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Las trayectorias de los estudiantes universitarios : un modelo integral = Les trajectoires des étudiants universitaires : un modèle intégréGonzález Lizárraga, Ma. Guadalupe 10 1900 (has links)
Nous avons développé un modèle qui cherche à identifier les déterminants des trajectoires scolaires des élèves universitaires en articulant deux perspectives théoriques et en utilisant une approche méthodologique mixte en deux phases : quantitative et qualitative.
La première phase est basée sur le modèle de Tinto (1992) avec l'incorporation d'autres variables de Crespo et Houle (1995). Cette étape a atteint deux objectifs. Dans le premier, on a identifié les différences entre les variables exogènes (indice économique, l'éducation parentale, moyen au lycée et moyenne dans l’examen d'entrée) et trois types de trajectoires: la persévérante, de décalage et d’abandon. Cette phase était basée sur les données d'un sondage administré à 800 étudiants à l'Université de Sonora (Mexique). Les résultats montrent que ceux qui ont quitté l'institution ont obtenu des scores significativement plus bas sur les variables exogènes. Le deuxième objectif a été atteint pour les trajectoires persévérantes et de décalage, en établissant que les étudiants ont une plus grande chance d’être persévérants lorsqu’ils présentent de meilleurs scores dans deux variables exogènes (l'examen d'entrée et être de genre féminin) et quatre viable endogènes (haute intégration académique, de meilleures perspectives d'emploi, ont une bourse).
Dans la deuxième phase nous avons approfondi la compréhension (Verstehen) des processus d'articulation entre l'intégration scolaire et sociale à travers de trois registres proposés par Dubet (2005): l'intégration, le projet et la vocation. Cette phase a consisté dans 30 interviews avec étudiantes appartenant aux trois types de trajectoire. À partir du travail de Bourdages (1994) et Guzman (2004), nous avons cherché le sens de l'expérience attribuée par les étudiants au processus éducatif. Les résultats révèlent cinq groupes d’étudiantes avec des expériences universitaires identifiables : ceux qui ont une intégration académique et sociale plus grande, les femmes travailleuses intégrées académiquement, ceux qui ont les plus grandes désavantages économiques et d’intégration scolaire, ceux qui ont cherché leur vocation dans un autre établissement et ceux qui n'ont pas poursuivi leurs études.
L'utilisation de différents outils statistiques (analyse de corrélation, analyse de régression logistique et analyse des conglomérats) dans la première phase a permis d’identifier des variables clés dans chaque type de trajectoire, lesquelles ont été validées avec les résultats de la phase qualitative.
Cette thèse, en plus de montrer l'utilité d'une approche méthodologique mixte, étend le modèle de Tinto (1987) et confirme l'importance de l'intégration scolaire pour la persévérance à l'université. / We developed a model that seeks to identify the determinants of university student academic paths articulating two theoretical perspectives trough the use of a mixed methodological approach in two phases: quantitative and qualitative.
First, the quantitative model based on Tinto (1992) with the incorporation of other variables from Crespo and Houle (1995). This phase attained two purposes. In the first, were determined the differences between the exogenous variables (economic index, parents’ educational level, high school average and average of the entrance exam) and three types of trajectory: persistent, lagged and attrition. This phase was based on data from a survey applied to 800 students at the University of Sonora (Mexico). The results show that those who left the institution had scores significantly lower at the exogenous variables. The second objective was achieved from the trajectories persistent and lagged. It was found that there is a greater chance of having a persistent trajectory when students have a high academic integration, better scores on the entrance exam, more employment expectations, having obtained a scholarship and being a woman.
In the second phase a deeper understanding (verstehen) of the processes of articulation between the academic and social integration was developed through three registers: integration, project and vocation, as proposed by Dubet (2005). This phase consisted in conducting of 30 interviews with students of all three types of trajectories. From the work of Bourdages (1994) and Guzman (2004), we sought the meaning of the experience given by the students to the educational process. The results reveal five groups of students with identifiable college experiences: the ones with highest academic and social integration, the female workers with academic integration, the ones most economically disadvantaged and lower academic integration, those who sought his vocation in a different institution and the ones who dropped out.
