oferecer um serviço de qualidade a quem os procura. Uma das formas de diminuir
estas filas é através do desenvolvimento de sistemas de homecare que possibilitam que
o paciente receba um tratamento clínico diretamente em sua casa. O desenvolvimento de sistemas
deste tipo ajudaria a diminuir as filas e, consequentemente, iria melhorar o atendimento
daqueles que forem até os hospitais a procura de auxílio. Considerando isto, este trabalho tem
como objetivo principal apresentar uma modelagem para uma arquitetura de um sistema pervasivo
para ser aplicado em ambientes de homecare. Os sistemas pervasivos desenvolvidos
a partir desta modelagem visam o aprimoramento dos serviços prestados por profissionais da
saúde no tratamento de pacientes que encontram-se em suas casas. A metodologia proposta
apresenta uma arquitetura que utiliza conceitos de computação pervasiva possibilitando acesso
à informação a qualquer hora e independente do lugar onde estejam, uma vez que um ambiente
homacare possui um alto grau de dinamicidade dos envolvidos. A representação do conhecimento
existente no ambiente homecare necessária para a modelagem da arquitetura é feita
através de ontologias devido possibilidadde de reuso das informações ali armazenadas, bem
como a interoperabilidade de informações entre diferentes dispositivos computacionais. Para
validação da metodologia proposta, são apresentados dois casos de estudos, os quais também
são utilizados para demonstração do fluxo de funcionamento do sistema pervasivo de homecare.
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Towards engaging multipurpose public displays:design space and case studiesJurmu, M. (Marko) 07 November 2014 (has links)
This dissertation seeks to identify and discuss challenges related to the engagement process of multipurpose public displays (MPD) in urban spaces. MPD is a public display concept based on the current emergence of passive public displays, which again is part of the growth of digital signage as a medium for commercial and non-commercial content. MPDs are separated from contemporary public displays by two traits: interactivity and new use cases. Due to these traits, a better understanding of the potential of the MPD concept is needed, and this, in its turn, necessitates both a systematic and a multidisciplinary approach.
The investigation on the MPD concept and its related engagement process carried out in this thesis is divided into two phases. First, the theoretical phase is based on an extensive and analytical literature review and results in a theoretical framework based on two contributions: a layered design space for capturing the challenges related to design of MPDs in a systematic way, as well as formulation of a three-phase engagement process to model the engaging of MPDs in practice. These two formalizations facilitate reasoning on different aspects of MPD design, and thus scaffold future designs and deployments. Second, the empirical phase is based on a collection of case studies each of which investigates selected sections of the overall theoretical framework along with serving to illustrate how the sections under investigation operationalize in practice. The overall contribution of this dissertation is thus both to lay out a framework for a wider research area, as well as to raise selected findings as part of the framework through the case studies.
The findings derived on the basis of the design space, as well as the engagement process indicate the complexity of the design process for MPDs, even in cases where only the aspects of human-computer interaction (HCI) are considered. They also serve to raise the importance of non-functional issues in real-world MPD deployments, most notably, the mental models embodied by current public displays that citizens implicitly transfer over to MPDs as well. For future designs, careful leveraging of existing practices and mental models is crucial to facilitate the adoption of MPDs and to fully realize their potential as flexible urban computing tools. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä väitöskirja pyrkii tunnistamaan ja analysoimaan monikäyttöisten julkisten näyttöjen (multipurpose public display, MPD) käyttöön liittyviä haasteita. MPD on uusi kaupunkitiloissa olevien julkisten näyttöjen konsepti, joka perustuu nykyisten passiivisten julkisten näyttöjen sekä niissä esitettävän digitaalisen kyltityksen (digital signage) pohjalle. MPD eroaa konseptitasolla nykyisistä julkisista näytöistä pääasiassa kahdella tavalla: interaktiivisuudella sekä uusilla käyttötarkoituksilla. Näistä eroavaisuuksista sekä kaupunkitilojen yleisemmästä luonteesta johtuen MPD-konseptin parempi ymmärrys ja sitä kautta hyödyntäminen tulevaisuudessa edellyttää sekä järjestelmällistä että tieteidenvälistä tutkimusotetta.
