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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact des sites web des bibliothèques universitaires du Pakistan sur les utilisateurs : une évaluation / Impact of websites of University libraries of Pakistan on users : an appraisal

Mairaj, Muhammad Ijaz 15 May 2012 (has links)
Cette étude a été conçue pour réaliser une évaluation des sites Web des bibliothèques universitaires pakistanaises à partir des utilisateurs. L'évaluation a été faite sur la base de leur utilisation, leur utilité, leur facilité d'utilisation et leur impact. La documentation consultée a contribué à l'élaboration d'un questionnaire pour la collecte des données. L'échelle de Likert comprenant sept niveaux a été utilisée pour établir les questions centrées sur le sujet. Nous avons sélectionné un échantillon déterminé de 60 utilisateurs de chaque université participant à l'étude, sur la base de leurs statuts (15 chacun). Les données recueillies auprès de 17 universités avec 957 questionnaires valides ont été analysées. Le test alpha de Chronbach a garanti la fiabilité de l'instrument à tous les niveaux. Sur la base de la plupart des utilisateurs, l'étude a révélé que les sites Web des bibliothèques universitaires au Pakistan avaient un impact quelque peu positif sur les utilisateurs. La recherche a identifié certaines faiblesses dans les sites Web des bibliothèques des universités publiques concernant la mise à jour, la facilité de téléchargement pour les chercheurs et les étudiants et le design. La valeur ajoutée des services avait besoin d'être abordée dans les sites Web des bibliothèques universitaires. L'étude présente des recommandations en termes d'implication pour la pratique et pour la politique qui permettront, non seulement de remédier aux faiblesses mises en évidence, mais aussi de conduire à une amélioration supplémentaire des sites Web des bibliothèques universitaires du Pakistan. Cette recherche basée sur l'utilisateur, avec quelques limitations, offre une large compréhension du sujet. De plus, elle a une importance théorique et pratique pour projeter de développer à l'avenir des sites Web de bibliothèques centrés sur l'utilisateur / The study was designed to make an appraisal of Pakistani university library websites on users. The evaluation was made on the basis of their use, usefulness, ease-of-use and impact. The reviewed literature helped in developing a questionnaire for data collection. Seven-point Likert scale was used to assess the subject-centered questions. The purposeful sample of 60 users, on the basis of their status (15 each), from each university included in the study was taken. The data collected from 17 universities with 957 valid questionnaires was used for analysis. The Chronbach's alpha test ensured reliability of the instrument at all levels. The study revealed that university library websites of Pakistan have somewhat positive impact on users on the basis of most of the indicators. The research has identified some weaknesses in the library websites of public universities regarding up-to-dateness, downloading facility for researchers and students, and design. Value added services needed to be adressed in the university library websites. The study presents recommandations in terms of implications for practice and implications for policy that will not only address the weaknesses highlighted but also lead to further improvement of university library websites of Pakistan. This user-based research, with some limitations, provides broad understanding of the subject. In addition, it has theoretical and practical significance for planning to develop user-centered library websites in future.

大學圖書館網站首頁讀者視覺注意力之眼動 分析研究 / Assessing User’s Visual Attention on University Library Web Page with Eye Tracking Technology

