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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Role of the Unfolded Protein Response and Alternatively Activated Macrophages in Pulmonary Fibrosis. / THE UNFOLDED PROTEIN RESPONSE, ALTERNATIVELY ACTIVATED MACROPHAGES, AND IPF

Tandon, Karun January 2017 (has links)
Fibroproliferative disorders are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with one specific group of fibroproliferative disorders being interstitial lung diseases (ILD). Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is the most common ILD; however its pathogenesis is not entirely understood. What is known is that there is repetitive cellular injury preceding the fibrotic remodeling in the lungs that contributes to the irreversible deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Myofibroblasts that accumulate at the site of injury are thought to be the key drivers of ECM deposition and are often associated in the disease. Although it is poorly understood how these immune cells differentiate in the lung, one hypothesis suggests the role of alternatively activated profibrotic macrophages in this process. The data presented in this thesis suggest that there are a presence of UPR and macrophage proteins in the lungs of IPF patients and the UPR may be necessary in the polarization of alternatively activated macrophages. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Bedeutung des p53-Signalwegs für Apoptoseaktivierung und Zellzyklusarrestregulation durch das p14 ARF Tumorsuppressorgen

Overkamp, Tim 08 November 2012 (has links)
BH3-only Proteine, eine pro-apoptotische Untergruppe der Bcl-2 Proteinfamilie, sind zentrale Mediatoren von apoptotischen Signalen durch die Regulierung intrinsischer Apoptose-signalwege. Unsere Arbeitsgruppe hat vor kurzem gezeigt, dass Apoptose, die durch den p14ARF Tumorsuppressor induziert wird über die p53-abhängige Aktivierung des BH3-only Proteins Puma/Bbc3 vermittelt wird. Interessanterweise induziert p14ARF aber auch in p53 defizienten Zellen Zellzyklusarrest und Apoptose. Die dahinterliegenden Signalwege sind jedoch nicht bekannt. In dieser Arbeit berichten wir, dass das BH3-only Protein Bmf (Bcl-2 modifying factor) beim p14ARF-induzierten Zelltod in p53 defizienten Zellen eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Expression von p14ARF führt zu einer Induktion der PERK Kinase, daran anschließender Phosphorylierung von eIF2α sowie Aktivierung der stromabwärts liegenden Transkriptionsfaktoren ATF4 und CHOP. Diese Signalkaskade ist normalerweise Teil einer zellulären Antwort auf fehl- oder ungefaltete Proteine im Endoplasmatischen Retikulum (ER), der sogenannten ‘unfolded protein response’ (UPR), die zum einen durch verminderte Translationsinitiation und Hochregulierung von Chaperonen die Menge der fehlgefalteten Proteine reduzieren soll. Allerdings induziert p14ARF keinen ER Stress, sondern den PERK‒CHOP Signalweg. Die Transkriptionsfaktoren ATF4 und CHOP binden direkt in der Promotorregion von bmf und sind für dessen transkriptionelle Regulation verantwortlich. Unsere Daten zeigen, dass der PERK‒eIF2α‒ATF4‒CHOP Signalweg eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Induktion von Apoptose durch p14ARF spielt. Dieser Weg könnte ein Sicherungsmechanismus sein, der es den Zellen auch nach Verlust von p53 erlaubt Apoptose einzuleiten, nachdem p14ARF durch Onkogene hochreguliert wurde. / BH3-only proteins, a pro-apoptotic subgroup of the Bcl-2 family of proteins, are central mediators of apoptosis signals by regulating the intrinsic apoptosis pathway. We have recently shown, that apoptosis triggered by the p14ARF tumour suppressor protein is mediated by the p53-dependent activation of the BH3-only protein Puma/Bbc3. Nevertheless, expression of p14ARF in p53-family deficient cells is capable of inducing both cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, but the signalling pathways initiated remain elusive. Here, we report that the BH3-only protein Bmf (Bcl-2 modifying factor) is involved in cell death in p53-deficient cells triggered by p14ARF. Expression of p14ARF leads to the induction of the PERK kinase, subsequent phosphorylation of eIF2α and activation of transcription factors ATF4 and CHOP. This signalling cascade is usually part of the ‘unfolded protein response’ (UPR), which is activated upon ER stress to reduce the amount of misfolded proteins by reduction of global protein translation initiation and upregulation of chaperones. Of note, p14ARF does not induce ER stress but activates the PERK‒CHOP pathway. ATF4 and CHOP transcription factors directly bind to the promotor region of bmf and induce its transcription. These data suggest that the PERK‒eIF2α‒ATF4‒CHOP signalling pathway may play a substantial role in mediating p14ARF-triggered apoptosis. This pathway could play the role of a ‘fail-safe’ mechanism that allows cells, even after loss of p53, to undergo apoptosis induced by upregulation of p14ARF by oncogenes.

