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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personality traits as predictors of substance abuse and risky sexual behaviours mong university students in Ethiopia

Newaye, Tedla Kutaye 01 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to determine the prevalence of substance use and risky sexual behaviours among university students in Ethiopia and examine whether personality traits predict substance use and risky sexual behaviours. Using a cross-sectional quantitative design, data were obtained from 2620 undergraduate students selected through stratified multistage sampling. Personality traits were measured through John, Donahue, and Kentle‘s (1991) Big Five Inventories [BFI-44]. Substance use and risky sexual behaviours were assessed using risky behaviour scales adapted from Miller et al. (2004) and Zuckerman and Kuhlman (2000). Statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20 and Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) Version 22 software. The findings revealed that 72.18% of the respondents reported that they have used at least one kind of substance in their lifetime and 50.27% of the participants had consumed at least one kind of substance in the past 30 days before the survey. The current prevalence of substance use was 46.3%, 16.1%, 9.9%, 6.8%, and 5.0% for drinking alcohol, chewing khat, smoking shisha, smoking cigarettes and marijuana use respectively. About 40.2% of respondents had sexual intercourse at least once in their lifetime and 25.6% had sex in the past three months before the study. Among sexually active respondents, 35% began sexual intercourse at the age of 17 years old or younger; 64.3% had multiple sexual partners; 53.1% had substance-induced sex, 62.03% had unsafe sex, and 45.3% had casual sex at least once. Males were found to be more at risk of substance use and risky sexual behaviours. Analysis of the structural relation revealed that conscientiousness and agreeableness traits were significant negative predictors and extraversion was a significant positive predictor of substance use and risky sexual behaviours. Neuroticism had a significant direct effect only on substance use. Substance use mediated the effect of personality traits on risky sexual behaviours. There was gender moderation or variation on the effect of personality traits on substance use and risky sexual behaviours. Therefore, the findings may imply that health risk behaviours were highly prevalent among students, which requires special prevention and intervention. Personality traits can be used to identify the vulnerable individuals and design programs aimed at developing behaviours underlying the protective traits. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

Educational support of students with disabilities at institution of higher learning in South Africa: a case study of the University of Venda

Mantsha, Tshifhiwa Rebecca January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D. (Educational Psychology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / For the past two to three decades, there has been a large influx of students with disabilities into institutions of higher education worldwide. In South Africa, in these past three decades, records of intake of students with disabilities were not recorded as services and support of this kind were not institutionalised. Within this transformation process, which involved including previously under-represented groups, institutions of higher learning are currently facing challenges of what kind of educational support to offer to students with disabilities, in order to help them to succeed academically. This study investigated the educational support offered to students with disabilities at the University of Venda (UNIVEN) as experienced by the students themselves. The study, therefore, gives an insider perspective. The study followed a qualitative research approach, and used classroom observations, document analysis and focus group interviews to collect data. Ten students with various disabilities participated in the study. The findings of this study reveal that there are some degrees of support that UNIVEN offers. However, some gaps to meet students educational needs still exist. These gaps include lack of information about the programmes that UNIVEN is offering, physical infra-structure barriers and lack of disability knowledge. This study recommends the establishment of a forum in which students with disabilities can discuss and address their educational needs on campus. Other recommendations include the following: lecturers’ training, disability awareness, the installation of an online interactive portal to increase communication between students and the university, and an online survey measuring lecturers’ attitudes and knowledge. The study suggests that future research could include factors that predict graduation rates among students with disabilities. Key words: Educational support, Disability unit, Medical Model of disability, Social model of disability.


LUCILIA LINO DE PAULA 30 July 2004 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa tem como objeto o movimento estudantil organizado da UFRuralRJ, dirigido pelo DCE, nos últimos vinte e cinco anos. Esta investigação teve como material empírico os depoimentos coletados sobre a forma de entrevistas, com ex-estudantes que ocuparam posições de liderança no movimento estudantil no período estudado e exerceram cargos de direção no DCE. Dessa forma buscou-se reconstruir a memória social desse movimento, baseada no relato dos estudantes que rememoram e reinterpretam suas vivências e experiências. O estudo analisou o significado atribuído pelos militantes à sua atuação política e sua influência na formação acadêmica e profissional, destacando a importância dessa atuação no conjunto de sua experiência de vida e na sua concepção de sociedade. O movimento estudantil é investigado como uma instância de formação política e acadêmica privilegiada na aquisição do habitus universitário, e como integrante de uma estratégia de distinção no interior da instituição. A origem social e a trajetória escolar desponta como influência importante na disposição do estudante de ingressar no movimento estudantil, reforçada pela intensa convivência no campus. O processo de construção das representações e modos de vida dos estudantes universitários investigados aponta para a centralidade do movimento estudantil nestas trajetórias. / [en] The object of this research is the student activity which has been organized and directed by the DCE of UFRuralRJ for the last twenty five years. The empirical material of this investigation was the collected testimony through interviews with former students who had command position in the students activity during that studied period of time. They were also in change of leadership positions at DCE. This way we tried to restore the social memory of these students who remember and reinterpret their own existences and experiences. The study analyzed the meaning given by the militants to their political performance and this influence on the professional and academic development. It also stood out the importance of such performance in their life experience and society perception. The student activity is investigated as a privileged entreaty of professional and academic development in the acquisition of university habitus and it is also investigated as part of strategies of distinction inside the institution. The social origin and the school trajectory emerge as an important influence on the student`s willingness to enter the student activity, reinforced by the intense conviviality at the campus. The process of construction of student`s investigated representation and ways of life aims at the core of student activity in the trajectories.

