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Self-efficacy och verksamhetsförlagd utbildning under studietidenKjellberg, Ellen, Nagy, Yasmine January 2022 (has links)
Self-efficacy har beskrivits som en viktig faktor för hur människor handlar. Tron på den egna förmågan kan hjälpa individen att uppnå specifika mål eller färdigheter i alla möjliga domäner. Denna studie hade som syfte att undersöka om VFU samt kön var relaterade till hur studenterna skattade sin generella och akademiska self-efficacy. I studien deltog 122 studenter från tre olika högskole- och universitetsprogram genom att besvara en enkät, vilken innehöll General self-efficacy scale samt College academic self-efficacy scale. Datan analyserades med två tvåvägs ANOVA för oberoende mätningar. Resultatet visade att studenter utan VFU skattade sin akademiska self-efficacy högre än studenter med VFU och att båda variablerna, det vill säga kön och huruvida man haft VFU eller inte, interagerar med varandra i påverkan på vilken grad av akademisk self-efficacy man har. Intresset för vidare forskning inom ämnet self-efficacy diskuteras där studier inom mer specifika områden såsom självtilltro inför kommande arbetsliv i relation till vilken typ av högskole- och universitetsprogram man går.
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Betydelsen av självmedkänsla och akademisk self-efficacy för universitetsstudenters välbefinnandeHeinonen, Marju, Eriksson, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
Studenter har visats må sämre än yrkesverksamma i samma ålder och utgör en stor del av befolkningen, vilket bidrar till vikten av att främja deras välbefinnande. Självmedkänsla och akademisk self-efficacy (ASE) har oberoende av varandra visat sig ha betydelse för studieprestationer och välbefinnande i tidigare forskning. Studien syftade därav till att undersöka relationerna mellan självmedkänsla, ASE och subjektivt välbefinnande hos universitetsstudenter. I studien deltog 172 studenter i åldrarna 20-51 år, varav 61.6% bestod av kvinnor. En enkät bestående av mätskalorna ASES, SCS-SF samt WHO-10 användes för insamling av data, vilka analyserades med korrelations- och multipel regressionsanalys. Studien har kunnat fylla en kunskapslucka då resultaten visade på positiva samband mellan självmedkänsla och ASE, samt mellan dessa variabler och subjektivt välbefinnande. Dessutom kunde självmedkänsla och ASE förklara 35% av variationen i välbefinnandet. Studien ger förslag till framtida forskning samt bidrar med värdefull och användbar kunskap med potential att främja studenters välbefinnande.
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Samband och könsskillnader i självskattade sömnsvårigheter, stress och minnessvårigheter hos universitetsstudenter / Relationships and gender differences in self-reported sleep difficulties, stress and memory difficulties in university studentsPogulis, Alva, Andersen, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Sleep difficulties are a widespread problem that is often caused by high stress and can have negative consequences for many functions such as memory difficulties. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate gender differences between self-rated sleep difficulties, perceived stress and everyday life memory difficulties in university students. Furthermore, associations betweenself-rated sleep difficulties, stress and memory difficulties were investigated. To answer the research questions, three validated questionnaires were used regarding sleep difficulties measured with Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), perceived stress measured with Percevied Stress Scale (PSS) and memory difficulties measured with Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ). The survey was completed by 99 students at Luleå University of Technology, of which 88 answers (50 women and 38 men) were included in the analysis. The results showed that there were differences between women and men regarding perceived stress, where women reported higher levels of stress. Furthermore, the results showed positive associations between self-reported sleep difficulties and stress, as well as stress and self-reported memory difficulties. In a multiple regression analysis, perceived stress was the only factor associated with memory difficulties. In conclusion, the study showed that women experienced more stress than men, that stress and sleep are strongly correlated, and that stress was the only factor associated with memory difficulties in everyday life in university students. / Sömnsvårigheter är ett utbrett problem som ofta orsakas av hög stress och kan få negativa konsekvenser för många funktioner såsom minnessvårigheter. Syftet med denna examensuppsats var att undersöka könsskillnader mellan självskattade sömnsvårigheter, upplevd stress och minnessvårigheter hos universitetsstudenter. Vidare undersöktes associationer mellan självskattade sömnsvårigheter, stress och minnessvårigheter. För att besvara frågeställningarna användes tre validerade frågeformulär gällande sömnsvårigheter mätt med Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), upplevd stress mätt med Percevied Stress Scale (PSS) och minnessvårigheter mätt med Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ). Enkäterna besvarades av 99 universitetsstudenter vid Luleå tekniska universitet, där 88 enkätsvar (50 kvinnor och 38 män) sedan analyserades. Resultatet visade att det fanns skillnader mellan kvinnor och män gällande upplevd stress, där kvinnor rapporterade högre nivåer av stress. Vidare visade resultatet att det fanns positiva samband mellan självskattade sömnsvårigheter och stress, samt stress och självskattade minnessvårigheter. I en multipel regressionsanalys var upplevd stress den enda faktorn som var associerad med minnessvårigheter. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att kvinnor upplever mer stress än män, att stress och sömn är starkt korrelerade samt att stress var den enda faktor som var associerad med minnessvårigheter i vardagen.