Tässä työssä tehty tutkimus jakaantuu ylimmällä tasollaan kahteen vaiheeseen. Ensimmäinen teoreettinen vaihe pohjautuu laajaan kirjallisuuskatsaukseen ja kulminoituu teoreettiseen viitekehykseen, joka koostuu kahdesta osasta. Ensimmäinen osa on kerroksittainen suunnitteluavaruus (design space), jossa pyritään MPD-konseptiin liittyvien haasteiden ja mahdollisuuksien kartoittamiseen tutkimuksen nykytila huomioonottaen. Toinen osa on teorisoitu esitys MPD-konseptin käyttöprosessista (engagement process) kaupunkilaisten näkökulmasta koostuen kolmesta osittain limittyvästä vaiheesta. Nämä kaksi teoreettista osaa tarjoavat pohjaa MDP-konseptiin pohjautuvalle suunnittelulle tulevaisuudessa. Toinen empiirinen vaihe rakentuu kolmen tapaustutkimuksen kokoelmasta, jossa jokainen yksittäinen tapaustutkimus pohjautuu tiettyihin esitetyn teorian osa-alueisiin ja näin ollen myös esittelee, miten suunitteluavaruus sekä käyttöprosessin malli voivat realisoitua käytännössä. Työn kontribuutio koostuu siis laajemman teoreettisen kehyksen muodostamisesta sekä tämän kehyksen määrittämässä fokuksessa tehdyistä tapaustutkimuksista.
Työssä saavutetut tulokset auttavat hahmottamaan MPD-konseptiin liittyvän suunnittelun kompleksisuutta tilanteissa, joissa on keskitytty pääasiassa ihminen-kone vuorovaikutuksen (human-computer interaction, HCI) tutkimiseen. Tapaustukimukset nostavat esille myös ns. non-funktionaalisten tekijöiden roolin autenttisissa kaupunkitiloissa tapahtuvassa empiirisessä ja konstruktiivisessa tutkimuksessa. Tässä tärkeään rooliin nousevat etenkin niin kutsutut mentaalimallit, joiden kautta kaupunkilaiset hahmottavat MPD-konseptia. Työn tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että MPD-konseptiin pohjautuvassa suunnittelussa tulee korostaa olemassa olevien urbaanien sosiokulttuuristen käytäntöjen roolia. Näin MPD-konseptin käytöstä voidaan tulevaisuudessa saada sujuvampaa ja luontevampaa, ja MPD-konsepti voisi tulevaisuudessa olla keskeisempi osa urbaania sosiokulttuurista rakennetta.
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Automated and interactive composition of ubiquitous applicationsDavidyuk, O. (Oleg) 29 May 2012 (has links)
Application composition refers to the creation of applications by using Web Services and resources such as mobile devices, displays, and various augmented everyday objects as building blocks. This approach is especially useful for ubiquitous applications which focus on supporting users' needs and everyday activities. This thesis proposes to compose these applications by choosing the appropriate set of resources and services and their configuration as dictated by the users themselves, together with their needs and other contexts.
This thesis studies automated and interactive application composition. The first approach enables the system to act upon users' needs and intentions, while the second enables users themselves to specify their needs and achieve their goals. The research was carried out by designing, implementing and evaluating eight prototypes for automated and interactive application composition. The evaluation methods used included performance analysis and user experiments.
The main results include (1) the design and implementation of automated composition mechanisms which rely on evolutionary computing and genetic algorithms, (2) a detailed performance analysis of these mechanisms using synthesized datasets and in a real networking environment; (3) the design and implementation of interactive application composition prototypes which rely on graphical and physical (i.e. touch-based) user interfaces for mobile devices and utilize various contexts; (4) an evaluation of these prototypes in a series of user experiments. The evaluation studied the following issues: users' attitudes towards an automated composition system which makes decisions on their behalf; users' attitudes towards a context-aware composition interface; and the issue of balancing user control and system autonomy. / Tiivistelmä
Sovellusten kokoamisella tarkoitetaan sovellusten luomista käyttäen rakennuselementteinä Web Services -ohjelmistojärjestelmää, sekä muita resursseja, kuten mobiililaitteita, näyttölaitteita ja monenlaisia lisävarusteltuja tavanomaisia esineitä. Tämä menetelmä on erityisen käyttökelpoinen sellaisten jokapaikan tietoteknisten sovellusten luomisessa, joiden tarkoitus on tukea käyttäjän tarpeita ja päivittäisiä toimia. Tutkimuksessa esitetään, että tällaisia sovelluksia voidaan koota valitsemalla sopivia palvelu- ja resurssipaketin sekä niiden konfiguraation käyttäjien vaatimusten mukaan, ottaen huomioon heidän tarpeensa sekä muut kontekstit.
Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan automatisoitua ja vuorovaikutteista sovellusten kokoamista. Automatisointi mahdollistaa sen, että järjestelmä toimii käyttäjän tarpeiden ja päämäärien mukaisesti, kun taas vuorovaikutteisuuden ansiosta käyttäjä voi määritellä tarpeensa ja pääsee näin haluamaansa lopputulokseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin suunnittelemalla, toteuttamalla ja arvioimalla kahdeksan automatisoidun ja vuorovaikutteisen sovelluksen kokoonpanon prototyyppiä. Arviointimetodeina käytettiin suorituskykyanalyysiä ja käyttäjäkokeita.
Tutkimuksen tärkeimpiä tuloksia ovat (1) evoluutiolaskentaan ja geneettisiin algoritmeihin perustuvien automatisoitujen kokoamismekanismien suunnittelu ja toteutus; (2) näiden mekanismien yksityiskohtainen suorituskykyanalyysi syntetisoitujen tietoaineistojen ja todellisten verkkoympäristöjen avulla; (3) graafisille ja fyysisille (l. kosketus) mobiililaitteiden käyttöliittymille perustuvien ja monenlaisia konteksteja hyödyntävien vuorovaikutteisten kokoamissovellusten prototyyppien suunnittelu ja toteutus; (4) prototyyppien arviointi erilaisin käyttäjäkokein. Arvioinnissa tutkittiin käyttäjien asenteita käyttäjän puolesta päätöksiä tekevää automatisoitua kokoamisjärjestelmää kohtaan, käyttäjien asenteita kontekstitietoista kokoamiskäyttöliittymää kohtaan, sekä käyttäjälle jäävän kontrollin ja järjestelmän autonomian välistä tasapainoa.
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Arquitetura para suporte a aplicações ubíquas que viabilizam a criação de um ambiente de aprendizado ativo em sala de aula / Architecture to support ubiquitous applications that enable the creation of an active learning environment in the classroomCaceffo, Ricardo Edgard, 1983- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T04:45:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Caceffo_RicardoEdgard_D.pdf: 9419075 bytes, checksum: 471d33da09caeddcc57b6039b579fbac (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: O modelo do Aprendizado Ativo defende uma maior participação, motivação e colaboração entre os alunos no ambiente de ensino e aprendizagem. Usualmente o Aprendizado Ativo é suportado através de elementos tecnológicos, como os sistemas de resposta em sala de aula. Neste ambiente, o professor propõe aos alunos questões de múltipla escolha, que são respondidas através de clickers, sendo os dados organizados por um software gerenciado pelo professor. Ocorre que, apesar do crescente desenvolvimento da tecnologia, este suporte ainda é limitado, não considerando variáveis importantes do contexto, histórico e ambiente de ensino e aprendizagem, apresentando ainda problemas em sua aplicação, como a distração dos alunos. Nesta tese é proposta uma Arquitetura Ubíqua de Suporte ao Aprendizado Ativo (AUSAA), em que é desenvolvido um framework para promoção do Aprendizado Ativo através do uso de dispositivos móveis. A AUSAA incorpora elementos da Computação Ubíqua, como sensibilidade ao contexto, localização e análise do histórico dos usuários, permitindo a criação de funcionalidades que se adaptam ao ambiente e necessidades dos participantes. A AUSAA suporta ainda o modelo de estilos de aprendizagem de Felder & Silverman, que afirma que cada aluno possui preferências individuais em relação à percepção, processamento e manipulação da informação. Parte da AUSAA foi implementada através de um software (LSQuiz). Nele é proposto um processo colaborativo em que o professor disponibiliza um conjunto de questões de múltipla escolha aos alunos, que podem, a qualquer instante, informar ao sistema que estão com dificuldades. A partir disso, através da análise de fatores de contexto e da localização dos estudantes, é escolhido um aluno para ser convidado a ajudar. O LSQuiz foi aplicado e avaliado em um ambiente de ensino, sendo identificados pontos de melhoria em seu design, como a necessidade de identificação automática da localização dos alunos e ajustes pontuais no algoritmo do processo colaborativo. Verificou-se que é válida a premissa de que a aplicação da Computação Ubíqua neste ambiente viabiliza de uma forma mais efetiva o modelo do Aprendizado Ativo, sendo a autonomia dos alunos um elemento positivo neste processo. Por fim, identificou-se que não é possível inferir os estilos de aprendizagem dos alunos através do seu desempenho nos questionários, sendo inviável a aplicação do modelo de Felder & Silverman neste contexto / Abstract: The Active Learning model advocates greater participation, motivation and collaboration between students in the teaching and learning environment. Usually, the Active Learning is supported by technology through the classroom response systems. In this environment, the teacher asks students multiple-choice questions, which are answered trough clickers, being the data organized by a software managed by the teacher. Despite the increasing development of technology, its use is still limited, not being considered important variables related to the context, user's history and the learning environment. In addition, its application presented some problems, like the ones related to the distraction and attention loss of the students. This thesis proposes a Ubiquitous Classroom Response System (UCRS), developed as a framework to support the Active Learning using mobile devices. The UCRS incorporates elements of ubiquitous computing like context awareness, location and historical analysis of users' data, allowing the development of features that adapt to the environment and needs of the participants. The UCRS further supports the Felder and Silverman Learning Styles Model (FSM), which states that each student has individual preferences in relation to perception, processing and manipulation of information. Part of the UCRS was implemented through software (LSQuiz). The LSQuiz supports a collaborative process in which the teacher submits a multiple-choice quiz to students, who may at any time ask for the help of other students. Then, the LSQuiz analyses context factors, like the location affinity among students, verifying which student should be invited to help. The LSQuiz was implemented and evaluated in a learning environment, being identified some issues, like the need for automatic student's location and specific changes in the collaborative process algorithm. In addition, it was found valid the assumption that Ubiquitous Computing enables a more effective way to support the Active Learning model, being the student's autonomy a positive element in this process. Finally, was identified that it is not possible to assume the learning styles of students through their performance in the questionnaires. Thus, it is unfeasible the application of the FSM in this context / Doutorado / Ciência da Computação / Doutor em Ciência da Computação
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Um processo de software e um modelo ontológico para apoio ao desenvolvimento de aplicações sensíveis a contexto / A software process and a ontological model for supporting the development of context-aware applicationsRenato de Freitas Bulcão Neto 13 December 2006 (has links)
Aplicações sensíveis a contexto utilizam informações de contexto para fornecer serviços adaptados a usuários na realização de suas tarefas. Informação de contexto é qualquer informação considerada relevante para caracterizar entidades de uma interação usuário-computador, como a identidade e a localização de usuários. Esta tese trata a carência de uma abordagem que considere, em termos de processo de software, a complexidade de desenvolvimento de software sensível a contexto. O problema em questão é tratado por meio de três linhas de investigação: modelagem de informação contextual, serviços para tratamento de informação contextual e processo de software para computação sensível a contexto. As contribuições desta tese incluem: (i) o processo de software POCAp (Process for Ontological Context-aware Applications) para apoiar a construção de aplicações sensíveis a contexto baseadas em ontologias; (ii) o modelo de informações de contexto SeCoM (Semantic Context Model) baseado em ontologias e em padrões da Web Semântica; (iii) a infra-estrutura de serviços configuráveis SCK (Semantic Context Kernel) para interpretar informações de contexto apoiadas por modelos ontológicos de informação contextual, como o modelo SeCoM; (iv) uma instanciação do processo POCAp correspondente à extensão de uma aplicação com informações de contexto apoiadas pelo modelo SeCoM, e sua integração com serviços da infra-estrutura SCK; e (v) a identificação de questões de projeto relacionadas à inferência sobre informação contextual ontológica / In order to provide adaptive services according to users? tasks, context-aware applications exploit context information, which is any information used to characterize entities of a user-computer interaction such as user identity or user location. This thesis deals with the lack of a software process-based approach to supporting the inherent complexity of developing context-aware systems. The work reported in this thesis followed three main lines of investigation: context information modeling, services for processing context information, and a software process for context-aware computing. The contributions of this thesis include: (i) the Process for Ontological Context-aware Applications (POCAp) to support the development of context-aware applications based on ontologies; (ii) the Semantic Context Model (SeCoM) based on Semantic Web standards and ontologies; (iii) the Semantic Context Kernel (SCK) services infrastructure for interpreting ontological context information models such as the SeCoM model; (iv) an implementation of the POCAp process for the extension of an application with context information based on the SeCoM model, and its integration with services of the SCK infrastructure; and (v) the identification of design issues related to the inference over ontology-based context information
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Design centrado no usuário de um ambiente de reunião instrumentado / User-centered design of an instrumented meeting environmentVivian Genaro Motti 18 February 2009 (has links)
