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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Las trayectorias de los estudiantes universitarios : un modelo integral = Les trajectoires des étudiants universitaires : un modèle intégré

González Lizárraga, Ma. Guadalupe 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring the stress levels and alcohol use amonst first entering students at the University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus)

Nekgotha, Thapelo Kleinboy January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Clinical Psychology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2019 / The study explored the stress levels and alcohol use amongst first entering students at the University of Limpopo. There are various reasons that students’ use and abuse alcohol for instance, academic workload, peer pressure, negative life events and boredom. In this study a cross-sectional survey design was used with a random sample of 217 first year psychology students. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), which measures individual stress and the Alcohol Use Identification Disorder Test (Audit), which measures alcohol use were used. Descriptive statistics, the chi-square test and an independent t-test were used to analyse data. Findings revealed that the majority of students drink alcohol but only a few drink to excess. Stress was reported mostly in the low to moderate range. However, female students did report significantly more stress than males in the sample. Some findings, although not significant, were problematic as for instance, a portion of students stated they could not remember what they were doing the night before after drinking and one female student was found to be dependent on alcohol. The Self-Medication Model (SMM) posits that people in a group are likely to selfmedicate if certain conditions are met in order to avoid stress, this appears to be the case in this study. It was recommended that a larger study be undertaken with a qualitative component to ascertain reasons why students are drinking alcohol in ever increasing numbers. It was also recommended that the institution run programmes related to the dangers of alcohol use and about stress and its consequences.

Jak sociologicky zkoumat pitný režim? / How to research drinking regime sociologically?

Bartůšková, Monika January 2018 (has links)
The main topic of this diploma thesis is comparison of two different methods of research. The first method is diary and the second method is online community. The subject of research in which these methods are compared with each other is the drinking regime of university students, more precisely the situation in which different drinks are consumed by university students. A total of twenty university students were involved in the research that is of a qualitative nature, with ten students in one research method. For one week, the students recorded not only all the drinks they drank per week, but also the circumstances of consuming these beverages, such as time of consumption, place, reasons for consumption etc. The diploma thesis outlines the differences between these research methods in terms of research results, frequency and quantity of information obtained, preparation and implementation of the methods, analysis of acquired data, as well as the perception of these methods by the respondents themselves. The resulting data analysis presents the benefits and limits of each of the selected methods in the situational research of the drinking regime and also suggests possible implications for further research.

Ansiedad por COVID - 19 y Salud Mental en Estudiantes Universitarios de las ciudades de Trujillo y Chimbote

Vivanco Vidal, Andrea Paola 30 October 2020 (has links)
El COVID – 19 ha perjudicado la salud mental de las personas a nivel mundial. En el Perú, un ámbito gravemente afectado por la pandemia es el sector educativo. Por esa razón, el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la relación entre ansiedad por Covid - 19 y salud mental. Asimismo, tiene como objetivos específicos: Comparar la ansiedad por Covid - 19 y salud mental en función a variables sociodemográficas: edad, sexo, convivencia familiar, situación laboral, diagnóstico de COVID-19 en sus familiares, amigos y en ellos mismos, diagnóstico y tratamiento contra la ansiedad, y, tiempo pensando, viendo o escuchando información sobre el COVID-19. Los participantes fueron 356 estudiantes universitarios (227 mujeres y 129 hombres, Medad = 22.36 años, DE = 2.46) a quienes se les aplicó el Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) en español y el Mental Health Inventory-5 ((MHI) a fines de Mayo e inicios de Junio de 2020 mediante un muestreo no probabilístico. Los resultados muestran que existe una correlación negativa y estadísticamente significativa entre la ansiedad por COVID – 19 y la salud mental (r = -,544; p ≤ 0.01). Asimismo, respecto a las comparaciones realizadas se evidencian diferencias estadísticamente significativas en función a las variables sociodemográficas previamente mencionadas. El estudio confirma que a mayor ansiedad por COVID – 19 menor salud mental en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios peruanos. / COVID - 19 has harmed people's mental health worldwide. In Perú, it has also affected severely all levels of the education system. For this reason, the objective of the present study is to determine the relationship between anxiety by Covid - 19 and mental health. It also has the following specific objectives: Compare the anxiety by Covid - 19 and mental health according to sociodemographic variables: age, sex, family life, work status, diagnosis of COVID – 19 in their family, friends and themselves, diagnosis and treatment against anxiety, and, time thinking, watching or listening to information about Covid-19. The participants were 356 university students (227 women and 129 men, average age = 22.36 years, Standard Deviation = 2.46) To whom it was applied the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale in Spanish and the Mental Health Inventory-5 (MHI) late May and early June 2020 through non-probability sampling. The study confirms that there is a statistically significant correlation between anxiety by Covid – 19 and mental health (r = -, 544; p ≤ 0.01). Also, regarding the comparisons made statistically significant differences are evidenced according to the variables sociodemographic previously mentioned. The study confirms that the more anxiety by Covid - 19 the lower mental health in a sample of Peruvians university students. / Tesis

