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More Depressive Symptoms, Alcohol and Drug Consumption: Increase in Mental Health Symptoms Among University Students After One Year of the COVID-19 PandemicDogan-Sander, Ezgi, Kohls, Elisabeth, Baldofski, Sabrina, Rummel-Kluge, Christine 31 March 2023 (has links)
Background: As the majority of studies examining mental health during the pandemic
are cross-sectional, little is known about the changes in mental health during the
pandemic, especially in university students. Most studies indicate a worsening of mental
health conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the mental health status of German
university students during the third wave of the pandemic in 2021 and to compare the
results to a sample of a congruent cross-sectional study from 2020.
Methods: Two cross-sectional and anonymous online surveys among university
students were conducted (first survey: July-August 2020, N = 3,382; second survey:
March-April 2021, N = 5,642). Mental health status was assessed with standardized
measures (depressive symptoms, alcohol and drug consumption, and eating disorder
symptoms), and social and emotional aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic were
assessed. In addition to descriptive statistics and group comparisons of the two survey
samples from 2020 and 2021, respectively, risk and protective factors related to mental
health were analyzed.
Results: There were significant differences in severities of depressive symptoms and
alcohol and drug consumption between the two online surveys from 2020 and 2021.
Findings suggest an increase in the severity of depressive symptoms as well as alcohol
and drug consumption. Significantly more respondents reported suicidal ideation in the
survey from 2021. Lower self-efficacy, less social support and lower resilience as well
as higher perceived stress and more loneliness were reported by the participants of
the survey from 2021 compared to 2020. Regarding factors predicting mental health
symptoms, being female was a positive predictor for hazardous alcohol use and anorexia
nervosa in comparison to men. Further, younger age, being diverse, higher perceived
stress and loneliness were positive predictors for all mental health outcomes.
Conclusion: This study reveals an increase in severities of depressive symptoms,
including suicidal ideation, drug and alcohol consumption among students. Being
diverse, younger age, higher perceived stress and loneliness were mutual risk factors
for higher depressive and eating disorder symptoms as well as alcohol consumption.
Universities and health care policy should recognize and address mental health issues of
young adults during ongoing times of crisis and invest in easy-to-access interventions.
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Alienation and Sexual Permissiveness Among Students at Bowling Green State UniversityHageman, Mary J. January 1966 (has links)
No description available.
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The Man-Environment Nexus in Morocco : A Qualitative Study of Hegemonic Masculinity Norms and Attitudes Towards Pro-Environmental Behavior amongst Male University Students in Rabat, MoroccoJilg, Mathilda January 2023 (has links)
Whilst several studies acknowledge the role of gender norms and structures in environmental research, little attention is paid to the explicit influence of men and masculinities in pro-environmental behavior. Additionally, research concerning this man-environment nexus is almost nonexistent in the context of the Global South. This thesis aims to address this research gap by analyzing the influence of hegemonic masculinity norms on the attitudes of male university students in Rabat, Morocco to engage in pro-environmental behavior. The research is conducted by qualitative semi-structured focus group interviews with 15 male university students in Rabat during May and June 2023, with a theoretical framework drawing upon Martin Hultman and Paul M. Pulé’s theoretical efforts of Ecological Masculinities. The findings suggest that the contextual hegemonic masculinity norms socialize the respondents into internalizing a myopic approach to engaging in pro-environmental behavior; materializing into either anti-environmental attitudes or, more prominently, techno-scientific solutionist attitudes. Relatedly, the respondents dismiss engaging in the individual pro-environmental behaviors considered feminine in order to avoid judgements, social exclusion and demasculinization. The thesis concludes by delineating the importance of including men and multiple masculinities in environmental research, especially as men can be considered the gatekeepers to transformative climate change adaptation and mitigation.
