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An Augmented Reality Haptic Training Simulator for Spinal Needle ProceduresSUTHERLAND, COLIN JAMES 29 November 2011 (has links)
Medical simulators have become commonly used to teach new procedures to medical students and clinicians. Their accessibility allows trainees to perform training whenever they desire, and their flexibility allows for various patient body types and conditions to be simulated. This is in contrast to {\it in-vivo} training, which requires direct supervision from a trained clinician, and access to a live patient or cadaver, both of which have restrictions.
This thesis proposes a novel prototype system for spinal anesthesia procedures which combines the use of both a haptic device for virtual, ultrasound-guided (US) needle simulations, and a physical mannequin registered to a patient specific computed tomography (CT) volume in order to create an augmented reality (AR) overlay. The mannequin will provide the user with a greater sense of spatial awareness that is not present in a purely virtual simulation, as well as providing physical visual clues to navigate the patient. Another novel aspect is the simulation of US images from CT images deformed via a finite element model (FEM).
The system is composed of a torso mannequin from Sawbones Inc., a MicronTracker2 optical tracking system from Claron Technology, a Sensable PHANToM Premium 1.5A haptic device and a graphical user interface (GUI) to display relevant visual feedback. The GUI allows the user to view the AR overlaid on the video feed, and the CT slice and simulated US image based the position/orientation of a dummy US probe.
Forces during the insertion are created via the FEM and sent to the haptic device. These forces include force from needle tip insertion, friction along the length of the needle inside the body, and from displacing the needle off its original insertion axis. Input to the system consists of a patient CT volume.
The system is able to create forces that closely match those reported in the literature. A user study consisting of subjects with expertise ranging from familiarity with medical imaging to clinical experience with needle insertion procedures, was performed to qualitatively analyze the performance of the system. Three experienced physicians were also consulted for input and improvements. The feedback received from the questionnaire, and comments from the subjects and physicians, showed the system is able to simulate a real needle insertion quite well, and the graphical aids added were helpful during the training procedure. / Thesis (Master, Electrical & Computer Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2011-11-27 00:04:32.173
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High Frequency Ultrasound RF Time Series Analysis for Tissue CharacterizationNAJAFI YAZDI, MOHSEN 29 March 2012 (has links)
Ultrasound-based tissue characterization has been an active eld of cancer detection
in the past decades. The main concept behind various techniques is that the returning
ultrasound echoes carry tissue-dependent information that can be used to distinguish
tissue types. Recently, a new paradigm for tissue typing has been proposed which uses
ultrasound Radio Frequency (RF) echoes, recorded continuously from a xed location
of the tissue, to extract tissue-dependent information. This is hereafter referred to as
RF time series.
The source of tissue typing information in RF time series is not a well known
concept in the literature. However, there are two main hypotheses that describe the
informativeness of variations in RF time series. Such information could be partly due
to heat induction as a result of consistent eradiation of tissue with ultrasound beams
which results in a virtual displacement in RF echoes, and partly due to the acoustic
radiation force of ultrasound beams resulting in micro-vibration inside tissue.
In this thesis, we further investigate RF time series signals, collected at high
frequencies, by analyzing the properties of the RF displacements. It will be shown
that such displacements exhibit oscillatory behavior, emphasizing on the possible
micro-vibrations inside tissue, as well as linear incremental trend, indicating the e ect
of heat absorbtion of tissue.
The main focus of this thesis is to study the oscillatory behavior of RF displace-
ments in order to extract tissue-dependent features based on which tissue classi ca-
tion is performed. Using various linear and nonlinear tools, we study the properties
of such displacements in both frequency and time domain. Nonlinear analysis, based
on the theory of dynamical systems, is used to study the dynamical and geometrical
properties of RF displacements in the time domain.
