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Vliv působení různých typů přísad do betonu na vlastnosti čerstvých a ztvrdlých stříkaných betonů. / DIFFERENT TYPES OF CONCRETE ADMIXTURES AND THEIR EFFECT ON PROPERTIES OF FRESH AND HARD SPRAYED CONCRETEHela, Vlastimil January 2012 (has links)
The current technology for sprayed concrete cannot do without various types of concrete admixtures allowing that more demanding requirements for quality and overall characteristics of Sprayed Concrete can be met. These are mainly concrete plastificators and set acceleration admixtures. In practice these technologies are employed especially in construction of underground structures where the working conditions are often very restricted. In these days Sprayed Concrete is usually applied by wet spraying where the fresh concrete is made in a batching plant and then transported to the construction site. That is why it is also important to pay attention to rheology characteristics of sprayed concrete. The concrete is then placed by a special spraying plant while it is ensured that all requirements and technical specifications for sprayed concrete are complied with. The characteristics are most affected by the admixtures - both plastificators and accelerators and their compatibility with cement. In order to acquire new evidence in the field of sprayed concrete technology and use of admixtures and their effect in relation with various types of cement a number of combinations of admixtures and cements were tested. Gradually results were obtained and recorded for rheology of cement mortars and concrete, for characteristics of young sprayed concrete mixes and for the comparison between the laboratory tests and findings from daily practice.
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Tillåten vatteninläckning vid undermarksbyggandeEriksson, Michelle, van Heek, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Denna rapport grundar sig i en genomgång av ett antal tunnelanläggningars ansökningar till Mark- och miljödomstolen vid Nacka Tingsrätt gällande bortledning av grundvatten, samt deras slutgiltiga domstolsbeslut i Stockholmsområdet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer i ansökan som domstolen lägger störst vikt vid inför domstolsbeslutet, samt hitta eventuella likheter eller skillnader mellan de fyra olika tunnelanläggningarna som beaktats. Vidare undersöks anledningarna bakom uppdelningen av en tunnel i olika delsträckor och hur dessa i sin tur påverkar de inläckagenivåer som ansökan yrkar på. Rapporten behandlar följande tunnelanläggningar: Nya Avloppstunneln, E4 Förbifart Stockholm, City Link etapp 2 samt Nya Tunnelbanan. Sammanfattningsvis blev resultatet av denna studie följande: de olika domstolsbesluten tar alla hänsyn till ungefär samma faktorer där yttranden från Länsstyrelsen och genomförandet av fältundersökningar anses betydande. Tunnelsträckornas indelning baseras på de olika geologiska förhållandena i området samt vart vattendelare och inströmningsområden är lokaliserade. Slutligen är det även tydligt att domstolen tar hänsyn till tidigare projekts domstolsbeslut, både gällande de inläckagevillkor som beviljas samt den tekniska lösningens utformning. / The following report analyses a number of tunnel-constructions applications to the Land and Environmental Court (Mark- och miljödomstolen), at Nacka district court in Stockholm regarding groundwater drainage. The study also covers the court decisions for each of the tunnel-constructions. The purpose of this study is to find common denominators in the court decisions in order to draw conclusions about which denominators are of more importance than others, when the court makes its final decision. Furthermore, the study also aims to find clarity in the decision-making behind the division of the tunnel into sections and how those impact the levels of groundwater-leakage requested in the application. The following tunnel- constructions have been analysed: Nya Avloppstunneln, E4 Förbifart Stockholm, City Link etapp 2 as well as Nya Tunnelbanan. The result showed that the different court decisions all regard some factors more important than others, where the claimant from the supervisory authority Country Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen) and the implementation of field studies are deemed two of the most important factors. The division of the tunnels is based on the geological prerequisites and the location of the watersheds and inflow areas. Lastly, it is also clear that the court takes previous projects court decisions into account regarding the leakage-levels as well as the technical solution.
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A Preliminary Study On Construction Of A High Capacity Tensiometer And Its Use In Measurement Of Matric Suction In Unsaturated SoilsKoksalan, Ali Okan 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Soil suction is one of the main state parameters that governs unsaturated soil behaviour. Tensiometers are the only type of probe that can measure soil suction directly, but only up to 90 kPa. In the past two decades, a new type of tensiometer with much greater measurement range (up to 2 MPa) has appeared in the literature. The measurement range (i.e. capacity) of a tensiometer is limited by (i) how well it is saturated, and (ii) the air entry value of its porous interface.
In this study, the first high capacity tensiometer of Turkey was designed and built. For the purpose of increasing the measurement capacity of the tensiometers, a novel saturation setup that uses a hydraulic pressurization system with capacity of 10 MPa was designed and built. A vacuum-and-pressure saturation procedure was developed. To calibrate the 10 MPa pressure transducers that form the core of the tensiometers, a high-pressure calibration setup capable of pressurizing up to 11 MPa was designed and built. By varying designs of tensiometer bodies, porous interfaces and seals, ways of increasing the suction capacity are investigated. Over a dozen tensiometer design variations are developed, and tried by exposing to atmospheric evaporation. A maximum suction measurement of 870 kPa was achieved with a conventional design / however, none of the new designs were successful. 3 successful designs were also briefly tried on soil samples
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Assessment Of Tunnel Induced Deformation Field Through 3-dimensional Numerical Models (necatibey Subway Station, Ankara, Turkey)Akturk, Ozgur 01 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In heavily settled areas, deformations induced by the tunnel excavation may cause
serious damage to nearby structures. In this study it is aimed to model ground
deformations induced by main tunnels and connection tunnels excavations as well
as groundwater drainage. Therefore, it is necessary to study effective means of
controlling tunnel induced deformations. The main parameters affecting the
failure and deformation state of the soil around a circular underground opening
are the physical characteristics of the soil, the diameter of the opening, and the
support pressure. During the construction stage of Necatibey Station of KizilayÇ / ayyolu
metro line (Ankara, Turkey), challenging ground conditions involving
highly heterogeneous and locally water saturated foundation soils have been
encountered. Possibility of damage at the surface and/or on the underground
structures can be estimated using finite difference method (FDM) of analysis.