Career Decisions and Job Values of Seniors in the College of Business Administration, North Texas State University

Burton, Gene E. 08 1900 (has links)
Much has been done to promote the use of management techniques designed to develop human resources within the business enterprise. Unfortunately, most of these procedures are applied after the individual has become an employee of the firm. Similar management techniques are needed for the proper recruitment and placement of each new employee. A major source of employee dissatisfaction and turnover lies in the incapacity of some jobs to satisfy the aspirations and job values of certain types of employees. Therefore, one key to employment stability for the college graduate is the relative compatibility between his job values and the capacity of the job to provide fulfillment for those aspirations. Much needs to be done in the areas of predicting the job values of a college senior and matching the individual graduate with that job which is most apt to provide a productive and meaningful career. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between grade point averages, job values, and career decisions as perceived by the Ma3 1973, graduating seniors of the College of Business Administration at North Texas State University, their professors, and their employment recruiters. The students provided background data such as grade point average, SAT scores, and marital status in addition to Likert-type rankings of family experiences and job values. The professors also provided rankings of their job values. Those employers who had interviewed seniors through the Business Employment Services office during the spring semester of 1973 ranked the same job values and selected student characteristics in accordance with the emphasis placed upon them during recruitment. Significant relationships were identified through the calculation of product-moment correlation coefficients. Comparisons were made utilizing t-tests of significance.

Estudio bibliográfico sobre mindfulness en estudiantes universitarios de la base de datos Scielo y Redalyc entre los años 2010 - 2020 / Bibliometric study on mindfulness in university students from the Scielo and Redalyc databases between 2010 - 2020

Aguilar Oropeza, Yessica Marilin, Martos Vigo, Guisela Lizbeth, Quiroz Benavides, Yessi Deyanira, Ramos Flores, Monica Alexandra, Sanchez Gonzalez, Alexandra Del Pilar 26 October 2020 (has links)
El presente estudio tuvo por finalidad realizar un estudio bibliométrico sobre los artículos científicos de Psicología sobre mindfulness en universitarios, recogidos de la base de datos Scielo y Redalyc de Latinoamérica entre los años 2010 y 2020. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda de la variable objetivo encontrando 53 estudios, de los cuales, quedaron 7 seleccionados por los criterios de inclusión. A través del análisis de datos, se encontró que más de la mitad no contaba con doi, hipótesis, ni recomendaciones ni limitaciones. Del mismo modo, las investigaciones se caracterizaron por usar instrumentos de medición mixtos (cuestionarios y entrevistas) y técnicas de mindfulness. Se concluye que hay una gran necesidad en continuar investigando sobre el mindfulness en el contexto educativo con diversos tipos de participantes, especialmente ahora que se está atravesando por la pandemia del Covid-19, debido al impacto que tiene sobre el bienestar y el modo de adaptarse socialmente, académicamente y familiarmente. / The present study aimed to carry out a bibliometric study on the scientific articles of Psychology on mindfulness in university students, collected from the Scielo and Redalyc databases of Latin America between 2010 and 2020. For this, a search of the objective variable was carried out finding 53 studies, of which 7 were selected by the inclusion criteria. Through data analysis, it was found that more than half did not have doi, hypotheses, recommendations, or limitations. Similarly, the investigations were characterized by using mixed measurement instruments (questionnaires and interviews) and mindfulness techniques. It is concluded that there is a great need to continue researching mindfulness in the educational context with different types of participants, especially now that the Covid-19 pandemic is being experienced, due to the impact it has on well-being and the way of adapting socially, academically, and family. / Trabajo de investigación

The development of a university-based sex counselling programme in the age of AIDS.