Comparación de hábitos de higiene bucal, visitas al dentista y hábitos dietéticos auto reportados en alumnos de odontología e ingeniería de gestión minera de una universidad peruana privada en el año 2020

Chanduví Regalado, Mauricio Armando, Gorbeña Barrera, Angie Margot 02 February 2021 (has links)
Objetivo: Comparar hábitos de higiene bucal, visitas al dentista y hábitos dietéticos entre alumnos de odontología y los de ingeniería de gestión minera en una universidad peruana privada en el año 2020. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, se obtuvo una muestra conformada por 169 alumnos, 112 de odontología y 57 de ingeniería de gestión minera de 18 a 35 años. Se utilizó un cuestionario virtual de 37 ítems, para la recolección de datos. Se utilizó la prueba de Chi cuadrado y prueba exacta de Fisher para la comparación entre las variables independientes y covariables con la variable principal. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias en 16 de 33 hábitos de salud oral. El 28% de los alumnos de Ingeniería de Gestión Minera no van al dentista, mientras que solo el 1.8% en Odontología. Además, se halló que la mayoría de los estudiantes de Odontología indicaron haber sido instruidos por un dentista en la enseñanza del cepillado dental (55.4%), hilo dental (88.4%) y tabletas reveladoras (93.8%), mientras que la mayoría de los estudiantes de Ingeniería de Gestión Minera (77.2%, 52.9% y 100% respectivamente) indicaron haber sido instruidos por un familiar. Solo el 3.5% de los de Ingeniería de Gestión Minera tuvo conocimiento respecto a las tabletas reveladoras, a diferencia de 97.3% en el grupo de Odontología. Conclusiones: Se halló diferencias entre los hábitos de higiene bucal, visitas al dentista y hábitos dietéticos analizados en este estudio entre los alumnos de Odontología y los de Ingeniería de Gestión Minera. / Objective: To compare oral hygiene habits, visits to the dentist and dietary habits between dental students and mining management engineering students at a private Peruvian university in the year 2020. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive study, a sample of 169 students was obtained, 112 dental students and 57 mining management engineering students between 18 and 35 years of age. A virtual questionnaire of 37 items was used for data collection. The Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test were used to compare the independent variables and co-variables with the main variable. Results: Differences were found in 16 out of 33 oral health habits. Twenty-eight percent of the students in Mining Management Engineering do not go to the dentist, while only 1.8% in Dentistry. In addition, it was found that the majority of Dentistry students indicated having been instructed by a dentist in the teaching of tooth brushing (55.4%), dental floss (88.4%) and disclosing tablets (93.8%), while the majority of Mining Management Engineering students (77.2%, 52.9% and 100% respectively) indicated having been instructed by a family member. Only 3.5% of those in Mining Management Engineering had knowledge regarding the disclosing tablets, as opposed to 97.3% in the Dentistry group. Conclusions: Differences were found between the oral hygiene habits, dental visits and dietary habits analyzed in this study between the students of Dentistry and those of Mining Management Engineering. / Tesis

Association between physical activity and perceived stress among college- and university students : A quantitative study from a public health science perspective