Using Support Vector Machine (SVM), di erent tissue typing experiments are
performed to investigate the capability of the proposed features in tissue classi ca-
tion. It will be shown that the combination of such features can distinguish between
di erent tissue types almost perfectly. In addition, a feature reduction algorithm,
based on principle component analysis (PCA), is performed to reduce the number of
features required for a successful tissue classi cation. / Thesis (Master, Electrical & Computer Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2012-03-29 13:52:10.874
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The Effect of Soft Tissue on the Propagation of Ultrasonic Guided Waves Through Long BonesStieglitz, Lauren Unknown Date
No description available.
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Imaging bone fractures using ultrasonic scattered wavefields: numerical and in-vitro studiesLi, Hongjiang Unknown Date
No description available.
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Scattering of High-frequency Ultrasound by Individual Bound MicrobubblesSprague, Michael 15 February 2010 (has links)
Targeted imaging with microbubbles may resolve the molecular expression within the abnormal blood vessels of tumours. Optimal imaging requires understanding the interaction between targeted microbubbles and high-frequency ultrasound. Therefore, the subharmonic signal, and backscattering cross-section of individual bound microbubbles were examined with coaligned 30 MHz pulses and optical images. The peak subharmonic signal was generated for 1.6 µm diameter microbubbles for 20% and 11% bandwidth pulses and 1.8 µm for 45% bandwidth pulses at 200 kPa, consistent with estimations of the resonant size of microbubble's at 15 MHz. In order to measure the scattering cross-section, a new method was proposed to measure the receive transfer function of a transducer. Measurements of the backscattering cross-section scaled with the square of the radius, with signi cant size-independent variability. The results of this thesis will help optimise the parameters for targeted imaging, as well as further our understanding of the behaviour of microbubbles.
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The purposes of this dissertation were to determine: 1) the relationship betweenmuscle thickness change (MTC) as measured by rehabilitative ultrasound imaging(RUSI) and EMG activity in the lumbar multifidus (LM), 2) if motor control changesproduced by experimentally induced pain are measurable with RUSI, 3) if a differenceexists in MTC between subjects with low back pain (LBP) classified in the treatmentbasedclassification system (TBC) system and controls, 4) if MTC improves followingintervention.Current literature suggests sub-groups of patients with LBP exist and responddifferently to treatment, challenging whether the majority of LBP is "nonspecific". TheTBC system categorizes subjects into one of four categories (stabilization, mobilization,direction specific exercise, or traction). Currently, only stabilization subjects receive anintervention emphasizing stability. Because recent research has demonstrated that motorcontrol impairments of lumbar stabilizing muscles are present in most subjects with LBP,it is hypothesized that impairments may be present across the TBC classifications.Study 1: Established the relationship between MTC as measured by RUSI andEMG in the LM. Study 2: Assessed MTC of the LM during control and painfulconditions to determine if induced pain changes in LM and transverse abdominis (TrA)are measurable with RUSI. Study 3: Measured MTC of the LM and TrA in subjects withLBP classified in the TBC system and 20 controls. Subjects completed a stabilizationprogram and were re-tested.The inter-tester reliability of the RUSI measurements was excellent (ICC3,3 =.91,SEM=3.2%). There was a curvilinear relationship (r = .79) between thickness changeand EMG activity. There was a significant difference (p andlt; .01) between control andpainful conditions on 4 of the 5 LM tasks tested and on the TrA task. There was adifference in MTC between subjects and controls on the loaded LM test which varied bylevel and category. All categories were different from control on the TrA. Followingintervention the TrA MTC improved (p andlt; .01). The LM MTC did not (p values from .13-.86).These findings suggest MTC can be clinically measured and that deficits existwithin TBC system. Significant disability and pain reduction were measured.