In this study, two geophysical methods namely Electrical Resistivity Imaging
(ERI) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) were utilized to distinguish soil types
at the study area. By correlating these geophysical survey results with the boring
logs, 3-Dimensional soil profile was revealed at the study area to build up a basis
for numerical models.
3-Dimensional (3D) FDM analyses were conducted to assess tunneling induced
deformations, along with movements around shallow soft ground main tunnels
and connection tunnels. During sequential excavations, temporary and permanent
shotcrete lining was also simulated. The soil behavior is assumed to be governed
by an elastic-perfectly plastic constitutive relation based on the Mohr&ndash / Coulomb
criterion. The computed deformations around these openings have been compared
with the in-situ measurements. The results of the study revealed that the 3-D
elasto-plastic analyses yield comparably good correlation with the in-situ
measurements. Also, in this study, the effects of main tunnels excavations on each
other and the effects of connection tunnels excavations on main tunnels were
identified in terms of ground deformations. In order to simulate induced surface
settlement due to groundwater withdrawal at the site 3-D fully coupled (fluidmechanical)
numerical models were run using different time durations. The model
studies revealed that deformations monitored at the ground surface are directly
related with the tunnel construction practice. Pumping groundwater has very little
or no effect on the measured deformations.
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Stabilization Of Expansive Clays Using Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (gbfs), Gbfs-lime Combinations And Gbfs CementYazici, Veysel 01 April 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Expansive clays undergo a large swell when they are subjected
to water. Thus, expansive clay is one of the most abundant problems faced in geotechnical engineering applications. It causes heavy damages in structures, especially in water conveyance canals, lined reservoirs, highways, airport runways etc., unless appropriate measures are taken. In this thesis, Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS), GBFS - Lime combinations and GBFS Cement (GBFSC) were utilized to overcome or to limit the expansion of an artificially prepared
expansive soil sample (Sample A). GBFS and GBFSC were added to Sample A in proportions of 5 to 25 percent. Different GBFS-Lime combinations were added to Sample A by keeping the total addition at 15 percent. Effect of stabilizers on grain size distribution, Atterberg limits, swelling percentage and rate of swell of soil samples were determined. Effect of curing on swelling percentage and rate of swell of soil samples were also determined. Leachate analysis of GBFS, GBFSC and samples stabilized by 25 percent GBFS and GBFSC was
performed. Use of stabilizers successfully decreased the amount of swell while increasing the rate of swell. Curing samples for 7 and 28 days resulted in less swell percentages and higher rate of swell.
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Návrh ražby a primárního ostění tunelu na stavbě vysokorychlostního železničního spojení / Design of excavation and primary tunnel lining on high-speed railway constructionDostál, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
As part of modernization of the Brno-Přerov railway line, is in the section between village Blažovice and town Vyškov desined tunnel composed of two monorail tubes about 640 meters length. Tubes are situated in neogenic clay with an overburden height of 11 meters. This master thesis deals with design suitable tunnel exavation, primary lining with static calculation and geotechnical monitoring.
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Výukové a vzdělávací centrum / Training and Education CentreHalla, Antonín January 2013 (has links)
This thesis solves design and project of construction of training and education centre, contains library, classrooms and administratice facilities. The building is set into a former allotment gardens on outskirt of Brno. The project reclaimed this land. The shape of the bulding is created by two connected curves, it reminds wide open letter "U". There are two buildings connected with glass vestibule, the object is partially sunk below ground. South side of the building consists of a double transparent facade, which contributes to energy savings, the northern facade is clad with wooden battens. Underground constructions are made of concrete, pillars and horizotal structures are made of laminated wood. Green roof is transferred underground on the west and east side of building. In the interior alternates exposed concrete and laminated wood.
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Stavebně technologický projekt ZŠ Otevřená, Brno - Žebětín / Construction technological project of elementary school Otevřená, Brno - ŽebětínNovák, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The constructive – technological project of elementary school in town district Brno – Žebětín, contains the technical report, the assessment of the wider transport relations, the time and financial plan of buildings, technological project of the site equipment, the main construction machines and mechanisms, the technological prescription for the underground construction, the inspection and test plan for the underground construction, the calculation of buildings for the objects, the safety report and the contract for work.
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Posouzení bezpečnostního celíku u podzemní stavby / The face safety pillar assessment for underground constructionZapletal, Adam January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis parametrically compares different methods to determine the required lengths of the safety pillar when building secondary urban collector in Brno. The analytical calculation by Šedivý is compared with mathematical modeling executed in the program Plaxis 2D 2015.02. version and also in the program Plaxis 3D Introductory 2013 version.
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