The use of different statistical tools (correlation analysis, logistic regression analysis and cluster analysis) handled in the first phase identified key variables in each type of trajectory, which were validated with the results of the qualitative phase.
This thesis, in addition to showing the usefulness of a mixed methodological approach, extends the Tinto’s model (1987) and confirms the importance of academic integration for persistence in university studies. / Se desarrolló un modelo que pretende identificar las determinantes de las trayectorias estudiantiles universitarias articulando dos perspectivas teóricas mediante un proceso de acercamiento metodológico mixto en dos fases: cuantitativa y cualitativa.
La primera fase se fundamenta en el modelo de Tinto (1992) con la incorporación de otros conceptos a partir de Crespo y Houle (1995). Esta fase cumplió dos objetivos. En el primero, se determinaron las diferencias entre las variables exógenas (índice económico, escolaridad de los padres, promedio de preparatoria y promedio del examen de ingreso) y tres tipos de trayectoria: perseverante, rezagada y de abandono. Esta fase se basó sobre los datos provenientes de un sondeo administrado a 800 estudiantes de la Universidad de Sonora (México). Los resultados muestran que quienes abandonaron la institución presentaban puntajes significativamente más bajos respecto a las variables exógenas. El segundo objetivo se alcanzó a partir de las trayectorias perseverante y rezagada; estableciéndose una mayor probabilidad de ser perseverante si presentan mejores puntajes en dos variables exógenas (el examen de admisión y ser mujer) y cuatro variables endógenas (integración académica alta, contar con mayores expectativas de empleo, haber obtenido una beca y no tener deudas).
En la segunda fase, se profundizó la comprensión (verstehen) de los procesos de articulación entre la integración académica y social a través de tres registros propuestos por Dubet (2005): integración, vocación y proyecto. Esta fase consistió en la conducción de 30 entrevistas con estudiantes de los tres tipos de trayectoria. A partir de los trabajos de Bourdages (1994) y Guzmán (2004), se buscó el sentido de la experiencia otorgada por los estudiantes a su proceso formativo. Los resultados revelan cinco grupos de estudiantes con experiencias universitarias identificables: los de mayor integración académica y social, las trabajadoras integradas académicamente, los de mayores desventajas económicas y de integración académica, los que buscaron su vocación en otra institución y los que no continuaron estudiando.
La utilización de diversas herramientas estadísticas (análisis de correlación, análisis de regresión logística y análisis de conglomerados) manipuladas en la primera fase permitió identificar variables determinantes en cada tipo de trayectoria, que fueron validadas con los resultados de la fase cualitativa.
Esta tesis, además de mostrar la utilidad de un acercamiento metodológico mixto, extiende el modelo de Tinto (1987) y confirma la importancia de la integración académica para la perseverancia en los estudios universitarios.
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"University and high school are just very different" student perceptions of their respective writing environments in high school and first-year universitySoiferman, Lisa Karen 14 December 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges faced by first-year students as they negotiated the transition from the wrting environment of high school to the writing environment of university. The research for the dissertation was undertaken using a mixed-method explanatory design. This yielded a description of students' perceptions of the differences between their high school writing and first-year university writing environments. The research questions were as follows: what are high school students' perceptions of their writing environment; and what differences, if any, do students perceive as different in the writing environment between high school and first-year university? A total of one hundred and forty-four Grade 12 students completed a quantitative survey asking for their perceptions of the high school writing environment, and twenty students took part either in qualitative focus groups or individual interviews. A follow-up interview was conducted with fourteen of the original twenty participants while they were in the process of completing their first term at university. The results indicated that students' perceptions were very much influenced by individual teachers and instructors and by their own expectations. Recommendations, implications for further research, and implications for program development are offered as a way to extend the knowledge in this area.