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New Automated Industrial Technologies for Improving Chemical Penetration of Bovine Pieces in the Raw Material Processing and Conditioning Areas of Gelatine ManufactureWittich, William John January 2005 (has links)
The production of gelatine at Gelita N.Z. Ltd. is a time consuming process. The time limiting step in the process is the pre-treatment of the collagen tissue of the raw material in a lime/sodium sulfide solution. The liming solution breaks down the collagen in the tissue to gelatine. This is a necessary step prior to the extraction of gelatine from the hide pieces. The current liming process takes nearly 50 days to complete. Methods were investigated to increase the rate of penetration of the chemicals into the bovine hide raw material. An increase in the penetration of the liming solutions would lead to shorter processing times for this step in the process. The methods that were investigated were temperature controlled mixing, fluidization of the hide pieces and the use of ultrasound. Of all the methods tested, the fluidization of the hide pieces gave the best results. The pretreatment time of the hide pieces was reduced 9 days with this technique. Methods were also investigated to monitor the levels of conditioning in the raw material An accurate technique to measure hide conditioning was important to pilot plant trials. This helped determine how well any of the trail methods increased the penetration of chemicals into the hide pieces. The use of an ultraviolet dye proved an effective method of measuring conditioning for all the pilot plant trials. The level of chemical penetration was monitored by assessing the penetration of the UV dye. The penetration of the UV dye could be quantified by using imaging software. A possible method of monitoring conditioning in full-scale production was tested. It was determined that the glycosaminoglycans and soluble collagen released into the liming solution could be accurately measured, and related to the overall conditioning of the raw material.
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Scapular Muscle Assessment in Patients with Lateral EpicondylalgiaDay, Joseph M 01 January 2013 (has links)
The role rehabilitation plays in the management of patients with lateral epicondylalgia (LE) remains elusive secondary to high recurrence rates. Addressing scapular muscle deficits may be important in the rehabilitation of patients with LE. However, it is unknown if scapular muscle impairments exist in a working population of patients with LE. The purpose of this dissertation was to assess scapular muscle strength and endurance in a working population of patients with LE.
Clinical scapular muscle assessment tools are limited in their ability to isolate specific muscles. Rehabilitative ultrasound imaging (RUSI) is a potentially useful tool but few studies have investigated its utility. Absolute muscle thickness measurements were obtained on healthy individuals for the lower trapezius (LT) and serratus anterior (SA) under three conditions (arm at rest, arm elevated with a low load, arm elevated with a high load). For both the LT and SA, a significant distinction could be made in muscle thickness between rest and a loaded condition but not between the two load conditions. Furthermore, excellent reliability was demonstrated for both muscles.
It is unknown whether arm dominance plays a role in scapular muscle assessments. Therefore, healthy individuals between the ages of 30 and 65 were recruited to compare the effect of arm dominance on scapular muscle strength, endurance, and change in thickness measured by RUSI. Results indicate that arm dominance does significantly affect some measures of scapular muscle strength and endurance. However, the differences between the dominant and non-dominant limbs were not beyond measurement error.
Scapular muscle strength, endurance, and change in muscle thickness of the LT and SA were assessed in 28 patients presenting with signs and symptoms consistent with LE. LT strength, SA strength, middle trapezius strength, endurance, and change in SA thickness were significantly less in patients with LE compared to matched controls. SA and LT strength were significantly less in the involved limb compared to the uninvolved limb in patients with LE. The results suggest that assessing scapular muscle endurance as well as LT and SA strength is indicated when evaluating patients with LE, and the results should be compared to normative data.
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Three experiments were conducted to explore the effect of fescue toxicosis on vasoconstriction and various parameters of the estrous cycle. In the experiment of Chapter 3, a 2x2 crossover experimental design with repeated measures was implemented to test whether the ingestion of endophyte-infected tall fescue seed would alter blood hormone concentrations of prolactin, progesterone, and estradiol, interovulatory intervals, and corpus luteum blood flow. Also, Doppler ultrasonography was used to assess whether palmar artery and palmar vein lumen diameter, area, circumference, and resistivity index could be altered by the ingestion of endophyte-infected tall fescue seed. Ingestion of endophyte-infected tall fescue seed significantly decreased palmar artery resistivity index, area, and circumference, and palmar artery and palmar vein lumen diameter, but did not alter interovulatory intervals, serum concentrations of prolactin, progesterone, estradiol, or corpus luteum blood flow. Experiments 1 and 2 from Chapter 4 profiled the dopaminergic, serotonergic, and α-adrenergic receptor types and subtypes, as expressed within the equine medial palmar artery, medial palmar vein, and uterine artery transcriptomes. Combined results from Chapters 3 & 4 imply that relative quantity of serotonergic receptor subtypes within a vessel may be related to with the severity of that vessel's vasoconstrictive response to endophyte-infected tall fescue.