林惠卿, Lin, Hui Ching Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的普及,促使大學圖書館紛紛建立網站服務讀者。目前國內各大專院校圖書館網站的建置已達到百分之百,網頁成為行銷各校學術資源最直接快速的管道,而圖書館網頁也利用廣告吸引讀者對於活動訊息的注意。目前國內大學圖書館網站中,並非每個學校均設有廣告來傳播重要的訊息給讀者,即使擁有廣告也是呈現位置不一。在設計上,大學圖書館網站首頁廣告應與整體版面搭配,以引起讀者視覺關注,並達透過廣告成功行銷圖書館資源與活動的目的;而以圖書館行銷的角度考量,惟有促使圖書館網站首頁的廣告被有效注意與理解,才能達到成功行銷廣告內容的目的。 本研究採用真實驗研究法(true-experiment research method),結合網頁視覺設計相關理論對於讀者目光注意力的吸引原則,以及視覺元素之間如何影響讀者的視覺行為為基礎,設計出三種內容相同但廣告放置於不同位置之圖書館網站首頁,比較讀者視覺注意力行為的差異,並以國立中正大學大學部學生五十四名為研究對象,利用「眼球追蹤儀器」(eye tracker)收集受試者眼動指標資料,並進行廣告傳達內容之記憶效應檢測,以及實驗後輔以問卷調查與訪談,探討大學圖書館網站首頁的廣告位置對於讀者視覺注意力及記憶效應的影響。 研究結果發現,讀者在三種不同廣告圖片位置之眼動訊息、記憶效應、瀏覽順序、整體印象滿意度均具有顯著差異。研究結果歸納如下: 一、讀者在廣告置上版面具有較多的注視次數,但是在廣告置左版面則具有較多的視覺停駐。 二、讀者在三種不同廣告位置版面之廣告內容的記憶效應具有顯著差異,廣告圖片位置置左版面具有最佳之記憶效應。 三、讀者在廣告置左版面之廣告內容的記憶效應與眼動指標之「平均注視時間」具有顯著關聯性,其他兩種版面則均無顯著關聯。 四、讀者在三種不同廣告位置版面之其他讀者服務項目所定義興趣區的眼動指標具有顯著差異,廣告置左版面讀者服務項目具有較為平均之視覺分布。 五、讀者在三種不同廣告位置版面之瀏覽順序具有差異,廣告置左版面之廣告較能引起讀者的優先注視。 六、讀者在三種不同廣告位置版面之圖書館網站首頁的整體印象具有顯著差異,廣告置左版面獲得較高的評價;其中版面在「簡單的」、「不散亂的」、「可靠信任的」、「引人注目的」等項目上均顯著高於廣告置右與廣告置上版面。 綜合本研究之研究結果,建議圖書館應善用置左廣告位置提升圖書館行銷相關訊息之目的。此外,圖書館網站首頁應重視視覺元素編排對於版面整體印象的提升效應。圖書館網頁編排也應善用接近性與相似性原則,使得版面呈現具一致性。 / The popularity of the Internet has pushed university libraries establishing websites to serve readers. The establishment of domestic university library websites has currently reached 100%, web pages become the most direct and rapid channels to market the academic resources, and advertisement on the library web pages is utilized for attracting readers’ attention to activities. So far, not all domestic university library websites are established advertisement for propagating important information to readers; even though there is advertisement, the presentation positions are distinct. In terms of the design, advertisement on the index page of a university library website should match the entire layout so as to appeal readers’ visual saliency and successfully market the library resources and activities. In consideration of library marketing, merely advertisement on the index page of a library website being effectively noticed and comprehended could the successful marketing be achieved. With true-experiment research method, the visual design of web pages to attract readers’ attention in this study is integrated with the effects of visual elements on readers’ visual behaviors to design three identical advertising contents which are placed in different positions on the index page of the library website in order to compare the difference in readers’ visual attention. Furthermore, 54 undergraduate students in National Chung Cheng University are selected as the research participants. An Eye Tracker is utilized for collecting the participants’ eye-tracking indicators, and the memory effect of the advertisement is tested. Furthermore, the questionnaire survey and interviews are proceeded to discuss the effects of advertising position on the index page of a university library website on readers’ visual attention and memory effect. The research findings show that the readers present significant difference on the eye-tracking information, memory effect, browsing order, and overall satisfaction of the three advertisement positions. The research results are concluded as follows. 1.The readers appear more attention on top-layout advertisement, but stay the vision more on left-layout advertisement. 2.The readers reveal remarkable difference on memory effect of advertisement among three advertisement positions, where the optimal memory effect appears on the left-layout advertisement. 3.The readers show significant correlations between memory effect of left-layout advertisement and the eye-tracking indicator of Average Fixation Time, while the rest two layouts do not show notable correlations. 4.The readers show remarkable difference on the eye-tracking indicator of interests defined in other reader service items of three advertisement layouts; the reader service items on the left-layout advertisement appear more average visual distribution. 5.The readers reveal distinct browsing orders on the three advertisement positions; the left-layout advertisement could better appeal the readers’ prior attention. 6.The readers show significantly different impression on the index page of the library website with three advertising positions; the left-layout advertisement acquires higher appraisal, where the items of Simple, Not Disordered, Reliable, Attention Attractive reveal higher appraisal than right-layout and top-layout advertisement. Summing up the research results, the libraries are suggested to well apply left-layout advertisement to enhance the marketing information. What is more, the index page of a library website should focus on the layout of visual elements to promote the overall impression. The layout of library web pages should also well apply the principles of proximity and similarity to present the consistency.

Projekt Integration: Neue Webseiten für die SLUB Dresden

Mittelbach, Jens 20 December 2010 (has links)
Die SLUB hat in den letzten Jahren mehrfach spezielle Internetangebote publiziert, die in einer einheitlichen Handschrift aufgeräumt und in modernem Layout daherkommen. Die interdisziplinäre Wissensplattform zur Geschichte, Kultur und Landeskunde Sachsens SACHSEN.digital beispielsweise hat ein frisches Design und ist übersichtlich strukturiert. Ähnlich steht es bei Qucosa, dem sächsischen Dokumenten- und Publikationsserver, dem Digitalisierungsprojekt zur Sächsischen Hofkapelle oder beim SLUBlog, dem Weblog der SLUB. Die Internetpräsenz der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) selbst wirkte dagegen vom Aufbau her zunehmend unzweckmäßig, überfrachtet und zu weitläufig – und, was die grafische Gestaltung angeht, mittlerweile auch etwas veraltet.

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