Ali Mohamed, Kaltum January 2020 (has links)
Background: Physical activity and perceived stress affect college- and university students health.  Aim: The aim is to study the association between physical activity and perceived stress among college- and university students in Sweden, and to investigate whether gender, age, and BMI are confounding factors regarding the association between physical activity and perceived stress.   Method: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among the study population students. The analytical approaches chosen were descriptive analysis, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and multiple linear regression. Results: According to the correlation analysis, there was a small negative significant association between physical activity and perceived stress. According to the regression analysis, there was a small negative significant association between physical activity and perceived stress, which remained after considering gender, age, and BMI. Discussion: The association between high physical activity and low perceived stress can be explained by the protective impact physical activity has on health. Conclusions: There was an association between physical activity and perceived stress among college- and university students. The association between physical activity and perceived stress among college- and university students remained after controlling for gender, age, and BMI.

Student Articulation between Kent State University and the Cuyahoga Community College District : A Ten-year Retrospective

Davis, John W., 1947- 08 1900 (has links)
This study concerned student transfer and articulation between Kent State University and Cuyahoga Community College District.

Teknostress på Uppsala universitet i samband med COVID-19 pandemin

Hallin, Andreas, Fredriksson, Isak January 2022 (has links)
The phenomenon of technostress can also be seen as a worldwide pandemic (Boyer-Davis, 2020). The transition to e-learning due to the sudden COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has created new demands on teachers and students and their interaction with technology (Galvin et al. 2021). Previous research has discovered higher levels of technostress for both students and teachers when using technology at home. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential effects of the implemented distance-based form of teaching that was enforced on students and teachers at Uppsala University during the pandemic outbreak. The study collected data from students and teachers on a survey comprising eight questions related to technostress and the use of technology. The data were then linked to different stressors introduced by Tarafdar et al. (2007) and Nimrod (2017) to explain the effects of e-learning. The P-E Fit theory was then used to further explain why various effects were prominent. The study found that teachers experienced high levels of primarily techno-overload, with an example being more preparation before lectures. Students experienced a more mixed result, where they saw techno-invasion as the highest effect, while techno-complexity and techno-overload were also prominent. An example of an effect related to techno-invasion that students experienced was the lack of balance between time reserved for studies and free time.

Toward a Better Understanding of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in University Students: Examining Associations with Parent-Child Relationships, Emotion Regulation Difficulties, and Contextual Risk Factors

Guérin-Marion, Camille 25 May 2022 (has links)
Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is increasingly understood as representing a public health concern and a behavioral marker of emotional and psychological distress among young people. NSSI is prevalent during the period of young adulthood, including among emerging adults pursuing a university education, yet the vulnerability factors associated with NSSI in this population merit more in-depth and contextualized investigation. The current dissertation's overarching objective was to better understand the risk context surrounding university students' engagement in NSSI. Using a sample of 2,579 students (75.2% female; Mage=18.97; SDage=1.54), Study 1 first explored the roles of parental (mother and father pressure) and intrapersonal (emotion dysregulation, academic coping, perfectionism subtypes) risk factors in university students’ likelihood and frequency of engagement in NSSI in the past year. An integrated latent structural equation model revealed that higher levels of perceived mother and father pressure were associated with a greater likelihood of past-year NSSI engagement in the university student sample. Among intrapersonal risk factors, only emotion dysregulation was found to be associated with higher NSSI likelihood and frequency. Building upon these results, Study 2 sought to narrow in further on understanding the emotion regulation profiles of university students with a past-year history of NSSI. Using a person-centered statistical approach, university students who reported having engaged in NSSI within the past year (n = 479; 83.8% female; Mage = 18.77; SDage = 1.43) were classified into latent profiles based on their self-perceived difficulties in regulating both positive and negative emotions. Independent samples of students who had a past history of NSSI but had not self-injured within the previous year (n = 439; 82.9% females; Mage = 19.03, SDage = 1.62) and who had no history of NSSI (n = 1551; 69.9% females; Mage = 19.02, SDage = 1.55) were included as comparison groups. Latent cluster analyses uncovered three emotion regulation profiles within the NSSI sample - the Average Difficulties (47.4%), Dysregulated (33.0%), and Low Difficulties (19.6%) profiles - each of which differed meaningfully from both comparison samples on mean levels of emotion regulation difficulties. Students across the three profiles also differed in their self-reported experiences with parents, particularly with fathers (perceived pressure, antipathy, unresolved attachment, psychological control), and in the extent to which they felt alienated from parents. Lastly, students across profiles differed in the frequency, methods, functions, and addictive properties of their NSSI. Taken together, findings from the current dissertation expanded our awareness of vulnerability factors for NSSI that have historically been understudied (e.g., parental pressure, father-child relationships, dysregulated positive emotions), while also bringing into focus the notion that even well-established NSSI risk factors (emotion regulation difficulties) can manifest quite heterogeneously amongst university students with a history of self-injurious behavior.