A computação ubíqua explora o fato de que é possível embutir em um ambiente sistemas computacionais que transparentemente apóiem tarefas cotidianas do usuário. Sistemas desse tipo podem ser aplicados a diferentes domínios contribuindo, por exemplo, com atividades educacionais, médicas ou administrativas. A captura automática de informação em ambientes de computação ubíqua visa documentar atividades cotidianas de modo a possibilitar, posteriormente, o acesso às informações capturadas. O nível de transparência da interação do usuário com as chamadas aplicações ubíquas de captura e acesso é um desafio para projetistas, uma vez que os requisitos da aplicação devem ser conhecidos em profundidade para que a interação usuário-ambiente seja eficiente, eficaz e satisfatória. O trabalho realizado teve por objetivo especificar uma versão da aplicação para comunicação síncrona entre usuários que participem de reuniões distribuídas usando o DiGaE (Distributed Gathering Environment), desenvolver protótipos de interfaces, avaliá-los e sugerir soluções que facilitem a interação do usuário, aproximando o modelo conceitual da aplicação de seu modelo mental. Foram utilizados conceitos de Engenharia de Software para especificação e modelagem do sistema, e de Interação Humano-Computador para o desenvolvimento e a avaliação das interfaces. O projeto realizado orientou a implementação de um protótipo do ambiente DiGaE pela equipe do Projeto TIDIA-Ae, em cujo contexto este trabalho se insere. A principal contribuição do trabalho é um projeto que considera usabilidade em ambientes ubíquos para comunicação remota entre usuários, de modo a tornar a interação fácil, eficiente, eficaz e satisfatória até mesmo para usuários não especialistas em informática / Ubiquitous computing explores the possibility of instrumenting an environment with computational infrastructure that transparently supports users in their daily tasks. This kind of systems can be applied in different contexts contributing in medical, educational or administrative activities, for instance. The automatic capture of information in ubiquitous computing environments aims at documenting daily activities so that the corresponding information can be later accessed for review. Achieving a high level of transparency concerning the user interaction in such environments is a challenge to designers, since many users\' requirements must be gathered so that the user-environment interaction is efficient, effective and satisfactory. The main objective of the work reported is the specification of a version of the DiGaE (Distributed Gathering Environment) application which allows the synchronous communication among remote users in distributed meetings developing interfaces prototypes, evaluating them and suggesting solutions to facilitate users\' interaction. Concepts from Software Engineering were employed to specify and model the application, and Human-Computer Interaction concepts were employed to develop and evaluate the interfaces. The project guided the implementation of a DiGaE prototype by TIDIA-Ae Project team, in which context this work is inserted. The main contribution of this work is a project which considers usability in ubiquitous distributed gathering environments in order to make the interaction easy, efficient, effective and satisfactory, even for non-expert users
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The value of context awareness within information technology audit and governanceLe Roux, Theo January 2020 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Business Information Systems))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2020 / A shared common understanding or context awareness (CA) of IT Audit and Governance among all the internal stakeholders of a business remains an important factor. This context awareness is needed between the business itself, the IT department, and the Audit and Risk functions of the business.
The research problem states that there is a lack of shared context awareness among all stakeholders when conducting IT audits and implementing IT Governance. To answer the research questions, a case study research strategy was followed using an International Services Group of companies operating from South Africa. The case study offered a diverse group of companies and vast experience in the South African Services, Trading, and Distribution sector. The diversity of this group of companies made it a perfect candidate for understanding context and the value of context in IT when conducting IT audits.
The following research questions were asked: i) What are the factors affecting a shared context understanding among the stakeholders when conducting IT audits and implementing IT Governance? ii) How can a shared context understanding among stakeholders be achieved when conducting IT audits and implementing IT Governance?
The aim of the study was to explore the value of context awareness within IT Audit and Governance in order to identify the value of shared context understanding.
Data collection was done by means of interviews using semi-structured questionnaires and an interview guide. Qualitative data analysis techniques were adopted for this research. The conclusion of the study highlights the importance of a collective understanding of the business’s context in order to obtain alignment in business, IT, and Audit. It refers to the same or a similar understanding of the business processes; this takes time and is unique on all levels.
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