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Ledarskapets lockelse och avskräckning : En kvalitativ studie om vad som motiverar universitetsstudenter att ta på sig rollen som ledare / The attraction and deterrence of leadership : A qualitative study on what motivates university students to take on the role of a leaderNordlander, Eric, Eksholm, Hugo January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera vilka faktorer som påverkar motivationen hos universitetsstudenter att vilja eller inte vilja bli en ledare. Genom att undersöka vad som motiverar universitetsstudenter att bli ledare kan vi skapa en bredare förståelse för vilka faktorer som spelar in i viljan att bli en ledare. Utifrån teorier om motivation att leda (MTL) och den intelligenta karriären (ICF) har vi undersökt universitetsstudenters tankar kring varför eller varför inte de anser att de passar som en ledare, genom att utgå från fem faktorer: personlighetsdrag, erfarenhet, värderingar, självförtroende och relationer. För att besvara frågan om vad som motiverar universitetsstudenter att bli ledare utförde vi en kvalitativ studie, genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med 10 universitetsstudenter från Campus Gotland, där vi undersökte de olika faktorerna kopplade till teorierna. Flera av studenterna studerar på olika program och utav 10 respondenter var det 6 män och 4 kvinnor. Enligt studiens resultat vill de flesta universitetsstudenter bli en ledare av någon form. De främsta motiven för individernas vilja att på sig en ledarroll grundar sig i deras personlighet, tidigare erfarenhet och påverkan från sina föräldrar. Vi kan se att individerna framför allt har stora likheter i deras upplevda personlighetsdrag och att tidigare erfarenhet av ledarskap påverkar individerna positivt till att vilja bli ledare igen. Bland de individer som inte vill bli ledare är ansvar en avgörande faktor. Dessa individer har tidigare ledarskapserfarenhet och vill inte längre bli ledare på grund av ansvaret det medför. Vi har därför visat att tidigare ledarskapserfarenhet inte nödvändigtvis behöver öka viljan att ta på sig en ledarroll, utan kan tvärtom minska. Tidigare forskning berör inte ansvar som en avgörande faktor, vilket enligt studiens resultat är avgörande för viljan att ta på sig en ledarroll. Genom att i framtida forskning undersöka sambandet mellan ansvar och viljan att ta på sig en ledarroll kan en mer djupgående förståelse kring vad som motiverar universitetsstudenter att ta på sig en ledarroll genomföras. / This study aims to identify the factors influencing university students' motivation to become leaders. By examining why university students become leaders, we can better understand the underlying factors involved in this decision. Using motivation to lead (MTL) and intelligent career (ICF) theories as a framework, we focused on five key factors: personality traits, experience, values, self-efficacy, and relationships. Through qualitative research, we conducted semi-structured interviews with ten university students from Campus Gotland, including four females and six males studying different programs. The results indicate that most university students aspire to become leaders. Their desire stems from their personality traits, previous leadership experience, and parental influence. Notably, individuals with similar perceived personality traits are strongly motivated to take on leadership roles again if they have previous leadership experience. However, some individuals who have previous leadership experience wish to avoid becoming leaders due to the responsibility associated with it. This finding highlights the significance of duty as a decisive factor in one's reluctance to take on leadership roles. Previous research has overlooked this aspect, emphasizing the need for future studies to explore the relationship between responsibility and the willingness to become leaders. By delving further into the connection between responsibility and the motivation to become leaders, we can better understand university students' explanations for assuming leadership roles.