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Transformational and transactional leadership development through participation in collegiate student organizations at Ball State UniversityWuggazer, Shauna L. January 2000 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the Ball State University collegiate student organizational structure and determine how leader and manager roles develop, :based on responses that student organizational officers and members provide on the Leadership Questionnaire (Burke, 1988) at two different times during the 1999-2000 academic year. This study also investigated the development process of student officer positions to determine whether transactional (management) or transformational (leadership) is promoted. Using thethe pre- and post-test data, the results showed that those subjects who were members decreased in leadership skill development, while officers increased in leadership skill development during a two month time span. The difference between the two groups was significant at the .064 level. (F (1,23) = 3.79, p = .064) The alpha level was chosen as .10 due to the exploratory nature of the study and the small data history. This data confirms our initial research hypotheses that 1) participation in authority roles develops leadership skills, and 2) those authority roles are experienced as leadership roles. / Fisher Institute for Wellness and Gerontology
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Knowledge, attitudes, and behavior regarding organ donation among Ball State University studentsHawker, Jennifer L. January 2000 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to provide a descriptive data analysis for program planners on knowledge, attitudes, and behavior regarding organ donation among undergraduate students enrolled at Ball State University. An 84-item questionnaire was administered to undergraduate students. The subjects were obtained from a convenient sample.The data were analyzed using mean and Pearson's r to answer the research questions. The overall attitudes of the subjects were positive (M=20.88 out of a possible 26). The knowledge of the subjects toward organ donation was low (M=9.98 out of a possible 22). About one half of the subjects indicated that they are organ donors, by indicating on the survey that they have signed an organ donor card or a similar document. Attitude regarding organ donation (r =.232) was found to be a greater influence on willingness to become an organ donor than was knowledge about organ donation (r = .106). Recommendations are to submit results to program planners to help create more effective organ donation recruitment. / Department of Physiology and Health Science
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Transfer transitions : predictive models of entering transfer student academic success at Ball State UniversityClausen, Charles Raymond 03 May 2014 (has links)
Tinto’s (1993) Theory of Individual Departure from Institutions of Higher Education conceptualized the decision making process students navigate when committing to institutions of higher education and persisting to graduation. Transfer students are gaining the attention of administrators and policy-makers because of the high level of transfer activity in higher education. Many of these students face a uniquely difficult transition when moving from one institutional environment to another. The phenomenon, known as transfer shock, is the overall integration and adaptation difficultly that transfer students face (Hills, 1965). Since previous institution cumulative grade point average (GPA) is a criterion used in transfer admissions decisions, it was studied. Six-year graduation totals were also observed in the study because they indicates student commitment to their institution and goals toward graduation.
The purpose of this study was to examine Ball State University entering transfer students and how to predict post-transfer GPA and six-year graduation based on previous institution cumulative grade point average, age, sex, previous institution type, and BSU college. Regression analysis was used to make predictive models for post-transfer GPA and six-year graduation using the observed variables (i.e., previous institution cumulative GPA, age, sex, previous institution type, and BSU college). The sample consisted of 1,857 entering transfer students at Ball State University, a state-assisted, residential university with high research activity in Muncie, Indiana.