Impact de la production des immunoglobulines tronquées sur le développement lymphocytaire B normal et tumoral / Impact of producing truncated immunoglobulins on normal and tumoral B lymphocyte development

Srour, Nivine 05 April 2016 (has links)
Le processus de recombinaison V(D)J des gènes d’immunoglobulines (Ig) est caractérisé par une grande imprécision des jonctions entre les segments variables (V), de diversité (D) et de jonction (J). Deux fois sur trois, un décalage du cadre de lecture apparaît, aboutissant à une jonction non productive dite « hors phase ». Plusieurs études ont démontré que les deux allèles productifs et non-productifs sont activement transcrits. Les transcrits matures issus des allèles non-productifs sont pris en charge par un mécanisme de surveillance des ARNm appelé NMD « Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay ». En dégradant efficacement les ARNm d’Ig contenant des codons non-sens, ce mécanisme prévient l’apparition des Ig tronquées au cours de l’ontogénie B. Néanmoins, aucune étude n’a jusqu’ici analysé l’impact de l’épissage alternatif des transcrits d’Ig non-productifs. Ce phénomène appelé NAS « Nonsense-associated Altered Splicing » peut conduire à une production d’Ig tronquées présentant des délétions internes du domaine variable (V).Les projets développés lors de cette thèse ont montré que la présence d’un codon non-sens, au niveau de l’exon variable (VJ) des transcrits Igκ, favorise le saut d’exon et la production de chaînes légères dépourvues de domaine variable (ΔV-κLCs). De façon intéressante, ces Ig tronquées provoquent un stress cellulaire et conduisent à l’apoptose des plasmocytes (Article 1). Ces observations ont permis d’identifier un nouveau point de contrôle agissant tardivement lors de la différenciation plasmocytaire : le TIE « Truncated-Ig Exclusion » checkpoint. Ce processus de contrôle provoque l’élimination des plasmocytes qui produisent des chaînes d’Ig tronquées. Nous avons également étudié l’épissage alternatif des transcrits d’Ig non-productifs en l’absence de TIE-checkpoint (Article 2). Cette étude a révélé que l’hypertranscription des gènes d’Ig dans les plasmocytes favorise l’épissage alternatif des transcrits d’Ig non-productifs. En utilisant un modèle d’expression forcée d’Ig tronquées, nous avons mis en évidence une coopération entre les mécanismes assurant la surveillance des ARNm (NMD) et la surveillance au niveau protéique (UPR : « Unfolded Protein Response », autophagie) (Article 3). Sur la base de ces résultats, nous avons mis au point une nouvelle approche thérapeutique qui consiste à forcer la production d’Ig tronquées en utilisant des oligonucléotides anti-sens (AON) capables de provoquer l’élimination de l’exon variable lors de l’épissage. Cette invention pourrait ouvrir des perspectives thérapeutiques pertinentes dans le traitement du Myélome Multiple et d’autres pathologies touchant les plasmocytes. / The recombination process V(D)J of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes is characterized by random junctions between the variable (V), diversity (D) and joining (J) segments. A frameshift mutation appears in two-third of cases, generating a non-productive or « out of frame » junction. Several studies have shown that both productive and non-productive alleles are actively transcribed. The mature transcripts from nonproductive alleles are usually considered sterile and innocuous as a result of an mRNA surveillance mechanism called NMD « Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay ». By degrading aberrant mRNA, this mechanism prevents the appearance of truncated Ig during B cell ontogeny. However, less is known about the impact of alternative splicing on non-productive Ig transcripts. This mechanism, called NAS « Nonsense-associated Altered Splicing » can lead to the production of truncated Ig with internal deletions of variable domain (V). During my thesis, we have shown that the presence of a stop codon, within the variable exon (VJ) of Igκ transcripts, promotes exon skipping and synthesis of V domain-less κ light chains (ΔV-κLCs). Interestingly, such truncated Ig causes cellular stress and leads to plasma cells apoptosis (Article 1). These findings have identified a new checkpoint acting late during plasma cell differentiation: TIE « Truncated-Ig Exclusion » checkpoint. This process ensures counter-selection of plasma cells producing truncated-Ig. We also studied the alternative splicing of non-productive Ig transcripts in the absence of TIE-checkpoint (Article 2). We found that hypertranscription of Ig genes in plasma cells promote alternative splicing of non-productive Ig transcripts. Using a model forcing the expression of truncated Ig, we identified a cooperative action between mRNA surveillance mechanisms (NMD) and those of protein surveillance (UPR « Unfolded Protein Response », autophagy) (Article 3). Based on these results, we have developed a new therapeutic approach by increasing the production of truncated Ig using antisense oligonucleotides (AON) that leads to the elimination of the variable exon during splicing. This invention could open new avenues for the treatment of Multiple Myeloma patients and other pathologies affecting plasma cells.