Nicholas, Lionel John January 1993 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The sexual behaviours, attitudes, beliefs and communication of 1896 black first-year university students were examined by means of a structured questionnaire for their contribution to the development of a university-based sex counselling programme. The areas of sexuality investigated included intra-familial communication about contraception and sexuality, belief in sex myths, knowledge of and myths about AIDS and the manner of acquisition of sex knowledge. The results of this study are consistent in reflecting much greater deficits in the knowledge of respondents about sexuality than encountered in the literature. Statistically significant gender differences were found for intra-familial communication about contraception, prejudice towards AIDS victims, knowledge of the modes of HIV infection, prejudice towards homosexuals, belief in myths about sexuality, age at which sex information was acquired, the preferred source of information about sexuality, attitude towards pre-marital intercourse, experience of pre-marital intercourse, belief about the acceptability of abortion, experience of pre-marital intercourse and worry about masturbation. No gender differences were found for belief in myths about high-risk AIDS infection, exposure to sex information within educational institutions and approval of sex education. The statistically significant gender differences which were found for most of the questionnaire items reflect the different sexual socialization experiences of respondents. Male and female students may therefore require counselling interventions geared to their respective needs Concern about AIDS has become central to university student sexual behaviour as well as protection against rape and sexual harassment and male responsibility for contraception. All campus counsellors will eventually experience the impact of AIDS and other sexually·transmitted diseases in their sessions with clients. Sexual harassment, rape, contraceptive failure and abortion will also increasingly impact on counselling sessions and require the university-based counsellor's involvement in broader university-wide prevention programmes as well as group based interventions. The development of a university-based sex counselling programme requires comprehensive interventions ranging from individual counselling to human sexuality courses. An awareness of the high profile sexuality problems as perceived by students, is essential for the development of preventive programmes at the group and academic class level as well as at the level of inf luencing uni versi ty policy. Knowledge of the merits of different theoretical positions and interventions for particular sexual problems is crucial for counselling intervention or referral. A systemic model of intervention for sexuality problems is proposed. The task of university-based sex counselling programmes is made more onerous by the paucity and ineffectiveness of sex information students are exposed to, the lack of sex education in the schools and the inadequate quality and degree of intrafamilial communication about sexuality. A significant proportion of respondents engage in pre-marital sexual intercourse without the benefit of adequate sex knowledge. The results of this study emphasize the need for research on the sexuality of, black South Africans, the particular vulnerabilities of first-year university students to sexuality problems and the dire need for structured sex education programmes at school as well as university.

Desarrollo de la identidad profesional en estudiantes que han cambiado de carrera en una universidad privada / Professional identity development in students who have changed degrees in a private university

Ferreyros Matuk, María Paula 07 September 2021 (has links)
La deserción universitaria alcanza un 30%, lo que puede deberse a que los estudiantes tienen dificultades para integrar su identidad con aspectos de su profesión. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue describir el desarrollo de la identidad profesional en estudiantes que han cambiado de carrera en una universidad privada. Para ello, se realizó un estudio cualitativo, de alcance exploratorio, con enfoque fenomenológico, entre los años 2019 y 2021. Se utilizó la entrevista a profundidad como método de recolección de información, que fue aplicada a una muestra constituida por 9 estudiantes universitarios, de entre 22 y 27 años y los datos se analizaron por medio del análisis temático. Los resultados se organizan a partir de las siguientes categorías: integriación de la profesión a la identidad, imagen profesional, experiencias significativas, congruencia percibida con la profesión e incidente crítico. Estos indican que en la carrera previa los estudiantes no logran identificarse del todo con su profesión, por lo que cambian de carrera. A partir de ello, se observa una mayor identificación con la carrera actual, que se da a partir de experiencias que le permiten al estudiante demostrar sus capacidades e integrar aspectos de la profesión a su identidad. Se concluye que los estudiantes que cambian de carrera desarrollan su identidad profesional sobre la base de una fuerte identificación con la segunda carrera. Por ello, se recomienda implementar estrategias que permitan abordar el desarrollo de la identidad profesional en los estudiantes, así como continuar estudiando ese fenómeno. / University dropout reaches 30%, which may be because students have difficulty integrating their identity with aspects of their profession. Therefore, the objective of this research was to describe the professional identity development in students who have changed careers at a private university. For this, a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach and exploratory scope was carried out between 2019 and 2021. The data was collected with an in-depth interview, which was applied to a sample of 9 students from a private university, between 22 and 27 years old, and the data was then analyzed using thematic analysis. The results are organized according to the following categories: integration of the profession to identity, professional image, significant experiences, perceived congruence with the profession and critical incident. These indicate that in the previous career, students couldn’t fully identify with their profession, which resulted in a career change. After this, a greater identification with the current profession is observed, based on experiences that allow students to show their capacities and integrate aspects of the profession to their identities. In conclusion, students who change careers develop their professional identity based on a strong identification with the second career. Therefore, it is recommended to implement strategies that address professional identity development in students, and to continue studying this phenomenon. / Tesis