Previous institution cumulative GPA averaged 2.994 while the average post-transfer GPA was 1.681. Nearly 60% of the sample achieved six-year graduation. The results of the revised model for predicting post-transfer GPA found only previous institution cumulative GPA, age, previous institution type, and whether or not the student was in CAST to be statistically significant predictors. The model used to predict six-year graduation found previous institution type, age, sex, previous institution type, and three of the BSU colleges (CAST, CCIM, and TC) to be statistically significant predictors. When applied to the data, the six-year graduation prediction model correctly predicted six-year graduation at a rate of 79.6% and had an overall correct prediction percentage of 63.6% of the time. Suggestions for practice and recommendations for future research were included. / Department of Educational Studies
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Deciding factors: : why international students choose the institutions they attendYonker, Valerie A. January 2001 (has links)
This study examines the influences and factors that drive an international student to attend a specific higher education institution. Undergraduate, international students at Ball State University and Muskingum College were interviewed.The international students at those institutions had a variety of factors that played a role in their decision to attend either Ball State University or Muskingum College. These factors included location, academic programs, exchange programs, cost/finances, size of institution, family role, support available, and accessibility.A focused look at the students' background and the size of the institution was addressed. There was a lack of related literature on these points, yet the influence of these factors was quite important. / Department of Educational Studies
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Die gebruik van metadiskoers in Afrikaans T1-skryfwerk van eerstejaar-universiteitstudente / A. JordaanJordaan, Adéle January 2014 (has links)
Students’ argumentative writing is substandard in the sense that the necessary relations, amongst other things, are not indicated in their texts. These texts also often lack an author’s voice. In a module such as academic literacy, it is important to pay attention to the means in which these particular problems can be solved. Part of the aims of a course in academic literacy is to equip students with the necessary academic literacy abilities (which include reading and writing ability) and in doing so, teach them to function properly in a tertiary discourse community. In this study, only the written component of academic literacy will be considered. Following the above mentioned problems, the focus will be specifically on items of metadiscourse, which may form part of a possible solution to improve students’ writing. Hyland (2004) distinguishes between two main categories of metadiscourse, namely the interactive and the interactional categories (which each consists of five subcategories). The aim of these categories is to guide the reader through the text in a specific way, and also to actively involve the reader with the textual content and the reading process. If these aspects of metadiscourse are applied effectively, the text may be more cohesive and coherent and a stronger reader-writer-relationship may be established. A corpus-linguistic approach has been followed in the investigation of the frequency of the occurrence of the subcategories of metadiscourse, as well as the functional suitability thereof. The data analysis is based on Hyland’s (2004) analytical framework of metadiscourse categories, which has been adapted according to the data that has been processed with WordSmith Tools (version 6.0). In this study, the focus group is Afrikaans L1 first-year students at the North-West University’s Vaal Triangle Campus in the year 2010. All 109 participants in the study were registered for AGLA111 (Introduction to Academic Literacy) and AGLA121 (Academic Literacy). The texts that were gathered from AGLA111 are represented in corpus 1 whereas the texts gathered from AGLA121 are represented in corpus 2. The data that was provided by these two corpora was measured against an honours corpus (consisting of 39 texts), which served as the norm for this study. The data interpretation can be divided into four categories, namely phenomena that show a statistically significant change in the correct direction, phenomena that were correct from the start and did not show any change between corpus 1 and corpus 2, phenomena that did not show any change between corpus 1 and corpus 2 but that differed from the honours corpus, as well as phenomena that show incorrect development. Recommendations, which have been based on the literature review and text analysis, are made with regard to specific aspects relating to metadiscourse and the teaching of academic literacy modules (on which this study is founded). These recommendations primarily focus on how students’ attention can be focused on the requirements proposed for writing an argumentative text. / MA (Afrikaans en Nederlands), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2014
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Socio–demographic characteristics and antecedents associated with the career uncertainty of university students / H. BothaBotha, Hannchen January 2011 (has links)
The changing work environment has caused individuals to revise and change their career decisions. This creates career uncertainty, which has become a widespread problem, particularly for students. When this problem is not addressed, it leads to career indecision, or less optimal choices which could influence career opportunities and quality of life. Career indecision could impact on organisations, resulting in problems such as person–job adjustment, lack of engagement and burnout. Although research on career uncertainty is available internationally, there is limited research on career uncertainty and its antecedents in the South African context. Career uncertainty can have short– and long–term effects on the individual. This study therefore contributes toward the gap in research on the antecedents of career uncertainty. Given that career uncertainty is a problem that individuals are constantly confronted with, it is important that the antecedents of this be investigated.
The objectives of this study were to 1) conceptualise the antecedents of career uncertainty according to the literature; 2) determine if socio–demographic characteristics (gender, career guidance, help from parents, help from other individuals and work experience) are significant predictors of career uncertainty; 3) determine if personality characteristics (self–esteem, self–efficacy and neuroticism) are significant predictors of career uncertainty; 4) determine if career decision–making difficulties are significant predictors of career uncertainty; 5) determine if student burnout and student engagement are significant predictors of career uncertainty; and 6) determine if academic performance is a significant predictor of career uncertainty.