Análise da expressão de genes ligados ao estresse de retículo endoplasmático no adenoma de paratireoide / Gene expression of endoplasmic reticulum stress in the parathyroid adenoma

Iwakura, Ricardo 29 October 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O hiperparatireoidismo primário (HP) é a terceira maior causa de doenças endocrinológicas na população, sendo a principal causa de hipercalcemia. Caracteriza-se por hipersecreção do paratormônio (PTH) pelas células principais da paratireoide, levando a um distúrbio da homeostase do cálcio (Ca). O adenoma de paratireoide é a principal causa do HP, com 80-85% dos casos, sendo o objeto deste estudo. Mutações genéticas podem corresponder a mais de 11% da origem deste tumor benígno hipersecretor. Apesar dos avanços dos métodos de diagnóstico, o tratamento é essencialmente cirúrgico, havendo carência de tratamentos alternativos eficientes, que podem ser aprimorados com maior conhecimento fisiopatológico. Como as células do adenoma são hipersecretoras de proteínas, possuem abundante quantidade de retículo endoplasmático (RE), onde as proteínas sofrem dobramento, adquirindo sua conformação nativa. Em células hipersecretoras é comum o aumento da atividade da maquinaria de tratamento protéico, gerando sinais de sobrecarga no RE e citoplasma, sendo denominado de estresse do retículo endoplasmático (ERE). O ERE e as suas vias efetoras, a UPR (resposta a proteínas não-dobradas) e o ERAD (degradação associada ao retículo endoplasmático), estão presentes na fisiopatologia de diversas doenças ou de células hipersecretoras, servindo como importante alvo terapêutico. Objetivos: Analisar a atividade do ERE nas células do adenoma de paratireoide. Casuística e Métodos: Análise da expressão dos principais genes do ERE por RealTime-PCR, em 14 pacientes portadores de adenoma de paratireoide operados no Serviço de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pesoco do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, comparando-se a expressão do adenoma em relação ao controle (tecido normal). Resultados: Houve aumento da expressão de vários genes relacionados ao ERE, ERAD e à UPR, com significância estatística, principalmente da via de PERK (Pancreatic endoplasmic reticulum kina), do ERAD e da autofagia, evidenciando um quadro de cronicidade e eficência da maquinaria do ERE, com finalidade antiapoptótica. O resultado foi compatível com a manifestação clínica do adenoma de paratireoide, que cursa com raros casos de remissão espontânea e necrose central. Conclusão: Verificou-se que há uma atividade do ERE na fisiopatologia do adenoma de paratireoide, com efetividade na síntese e seleção protéica do PTH, trazendo longevidade às células do adenoma por meio da prevalência dos mecanismos de citoproteção, em detrimento da via da apoptose. O estudo traz importantes informações que podem ser úteis na elaboração de novos tratamentos medicamentosos, fazendo com que o ERE seja um futuro