Academia virtual twenty

Boluarte Oneto, Estefanía Denise, Hinostroza Castillo, Jazmín Lizbet, Lozano Indica, Antonella, Mayor Guzmán, Carlos Manuel, Rodríguez Saldarriaga, Carlos Enrique 07 July 2021 (has links)
El presente documento busca demostrar la viabilidad de un nuevo servicio, el cual se tiene intención de introducir al mercado nacional. Tanto la compañía como el servicio comparten el nombre de Twenty, el cual se basa en una academia virtual de nivel de educación superior para apoyar a los estudiantes con respecto a ciertas materias o temas que son considerados como dificultosos de aprender en la universidad. Este concepto de negocio fue planteado y validado mediante profundas investigaciones y una serie de experimentos para tener como resultado un servicio que satisfaga las necesidades de nuestro público: una academia virtual de apoyo a los universitarios. Posterior a dichas investigaciones, se pudo concluir que nuestro público objetivo se componía de estudiantes universitarios, de 18 a 24 años, que deseen reforzar sus conocimientos en los cursos que no han conseguido entender completamente. La falta de tiempo, preparación o entendimiento de los cursos fue identificada como la causa principal. ​En conclusión, luego de haber realizado el lanzamiento de nuestro producto en el mercado, se obtuvieron diferentes críticas constructivas con respecto al servicio que se ofrece, con los cuales pudimos realizar mejoras continuas a Twenty. Gracias a ello, se logrará alcanzar el propósito de la organización: Crear una alternativa donde los estudiantes no solo puedan tomar clases, sino también puedan comprender mejor las más difíciles y utilizar los conocimientos adquiridos en su futuro profesional. / The current document contains and proves the viability of a new service, which intends to be introduced in the national market. Both the company and the brand are called Twenty, which is based on a virtual academy for university level students to post-graduation students about difficult courses or subjects in college. The business concept was raised and validated through deep research and a series of experiments that resulted in a service which satisfies the needs of our target: a virtual academy which support university students from between 18 to 24 years old who wish to reinforce their knowledge of the courses that they haven’t managed to understand completely in their respective courses. The lack of time, preparation and understanding of the courses were identified as the main cause. In conclusion, after launching the product in the market, we received some constructive criticism, and we have improved Twenty greatly. Thanks to that, we’ve achieved the primary purpose of the organization: Create an alternative option where students can not only take classes but to better understand the most difficult ones and use the knowledge they gain in their professional futures. / Trabajo de investigación

Etika v reklamě / Ethics in Advertising

Mihályová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to determine university students’ attitudes towards ethics of advertising in the Czech Republic. In order to attain this goal, an empiric survey will be conducted among students by means of questionnaire inquiring. The theoretic part of the thesis deals generally with the concepts of ethics and advertising and their position and importance in the Czech Republic, the following part then provides examples of unethical advertisements from the Czech and foreign practices. The result of inquiring will be the establishment of the rate of tolerance or non-tolerance of respondents towards ethics of advertising in the Czech Republic and their subsequent formulation in the form of recommendations for involved groups. The thesis and its results will be submitted to the advertising agency and graphical studio GAD STUDIO s.r.o. with its registered seat in Brno. Its results will also be provided as feedback to the Czech Advertising Standards Council.

The emergence of social media discourse among Ghanainan University Students: implications for the acquisition or academic literacy

Anku, Joyce Senya Ama 18 May 2017 (has links)
PhD (English) / Department of English / Language, in general, has always been evolving and dynamic; the same can be said of the English language. Spontaneously, but not unexpected though, since the beginning of this 21st century which saw the introduction of the internet, there have been noteworthy manifestations in the structure and use of varied forms of the English language on social media. This study aimed at exploring, describing and explaining the linguistic features associated with the new communicative order – social media – and their communicative functions, vis-à-vis their impact on Ghanaian university students’ acquisition of academic literacy. To do this, the study adopted a qualitative method and an ethnographic approach in understanding the netnographic realities on social media. In addition, the sociocultural theory and the theory of error analysis served as the philosophical underpinnings which guided the research. Participants of the study (largely undergraduate students) were drawn from two universities in Ghana – the University of Ghana, and Valley View University. The total sample size was one hundred and eighty eight (188). It was found that frequent and prolonged use of social media discourse does impact negatively on the academic literacy of students. The findings also indicate that social media use overtime becomes addictive and this directly results in limited time span and low attention span of students. Again, the study found that over engagement on social media discourse leads to a general breakdown in both sentence and discourse structure of academic writing resulting into uncontrolled deviant spellings, omission and misuse of punctuation marks and capitalisation, as well as a high level of colloquialism. Despite these negative influences, it was found that there are some positive potentials of social media that can be harnessed to support academic literacy. The study, thus, recommends that the affordances of social media communication should be retooled to support the teaching and learning of academic literacy.

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