A non–probability quota sample (N = 782) was used to investigate antecedents of career uncertainty in a sample of university students. Career uncertainty was measured by one item The changing work environment has caused individuals to revise and change their career decisions. This creates career uncertainty, which has become a widespread problem, particularly for students. When this problem is not addressed, it leads to career indecision, or less optimal choices which could influence career opportunities and quality of life. Career indecision could impact on organisations, resulting in problems such as person–job adjustment, lack of engagement and burnout. Although research on career uncertainty is available internationally, there is limited research on career uncertainty and its antecedents in the South African context. Career uncertainty can have short– and long–term effects on the individual. This study therefore contributes toward the gap in research on the antecedents of career uncertainty. Given that career uncertainty is a problem that individuals are constantly confronted with, it is important that the antecedents of this be investigated.
The objectives of this study were to 1) conceptualise the antecedents of career uncertainty according to the literature; 2) determine if socio–demographic characteristics (gender, career guidance, help from parents, help from other individuals and work experience) are significant predictors of career uncertainty; 3) determine if personality characteristics (self–esteem, self–efficacy and neuroticism) are significant predictors of career uncertainty; 4) determine if career decision–making difficulties are significant predictors of career uncertainty; 5) determine if student burnout and student engagement are significant predictors of career uncertainty; and 6) determine if academic performance is a significant predictor of career uncertainty.
A non–probability quota sample (N = 782) was used to investigate antecedents of career uncertainty in a sample of university students. Career uncertainty was measured by one item consisting of four categories: I am very sure; I know exactly what career I will pursue (n = 228), I am fairly sure what career I will pursue (n = 416), I am not sure at all which career I will pursue (n = 135) and I do not plan to follow a career (n = 3). For the objective of the study, categories one and two were grouped together with participants who were fairly certain which career they would follow, while participants in category three represented participants who were uncertain. Category four was not included as only three participants within that category answered. In total, 644 students were (fairly) certain, while 135 were uncertain. These two groups were enclosed as a dependent variable in the logistic regression.
The results of this study showed that work experience influences career uncertainty to some extent. This is supported by previous research. Furthermore, it was found that self–esteem also influences career uncertainty to some degree. However, these two variables were only significant in the first steps of the logistic regression. Furthermore, the results showed that career decision–making difficulties share a significant relationship with career uncertainty. The study also found that significant antecedents of career uncertainty include: a lack of information about the decision–making process; a lack of information about occupations; inconsistent information due to internal conflict; a lack of information about ways of obtaining information; and inconsistent information due to external conflict. In conclusion, exhaustion, cynicism and dedication were also found to be significant antecedents of career uncertainty. Based on these results, this study suggests that student burnout and student engagement influence an individual’s level of career uncertainty.
Recommendations were made for practice as well as for future research. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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"University and high school are just very different" student perceptions of their respective writing environments in high school and first-year universitySoiferman, Lisa Karen 14 December 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges faced by first-year students as they negotiated the transition from the wrting environment of high school to the writing environment of university. The research for the dissertation was undertaken using a mixed-method explanatory design. This yielded a description of students' perceptions of the differences between their high school writing and first-year university writing environments. The research questions were as follows: what are high school students' perceptions of their writing environment; and what differences, if any, do students perceive as different in the writing environment between high school and first-year university? A total of one hundred and forty-four Grade 12 students completed a quantitative survey asking for their perceptions of the high school writing environment, and twenty students took part either in qualitative focus groups or individual interviews. A follow-up interview was conducted with fourteen of the original twenty participants while they were in the process of completing their first term at university. The results indicated that students' perceptions were very much influenced by individual teachers and instructors and by their own expectations. Recommendations, implications for further research, and implications for program development are offered as a way to extend the knowledge in this area.