alvo terapêutico também no adenoma de paratireoide, assim como já é a realidade em outras patologias. / Background: Primary Hyperparathyroidism (PHP) is the third most common cause of endocrinologic disorders in the world, and the main cause of hypercalcemia. It is manifested by PTH (parathormone) hypersecretion by the parathyroid chief cells and consecutive calcium (Ca) homeostasis disturbance. Parathyroid adenoma (PA) is present in 80-85% of patients and, for this reason, is the aim of this study. Gene mutations is associated with at least 11% of this hypersecretory benign tumor. Even though the clinical presentation is much better than the past few decades, therapeutic options beside surgery do not advance along increasing efficiency in diagnostic tools. This is partly because there are many lacks in the pathophysiology of Pas, that would give new possibilities of medical treatment. PA is composed of hypersecretory cells and rich endoplasmic reticulum cytoplasm, where the main protein treatment and selection factors are situated. Considering that PA cells have protein hypersecretory activities, it is expected an abundant ER mass, that provides the machinery to treat and fold the great amount of nascent protein, to turn it to native form. As protein traduction increases, more energy is needed to keep ER function and this may result in the endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERE) in the cells. ERE and the downstream effectors, UPR (unfolded response protein) and ERAD (endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation), are acting in the physiology of several diseases and others hypersecretory cell types, providing important treatment targets. Objectives: To analyze ERE activity in PA cells. Casuistic and Methods: Evaluation of the main ERE genes expressed with Real Time-PCR analysis, in 14 patients with PA PHP and that were treated with conventional surgery, with further comparison between PA and control groups. Results: There were significant expression elevation of ERE, UPR and ERAD related genes, with statistical significance, specially of PERK downstream, ERAD and autophagy induction, suggesting efficient, though chronic, ERE activity level, with stimulated anti-apoptosis pathway. The final results confirmed our hypothesis that there is lower pro-apoptosis activity than expected by some authors, but this is compatible with low incidence of spontaneous remission or PA necrosis. Conclusion: There is contundent ERE activity in the PA pathophysiology, with great protein metabolism effectiveness expressed by PTH bioactivity, increasing cell longevity by stimulating cytoprotection pathways, instead of pro-apoptosis one. We believe this outcome will influence others research on this challenging and gratifying field of investigation, that will certainly provide new treatment options to PA, as ERE has been playing a significant role as therapeutic target with others hypersecretory diseases.