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Förekomst och könsskillnader i upplevd stress och val av copingstrategier bland universitetsstudenter / Occurrence and gender differences in perceived stress and choice of coping strategies among university studentsMoberg, Emilia January 2022 (has links)
Det är vanligt förekommande att universitetsstudenterna i Sverige upplever psykisk ohälsa i form av stress. Hur individen påverkas av stress beror på förmågan att kunna hantera en stressfylld situation. Olika sätt att hantera en stressfylld situation benämns copingstrategier. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka förekomsten av stress och copingstrategier bland universitetsstudenter. Ett ytterligare syfte var att undersöka eventuella könsskillnader. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en kvantitativ enkätundersökning som distribuerades online. De svenska versionerna av frågeformulären Perceived Stress Scale och Brief COPE användes som underlag. Respondenterna som deltog i studien bestod av 100 studenter varav 59 var kvinnor och 41 män. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av universitetsstudenterna upplevde stress, en del upplevde stress ofta och en del ibland. Copingstrategierna som studenterna använde sig av mest var planering, accepterande och aktiv coping. De copingstrategier som användes minst var uppgivenhet, religion och användning av alkohol eller droger. Könsskillnaderna som förekom i upplevd stress respektive val av copingstrategier var inte signifikanta. / It is common for university students in Sweden to experience mental illness in the form of stress. How the individual is affected by stress depends on the ability to handle a stressful situation. Different ways of dealing with a stressful situation are called coping strategies. The present study aimed to investigate the occurrence of stress and coping strategies among university students. A further aim was to examine possible gender differences. The study was conducted using a quantitative survey that was distributed online. The Swedish versions of the questionnaires Perceived Stress Scale and Brief COPE were used. The respondents who participated in the study consisted of 100 students, of whom 59 were women and 41 were men. The results showed that most university students experienced stress, some students experienced stress often and some sometimes. The coping strategies that students used the most were planning, acceptance and active coping. In contrast, the coping strategies that students used the least were behavioural disengagement, religion and the use of alcohol or drugs. The gender differences discovered in perceived stress and choice of coping strategies, respectively, were not significant.
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Jailbreak: Examining School Criminalization and the Resiliency of African-American University StudentsGrice, Benjamin C. 19 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Syntactic Differences and Foreign Language Reading Anxiety: An Investigation of Taiwanese University StudentsLiu, Yu-Hsiu 15 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Individuals' Level of Self-disclosure Online and How It Influences their Participation in Cancel Culture : A qualitative study on Swedish young university students’ perception of canceling public figures vs peersLang, Erica, Erlandsson Granemalm, Vilma January 2022 (has links)
Cancel culture is a phenomenon that has grown out of today's digitalization. It could be described as a practice to counteract injustices in society by withdrawing support for, often, a public figure or company that has expressed or behaved unacceptably according to the majority of people. In recent years, cancel culture has been a recurring term when socio-political questions engage a larger group of citizens and most of them on social media find it socially unacceptable. However, is it possible that cancel culture is used in the same way on peers as on public figures? The purpose of this research study is to build an understanding of how Swedish young university students reason around cancel culture, as well as how their attitude may alter when it comes to public figures and peers, while also diving deeper into the internet phenomenon's significance on individuals' self-disclosure online. The three following research questions were used:RQ1: How do Swedish young university students reason around canceling public figures? RQ2: How do Swedish young university students reason around canceling peers?RQ3: How does “Cancel Culture” influence an individual’s level of self-disclosure on social media? In this study, an inductive and empirical approach through Grounded Theory was used, which is a qualitative method that enables you to study a particular phenomenon and discover new theories that are based on the collection and analysis of real-world data. One focus group with five participants was held to gain an understanding of participants' perceptions of the phenomenon and to find patterns in similarities and differences. Further, a total of six semi-structured interviews were held to gain deeper insight into how people think, reason, and feel about cancel culture. The data were first open-coded into 34 labels and later combined into six categories to be further analyzed. The conclusion of this study is that Swedish young university students have a nuanced mindset when it comes to cancel culture and that they do not necessarily use cancel culture online to influence. Instead, they talk to their closer circle because they suppose that they have a greater chance of making a difference in situations when they can motivate their opinions in real life. This reveals that those who represent the target group in our study have a low level of self-disclosure.