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Socio–demographic characteristics and antecedents associated with the career uncertainty of university students / H. BothaBotha, Hannchen January 2011 (has links)
The changing work environment has caused individuals to revise and change their career decisions. This creates career uncertainty, which has become a widespread problem, particularly for students. When this problem is not addressed, it leads to career indecision, or less optimal choices which could influence career opportunities and quality of life. Career indecision could impact on organisations, resulting in problems such as person–job adjustment, lack of engagement and burnout. Although research on career uncertainty is available internationally, there is limited research on career uncertainty and its antecedents in the South African context. Career uncertainty can have short– and long–term effects on the individual. This study therefore contributes toward the gap in research on the antecedents of career uncertainty. Given that career uncertainty is a problem that individuals are constantly confronted with, it is important that the antecedents of this be investigated.
The objectives of this study were to 1) conceptualise the antecedents of career uncertainty according to the literature; 2) determine if socio–demographic characteristics (gender, career guidance, help from parents, help from other individuals and work experience) are significant predictors of career uncertainty; 3) determine if personality characteristics (self–esteem, self–efficacy and neuroticism) are significant predictors of career uncertainty; 4) determine if career decision–making difficulties are significant predictors of career uncertainty; 5) determine if student burnout and student engagement are significant predictors of career uncertainty; and 6) determine if academic performance is a significant predictor of career uncertainty.
A non–probability quota sample (N = 782) was used to investigate antecedents of career uncertainty in a sample of university students. Career uncertainty was measured by one item The changing work environment has caused individuals to revise and change their career decisions. This creates career uncertainty, which has become a widespread problem, particularly for students. When this problem is not addressed, it leads to career indecision, or less optimal choices which could influence career opportunities and quality of life. Career indecision could impact on organisations, resulting in problems such as person–job adjustment, lack of engagement and burnout. Although research on career uncertainty is available internationally, there is limited research on career uncertainty and its antecedents in the South African context. Career uncertainty can have short– and long–term effects on the individual. This study therefore contributes toward the gap in research on the antecedents of career uncertainty. Given that career uncertainty is a problem that individuals are constantly confronted with, it is important that the antecedents of this be investigated.
The objectives of this study were to 1) conceptualise the antecedents of career uncertainty according to the literature; 2) determine if socio–demographic characteristics (gender, career guidance, help from parents, help from other individuals and work experience) are significant predictors of career uncertainty; 3) determine if personality characteristics (self–esteem, self–efficacy and neuroticism) are significant predictors of career uncertainty; 4) determine if career decision–making difficulties are significant predictors of career uncertainty; 5) determine if student burnout and student engagement are significant predictors of career uncertainty; and 6) determine if academic performance is a significant predictor of career uncertainty.
A non–probability quota sample (N = 782) was used to investigate antecedents of career uncertainty in a sample of university students. Career uncertainty was measured by one item consisting of four categories: I am very sure; I know exactly what career I will pursue (n = 228), I am fairly sure what career I will pursue (n = 416), I am not sure at all which career I will pursue (n = 135) and I do not plan to follow a career (n = 3). For the objective of the study, categories one and two were grouped together with participants who were fairly certain which career they would follow, while participants in category three represented participants who were uncertain. Category four was not included as only three participants within that category answered. In total, 644 students were (fairly) certain, while 135 were uncertain. These two groups were enclosed as a dependent variable in the logistic regression.
The results of this study showed that work experience influences career uncertainty to some extent. This is supported by previous research. Furthermore, it was found that self–esteem also influences career uncertainty to some degree. However, these two variables were only significant in the first steps of the logistic regression. Furthermore, the results showed that career decision–making difficulties share a significant relationship with career uncertainty. The study also found that significant antecedents of career uncertainty include: a lack of information about the decision–making process; a lack of information about occupations; inconsistent information due to internal conflict; a lack of information about ways of obtaining information; and inconsistent information due to external conflict. In conclusion, exhaustion, cynicism and dedication were also found to be significant antecedents of career uncertainty. Based on these results, this study suggests that student burnout and student engagement influence an individual’s level of career uncertainty.
Recommendations were made for practice as well as for future research. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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