Fear of Missing Out and Compliance with Restrictions on Socializing

Negga, Mio January 2022 (has links)
Fear of missing out (FoMO) represents a fear of losing out on rewarding experiences that others might have. The Covid-19 pandemic has required great restrictions on social interactions, with many reporting experiences of loneliness. The recommendations for the general public have been followed to different extents, depending on the individual. It is possible that FoMO could decrease compliance with social distancing recommendations and that socially desirable responding (SDR) also is involved. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between university students' FoMO and self-reported compliance with Swedish recommendations on social gatherings during the past year of the Covid-19 pandemic. A second aim was to explore the influence of SDR on this relationship. The study population consisted of 162 university students that responded to an on-line survey containing the validated FoMO scale, the two-factor SDR scale BIDR-16 and questions exploring compliance with restrictive recommendations on social gatherings (CRG). Utilizing a cross-sectional quantitative study design, Pearson correlations and hierarchical regression analyses were performed to investigate these associations. The study results showed that there were no significant difference in CRG between high and low FoMO groups. Analyzed together with the two SDR variables, FoMO was related to worse attitudinal compliance (0.4%) and worse behavioral compliancy (2.9%). A higher level of efforts to be positively perceived by others was associated with higher attitudinal and behavioral compliance. A higher level of unintentionally embellishing one’s own self-assessment decreased behavioral compliance by relating to a higher number of reported events going against the guidelines. / Fear of missing out (FoMO) representerar en rädsla för att missa givande erfarenheter som andra har. Covid-19-pandemin har inneburit stora restriktioner av sociala interaktioner och många rapporterar en upplevelse av ensamhet. Rekommendationerna som utfärdats för allmänheten har följts i olika utsträckning, beroende på individen. Det är möjligt att FoMO skulle kunna minska följsamhet av rekommendationer om att hålla socialt avstånd samt att socialt önskvärda responser (SDR) också är involverade. Studiens syfte var att undersöka relationen mellan universitetsstudenters FoMO och självrapporterad följsamhet av de svenska rekommendationerna kring sociala sammankomster under det senaste året av Covid-19-pandemin. Ett andra syfte var att utforska hur SDR influerade detta förhållande. Studiens population bestod av 162 universitetsstudenter som besvarade en enkät on-line; innehållande det validerade FoMO-formuläret, det tvåfaktorskaliga BIDR-16-formuläret som mäter SDR samt frågor kring följsamhet av restriktiva rekommendationer om sociala sammankomster (CRG). I en tvärsnittlig kvantitativ design studerades associationer med Pearson-korrelationer och hierarkiska regressionsmodeller. Studiens resultat visade att det inte var någon signifikant skillnad i CRG mellan hög och låg nivå av FoMO. Vid analys tillsammans med de två SDR-variablerna, relaterade högre FoMO till lägre följsamhet i attityd (0,4%) och lägre följsamhet i beteende (2.9%). En hög nivå av strävan efter att bli positivt utvärderad var förknippad med en högre nivå av attityd- och beteendemässig följsamhet. En högre nivå av omedvetet förskönande av egen självbild minskade följsamhet genom att relatera till ett högre antal angivna tillställningar som bröt mot rekommendationerna.

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