Pathogenesis induced by tick-borne encephalitis virus in epithelial cells

Yu, Chao 22 October 2014 (has links)
Das Frühsommer-Meningoezephalitis-Virus (FSMEV) ist eines der wichtigsten vektorübertragenen Viren in Europa und Asien. Die häufigste Übertragung erfolgt durch den Stich einer infizierten Zecke, gelegentlich werden FSME Infektionen auch durch den Genuss von Rohmilchprodukten infizierter Tiere verursacht. Die Pathogenese von Caco-2 Monolayer Epithelzellen zeigten nach Infektion mit FSMEV morphologische Änderungen mit signifikanter Vakuolisierung. Ultrastrukturanalysen zeigten eine Ausdehnung des rauen ER und das Auftreten FSMEV haltiger Kavernen. Monolayer von Caco-2 Zellen bildeten eine Barriere mit stabilem transepithelialem elektrischem Widerstand (TEER). Auch traten Viren im basolateralen Medium auf, die über einen Tanscystose pathway (PW) aufgenommen wurden. Der Zelleintritt von FSMEV konnte durch verschiedene Inhibitoren wirksam blockiert werden, was darauf hinweist, dass Aktinfilamente und Mikrotubuli wichtig für die PI3K-abhängige Endozytose sind. Die experimentelle Flüssigkeitsaufnahme zeigte erhöhte intrazelluläre Ansammlungen von FITC-Dextran haltigen Vesikeln und die Co-Lokalisation von FSME-Viren mit frühem Endosom Antigen-1 und mit sorting nexin-5. Was auf die Makropinozytose als Transportmechanismus hinweist. Während der Infektion wurden weitere Hinweise für die Virustranslokation über den parazellulären Weg gefunden. Das konnte den FSMEV Pathomechanismus in humanen Intestinalepithelzellen über Nahrungsmittel näher aufklären. Die Untersuchung der zwei UPR „signaling PWs“ während der FSMEV Infektion in VeroE6 Zellen zeigte, dass die Menge von „heat shock protein“ 72 im Verlauf der FSMEV Infektion ansteigt, und eine FSMEV Infektion den „IRE1- und den ATF6 PW“ aktiviert. Auch die Hemmung des „IRE1 PW“ wirkt auf die FSMEV Infektion, was darauf hinweist, dass eine FSMEV Infektion die beiden „UPR signaling PWs“ aktiviert. Diese Hemmung der FSMEV Replikation durch UPR Inhibitoren könnte ein neuer Ansatz für spezifische Therapien gegen FSME sein. / Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is one of the most important vector-borne viruses in Europe and Asia. The transmission mainly occurs by the bite of an infected tick. Consuming of rough milk products from infected livestock animals also occasionally cause TBE cases. Human intestinal Caco-2 cells were used to investigate the pathogenesis caused by TBEV. During TBEV infection Caco-2 monolayers showed morphological changes with significant vacuolization. Ultrastructural analysis revealed dilatation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and further enlargement to TBEV containing caverns. Caco-2 monolayers showed an intact epithelial barrier with stable transepithelial electrical resistance (TER). Concomitantly, viruses were detected in the basolateral medium, taken up via a transcytosis pathway. TBEV cell entry was efficiently blocked with different inhibitors, suggesting that actin filaments and microtubules are important for PI3K-dependent endocytosis. Moreover, experimental fluid uptake assay showed increased intracellular accumulation of FITC-dextran containing vesicles and co-localization of TBEV with early endosome antigen-1 and with sorting nexin-5 could confirm macropinocytosis as trafficking mechanism. In the late phase of infection, further evidence was found for translocation of virus via the paracellular pathway. Thus, TBEV pathomechanisms in human intestinal epithelial cells and its transmission via the alimentary route were enlightened. In addition, I investigated the effects of the two unfolded protein response (UPR) signaling pathways upon TBEV infection in Vero E6 cells. I showed that the amount of heat shock protein 72 increased in the course of TBEV infection. I then confirmed that TBEV infection activates the IRE1 pathway and ATF6 pathway. These findings provide the first evidence that TBEV infection activates the two UPR signaling pathways. Moreover, inhibition of UPR may provide a novel therapeutic strategy against TBE.

The cue induced axonal nascent proteome and its translational control mechanisms in neural wiring