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Organinių medžiagų skaidymo ultragarsiniame lauke tyrimas / Decomposition of organic materials in an ultrasonic field studyJanecka, Remigijus 22 July 2014 (has links)
Baigiamajame darbe apžvelgiamos organinių medžiagų skaidymo ultragarsu sistemos. Didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas dumblių skaidymo ultragarsu sistemoms. Apžvelgiamos dumblių pritaikymo, jų auginimo ir išgavimo tendencijos. Nagrinėjama išilginių virpesių ultragarsinė dumblių skaidymo sistema „UIP 1000hd”.
Darbo tikslas - Standartinio ultragarsinio įrenginio(UIP1000hd Set ) pagalba ištirti botanikos institute auginamų dumblių (augalinių bioląstelių) skaidymo galimybę.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Įsisavinti naują ultragarsinę įrangą, išmokti naudoti įvairius titaninius koncentratorius, nustatyti reikiamus augalinių bioląstelių skaidymo režimus, išmokti registruoti ultragarsinės sistemos elektrinius ir mechaninius parametrus.
2. Susipažinti su pramoninių dumblių auginimo specifika. Kartu su Botanikos instituto mokslininkais organizuoti tyrimo objekto - dumblių(augalinių bioląstelių) bandomosios partijos užauginimą.
3. Išdirbti dumblių skaidymo lygio vertinimo (tyrimo) metodiką.
4. Išdirbti dumblių skaidymo tyrimo įrenginiu UIP1000hd Set metodiką.
5. Atlikti ultragarsinės sistemos ir kavituojamo skysčio su organine medžiaga virpesių pasiskirstymo analizę ( sistemos kompiuterinis modeliavimas turimomis laboratorijoje programomis).
6. Iš elektrinės ir mechaninės pusės ištirti ultragarsinę sistemą : nustatyti varžines - dažnumines ir amplitudines – dažnumines charakteristikas esant įvairioms elektrin4ms galioms, laisvame ir apkrautame režime.
7. Atlikti 2-3 rūšių pramoninių dumblių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Master’s Thesis provides an overview on the systems of organic matter decomposition by ultrasound. The focus is on the systems of algal ultrasound decomposition. The tendencies of algae adaptation, cultivation and extraction were reviewed. The ultrasonic algae decomposition system of longitudinal oscillation named “UIP 1000hd” was analyzed.
The aims and objectives of the thesis:
The aim - is to examine the decomposition possibility of algae (bio cells) growing in the Botanical Institute with the help of standard ultrasound device (UIP1000hd Set).
1. To learn about the new ultrasound equipment, learn to use a variety of titanium concentrators, set the required decomposition modes of bio cells, learn to record electrical and mechanical parameters of the ultrasound system.
2. To familiarize with the specifics of industrial algae cultivation. To organize the experimental batch cultivation of the object of the research - algae (plant bio cells) - together with scientists of the Botanical Institute.
3. To master the assessment (research) methodology of the level of algae division.
4. To master the methodology of the algae decomposition equipment UIP1000hd Set.
5. To carry out the distribution of vibration analysis of the ultrasound system and the cativating with the organic matter (the system modeling by computer using programs that are in the Laboratory).
6. To investigate the electrical and mechanical sides of the ultrasound system: to set... [to full text]
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