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Mental Health Awareness: University of Ottawa Students’ Knowledge of Mental Health Resources Provided on CampusTabet, Dana 17 August 2023 (has links)
The University of Ottawa (UO) has been dealing with a mental health crisis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate UO students’ knowledge, awareness, and use of mental health services (MHS) and to address limited research on knowledge of on-campus MHS. A cross-sectional online, bilingual, survey was administered to 235 UO students over 18 years old and registered at the university since Fall 2019. Data analysis included descriptive data, categorical analysis, and inductive thematic analysis. Awareness and use of services varied depending on the services in question. 48.9% of students only heard about the services but could not explain them. 57.4% would use a service if in distress and those who would not mainly point to Use of other methods and Lack of information as their reasons. This study contributes to the ongoing efforts of improving UO community’s mental wellbeing.
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Gamification of Language LearningEckeroth, Frederik January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Influence of technostress on academic performance of university medicine students in peru during the covid-19 pandemicAlvarez-Risco, Aldo, Del-Aguila-Arcentales, Shyla, Yáñez, Jaime A., Rosen, Marc A., Mejia, Christian R. 02 August 2021 (has links)
The current study aims to validate and apply an instrument to assess the relationship between communication overload, social overload, technostress, exhaustion and academic performance. We performed a cross-sectional, analytical study of 2286 university medical students to assess the influence of technostress as a mediator of social media overload, communication overload and mental exhaustion and its detrimental effect on the academic performance of university students in Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research model was validated using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to establish the influence of variables on the model. Communication and social overload were found to positively influence technostress by correlations of 0.284 and 0.557, respectively. Technostress positively influenced exhaustion by 0.898, while exhaustion negatively influenced academic performance by-0.439. Bootstrapping demonstrated that the path coefficients of the research model were statistically significant. The research outcomes may help university managers understand students’ technostress and develop strategies to improve the balanced use of technology for their daily academic activities. / Revisión por pares
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Take a Social Break : A design project aimed to help students release stress and anxiety through visual communication.Robiolio, Clara January 2022 (has links)
Take a Social Break is a design project investigating how to use visual communication as a tool to relieve stress and anxiety for university students at Linnaeus University, through creative workshops by conducting crafting and creative activities.The purpose of this project is to help students improve their mental wellbeing through the practice of crafting. The project aims to form creative workshops through the use of a workshop toolkit. During workshops, LNU students gather in a safe space as a community and have a chance to unwind from all the stress of student life by doing creative activities together. Students are invited to conduct something different from the routine, as a way to distract from daily stress. The change aspect of the project is to introduce to Linnaeus University a new activity for students that has a focus on their mental wellbeing but which is organised by students for students.
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Gamification Badges vs leaderboards as a motivational tool for university students learning a second languageMelkersson, Johan, Lundin, Jonas January 2022 (has links)
This thesis compares the effects of badges andleaderboards in a gamification game used by students studyingFrench. A game is developed in collaboration with teachers froma German university where it is meant to be a tool for themto use in their education. The game itself contains a numberof minigames each with a leaderboard and a set of badges thatthe students can achieve. Information about how the studentsuse the application is then collected and analyzed. This studyaims to deduce what positive and negative effects the badges andleaderboards have on the motivation of the students and howthese gamification elements compare to each other. / DIAL4U
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Stressorer och copingstrategier hos sistaårsstudenter : Övergången från studier till arbeteKristiansson, Linda, Skönkvist, Petronella January 2023 (has links)
Övergången från studier till arbete kan upplevas som en stressande period i livet för universitetsstudenter. Studiens syfte är att undersöka de stressorer som sistaårsstudenter upplever inför övergången från akademiska studier till yrkesliv, samt vilka copingstrategier studenter använder för att hantera övergången. Det är även av intresse att undersöka mer eller mindre framgångsrika copingstrategier som studenterna använder i denna övergång. Det genomfördes en kvalitativ datainsamling i form av nio semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sistaårstudenter på universitet och högskola. Intervjuerna genomfördes delvis genom fysiskt möte och delvis via det digitala mötesverktyget Zoom. I analysen gjordes tematisering av intervjuerna som genererade sju olika teman, varav tre teman beskrev olika stressorer och fyra teman beskrev copingstrategier. Resultatet visade att den tydligaste stressorn hos studenterna var oro inför sociala relationer och den copingstrategi som användes mest var omvänt fokus. Dock var denna strategi inte särskilt framgångsrik för studenterna. Med stöd från tidigare forskning var även en betydande stressor brist på arbetslivserfarenhet inom rätt område.
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A student’s belonging in the tourist town : A case study of university students’ place belonging and community in the tourist destination Visby, GotlandÖberg, Eva January 2023 (has links)
Tourism is a worldwide phenomenon and an important industry. In recent years, however, questions have arisen surrounding whether tourism can be harmful to destinations when exceeding their capacities. Visby is a medieval seaside town and a UNESCO World Heritage Site on Gotland, a Swedish island. With 900 000 annual visitors, Visby is one of the most visited destinations in the country, and tourism is an important part of the island’s economy. With the heavy flow of tourists and second homeowners in Visby, especially during summer season, signs and effects of overtourism have become prevalent. Locals in Visby are struggling with housing issues, large seasonal pressure, et cetera, affecting their livelihoods and community. One of the root causes is believed to be unsustainable tourism patterns. This thesis looks at how overtourism could affect residents’ sense of place belonging and community. Local university students at Campus Gotland were chosen as the focus group and were asked about their views on their place belonging and community in relation to consequences brought by tourism via a survey. The results show indications that tourism-related seasonal differences and housing issues may be affecting the students’ sense of place belonging and community negatively.
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