Cagnetta, Roberta January 2018 (has links)
Axonal protein synthesis is rapidly regulated by extrinsic cues during neural wiring but the full landscape of proteomic changes and their translational control mechanisms remain unknown. The ability to investigate the nascent proteome on subcellular compartments has been hampered by the low sensitivity of existing methodology on quantity-limited samples combined with the difficulty of obtaining sufficient amounts of pure material. By combining pulsed Stable Isotope Labelling by Amino acids in Cell culture (pSILAC) with Single-Pot Solid-Phase-enhanced Sample Preparation (SP3), I have established an approach to characterize the nascent proteome from quantity-limited somaless retinal axons (~2μg) on an unparalleled rapid time-scale (5 min). The results show that a surprisingly large number of proteins (>350) is translated constitutively in axons, many of which are linked to neurological disease. Axons stimulated by different cues (Netrin-1, BDNF, Sema3A) each show a signature set of up/down newly synthesised protein (NSP) changes (>100) within 5 min. Remarkably, conversion of Netrin-1-induced responses from repulsion to attraction triggers opposite translational regulation for 73% of a common subset corresponding to >100 NSPs. Further, I show that pharmacological increase in cAMP, known to induce chemoattractive response, also leads to rapid and wide-scale remodelling of the nascent axonal proteome (~100 NSP changes). I find that the cAMP-elicited NSP changes underlie the attractive turning but are distinct from those induced by the physiological chemoattractant Netrin-1, suggesting that the same type of chemotropic response can be mediated by different protein synthesis-dependent mechanisms. Finally, I show that Sema3A, but not Slit1, triggers a physiological and non-canonical PERK-eIF2α-eIF2B signalling pathway required in neural wiring to elicit the rapid (< 15 min) local translation control of a specific subset of NSPs. Collectively my findings lead to the general conclusion that guidance molecules rapidly induce cue-specific remodelling of the nascent axonal proteome via distinct regulatory mechanisms.

Diabetes and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Pancreatic beta-cells: Effects on Insulin Biosynthesis and beta-cell Apoptosis

Lai, Elida Wing Shan 30 July 2008 (has links)
Chronic hyperlipidemia (lipotoxicity) and hyperglycemia (glucotoxicity) have recently been shown to induce Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress, which may contribute to pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes. This thesis examined the involvement of ER stress in beta-cell lipotoxicity and glucotoxicity. Although chronic treatment with saturated free fatty acids (FFA) in vitro induced ER stress, altering ER stress by increasing or knocking-down GRP78 chaperone expression had no effect on apoptosis induction. Conversely, overexpression of ER chaperones rescued the reduction in proinsulin protein levels caused by chronic exposure to high glucose, although it had no effect on the decreased insulin mRNA levels and proinsulin translation rate. Thus, ER stress is likely not the main mechanism involved in saturated FFA-induced beta-cell apoptosis in vitro, but it may contribute to glucotoxic effects on proinsulin levels. These findings have increased our understanding of the link between ER stress and beta-cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Pancreatic beta-cells: Effects on Insulin Biosynthesis and beta-cell Apoptosis

Lai, Elida Wing Shan 30 July 2008 (has links)
Chronic hyperlipidemia (lipotoxicity) and hyperglycemia (glucotoxicity) have recently been shown to induce Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress, which may contribute to pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes. This thesis examined the involvement of ER stress in beta-cell lipotoxicity and glucotoxicity. Although chronic treatment with saturated free fatty acids (FFA) in vitro induced ER stress, altering ER stress by increasing or knocking-down GRP78 chaperone expression had no effect on apoptosis induction. Conversely, overexpression of ER chaperones rescued the reduction in proinsulin protein levels caused by chronic exposure to high glucose, although it had no effect on the decreased insulin mRNA levels and proinsulin translation rate. Thus, ER stress is likely not the main mechanism involved in saturated FFA-induced beta-cell apoptosis in vitro, but it may contribute to glucotoxic effects on proinsulin levels. These findings have increased our understanding of the link between ER stress and beta-cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes.

The Two Faces of Janus: Unfolded Protein Response - Autophagy in Cell Death and Survival