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Relación de la educación emprendedora y la intención emprendedora en estudiantes de una universidad privada en la ciudad de Chiclayo, 2022Arellano Araujo, Hellen Sindy Eunice January 2024 (has links)
La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación de la educación emprendedora con la intención emprendedora en los estudiantes de la escuela de Administración de empresas de una universidad privada en la ciudad de Chiclayo, 2022. La investigación es de tipo aplicada, no experimental, con enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel correlacional causal y de diseño transversal (Hernández et al., 2014). En el recojo de datos se hace uso de la encuesta a 120 estudiantes de pregrado del 8vo, 9no y 10mo ciclo de una universidad privada de la cuidad de Chiclayo. Los resultados evidencian la relación positiva entre educación emprendedora (EE) y la intención emprendedora (IE) con un coeficiente de estimación estándar de 0.658; sin embargo, también se encuentra que la educación emprendedora (EE) es moderadora entre la actitud hacia el emprendimiento (AE) y la intención emprendedora (IE); así como el control del comportamiento percibido (CCP) y la intención emprendedora (IE) que es significativo al 1% y demostrando que fortalece la EE la relación como moderadora bajo el modelo teórico abordado. / The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial education of students in the School of Business Administration of a private university in the city of Chiclayo, 2022. The research is applied, non-experimental, with a quantitative approach, causal correlational level and cross-sectional design (Hernández et al., 2014). A survey of 120 undergraduate students of the 8th, 9th and 10th cycles of a private university in the city of Chiclayo was used for data collection. The results show a positive relationship between entrepreneurial intention (EI) and entrepreneurial education (EE) with a standard estimation coefficient of 0.658; however, it is also found that entrepreneurial education (EE) is a moderator between attitude towards entrepreneurship (AE) and entrepreneurial intention (IE); as well as perceived behavioral control (PCC) and entrepreneurial intention (IE) which is significant at 1% and demonstrating that EE strengthens the relationship as a moderator under the model of the theory of planned behavior
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Är jag en bluff? Impostorfenomenet hos studenter : dess förekomst och relation till mindset och självmedkänslaLönnback, Annie, Viklander, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Impostorfenomenet (IF) är vanligt förekommande i den akademiska kontexten. Studier visar att fenomenet har en negativ påverkan på studenters hälsa och prestation, vilket riskerar att följa studenterna in i arbetslivet. Det är viktigt att undersöka vilka faktorer som kan påverka fenomenet, för att få en ökad kunskap om hur det kan motverkas. Självmedkänsla och ett dynamiskt mindset har i tidigare forskning föreslagits som potentiella skyddsfaktorer mot IF, medan ett statiskt mindset har associerats till högre grad av IF. Syftet med denna tvärsnittsstudie var att undersöka hur vanligt förekommande impostorfenomenet är hos universitetsstudenter vid ett svenskt universitet. Ytterligare syftade studien till att undersöka huruvida självmedkänsla och mindset predicerar IF. Totalt 238 studenter från olika universitetsutbildningar deltog i studien. Data samlades in via Clance Impostor Scale, Theory of Intelligence Scale och Self-compassion Scale Short Form. Deskriptiva analyser och en multipel regressionsanalys genomfördes. Resultatet visade att 68.1% av deltagarna upplevde frekventa och höga nivåer av IF. Självmedkänsla och mindset förklarade tillsammans 51.7% av variationen i IF. Endast självmedkänsla var en signifikant prediktor, där högre grad av självmedkänsla relaterade till lägre grad av IF. Resultatet antyder att IF är vanligt förekommande, samt att ett självmedkännande förhållningssätt kan skydda mot impostorkänslor, vilket anger en riktning för framtida forskning för att utveckla lämpliga interventioner. / The impostor phenomenon (IP) is common within the academic context, and has a negative impact on students’ health and performance, with the risk of affecting their later careers. This highlights the need to investigate which factors are involved in the phenomenon, to develop a better understanding for its prevention. Self-compassion and a growth mindset have been suggested as potential resilience factors against IP, while a fixed mindset has been linked to higher rates of IP. The purpose of the present study was to determine the prevalence of IP in a sample of Swedish university students. The purpose was also to explore how self-compassion and mindset predict IP. A total of 238 students from different university programs participated in the study. Data was collected with the Clance Impostor Scale, Theory of Intelligence Scale and Self-compassion Scale Short Form. Descriptive analyses and a multiple regression analysis was performed. The result showed that 68.1% of participants reported frequent or high levels of IP. Self-compassion and mindset together explained 51.7% of the variation in the impostor phenomenon. Self-compassion was the only significant predictor, with higher rates of self- compassion being related to lower rates of IP. The results suggest that IP is a common experience, and that self-compassion can function as a protective factor, which motivates the need for further research on effective interventions.
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