Marcilla Etxenike, Amaia 30 November 2012 (has links)
En esta tesis se estudian los efectos farmacológicos de derivados lipídicos frente el glioma y el Alzheimer. Los beneficios de este tipo de fármacos, basados en la terapia lipídica de membrana, están asociados con la modulación de la composición y las propiedades fisicoquímicas de membrana. En concreto, el ácido 2-hidroxioleico (2OHOA) es un potente fármaco antitumoral que fue diseñado para regular la composición y la estructura de la membrana lipídica así como la función de importantes proteínas de membrana. Por otro lado, el ácido 2-hidroxiaraquidónico (2OHARA), el ácido 2-hidroxieicosapentaenóico (2OHEPA), y el ácido 2-hidroxidocosahexanóico (2OHDHA) son derivados lipídicos hidroxilados que fueron diseñados en nuestro grupo de investigación para el tratamiento del Alzheimer. Este trabajo se ha basado en el estudio del funcionamiento de estos derivados de ácidos grasos hidroxilados en la modulación de las vías de señalización de la UPR (respuesta a las proteínas mal plegadas) y de la autofagia en células de glioma y células neuronales. / In this thesis, the pharmacological effects of lipid derivatives against glioma and Alzheimer's Disease are studied. The benefits of this type of drugs, which are based on the lipid membrane therapy, are associated with the modulation of the composition and physicochemical properties of membranes. 2-Hydroxyoleic acid (2OHOA) is a potent antitumor drug designed to regulate membrane lipid composition and structure and the function of important membrane proteins. In addition, 2- hydroxyarachidonic acid (2OHARA; LP204A1), 2-hydroxyeicosapentaenoic acid (2OHEPA; LP205A1), and 2-hydroxydocosahexanoic acid (2OHDHA; LP226A1) are new hydroxy derivated lipids designed in our group for the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease. The main goal of this work was to study how these synthetic hydroxy derivates modulate the unfolded protein response and the autophagy pathways in glioma cells and neuron-like cells for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Signalling of ciclyn o complexes through EIF2alpha phosphorylation

Ortet Cortada, Laura 04 June 2010 (has links)
We have identified a novel Cyclin, called Cyclin O, which is able to bind and activate Cdk2 in response to intrinsic apoptotic stimuli. We have focused on the study of Cyclin O&#945; and Cyclin O&#946;, alternatively spliced products of the gene. Upon treatment with different stress stimuli, transfected Cyclin O&#945; accumulates in dense aggregations in the cytoplasm compatible with being Stress Granules (SGs). Furthermore, we have seen that Cyclin O&#946; and a point mutant of the N-terminal part of the protein constitutively localize to the SGs. Although both alpha and beta isoforms are proapoptotic, only Cyclin O&#945; can bind and activate Cdk2. On the other hand, we have demonstrated that Cyclin O is upregulated by Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress and is necessary for ER stress-induced apoptosis. Cyclin O activates specifically the PERK pathway and interacts with the PERK inhibitor protein p58IPK. Moreover, Cyclin O participates in the activation of other eIF2&#945; kinases. We have also observed that a pool of Cyclin O is located in active mitochondria, suggesting a function of the protein linked to oxidative metabolism.Hemos identificado una nueva Ciclina, llamada Ciclina O, que es capaz de unirse y activar Cdk2 en respuesta a estímulos apoptóticos intrínsecos. Nos hemos centrado en el estudio de la Ciclina O&#945; y la Ciclina O&#946;, productos de splicing alternativo del gen. En respuesta a diferentes tipos de estrés, la Ciclina O&#945; se acumula en agregaciones citoplásmicas densas que podrían corresponder a Gránulos de Estrés (SGs). Además, hemos visto que la Ciclina O&#946; y un mutante puntual de la parte N-terminal de la proteína se localizan constitutivamente en los SGs. Aunque las dos isoformas alfa y beta son proapoptóticas, solo la Ciclina O&#945; es capaz de unirse y activar Cdk2. Por otro lado, hemos demostrado que los niveles de Ciclina O se incrementan en respuesta al estrés de Retículo Endoplásmico (RE) y que esta proteína es necesaria para la inducción de apoptosis dependiente de estrés de RE. La Ciclina O activa específicamente la vía de PERK e interacciona con la proteína inhibidora de PERK p58IPK. Además, la Ciclina O participa en la activación de otras quinasas de eIF2&#945;. La Ciclina O se localiza en mitocondrias activas, lo que sugiere una función de la proteína ligada al metabolismo oxidativo.

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